The Brussels Post, 1885-4-3, Page 3ale APRIL 8, 1880. THE BRUSSELS PQBT 'Poetry, A WOItW OF ADVICE TO THE SONS OP T1IOSl. EARLY PIONEERS, Young noble 0011e of noble sires, just 000 short word lo you ; But don't arise i11 irniie rage if I speak plain and 10111 ; With all life's mnuforts, wealth and 1au,ls, did you ovor think ray boy, Haw your old father toiled and sera Whoa for what you now oujoy Your stately bonito of brick or stone, shade trees to lteop it dark, Your father's first—a low log hut-00w0r0d with basswood bark ; Yon pleasant porno affords you hath, both eye and taste to 111100.01, But don't forgot the dear old man that bo't and cleared the farm. Past horses with your shilling rig, you drive 00 stylish smart ; Your father, just as good a lean, rodo in his old ox cart, And when ho tolls you how ha lived, or rode long years ago, Don't say they kept up fashions then, or old folks were too slow ; You now can look on well Bleared flohls you plough and sow with ease, Look back to your old father's time when they were clad with trees, Give him duo honor for his toil, 111(1(3101 ful- lest, truest toren ; "Ptvas he that ohopp0d and cleared for you that precious pleasant farm. You farm nllteh with machinery now, with art and skill combined, With all those helps at your command, atlll take a glance behind, To days when your o1111 father farmed, ho no such helps did know ; By hand ho sowed and threshed fila grain, by hand did reap and mow ; Don't laugh at his uItl fashioned work, though crooked he did plough, Tho stumps and stones aro all removed, you inay plough straighter now ; Don't call hint childish, when ho boasts of his once powerful arm, Think on the anffo'ing ho endured before ho cloarod the farm. Pont snap and snarl at the old man, if with you he remains, Remember what you now possess caused all his aches and pains ; (live him the hest place in your house, no comforts him duty, He surely had his share of trials in tho o1(1 days gone by ; As you behold his tottering steps, each clay your love renew. Yon cannot do ton 111001 for him that brav- ed so mucin for you. And while around his quivering knees your own young offspring swarm, Just tell to thorn, how their grandpa had cleared for you the farm. Look back, 0 think what ho endured since 110 chopped the first tree ; IIe born it all to gain a home, that hope ho gives to thee ; Food, cheer and comfort your old sire, and strive him to repay ; Bestow on hint a moll reward, before ho pass away ; And as his life blood ebbs away, hold rip his drooping head ; With gentle hand and loving heart, 0 suotho his dying bed, And when tho grave hides hint from view still koop his memory warm, And with it koop tiro old homestead, your father's (hear bought farm. WEST HURON 1. 0. O. T. LODGE. Tho quarterly mooting of \Vest Huron District Lodgo I. 0. G. T. was held in the Temperance hall, Auburn, on the 11th ult. The meeting was largely attended, every Lodgo in tho District being roprosented. Tho fol• lowing nl'o tho offices elected for the ensniun year:—District Chief Bro., R. Adams, Londosboro ; District Vice Sister, Mary Sturdy, Auburn ; Soo - Treasurer, Bro. Frank Metcalf, Blyth. +k+ After the ordinary routino of busman lead poen gong through, the Resolu- tion Committeo submitted the follow- ing resolutions which were duly ap. primal. I, Resolved that in view of the Canada Temperance Act coming into tricot on May 1st, each snbordin- atm Lodge in the District, shall, before May lot, notify oach hotel -keeper and 0111010 dealers in Liquor at present on - .gaged in the traffic or who may tato possession of