The Brussels Post, 1885-4-10, Page 3taro, 11 Aeuir, 10, 1885; THE 1iRiJSSLLS .POST 3 )III; OLD STORY, Arabella writ a sels.] t irl—• So wag F1Ily Hasty pudding can't be thicker Than tau 14e11oa1 girls can. Thaw ware thick as Behind girls Dan 1,I, 1101thloss love they swore, Yawed that naught 011 earth would part (lite forevermore. them, They grew up ne school girls will do ; Wont to 'wilful too ; And, as oft Luforo lues happened, Suitors canto to woo. As fate or luck would him it, Ono misguided elan Pavorod blue-eyed Arabella More than Sally Ann. And, of worse, it made no differ That the law arc such That ho could not wed two woman, Though he wished it notch, S0 a coolness rose betwoon them, A1t1 the cause—a man, Colt, was Arabella---vary — Colder Sally Ann. Now they call 0)1011 other "ci'eaturo," What is still marc sari— Bella, though she wan alio treasure, Wishes Sally had. 13E .1 WOMAN. Oft I've heard a gentle mother, As the twilight hours began, invading with a son on duty, Urging 11i111 to le a 11111. But mita her blau•1yod daughter, Though with love's words (pito as ready Points 411(0 out the uthor duty— ' SIrivo, my dear, to bo lady." What's 11 lady ? Is it something Made of 1100104 Itld Bilks a1101 airs, Peed to decorate Ulu parlor, Liltw 1410 fancy rugs and 01101)0 :' Is it ono that vva0to1 un novula Every feeling that is 1luman? If 'lis this to be a lady, 'Til not this to be a w01110,1. Mother, then unto your daughter Speak of something higher (an Than to be ,Imre fllsluon's lady— " Woman" is tho brightest star, If you, in your strong nlfoctiau, Urge your 1011 to bo o trite 111a11, Urge your slaughter no loss strongly 1'o ari00 and he a W01110.11. Yes, a woman ; Brightest model Of that high and perfect beauty, Whir. the mind and soul and body Blend to work out lifo's groat duty. 13o a woman ; naught is higher 0n the gilded crest of faun° ; On the catalogue of virtue There's no brighter, holier name. A 1CUSSIAN WAIT SONG. Wort corning, Alexandrovitch, at least a million more, From lianineshaoja'e hay incl Obekalagou- ba'e shore, From Iiarakouski's frozen wild, from Tymskain'a plain, Wo're marching, Alexander, with 111 our might and wain. From Gatmoniolcino'oForest, from Tsoh- ernorbeskoi's vale, From WVassiagourbska'e blooming fields, from Olymslcia'e dale, From ACakamajosa'a villagoa, from ]Mid. On00baraki'a isle, We're corning, Alexander, tho weary rank and iiia, From polysyllabic villages wore maro11ing gayly down, Perch«ico to rot in Afghanland to gild anew your crown; We're on to Porg-el nitirghab, and Ponje. chidyeh we seek, And we'r'e headed by somo generals whoa° names no touguo can spook. From provinces and villages whose names before 1110 oyo Look like a heap of °0usounnls ehovollod into "pi," -arolowe and -01(8111 s, -offs and -offs end-vitc11es, For holy Church and Pions Czar will ((lie in lierat's ditches. edam mnule/MFIe:mammma.111aa,. Fashion Notes. Ilraid is worn on costumes, hats, boin,eta, wraps and jackets. Among other fanciful bodices are some with lengthwise organ plaits. 