The Brussels Post, 1885-4-10, Page 44 RUES F.T3.9 °OT!. A trinT. 10, isg5 • 1,0311 of lettionel life, and 111.• hc tirt r of iittliend pleetreett et ewe, (et No pate, 4 histi,ry t. te.e.t1 • any respone3 13, nnirtial HtIi F;1 1314,r1, prolnyt :uitl 101' ;i 11.11 111311) 111)3, ('33 11.:1';:ttl 3 olunteer.-, when the tit:lime; cene. den their ! POST 11.TEAM PUBLISHING ItiOUSE. . ,,,otti... 01!IHI. dii.ir rvices. It litt.o.', ValinitT, 1110_"tti11.4t, ONT1100, ; IS {hit etrung, true tlevotion soltiom TE11111:1.---.-The subseription rat.: of pm; 111'11.'1111 toil or c'Tell realized, that .......... ... posT 14 $1,.-,o per Ana um ie Al..;/.14 I, r-, . All is the mor''t of the 3,',realsuccess of enbeetien,,,,,, 1101,1. LW rti,1 :LI. ,l, 1 0-, (if our t.'emelian national life, and it slibee,l'eiii.'.", if ''''' ''' Pfti`i "'""' ''i Fi' ' itionift ets itself in a thousand we Vti. Our people love their i err,,... ....• peet 111,. At e,- .• ler 1111N33 It e're14.--T3.3 1.11,t, ('011 1,11,1- With a deep end undying mg r...:.:, will he clotr,t...1 1.. CI; '1 1.-1, liiVii, Tlicy taii doielliiiiii.,1 tit by the year : ; make it ,tereat and grand, 11101 to 1 Yl'AI, 6 -:`70'''''."' '; M"Nu:'" livol: its mune misullic.d in the one eelesm, .11"e1 01.• • •lii:'• 1"'• . • -'''''' '" ' worldgree 'e t reteeel. It is this lIalf volento. :17: 00„ „ 20 (RI._ it" in , . ', spirat 'givit es s a positive ars- Qearrer " se oe.... 12 00.... s 00 it th blightls " 1" en—. . .; or:, ... r, 00 i suritnee that no matter what catty Eight cone per litte for first insertionbe the magnitude of ti ire outbreak ilel thee' s. nt, Pei' 331 f,•'•' ' eeli ''''-'"11"•-"1, it will be speedilv ruid effi•tetively i , terminated. It is the same spirit nser:t.e. An .1,01.1„,,,,,,,,,t.. 1,,,,, It '..,... • • as Nmpariel---1 , 13usies eri , .... 11:11 1,4 1111lik'S1 all 0 1'01' OW' 1 )01- e"t"er oh" I It11 ae:sls,oeightlii.: ,. 55 per annittn.1111011 in the uprising of our people Advertisement,' without spoeifie diree- to-chty against the tyranny ot tions, wit ineertsid limn forbid, and 1 strong drink, and the clelernli tIa- s......rdinely. Instructions to change or discontinue tion to uproot 101)1 destroy, this an g arodeertiernamt etsx be left at the. eoufit- awful national curse.. Specially is inm: of Tito Post', not later than Mom day it Nvt,r1hy of no! 1141 that the youngea( 11 week. Vag ;r: imperative. men of our Thiminion are so trut• err_ I. :teem, , to their country and their homes. EDIT.11 l'Elnlarr•qt. -- , 11 113 mainly to their efforts that • •. • --- WO must attribute the recent and .1 '... 13.1 F. et Prins 10. 1885. rapid progress of moral reform ; it 1110 is they \"]10 ere now going to fight - • • • • As exelnenge sp,talting of Indian rising in the North-west our battle, against the rebels in sag •y stye 3 --The Indian popultt- , the Nerth-West. God bless our tion who have taken up arms, as noble boys and give them a pros- ! porous journey, and a speedy and well as tho leadors of the 11111f- brecels must be taught le'r-.011, ; triumphant return! it will not do to allow them t.) es- TRaTMFET BLASTS cape punishment. We trust t hat such a course will lo' adopted to- wards ;be. leaders as will vonvince thoso that ant :Tared that the Canatilien Goveenment will not toltetete 31 wee upon the white set- tlers, and that those who take up arms and imbrue. their hands in the 11 1(11 of the helpless people upon the border shall not escape the punishment which their bar- ite:I:me cruelty (lest -ryes. The Ca- nadien Government ought to ad- (•qe, (le•ltty, towards these say:Ages the :Mine policy that has been ad0pt3_31 by the Amerie'rin Get -ailment with the Indians in the United States—they should deprite- the'.: of their arms. These arms are (1111)' useful for hunting game, which has now become very sear313 and which is of little anise - rim The Indittlie will never take well to fanning as long as they 1e:13 to gain 11 precarious 14111„;:••H•.3.1.• lee hunting. The Gov- ert the United States hove only -01)''.' 