The Brussels Post, 1885-4-10, Page 66 wollgrormvoutta.rexicera...-0...wrwremonaMra.r.,.7177. Dirootoy o hrh@ an ictioli Cnntem—Sablattli Nertices at 11 am,. mud (Lit /On. Sunday Seined at 2:0J Lev. Jut,. Loss, R. A.., pastor. K1:1 \ Services at 11 Solidity Sehool at 2:311 p.tn. plo , FIT, Jo 1 l:n.11.--14elbIttah.Serri0Oh 11 hill, awl 7 p.m. Sunday Selioni at 9130 a.m. 14 v. W. inc Mobent. THE BRUSSELS POST. The ItItoseeteloneetts Ploughman "If mowing fields aro to bo kept, in good condition, care must be taken not to out either the first or second crop too close ; the mower shonla be run high enongli to leave a stifticient length of stubblo to protect the roots from the hot sun and dry- ing winds ; and when antumn comes the land should not be fed so close ssi,t,mh vt,es at that when colol weather sots in, there is nothing to shelter the grouse roots meel 11.1a. nel reno eau. somas). $eheel during the winter. A little earls in ..;::3O p.m. l',iqorltt.v. D. I.( lappison. lb,tu.N Curttell.—Sabbath ser- this respect will keep the mowing vh third Sanday in every nionth at 11 a.m. Rev. P..1. 41, prieet. Ord, Fm.bow's L011.11: every Thursday evening in t traham's block. If.isome Taman Tuesday at before full tnoon Hollins,' block. A, 0. 1".V. Loisin Meete on 011d and hist Wedlli.,:klay oreliingh Nieto 11101011. Foitssr nit's Lona n ?aid and last Monday evenings °leach month in Simile's hall. L. 0, L. lot Monday in every mouth in Orange Ball, Post 0 rri.. Hours from .1 a. 111, field in good condition with the ap. plication of but io, moderate amount of manure. A Great Dlimovery, Mr. Wm. Thomas, of Newton, Ia., save :,--111y wife has been seriously affected with a cough for twenty -dye years, and this spring more se- ", ',rely than ever before, She had used nguiy remedies without relief. and being urged to try Dr, King's Now Discovery. did so, with most gratifying remits The drat bottle re- lieved her very much, and the second bottle has absolutely oared her. She bre not had so good health for thirty years.' Trial bettlt free at 0, A. Deadman's Drug Store. Large 0110OI, to 7 p. tn. Spring13 the best time of the year ultea.,,Nte,... INsTrrtneg Reading Room and tomove bees. Thu om cbo are not Berry, the now Engliela hangman, .brary in Holmes' block, (IVO]. S. 1 B. Simile's heavy ovith honey, there hi no hot uses a rope of Italian sillc. It does store, will be open from tl to 7 pan. on Wed- nesdays end Milnes and from 4 to 0 ram weather I.. •oelt the combs or stifle- not chafe the nock like hemp rope. en satoordayt. eat° the bees, the combs are tough After a while you may look for cash., .... — with brood, and there are but compar- ions at the bottom of the drop Rd it 1r:trim Not cis. ativoly few bees in the hives, A senn.b hurt e murderer to drop. Tilie spring wagon is the best to et= Y is indeed 1111 reathetic age. Shrub. ere not nearly enough con. them, bit to lumber wagon can be A little four•year-old girl went run. pleyttl in planting small places. used if plenty of straw is placed under ning into the house the other day, ex. that has never been ex- the hives and the driver is careful. A noy-t..•ry claiming "Manion 0, inanition. I've vlained : Why do farmers overfeed 1 If the top of the hive is covered with seen Jack Frost ! W " "hore did yon their 1401011 end etarve their o•r- wire.cloth. it will afford sufficient see lum, my darling ? queried the emords ? ventilatiou early in the season ; in hot mother. 011, 1 tows. the tip of his Good :1.84 it better than medicine. weather both top and bottom of the 1 tail hanging am tho eaves." She Get 1118 spring 00.710 01 garden and ' hive 0110011,1 bo covered with wire- I had seen au Mich. field Rm eis. A ferwithout trees cloth. Tham The fres 61.10illil be 0303110 ,1 Dices:dry, tt hum without birds. , ot, the ends to prevent 00111 sopping . 71sotor (at the Indian school)—So ...7 hoot:, sea by its pewothilly al• ' 14.1CYt diii1d1100 4101:, is windily trout)] s tetseetu,e edam (Tea the organs oi dice,,t• , rberborized ErunIrloh 10 it4 i about. When bees tore moved only 00 ythees7 childrenlsi,1110 fa rtnhlottlicIlinanro? sTo(nbcoso haerol.a.- Utfoivle0(.L'eusosi eteritivu properties, nuri- r.„, • .1.. clan loteros of great elliefa. 