The Brussels Post, 1885-1-16, Page 10 VOL. XII. Grey 13ranah ,tgrieul1nrel ;l4elety. The annual meeting of the fire Branch Agricultural Society wall hof in the Council Chemher, 13rnssols, n Thursday al'terionn nf hast week Tho President, James F'orgnron, ne cupied the chair, Tho annual report was rear] by til Secretary lhowiug the receipts so BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JAN. 16, 1885. NO. 28, iiOt•11: PARLIAMENT. COMMUNICATION ala • 1st l tidily to each mo0111, 11 3' Thoregnl01 titeeliig of the above the. P,tleed heard. Town Hall. c1 Ludy assembled in lila Connell 1'1111)11- 1) 1 1 t 1 1 her on Weduesdny evening, the Speak -0(41 your . . 104' e1 would. almost in - 1 kr from your remar11 1'n last week's issue 01' 111 1110 chitil', After n few prohm- I that you endorsed the actions and general -_-_ Merles the speech fr.en the throne 1)laIlIlgo101ifll 111 44414' 1114 41 ]inard during Everybody 0011= ' 1 is Cna:.T. osx ,trnuul was read. Itis las fnllutvs : --' th0 pant, f tem r.ur,• 440 eensibin Mau hero. Those wile 1100 tun stingy flenldrnlrrr a' , _. L t Tl • 1 f I = Ll t •1 to 'u �ary L coir uvn, Beard when 11000 ,sc ' The Board then adjourned. he valuation, A, .i . Shuttleworth, as- sistant Superintendent of the experi- mental department on -1. Artricul- turel chemtstry applied on the farm. 2. Brnefte to be gained by 1a Gartner's son °rem attelldence at an .1grioul- i1 College, 11. Seleotione in breed- ing, `There will be a number of short O J the 1foek 14rlientent of Ilr)s- Sac1 t f l 1 'ribs burrow their neil,bburs, ✓ ae10 : the past year to be $440.18 and the expenditure $9.41.01, leaving a bal- ance of $5.17, It Was moved by \V. TI, bfcCraek• en, seconded by Duncan MoLattehlin that the report be adopted. Carried. The election of 0-1110611i wile then proceeded with and remitted as fol lows :-Jaines Ferguson, Pres. ;Alex, Stewart, Vice -Pres.; A. Gardner, Wm. Smith, W. H. McCracken, A. K. Robertson, Moe, 11icLanohlin, R. Brown, Duncan NOLanchlin, Jno. Hislop, and Alex. Forsyth, Directors A. Stilleben and F. S. Scott, Audi- tors. Danl. Stewart, Sec,-`Croas, EAST WAWANOsn0 The annual meeting of the mein hers of the E Wawnnosh Agricultural Society was held in Belgrave on the Oth inst. The following adore were elected ;-President, John Robertson ; Vice President, Charles Proctor; Directors, Robert Reilly, Robert Cur- rie, James Owens, Richard Stone, house, Alfred Carr, Hugh Rose, .David Geddes, Thomas Wiikineon- and Adam Halliday : Secretary, Fin. lay Anderson ; Treasurer, Charles McClelland ; Auditors, A. Taylor, and Hobert Armstrong. It was resolved That a meeting be held on 11'hursdny, 22nd inst. at 2 o'clock pan. for the purpose of taking into consideration the advisability of starting a cheese or butter faotorym Belgrave. Farmers, cheese and butter manufactures are requested to attend, Allow 1no at the outset to cungatulato you and tho ti„vm'4nleut to which w,1 owe ellogiunne on the geminal prosperity that has been enjoyed throughout the Dominion daring the past year and to sxpres 1110 gratitude ]010]011 too all fool, that w0 1111,00 boon preserved from the thee toned inva- sion of that dreaded epidemic, cholera, and that, while other nations have been Packed by internal tumults, pence has prevailed within our borders. Wo have abundant 0000e 201' congratuln. tion also in who extension of our territory in the West and the Northwest, available for cultivation and settlement and in the rapid and satisfactory propels made in the building of our Groat National highway ' and tho generally satisfactory condition of nnr