The Brussels Post, 1885-4-10, Page 5A88811', 10, 1(4l. msg....Mansamminemsymunex.,alwavAravinenramanendrearavocnniereorm.mm2roacrr.•ov--,nrerrlop.torlrecn..Prmaronnrec,*nryoutems.rx...o.tc-ar—,..qpin,a, 74+,4, rwctnt, mute 4,11 V,111 •71 t• DISTRICT NEWS. ',';,•,1.1.,.t/81•Df.. SA,V1`8,11 I,1' N'4111141108, 1,1)(111 811) 111 11,i, .1'81w188,' 1111)11), 1,8/ be /mon at liras :els. 'Pre veiling it very ball and it no runs 11, risk of laming his hone pp, chame,, breaking leg. liohert Leckie, well-lin/non in th locality, will ''1 '110 it resident thimbrooli. 11e ut Jiving with ilhuglitor, 'M.'s. .1. '..31,e,r The idea of Ii )I1)li lepleme munication %v., it ltrustel . 01chino ill a militia plum and it will 1 the greatest eouvenionee If it doctor 0, unwed .0. It botcher baker 10 miles or inoro have to b driven, whereas if Lim telephone ...oro 111 110e the Illetteng.;. Si+1 StIllt,ii once. Who will push this now miter. pth ? 111 1)1 of 11 18 We will show our New Pattern Hats and Bonnets. Corqe and see the new- Crysalide, Mandi, Turbelli, Lansdowne, Aline and Beatrice Bonnets and. Hats. Feathers in all the new shades. 1.1cc-ee E:.na. Orna- ments, Ribbons and Fancy Goods. ,TiZfr, 5A2z, late of Lin,1,--.ce,; Las tak- „ en charge of the Millinery Department, TJae Ladies maylepGL1 on. • seeing the Latest Styles and a much larger display than jast year. ;e. The first, raishig of the shit ton 14 t hand. It \000 on th farm of NVin ()macron,1 th line, and eon:sated of boost: ittel stablo. The work is [min throngh by Newsomo linghes THP rTTLS P17)T 5 Y AND SARITIDAY:i\TIVAL l7Ett & 61,0,:rkr1:7177:4. who have the eentract. Now C000ts zv.ir Buttons Glovm, Malay anO C 9 0 Q9 9 9 C "1, 4'2fCatcbs -Repot t says (1111, 'if our school loath ere, in Lilo northern part of this town- ship, contemplates .1juroping the tiny towiethip, it is said. Inownstick" itt 84rly date The spEGIAL .747, eiwrioN . wtonato young lady is it resident of ). M End ASKED To uR Allan Speir ."mil Joseph Wilkins:» intondpaying8 viFit 11 Ile:, tight lith 1.-M11.1 this sling. A.11,1n has 1)10) there before 1011 intui 1 t bring Imel some ther01- bred ohmic Priend Wil- lciimon goes Mane to England to toll the people iliero of the posihhilities of 111/8 country and inieuds spending tho summer there. 11. lies purchased return passage, whether for one or t wo we are not informed. \Ve nisi] them a 'Meseta -voyage a ed sitfe 10- 10111, Thoy 1erelles,.1 their tickets at J, 11. Grant's ticket olliee. , , , Black and Colored Cashmeres, French De Bei s, , Freneh Veilings, New Jersey Cloths, New Silk Silks for Mantles, New Ornaments for Ottaman Cord Silks, 33.1t.ite1. Robert. Long istWhavo an auction sa.10 next Saturday. woo TeKelvey has bought John Datibar's hi.-.,' and 1,.t fuel 11/18 01)01, 1.111 631,1 the VilLtg1`., John 13un1eir 11110 1,110Ved to 111.4 farm 011 the 5th eon. of Grey, 0 1.1,,ut throe miles from here. Thomas 1)1)018 R118 northing 1)1 118 1.1118 111111 1:18t 11 Vila at 1n18 foll on 11110 injuring his back oori.iisly. We aro glad to hoar that ts now recovering and able to walk ri3111.11. ft ITEW, BRIOIN A r tj n t -04 Se New OttonAan. Cords, s for Dresses, New Mantles New ,,10441 FRESH, alEAN l, Now Olpen For Inspection. , Y, El ti.A.LITY New Canadian and Scotch Tweeds for Ordered. Clothing, made np in good style, Suits made to order from $10. Ready-Madc) Hats and Caps in all the Letest Styles, for children, boys and men; boys' Hats at 40c., mens' Hats at 50c, New Tapestry Carpets, New Unon Carpets nice patterns at 40c. Lace Curtains, Table Cover, Widite Quilts at 75 cents, Table Damasks. Rev. qr. and i'drs, Thompson r, ero thlfr n 9 • - ul isiting !mends here last week. ',they 18,1 V8 for their new home, Burrard 11 riiiSh Columbia, whero the re0, fflI111.11.10 R11 1ms accepted. a calf. They have the host wishos t largo circle of fri.httls for 