'Visitor— u tr returning to their former Es nes the Weed from all taint, abd increases. IA .11. ie very What SAT they now doing ? Teacher solid constitamt,. Alwitys ash for liebies,11, location. If the distance ositetlear,‚••,ir,irest•to n and be ,nre y.nt s, t shoot, it can be eeeogiotebett by may'. --This is the otrittometio hour find it. they are doing sums. Visitor—Ah, A eels., spelle 1 n , . - t tot Wellington, ing them only a teso, inched each da, • 'amide, v;11., has a :000.aare farm at if the distance is aeverel rode the ,. : yo_e___LI have often hoard of Indian L -the l• ry huntem.herod of the thistle , bees should be htstened in their My -, Hnuanou'rueurser—„I Inty3 just 1101,1 0011 in - tribe,' write.; us that seeding to clover then disturbed by drumming u ,,tuP7,11,3 poet over the body of a man found odd s ocowi:o4 the 1st of July, tso-io the lima, after -which they years in seecession, will minis- kill 1 carried to a now locution, Before re. drowned, but we are unable to Men. them. lensing them, however, a board should tory him." Ire you tr 1114,1 with Salt Elwin., 11.10111 bo ,.. be len"ed against the front of each 1:.eso a, o:l(eSores of an(y kind that cannot be ;, Cillun—"It.ma,- b aJsea61. l, ol. taar1oduheuet"',Thellas the lieu come rash.Ho has boon 1111881111; foraweekMcGregor d: Parke's ttarbolteDerate will curs Mg out they strike their heads against Corouer—'•Yon knew Short, did .t. Beyond the shadow of a doubt it is the the board, which causes them to Yon ?" Citizen—"Knew him well." Coroner—"Would you ha :ibis to identify him (10 you think ?" Oitizen—"011, yes ; easily. Lto has an impediment in Ms speech." 111,11.11MMORRIMP0111.3,1r.M.11 Alain 10, 188G. Edith aske : "How should a yolllig 1111111 ki 0410 110 ?" Well if yon aro tut 11011101y UN your Inond.writiogo and if you have many sneh bail spollo nos in thie letter, we should prefer to kiss you by rroxy. The Sootch have a superstition that the bride who stande at the left of the gronin 01 01111 altar will lead an unhappy married life, Young ladies about to commit, matrimony ehould make to note of this. According to statisiteians pouch - ere live two years longer, on an erage, than howyers. But Boo law- yera got more fun out of their brief existence. They do alt the courting while the preachers do all tho marry. ing, The Englishman who Ionia that American girls did not know vh oh to do with their arms certainly never had much experience in American parlors with the gas turned low, They are very accomplished in arinaotory exer- cises—so wo are informed. 140,t healingenrol ever known, 140110, restoring. }.rust Bites.Barns or env Skin Trottble,are ahlte curedby it. Sold at 23 muds b3n0. Hargreave s & Co., Druggists. The Missouri Legislature has poise. ed a law requiring the display of a plecard on the plates on tables where imitation butter is used. stating that Aeomargarine, butterine, or sumo, as the case may be, is furnished at those tables. Wife—What's the matter now, John ? Hus- band—OL, that neuralgia and tootbaehe 80010 lolls me. Wife—Why don't you go to John Hargreaves & Ca's, Drug Store and get a botilo of Fluid Li ghtning ? You know it cures all such things as Toothache, Neuralgia, Head- ache,tannbaco, 'Earache, Sore throat, etc, 30 ;AVM instant relief. After five years' trial, at 'Wisconsin farmer writes t -.-Tho Enloe has come to stay woth no. is the verdict of all who have tried 10 11010, and of moony also in this neighborhood. As new barns are built here, many of them will also have silos in them. Suattlen's Arnie Salve. The best 81010, 11) the werldi Cr Cuts,Brult,es 03r0a:1:101MS(Lit 10101114, Fever Sores ,Tetter Chapped Hands, Chilblains, corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively 0101000 PiluS, or uopav required. It is guaranteed to give P810 - feet satisfaction, or money xefunded Price 25 oents per box. For sal e by G ,1 D &lin= Secretary Garfield stated that from eccurate data hu estimates the sales of apples from Michigan the peat sea- son at 5,000,000 bushels, at pries ranging fr 1 to V, a barrel, Thu fruit area t• 1111200 be 1( es than 300,- 000 nerea, and the planting of peaches omit small fruits is rapidly iccreasing. Pruning rs,pberriea and black• berries tot this oteason consosts simply us removing till old, dead caune and shortening on last year's growth. 