The Brussels Post, 1885-1-16, Page 88
JANUARY 10, 1885,
you \VILL GAVE TO 0011E
and see for yourselves.
We havan't space onongll to mention all
the Preparatfoun we aro melting for the
oewing .Christmas for it is oomothing tre-
mendous. We aro having
'_1Nf)i1: r AlAIl1 E Y :TI1I'1 BARREL
no that we can sell th0ur at
are Ruing to have Every Bind of Fruit
that is possible to bo got.
c'urrna4,,, 581t.1tes, Crapes, riga,
t'eneleea. F'ear's,
Almost 14t%ry Bind of Nuts ou Earth.
d Soo our Stoic, it is well u orth your
t able. —
TIL ION O 4:tt ONEi"tfo
.11).1„11 GOOD 6' Co.
„O'TnEnN iITTENSron ,w,G. & n, n.
Trans tonvo In rues0ls Station, north and
nth ns follows:
nemNOe0uTn, 1 a0IN0 NOnT11
MLR . 7:111 n.m. 1......... 9:40 a.m.
9050 1ss..,......11:10 a.m. 1 Ma11.......,.,. 4;41 p m.
9:30 9.91. 1 Express ...... ...0:59 p.m
The morning train south and the night,
train noothivtll only run on Tuesdays, Thurs-
days, and Saturd aye.
4.ohiol' samang yetakin'aoto s
An'f with he'll prowl it.
Wso. Cnooxs bas boon on the sick
list this week.
EATS, felt and velvet, 500. ,and $1 at Al-
SOME of tIio boys aro fixing tip a
skating rink on the clam.
AYPLE0, choicest varieties in bnrrele at
Tno new Council will be sworn in
next Monday at 11 a.m
Gnu. 0008ER has made a toboggan
and talks of taking a "slide.”
Sues Boas 5 to 25o., lovely at Alexand-
Miss PnEMIE Cox and Miss lfinnio
Dennis, of Godericb, aro visiting at
Harry Dennis'.
To Wnou rr AUX Coxcnnw.-Owing to the
Scott Act coming in force on the 1st of May
I will sell Lock, Stock and Barrel so as to
give me place for other goods, Tas. Dron.
TEE revival meetings aro in full
blast at the Methodist church and
good is being done.
J. J. DENtLtw left a pair of buckskin
gloves in some house in Brussels and he
would be greatly obliged if they were re-
F. W. O'Bniea, who was a student
with Jno. Nott, V. S., last summer,
has pa00cd with honors at Ihe Veter-
inary College.
PrIvesi finds to loan on farm property.
Apply at this office.
THE now Rant. of Geo. Thomson),
general grocer, may be read in this
issue and the prices he has quoted
will prove to yon that he is determin-
ed to give good bargains to the public.
Give him a call.
TBE proprietor of the Central ho.
tel paid $20 at costs this week, for
selling liquor on Municipal election
day. The proprietor of the Queen's
was up o» 1t similar charge but as
there was no evidence 1110 case was
00ANOEo 80o. per dot. 'Toronto grocery,
"NEVER heard of the like before"
was what it fernier said the other day
when wo told him that Alex. and Jno.
Watt, of Harlock, Hullett township,
took '2 loads of pork to Seaforth last
'Tuesday where they were only offered
$0 per cwt. They telegraphed to R.
Graham, Brussels, asking the price
on the market hero, Mr. Graham
wired them $6.25, whereupon rho a-
bove mentioned gentlemen turned a -
'bout and brought their pork to Brus-
sels. Our market was never better ,
and it is drawing wheat. pork, . bides,
furs, &o. a distance of 15 miles.
ANDER syrup 50c. gal. Toronto grocery.
Goon SToca,-P. Thomson & Goo.
Armstrong have just received an ins.
ported Clydesdale stallion (sailed 'Hon-
est Jimmie,' 2; years o111 and weighs
over 1,000 lbs. and does not lack in
that point so common to most horses
of his class, viz. -fine action, but is
as nimble as most of the light horses,
which is a point very much regaired
by this class of horses, Dr, Smith,
Prof, of the Ontario Veterinary col-
lege, Toronto, says "That Messrs.
Thomson & Armstrong have one of
the hest, if not the beet, Clydesdale
stallions in Canada." Thee() goutle-
men ere deserving of much oredit for
swelling the list of lino horses, for
which the County of Huron is so well
known at home and abroad.
