The Brussels Post, 1885-1-16, Page 46 THE BRUSSELS POST. JANUARY 10, 1885, sousasecureasarecrosseammecalawoaseroccarlerscsumcmorwasocerwocon=scssucmszaccramermecssma.ors. (11-1 3ru$5elz pot, /.7(//).11', 16, 1885, The regular ineetht•t of the village Council VMS hell in the Council Chamber last ..1,111ilay evening, all the members present eXCept Wilson, the Roc -vein the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and passed. The following aceounts wore pre- senteit:— Robt. 13rown, 3 months rent, ' 8 00 Geo, finisher's account, 12 00 J. D. Ronald, fire protection, 4 05 Mrs. Williams, wood 3 00 Waten Ainley's nceount 3 25 Eleetiou expenses, 29 00 0. E, Cooper, salary 10 00 postage ...... , 1 85 E. W. Melson, engineer at firs, ,. 5 00 B. Gerry's account, 37 37 Moved by Geo. Baehr, seconded by Jim Wynn that the foregoing an. counts be paid, Carrieti. AV F. VanstOnne gave 0 statement of the lumber of barrels of flour turned out at tbe Roller Mill for the Past 9 months which amounted to 17,500, as follows : shipment by rail 8,500 ; local sales 5000 ; gristing change 4,0(10. The mill started on Frisch 17th, 1884. The estimated • Ile mill is $20,107. Accord- ing ! the terms of the exemption he was to turn not 50 barrels per day. ja0. Kelly's taxa account was brougla up but no action was taken. J. B. Grant, and White Bros. asked for debentures for taxes returned against their yroperty, The former against a 02, Mill str:,et, for 1881 and 1882, amounting to $14.82, and the latter for the livery stable in 1881 $15,87. It was moved by Geo. Beek- er, seconded by J. II. Young tlint their request be granted, Carried. A cominunieJtion was read from W. B. Dickson, enclosing an account from Win. Thompson for $150.20 in settlement for tanks. After a little discussion on the matter it was moved by Gen. Backer, seconded. by Jim. Wynu that no action be taken in the matter, until the Council is satisfied that the tanks aro completed accord- ing to contract. Carried. Council then adjourned, CONC ERT. The 1.1flit' FAMILY Jubilee Singers WILL GIVE A CONCERT 1N THE MethOESt Irani,. 9 On 310NDAY, JAN. 19th. Me. 11. A. BALL, Mes. BALL, Alias WINNIE BALL, Mit II. BALL, 131verEll E. am., LIT'rul MNSIE, MIL ALF, 11,i1psAV, MIL W. STUNT. Among their numerous seleet!ous are: "Steel away to jesus." "Work mo all the day." "Nobody knows do trouble I see." "Bock me in de cradle all de day." "Sing and Nebber Tire," "Den my little soul's gu inc to shine." ADIIISSION25ets. ; CHILDREN 15sta. Doone OPEN AT 7, cONCE105 AT 8, ARD OF THANKS. As the guardian, representing the parties entitled to the sum of 81,000, assured by policy No. 7070,in the Confederation Life Association on the life of Kt. Peter Bender, late of Listo- wel, blacksmith deceased, 1 desire to thank the said Association, and their active agent, Mr. Richard Manning, far the prompt manner 10, whish they have settled said claim, not re- quiring the time to elapao to which 01105 aro entitled tO before payment of the same, JOHN 'YOUNG, Dated at 13=001101d, Doe, 20111,1084. ORTGAGE SALE,—Under and by AZ virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain mortgage (which mortgage will be produced at thnoof sale) there will ho sold by public Auction, ou Tuesday, the 20th day of January, A. D. 1885, at ono o'- elock in the afternoon, at Biernes' hotel, Walton, Lots Nos, 8 and 3, Hewett's Sur- vey, Walton, forming part of Lot 1, in the lath con. of Grey toWnallip, more fully de- scribed in said luortgago. Terms 1110,&) lin oWn on the day of sale. For further particulars apply to M.110111tISON, Wal- ton, Agent for Mortgagoo, 25-4in. Walton, Dec. 23rd, 1884, TO THE FARME11S.