domestic affairs. It will not be expected that in the MU - VOW limits of my speech, I can foreshadow the Policy of tho Government during tho session upon which we have entered, but a few of the loading measures to come before you will he enumerated. Your attention will be called to Peti- tion or Bill to bo laid before the Imperial Government of England touching upon our relatiene with the mother country, and set- ting forth that while we are proud to be ranked is one of the colonies of Great Britain, we yet think the time has comp when a more independent policy will prove acceptable to the people of Canada, and I trust that whale the weighty considera- tion of this treasure receive your gravest attentions that patriotism and love for the greater federation will temper your judg. me»t and enable ,you to arrive et just and loyal conclusions. Bills will come before you the objects of which shortly stated will bo new legislation and the amending of existing statues re- garding -4, The National Currency. 2. The office of Minister of Education, 3, The abolition of the Senate. 4. The electoral System. 5, The abolition of Go. Councils. 0. The protection of native industries. 7. The sale of intoxicating liquors, 8. The election of judicial of sere. 3. The jury system. 10. The extension of the Canad- ian Pacific 1?•ailway from Elora to Gnde- rich. 11, The regulation of euow and wire fences. 12. The exemptions from taxation, 13. The extension of the franchise, 14. The abolition of capital punishment, 15. Tho prevention of contagious diseases. Various othoi measures found necessary for abs amendment of existit-g laws will al- so be submitted for your approval. Tho estimates will be laid before you at au early day, they have been prepared with as much regard to economy as is compat. ible with the efficiency of thepublio service. I have directed that the public accounts of the pest financial year shall bo laid bo. foreyou, W.11. Kerr moved the passing oi' the Address aid it was seconded by J. J. Denman in a neat speech. The following members of the Govern- ment then spoke ou tho Speech :- Hon.: Memborsfor Suffolk, Glengarry, Sunshine, Halton, and Peel, followed 7E31 -Ise -vase. Tho Ball Jubilee Singers sing in the Methodist Church next Saturday night'. Rev, A. Y. Hartley has been appoint- ed as a delegate to attend the meet. ing of the Dominion Alliance in Tor- onto this month. A $50 cote, belonging to Win. Wil son, hong herself while trying to feed through a loose board in the barn and when found was stone deed. J. Peterson, of the Royal, was taxed $20 by Inspector Miller for lcoepiug "open liar" on lnnnicipal ¢leaden day, D. Dewar, n Scott Act refugee from Halton, is said to be skulking in the wilds of Morris, "Waiting till the clouds roll by." At the annual meeting of the Blue. vale Cheese) Factory held last week, the President in a short address con- gratulated the 160 patrons and share. holders present on the excellent show- ing made by 111e fnotory for the year lIotwitlletending 111e dryness of t110 seeeo 1, the 101)41 make had but slight- ly decreased, while the patrons had risen from 186 111 1883 to 150 1i 1884. The season's make was but a fraction short of 09 tons nf firet•alaes cheese. Tho sales wore effected at better prices than ever before since the establish. 