The Brussels Post, 1885-1-16, Page 7issi
i 0femem
JANUARY 10, 1885.
Iooks like milk and roses."
I do not =pogo it at 1(11," Agatha
ropliod, with a wondering laugh.
"You must u0o somotlliug," said Mrs.
I use plouty of soft, boautifol rain
water," said Agatha, and thou for salvo
timo Mrs, Norman had u mania for the
use of rain wator.
Gradually, but slowly, the truth brolto
in upon Agatha.
It was localise 11111. Norman's hum.
band so greatly adultred beautiful wo-
mon that she wanted to be beautiful.
When Agatha found out that, hor 'mart
went out in wistful pity to tho hvon11tn
whose plain lace was hor rum groat
troublo. The 111otivo Roamed almost to
justify tho woakuoss of vanity; but bo.
foro Agatha bail boon many woks
there alto felt quite sure that even if
madam hadtlla beauty of ('onus, l for 11 ns -
m0 -
band would never have loved hor; Ono
littlo inoidaut told her that, Mr. Nor-
man was playing one day with a hcauti.
fol little spaniel, when by solo accident
Um dog detached the gold chain 110
woro, and a pretty golden locket which
had boon fastouod to it, which rolled
away to tho ground.
It fell near Agatha, As a mere act
of common politeness alio /deiced it up.
Tho fall had opened it, and though she
hall not tum faintest wish to 1400- what it
oontaiuod, a110 could not help it. Her
0y014 full on tho loveliest girl's fano aho
had ever Isla -al -II, faail 111th splendid
liquid blur, eyes and guidon hair. Silo
thought nothing of it—a plan may wear
the portrait of his sister; mother,
cousin, milt, or friend. It certainly
tool l elt(•r when ho wears tho portrait
of lti•1 Vito; but then every ono (laws
not sat t;; outward appearances. AH Sho
rctn1.11ri1 Ilio locket to hila ho saw that
rho 1'ni,lt Lave soon the faun in51110.
Their oyes ruet, and his fano flushed r,
littko. She forgot tho (..soot uut'l
the next clay, when lir. Norman rnadc r
pretext for spooking to her,
"Miss Brooke," 11;1 said, "I want to
thank you for ynnr kindness to mo
yesterday over the locket."
Sho lo"ltod 1)l, in quick surpriso.
"1 romeuhler no kindness, Mr. Nor-
mn11," she said.
111 do. You picked up my locket and
gavo it to me.'
"'.That was courtesy, not kindness,"
x110 said, gravely.
"Call it by what name you will, it is
all rho same," he answered. "I am
grateful to you. You saw the face it
"I saw a face," sho admitted roluot-
'Did you recognize it 7" he asked,
"I—certainly not. I hardly saw it."
"Well," ho said laughingly, "you are
about rho only lady in Paris who would
not Have known it at once."
" f
have not the faintest interest in
it," she said, c0hily.
"Ada Due favor,' 110 continued. "Say
nothing to Mrs. Normae about it. One
may just to; Well avoid all scones."
f any indignant that you 0h0ald
think such a request needful," sho im-
plied. "I am incapable of doing such a
"1t is a foolish tiling of me to wear
it," lie said, "but I was com11011'd to
yl e nil."
"I beg," said Agatha, with the goutle
which suitod her 60 1vc11—" I
bo;; that you will not insult me by say.
any more about it, or 1 shall 'feel
('rrry that I rendured you the six rico,
(1)111)1 as it was. I havo 110 wish fo::
any contidenea on the point."
"I repeat that yon aro the only alar
in Paris 10110 would not have known the
" 1 Vaso 1)o reply to make," she said.
"01 course." 110 cried, impatiently,
"you take madam's sato. You 11'0111011
hang together so that a man has 1)o
"1f you will be pleased to remornber
that I do not even understand you," said
Agatha ; but she was to uudorstand soon.
A fow days after this Mrs. Norman
wanted Homo shopping done, anddiclnat
fool inclined to go out—her head ached,
and she was depressed in spirits. Agatha
offered to go and do it for her. 111110
sho was in rho Patois Royal sho had
Homo occasion to go into a jeweler's
shop; a brooch that sho va1nod mach
was broken. To her surprise sho saw
its. Noi'111011 there, and boloro him on
the counter laysonl0 superb sots of
diamonds. Ono site natal. especially
tor its sato beauty—a diamond llocl(10cc,
and instead of locket or pendant there
was attached to 1t a diamond cross.