13 (I in introducing in - duet -el -et letbite among the Indian -0,, le ;(1be 0 e vjt,v Ileir ONeleY 134410011 tt) '41.441)04')fir111, altogether from the 1303111111.1303111111.it i ;.1.1..ee1 to keep cattle, to 3113(3 s ' ttl pollit!,,, Tilt' indents likely enough that this interpretation is 1l..3partly cornet, but it is not prebablo 33t teems en 1:3011114, but they that Lord Wolseley wants to with- er. et ellewed to possess p0111114, draw to a very peat distance. By wi they could rietelily retiring northward to Aesonan, about 700 miles front Dengola, 111 would. reach a more temperate climate, and would be in a, much better position than that which 110 now ()couplets. A8S0111111 011 the boundary between Egypt proper and the Soudau. Many taeticiaus thought at first that was the proper place at which a stand should be made against the Mahtli, but the neeessity of attempting to re- lieve Gordon corned the sending of the expedition to Khartoum. 111. :1 Inederate. Prom the East. A. Pekin deepatch reports that peace has becn concluded between ma Frae nd Chine. on the basis of the :Funnier Convention. A Hong .Koug despatch f18 the news from Pekin confirms the report of the conclusion a ofptacoand adds that no idemnity is to bu paid by China, Orders have been received leoin London to actively conthme the War prepartitione, notwithstanding Rus• :dies pacific miser:13AT. This action creates a good impresion iu 11111133.The meriting papers declare the 1(118 311)3)1 answer legarding the Afeltan frontier 341(48101) and unsatisfactery. Mr. Gladstone, replyiug to the nie. tuerlal from the meml.crs of the House of Commits in 1)100113' 1,1 sub- mitting the difficulties between Eng- land and Ruseta to arbitratioit, Bays he Hoes Ile reason to doubt a eueee. fol settlement by the ordinary di. plontatic measures. The itnerpretatiott put upon 1. t'3 Wolseley's despatchee concerning the loss of life likely to be atteudant %tin the British troops renatieing in their a,,,,tree present quart.3rs all summer, is thet ....tem their reeerre and (11- 3i14131111l01110g the settlers. Every Indian baud ill the North - we, ;bat 111.3 taken 3334 arms a- gent,. 111 (1u\ eminent ehould be io feel that it must adopt habits of industry upon. the re- setve in order to succee(1. ,F=rztze.e-ArentL...=wmzet:-...: 1)1 -MN': the paSt week our whole country has been thrilled to its very centre with an excitement Buell 116 1113ver stirred it.before. In the North:West, bands of lawless mem have murdered some of our citizens, and the whole nation is up lit arms to suppress the so-call- ed rebellion, and protect the in- terests ofour fellow -countrymen in thrtt great territory. There is not a family circle in Canada that has not some tic; of rclationship to the great 041,30 country so recently op- ened up 1311(1 11113 peril of the set- tlers there i8 the peril of those who are near and deur to our hearts and homee. Our brave soldier boys have net out for the front with' entimeittein 111111 11831 twee:- ly been paralleled, end never eur- pelleed ; end warm heart -wishee and pr11ye1':4 are ,re1h131 out and up from. many homes, that they may be etrongthencid and proterted in the deeigerores task that they have so manfully inid.erhiken. One of the most pleasing features cif the shun:thin ie the manifestation of It most unbounded dc.ep.e.e. at ell patriotism, elitering 111)11 )1111' Can- adian citizens poeseeS 111 •1331.0 usual degree that virtue which may well bo called the licavt and \Vill Mitchell, egad 10, son of the (molt et the Boys home, 13031 (3101(18111' ly 141101 1)041 Sunday by a young com- panion named Herbert Galvin. Tho latter had been working, and raved enough from his allowance of pecket money to buy a pistol. Investigation after the =Admit discovered that two other boys 3401'0 the proud possessors of pistols. Tho boy Galvin is in custody, and an inquest will bo hold on his vlotieu. Mrs. Stratford, widow of tho late Dr, Wm, H. Stratford, was found dea)1 last bah:inlay evening at ber residence on Albion street Brantford. She lend not been seal for two dare and wino of her friends becoming alarmed, O. Biggar obtained entrance through an tipetaire window and de- scending to tho front door, admitted sumo friends, and a search through the houeu was made. In a bedroom uff the dinettg•room marks of blood were found on the carpet, aud the baein with water ni ordered with blood. Proceeding up stairs to it frunt bedroom they found 113300133' ed lying dead on the floor with her face submerged in it bath -tub 01 331(100, On the sideboard was a bottle label- ed 'Latalutim, poison,' in which a few 1 drop wore left. reeete • eretra .:reee.3.