places of public entertain- mentiu 111oi1'rospective neighborhood, that the Lodge has resolved itself in- to a committee of 1110 whole to seo that the said nob is duly observed and en- forced. II, Resolved tbttt each Church organization and all 'Temperance So- cieties bo requested to co-operate with us in enforcing the observance of the Scott Act. III, Resolved that each Lodge in the District pledge itself bo assist the Huron Scott Act Association in any way that 011ty bo required and if funds aro n11030(1 to furnish the sumo by Moans of public ontcl'tainmouts or by aired contribution. IV, Resolved that this District Lodge work in har- mony with the Dominion Alliance and othm' Temperance organizations. w�y, Besolvocl that thio Sec. correspond with thio Huron Scott Act Association, ask- ing their cooperation in holding a Temperance pie-11ic for the County a- bout Juno noxt, 'Tho See. was in. struotecl to send a report of the most ing to the local papers. Londosboro' wits selected as the next placo of meet- ing- Next mooting will bo held on May 2011E Merlin Council Meeting. The Council met pursuant to journmont at the Connell room, March 1(Ith. Members all prose the Itoovo in the chair, biinntes last 1000Ung read and passed. 111 ed by II. Mooney, seconded by (1, llowe, that the following aoeotluts paid :—D. harqullarsou, for gray $8,16 ; Michael Kelly, to pay bur expenses of Mrs. Crawley, an tad tint, „;22.80 ; Wm, Wray, to pay wont on western gravel road, $ —Carried, Moved by E. BOWL seconded by C. A. liowe, that t Reeve be iustruoted to iuspoot sic road between lots 25 11 20, eon. and report lis to what is necessary be dono,—Carried. Moved by W Wray, seconded by 11, Bosman, 11 the 'Treasurer be instructed to dopa It $1,200 in the Bank of hlamilto in 1Vinghlun, to the orodit of this co pore tion,—Curried. Moved by 0. Howe, seconded by W. Wray, til the Auditors' report be accepted correct.—Carried. Moved by Hen Mooney, seconded by Ed. Bosma that the Auditors' Abstract bo pu 1lsbed in the Bnuesior Posr,-0 ied. Moved by W. Wray, second by H. Ilioonoy, that any perti getting the privilege of taking sa off thopublio roads bo charged at t rate of 25 cents per load,—Carrie Moved by I1. Mooney, seconded E. Bostnau, that the following pe sons be appointed a 13oarcl of Heal for this township, tleeording to M.provisions of the statutes in tbat b half; -the 1tsnvo, Clerk, and W. Johnston, George Hood nud Tho(n, Lnldlaw.—Carried, The foliowiu officers were then appointed :--Pat masters—north boundary ---Charles Henderson, A. Henderson, John Mo. °reckon, D. Patton, George Curtis, N. Thornton and A. Miller ; lot eon. —S. lifoOurdy, Jas. Gray, J. A. Mc- Ewen, R. King. b. Ard, W. Pattiu son, John Ligbtlo, J. Sellers, George Peacock, J. King and Matthew Gib sou ; 2n1 eon.—J. Gaulby, J. Elston, F. Garnoss, John Holmes, D. Erring. ton, T. Carrie, W n..Forrest and Jno. Wilson ; 8rd con.—A. Nicholson, 1I. Brandon, T. Proctor, J. Maxwell, E, Oliver, T. Elnbury, H: Sellars and J. Ireland ; 4th eon. -J. Corbett, Goo. Nicholson, A. Proctor, J, Whoelor, 3. Aitken„ S, Barr and 3. Duncan 13olgrave—O. McLelland; 611 con.— 0, Lawrence, J. Cloakey, Goo. Arm strong. J. Mislcimming, P. Mellen S. Love, J. aammorvillo, W. Gamer. on, N. Platt, A. K. Robertson, jowl Mooney and F. 'Poll ; 6611 eon, --J. Ward, R. Young, W. Mtekie, T. Rua. sell, George H.auua, T. MoCutcheon and R. Nichol ; 711) con, -1I. Dwyro, (Immingham, Wallace, 11. mingham, R. Pratt, Wm McCall, J. Evans, D. 11cLeaa and F. Ashton ; Sth con.— Jamos SLIM,, H. ltiohmond, T. Laid - W. Marshall. S. Hodgins, J. Dick, 1V. Jackson, S. Fear, George Kelly and Geo. McCall ; 9th eon.