'Mile is the finest sot 11'0 havo," said
tho jowolcr. "Thoy were ordered by a
Russian prince for his wifo ; but sho
died, and ire has left them with us."
"Tho fiuost, but the most oxpatsivo,"
said Bir. Norman.
"Thatgoos with ont saying,"ho ropliod.
"11.111at is the price:?" asked Mr.
Norman. "Now say tho toast you can.
Do not ask 1130 most for the binta-
h01101'Od reason that I am an English-
The jowolcr whispered to him. There
was'somo slight controversy, and then
ho orio(1 out
"1 will take them ; I will write out a
check now."
Ho slid nob soo Agatha, who trans•
acted hor busiuoss, happy to think that
ho was making so magnificent a pro5out
to t110 wifo, who for his sako, had such
a passionato desire to 110 boautifnl. It
comforted iter simple boast. Aftor all,
8110 thought she had judgod him harshly.
A 111611 who sponds so many thousand
pounds on his wifo most havo 0omo good
In him. She hoard him say something
to tho jowolcr about sanding thorn that
very at'toruoou—thorn must bo no delay;;
and 11110 positively ilurrfod home that
she might bo thoro to oongratulato Mrs,
Tho husband was moro agreoablo than
over during breakfast. IIo told some
sparkling stories, 1 -bo dipped lightly
into the floating hetyudals, but tho wife's
fano was gloomy and lowc11ug—ovidently
Wu diamonds had not arrived.
"They will conga this aftornonu,''
Agatha thought, "and then this dear
lady will 51)1110,"
Ilut tho afternoon wore on, and no
i.liam0uits came, neither could 14ho by
any charm drive away the clospou,lcucy
from ❑(0.11101(0 face.
"When 5110 1uowa what a 10antiful
pre50nt i5 00111ing to her, sho will cheer
up," thnnght simple Agatha; "and
though 141(0 1(1(14 lino- jowols, oho has
nothing like t110511 diamonds, and they
will suit her woll,"
But dm diamonds dict not coma, and
also began to think that the jowolcr
rust have made a mistake. She grew
quito uorvouI and anxious about thorn;
alio had so distinctly hoard Mr. Norman
repeat that they lyero to be soot that
It would bo bettor, oho thought, in her
simplicity, to sp0alt to him. What a
horrible thing it would bo if they wore
lost. The sweet fano i;row quito pato at
tho baro idoa. plotter to speak to ilia(
most oortainly. So whou Air. Norman
Clare home, and was going t0 his (1to11s-
ing-room, she sent to ask if silo could
soo him fora f ow minutas. All Paris
laughed uoxt day at the story. Ile told
it in the most (unitising fashion every-
where—at the clubs, on rho boulevard,„
—and very much iu(loed rho gay city
onjoy'ed tho ,joke. 5110 spoke with ad.-
mirabloSimplicity, 011(1800010d so anxious
that the jowols should not bo lost. IIo
laughed ; then ho said, solomuly:
"Have you mOntienO(1 the hatter to
Mrs. Norman?"
"Certainly not," she ropliecl.
"Thou do not do so. You havo fallen
asleep and dreamed it all. I have
uovor purchased diamonds, or anything
clap for ley wifo; and, what is more, 1
11ovor thought of cloiug so,"
Agatha was left to make what 031101-
tione sho liked,
A WOMAN'S '0BntnIRLE 0E505.150E.
Evidontly something worse than usual
had happened, for 'Mfrs. Norman looked
really unhappy. She had flavor boon
bright or cheerful, but now sho was
something worse than that. I1or los.
baud never took any notice of her fail.
Mg health or spirits 811100 the affair of
thu diamonds. Agatha liacl quite dis-
liked 31r. Norman ; she would havo left,
int that she had grown attaohod to tho
unhappy woman who uovor eeaSo,l to
bewail ]leu want of beauty. Sho said
ono day to Agatha ;
"If T had boon offered my choice of
all the gifts that lleaveu gives to 11101
and women, I would have ohosen beauty.'
"You would have been like Paris,"
ropliod Agatha ; "and I have always
thought that an ignoble choice. Juno
offered him power; Minerva offered him
wisdom ; Venus offered him beauty,
amnia chose it. I would havo talc°u
either of rho other two in his placo."
"Beauty wins tho hearts of men,"
sighed the woman who longed for it.