8110011)1 capes for young ,adios have the fronte extonded liko a man• ale. Cockade bows made of bright -col- ored ribbons are again worn ou the fronts of droes waists. A dark green and gold embroidered bonnet ie orilanlented with a large eluater of Marshal Neil roses. Ail 1lrtisti1 coatnm0 is composed of grey Indian eine and vavot with dark red velvet 11011111', 011, iwtl ve81. Sleeves aro now made to fit loosely over the 011011111er; when additional height is required a cap ie added out- s1d0. The short 1loltnan8 and visitor made of velvet, broea(10, ottoman and brocho fabrics aro again in fashion, ablo favor, both hero and abroad. Long Newluarleet coats aro made with loose fronts sued closely fitting backs, with pointed hood linod with Bildt, nod the only trimming is rows of stitching on tho odgee, Wearors of white dressos will ap- preointc tho pretty °hocked and strip- od organdies, which, as well as the lawns, havo a eoftor and moro deli. Into finish than the old styles. Pointed waists rival basques in popularity. partition now sots hoc face against tho Intaglio and skirt being of difToront tiolor9, Many woman have consider, ed it execrable taste and rofusod to adopt a sty11 Bo oxtrelnely ugly. Metallic figured wooly are now with the spring; but little :if this, however, accoulpunioe et(olt patt»ru, only sail. ei, lit la f0riu vest and cull's, 141,1 a deep band across the front of do skirt, 13raided and plaited hair is mora fashioliablo than 11(0 former way of arranging it in coils, and the rule 11011111 good when the ooiffuro is ar• ranged low—alit trocquo--or high— a la Josephine. Polonaises and basguos are equally popular, but the Eton jackets aro the novelty. Tho latter aro eclgod with grayish -blue lead beads, or with small fancy gilt or silver buttons sot very close together. Skirt fronts half a yard deep have appeared In the woolen laces, to be employed over fine woolen materials, just as the finer laces havo been nsod over silks and satins, The lace front is eometiines Of 114)1 nano color 14.9 the dress, and as often iu harmonious contrast. Tbo moliaire brought to the front last summer and but sparingly used, it is prohosiocl, as the warm season approaohes, will be to great ((demand. Mohair sheds dust, 1a ((00101 than a soft alt. wool slinging fabric, and is cheap enough to bo thrown aside when soiled and fadod. Among the novel- ties of the amasou iu mohair thoro ie the changeable, the striped, and the pinhead chock ; the latter in black and white, brown and white, and the prettiest of all, ecru, with dark brown. Caf^an€lla/a. IN 1awts. Iloreo thiovee are operating in Es- sex county. Thos. Ballantyno, Itt.P.P,, of Strat- ford, recently shipped nine ear loads of choose to England. A scheme is now on foot in Water- loo to organize a mnsioal Association for Western Ontario. Essex county is ovorrun with horse buyore, who are purchasing animals for the Manitoba market. Formers in Esaox county aro of the opinion that the wheat Drop of 1886 will ba an abundant one. A Toronto liquor detective is charg- ed with compounding a felony by tak- ing 111811 money (roma druggist whom he had dotectod breaking tho law, The tour of a Canadian baseball team in the Unitod States, to have been msnngod by Jannis Hannigan, of Hamilton, 11118 been abandoned, dpocial prayers fur the safety of the troops who have wino to the front, and for the 1eetorati00 of peace in the Northwest, wore °fared up in all the Ohur01101 in Toronto 801111ay. Tuttle was found guilty of man- slaughter on Saturday lust by t110 coronar's jury at St. Catharines. for causing t1(,, death of his employer, Alfred T'enbr0eek, of Grantham. A holo was cut in the ice at the London and Port Stanley bridge, St, Thomas, the other day, and a lady convert was baptized and rocoivod in- ti, 110 fold by tho Mormon elders. Tho citizens of Montronl at a public