SEND along the news.
AliONa tho list of persons sending
samples of fruit to the Now Orleans
Expoeilion wo noticed the naluo of
our townsman James Wilson,
TBE Ball Jubileo siigors will lead
the autging 111 tho tfotllodist Oburch
on Sunday evening, instead of tho
choir. They are excellent vocalists,
:(ramp..; SINoiats.-Tho celebrated
13a11 family will give one of their in.
tereeting Concerts in the Mothodist
Church, Brussels, next Monday even-
ing, They aro well worth goiug milce
to ltetu•. See advt. in another col-
umn, and motto up your mine. to on -
joy this treat placed within your reach.
'lux Seaforth Expositor, of last
wook says :--At the Municipal electiuu
in Brussols an Monday last Peter
Scott and Robert Graham headed rho
poll for conncilio5s, They aro both
former residonts of Seaforth, and wo
congratulate the people of Brussels on
securing two such honeot, decent fel-
lows to assist in 'imaging their mun-
icipal afiair-1
1N sp01t , , , •a isineseirte the Sea -
forth pap r.. oil l e expression to the
following ;-john Mulholland, who
for the past five years has boon salc:s-
nlan in the grocery storo of Wilson
& Young, loft on Tbnreday of last
week for Belleville, and will become
a student of Albert Oollego. We ho•
Hove it is Mr. Mulholland's intention
to study for tho ministry. \Vhiio
hero, he proved himself a most exem-
plary, studious young man, and wo
join with his many friends in wishing
him health to prosecute his studies for
the noble profession ho has chosen.
L. 0. L. -The Grey District 0 range
Lodge met in the Orango Hall, Brus-
sels, on Tuesday of this week. The
chair was occupied by J. H. Young,
W. M., who has filled this position for
the past 5 years. The following of-
ficers were elected for the current
year ; Jno. Mooney, W. M. ; R. H.
Fergus In, D,1I. ; M. Morrison, Chap.;
J. H. Young, Rea. Sec.; M. Keffer,
Fin. Sen. ; Thus. Ratcliffe, Treas. ;
Wm. Beirnes, D:r. of Oer. ; Ed. Barr,
Lee.; J. II. Young, L. P. M. Grey
Distriot comprises three lodges with
an aggregate membership of 100. The
Co. Lodge will meet hi the Orange
Hall, Brussels, on Tuesday, Feb. Brd.
The Provincial Grand Lodge will be
held in Wiugham on Tuesday, Feb.
THE Annual meeting of Melville
church was held on Tuesday last.
Reports wero submitted from the
Board of management, Missionary
Assooiation and Sabbath School.
The receipts for last year for ordinary
purposes were $1858.04 while the
contributions to missions and other
schemes of the church amonnt0d to
$844.05, malting a total for the year
of $1697.69. The following offieo-
bearers were elected for 1885 :-l1aa-
agars, R. Malcolm, A. Webster, A. K.
Robertson, J. R. Smith, E. J. Mc.
Arthur, James Grieve, John Smith,
Dr. Graham, Dr. Hutchinson, and
James Martin ; Treasurer, Alexand-
er Stewart ; secretary, Daniel Stew-
art. 1Tisiionnry Association :-A.
Stowart, president ; W. R. 411.409,
vice president ; committee -Airs. \V,
Graham, Mrs, Martin and Mrs. J. R.
Smith. Auditors :-John G. Skene
and Alex. Stewart jr.
13, S. ENTERTAINAICNT.-Tito annual
entortaiumout in connection with the
Sabbath School of Melville Church
was held last Monday evening. The
barge gathering 01 the children and
their friends comfortably filled the
building. Rofreshmente were liberal-
ly served after which the following
program was carried through :-Ad-
dress by Rev. John Bess, the pastor,
who aeted as chairman ; recitation,
"The kind brother," by Arthur Whit-
ley ; song, "The little bird," by Kota
Wilson and Rachel Alexander ; re-
ports from the secretaries itud librar•
an ;; recitation, "Tho last hymu,"
by Joan Ross ; addresses by W. R.
