The Brussels Post, 1885-1-16, Page 3ANUAlIY 0, 1885, TUE ISLE 0.10 CONTENT, Thorn's a land inn latitude near to ns all Where oaoh dweller may follow his bent; It is under no monarch's tyrauuloal thrall, And it is kuewl( ns 1118 Isle of Content. It'e a wonderful spot ; if you ask, it will bring To yea quickly whate'er y"u desire ;, What it cannot produce --(it's a singular That is just what you never require. 13y the balmiest zephyrs of Happiness fanned, '1 is neither too cold nor too hot, And the 10801011 and lads glover care in this hand Mother Sohool is in session or not. In content, tho' but poor, yet you feel ne'or. tlteloss, You are eqnal in wealth tea king, Wnilo a tear in the trousers or darn in the dress You consider a unpit1l thing. If you haven't the uwney to purchase a anal (I have been in that otrnit ober or twice), Take a roof in your vest and you'll instant. ly fool (If you live in Content) "very nice." When i notice a lad with a bright, sunny snub That extends for three inches, or more, Then I nudge myself inwardly, thinking, the while, "I[e's encamped on Content's happy shore," I have dwelt an this beautiful island at times, While inditing small verses for you, And I often have wondered if, reading my rhymes, You were thorn as a resident, too. ONCE WE WERE STRANGERS TO CHRIST. Onoe we wore strangers to grace and to Go& We knew not the danger in which wo then trod ; Though friends then did point us to Christ on the tree, In that blessed Saviour wo nothing could see. We oft road for pleasure, to soothe or en- gage, Prom t bt blessed Book, that now snored page; But e'en when they pictured that blood sprinkled tree, In Jesus our Saviour we nothing could BOB. Like tears from the daughters of Zion that roll, We wept when the waters went over some soul; Yet thought not that our sins had nailed to the tree, That dear, loving Saviour who died there so free. When free grace awoke us, by light from on high, At the terrors of darkness we trembled to die; To no refuge, no safety in this world could sure flee, In Josue our Saviour we all things could nee. Our terrors all vanished at that clear sacred name, Our guilty fours banished as with boldness we Dame To drink from the fountain that flows there so free, Now in Jesus our Saviour wo all things can see. Jehovah is now our treasure and boast, While safe on Rio bosom wo neer can bo lost, In him wo shall conquer through lies and blood, BOB'our Cable, our Anchor, our Trust and our God. When we trend the dark valley, the shadow of death, Thi,i watchword shall rally our last filter- ing breath, As from this world's trials our God sets no free, Jehovah, our Saviour, our death song shall be. W. Il. ffi The ant is an active, and efficient destroyer of the Banker -worm. They 0(ize the worms, which food upon the leaves, and boar them to their nests in the ground. It is claimed that they aloo attnalc the army worm. There is no certain rule about the use of plaster ou clover. In some situations a bushel yield a ton; in others it does no more good than so much road crust, It should be tried in all localities whore fertilizers aro needed, Partnere who like cabbage greens in the spring poll lip their cabbage, when ready to 11813 tlianl, :ted set the stooks close together in it trench, with the roots deep. In the spring these will throw out sprouts that furnish nice greens. Bench and plum stones if kept in a Collar during the winter must bo exposed, to freezing before spring. The best way is to spread them on a bed and cover thein with with a few inches of earth 01' tanbark and allow them to remain out all winter. Tho Hop market is again under. going a period of groat dspreseion, Last year at this time hops were soil- ing at 23 to 25 cts, per lb, Now they range at 18 to Iii cts. ',l'ho drop of 1884 was large, both at home and abroad, and groat quantities of foreign hops ore being imported to this country, Lately wheat has boon throe shill- ings per quarter lower in London than it has been for 104 yoare. Low as wheat is, it is not mn0ll lower than other products, ;('cats excepted, Stooling horses in Doloware is bad bust 20es for the thief if caught Ono Wahl recently sentr'uned to pay the costs of