141011 of the citatory, six yeals ago, the average price being -a fraction over 110. The total amount of money distributed lit this community by means of thie industry was $25,000. The old hoard of directors Pres., Soc., Trees., Auditors, 1Ca, were re-elected by acclamation. Walton. The mortgage sale aunouneed for Jan. 20th has been pos-poned until Feb. 4111, at the eawe time and place. The annual meeting of the Walton Union Cheese and Butter faotory was held in Biomes' hall, on Thursday of lest week. Jonathan Moore, presi- (lent, took the chair and after a few preliminary remarks oalled upon tho auditors to report, wvhfu1 they did as j'ollows:-Amount of mills reooived for year, 1,527,025 lbs., making 144,108 lbs. of cheese, an average of 10,90 lbs. of milk to a pound of choose, for whiell was received $15,094.3.0. Tho average price per 1b. for sales wag 10. 88 cents and the patrons average price was 8,38 Dente per ib. On motion the report was adopted. The Pros. idont then vacated the chair and Lout is McDonald took it after which the following direetors were gloat ed :-M. Morrison, Tri. Ryan, Jona, than Moore, Jno, Stafford and Geo, Forrest. The meeting broke. up with thanks to the old Board. Z. A. Leech line been re•engaged as cheese master. by members of the Opposition from tho hon. members for Norfolk, James- town, Seaforth, Walton, and Perth. The address was carried by a majori- ty of four Committees were then drafted. A. Hislop and P. Scott were elected all seats with the Opposition and J. U. Mcli min tools his place with tho Government. The Bill to bo brought before The ITouse at next see - slim will he the "Independence of Canada.,' Gra•eo'. Revival services are in progress at Whitfield's church, under the direc- tion of Rev. R. Paul, of Ethel. The municipal elections being over things are settliug down, once More, to their wonted stale of dullness. George McKay, lot 34, con. 15, had his residence destroyed by fire on Friday night 1)4(1. 0111144 unknown. The mall'illlouial fever still lingel'e in the vioinity and there aro yet sev- eral victims which we fear are very seriously affected. PaowISAN's ilils)t'rreo.--The annual Meeting of Um (3153' Plowman's As- soofatiou will be .held at Crapbrook on Thursday eveeiug, Jars. 2214. A large atteud11nc0 is desirable, as buss. nos of impoetanCe will noire before the meeting, Grey Council will Meet, as poi statute, ou ]Monday of next week. All the old members will have Beate ab the I3oard except Jno., Hislop. Mr, Hislop le an old and . valued servant of the township having spent over 20 yearn ill Connection with mi1111aipal mutton) and richly deserves some re- cognition at the hands of the electors of Gtey. Meeting of Toronto Aldermen and Railwaymen considered a proposition to construct a subway at the .King- sll'ret West railway crossing, are amain artily 11»1I1311 matters to 6o re - forted to in his l,.,a,rur,•, it shows gloat want 02 ability in tie• neat'il when 0o member of it can aur a:, Seen -dory, Then in cn.ploying the .;:au„ individual as Re. turning Meer at school eleeti)14, when the Vete is an open vete and by the vntu itself shows, as last election, rather antagonistic to the teacher himself Ile: would he droll-. ing his day's tray a) school, at about 02.50, and as returning 00.,4'1', probably 1,4 Marc. Away with such management. lo it not x110(11 t]n1e 1110 "1'10g" was broken ? if the present Board carries en 80,11 a 001.1.00e for'8i5 we will elcsin cut two inure of the family ring, Yours, 400., A PAm4N7'. Brussels, s, Ja11. 13th, 1,485. BRUSSELS PUBLIC SCHOOL. Tho following is the standing of pupils for the seuier department of who Brussels Public School, as ascer- tained by a riuc'nt written 0xatnin4- tion. t3 41 8 01.