Wilson and Alex. Stewart; singing
by the eohool ; recitation, "Remora•
bor the heathen," by Jennlo Wilson ;
address by Rev. Sanll. Jones ; song,
'The red, white and blue," by Mary
Ross, Annie and Minnie Stewart ;
recitation, "Dog Shaggio," by .label
Pate ; song, 'Ring the evening bolls,'
by Donald Stewart, Alex. and Mag-
gie Stewart ; recitation, "The child's
dream," by Bolla ilei allchliu ; ad-
dresses by Dnnaan McLauohliu and
John Alexander ; soug, "Memories
of Gallilee," by a company ; 30cita.
100, "Tho little Quaker ginner," by
Katie Oormaok ; address by Rev. 1),
B. McRae ; recitation, "Twenty years
ago," by Arthur Whitley. :Tito pro•
ceedings were brought to a close with
the doxology and benediction, '1'110
meeting was e, mark .1 success, being
the best ever ]geld by tho eohool. The
rep( r' -'•.rowed that the average ttt-
tot htnar> )'' r 1'tet year; was -78, and
that over $70 were raised of which
$37.50 wore dovolod to missions. 'Tice
school is evidoully in It flourishing
'Wm/MY is half gone already,
Sne advt. of County Council in this
SEND THE Posr to your absent
friends. -
THIS Weekly Globe and Tela POST
for 18135 for $2.25.
Mise MARY Wxrecif IMO gond on a
visit to friends at Colliogwood.
Tini Bible Sucioty colloctors intro
been going their annual rounds.
'I'IIE Peeebytoviau churches tare
bolding Halon week night services.
Goon ekatiug has boon in order on
1110 milt dam, although the 100 was
none too safe in sonic places.
Miss Lon. MoxLEY, of Seafortlt, a
former resident of Brussels, is spend-
ing n few days with the family of A.
Alit, Saw, moulder i11 W. 1L. Wil-
son's foundry, has token up his reel -
dance in Br'uesots leaving moved his
1300se110191 effects here.
Tito market trouble appears to havo
run its OoU1'ae slid rho buyers aro now
on Lite lookout fur grain, pork, aides
etc. at the Queen'ts hotel.
Ton East Huron Agricultural Soci-
ety will hoi'1 its annual meeting next
\Vednosday afternoon, io the Council
Chamber, Brussels. See advt.
190, 13tTL1)E, of Lho Stratford Timet,
R. Ferguson, of the Listowel Benner,
A. St. Geo. Hawkins, of tho Listowel
Standard and James Bryan, of the
Lucknow Sentiuol, occupy seats at
the Council Boards of their reapoot-
ive towns this year.
TEE first sleeting of the uoty lino•
nips. Councils will be held on Mon-
day, 19tH January, at 11 o'clock in
the forenoon, when members aro re-
quired to aubseribo to the necessary
declarations of qualification and office.
Tho County Councils will meet on
Tuesday, 27th inst.
A re -organization of the Batt. Band
is in order, we are informed, and
Bandmaster Whitley will likely take
the lead once more. Wo have as
good a lot of musicians in our band
its can be got together in arty place
tbo size of Brussols. All that is need-
ed to made a tip-top band is unity and
hard practice. We can stand plenty
of good mutate.
THE following officers of Brussels
Encampment, No, 40, were elected
on Monday evening, Jan. 12th :-
A. Currie, C. P. ; Wm. Martin, S. W. ;
Geo. Hayeroft, H. P. ; J. G. Shane, S.;
D. Dobson, T. A deputation of the
following persons went to Wingham
on Tuesday, Jau. 18th, to meet the
R, W. 0. (J. P. Jas. Oliver, of Toron-
to; -A Currie, J. T. Ross. Geo. Hay'
croft, J. G. Skene, P. Scott, Wm.
Hartry, 'Win. Martin, W. H. McCrack-
en, E. E. Wade. D. Dobson, F. S.
Scott, T. Flotober and Jno. Nett.
1.O, 0. 'F. -The following officers
of 'Weston Star Lodge 140, were
duly installed 'last week :-Jas. Ross,
J. P. U. ; A. Currie, N. G. ; Win.
Martin, V. G. ; J. G. Shone, 11, S.;
P. Scott, P. S ; F. S. Scott, T. ; Jas.
Drone, Warden ; W. 33. Dicksou,
Conductor ; Goo. Hayoruft, 0. G. ;
Geo, Armetru"g, I. G. ; Wm. Cornish,
R, S. N. G.; F. Kelly, L. S. N. G.;
Goo. Fulton, R. S. V. G. ; D. A.