1.f they have been Annular pruned, only the side biauchee have to bo clipped to about eight or ton inches, but when this has been neglected the main canes have to be cut back and tied to stakes or trellials, The value of sugar maple as a farm orop is not often considered when the question of planting trees fur profit is thought of. A. few yoars will bring a sugar maple orchard into profitable condition. A. twelve•year•old maple will yield rts much in value of auger or syrup es an apple tree will of fruit, and the maple will last longer, he less pesterd by iuseets, and quite rt$ productive year by year as an iopple tree, A 'Vermont paper describes the manner by which hickory nuts which has been drying all winter, were made to grow. Under ordinary treatment the young, sprout would never reach the outside of the dried and. harden- od ho11 Each nut was placed in a vice, and the screw cautionaly turned till the eb ell is heard to emelt—but not breaking open—then dropped into water three or four days, and rlarit- ed its mellow soil ; and most of them grew. notiee their new locahou and Mae "bearings" as they leave for the fields. Remove as noway landmarks ae possible from the old locution, and if necessary, keep smouldering, smolt. ing fires burning for a few hours up. on the place previously occupied by the hive. VARIETIES. A. ring around the moon is the sign of rain. A. ring around the sou the sign of a fight. When a couple melees up their minds to get married it maybe call- ed a tie vote. .A. ship, like an old toper, does not long remain dry when she begins to pound on the boor. Puma:rust' among the greatest medical dis- coveries, by the many cures it has effected. McGregor's Speedy Cure leads the 0011. Sub. jected to the 11)0110050 choznieal analysis, it 1008 1,6011 found to contain hono of these injur- ious ingredients clutraeterising the worthless sPeolfias doily offered to the public, Every ingredient 110000010011 peculiar adantability to the various coMplaints for which it bas been compounded, line its efficacy is home astrb- Dolled by testimonials hourly received. We are therefore confident that wo have a limper. noon which we eon offer to the public; with the nefiuranao that it will 110found not only a re- lief but an absolute num for Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint,Indlgestion,Constipation and Im- pure Blood, Free trial bottles at Hargreaves, Drug Store. A blue seal on to letter indicates lova. This ia probably because when a Mall la in love he is blue more or less all the time. Thirteen is MD inoluolcy number. A girl of thirteen as too old for dolls and too young for beaux, With Daniel 'Manning, Doyle' Lamont and Daniel Lockwood hie closest friends, Mr Cleveland is a sort of a lion in SY Daniel'e den, Never Give Up. 31 1011 are suffering with low and depressed Sliirits, lose of appetite, general debility, dis- ordered blood, Windt constitution, headache, or any disease ef n bilious nature, by all means ‘vocure a 110001, 01 Eleetric 13 ttere, Toe will bo surprised to see the raj'hd IMProVeinent that will follow 1 yon will bo inspired with now ate; strength tont activity will return 0 pain tool !lathery will cease, and henceforth yon will 10000100 111 the praise of Eleatic! 13itters, Sold at fifty cents ft, bottle by G. A. Dominion. "Now that's 'That I call rt most gratifyong sight I" ii omirking bill collector said to the man who dotalied his name on a bank cheque for a largo amount. "Bobbie," said the visitor kindly, "have you any little brothers and sisters?" "No," replies Wee Bobbie, solemnly ; 'I'm all the children we've got." "We've got 'em, we've got 'ena I" lils shouted as he returned late, election night. !I should say yon bad,' replied his unfeeling wife, "but I wouldn't expose tuyeelf to the neighbors," "Tommy," said ot San Antonio mother to her little boy, "your un- cle ail1 be here to dinner to -day, and you must have your face washed." "Yes, ria; but s'posen, ho don't come, what then?" Firm mother to boy—"Didn't I tell you that Id Aonp you if you played tn that water again, soy ?" Boy—"Yessum." Finn inother—"Then why did you do it ?" Boy—"Becauso I didn't believe yon." Firm mother —"Never mind, you shan't go down town with one when I go ; seo if you do ?" Shortly afterward tho firm mother and