"It may win, bob it doos not koop
them. A man can lovo beauty in a
picture or a statue; he wants more than
that whon he loves. nal tell you what
I think is the one quality i1) a woman that
would will a loan's heart most quickly,
and keep it bust 7"
"I should like to hear," said Mrs.
"Constant cheerfulness," said Agatha.
"To my thinking, that is a quality far
before beauty in any woman."
"I wish other people thought the
sumo thing. I would cultivate a cheer-
ful face. But, Miss Brooke, nothing
could mako my face oven passablo; I
know all its defects. My eyes are small
and so close together ; breadth bstwoon
the eyes and the oyebrows is a groat
boauty, and my husband loves a beau-
tiful face.
Thorn was such pathetic misory in
her voice, that Agatha's heart was
greatly touchod.
"1 wish you could believe mo," she
'id, "that you most certainly overrate
',,•, ,'tr. 14wino of the most charming
1(11 who liar° ev,n' hood Have not
0.10 good feature in their faces—not
(,1)0. donna, good tamper, power, oto.
[Demo, drown in the face, aro bettor
than beauty. You will forgive mo if. I
Mythat you havo littlo reason to 00m•
plain. Nature has given you a perfect
tignr0; you havo the most 110autilu1
uoclt, arms, and (lands I havo over soeu.
To watch you mov0 is a pleasure."
"Yon are 111)1(1 to say so ; but 01100--
1n001" elle repeated, with a sudden
passion, "i hoard my husband say that
coy fano was as ln01101 1)5 twit was ugly.
1:1e (loos not know that I heard him, but
I did, Anothor time I hoard ]high may
that ho could not hiss a plain woman,"
Sho added, madly, "Ito naves kisses 1110."
"I amu sero if you would try to bo
Might and ohaorful, to smilo and talk
pleasantly, it would bo different," said
"You sp0a1: who have nova known
nogloct or indifforonco; you who havo
beauty speak to ono without it."
"A beautiful soul makes a beautiful
face—iutolligeuco on tale brow ; a clear,
flank, euro upturn shining in the eyes ;
, court:my, and lovo on rho lips, aro
than pink and whito lovoliuess,"
Birs. Norman shook her hood gravely.
"I havo soon what I havo soon," R110
said, "and my exporionco has not boot
too pleasant."
"I know I shall toyer 0onvinco you,
but it is a fact that sumo of the most
famous women havo boon the plainest -
10011100 W110 11E400 rulol the world. Of
what avail was hor great beauty to
Marie Stuart?—it did not keep her
head from tho block. Of what avail
was hor queonly lovolinoss to Mario Au.
toinotto? ,How malty women, whoso
souls aro lost, would now bo saints i1)
hoavon but for tho 001180 of beauty ?"
"Still, it is a power—Marie Stuart's
faro has 0omc down to us in song and
"ft 11013" -but it did not moo her from
(loath. l/cauty 111ty charm for awhile,
hub, belaow° ma, 111011 (WW1 tiro of it,
u'lnilo of mental charms thoy nom tiro."
"(bas your beauty glom you 1)o plea-
sure ?" asked. the 1ostles5 woman.
"Noun," sighed Agatha Brooke.
A row days aftor'ward two or throe
friends 00.111)1 to dino at 1110110na0. firs.
Norman ryas very hind and o0nsidorate.
"If you would rather not (lino with
us, .'Hiss Brooke," she said, "11 will be
quit" right, 1 think, though, that you
would enjoy ft."
Will your visitors be french pe0plo?"
asked Agatha.
"No; they are Am0rieans," ropliod
Mrs, Norman ; "vory 11100, clever pooplo.
I think you would like thorn. I good
not say that I shall be only too well
pleased if you will come ; thou tho bur.
den of ontortaiuing will not fall upon
It was a pleasant dinner party. Mr..
Norman was in ono of 11111 most amiable
moods; his wifo evidently did hor best
to bo cheerful and bright. It was by
far tho most ploasaut evening she had
spent there yet, The Americana wore
cultivated) musicians ; Oolouol Napier
.Hudson had a flue tenor voice, and his
fair young wife a swoot and plaintive
It was the conversation during dinner
that struck Agatha rho most ; it turned
upon tho clifferouco of mina) in England
and Franco. Colonel Hudson thought
tho French people more capricious and
fantastic in t1)01r crimes than the hung.