Swale, L. S. V. G. ; Joseph Laird,
R. S. 13 ; John IIargreaves, L. 13. S. ;
Jas. Wilson, Chap.
Itiuu,.-Ili Brussols, on Jan. 10th, tho wife
of Mr. Robert Kerr of a daughter.
Anusmnosa.-In Morris, on Tanuary 14111,
the wife of Mr, G. Armstrong of a son.
ScoTT-13oATTY.—In Walkerton, on Doc.
26th, by Roy. Andrew Scott, pastor of
the Disciple Ohurch, Mr. Wm. Scott,
of Morris, to Miss Henrietta BettttYl.1
daughter of the late Stewart Boatty,,,
of Trafalgar.
SsiAnit,-Ili Brussols, on January 13th,
Steno, infant daughter of Mr. 1). A.
Smalo, aged 2 months.
ras 1.9 e l rl IdF alek a t.
Coonrloreu Csn990LLY EvonY WnEx,
White Fall Wheat........ 72 74
Red Winter .............. 72 76
Spring Wheat 72 76
Barley 45 52
Oats 26 27
Peas 55 57
Bettor, albs marl rolls .,16 17
Eggs per dozen 20 00
Flour per barrel ,4 00 4 10
Potatoes... 30 00
Hay per ton 0 60 00
Hides per Ib 7 8
Dressed Hogs 5 80 0 30
Salt por bbl., wholesale . 1 00 02
Shoop skins, smolt 60 1 00
Wool 18 00
AUCL''.1071 SALES.
Ensue, JAsi.10,•-Farm stook and imple.
moots, in Oranbrook,00nlmonolog at 1 o'.
cloak. M. Nichols, prop. A. Baymann,
SATunnaY,Jan, 1701.-Hausohotd furni•
turn, ,2a., at the Town Hall, Brussels,
commencing at 1 o'clock. F. Frey, prop,
A. Voal, soot.
FRIDAY, 23rd. -Farm stock and itnple-
ments, lot 20, con. 7, Grey, commencing at
1 o'clock. John Forgaeon, prop. Captain
Stretton, au0tionoor.
You inuvt road tho Single Mali's
advt. this mink. Yes 0411 11(.005 1)5•
get No, 99 after you real. it. Give
Mr. Smith it call find try his liar.
Appllaatiou 19te been .Matte to 1110
Dominion Hoose for a charter to the
West Outario Pacific Railway, from
Lake St. Clair, betweo, Sarnia and
Courtrigllt, to It point on. Lalie Erie
in Elgin conuty.
An Order in -Council imposes to
penalty of $'200 for removing any in-
fected eboop from any farmyard or
building, uli„'e by authority or tho
Minister of Agriculture. Disoatot!
animals Must he 0laughtur'ed by the
aorpol'ttlicu 1131:1 rho 01011058 cunlpen'-
Mtu'eliall Northrop of Woodbridge,
Conn., lotsn noval baruulet0r in the
shop: lir ;one huI1ft',, •,,wbtubi live is
m h tlf henelirad itt 111 spying. Ili fair
weatil00 they 01111 1hotlisclVOtl 950994
11011) ill Lho ho,shcad's bottom, lent
whvn the storm centro moves chaff
way they drive through the bolo laid
out of sight,
L. 0. Copeland, of l'hconix, At'i-
zoua, echibitad a 510)1111 bicyolc in
Sao F rahci80o, recently. Go'Ittome t
who 0190 tho trial nnito in prom,+1 of
the lovol :,'u. The machine .v•,r-
logos fivo @.mitt's to n nlllr; 0 _'r all
ordtnaty rood, l ou'0:5') is a ->_u
heating purposes. All the appliouoes
weigh eighteen pounds only.
Residents of London West and
Kensington were thrown into a state
of terror last week by the rapid rise
of the Thames, which threatened a
serious inundatiou. The water roso
sevon feet betweeu seven cud nice
o'clock, but shortly after that .'.our 50-
aedecl as quickly as it had riseu, with-
out doing any damage.
Last Saturday morning about 5
o'clock, Alex. McGregor, eon of Geo.