—T11E UN - .L signed is prepared to take contracts for the 00000100 01 Barns for the coining season Having had. many years experience in. this business lam prepandto RSV° entire 05010108- 0)00 00 slid eating with mo. Estimates cheer. fullyfurnialiod at any time. Olve ine a call. 57-0 PRED. ltADDATZ. Craubrook. .74.x.r.-.... — NOTICE. See notice of farm for sale in Mon rr HE COUNCIL OF THE COR- ris in this paper. -X... poration of the County of Huron will meet A good many new houses and barns in the CourtItouse, in the P e.vvn ot Goderieli 021 will be erected in the township next ; Tuesday, yanuarr 27t11, 1885. spring and summer. 28-2 PETER ADAMSON, Co, Clerk. The Bible Society collectors have been touring it on the various lines of Morris lately and their labors have met with considerable success. Dame Rumour, the sly old vixen, telegraphs its that another wedding will soon take place on the 4th line. Both parties aro well known in this locahty. "Two are better far than one" appears to bo the motto. The township Council will moot to bo sworn in on Monday of next week. The peo0c of Morris are growing wiser, it seen3s, and do away with WOOD WANTED. -THE BRCS - solo School Hoard went SO cords of two foot green wood, beech or maple, to bo deliver- ed 00 00 before May 1st, Tenders received un - tilEebruary 111, JOHN SHAW , 28-8 Sec. of 13 oard 1_10AR FOR SERVICE.—THE -1--P subscriber hes10 well -bre cl Cheater 'White boar for service, on his premises, Dames' 110 - tel, Cranbrook. Terms -00 cents to bo paid at 01010 01 Service, with privilege of returnieg • 24.4. CHAS. DAMES, Prop, NOTICE. Farmers and all persons who engaged the serviees 0( 000 Imported horses "Enterprise" during tlic year 1882, and "Welcome" eluting the yeM'0 1885 and 1084, travelled under the names of Horton & MeLanchlin in 1882 and election excitement by electing the gat nubeli & Alactuablin in 1884, are hero - Ohl Coimnctl lly acclamation. The 100 0110 searciveitesi7sintggeiZettegtyT2 or Nate without my knowledge and consent, as uo ono is authorised to collect the amount duo to 010 10 respect of the some and no re- °eines will be binding unless signed by me. Any persons wishing to nettle may do co either by payment to me or to my Solicitor, mr.B,H,Wacle, of Brussels, who is author- ized to receive same and givo receipt in my name, THOMAS MoLA.UOHLIN, Deo 30th, 1884. Brusssls. 20-2in worthy 'Peeve, who by the way is aud full of joke, is said to have said ‘!The peolle of Morris cannot find lsetter men in the township to put into office, and the Lord knows tbey can't find worse," be that as it may they have another term of office anyhow. HybinxitAr...