•A „Term i ,,„,..,,,,,.= , , 411 0 0 00.....,)•01,, tee) Having comple1«1 the enlarging and refitting of the Garfield House, and our Now Spring and Summer importations having all arrived, we announce a GRAND OPENING of the MILLINERY AND 111113188 GOODS SHOW ROOMS, on tolY) • ;AY ttin".0' )P) _ ett Re, 1885, and following dnys, when the Display will far eurpass 111 Size, Completeness and .',"ovelty any Exhibition ever before made. All the Depnrtments have been Entirely Ite-organized, and cavil put under the meet efficient management; and it is with the utmost confidence and assurance we invite metry lady in the county of Huron that can possibly do so to CM 1' and 1001{ at this Choice and Select Stock 01 (1001111 at our Urge. and H)1ndeoinc. eliew iceins, and at our un1 11133613 d dc•ing btheinces. To vary the leeking by asking questions about our Goods, about our Styli s and Prices. You. will be made welcome. You will nut be importuncal to buy. You will be tied( eourteouely, and will 14 ('1 well repaid for the coming. Min Beam, of Toronto, will, have Charge of, the Millinery Department, ;and we have no hesitation in saying that she is Bonita to PleaKe. Lionember Thureday, Friday and Sat- urday, April 111111, 17111 & 180, are the a Et. X KB /PI WI I, Or LI 1r 5 —AT THE— Now Garfield Rouse, - aorner of Turllborry and KW Streets, PIRJLTSS'.E.ILS, Vet -1.h 4...-Jottanty Noteg..g. A special meeting of the Perth County Council 041113 1141)1 at Stratford, at width it 0413-8 (lee idea 10 purchnee from the Daly e 1:11.1,, 11 3(310 for tho new county bni1ling8. The silo is located it tho 113101 1111113)10 3 tmet, and will cost $3,500. 1111. Camp- bell. chairman of Gin county property corernittee, stated that the committee 111111 instructed the architect that the fonedation of the court house wee to be St. 131ery'e (tene, the walls of whtte brick 1., e-gl with Credit Valley stone, 01 111)(3113 the 31a1110 color ae that in the port office. The jail walls are to be of stone and the interior walls of brick, peinted but not, plastered, that beim; etylo 11.10,3t in vogue et preeent. A malice, WAS carried to hold ilin june session of the County Council at Mitchell. •e- — KEIL:eon t.totaineree N otee, William Ross, of lot 8, con, 1, Tuckersmith had it new born (tall last weelc which weighed 115 lbs. Who can beat tins ? Prince Albert Graugo aro asking for au elective nclvieory board in emn• noetion with the Alodel Farm at Guelph. Their rumnal pie-nie NV111 be held at Kincardine. On Friday of last week at iteeident happened it lir. Govenlock'e mill, Winthrop, by which lltm. Teekey 131 031 lost bis life. He harl gone to fix the belt when ho was caught by tho spindle and his shirt wound round and round. Mr, T. felt Unit his body would scum follow and medo a sup- reme effort to extricate himself reed succeeded, loving his clothes behind him. Ho escaped with 13 dislocated shoulder and a bruittod body. ftruseels Scheel Board. A special meeting of the above Bottrei was held on March, 28111, Prosent—E, E. Wade, F. 8, Scott, W. 11. Wilson and Dr. Huteliturem, Moved by F. 8. Scott, seconded by Dr. Hutchineon, tint Miss. Width - field's withdrawal of resignation be accepted. Carried. Moved hy Dr. Hutchinson, second-. ed by W. 13, 1•Vilson, that P. Scott's account of $1 110 31)048011. Carried. The Board then adjourned. liEGTMArt MEETINti. The regular mooting of the above Board was held ou April, 4th, • Present —E. E. Wado, Dr. Hutch- insen, F. S. Seett, Jas. Wilson and W. R. Wilson. - Moved. by P. 8. Scott, seconded by Jas. Wilton, 111111 Carried, 111111i 1110 fonewitr4 accounts be paid—W. 11. Kerr, printing 100 Foetal cards, Audit- or's Abstract and advertising fur ete30.1, ;35.10, William Newsom, shovelling snow, $1.25 mid Arthur McGuire, reptant to seleed, $8.00. Moved by jaio W118,ln, reeconded. by Dr, lIntelunson, that this Boar11 herrow fermi the Bank of Hamilton, '(3 11143'1:11131, $500 for letting teachers' and caretaker's gnerter salary, ('11.1” 111311, Tho Board then adjourned. Brinell war Ships leen boon ruder - 011 to British