The Brussels Post, 1885-4-3, Page 6(i TFr1 BRUSSELS .POST.
kootory of Churohu and Soolotlolf
111.aLYILLa CuuMM.-Sabbath 6orriaos at
11 a.m. and 0.60 pan. Sunday School at
3:30 p.m. Bev. Jno. Bose, B. A., pastor,
Rues 011P1101.••—sabbath Services at 11
a.ut, and nate p.m. Sunday School nt 2:00
p.m. Rev, S. Jones, pastor,
ST. JOHN'S ('hmtcrf.--Sabbath Services at
11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School at 0;60
a.m. Rev. W. T. Cluffe, incumbent.
Jlernonisr C1lracn.-Sabbath Services at
10:30 a.m. and 0:30 p,m. Sunday School at
3:34 p.m. Pastor Rev, 1).0,Clappison.
liettAu CaruoLlo Curses, -Sabbath Sor-
oieo third Sunday in every month at 11 a.m.
Rev. P. J. Shen, priest,
Opp PoLLow's Lunn every Thursday
evening in (+rebam's block,
;+(,taovt'Lovas Tuesday at or botore Sall
moon in Holmes' block.
A, 0, U. 1V. Lobus meets on 2nd and
brat Wednesday evenings each month,
renr:arrn'sLoner 2nd and last Monday
enings of each month ha Smalo's hall.
L.0.L.1st Monday in ovsry month in
Orange Hall.
Pun Ot•ri.s,—Otike Hours from S a, m.
to 7 p. m.
Moou;.Nlra•IYOTITrTO Bending 1100m and
• brary in Holmes' block, over h. B, Smale'a
store, will be open from 6 to 7 p.m. on Wod.
nesdays and Fitdays and from 4 to 6 p.m.
,n Saturdays.
� avis �1 otaas.
Open the epriug campaign.
Brain to plan, muscle to execute.
Now fix up the gates and fences
Get tools, etc., ready for spring
It is beat tv eugage farm help
A map of your farm will be useful,
Don't stop feeding stock too early.
Put working teams in good con•
Secure plenty of good seed early.
Take good caro of (louse plants
Are you troubled tvith Salt Rheum, Bough
Hands, or old Sores of any kind that cannot bo
tooled? Even tfinnah tt bo of years standing
McGregor O Parko'a Carbolic C croto will cure
it, Beyond the shadow of a doubt it is the
hest healing compound ever known, Boils,
Fosteriogs, Frost Bites, Burns or any Skit
Trouble, are alike cured by It. Sold at 20 saute
by Mau. Hargreaves .0 Co., Druggists,
Grow plenty of small fruits this
Better glow 1,errles than l;l'alnbles
in 1885.
,Don't miss eetiugs of farmers'
Adopt n11 real improvements in
Give the gids a good plot for flow.
Lot the boys and girls raise chicks.
Bad drivers often spoil good horses.
Be kind anti patient in training
01u0k1on'a Arnie Salve.
The bustsalvo in thewor151 or Cuts,Bruisea
8oras,Clcer0,Salt Rbo11m,Fover8ores,Totter
Chapped Hands, 001lbluivn, Corns, and all
Skin L'ruptions, and positively Duras Piles, or
nopay required. Itis guaranteed to give per -
f sot oatrsfaction, or money refunded.
25 centeper boa. For sale by G,A,Deadman
Don't turn ont your stool( too soon.
Care well for young stock now•
Row about fertilizers for sprig
nee ?
Near time to "stick up" your prem-
It don't pay to breed from scrub
Look well to caws soon to "come
"Get the best" seeds, trees and
Have you secured a supply of good
Wife—What's the motto? now, John? Rus-
band—Oh, that neuralgia and toothache near
kills me. Wife—Why don't you go to John
Hargreaves A Co'e. Drug Storo and get abot5lo
of Fluid Lightning P You know it corse an
such things as Tnothaeha, Neuralgia, Head.
aohe,Ltttnbngo, Bernoho, Sore throat, oto. It
gives instant relief.
Plan and prepare for plowing thud
Yes, "plow deep while sluggards
Look well after the maple sugar
Plan fur a good rotation of crops.
The vernal season opened March
Never kill iueect-destroying birds.
Buy seed, ora, from reliable part.
iss only.
Better purchase of priueipals than
A Great Discovery.
Mr. Wm. Thomas, of Newton, Ia„ save:—'My
wife has been seriously affected wits a cough
for twenty -Ove years, and this epriug morn to-
veraly than ever before, Sha had used many
remedies without relief, and being argon to
try Dr, king's Now Discovory, did so, with
moat gratifying results. Tho Oret bottlo 00.