—On Christmas day, at Walkerton, Wm. Scott, 4th lino, ;vas anited in marriage to Miss Henrietta Beatty, daughter of the late Stewart Beatty, of Trafalgar, and niece of Jas. 13eaLty, late 'Mayor, now M. P. for Toronto. The ceremony was per- formed by Rev A. Scott, brother to the groom. Ches. Little and Miss Smith, of MeKillop, acted as grooms man and bridesmaid, respectively. Ulu ue-;ly wedded pair enjoyed a 2 weeks tour, visiting at Toronto and points east. We bestow upon them a married blessing. The offending Hamilton tollgate was attacted by a party armed with rm Saturday night and demolish - td. The woodyard conducted under tho anqicces of the Toronto Combined City Charities is proving a gratifying 8202008. Josiah Ross, charged with smug- gling 200 pounds of butter from Can- ada into the United States, has boon held for trial, Tho Canadians in Chicago have formed a society, and have elected Sir John Macdonald and Edward Blake honorable members. Mr. Pruyn, the Conservative oan- didate for the Dominion House, was elected in Lennox by a majority of 41 over Mr. Allison. Quarrymen at Kingston Ont. are at poiht of a strike bonus° a man said to have offioiatod 18 hangman has been engaged to work among them INTERESTING TO EVERYBODY, Stoves, Furniture &c'. The Sterling Cook Stove just the thing for farmers use. Has a large oven, takes 27 inch wood and weighs over 400 lbs, The Marquis, one of the most oonven. ient and handsome town Cook Stoves ever offered to tbo public, also in stook. CALL AND SEE man "DAVIS" SEWING MACHINE. Ilis Simple and Durablo and does a larger range of work than any other machine in the market. A FULL 55920? URNIT URE ---CONSISTING OP -- CHAIRS, BUBEAUs, BEDSTEADS, LOUNGES, MATTRASSES, tic0e, GENERALLY ON SAND.' Not !oar to I, Drowe's hariwaro sign W. J. Jackson. THE 1iOLDEN .iOTii DARINan STORE, NOTHING LIKE IT WITHIN 50 MILES. Everything YOL 'Want. Everything Cheap, Leading Lines, CROSS -CUT SAWS.—By Every Maker of repute in Canada and United States. CHOPPING ,AXES.—The Groat "Simpson" Axe and Half Dozen other makes. CHAINS.—Cattle, Halter, Trace, Logging, Sic., &c. BELLS.—Sleigh, Farm., School, tke., SCALES.—Farm Stock Scales, capacity 8,000 lbs, Platform Farm Stock Scales, capacity, 900, 12,000, 1,500 Lbs. SKATES. -100 Pairs, 35 Cents to $8,00. LANTERNS.—Genuine . Safety Lanterns, tho I3est. Jaz, Dreyer, One breed otUY rise nn,101150 1011 The Beeleftehlre flog NI:all:vet them all. 2 3 11ARMINGTON 1! 280 The undereigw .1 will for service ut Tuck's hotel, Cranhrook, that pore brtal Berkshire Bear, Barriimpal, bred 'bye. hi, Sinunons and Quirie lean 1', (1., _Middlesex Co., Ont., from the best imported stuck on both sides with 1'41 '111 pedigree, Also that pure bred Suffolk lima, 'Young Cham- pion, bred Iv Jams Main Esu,, Halton Co„ Ont., from imported Mock on both sides and is 0 ilrst-elass pig 111 every re- spect, The above pigs have taken prizes at Toronto, London, Soaforth, Brussels, Wingliam and Newry, competing against the best hogs in the country, Inspection invited. Terme ono dollar at the time of service with the privilege of reaming if required, JACOB t!, 011011. MOIITGA.GE SALE 01? VALUABLE HOTEL PROPERTY, IN TILE VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS, IN THE COUSTY OF HURON Under the power of mac contained 00 a mortgage, width will be produced at tho them Ther,. II 0;' sold, at 1,0111101 nue Bum on OIs of sale, Friciny, the eilrel day of Janet. ary, 1805, that desirable Hotel property known as T1111 CENTRAL. HOTEL and those certain parents or tracts of Land and promises situate, lying and being in the Village, of Bros sels, 111 the County °Ilium and Province of Ontario, being competed of the whole of lot number one