The Brussels Post, 1885-4-3, Page 22 THOSE STOLEN BALLOT BOXES 08810 they wore token (rum the (333410rleit Court Howie. The ultcr003 fr the f,,11ot hex rob. bery of best November, which bed gradually (lied away alter 1110 failure of the first 1vedtigac31 11 was dl1i14 (11y revived by the erreet of :hews Bailey, proprietor of the Union hotel, awl John Curry, of the firm of Cul ry Bros„ on inforulntinu bud by govern meet detective Joseph Rogers, who has had the case in enlarge from the beginning. The intermit tion inelnelee "other persons to this deponent un- knowu," the Charge being, thtet they feloniously broke into the (hurt Hoose and stole therefrom five bullet boxes, c0ntaiumg alargo number 0f ballot papers the property of 1 Ger 'Majesty," etc. The delay e1 the ea=u heretofore has been owing to the eon• Untied abeeuce of John McPherson, jr,, who seems to have been tho tool of the originators of the theft Ho left for Ohmage the Tuesday after the stealing, and returned only on \Ved- nesday the 18th ult. TM exurnina iron of Bailey end Curry wail begun before Mayor Horton, at 10 o'clock on Saturday. J. T. Garrow appear- ing for the prosecntioe, and 13. Cam - prep t.e•'he defence. We give below alm001 1 oerbatinc report of the evi- dence taken. Tho court continued until 0.80 p.m. nu Saturday, wheel au adjournmeut \vas had until 10 11.111, on Tuesday. The atteudauce of epee - Gators at the exatnivation w•as very large. John McPherson, jr., sworn I live in Goderich, am it tailor by trade know James Bailie and John Curry, the parties charged ; du not recollect the day of the week or the month when the vote ou the Scott Act was taken ; remember the fact from being lmplloated in this business ; I was implicated on the Sunday Dight oc Monday morning after the voting ; I broke into the Court House and took out three ballot boxes ; I was offered money by Jas. Bailie and John Curry, to steal the ballot boxes ; on the Fri- day night or Saturday night previous I was offered the money ; it was first spoken of in Bailie's sitting room iu the presence of several: Andrew Moore, a brakeman on the railway, ens present ; also a man named Wells, who lives in Saltford ; Mr. Bailie lvaa also present; Wells, Moore, Bailey and myself were alt talking about stealing the ballot boxes ; can- not say who started the conversation; was not sober myself, cannot say for the others ; had been drinking with them ; Bailin wad either ; this wua on the Friday eight ; it was then ar- ranged between Bailie and myself that I was to steal the boxes that night ; be said he would give me $10, and we 0(301(1 salsa sumo more ; the two of nr' ouly were present et this Lima ; I strayed away and forgot all about it that night, became more in- tuxicated ; on Saturday night mot John Curry oppoeite Craig's hotel ; ho Raid Ile would give me $200 from money he could raise 1111 town, and he would Igo down the line and raise some more ; during the day I had been in Curry's liquor store and talk- ed with Jebel ebout steeling the box- es : no arrangement was then made that 1000 recollect ; at the oouverca- tion with Curry on the evening of Saturday I agreed to eteal the boxes, he to pay ane as stated before ; ret a later conversation it was agreed lou boxes should be taken to Bailie's he - teal ; Bailie and I made this arrange- ment ; Bailie was aware of the ar- rangement I had made with Curry; I iold him of it ;1 told Bailie I ,would tale the boxes t0 his house, he replied "a11 right ;" this conversation took place in Bailie's own house, no one present but ourselves ; I stole the boxes between Saturday night and Sunday morning ; Bathe (;ave nee a screw driver and a hatchet to get in- to the Court house with; the screw driver now produced is very much like the one I had ; I lost the ecrew driver, the hatchet I brought back to Bailie's ; It was after 8 o'clock on Sunday morning when I got the box- es ; I am 10 error in saying Saturday night and Sunday morning, should be Sunday night and Monday morning ; I broke into the court house by shov- ing in the window, and got through it ; tried the door and found it locked; had no one there to assist me ; took the