".1 stupid, brutal murder is essentially
.English," 110 said; "(loath by tho fnmcs
of charcoal or the depths of the river,
r i;ontially French, Thoro is far mnlc
fantastic horror in a French 11)0(110
1110, ago is dm wily debt tci(1011 it
i9 \Marv, 1)l pity.
A.vli,1 yuuraclf what you think
r; long i1) yulir I.et1;lhhor.
It 1.0- now ti1110 to return 11(0 Lawn
Mow or 111111 borrow the 1431n'1 6111)0141.
Wily d0 Candidntp:4 run ? Because
lhcy'rr' in a 'hurry to get those.
1'el1teneea 10 like an air 011s111on ;
tin ugll atom he little in it, it 01aso8
our jolts wonderfully.
Let no than complain of rho short-
ness of Igo until he hick measur
ell the full capacity of a day.
A Noah mired is liko a microscope,
which magnifies trifling lhiugs, but
cannot reeely) great ones.
hasp thy temper, keep tliy vireo,
and keep thy tongue, if thou wonldst
be healthy, wealthy and wise.
Doctrines are of usa only as they
are practice(. ; men may go to perdi-
tion with their heads full of truth.
A poet says : "Tho beauty of her
hair bewildered me." It probably
fell clown when he Nos kissing her.
A girl who decks herself in the lat-
est things out and parades in tho
street while her Mother does the
washing, isn't worth wastlug mach
love on.
A fellow tvho deliberately proposes
matrimony to tt girl when ho can't
support 11im5011', 13 either a first-class
fraud or a fool—unless 1.10 marries
for looney and bc'onnes 110.1' hirotl
Onidasays: 'A. girl's love mast nev-
eoer be begged, but conquered." That's
all very well, but how to subdue the
1hia1Csolod parent of tho period is
what is bothering our young men
Uudertaior—''Kollo, bub 1 'What's
that you've got thorn 7" Small boy—
"A toy p156o1 " UOdcrtal(0r—"All
right ; wait a minute." (Goes in and
gets at tape lnens1110 and measures 1110
boy's height.) "Tell your father I'll
be around about 0 0'010 Olt 1
0 make
the necessary ariangonlollts.
Tho average life of a railroad car
is said to be only ten yoars. This is
undoubtedly due to its fast living.
Port( is the only thing that wo hap-
pen to call to mind just at this zoom.
ant (11011 03111 bo cured alter it is dead.
The latost dodge in round danonng
is to chango partners at every circuit
of the room, This atfect:lally narrows
down 11(0 opportunities for flirtation
null is 0 great relied' to tho chaper-
A 111011 3118 110 manages himself may
(110 old at thirty, or young at eighty.
Conscience le the voice of the soul;
111m passions ate the voice of the
Avoid giving offence, and if ,you do
off.ud, 1 avo the lnaulin0ss to apolo-
A slip of the foot may bo soon re-
covered, but that of the tongue per
haps never. -
Whoa tho good man dios the tears
are street, w'111c11 ,u life 11e provontecl
from flowing,
'4Vbatovor limit sincerity imposes
open our words, lot Its obey, even if
it be to silence.
To develop in nob individual ,all
the perfection of 1011i01h he is susoopt•
lblo, is the object of education,
Young Lady teaching Sunday—
school olase—"And who comes sitar
nettler?" (Pause.) "Is it .lob 2"
Pupil—"No, Miss, it's Billy Piper's
big brollies, 1000 him every Sun.
'- n`x`Jforlui ...rC1 162GA ..n.,...n.111, fd: .4=" "'F'+m4:...sTJt rYyT
BT-T.1.4.1AT ITO 20.
It will pay the farn15011 of It Ito mm001,,1(1
townshil'a to 5511 at (no
And soo euro took of
1101161 POWERS, 1 LAND lin1LE113, Ra.
whlo lar), Not ('p speoles ly to mooatho Wltnt5
of too Farming oommuntty
Wo also give upooinl attentiou to repairs of
ivory deacriptltnl on
Stearn 0lollcrs, Reopen, Mon•
Drs, Thrt•shing (11n,•111nea, Ploughs.
and any impl."mrnt rued
t;, on thu Ira rot
Full stook of Meant, Water tool (:ass t'lltex
Walways on hand,
Wo onrdtlady inyito inepootion lit rho old
stand 011)151„ Boar too Post 0111oo.