- 0i PBi: �r ', 3 . o l0 o. 7O 14 a0i 0- 70' 1543 1', 73 70, f C )' 1-101 611 At Shaw, 75 65,76 50 6) 164'4')' 1115 007 10 MoLa.,oblin 7.5j?3,435. ,. that 11)' 114011.04 D Dnp 70;1 rt 4363734',):1''•0''71 470 Thos line ]:.tel, , 00;..,.'i, 70 047047)40.10,30 474 112 51em0. n 11'3 13 i 1- d 1175 8501.7 1 41 457 J Slowo,t, '7527] 61;21 (,14597440 455 .7IIutgo? '10,,,1 G. 57'71. • Tt)0:e sal II 0108odze au, 0,1...'4 <. (3'7154 10'2; 412 Herr, !, 1.. 1) 4:4874, 8) 811,..123,40 518 lutorsnodlato 4511 Class, G Rogers, R Wynn, Thos W)lson, J MoNarguton, Dr CornSr, A Young, It ROSS, Jas. 'Thomson. 1 Iiuechtel, sr. A:,natrong, 33 Gerry, A Smith, L limiter, Wm McCracken, 11 Armstrong, .0'1 )wn, 65 70 06 50 40 46 80 le 38 70 31 378)08,0073(433315 84,,119;05 45 105 58 43"9;8.1 7)100'110 10 40 470 84;0) I r., 63 0 1,00'4]'42 80 447 lS 36 BO FE6 181105110 71 03i40'117 40 866 8927141' 40 70,49'10,14 36 850 16'404400 00 3140'0) :9 80 333 ,40 28 0452'30111 11 107 20 25;30'85 (5141)...116 37 268 04 21 23-:70 00'24 5]'00 85 200 0121 20 20 10'2) 00 87 10 15 10 3114 65 87110 15 30 15;84 70 87110... 80 8.11 00 284 4 0 30 011!.........1......... 10 12 40 18 215 243 220 64 147 81 a dal; =aY�A d 51.3,1g1818 1-2 4) Mina Turnbull, 09;55'80 60,681711411-0 4r 51) 5.1 70dcite 14a'twlok, 70;811:111 11150 75'68 04 3300 1•) 58 6.7 Janet hunter, 44'18 8089 •F4 481) Samuel P ant, 73;50'62 03 32 41:50 25,1) 10 05 58 485 Mabel Jal:kaon, 4000,6013'001711.452) 255 478 Nellie 130 ins,_ 41',4'1!7057'417547',08216 473 Haotle nesters,51 71 03 37 47 70140 20 22 42 108 AC MoNaughten, 18 511,'... 43'73170;00 40 31 50 427 win 1litoil7o, 0 70.20 4(-864051 30 30 27 54 427 nittiea Burgess, 0)43501 ?l05'7;''�1 .l,°1065 408 Lon19 Jaek0on, 50 7.91.,, 304100'30 10 0:) 40 827 n Alexander, 10 41'40 07-22175'45 .-. 1•' 00 078 Prank 8 trotton, 4349 .,. 41;10'40 00202042 868 Maggio Stewart, 00 51-2x._ J4 07 01 2) 20 60 801 A rltomp: on, 35 0') 4 1) 81105i0) 30 10 40 0.11 33ressols School Board. Tho regular meeting of the above Board was held on January 18th, 1885. Dr. Hutchinson and ]ire. J. R. Smith havigg taken the declaration of office took their scats 41t the board, ]All the members pee47nt except Jt \Nilson. Newel by W, 1t. Wilson, seconded by F. S. Scott, that E. E. Wade be chairman, Csrried. Moved by F. S. Scott, seconded by Di. Hutchinson, that the School Board be divided into subcommittees viz. -Property, Finance and Educe. tion, and that the chairman appoint these-cowmitt'c s. Carried. Moved by Dr. Iltttchinson, second. ad by F. S. Scott The!. the parents of those children who did not comply r with the law (luring the year 1884 bo notified by the Secretary, to attend tho next meeting of this Board, aud state the cause 0117,3' certain of their 01111(110n did not 01111111)1 .1001 its per statute. Carried, Moved by F. S. Scott, seconded by W. 11. Wilson, that John Shaw be Sec.•'Irees. of this Board] at a Kiln's( of $30 per auunni Carried, Moved by W. It. Wilson, ooconcled by F. S. Scott, that James Oliver bo caretaker at a salary of $00 per an- num. Carried. Moved by W, 13. Wilson, seconded by F. S. Scott, that 11, Gorry's Be - count of $19,74 be pail), Carried. Moved by Do. lfntohinson, ,second- od by W. 11. 'Wilson, flute we navel,• tied in Tem Pose and by posters for tenders to deliver at sollool house 56 'cords of green wood, 2 feet long ; ton - dors received until 1st Friday in Feb- ruary ; wood to bo delivered on or before the lst of May. Carried. It was agreed that: he regular meet- ings of tho Board would be Hold on \Vat, Nelson, the yuuig :.all. 111- jur'ed 1n Deputy ltesvo 3lilul,'s miler flouring 11111), i'• doing as well as could ho hext,pecte=] ward will pull through all rig Win, Milne 1.3 not going into the ow -log bueiuu s this winter liicu he diel other years as lie has a large stock of lumber 0u hand nolo. The still will he kept going for some time, however, with cnstum sawing, Geo. Dobson and Alex. Robertson, pupils of our public school, passed the entrance extuninatiou to the High School at Seaforth. Tho first ineu• tamed tools 445 marks, and the latter 800. 