prosecution, $100 r, ,titution money, 8$200 fin,', to stand one hour in the plllor•,y, reeievo 20 bash1,8 (ma them suffer 18 month's imprisonment. Au English paper states that (t farmer in Weep Suffolk r(,0 ntly bought 1,000 sacks of A, erieall fleet' at 172. per sack, for the pnrpo.,0 of subject ,lgeut for Odotu, 'rlakets, Ann rlear113x rues Ing the flour to it process of b,(king Company rand (treat North 111, 0 0, tulugtnph before placing it lu the mongers of t>a(opa011. his fattening Christmas stook. The liens 113(31 lay best in winter, and which aro lees liable to colds and croup should have heavy puff lentil. ere under tiro wings. Those that ap- pear naked when the wings ate rids. eel up invariably onffer from cold more than triose that aro puffy. According to the Gardinor's Youth. ly Soarieulture is now the fashionable name for sillc culture ; Dondriauitnre for trap growing; Fr'agarlaultnre for the strawberry ; SolanituberasiollIturo for the potato, 121(1 Zidroylistebants hantzuiblcleitdoniture for 180 do nut know what. Whatever method of feeding pigs is adopted, it should bo liberal. Let the quarters be dry bud comfortabie and disturb them as little es possible. Pigs are in part' hibernating animals and the more they sleep the better far THE BRUSSELS POST rj1HOS. P.LETCHER, 1'rnetleal Vt'atchinalcerand do(velel, 5 Gold V1'ntehrs,1I31 ver Plated Ware, Alf ver lvatelies. ('larks, 4l144 Itlna», O'Ielii,N. IC. + ) 1:S11 C. 1 keep lull Ilan of tlotals a snny' kept lu a erst-elnes.7011010y s tart. Cull and examine, no trouble to ..bow numbs. 100o.o.0, of rna,zzl1•Co thorn and their owner. A good hog ante and sleeps alternately. A well posted writer upon live stook topics, in an article termed "Hints ou Feeding" gays among other things, that the first element of 01100080 fu feeding stock is love for the animal. A breeder or feeder of stock may be a man of intelligence and industry, and may have the best accommoda- tions for his stook, and yet not suc- ceed as well as one who really enjoys his business, and has a personal in- 10rer•1 in the animals. Recent experiments with feeding for mills demonstrates that ensilage gave as much butter as hay, bran and meal fed together, and therefore ranks as an economical food. It is best however to use it as a supplement t0 other foods. The churning qual- ity of milk was found to bear no ex- act relation to the chemical composi- tion, and the churn is therefore the only reliable implement for determin ing the butter quality of milk in pl'ac- tiaal dairying. Canadian. News. Mrs. Mary Benjamin, aged 100 years, die(; on Saturday in the 0011n - try, near Kingston. The majority against moving the I wish to inform all that I have rented comity buildings to Essex Centre will 0eaa11 3,000. The Scott Act will be submitted to the electors of Northumberland and Durham on the 27th of February. Another advance of four cents 12 bushel has been made in the price of Manitoba wheat, bringing it up to 75 Dente. The nine year old son of George Shanclay, caretaker 111 the old R. O. cemetery, Hamilton, was seriously if not fatally injntrod by a tombstone fidiing upon him. Roll Carding, Spinning, • The statement of the consolidated fund of the Dominion up to the 31st lilt. shows a surplOs of receipts over Weaving, Fulling, do,, expenditure for the six months of $1,105,0983. IL72d Gzrarantee t0 Give Millais' painting of the Marquis of Good Satisfaction. Lorne, presented to the National Art Gallery at the capital, and valu- ed at $5,000, was inspected by the member8 of the Dominion Cabinet last weals. ---N>a1V STOCK Oh'---- Inffalo Ratios, Rll °s g Horse Mo,nkets, 'x1 sw@1C6'1 i00)`= O ifs i ZVAOIlf^d I havo moved to my now brick store and 1101 prepared to wait m1 all my old custom. ors and many now ones, aim HARNESS ! HARNESS 151 Light and Heavy 'farness made to order on short notice of the very best matorial and superior worinnanship. I have in Ssock HARNESS, WHIPS, CURRY COlIBli, BRUSHES FLY NETS, DUSTERS, ETO, A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OI' TRUNKS, VALISES, SATCHELS, ETC., ETC. H. DENNIS. OUR CUSTOMERS, the W OHA N WOOLEN ELL Till I get the Brussels mill in opera- tion and will take in Wool here in Trade