boxes to Bailie's and lifted the window of the sitting room and put the boxes in there ; saw no one at that time ; got into the window my- self and then went and woke Baihe tip, ho being in bed ; did this to put the boxes in his charge; we then put the boxes in a back room; after this James Farquharson came in, about four o'clock, he was a boarder in the house, and said lie camp down for a drink ; Bailie took Farullarsou into the back room and showed flim the 3- ballot boxes ; our 0l' the hove was tiptoe a wood the odium of literal ; 11)331110 oiled satisfied with what I lint( liuue ; at 11.18 31010 dtd not pay 303 ,uaytbiug. 13aihu'a bar -tender ewc,l Imo $7 ; 1;eilte gave dna $10, being $i3 for what the bartender owed ulc ; this wee all 1 received from him; Corey died not pay me anythiug ; I (111 not eve Carry after waling the b ii es ; 1 had arranged to meet Curry Urea. on Monday ereniug ; I wont to their house but saw no one; nu :Cues. day morning 1 left for Chicago, fear- ing they would catch ino, and have been out of 311m country since until last \Ve(luesdav ; 1 wrote to Bailie once from Chicago, reeking 11101 to Rind me souse luouey ; received an nuswer which 1 think 1 eau produce. At the conversation with John Curry ou Saturday evening when he offered tee the me aiy, Wm. Craig was stainling pretty near ; Could not say whether he heard us or not. Mr. Bailie gave ole liquor that I did not Duty for, niter I came in with tho box - ca ; 110 Cue advieed mo to go to (1hi- cego, my reason for going was I was afraid they would not stay by mo ; I judged the boxes wore in that room. tried 0110 more tooul before 1 triad that one ; I thought the boxes were in a room on the east side of the court house ; I got into rho Master -in - Chancery's office, but found the boxes were not there ; first time I heard about the ballot boxes was on the Feeley night immediately after the election ; I was not anxioid to steal the boxes ; I was drank ; was nut in a etato to remember all I aid that night ; I was im Oraig's and Bailie's hotels that night ; swear I was not iu the British ; Baulie and Neild were the first to speak about stealing the boxes, in Bailie's hotel but don't re- member the time of night ; I was drunk ; I did not exactly agree that Friday night, there wad not much of au offer that night ; I do not remem- ber much what they said to due or what I said to them ; they proposed the stealiug ; they spoke among them- selves as to what an act it would be to steal the boxes ; Bailie asked me to steel thein ; I said I would, I was ready to steal that eight ; Wells sail he would bo willing to pay some money ; on Saturday .norning I got drunk again ; remembered in the morning the eouversatiou of the pre- vious evening, but had no intention of stealing the boxes ; next caw Bail- ie on Saturday night, was drunk then was in the habit of going down to Badie'e ; had no iutentiou of making a bargain to do the stealing ; do not remember in what room I caw Bailin, nor the time of eight ; don't know if any person was with Bailin ; I swear I did not say to Bailie, "I am willing to do what I agreed to last night, out up your money ;" Bailie did not say to nee that he thought I was fooling \ellen this matter woe spoken of the the night before ; he agreed to pay me $10 to steal the boxes that night; 1 was to have no assistance : I how remember it was in the front sitting room off the bar ; can't say the time but there teas lamp light ; lir. Bailie first spoke to me ; lie said he would give mo the money if I would (lo the job ; I remember no conversation ex- cept that regarding too ballot boxes, I remember this distinctly; aaunot account for my recollecting this con- versation and no other ; 1 told Bailie in reply, "all right ;" we talked fur- tbor about it but do not reoollect what 10119 said ; the bargain was then completed ; saw join.) Curry ;00 Sat- urday during Ude day, in his liquor store, 30118 drunk then, David Curry was present, told Curry that Bailin bad completed hie offer ; had not reason to go anti see Curry ; what I told him that day must have been what occurred the night previous ; Johu Curry then offered me $100, and it may be $200 or $500, it did not occur to me that Curry was jok- ing ; can't say where I want that night ; don't know whether I was in bed or not ; I was drunk again on Sunday ; when not talking to them I lost the idea of stealing the boxes ; I was at Bailie's on Sunday, don't know whether I was drunk or sober ; caw John Curry on Sunday evening before going to steal the boxes, he began the conversation, Wm. Craig was present ; there may have been a number of persons !]resent ; I after- wards went to Bailie, and ho gave Ina the screw driver and batohet on't reoollect how 1 got up to the window ; I shoved the glass through with my shoulder ; had no ladder ; I went into the room and took out three oxes, dropping them out of the ow ; I came out by the window ; 'hon I took the boxes to Bailie he id not tell me to get out of this house evith them ; on Monday 1 came to ailio and asked him for my money, nd he said be would pay me at night; told him I wanted what he was go- ng to give me, as well as $7 clue me y the bartender ; Bailie called the ',I'FIE BRUSSELS POST bartender out and welted slim about it, and the bertoudor wits willing he should pay 1110 the $7 ; 13ailio then paid me $10 ; se Curry 011 Monday and 1(0 promised to meet toe that evening ; Curry said he would get the money for mo ; I told 111111 I iuten(led to start out in the morning ; I 3.338 afraid it wothl leak out; went clown that eight to Curry's house but did not see (him ; I did not ask \Vin. Mitchell for any money ear tell him I was in trouble with a girl ; told llitclhel what I had done, aid not tell hila I had received $85 for doing it ; wont to Chicago, and wrote to 13eilio; told him I would give hie( away un- less ho sent mere money ; it is not ou this menet that 1 gave him away ; saw 13n11ey ; Bailey did not say iu ca0not say from whom I next heard; my presence that he was dissatisfied had several letters from Bailie and with McPherson bringing the boxes they all mentlon04 it ; wad not asked by any ono before I left Chicago to give this evidence ; if I had been properly paid aaunot say whether I would have given this evidence or not ; feel I was treated meth in this .Arun, 8, 1885, (1i(1 not go the 1(3813111 have to go ; 00- Tei ONdY TO LOAN. Whig was said at that time abulic lit rriivvntob'unds• Aj,j„rnt re vow eul,11e1,• motley ; shortly after that 18aiel I 1) lion., 1114 would go, rather them (43)33' dual 1488 him get Into a fix lllruogh anything f111-10te B'LET OHER I knew ; Bailoy lent me $15 I lveut ' to Ch1011go ; I hewn never relaid the money ; 111300 not been aakeet for it ; erne Oval Watelllualee• duet J0100101. at the tame 1 got the money lune -- Bailey, I told him I would pay lhicu t;eUtff050hee,ellver0'lsdedWare, back its soon as I was Chic, 811080 O5'otchoa. (Toed,), Cruse examined :-1 think I leave Uo1,1 ((intra, v1u1nnn, Ela. told all 1 kuuw ,(bout the (muter ; 1 _ had no con114otiou tvitli getting 111) 1 keel; toll (lits of goods Usually hmn hap( 111 t110 job to eteal the boxes ; the first I ere(-alasoJowolry ',tore, ('all fold exe nino,nw 1(0(1(0 11110 that morning w11011 1 0131110 (0011610 to snore 0 coda. down and sal' tho boxes ; 1loPher. -__. .. son wee not with Hailey when I first ,.....or of mars•So.go ysaon.oac. Agentfor ()coon 1r10 (sts.Amc ricnn 111xprss there, al11(11(0 told me afterwards Hutt O90/113 a net (front North western tologrnrh he had 00 knowledge of them coming there ; could not say (whether lio- I'horsou was (Iruuk or not ; Bailey OUR OUSTONI• in my peeaen00 did not find fault with McPherson for taking the box - matter ; detectives in Chicago told es ; I had been drinking on Sunday, my boos C would get something if I but I was sober thou ; I was not pay - gave it away ; do eat expect anything lag any partitalar utteution to what and had no conversation with detect- was going on. I have borrowod (roue item in Chicago nor promhsos here ; Bailey before, and in tins (setae ; I was not aware before I loft Chicago just asked him for $15, and Ile gave that anybody was in communication it to nee ; I told him I was a little with the government. short of money and wanted $15, BailioualledFargahnreou