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The Brussels Post, 1885-1-16, Page 6
Dirootory of Chnrohos and Sooiotiost 11ELvmi.11 C uoltem—S abhatlf Serviuoa at 11 a.m. and 11,80 p.m. Sunday School at 2:30 p,m. Rev, Jno, lions, 13. A., pastor. Ill roomer C'nrncl .--Sabbath Servieea at 10:80 a,m, and 0:301 p.m. Sunday Sohoot at 2:80 pan. Pastor 13ev, 11, 0. elappison. ST. Jens', <'ln-ucu.-..Sabbath Servioes at 1.1 a.m. and 7 pan, Sunday School at 0;30 n. tn. 11,r, W. T. (Tuffs, incumbent. Knox Ci: c:, -Sabbath Soryieoe at 11 a.u1, ani 8:30 pan, Sunday Sehonl at 2;80 p.m, 13,r, S, Jones, pastor. 'toasty 3'rruoLtn C'I[e1ie11.-0aLbatll Sor- rier thin senday in every month at 11. n.m, Ker. 1'. J. Shen, priest. OnD Fl:ra.ow's LOn,rr, ever;' Thursday evenin:; ?u Graham's block. MAsuNrr Loma; Tuesdayat or before lull 01000 in 110110es' block. A. n. C-, W. Loma: meets on 2nd and last 1Vein .-slay evening, each mouth. Four•.=r1:11'3Lon°x 2nd and last Monday evenings of each month in Smale'n hall. L. 0, L. 1st Monday in over month in Otxng., ,lull. Po.,: calm,.-UAinc Hours from 8 a. m. Ll 71,. ,... lll:c:i-r;:u'ie INeoITrr: Reading Room and ,brew;• i,: Malmo=' Mock, over S. 13. Swale's store, wi:i Vu' ,,pen from 0 to 7 P.m. on Wed- nesdays and I'tidnys and from 4 to 0 pan, on Satnrlays. TIIE WOI1LD'S EXPOSITION .t'I' NEW ORLEANS. tnlpreotil0na Of the Opening DDny. :NEW ORLEANS, DEC. 17, 1884. The enterprise yesterday so aaspi- ciou:lly inaugurated was set an font not guile two years ago, at Little Rock, by the National Cotton Plant. ers' As;-ociation, itself the outgrowth of a mustard grain of Scriptural parable, the mountain spring with which orators symbolize the small be- ginnings of great endings, indicate but feebly the superb results of the resolve to hold in the Cotton States an Exposition which, called originally for the King of Plants, now Includes all the shining products of busy little silk -worms and warm tex- tures woven from the white fleece of pastoral flocks ; the flora of torrid and of temperate zones and all the .fauna that contribute to man's com- fort ; sparkling 'marbles that have lain for ages in the dark quarry ; woods that have sucked into their rich veins the coloring of the tropic flowers ; mighty machines that do the work of a thousand men, and trif- les that give occupation to women ; noble canvass upon which painters have fixed in glowing tints the great heroes and grand events of history and the most charming aspects of na- ture ; all the elaborate products of Nineteenth Century civilization, of modern industry, of the tnvertlan that proves better than ether internal evi- dence, the GOD .IN MA:1, the dignity, the gradeur, THE IMMORTALITY OP THE RACE. As if to reward, to crown with sun- beams, the almost supernal strength of will, tho firmness of purpose, the ceaseless labors of Director General Burke and the able assistants who have wrought this marvel, Nature was in her most enreeslng mood. The sky was blue, with filmy voila of white to make more intense the azure ; rho breezes were "balmy and breathing odor" from a thousand rose gardous ; houses were festooned with blithe bunting, bright with the flags of all Christendom ; streets were thronged with citizens and with stranger," in national attire. Everyone was in a good humor. The small boy was as happy as if he were celebrating Christ- mas or the Fourth of July. Uhl black mammies wound their bandanas a- bout their grizzled locks, and led their little charges safely through the mul- titude. Young ladies drew on "six button" kuls that haye replaced the untidy w'r'inkled mausquetan'es, and .smiled serenely at thought of all the "pastures new" they are to revel in during the next six months that with hordes of strangers to our doors. Young men donned their best suits and with pleasant glances at the lootc- iug-glass, they mused upon the heir• ones and beauties from everywhere, stopping at the old St. Charles and the as -good as new Hotel Royal. Purse•prnud kcal nillionuires puffed and swelled and took on grand seig- neur airs, just as if they had contri- buted tens of thousands instead of paltry hundreds to further the Great Fair, Tho wives and daughters of these tut -worthies inserted THEIR 13100E8T DIAMONDS in their earn and flattered themselves that they deluged strangers