00(100810 10 their nor 11)11 of labor. OithohN m 7111 11381., 'other o of ur young 1111(1 111 the person of Isaac Lake became tired of singlo and took to hini- aelf Miss Ettie Sandors, of Grey, to 1l1111)'1,joyel 1111)1of married life. Tho wedding t 111101):11 hoe father's residence. Miss Esther A. Lake acted as bridesmaid and James King, of Ethel, performed 1110 ditties of groomsman, )1r. Lithe is it sober, steady and industrious young man and a prominent man in society. Wo are pleased to know is going to re- main in the township and will remove to farm, which lie parchased a- bout a year ago, about a mile south of our village. Tho happy outiple loft on tho noon train for Stratford to spoul feu/ dityt1 WW1 their frionds. Wo wish them prosperity and every success 111 life. MaTimeoxinm—There aro 1(0 many weddings around here lately that 180 can 131111100111y keep track or them. The inittrunonial fever seems to bo con tagious P100001111. Quito it number to come off yot in the near future, if Dame Burma speaks UM:11101)7.-11r. IIousell, of Wtarton, CUM 0 to the vil' logo about two weeks ago and after a short. stay took back with him, to 81118)0 his lot, a fair bride in the per. son of alias Catherine Eekmier. P110happy (00U10 left for their home last Alondity f011o wad by- the best washes 01 111010 1111101 frion(1s..--Robert Iielvey and Miss 111(81)011)8 Lamont took it drive to Latowel one day lest week (Thursday) and with tho aid of clerical gentleman tho matrimonial knot tied, and came home and settled down to housekeeping, Some of the, boys exitectod a wedding but Bobort .ovidently preferred tho quiet way.— We also !understand that Edward Barr has also joinod, tho banediets. 1311.voievra to - Thos. Earrotv, M. I'., who was at hnne during Lilo Easter vacation, re- gamei howizi,R) Come and See whether you ptuchase or not, as ..w.e are F.3m)e-cu iil • Choice Stock of 011000.1i9S ahvays oll Hand, The 'Tidiest Price Paid for Auttilii be pleased with our Stock and Prices %..uoted. 1011011,101 to Ottawa on 'Inestlsy to be (10040111 801181) the House rmassembled 011 Weclnosdny. Adam Reid, or tit. 1st line of Mor- ris, is soriously ill wall oongsstitin of tho lungs. Tito doctor in attendanco has go id hopss though of his roe 18'- 01,y. Bullock is teaching a num- ber of mir citizens the truly soieutifio only to manago that noblti brute, tho horse, SUMO Of his pupils 11041114 R pointer or so on the subject, On Friday night it Soafortli tritium of comedians played to a not overly fastidious audioneo of forty or fifty people who, stunned to extract con- siderablo onjoyment out of Um per- formance: The Methodists and Presbyterians havo vinitod thole forees for a forwar,i moventont against Um arch enemy. *Union prayer meetings aro being held twice 11 week in the clinrehee al. tornately. The revival sorvioes in Johnston's (Mothodist) church ham: linen closed. The results gratifying to those who had the meetings in °harp. Somo forty have professed. 14 change 01 1100111 and united with tint church. Jno. Patterson, so long and favor, ably known as Ilia genial host of our on- ly hotel, hits changed the base of his oporations to Wroxeter, whero he 8110000d13 Mr. Dunstonhi tho Grand Central, juo, Johnston will cater for tho public bore in 111r, Patlerson's pima°. Tho following is tho result of a written examination in 800100 do mrt- anent of Bluevalo Puldio Selloo 401 Fifth form.--Subjoets----Goography, BEES FOR SALE. arithonme, British history, physics, ooclhl, algebra and gram- mar ; marks obtainable 800 —Georgo Jenkins 5139, F. Ilartloy 500, 1. Min- oan 450. Josepli Jenkins 8113. Senior fourth form.—Subjects—Geograpliy, dictation, arithmetic, British history, reading ; marks obtainable 460—Liz- zie Johnston 870, 1Vin. Henderson 831, Wm, Smith 304, E. Bailey 1397, 11. King 250, P. Ring 2132, "' A. Mos- sor 212, * T. 110er:0oken 1210, 0 S. Etcher 187, *L. Bobortson 188, *.E, Messer 147. Senior third form.