meeting on Saturday decided to raise a fend of $50,000 for assisting the families of 111e mon who have gone 101110 Northwest, during their absence. The heavy snow storm of last week has once moro badly demoralized rail- way traffic east end west of Montreal, eomolines being entirely blocked, and trains on all being seriously delayed. A. bed quilt on exhibition at New Orleans contains 100,584 pieces. It is msd0 of small bits of tape throo- eightlie of an inch equor'e, and at a short distance it very mu1011 resembles worsted ombroidory, An order -in• council in tho Gazette declares the Scott Act in force iu the counties of Kent, Lennox and Ad- dington, and Lanark, Ontario, and Brom°, Quebec, on 1110 expiry of the present lioeneos. A. Corbett, a teacher in the vicin- ity of Pine River, tow» Shap of IIuron, hast week is said to baud 8udd0111y 1101no00011, leaving sundry inourning ereditora. Drank and fast living an the 0a000s assigned. The city of Montreal is in danger of heavy floods, tho thaw having coma the unusually largo aoe11mula. tion of snow to disappear al a livoly rate, Precautions have been taken to avert the throatonod damage as far as possible. A ter+riblo tragedy was perpetrated Sunday in St. Thomas, a teamster shooting a man through alio brain whom he found in hie houso with his wife on returning home in the after- noon. The murderer, after commill. ing the deed, went to the chief of police and gave himself up, FOR SALE. NATIONAL The aullersignu11 will sell or exchange for Farm Property PARK LOT 1, BItUSS1',LS, t'ell'J'AININI. 211 .1Clt(1i Ole LAND on which there is a Good Brick Dwel- ling and Frame Barn, For partici. tars apply to JOHN GREWAR, 40 BRUSSELS, ONT. —NEW STOCK OF -- Buffalo Robes, Rugs & Horn Blankets( i 'IVAORHIT 1 have movod to my now brick store and am preparocl to wait on all my old custom - ors and many now ones, HARNESS 9 HAiiNESS, ! ! Light and Heavy Harness mad() to order on short uotioo of the very best material and superior workmanship, I have in Stock HARNESS, WHIPS, CURRY CO1II3bi, BRUSHES FLY NETS, DUSTERS, ETO. A SPLENDID ASSO1ITI'IENT OF TR UNKS, VALISES, SATCHELS, ETC., ETO. H. DENNIS. MONEY TO LOAN. Blonoy to loan on farad property at LOWEST RATES. PRIVATE AND COMPANY FUNDS" W. B. DICKSON, Solicitor, Brussols, Ont. INTERESTING rr:110ETNR BODY. Stoves, Furniture &c. Tho Sterling Cook Siovo just the thing for farmers use. - Has a largo oven, ta](os 27 incl, wood and weighs over 1100 Ibe. The Marquis, one of the mostoonven- iont and handsome town gook Stoves over offorod to tb.e public, also in 0too.k, GALL AND 81.11 '1111) "DAVIS" SEWING MACHINE. Itis Simplo and Durablo and does a larger range of work than any other machine in alio market. A BULL SUPPLY 01 FURNITURE, —0008187014e1 011'—• DFIAIRS, BUREAUS, BEDSTEADS, LOUNGES, MATTRASSES, &C, GEENERALLY ON HAND, !lost door to 13 Drowo's hardwaro storol tart W. J. Jackson. C)LLER M11L,LS. Van one Zom, YI SIL 40 4Olni tOr$l. We have tough hlr:u:,Ure it announcing to the public that oar New Roller Mill in in Complete Running Orth.r and is giving flit• Lost Satis- faction. SHORTS, MEAL, r!3H1U & CHOP C(H4STANTLV C(t44 NANO, We also make the fullowi1 g Brands of Flour : Patent, Jersey Lily, Canadian's Pride and Snow Storm. Gristing Attended to with Promptness. AL1,, KINDS OF LI'1IBI'1t CIT TO 0EIDER. 4- 10 _ 1-_ .CJ-IR,O1.