into a be- lief that the old aristocracy of Franco and Spain were represented in all that finery, Tho military were never more soldierly ; the civilians never so civil, A large did luxurious steamer, the Fred. A, Blank, waited at the foot of Canal street t0 convey to the Exposi- tion grounds of State Lite Exposition Officials, the foreign Consuls and clis• tinguishod guests of the city. On the breezy docks, with a crepe veil blown back from her sweetly tf;livtip fneol Wit§ pctttcd j1l:p, Jalap THE BRUSSELS POST. ssumstwasessseasessesessmesss,,,,,s,seess.. _____ Ward Howe, surrounded by her corps hit:, every one present realized the of assistants, At her side was the greatness of the man who has labored nubio Clara Barton, of lied Cross for us with snot' snaooss. Itis dis- fame a lady whose homehuoss cluing- enure°, short and to tiro point, was es into benign beauty as her kindly followed by a wolf address, read by smile answers the reverent glances President Richardson. Then Oanl0 that moot her own. Toworing above too Address of Congratulation, from the crowd was the tall form of Bov. President Arthur, road by Col,Breaux T, I)ol'1'itt Talmage. A little apart, and ills 'magicil1 button' touched by with his long hair flying in the word, the President in Washiuglon, and by Wail the pont, Joaquin Miller, A Lindsay Burke, the Direct or. General's broad, brimmed hat was drawn well bright hale boy, at this and of the over his peon, yet kindly face, ana ilia line, set 1110 great (150 horse -pewee eyes were wide open to all the bsanty Hams Corliss: eugiuo ill motion, and and brightness within view. In the the opening was accomplished. sheltered calla sat Miss Ma id Howe, Tho Major's speech and Gov, Mo- tile author of n "Newport Agnnr'olle," finery's address, Mary Ashley Town - and a beautiful woman. Thi.': young eancl's appropriate poen, read by Mr. which rodent is recovering from an Mood' Raker, of the 'limes U,ulournt, aders her more intersstt.ng, wore all heard with admiring niten- without impairing her Jiostou bloom. tion before the crowds admiring through Un every side were m8014166110(1 the building and grouu,ls, Streams people, eager to see, to take in now of visitors poured through all 'street impr0sslons, cars, private carriages, awuibuecd, To HEALlZE OLD DREAMS. hired vehicles of all kinds, steamboats The great tawny Mississippi, De chartered for the ooeasion, were filled Soto's splendid burial place, was again. and again, and still the crowd changed by the magic of light tinct was, to all appearances, undiminished, shade into a stream of mingled gold At last the hungry but happy multi and silver, shining and rippling and Ludo returned to their lata dinners; murmuring as playfully as if it had and ilia most unprogrossivo citizen never swallowed a fleet or engulfed ft felt a glow of enthusiasm as 11e 1•ell cct- toaritory. Along its bank for miles ed by am firesulo on the glories, pros - lay the ships, some discharging their out and to come, of the New Orle:,un freight, others receiving their royal World's Industrials and Gotten limy burden—the monarch who is not do- tenni°' Exposition. throned, although he allows himself to bo compressed into a bale and Varyn rV°ta'Jia,. stowed away singly in the hold of a Tho Racal New' Yorker repurts a ship. Great steamers sent up col- yield of 1,910 bushel of potatoes on wane of smoke that lingered for a an acre of laud. minute over the brilliant scone, and Top dressing of fine stable manure then curled heavenward, bearing taloa in winter is a groat benefit to lnwuo of 'Peace on earth, good will to men.' and grass plots. Little bargee were heaped high with A slop -Bole at the back door gold and topaz, with luscious oranges will make ouough doctor's bills to and the fruit supposed by Gail Ham- drain the whole farm. ilton to represent civilization. What - An End To Bono -Scraping. ever the craft, whether canoe, barge, Edwardooepeeed,fHaOeburrg4n1ale ship, steamer, man-of-war, all wore 00DittorIlicmofydytulotsufu- decorated with all their flags and all inanity know rt, Have had aremmne sore on mylogfor eight y00rs; my doctors toll me I theft signals, and from every deck ,vould bavo to have the bond serapod ONO rose shouts of sympathy and gratula- Hmno°iotaitt r`a 0, ,1 eo oa'bos es Il°ciclonce tion tie the