310 was the necessary pass 1n1Lrk, The arrangement of our snail mat- ter sides the alteration of the trains does not give satisfaction as our let- ters and impure from the west aro a1. ways a day behind now. We hope the spring will usher in a change up ou the program. The little son of Wm. Spence's, who was badly frightened by a dog some time ago and from the fright became partially paralysed, is still quite helpless, although the brave little fellow makes every effort to help himself. The trouble appears to he in the spinal cord. At the regular meeting of the Child- ren's Temperance Union, held here, Jan. 8th, the following officers were elected for the ensuing term ;-David Tindall, President: Eliza A. Tindall, 1st V. P. ; Rebecca Spence, 2ud V. P. ; Alex, Robertson. Sec.; Mary Lang, Teas.; Alton Willis, Conductor; Bertha Fogal, Assistant Conductor ; Mies Carter, Chaplain ; Addle Milne, S. S. ; -James Robertson, 0. S. Managing C'lmmitLee :-E. H.Totnp- kins, E. °ober, Isaac Lake, HBrnt•on 4.Jotaultg" otsete. Tho minty S. S. Association holds its annual meeting at Seaforth, on the 10111 enol 11th of Feb. James Beamish, (of Beamish- Matnes notoriety) did not live long to eujoy his release from prison, (1s he died on Mondry oveniug of last week. An effort arcs 111840 to secure the re- lease of hie sons just long enough for them to attend the funeral, but it was not granted. E. Floody, of who Beo Hive News Depot, Clinton, offered .$5 as a prem. ium to the person gues6lug nearest the number of beans iu 0 glass jar in his establishment. There were 4,856 benne in the jar, and Mise Ella Coats gained the prize by guessing 8,800. Oyer 800 people guessed, The regular meeting of the Huron Medical Association took place at the Grand Union, Clinton, on the 0th inst., and was one of the most inter- esting and successful meetings yet held. There were present Die. Sloan, Young, Taylor, (tnun, Elliott, Nichol, Campbell, Williams and Worthing- ton. It being the annual meeting, el, oticu of officers for the ensuing year resulted as follows :-President, Dr. Tto3do', Goderioli ; Vico Pres„ Dr, (lien, \Vingham ; Sec Dr. Worthington, Clinton. Some exceed ingly iutereetiug uses were present• ed for examination. Ono of a boy of 8 years, who lied onsiped diabetes, and was reported to have imaged 24 pints of urine in 24 hours, Ono of epithittune of the tongue. One of fibrinous tlni0n of both shoulder joints iu the s,.me pers0n. One of epilepsy, with loss of ep00011, nod one of pleur- itic effusiou, which had filled nearly the whole of the right chest, but - re- moved by absorption. lineortaht to Formers. A Farmers Institute will be held in the Town Hall, Clinton, on Toe - day and Wednesday, 20tH and 21st January, when Prof. Mills, M. A., Presidont of the Outeri() Agricultural College, will deliver addresses on various subjects connected with the theory and practice of improved hus- bandry. J. Hayes Penton, M. A„ Professor of Geology and Natural Ilistory will be prepared to give pa. pets on any of the following subjects, viz :•-1, The soil, its origin, forma- tion and 01088166tjon, 2, Science in cattle feeding, 8. Manures and the'r pithy, 101110110aal papers from local men (01 cognate subjects which will be of much iuturest and profit to the faring]); community. eadaltr(lirtrl 1?d44•4W]t1. 