)levod her very much, and the seeo0a bottle
has absolutely cured her. She has not had ao
t'ootl health for thirty years.' Trial bonito
Deo at G. A. Deadman's Drug Store, Largo
size 61.
How about a fish pond this eeaaon.
Look after (ho early calves and
Whitewash stables. Open surface
Pick over apples. Manure the or,
Dispose of your unprofitable stock.
Don't neglect ilio paying pigs and
Grow plenty of rhubarb this sea.
Melte lazy tramps work or "move
Never smoke or light lanterns in
Got ready for pruning, grafting etu.
Every farmer should have a work.
shop for repairing: tools, eta.
Never allow wagons and imple-
ments to bo used as lien roosts.
Winter split rails are less durable
titan summer split ones.
Niue to ten pounds of milk will
make a pound o1' cheese.
Manure is the keystone of all good
farming. Add to the eompout heap.
Young 5111108 produce the hand.
somest, but old the richest fruit.
California has 1''2,000 acres devolod
to the raising of grapes.
`lever Give Vp.
If you aro suffering with low and lgproaned
spirit,, loss of uppotlte, general debility, dis-
ordered blood, weak constitution, treadmill°,
or any disease of a bilious nature, b y all moan s
vr0000c a bottle of lslootrlo Bitters, Yen will
ba surprised to ice tho rapid improvement that
will follow; you will be instpirod with now
Ike; strength and activity will return : pain
Bad misery will cense. and bouoefurth you
will rejoice in rho praise of Electrlc, Blttore,
Sold at Ofty oen is a bottle by 0. A, Deadman.
Windows for plants should bo as
much exposed to the light as possible.
Look well to the surface drains in
the grain fields, and seo that they are
kept ((pei..
Don't neglect the poultry; for eggs
and broilers pay good dividends.
As spring advances, nail on the
pickete e.uti fix up tho fences gonoral-
Slanting with a drill, instead of
sowing broadca t, sloes ono -third in
There is no stocir on the farm that'
needs warmer quarters than ileus
In selecting breeding animate look
to form and perfection before largo
Pn01rrti1NT among the greatest medloui dis-
eovoriea, by the many cures It has affected.
1doOro or'e Speedy Cure toads the von. Sub.
iected to 0) , m0000'') ebomioul o o1yals, tt
has boon found to contain LO1)o of thuee injur-
tousingradl0uts ab urnctorizing the wortthlose
speci000 daily Offered to the nubile. Every
tagredio0t posseseas n peculiar adaptability to
the various complaints for which it has boon
oomnoundod, and Its elnosey is being ontrb-
liehod by testimonials hourly re0aivod. We
are therefore oo0Odont that wo have a prepar•
ation which tvo can offer to rho public with the
aen113•0000 that it will be Sound not only n ro-
liof but an absolute 'Vara for Dyspepsia, Livor
Compilaint,Indlgestion, Constipation and Sat -
pare Blood, Free trial bottles at Hargrearos'
Drug Store,
Give the boys as good tools to work
with as you do able-bodied men.
Aro your farm tools and implements
in good repair for spring work ?
Never allow animals to suffer from
hunger, thirst and cold.
Make experiments yourself, and
also note the result of other people's.
Seo that your live stool( is well
protected during rain storms and
Ensilage is good for 011 cows, boiug
as succulent and easily digested as
'Warm mills fed to weanlings will,
it is paid, tend to prevent scours.
Encourage the children to love
flowers, and to cultivate them also.
All live stock should be kept in a
healthy and thriving condition at
this season,
Do all your work well so that it
will not have to bo done over again.
Get your crates and baskets for
small fruits ready early in the season.
It is not advisable to plant or sow
while the ground is cold or wet.
The farmer will soon have to cry :
"Come, boys I" and go to work in
Oak branches will outlast body
timber for fence poets, two to ono.
Cows do better on mixed feed than
when confined to a single ration.
Don't throw away bonne, but con-
vert them into fertilizers.
The Prentiss grape is not giving
01Ytlre satisfaction in Miohigeu and
Jersey cows averaged over $400 a
head at a repent auction sale.
Resolve to raise more and better
small fruits and vegetables than over
Don't buy blank bees because they
aro choap, if you can get Italians.
The exeitomout among members of
the Salvation Army at Kingston over
the dancing propensities of Captain
Scott culminated in a serious disturb-
ance on Wednesday night, during
which the honchos in the barracks
were broken, and the valiant captain
made an ignominious exit through a
back window,
Au American company intend
building, ha the spring, a wadding
factory at Montreal, at a Dost of $40,•
000, The plans hays already been
submitted to the Council and site laid
out. The company will confine them-
selves for some time to the produc-
tion of wadding, but intoud to sub.
sequently manufacture cotton goods.