Columbie, Tho Government, it is said, line cabled to England for 10,000 sten cl of Martlui-Henry rifles, The report of the canvass for Knox. College endowment fund shows Ham- ilton to have subscribed $10,802 50, of which $0,887 90 is paid. Tho to. tat amount oubocribed by the severed Presbyteriee is 3171,909 71, of which $80,140 97 is paid. Government Detective Murray some days ago got 3411131 1)1)111. person signing 111030011 John n. McKey, Queoneville, NM corresponding with lithographers at Toronto to get, them to (tarnish 11101 with imitation plate of the Dominion two dollar hill. He 3401)1 10 Qtutenr3ville and discovered that James W. Wright,carriage maker and painter, of that piece, was the John H. McKay, Monday morning he laid information against Wright before tho Polies Magistrate, charg- ing him with inciting to oommitt 13 felony. Murrity 130111 to Qneensville end emoted Wright,. Wright EEC. Ir.1101310I13(!'d hie gnilt, The Bernie Canadian tolls a story of ft Toronto piit ate detective having visited thrttlocality 1331 43313311 in soaroh of a little orphan named Susan Newt ell, whese uncle bed recently died in Ireland and ben bet' ( fortune. He found thegirl at the house of Mies Meltinlay (London roa)1), who got her from the Orphans' Homo in that city four years ago. Tho detective and two women, whom ho ertid wore Susrea's sisters, brought the girl to Toronto in order to make her net quainter.' with the rest of the faanily, having first promised to return her to Miss McKinley 111 /1. few days. Tho fortune 18 pined. at 375,000. ESTATE NoTtc lee 13031013 ('31133)110 33!, CI, .3,-) 1“ Cr,ili:or_ of ny, 1,40 01 1110 TO1V111!01.4 01 (ii -.y, , !Enron, yetnioiti, Ito 11,1 tin ,,r the THrti, tlay 01,11141;3, 1-'1, 10..1.0110 ); )01,1,1111 nr the 171',1 i1.0 -if 1.1 th, hat..1 ..t14 :111,1 ,u).1,,, ,,arr. 1 particulars er 011r at) of the if any, 4,.') 1,,' t ;tad q0111 tlitt.timuttiliat,.ly niter Ow ,....111.1.tt.. 11-0,•t4 th,,•• tr3!11,••1 1 iorto, 1.•,,,, • ,411,1 tor ,t,t,t ..1 ).1 ,ny 1,1.0 11l1a111Mt/111.14.,.3.,•1 1130',)1,11!), ti 191 [Ail, M.1.31 T:108, 143t1.1.i37, ±.VUCT1T.': FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS. Ili', Geo. Kirkby, auctioneer, has receiv- ed instructions frost the Insiemigued to sell by Public Auction, on Lit 234, Con, 0, Morris, ma TUESDAY, APRIL 74th, 1885, Tho following valuable property., viz, :— 1 brood more, rising 4 years old, in foal to imported horse, she Willi sired by "Old En- terprise " clam by "England's Glory," 1 mare, rising 7 yearn old, in foal, weight 1,- 450 lbs., 1 horse, rising 4 years old, 1 horse risiug 7 years old, 1 gelding, rising S years roadster, 1 filly, rising II )(Tars old, sir- ed by "Sorrel Glontl," 1 cows, In calf to a thoroughbred bull, tt enws, recently calved, 31 heifem, rising 2 years old, 1 steer, rising 2 years old, 0 yearling calves, 1 thorough - brad bull, rising 9 years old, 18 Leicester MOH, Vall (trail 0)111 all young, 1 Leioustor rant, 1 ContWalt1 ram, Silffelk pigs, ti months old, 1 wagon, patent arm, 1 clung. wagon, self -damping," wagon, iro» axle, 1 pair bob:sleighs, nearly new, 1 Portland cutter, 1 self binder, in good working order and good as new, 1 wrought iron frame mower, nearly now, 1 pea harvester, 1 land roller, 1 cultivator, 1 gang plow, wrought iron frame, 1 Oliver chilled plow, 1 set iron harrows, 11 sod plows, 1 eenfiler, 1 1311:g1 81.111, 1 grass seed sower, 1 wheelbarrow, 1 straw clutter, 1 stamping Innabilla, 1 hay raek, 2 fanning mills, meTaggart make, 75 cedar RW buckets, 2 sots of double harnest, 1 sot of single harness, 1 Immo hay fork, ropes and pulleys, all ennplote 13 (1108,1 EIN)4H, 14 cow.tie clutins, 2 grind stones, (1 fergrinding machine hitivs0 g m 1 sewina. chine, 11 bedsteads, 50 foot of inch rubber hose, nearly new, scythes, barrels, forkt, chains, shovels, neekyoltes, whifilletroes, boxes, and other articles too numerous to mention. Sale to be positively without re- serve Ella propricidir 1118 1440431, $ale to commoner, 01 12 o'clook. Tnims. —All 0)1)119111 Mid under 135 011,811 ; over that 111311111months credit will bo given on furnishing approved ielet notes. 7 nor cent, off for cash e1)1 credit amounts. G. 14I1114130, 11130, ARMSTRONG, Proprietor, Auctioneer.