back and John Reid, sworn : —Ho waft care- 1 WING H Uf1 stud the ballot boxes were in the room Ial(eh' of Gembered 311otte8rielScotl cot Aurt House ; 138 ro- an(1 Farquharson said he did not want mct election, and to bare anything to go Pith them ; the returning officer placing the bol- Till 1 get the 13russels mill in opera - the ballot boxes were afterwards put tion and 10111 301(0 in Wool hero iu under Bailie's barn ; 11(1 and I put them there ; Fargnharsou did not help ; he got his drink and left. '►RS. I wish to informal( 111181 1 111110 101130(1 the WOOLEN 6 ',&LTL lot boxes in the coo t house ; atter the boxes 1voro plated there, wituoss locked the door, and gave the key to Mr. Musgrove ; examined the wind- 01vs, alert fastened them. On lfoudny morning iu going jute the yard, ob- served the window broken ; this was between] 81x and seven o'clock ; the window glass was ab00t 14 inches by 10 or 18 inches ; the glass was brok- en but the ragged edges were Left; when I saw the manner 111 which the glass was scattered in the yard, I thought WO had locl(ecl a dog in the room, and it bad jumped out ; I ex- amined the window, and saw where the marks of a chisel were made, or some dull instrument ; about nine o'clock lllr. Musgrove came and went into the room, and I followed him ; I did not count the ballot boxes. At this point his worship announc- ed that the eveden08 against John Curry was entirely unsupported, and he would therefore discharge him. The examination of Bailey was ad- journed until Tuesday, bail being ec- oeptod for Bailey, with Henry Mar- tin and James McLean 339 securities. On 'Tuesday rho examivatiun wits re- sumed a8 follows. A. H. Musgrove, the returning of- ficer in the election was sworn, and testified to 3118 fact that he had col - looted the boxes by ]himself and dep- uty, and placed them in at room in Bhngham's block, after which they had been removed to the Court House, after which he eonntecl them, and locking the door took the key with him. Ido was not inside the Court house frotu Saturday night until Monday morning. IIo did not sloop in the room watt the boxes, nor had Ile any ego111 sleeping there. Ile could not say whether the window 10118 broken from the inside or out- side, bnt at first thought ite was brok- en from the Meido. 'Three boxes tvero stolen, two of motel and ono of wood. The prisoner was asked if he heti anything to say for lemself, but do• alined either by bimsolf or counsel to make any stetemeee. His worship said ho would have to commit him for trial at the first court of competent jurisdiction, Bail was accepted the same as on Saturday, except Chet Thou, McLean took the plane of Jas. eicLeau, Win. Craig, sworn :—Live in Gud- orich, and keep a hotel ; I remember the voting ou the Scott Act ; I recol- lect that on the Sunday evening fol- lowing the Scott Act election, there was a conversation between John Currie and the last witness, on the sidewalk near my premises. The conversation was a general one ; there was nothing private about it; we were talking about what might be done, in the way of taking those bal- lot boxes. I looked upon the oonver-. cation as a joke. I did hear It men- tioned that probably t( 801110f money could be got for suolh a purpose. I think it was said that there would be no .trouble to raise $100 for the pur- pose ; any person who knew McPher- son could see lie had been (drinking ; he was not roeitng, but conic' take care of himself. James Farquharson, Iworn :—Live in Goderioh ; I am a harness maker ; I remember the Scott Act voting last October. I was boarding at Bailey's; I .