Aare are entertained by some that
the 'wheat, which had a large top last
fall, will be smothered by (ho snow.
One man in North Dorebester dug
woe in tho snow 1 v' ry fow rods, all
round his wheat fi, Id, to let in the
an'. ITe reports that there are crusts
over Mu \ll:pnf, but ig bolts green,
and the ground is well frozen under
the snow.
borrowedl',U.1to{,ore Municipal Manual
willreatly oblige by returning It at ango, Af•
for this notice Won/ will bo uo oaausa for do•
tattling it nay longer. Thorn is also no canon
for not kuowiugwho itbolongs to tho nam° is
wrltt7on in fall on tho oover,
vF, 0, RO GIlIRS,
APntr, 8, 1885•
Thu undersigned has n nooncity 00010 Colo.
I,rntod Monarch Oats for solo, Tbof aro n
will to 000(000 and warranted Mono , The shod
Mao brought 1)ro Pountylvala 2ears ago.
Phot' luivo satls0od partloo who hhave tried
thorn ea Sar as yield isoouoeruod. Apply to
85-00 Lot 9, Cuu. 19, (trey,
Neil nunonnsiu. Aro/ghat 1 Duncanson, Al;ar-
ion 3ro1o11, and John Dunoaneou,-1'luint Ills,
Nancy Stowart Campboll, Noll Campbell,
Jain OS Campbell, Myysio or Marion Colophon,
Halon Campboll, Clumlott, Clamp boll, Colophon,
Campboll, Donald Campbell, John Camp -loll,
Isabella Campbell, Edward Cum obeli, Donee.
Cant pbe I1, Margaret Hi/ghee, \5'i 1lisle Hugh os,
amines Campbell, Angus Catupbell, Cat..erino
Ouulder, Aloxoottor Clothier, John Onulpboll,
Minoan Campbell, Donald Calnaboll, Janos
Colophon, N0)1 Campbell, Angus Chtrk,Goorgo
('lark, flora MaI(euzio, Robert McKenzie, Isa-
bella Belly, E1Oe Holly, rotor Kelly, Marion
Baosida, William 1ia001do, Donald AlOLoury
Margaret Ale Lowry and Elizabeth AfoLourl—
To tho above named Defondante and all un-
known poroono having ur (dallying any ostato
or intermit In rho lands and promises horolu.
of for pa rtioularly deueri005:
You, and each and ovary of you, ore hereby
roquirod to take notion that the petition fur
partition of oortain lands anti premises name-
tame•it'•:All those certain parcels or tracts of hand
nndpromises situate, lying and bolus In tho
Township of Morris, in too County of Huron,
and forming part or LW number thirty in the
tenth Concession 01 the said Township) of
Morris ,mora particularly doecribed as village
.hots munbors Seven ontl Eight, linox's Sur-
vey,of the Whip of \Yahoo, es laid clown on
u plan drawn by O. McPhillips, 1'- L. S„ and
roglatooed in tiro Registry o91oo for the County
of Huron, on also village, Luta numbers eight -
00n, nineteen and twouty, in the aforosnid
Village of Welton, and Whig a part of lot nol o-
bor duo in the oiphteetth o0ooa13e1ou of (iroy,
in the County of Huron, will be pmemrtod to
the County Court of the County of Huron, or to 1
tho presiding Judge 000r0of, at his c0Ombero
in the Court House, in the Town of Goderieh,
on Saturday, the Ti, enty.fifth tiny of April,
1885, nt 'Cativo O'clock. noon.
And you, and Doth nod every of you, aro
hereby resuirell to a1ppenr at tiro said limo
and place and state what claims, if any, you
novo to Oho lands anti promises above descrtb-
od and in defeat] t of your so apparatus the
said matter will be procaodoci With in your al).
Dated Elan 1000 day or March, A.D. 1658.
se 01n. Plaintiffs' Solicitor.
t / --NEXT TO-
Tho eubsorlbar 10 popeyed to do all kinds
of Painting, ouch go
HOUSE, f4JUN, CAR1tIA(11'1,
C;rr•itfititltw at 843)00(01(011 y.
Spring blue will 11, 1) bo at hand se leavo
your Orders Early, Work douo in the
most satisfactory manner and satisfaction
gaarall°ed. I will bo found at my old
shop north of the bridge.
Wm. Roddick.