Exposition steamer swept Arnica Salvo, and my log le now sound and est them. From the guns of the w011." Tlo°trin]Sittorearn sold at atty°eaten p g bottle, and Hucklen'a Arnica salve rat -5 conte French brigate, Le Bouvet, came a per box by G. A. D°adman. national salute, and the sailors cheer- A Germain company with a cap- ed with lusty voices that rose above ital of $40,000 is about to engage in the thunder of the cannon. The the Angora goat business in Texas, Bouvet weighed anchor and followed Perry, n cider made in Florida, the Blanks to the ehoro. On the from the Leconte pear, is pronoun° landing Director General Burke and ed excellent and similar to apple cider. President Richardson received the slucklon's Arnie Salvo. notables, and soon a long procession s ice host salvo slti?no mO,P verCuts,DvoIter was formed, which was watched with ohapn03 Hand°, ehllhlain, Oorus, and ah intense interest by a crowd of 50,000 Skbrhrupti0ne,nndposltiv°1y euros rues, or 00 PLOY rea01lrod. It (0 gnarauteed to giv° per - persons, as it marched towards the teat eatistaotton, or monoy ratund0d. Price building. Within the walls of that 52 cents per box. Nor solo oy G. A, Deadman Palace, which eclipses with its sudden The French cheesemakers do not splendor the enchanted structures of consider n cow profitable unless she Aladdin, were gathered together the produces to the value of from $150 treasures of two hemispheres. to $200 per annum, nos Lightning. THE GREAT MUS1O HALL, Meld ,) Lightning is the only ours fa, 100111 - with its seatingcapacity for 10,500 ashes TIradn°ho, Pt arnoho End Neurnlgl0, 13g with 1 Y does nottalcs n day or av bon• to 00100 it, but persons, was filled with an sager and in lose than a minute all pain is ono. Thous. sOil tood iatio t theuwe, ,tho patiently ysor lrFlnidIRglrbninglsnite0 °: nein ©c emu stood against the mulls and in the h veli°can p rtnnne11t1Yw0 001 0 80015 °ooh aisles after the chair and galleries Price1" coats at Hnr500av0s' 0105 0tore. were filled. From the arches were It is estimated that it costs from suspended countless streamers, while $10 to $15 t6 feed a steer through festoons of flags and banners from all the winter, and sometimes as high as the nations formed a silicon back. $,'20 when the animal is forced. ground for the opening eeremouioe. A startling tttaeovery. Shields surmounting blue satin dfr, Wm. Johnson, of Huron, Dalt writoe streamers, inscribed with the mimes alathle mite hall boon troubled },dill pante aro, it(ef0r many yonrn, mu d. 11101all rem0- and devices of the several States,' min- Uio atrlod gave 1,opm•rnnnont rotor, until he larocurod r buttlo 0f Dr. Mudie Naw nieo0vary filed harmoniously with the yellow of for Oonohmntinn, coughs and Colds, which Mexico the tricolor of Franco, the hndamngioaloffoct, uudprodua.d it 77/ormau- eat euro. It 00 uiu ant°ed to euro all Die°nsee "meteor flag of England," and Our of Throat, TrnnIl, or Bronchial 'robes. Trial bottloa free rat G, A. Dondmnn's Drug Store. own stars and stripes, our national L,1t4 0105 ci sc. emblem, whish eueloses fu its folds a Itis chimed t'sat gooseberry mildew North and South once more united, may be prevented by keeping the once again clasped in close embrace, ground under the bushes cool by a as becomes the children of one mother. tidal' mulch of manure or straw, A little after 12 o'clock Currier's To The Indies. band played the "Exposition March" McGregor 1 Parke's Carbolic Oerot° win dedicated to Director General Burke. °are any 01110 of rlmploe on tbo Onto m• Rough akin on e(thor hands or fnoo and lonve tlro„r 1.t 12:30 members of tho Cabinet and sett ne silk, It will also heal any sore when otic other propnrati0u0 fail. Ttousancte ,rave foreign Consuls 10019 their pl10O5 On bostod it. Aek your ,100 Rg(st for ldn<Irug Or £a 1110 platform, under the great organ Parko'o On'hollo Gornto, sad dr not to po0- aun.led to take anything elan chimed to bo tie then came the Mexican band ; and cod Ito but25oonto perbox rat Hargroavoa' then Director General Burke, with bra store. President Richardson and Chief of Io• That sheep are the best adapter of stallatien Mullen, tool( their seats a- all livo dock to assist in renovating mid shouts for ''Major Burke, the a rundown farm and increasing the Executive Head ;' then camp the fertility of any land is gensrall) ad - Governor and his staff, the Exhibitor's muted. Association and officers of the Expose Cruelly Murdered.1 In the Province of Ontario every year aloes - tion; last of all came firs. Howe and antis ,rro being slowly murdered by tniting eit- her noble coadjutors, eu(tibio, untried 000tr0100100each oomu1a1 to l no Ooetivoness, Indigestion, Liver (lomplalot, Dr. Talmage s opening prayer was manes Troubles, ate., who 135(11 lastly 00. 