3;00]100111 111 threnteuod Wi111 1111 111 1111,10.14011. Sunday was Sir John 11ned:,nnhl'a 70th birthday. S. Notdou, M. 1' P, of St. Catb- alines, was married on Wednesday to Miss L. Chishelul, of that city. No horse bred outside of the Un- ited Kingdom will be permitted to contend for the Quoen'e Mate In Eng- land. Louts ICeucher, of Guelph, fell into a vat of het liquor at Hollingors Hanover tannery and wile severely burned. The vote on the question of annex- ation to the city was carried un the 5th inc.tin Parkdale by a majority of seventy-six. A Niagara Falls hotel -keeper is re- ported to have come into a fortune of thirty thousand dollars by the death of a brother in Colorado. The election in Sanbury county, N. B., on Friday for the vacant seat in the Etouse of Assembly was won by Glasier(a Government supporter). The two Canadians who were ac- cused of complicity in smuggling but- ter and other articles into Buffalo on Christmas eve were discharged on Saturday. Gee. D. Hawley, ex-111.PP.. and W. T. R. Preston, Secretary of the Central .Reform Association, were in- jured in a carraige accident Monday evening. Partial returns from different towns in &sex eountyincdioate that the ma- jority against the removal of the gaol mid court house from Sandwich will reach 2,500. E. W. Johnston, the well-known o.thelete, stepped into a hole in the sidewalk and dislocated his ankle. This will of course prevent his going South with D. C. Ross. A Winnipeg telegram says : Coal from Crowfoot Crossing, tested on Saturday at the Canadian Pacific Railway' yards, proved far more sue- cessfal than was at first expeotod. Alf. Balser and a party of L3ami1- tou sports had a good day's heating aL Carlisle on New Year's day. They succeeded in bagging twelve hares, which is considered a pretty fair day's shooting. A.t a nieetiug held In Ingersoll on TllursdLty last a polo club wile form- ed, under the name of the Ingersoll Polo Club, with the following officers: -W. C. Neon, president ; George i3. White, vice-presiclont ; J.T. Chris - (011, 01000011•,• treasurer ; manage- ment committee, 3. 0. Matheson, C. W. Saunders, Cl. Sherman, 11. Ma- lone, and R. blcCaron. In regard to the recent decision of the Hamilton magistrate, Oxley vs. two members of the Salvation Army, itis necessary to state that the ovi- denee was as follows :-That the pre- soeutor stood in the centre of the side (four -foot) walk, oousognontly jostled ta1aiuet the defendants and others in the army ranks as they marched along. From the facts as shown in evidence the .Magistrate dis- missed the ease against the defendants aid fined the prosecutor. A shooting match took plane in Wardsville on Monday last for au 0y8ter slipper, Mo ssr's, (lady and Wil- son, the respective proprietors of the two huteie in the vi111aga, being the captains, Nine picked marksmen were chosen on each sidle. The Cady men, after LL ke0ulyeoutosted firing, succeeded in defeating their oppon- ents by 24 points, the Bore etonding 200 to 283 out of a possible of 285. The supper was, therefore, held at Clay's, the Victoria Rouse, on Tues- day night. After the cloth had 140011 removed, and whilst in the midst of the festivities, James Wells suddenly dropped dead in his chair while play- ing the tamborino for the entertain- ment oftbe company. Deceased was aboutforty.o1ght years of age, and had only resided in'the village a short time, where ho had purobased proper- ty, and was universally rospeotod. Heart disease is 00pposek to Have been the cause of hie death,