— Subjeots—goography, arithwotic, die. tation, grammar, reading and draw- ing ; marks obtainable 526. The names of those securing 50 per cent, of the possible marks aro as follows 00111108 887, 111, Guest 1382, E. Coolies 374, G. Guest 869, 11. Goril- las 348, W. Jenkins 880. 0, Ilurgess 1327, Win, Gray 808, W. Duff, 800, 1, Nicholson 284, tf, 'McPherson 1935. * Than pupils worn absent during prat of tho examination. A pulley heated and burst in Bak - or Dros, saw mill, 131onbeim, Monday morning. Ono like 01(11011 John Graham, a member of the firm, in Ibo oye, completely cutting 111.8 oyo out, Tho business men Of Windsor at- Hbrito tho stagnation in trade to the provalonoo of smuggling, and they hold an indignation meeting on Taos - day night for the purpose of bringing the matter boron) tho customs only - rale 1110 .41.111%111.11101. 11118 20 eolohles ef 0050 (tat. n;;;i' Ms 1s, rl brooder, in Ow Unitol .11101, ‘1', 1411.4 i(%11'r11Y, 111118o0,, QEED 018.1.8 P011 SALE. 1.7.1 The u1,isrsi130,..1 Into quantity 01 11,,, 1'010- bratool Alimmieh OnAti for n11,,, Thev aro 11 Nv/i 1 60 variety aml werruntoil clean The smiii was brought from Paunsylvanin 2 vears ago. Pliny bays satIsflod parttoil who have triod thoni RH far as nonnernil. Apply to 111(101,0-1, L"0\' 85.01 Lot 0, Cott. 12, tirsy. EN THE HINE 00111111t13JUSTECB, (CHANCERY DIVISION.) vs, HENRY. purmant to the datum for administra- tion made herein the creditors of Alexander Henry, late rif the Township of (400y, in the county a IInron, yeoman, who diod in or about the mmith or August, 1888, aro on or before the 1(111) day of May, 1885, to send, by post mvpaid, to E. E, IVAns, Poiquiro, af the Villag.,,f 13russols, in. the County of Huron, th, solicitor for the A/Iministratrix h00r0111, tlicir Christian and surnames, ad- dresses and dereription, 1110 full partioulttra of their (+tilos, 11 statement of their ac- counts aud the nature of tho securities, if any bell by thole or in (Moult thereof (hey will 1,, p.,romptortly exoluded from the benefit of the said cIcertm. 11vory orod. iter hot, ling any security is to produeo the 1161118 181088 1l103 at my chambers in tho Court flonso, in tho Town of tiodorich, on the teth day 1,1 May, tasii, at (devon o'clock in the foronoon, bong rho time appointed for adjudioation on the olefins. (Signed) 11. AIAT,0011/3017, 40-I Local Master a,11 Godericb. 11- 'IOLA r;,1A1 FOR THE YEN 1SSE 4. Livingston have for 010 10010)18 111 tho vicinity of I Irasnels who inicua raising Flax dm ing the 10011)1l1(1 80-3)08)) ,1.01113 bush. 118 of the Best Impinged HOLLAND 011 BUTCH SEED, Which they aro proparod to deliver al their 11111 111 Brussels 10 fanners in quantities to salt. To ensure a Good Crop, the Seed 113 absoluteb. required. Orderly Early, For Flax grown from the above seed 812 per ton willbe paid, 11 ,1 gooa hareceted M Proper sentuill. J. J. LIVING:31:0N. A, Webster, Manager. 37 -UrM. 11 L A S L L, natehor !mid /in /ilia many customers for (hin). /lbst, al support for tho paht six yea,* whiliss to inform them that be- ing Mulled 1)11 03 )110 idd stand has 18tt0,1 81, 18 shop in Suulls'n )11),,'l 11) wIthro lie lin pee (0000 811 elietemic, caul ne runny 111118 ouls,1 10s at to 14i0 311., 0s111. X8',., nothin1.1 hut n r.74 -0h.., 1,-, L., ,,;, muds 0; l'oultry tont 1I,', t, I h•1 eted to All teixt, of the l'olvo Fat Stock, .41A.1131 I"01 HAL.1 A.r A 13A11 itadn•- 'Oho inrin rosand.,ts within sight of a riving town intiroy Good ass Toronto, Groy Males railroad run$ aoroastlio 111) 02 tho lot. :11810 prim) to tho In on raqh • Una 1' srn, s if on limo. This lon did op portunity for poor loan 00 41 mini with a Small.). Tho owner would oxohnnao for n smaller farm In Huron Co. Forbather particular 840 ly to 10, /I, EBBB, Brustela, 7.0.