5n(n loot 010 ,101 a5t1 0nnr53' y acing :10- 30 earnest petition for ponos, prosper- Gresor's Snoody Ourn. To oonvin00 them tint it and brotherhood. As the eloquent o,ioh le Otto 00100 WO will giv° drama fro° trial y q bottle at llargr•oavos' Drug Stam, 101aa 5000.1, words were carried by his wonderfully and wn 81. Sac testimonials from poreone inyour dear and well sustained voice to 11 o ends of the vast hall, ono forgot Lbs Late Dorn that may not ripen speaker's ungainly awkwardness, the before frost s11ou1:1 bo crit up and out-of-plaeo athletics with which he fed iii bulk. All kinds of stock are sometrmos disfigures his pulpit, forgot fond of it, and will fatten rapidly on to scoff and "remained to pray" with it For early pork and the feeding him for tho now -day of plenty and of of mild' cows it is particularly vain - righteousness. When Major Burke 01)10. appeared, deafening and oontinuous OneatAnrv,Jnne.1884, shouts of applause, !tamping of feet Mose05,Lnms loll 1 Neilson, Sita,—I;ogard- leg the bon°at dctrlvodh'nm 1110 usd 01 your and waving of hart in-rabiefs attested 0-1 oaratod 1101. ^, rat 1001•, I rally andoreoa 1110 popularity ,11 ,1 aporea]ation 110 that 'dread, st t:l by your 0umero110 eo0r0- in5 0ontrnOtocta navor0 co]c a000rrpauiod by lett O111S.:,s Ae 116 St00d before a violent cough, th0ughlntvtv5 0 prejudice a- galust "snob etnft;' I wan induced by yom• atl- then,. ant hero, Mr, Williams,o try a battle, and It is uuneooeoary to acid that I experienced Polio! ALMOST A 13PBOT11E llnswdiatoly, 1 oouolct°r it to be ono of tho - greatest boose over invontodar offered to the of his farmer self, eo 11080; y furs 1118 nibllo, possessing all the pro mil 1 1 u1 imo 1 or it in 01u nrn0et LSU m00 ut 11 0 °clnplatnts luovo than He''Cuioan bask toll tion st oin0d, Your°, kc,—Donau dfoL arse, has y .trod from his 00noerVativo fol• og tonntn tam 0111 parts nf1be nonutry, ltav- 0 YES 0 E (MANGE OF JAxtAliT 10, 1880, OHI YES I 13 US11NE8S. Having Purchased the Business of M. Campbell, of Luckrlow and made additions to the Large and Well Assorted- Stock, 1 am prepared to Offer .Bargains to the Public that Cannot Pail to Satisfy-. Our Stock consists of OROCKEIIY, GROCERIES, IIAIW \VARE, • GLASSWARE, DRY GOODS, PATENT 11IEI)ICINES., BOOTki ,c SHOES, READY-MADE CLOTHING, &c., &c.$ On account of my expenses beim; low 1 ant selling at Close Prices. 1 have a Splendid ,Stock of ReadEy-lEacle Clothing ger mon and, burs on hand and' Woolen Shawls for Lathes, suitable for this season of the year and will be SOLO VERY CHEAP, Ordered Suits will have my Special Attention. A Choice Stock o/ Teas, and fresh Fruit Suitable for all kinds of Cooking purposes that cannot fail to give Satisfaction. Butter and Eggs takers, in exchange for goods. By Honest Dealing, close attention to business and low prices I ,lope to merit a large share of public patronage. Give me a Call. • J7— X 14„ ONT, 3 R1 AD 1( HOUSE. 28 Read and don't forget that Boss Bros. have just Opened out the Larg- est Assorted Stock of Tweeds ever shown in Brussels, consisting of BEAVERS, FRIEZES, NAPS, FANCY WORSTEDS, HALIFAX, Scotch and Canadian Tweeds, and as those all have to bo run oil this Winter to lease room for Spring Stock you can depend on getting a Good and Cheap Suit or Overcoat. Call and, Examine Our Steck and you will be Satisfied that you can Buy Suits and Overcoats Cheaper than any place else. WE HAVE ALSO ENLARGED OUR STOCK OF HATS & CAPS IN ALL SHAPES AND STYLES. OUR STOCK OF UNDERWEAR IS ESPECIALLY WORTHY OF ATTENTION, being of Exceptionally Good Value. Some Extra Large Shirts and Drawers of Coocl Quality. In wo Show a Complete Stock of Desirable Goods, Suits Made to Order on shortest possible notice. Sizes in Cali: Early and Secure your Choice as wo Intend Rushing these Goods off at Once. ROSS Faatanablo Tailors. L s. ROS0 Smale'S Old Stand'