— It `Taylor, J. Richmond, Isaac Brown, James Jackson, .T. Shortreed, P. Me - Carter and R, Higgins ; 10th con.— 4Vlu. Tiernan and L. McDonald.. Fsnoo•viewers—Div. No. 1. James Pollock, J. Richmond and James Gibson ; div. 2, J. Murray, George Jackson rind George Kelly ; div. 8, Jas. Sharp, Wm. 1lc0radcon and G. Hood ; div. 4, John Perdue. D. Ged- des and Wm. Isbistor ; div. 5, John Gardner, R. Johnston and J. Ireland, Pound-keepers—Div. Nu. 1, J.:Logan and S. '1'hnoll ; div, 2, Tames Murray and G. Jackson ; div. 8, Win. Watson and 3. Sharp ; div. 4, J, Geddes and R. Bloomfield ; div. 5, A. Ramsay and Quinton Anderson.. 'Tho Connell then adjourned to meet again on the 1st of June for Court of Revision and other business. War. Chan:, Clerk. ad. 011 ut, of 0V. A. be el, int for 2. an, 110 le. 6, to 111. 10,1 0- u, A. at as ry 11, b. itr- ed 08 ud he d. by r. 111 to 8- is , h• • Tho tongue of au omnibus never speaks except 1n a stage whisper. A Mrs. Kraydufl, of'Florence , In- diana, has elopod, deserting a tbrae- weoke'•old infant. Empty is the baby, Kraydull'a gouo.. A camel will cork seven or eight days without drinking. In this he differs from sono men, who drink seven or Dight bays without working. Lieutoualrt: "There is nothing ]tko presence of mind. Out, day in battle a soldier user me 11110 four of his teeth knocked in by a rifle ball, which would have surely passed through his spinal column and Itilled him, bad ho not, with rare presence of mind, quickly ewallowod the ball." "Another big failure," said Smith, as he opened his morning paper, "A big failure ?" queried his spouse. 1,Yes, A firm in Ecliand, who were engaged in the wholosato sugar trade, have failed for 81,000,000." "le it possible ?" exclaimed Mrs. Smith. "The recent reduction ill the price of sugar caused their failure ; didn't it ?" "I don't know," said Smith, "I guess the reason of their failure was becalm the weather was too cold for anyone to dig sand," FOR SALE. The undersigned will sell or oxclutng0 fur Farm Property PARK LOT 1, 131IUSSLLS, CONTAINING 80 MILES 03 1,.150 on which there is a Good Brick Da -oi- ling and Frmno Barn. For particu- lars apply to JOHN GREW, 46 BRUSSELS, ONT. —NEW STOCI4 02— Buffalo Bobo, dugs Horse Blanketsf Cx7 1'D I have moved to my now brick storo and am prepared to wait un all my old custom- e1•s and many now on OS. HARNESS HARNESS 1.1 Light and Heavy Harness made to order on short notice of the very best material and superior workmanship. I have in Stock HARNESS, WHIPS, CURRY c01f1335, BRUSHES FI,'iI NETS, DUSTERS, ETC. A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT 0111 TRUNKS, VATtISE13, SATCHELS, ETC., ETO. H. DENNIS. MONEY TO LOAN. Money to loan on farm property at LOWEST RATES. PRIVATE ANC COMPANY FUNDS W. B. DICKSON, Solicitor, Brussels, Ont. INTERESTING TO EVE3IHUY. Stoves, Furniture &c. Tho Sterling Cook Stove just the thing for farmers use. Has a large oven, tapes 27 iuoh wood and weighs over 400 lbs, The Marquis, one of the moat oonven. tent and handsome town Cook Stoves ever offered to the public, also in stock. CAW, Atm e1t1] TUE "DAVIS" SEWING MACHINE. Itis Simple and Durable and does a larger range of work than any other machine in the market. A pULL SUPPLY 01' FURA?ITURR, —CONSISTING 08'•— OIIAIRS, BUREAUS, BEDSTEADS, LOUNGES, MATTRASSES, &C, OBNI$RALLY ON nA1D. Next door to 11 Drowo'ss hardware store, •■ M %. Yi`Wokson. 