McGregor, of the 3rd concession,
township of Stanley, got np and went
out to rho barn. A short time after-
wards Mr. McGregor, sr., :vent to the
barn and found that his son had com-
mitted enicido by hanging. There is
no known cause for the act. The
young man had shown symptoms of
melancholy of late, and no doubt the
rash not was committed while Men.
telly deranged by extrome despond-
L) the undersigned, Queen etroet, Brussels,
ono red and white steer. Owner in requested
to prevo property, pay anemias and take hien
tJ ]iarncie,1190 n 11900.01,109 warranted clock
to oxohauge for wood. Eugnlro nt Poatofnoo,
undersigned has n thoro'-bred B orkehiro
boar for servloo on lot 7, 0011, 7 Grey. 'forms;
-41 at Unmet servlco with privilege of return.
ing it necessary, 10013T, ING1313d,
21 Prop,
VA11,1i FOR SALE, -T0 &T VAL-
-a: noble farm, being competed of t119 north
ha t of lots !+0.10 & 90, con. 8, Morris, 2U0 acres.
Terms oaey, Aliply on tem promises.
13. L'1ALIOIi
last weak, a binek and tan clog, blind in
ono oyo,wes lost- in ilressols. any inform -
Wm leading to his recovery will be suitably
rewarded. The ander would oblige by le,wiug
him at the American ho toe stables.
subscriber has n thoro'-broil boar, a oross
buowo.m a suifolk curl Berkshire, for servlao
ou lot 18, con, 8, Grip. Ile is white in color,
'r Biro -01 to be paid at time of sot'vico with
prlvllego of returning, It. McIiAY
24.0 Prop,
kJ .Norris, about Oct. 15th, six yearling cat-
tle, thr00 steers and throe bolters, They aro
spotted roe. null white. with a split in the loft
ear. Any information leading to till reoovery
will bo.11burally rowardod, J, MoIN'1'0811
2111. Brussels.
BOAR F011 SERVICE. -Tho stlbscrfb-
er has a well-bred boar, a Dross be -
Woolf a thoro'-bred Suffolk and Berkshire,
on his premises, lot 80, con. 0, Morris.
Terms -$1 to be paid at time of servioo,
with privilege of returning if necessary.
26.4• ALEx. P'onsyrn, Prop.
Mit Lot 29, Con. 8, Morris, being 10o ao
roo,40 of which are cleared and nearly from
stump a. Phero are on the promises a good log
house and frame stable, two never failing
wo)tsao,l anoeosllont orchard of almost two
hundrolfruit trues a.11booing 'rho farm ie
eonvoniet tlyoltuated, bele gooey 4f utiles from
Brussels and 19 front 005100th. For further
particulars apply to V. S. 000TT, Brussols
or to StICn, L EDS, Lindsay
1 doreignad being about to drain, with a
view to clearing tho land, would 9011 a clump
Of about throe o1' four 00509 of cedar thereon
It is heavily timbered and 0110 traria are largo,
X,ot 11, Onn .10, Grey, DANIEL ROBERTSON.
Mr G V Willing, of Manch oetar,Mich, writos
"ley wit0 has boon almost holplees far five yre
so helpless that she oonld not turn ovor tii bed
alono, She 1155dtw0 bottles of Elootrio nit•
tors, audio so ranch improved, that she is oble
to do hos own work," Elentri0 Bitters will do
all that Is claimed for them, liun,urode of
tostimontale atbost their groat oerativ9 .ltoty-
ors. Only fifty cents a bottlo mt Deadman 0,
gain, -Tho farm contains abort 12R no
roe and iowithin night of n :(wing town in
Grey Co, G00d mar1!et, sebuol, &aerobes. aro,
Tho Toronto, Grey 5r Briton railroad runs
n500550110 roar of the lot. T,nw nrieo to the
man paying tho 550)1, East. lama 15 05 time,
This is a aplondirr opp0rinn.. y fora poor man
or 9 111111 lvith a faintly. .50,1 owner would
oxoltao go for a smaller farm in Enron 00,
For further partloulal5 5117 lv to
W. 11, 7551111,
Brussols, P. 0.
Not,sof 9,904 discounted,
In tercet:Wowed on dopostb5 repayable on
Prom pt attoutime gh'ou to collections. 8.9
011loe, Oran Vs pluck, Brussels, Monoy
to loan,
'0•41 E.