hundred and four end and south half of lot *amber one hundred and three - both on (110 east 0020 00 'Par/Merry street, ac- cording to Weatherhold's plan of said Village of Brussels (formerly Ainley'o survey of niv- el Do3LI tnyll Pailerhy (0)1111(31M:it; e".T101,111,:d of lot number 00e, iu the tenth 00000)01011 of the township of Grey owl have each a front- age of oiglity.two font, more OT 1000, 011 Turn - berry 011101. There is on the 'premises that disimb 0 Hotel, said to he of brick, in flrec•elass state of repair, the stables and embalmed,.lieW. The house is centrally situated imd. 114100 a large farmers trade. Thh property will be sold subject to to a reserve Terms and conditions made known on day of sale. For further articulare 1011145 to A. nurrvin. Brussels, or to E. M. CHADWICK, Vendor's Solicitor, Beatty, Chadwick, iihtiliStack 0 cot. No. 00, Well tagton Sireet East, Toronto, Dated 22nd Deoember, 1884. 25-4 NOTICE 1 Tho Enst Huron Aglieultural Society wil hold their annual meeting in the Town Hall, 1311USSELS, on WEDNESDAY, JA.NBAEY 21st, 1880, at 1 0.0.1ock 5.11., (00 010 purpote 0-0 receiving the Directors linancial Report, Illooting 0011- 0000 0118. Directors for the ensuing year, and transacting such other 'business as may come before tile meeting. A good attendance lore - guested. ROBT. 011380N, Vice -President VA]JtJA.131,11ti 1,,A11.111 1011, tiALL. 1110 Vann being conmosed 01north parte of Lots, N00,1,9, SU &GO In the 300 Cum of Turn- ' berry, sentential; 110 acre+, 10o01e or le, s, lain - ,,t,1 11 miles from Wrestle r, 5 toilet, from Worried tulles from lionowle, 1,ll Um ilratel Rad. Sehool within Leroy roils, 40 acre); elle"0 pod readyr foelec.:lug, '40 tleT011 1,11,010),. a004i 411/10 0811 alla 000.11T.10610041 horawoed, Spring erotic through the fawn. 1,111110 of say - mon 1, Do perfect, Price $2,1041. 1111115 111 J.1511..8 D111.1V1 10, 10,1)1101 10)1, Hardware 234f NViexeter. MEA.TMA1IKET, Alain Mtroct, Itrues 911 ANDREW CURRIE, Prop'r. FRESH ANC SALT IlEATS 1)1100 best flu laity always (Juliana and 01013v eros in ally part Ot 010 yJ11oe1roo of eliurge TELUIS very FIIVOT1610, FAT CATTLE 111i1.11' TED , Ton which tho highest12)011111(11101 , will be paid. I also make a Specialty of buyinghide sand Skills. Don't forget the Pinot, next clout to 1PletCh0T'S aC1VCIITYgtOTC. ANDREW 0011131 1 ) RUSSELS 31.,01t1C 31.? 031.1 I -E. I will be found at the Queen's Hotel, Brussels. every day, prepared to pay the Highest Market Price for any quantity of Pork, The talk about it Market, By-law, 6:c. is all bluff, THOS. HALL. BELT MARKET: BRAIN AND PORK. 1.101A. Graham will be found at the Queen's 'Iota Brussels, daily. prepared to purchase any quantity ol urain sad Pork, Farmers should bear in mind that this is the ONLY established Market in Brussels and should drive here. ROBERT GRAHAM. MOM? ' ,A511,45YAISMIS:5S9M-IffigSi9 G Li DY'S OLI STA.ND .Aor rri-i HI 1.-i0±-LCS1\721-2. 20 Lbs. Light Brown Sugar for $1. 20 Lbs, Nice, Clean Currants for $120 Lbs. of Prunes for $1, Other Goods 7,71, Proportion. CROCKERY & GLASSWARE. 15 per cent Below Usual Price. Highest Prices Paid for farm produce. Terms Cash or Trade. George Thomon. EMIL421.70Mirdizayg THAT D'rnr EADFUL AXE —AND— V\TA__&..,_&J.A__Nr111-4JD 30 iDA.Y.S. 2E -Out awe that Lead the Way. CAST-T ±11033.) DRY WOOD FOR SALE. B. GERRY.