as usual. I iutoud to take in All Kinds of Manufacturing here, at the Old Woolen ,hill Stand, such as The Sonata of Toronto University, the Corporation of Trinity College, and the regents of Victoria Universi- ty have dismissed the scheme propos- ed by the Minister of Education for a —SUCH federation of the uuivorsltiee. Mounted Policeman Ross woe fat- ally frozen in attempting to walk Jackets Start's, Stocklugs, from Golden City to Third Biding cu the O. P. R., in British Colombia. He was exhausted and lay clown be- side the trach, ..He was a native of 80011001 and has 00 friends ill Cas- such as ads, William Black, aged 16, nttoinptod Bed Blankets, Horse Blankets, to juulp on a street car winch was coining douu 1110 mountain, Hami1 ton, at a great speed on Wednesday of 1101 week. Tho driver warned him, bot he made a jump at the front platform, and was thrown under the wheels and cut to pioee, Ho WWI taken to the City Hospital. Francis Sidney, who wad arrested at Lindsay some cloys ago after ro. turning from the States on the charge of setting fire to the barna of support - ere of the Scott Act at Georgetown, pleaded guilty before Judge Miller at Milton and got five yours in peniten- tiary, He made a statement that he -was paid to c10 so by Anti -Scott Act people, —ALL KINDS OF— Knitted Goods +VI1•�e T o rder, (Sze. I have a largo stock of goods on bba(nd, Shadings, Union Flannels, All Wool Flannels, TO Shirts, of various kinds, Under Skirls and Drawers, an .excellent Lot of 41.1 Wool Tweeds both Fine and Coarse, 11—PLl4AS311 OIVfi I0A3 A CALL ooxs`ows SELLING YOUlt WOOL, 10LSLrWB 11113... : r O. 11017E, it\r JJ FLOUR Ali 1-J -4 The undersigned having completed the change 1'rolll the ,stone to the CELEBRATED 11[1NGAEIAN SYSTEM OF GRIND- ING, 'las now the Mill i11 Etta sT®OL (St' = D R And Will he glad to see all the Old Customers aIld as I11a113' new onef+as liu;�aible. Chopping done. Fa IR HE FEE) ALWAYS ON HAND. rte, WANES PPICC PAID ME ANY QUANTITY OF GOOD WHEAT --��-�11 ^ '�-7 -�•- •'7�- ^Tem,, .XX._a, �=�t� rirt 0 JAMES BUYERS 11IA.NUFA°TiMER OF.. Buggies, Carriages, Democrats, Wag@>n;rf , Expres-s Wagons,All made of the best materia) and fin shed in a workman -like manner'.. Repairing and Painting; Promptly Attended to. Parties intending to buy should call before purchasing. --0--- a Mc- Kelvey, Grey township; WmCameron, Win. it Little,es CG George Breutt and lwarr,, and David Breckenridge, Morris township; Thee. Town and W. Blashiil, Brus- sels; Rev. E.A. Fear, Monkton, and T. Wright, Turnborry township. rC'Remember the stand=South of the bridge, JAS. -F, ITYER� ra 0 I ILE MS I 0 VANSTONE E OS., Proprietors,, ---oOo— Wo have much pleasure in announcing to the public that our New Roller Mill is in complete running order and is giving the best satiefaction. SHOOTS, MEAL HAN & CHOP CONSTANTLY ON NANO.' We also make the following brands of FLOUR Patetn, Jersey Lily, Canadian's Pride and Snow Storm. Gristing attended to with promptness. V ALL KINDS OF LUMBER OUT TO ORDER Berlin Foundry i .IMANU19A0T'UIW3Rs OF ENGINES, BOILERS, MILL MACIIINER,Y, &c. Small upright Engines 86 oiflor's it specialty. Fat• f artiaer portioalare &P ,1 r 00 N.soil 86 On., Berlin. &'ONNIT.LIJ 11UTlliSE131Ee. 108 ff 'E'A,e0arste8WW axle Antoci. ( Dom ai :sig. 1 112. ACM. LUMEN N WANT; EEl!. '@o etogLn WOW( at °Moe nu 50809 04oady8mploymenintaxod salaries to all wfllingtowork. 141111 AND W01111714 eau hove pleasant, WORK THE YEAR ROUND. Good agent; are ea'01100tr000 544 to 513(13 par moots , and expenacv>•. Tanana and outattne8, Addcroes firen=0)1 R 4tel9+dal,tIVVrOlv,, T0'.?ONTO, oh -r • A GREAT tr1Ati('3 't0 NUKE .I ONE+ Y Outs(worth nlnrge sum of money all Free ?�,a .Yen a•n1 And Y0U1t i O332UN14 1N --- 00110I110U1.A14, —oma GREAT MANOR FOR YY LADt �A��0r,Z11S ! T() MAJ�E RONEJ.. t=r'Verlue and On k'reo,-- our lrouiar n Prize, OFon 1811.; ar:c. Address,— F;,NIt ALP rV1it3012114e co, 0t. Onnlortuce,Anlnl'1 o, Cans 13c, J\/1ONLY TOLOA zv. x'Kt1SITATi:: 7f 1<JI4311ws, $2'0,000 01lvdvntoInn cis 1101,0jut•( 1304.0 pin( (d la re lten,hs Pot Invostnxn(51 .At 7 Pei' Cent, laoarewaraGan I,two t0rir 1~1,r( (4mpl(.te In throe days fhcte1Wo f0 eatfsfinetev.... 0.ptli• to