Loy go down town together. All about ifandkerchlefs. C'oquettish aprons are made of large-sized silk handkerchiefs in gay colors. The ornamental handkerchiefs and the new scarfs make the tritnming of a round hat for "131111001 10 very easy matter. Plain white handkerchiefs of sheer grass cloth have a monogram of the crest embroidered in sovoral colors in the corner. Lovely handkerchiefs aro of deep bine or pink moth, embroidered in ono corner with daisies, forget-me-nots and other pretty flowers, Squares of soft mull painted in Madras 'slouch: or stripes are import - ell for neckerchiefs, to be worn when the summer days arrive. In silk pocket-hadlearchiefe for gentlemen, salmon, pink, a delicate ehade of terra cotta, ecru, lavender and sky•blne are the colors DINA fashionable. Ladies use these hand- kerchiefs edged with a frill of limo for negtige neck .vear. 'Messrs. Phelps & Co., of St, Oath• axioms, whose failure was reported host week, have made au assignment. Itia mated that Mr. Calvin AL Phelps son of the senior member of oho firm, has absconded to the United States, and that a large amount, of the firm's paper held by the banks has been dis- eovered to have boon forged. The first mooting 01 1)10 sharehold- ers of tho Qu'Appelle and Long Lake Railway Company 7118 held at Toron- to, when the following clireotors were elected :—IIon, ,T, S. Carvell, Dewdhey, Hector Cameron, M, P., J. A. Mackenzie, G. R. Pugsley, W. Pugsley, jr., A. T. Stone, W. B. South and J. .1, Fay, Arrange. relents made by If. Pngsloy with English capitalists for raking none. eary funds to build the road were ap- proved of, and the directors were in- structed to proceed at once with the construction of the work. 11.14ANLINES14 OELINBS11, The subscriber is meowed to do all kinds of Painting, anolt as 110USL, SIGN, CA 11111A(1E, PLAIN ,,to ORNAMENTAL PAINT1NO. -11 PAPER HANGING, KALSONIINING cro•gtiningxIL 504p'01111it.y. spring time will soon be at hand so leave your Orders Early. Work done in the m051 satisfactory Manner and satisfaction guaranteed, 1 will bo found at my old shop north of the bridge. Wm. Roddick. ALLAN LINE, ROYAL MAIL SIDA.INISHIPS. :nom rtnizazAc-,,;•r, $1.73 LIPP NEt 21001,11,4t DDT ititlitIalt, 41 11,Ali 0 01V, LONDON, Ole, Steerage ?PI, Liverpool, Londonderry (0,,rurtowo, 110001000,, or Delimit to gliabno hod always LO 1,00 by any first -clash lino, WINTER ARRANGEMENT, 1885. Sailing,. from PORTLAND, GASP I AN -ThursdaY,, Feb, 28t1, SARDINIAN tt March 5th PERI; V1AN tt 12th SARMATIAN " 19th No Stemmer from Portland March tglth. PABISL1N Thursday, April 2nd No Steamer from I'ortland, April ;nil. sA.nraN IAN Thursday, Apr. Nth No Steamer fromPortland, April 23rd SAICMATIAN Thursday, April 30th The last train colitioothig Witlo the steamer Quebec maws Varga to Wedneedays 011 41)10, 0, in, Passengers can Move Wedneodays at 13:30 pa/Laical:out uonnect with the steamer at Hal- ifax, by paying an additional faro of 01;45 1st anti 02.30 hid clam No cattle, sheep or pigs ore °varied on too Mail Steamers of the Allan Lino, For Tickets and Berths and every Informa- tion apply to . N ExT 3, R. GRANT, rij STO R E. KEEP YOUR POR -:-.THIS Agent, .01 the 1.0141, °dice, Dressels. GOOD GOODS AT YOUR Own. Figure A PUBLIC AUCTION SALE of DRY GOODS,- GROCERIES, BOOTS & SHOES, READY- MADE CL °THING, HATS, CAPS, &c., Will commence at the Store of T. C. HARBOTTLF,, Cranbrook, on Wednesday evening, March 11, and will continue until further no- tice. This sale Id got up to clear off a Large Stock of Winter Goods to make room for Spring Importa- tions. Now is your CHANCE. Don't fail to be in attendance. Come and get Goods at your OWN PRICES. T. 0. Harbottle, Proprietor. BERLIN FOUNDRY 1 MANTJFACTUREHS ENGINES, BOILERS, MILL MACHINERY, &c. Smcat Upright .E.;72,ffines —AND— BOILERS A SPECIALTY. For further particulars apply to ,ArGiSOM 5' Be 7'2,, Ont, Money to Loan. PB17JTE FUNDS. $20,000 of :Private Panda Move jest boon placed irt my halide for Mveatinent AT 7 PER CENT. norrowars eau have the! • leans complete in threo days if titin10 stitib: taiory. Apply to E. E. WADE. E 4a,s9 B. Gerry. M Ai T PA D LC") 0 Hardware Store. Clearing Sale Pr614,0708 to 8t0014-ta1a724 Po es Away Down 30 Days Only. NOW .LS THE TIME TO BUY Cheap Hardware, J'as. Drove, Mhos NON