(now John McPherson the witness here to -day ; 191(10 him in Bailey's hotel after the Scott Act voting ; I saw him very early one morning after the vote was taken ; it Wee 0n Mon- day morning, about throe or four o'• clock ; I saw him in lir. Bailey's company, rn the liquor room behind the bar ;I cannot say what they were doing there ; it is not n usual place for parties to be at that time of the morning ; I wee surprised to see them there ; I came down stairs with the intention of going to the pump to get n drink; when I got to the foot of the stairs, I hoard some whispering in the clirealion of the bar or liquor room ; I could not unrleratand who could bo in tho hoose at that time of the morning ; I listened, and present- ly Mr. Bailey camp out into the hall ; I nskod him what ho was doing up at that time of tiro night ; I don't re- member his answer, but he asked me to come in and have a drink ; .L wont into the bar and had a drink ; I said let us have another one, we lied too drink, and I started to go beak to bed, and 1038 as far as the .sitting - room, when Bailey called me beck, and I followed him into the liquor room ; he said to me that he had some boxes there, and wanted me to help llim get rid of them ; I said no ; 1 saw a box ; my impression is there was more than one ; I never uutil that time had seen what was termed a ballot box ; I have eeen toelay the ballot boxes iu the town hall : the boxes seemed to be eighteen indent high, and eight or ten inches wide it eves rather clerk then ; there was 0 light of some kind, either a lamp or a lantern ; the box had some resembl- ance to the box now shown to mo, (one of the town boxes) ; I noticed what I thought was a big red seal on the box ; 1 noticed that particularly nothing was said in my presence as to whore the boxes came from ; Mo• Pherson wits present in the liquor room ; I told Bailey I would have nothing to do with the boxes ; I had soon enough ; I asked Ilan no eines- tions, but suepectod that they were ballot boxes, and refused. to have anything to do with them ; 1 wont a- way shortly afterwards ; I event away on aecolrnt of this matter, 110 I dad not went to let it out on other part- ies ; i3ailoy said he had a wife and family, and I had none, and that if I VAI1IETU(g. A. man in Georgia boasts that ho has throe mothers-in-law living. Stripes us the thing for him to boast of is that he is living. The girl who hangs on the gate with her sweetheart says she hopes gas will not got to 110 cheaper than moonlight. "There are good and bad points sheat this coffee," said a boarder in a judicial tono. "The good point 15 that there le no ohiokory in It ; the bred, that there is nn Coffee in IL" A Vermont farmer reports that he made a plot of $248 from six loons the past seasons. He sold them in the spring and oonsequently had to plant his garden only once. Tom (Matthews, a famous clown, 1s living at Brighton, ]England, eighty old, hale and hearty, The jokes 130 used to get off are also halo and hearty, and much older than eighty years. Love is 'omen's kingdom, but whether she mounts the throne with a rolling -pin or broomstick for a sceptre mattes all rho difference in the lvorld. Trade as usual, I intend to (alto fn All Hinds of lltiuufncturiog Ilcre, at the Old 1Vot,lee Mill Steed, such as Roll Carding, Spinning, Weaving, Fulling, do, sinal Guarantee to Give Good Satisfactions. —ALL KINDS OF— Knitted Goods Made To Order, —SIUCH nh— Jackets Scarf's, Stockings, &c. I have a largo stock of goods on hand., such its Bed Blankets, Horse Blankets, Sheetings, Union Flannels, All JTVool Flannels, Tojl Shirts, of various kinds, Under Skirts and Drawers, an Excellent Lot of A11 Wool Tweeds both Fine and Coarse. GIVE lir A CALL, 341•'.30»81? SELLING Y0t:1t 3000L liL8I:w11-L1iL„ f IAIONFaY TO LEND. Any amount of (honey to Loan on Farm or Village property at '0 & 0 PER CENT. 'YEARLY. Straight Loans with privilege of re- paying when required. Apply to A. HUNTER, Div. Court Clerk, 13russel8. WHAT TIIE LADIES' SAY I We all held n meetin' and argued it warm And voted far keopin' tho pence on the term, And so'tavas oonoluded, and settled up clean That the wiamnin should leave a new sewin' machine. :that night we concluded, the wimmin and me, To go rho next day on a piranha, spree, We'd heard our friends tell of a first-elese machine That boat all the other 00118nrna, sliek and clean, We went into town, and it didn't take long To find the matinee that'll /lover go wrong, The wimmin declare that they never hey soon Sfelh a light rtlnafn' smooth workln' salvia' maohino ; 16 must bo the best, ter 1 hoar we a111 say That "Tae lttruonn" is the machine of the (ay, —CALL Ol1— GMO. 2.1OV, 011(0)85035, OA T4