Oavd of. Thanks s v
In thanking my Many cus-
tomers 101' their liberal support for
the bast eight years, 1 mishit to in-
form theta that being burin.(1 out
of my old stand 111ave i'e-lilted it
in first -class -style, where I hope
to see all my old customers and its
madly 11011' 011014 RS SOO 1111 to give
loo tt call. I keep nothing but first
class Groceries on (laud, and Hervo
(111 customers alike. I also keep
all kinds of GRAIN for sale. Clive
1)10 a trial and you 10111 Have money.
All goods delivered free of charge.
Geo. Miler.'
\131NZY 1 (1 LOAN,
li'rivate Fonda. Appy lit 1'ln:l'r,e31'ut.h0l
ung 11„o e, 19.4
V 1.1. IIIA SIL. LL,
,Pr. t. (114111 linAo
many oatol i, r' fur Elul). 1i1,(.1.
01 euppo.•t fort(,.,, 1.1,1r,(S y eat,
101+3,1, torr fw ni t1,+1,, 5 W I." •
11(5 11111,0,) 1111'f 111.,10 1 t i l,ns alta (1111•(
chop (1, :4",01 r Rlocr ,, 1)1st-010.. at yit
wh,.r, hel",ho atn,.cr lie' 1. i. 11111 0 mittaw 11.
and 141(U1), 11(10 op, ,. ., fit t',i0. 1: 1,•
n onil 1 k'•, II a U 11 C Wit t 111 t•c11 r, 11. 1.1:
AlliillIth Id I nlo y n.. rt ,. (:y, 1111/L1 1.1
1R+rt ltoallpart''.f,r4 11,,, . Frew. (1 41.
nnld 3,4 Fat lit irk.
The wide)(lgucd 1.14•gs hove to (..11:w51.1) to
the Public genorally ;hut he boo purc•
the Entire Stock of D. Frain. harness
maker, and havfu brought n Large Steck
of his (hen 31111 c rte f,: prl parol to Colo -
pew 1' l..h the 1101,1 lilt3.. '^tl tell ;
for Cash A C("nplete Sack (:f
COLLAP1S, 1(1'1I11'F, BRI'. 1:S COMBS
l'ALi 11, Everything In (he filo:.,: Line.
harness mode to Oral' fro 1:1 ; at n:a-
tenal on Shortest Noll,. e.
Kir Repairing Promptly At1((, l d to,
A Ca elicited before lrurchasllg
r Don't forget the pine°, in Dr. Graham's
Block, 1). Fr,lin's Old Stand, blain Street,
R. ST(>'tThf>)IILi1.
vuss®1s Stone Oust glozzing ill.
The undcrsigucd, thanking his many customers lor their pat lcol, se (lona1
tho past year, wishes to inform the publi0 that the mill Las undergone 1.
thorough repair, sumo cf the latest improved machines have been introduced,
--but still retain the stone grinding system.
—AND --
AM Sorts of Mill Feed Delivered Promptly
to Order.
. ood Cook and Wellington Stoves Still Ahead.
We t.alte pleasure 111 informing you that we have secured for this Season's
Trade, trio Wood Oook and Wallington fonr•hole Cook Stoves. Took
Theso Stoves ore without doubt the best Cook Stoves ever introduced into
this Section. They are got up in I+irSt•C1ess style. having large Flues,
spacious ovens, two drop oven shelves, extra large fire doors, long, wide and
deep fire boxes fitted with movable bottoms, meat broilers, very sleep alb
pans, and ovary Wood Cook stove warranted to weigh 4140 pcund,, iVelling•
ton stove warranted to woigh 425 pounds.
1.111,11119 5511)1101111110 oontrol nftho 5051101.114 for this 1Stetfen, 1.1 .i li101kg
bought a largo number of tiler, we intend selling at pried( that r ill 11(10
competition and must insure for them a very large sale. Wo hay,- 1.141,, id-
waye o1) hand a largo assortment of all the lending Stovr'H (both 0r01(1119,
heating and eoall in the market at, bottom prices ; also Platform Seale e. ('
torn Pumps, Olothos Wringors, Bird Cages; (,ranilowtcre, stall( 11111(3),„
Coal Oil, Machine Oils, Stoves, etc., etc. Eavotroughing 3 r the ellropot,
and Satisfaction Guaranteed, Sole Agents for the celebrated Wit 1 tIv,
ing 14Tnchine.
FlA C.% 'iO :1