The Brussels Post, 1885-4-3, Page 5Arnie. 8, 1886, TEE BTt.USSELS POST 5 R. emit THE CH AP Y G Dames' Has Opened Out a General Store, in 5 Real MAN, 4a,braaky Formerly Occupied by W. C. STEVENSON. Over $3,000.00 Worth of New Goods Eouu,ght at GO Cents on the Dollar, will be Sold at prices that will Satisfy and make Glad the hearts of the Buyers. This is the day of Cheap Goods in Cranbrook. COME ONE AND ALL, SHADE IN THE GALA.T BENEFIT. A Choice Stock of General Dry Goods, R eady-Made Clothing, Grocer- ies, Glassware, Crockery, Boots & Shoes, &c., &o. BRING ON YOUR BUTTER AND EGGS.'. F.a.CTe 8z FIGiJRaES. 20 yds. Gray Cotton for 81.00. 20 yds. White Cotton. for $1.00. 20 yds. of Print for $1.00. Prints at 10 Cents cannot be bought in any other Store less than 12 1-2, as the wholesale price is 10 1-2 cents. Dress Goods at 12 1-2 cents, regular price 20 cents. 20 Lbs. of Bright Sugar for $1.00. 25 Bars of Soap for $1,00. 25 Lbs. of Rice for $1.00. All Patent Medicines at about Half Price. B, --A, R. Smith takes this opportunity of Inviting all the Ladies of Ethel, Cranbrook and country around to Come and Inspect the New, Cheap and Stylish Millinery in his Brussels Store. Canadian ]No'vi. A Lobo farmer recently cut eight cords of wood from one tree on his farm. The tree was 86 feet long. The information has been elicited that the level parts of the Canadian Pacific railway aggregate 841 miles, and that the average of Grades is 20 feet to tho mile. Tho French woman from Canada who was arrested at Detroit on Sat- urday with smuggled stockings eon. coaled about her person has pleaded guilty, and was sentenced to pay a fine of $76 and $87,26 costs. The money was promptly produced by the prisoner and the fine paid. She gave the name of Jane Ootio, but is known that it is fictitious. Tho Customs authorities say that her husband owns three large farms near Windsor, and is worth at least $60,000. ,About ono year ago a cancerous growth began to appear on the tip of the tongue of Henry Van Allan, of Windsor. The tumor developed slowly. gran Allan refused to have an operation performed until recent, ly, when it was evident that the can- cer was spreading to tbo throt. On Monday he wont to Harper's hospital, Detroit, where D. Iviaclean, assisted, by Dr. Gaiter, the hospital surgeon, removed the tongue, severing it olose to the root. Tho doctors aro hope• ful of his ultimate recovery. Van Allan le 49 years old. Ho thinks tbo cancer was mod by a broken tooth irritating the tongue and by habitual emokit:g. Thomas Ouellette has received $20 from the corporation of Windsor as remuneration for an injury received through a defective sidewalk. Thirty seven pupils from Middle- sex were admitted into the Institut- ion for the Blind at Belleville last year. About eighteen months ago con- siderable interest was arroused by the birth of quadruplets at the bongo of Mr. Stockwell, of London, all of whom died, On Wednesday after- noon of last week lir. Stockwell reg- istered at the office of the London pity clerk the birth of twin children -- C son and daughter. Love has again triumphed over all difficulties in the case of a young couple from Rodney, who were un- ited in marriage in London on Wed- nesday. It appears that some time ago a young man named Stewart Patterson, doing business in Rodney, became acquainted with Ella Lusty, a pretty maiden of the village, and their friendship ripened into affection. The girl's father opposed the intimacy, but the couple became engaged. The father ordered the match broken off, but this the young man refused to do. Finally, a few days since the young lady left home on an ostent ible visit to Newbury, and ou Tuesday the young man started on business to i t. Thomas, hot changed his mind, went to Newbury and came to London with his affianced. He procured the re- quisite license, and they were married on Wednesday by Rev. D. G. Suther- land. s it The Provincial Parliament prorog- ued last Monday. Young Bose, the Ingersoll law student, who succoesfully followed the teachings of his principal, Macdonald, the defaulting lawyer of that place, by making use of other people's sig. natures for the purpose of illegally obtaining money, was convicted at the Woodstock assizes on '.L'hureday of forgery and sentenced to seven years in the penitentiary. Whilst a game of foot -ball was in progress on Saturday last between Ilderton school, of London township, and Odell's, of Westminster, A. T. Hobbs, teacher and captain of Odell's school, came in contact with Mr. Ed- wards, teacher and captain of Ilder- ton school, with such force as to knock both down, Mr. Hobbs falling over his opponent, dislocating his arm at the shoulder joint. The boat race between Hanlan and Beach was rowed over the champion's course on the Paramatta river, in the presence of an enormous attendance. The weather was favorable, the water smooth, and both oarsmen in excel- lent condition. Hanlan and Beach after the start kept well together for some distance, and the race was olose and exciting. The entailers approach- ed the winning post almost bow to bow, and the excitement among the spectators was groat. When pulling with all their strength for the win- ning post, Beach overhauled Hanlon, and increased his advantage until the very finish, amid the wildest excite• inset, winning the race by six lengths, At the Woodstock assizes C. Dan- iels, for forging a promissory note, was found guilty and sentenced to 18 mouths' imprisonment in the Central Prison. Tho two teen recently arrested in Quebec on suspicion of being dynam iters have been released, there being no evidence to implicate them. They threaten actions for false arrest nod imprisonment. A petition to the Dominion Gov- ernment is being eirctilatod in Sand- wich and Windsor, asking the Fed- eral authorities to aid the Canadian Pacific Railway Company iu build- ing a branch lino from Ingersoll to London and westward to Dotroitr riv- or. James McLean, a lineman in the employ of the Electric Light Co. while repairing a break in a wire on King street, Toronto, received almost the full strength of the current in his body, twisting him up like a eorksorew. Flis hands were badly burned, and he was taken home. Had the full strength been ou he would have been instantly killed. 