\T A It It 1 A k- 1 NV 0 ti K S JAMES E1J (EES HUOWES, CARRIxo ES, DI:A(t)C'RATS, WAGONS, EXPRESS \\'A(iONS, tic Se., „ all made cif the Boat Material a11t1 finished 111 t1 W1)1.1;11111 n-1111, 1001111('r. Repairing and Painting Promptly Attended to. Parties intending to buy should cal; before purchasing. Ra1yE1u1NCES.—Marsden Smith, 13. Laing, 100116 C'utt and William McKelvey, Grey township : \Cni. Cameron, \Vn1. Little, Geo. Brt/w0r, and David Breehenriago, Morris tnwnsltii•1 ; TMs. Town anti William Blashill, Brussels ; Rev. E. A. feat', Kirkton, and T. \\'ri„lit, Turn - berry township. ItEMEMI3ER TII7:1 STAND--SOI'TH OF, BRIDGE. J-A..TI L7 7E1ZR S_ E r.F . 1 E 1, _v __, ' Jat 17' 717,.:47,;$, •L The undersigned having completed the change front ;ho stone to the • Celebrated Hungarian System of Grinding, has now Out Mill in First -Class Ruining; Order, and will be glad to sac all Itis Old Customer:c 1114 ; 0 11040' new ones 118 10 01lhlc. t hot pian lion). 11°1c a, and F•d, re,a..;:wl i b3 cls, Sand HIGHEST PRICE PMI) P011 .\NY QUANTITY OF 000D WHEAT. W �%l.. - d i I a .L\T E_ Commencing Foby. 2nd 1886 the fallowing editions of Term DA1LY GLOBE In, to subscribers throughout Canada, the United States and Groat Britain: Dater GLOP1n—Morning Edition .. 3 mos. $1.75 6 mos. $3.50 DA= 6111 0 olook 0 .. 0 1.00 2.00 DALLY GLOB— 3 0 41 1.00 0 2.00 DAILY Gwen—Saturday Morning 1Cdition a 36 41 05 1 - SPECIAL TRIAL TRIP—TWO MONTI-IS 12 mos. $7.00 4.00 oNzl-� 15 C 1TT 4.00 1.25 Wo want to increase our present largo list of subsoriboro by ton thousand within the next 30 clays, and for this purpose make tho above liborol and unprooedontod offer. 101 ad111tton to filo above liberal offer w'o maitre the followings ANYONE SENDING CS 75 cants and 6 0)111x011110 s wiMr000ive-an extra copy for two months free. 41.50 and 10 001100 111ors will roaoivo an extra copy for flvo mcntlle froo. 2,25 and 15 subeoribore will reooivo a copy QQf� Diogra__pphy of tho late George Brown. 1.00 and 20 8011140ri110r8 will rocoivo a 00py 00 Tim WVm111LY GLOB for ono year froo. 11.50 and 82 011bsorl110r0 will rocoivo a copy of Saturday's DAILY Ghon ono year free. 7.50 and 50 subocribors will r000ivo n copy of Tran D,i1LY GLOB four months free. 15.00 and 100 subscribers will rocoivo a cook of 'rain DAILY GLOem ono year free. ubecribo now and secure reports of both l'arllnnnuuts for only 15 cents. TH l E GLOBE laima0f publication of no v novels by mostO04O1140 loadingggwriters of action, such as Wilkie Co1Ons, lass Orad01or1, .1uoJln ntc11artliy. D. L. rations', Saah Douches, 'William Meek, lire. Oliphalnt, Hugh Conway, and others. �� story of enthralling interest,.ontitlod WYILARD'e 'WEIRD, b Miss 'hrnddon, is now running lin Tum DAILY and Winn=1 G1onm, and will bo continued till contllotod. It will,be encc0od0(1 by a story from the powerful pan of .00ST2N elcUAetTitl, and athter the last named story is oomplotod thoro will follow 0110 from R. L. L`A1A1EDN, the famous novelist. In addition to tho rog111ar 00ntinnecl story, thoro aro always running in the 12 and 3 o'clock editions of DAILY, and 111 Tam WmmoLY Gtonm 0110 or moro odditi0nal novels by authors of world-wide repute. In this maunor vendors gat flvo or six comploto novels °nob yoar, AS AN AGItICOLTUItiL NEWSt'Ap11111 THIS 'WIiEK2,T 02..020E IS (1188111tp0312(D. '✓ SPURGEON'S SERMOIro uovisod b Spnrgeon's Own hand), given every Wo0k in Satur'day's ” The ml4ov. 0. 1f. Sp rgoon 10, boyoiid suns iii, tho 0 001(41,1 f� end is always racy, praetletd and instructive. Address, THE GLOBE