3 NATIONAL ROLL MILLS. Varistone Sens, Proprietors. We have luiinit pleasure i11 announcing t(1 the puldie that our New Roller Mill Ill in Complete. Itutliting Ur,h'r 111101 iv giving the Best Satis- faction. SHORTS, MEAL, BRAN & CHOP CONSTANTLY ON HAND. We also Make the' following Brands of Flour : Patent, Jersey Lily, Canadian's Pride and Snow Storm. Gristing Attended to with Promptness. ALL KINDS O1' LUMBER CUT TO ORDER, C A R II I AGE WORKS ! JAM }l S BUYERS OF— BUGGIES, CARRIAGES, DEMOCRATS, WAGONS, - EXPRESS WAGONS, &c., &c., all made of the l3ost Material and finished in a workman -like ma111101'. Repairing and Painting Promptly Attended to. Parties intending to buy should call before purchasing. Iinietni3NCrs.—Musden Smith, 13. Laing, James Cutt and William McKelvey, Grey township ; Wnl. Cameron, Wm. Little, Geo. Brewar, and David Breckenridge, Morris towushilr ; 'Thos. Town and William I3lashill, Brussels ; Puv. E. A. bear, Iiirkton, and T. Wright, Turn - berry township. • REMEMBER THE .STAND—SOUTH OF BRIDGE. JAS. 13U-Y-L;Rv_ Tho undersigned having completed the (flange from the stone to the Celebrated Ilunlgarian System of Grinding, Las now the Mill in First -Class Running Order, and will bo glad to soc all his Ohl Customers and a0 many new ones as possible. Chopping clone. Flour ai ,1l. Feed Always on Iasis. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR ANY QUANTITY OF GOOD WHEAT. W M• MILNE_ EW DEPARTU Commonestggy tfollowing editions or TaDAILY4Lons wl.fp subscribers throughout Canada, the United States and Great Britain DAILY Swint—Morning Edition 3 mos. 81.75 6 mos. $3.50 12 mos, $7.00 DAILY OLOUE-15$ e'olook „ .. a 1.00 �, 2.00 �� 4.00 DAfLY °LOBE— 3 0 u„ DAILY GLoma—Saturday Morning Edltlon ” 1355 a 2,00 u 1;20,5 THE WEEKLY GLOBE SPECIAL TRIAL TRIP—TWO MONTHS ON"Z.=' 15 C TTS We want to increase our pr1110nt largo list of subscribers by ten thousand within the next 30 days, and for this purposo snake the above liberal and unprecedented offer. In addition to the above liberal offer we ruake the followings ANYON0 8ENn1N0 U0 75 coots and 5 subsoribors will'reoolvo an extra oopy for two months free. 1.50 and 10 subsoribors will r000ivo anextracopy for Ave months free, 25 and 15 subsorlbors will r000lve a copy of Blogr_ppby of tho late George Brown. .00 and 20 subs0ribor0 will receive a copy of Tan ` nattLY GLonn for ono year free, 1.50 and 30 subscribers will rocolvo a Dopy of Saturday's DAILY GLOBE one year free. 7.50 and 50 subs001110s will receive a copyof¶t DAILY GLons four months free. Subscribande nosubscribers ure reports or both Tan r11Wur tat for only 15 cantos. '- THE GLOBEbrie apeoial arraugomonts by which it possesses the solo rggight in Can fiction, such as \Vilklo comas, miss ltrntl+l n, Justin McCarthy. 11881 Oar)aon, Sarah I)ouclloy, �Yillinrn Black, Mrs. Oliphant, 1lugh Cnwny, and oters. h story of enthralling interest, entitled `YYLLA7 D's 'wanes, by MissIlraddon, is LOW rtaningg in Tan DAILY and WEIDELY GLOBE, and will bo continued tL i oomplotod. It will be 000000dod by a story from the powerful tion of JUSTIN MCCARRTHY, and atter tho last named story is completed novo will follow ono from 08. L. litARJEON, 1110 fatuous 110vo1101. editions of DAILY Land inuTfl continual 0 inion ono orron aroan0ditio0nl 1 in by nnutllorso of w0r1d-wide roputo. In this manner readers got five or siX oomplot0 novols touch year, AS AN A1IrIC111,T110,AL NRwsr..APIBR THE IlLitlI11/ (7,01830 AS UNs1!Itl'ASSIIU. SPURGEON'S SERMOr1 tuevleed by Spurgeon'8 own hand), given evory wool, h1 Saturday's - tvEE1rLY 20013, tinder opoolal and 0x0lusi10 arrangement fr Thio Bev. O. Sl. Spurgeon 10, beyond question, tea Most tvid tad is always racy, pmol cal and instructive Address, THE GLOBE