11IcLean thought the current was off. The debate at the Nova Scotia Leg- islature on Mr. Fraser's resolution for repeal of tbo Union was concluded on Saturday. The amendment mov- ed by tbo Premier, Hon. Mr, Field- ing, declaring that in default of bet- ter terms being granted by the Dom- inion Parliament this session, the House would consider the advisability of severing ootinection with Canaada, was carried by a vote of twenty to 1171rt0511. FLAX! Flax! FLAX ! Fen THE YEAR 1885' J. te J. Livingston have for the fanners in the vicinity of Jsrinov I; who iuben,i raising Flax during the eolning,eas-n,l,0'111 liush- els of the tient imported HOLLAND 051 DUTCII SEED, R'hiolt they are prepared to deliver at their Mill in Brussels eo farmers iu quantities to suit. Toeueure It Good Crop, the Best Seed is absolutely required. Orderly Early, For Flax grown from the above seed 912 per ton will be paid, if of good growtb, and harvested in Proper season, I, & J. LIVINGSTON, A. Webster, Manager, 37 AUDITORS' REPORT. Abstract of Receipts and Expenditure of the Miudctpality of :Morris. RECEIPTS. Balance at last audit, .. 9 1007 83 Interest on mortgage No. 3,498. 70 00 Thos. Kelly, Trea. of Brussels, instalment and interest due Morrie, for 1883, 1519 50 Geo, Forsyth, Reeve, for gravel, 0 (52 Bank of Hamilton, Wingham, . , 1000 00 Interest on one thousand dollars from Bank of Hamilton, 52 40 A. M. Ross, Prov, Treas., Land Improvemeut Fund, 110 915 Bank of Hamilton, Wingham, .. '2000 00 Interest on two thousand dollars from Bank of Hamilton, , , 1 1(5 82 Bank of Hamilton, Wingham, .. 1000 00 Interest on one thousand dollars from Bank of Hamilton, at Wingham, .. 18 85 J. R. Miler, license fund, 3 36 Lucas Tanner & Co., interest on railway up to June 30, 1884, J. R. Miller, license fund, .. 55 62 Peter Adamson, award for dam- ages at Bluevale, 30 25 W. J. R. Holmes, Co. Treasurer, Boundary lino grant for 1884, 167 96 A. M. Ross, Municipal fund, 20 40 David Vanalstine, Collector, .. 11187 78 Non•collected taxes, .. 91 84 26 60 $17111 25 EXPENDITURE. Charity • 178 Roads nd bridges ..$1706 61.2 Printing, .. 61 70 Corporation of Huron, county rate and arrears of taxes, . 3662 10 Bank of Hamilton, Wingham, de- posit loan fund, 151 00 On mortgagee Nos. 8,408, 3,778 & .. 2651 15 .. 92 75 . 678 60 .. 1352 50 .. 242 34 30 62 .. 3886 74 .. 141 33 .. 91 84 2195 06 917111 25 E the undersigned auditors of the township of Morris certify that e have examine wthe Treasurer's accounts for the past year and the Vouchers belong- ing thereto and find the same correct, W. H. CLOAKEY, I Auditors, M. M. CARDIFF, i Morris, April 1st, 1885. 3;1 South boundary, Officers salaries, Railway interest, Drainage, .Remission of taxes, Schools, Incidentals, Non•oollected taxes, Balance on band, AUCTION SALE OF A FARM, FARM STOCK, LUM- BER, VILLAGE LOTS, C IMPLEMENTS. Capt. Stretton, auctioneer, has received instructions from the undersigned to sell by Public Auction, on Wednesday, April Sth, 1585, AT 1 O'CLOCK, AT THE Royal Hotel, Wroxeter. The following property :-1 mare, 9 years old, 1 horse, 8 years old, 1 driving colt, 3 you'll old, 1 aged horse, 1 lumber wagon, 1 now top buggy, 2 pair bob -sleighs, 1 cutter, now, 1,500 feet of dry pine, clear, 16.000 feet of soft elm lumber, 13,000 feet of dry pine, good. A11 and singular those certain parcels or trade of land and premises situate, lying nod being in the village of Wroxeter, hr the township of Howiok, in the County of Huron, in the Province of Ontario, being composed of two sores, as laid out on Farm Lot Number twenty-eight in concessiou'A' of the said township of Howiok, and may bo deseribed as follows :--Bounded on the North by the lino between lots numbers twenty-seven and twenty-eight, on the East by the west side of Carole street, on the South by Main street, and on the West by two acres owned by John Sanderson, Also the North parts of lots numbers fiftyeight, fifty-nine and sixty, in tbo first concession of the township of Turnberry, in tbo county of Huron aforesaid, continuing 110 acres, more or less, situated 2t miles from Wrox- eter, 5 miles from Gerrie, 7 miles from Brussels, on the gravel road. School with- in a few rods, 40 acres chopped ready for clearing, 20 nares swamp, good black nab and cedar, balance hardwood. Spring creek through the farm. Title perfect. Tunis,—ill suers at and ander 95 Cask over that amount 0 months credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes, Lumber 3 months ; 10 per cent, per annum off for cash on all credit amounts. POP farm 10 per cent. down and balance in 30 days. Capt, Stretton, Robert Durniou, Auctioneer. Proprietor, Wroxoter, Mmoh 27th, 1896,