• Opico 1ormurly ouenul,d oy A. 1, Mo
0011, 3aq.,1u bg,ukln's .duel:, Money to loud.
t(lo towith °arrow & l'roudfoot. Gude.
rich) Solicitor, Cmrvryanoel', &a, allroo in
Grant's Moak, Brussels. ^io1o1• to Loan.
A LEX. 110/11.FER, CLERK 01'
1rho Fourth 5:14t0iuu Court 00.ninon ,
Couve; .nom',Notary Put 11°,1, md, Loan and
Iusuranou Agoet,r'nnds iuyestd and to Loan,
Collootiono made. Ogtcu, Crahautb Block,
t�0115.011:11)t,N, :tf, 1)., 0. M. M.J� 19.P. S. u. i'Igeiciau,surg0eir,and Aa-
couobier. OMee and rusidonoo, over Nlghtln-
gala &Co'ssturo,
T A. MoNAUGI1TON, Al. D„ 0:
e e e M., L. 19, C. )'„ Edinburgh, Pttyoiols s,
Surgeon mid AOoallO11011r, tlaloe and l'uoidon0o
that formaxly oeoupiad byllr. T, G. Holmes,
north of bridge, n monis.
7(1a00TOR A. MalXELVEY.
9�0'hy slcl nu, Surgeon and Accoucheur.
Graduate of 'trinity University, of Toronto
Formerly of Ethel, late 01 e'ordwfuh,
°swunAnn RnoOnz9E.-Brick hoose op;
dosito English Church, plain S t,,Bruoaol 8.48
st. C. 0'. Edinburgh.
Bus removod to Ina residence 0,1 Aldi Street,
rho 1loueo formerly ocoupl0,1 by Dr. Graham,
and will be there at night. 1900 still rotates an
Wilco at liargroavos' Drug Store.
('1 L. BALL, L. D. S., HONOR
VI • Graduate and mombor of the Royal
College of Dontal Surgeons, Toronto. 09105
in Struthers Block, Will visit )Vingham oalcu
only on Wednesday until his 0rado0t returns
from Collogo. Best possible pains takon in all
operations. Chargos moderato. hours 80,m.
to S p.m.
t9.. BELS, 3t,muig & Gcobol, proprietors, largo
and convenfoat sample rooms, Special atten-
tion to Coulmoroial and othor Trovellore. The
bar is always supplied with tem choicest
Memos of Liquors and Cigars. Au ottontivo
hestlor always on hand.
-AsX have taken possession of this hotel
I will bo pi unsod to 000 all my old friends, and
Nape by keeping 1110 boot of liquors, good ac•
oornmodatiou and hose stable, with attentivo
bar.tonder and hostler to secure many now
ones. T. O'NEAL, Proprietor ,
-This well known hotel was never In bet-
ter lnouing order than at, pr05ont, fie the now
ltroprtotm• has thoroughly refitted tho house,
Tho ]loris mooned with rho o11oiOoet liquors
and Munro, Terms $1 per day. Good Santplo
Rooms for Colgmorclal moo. 1). W, TUCK
Vi :13. 1IcCRACKEN,
Issuer 111)11ing° Licences. OOlco at his gm)
cry, T^rnbetry 0troet, 10.40
5) Su.rgoou, Graduate of Ontario Veterinary
Oollego Toronto. Residence, the houeo latoly
oec0piod by kfre.7, Parker .Alain street, Br
rlago Lioensoo, by appointment of
Lieutenant -Governor, 00111/131$13i011(32, So., (,l,.
13.Couvoyanoor and Aggort Firo Insurance Co,
oftleo at thGOranbrook Post Oatoo.
Insurance A gent,
Gusi,pFr, 0NTAiim.
Pratioa1 Watohniaker and lowollor,
Eatisfaetion Guarantees in all
--SN)P AT --
W. J. JA(il5SOFI'S STO090, tlitglS5•ELs
The snbsoribor has taken the machinery
out alibi mill and raised the mill, Ho
will bo ready to cut right along, Custom
sawing $2.25 per M. Loge taken in 17x-
ollango for Sawing, Whou trade is talion
132.50 per M. will bo charged.
ATM Zoos or Lutinan Fon BALE Cusor.
F1h Y.A A 11Y 'WY-1f8TI1D 1?x'o$,