The Brussels Post, 1885-1-9, Page 8THE BRUSSELS. POST JANUARY 9, 1885. you \1'I14I, HAVE TO COME Tui East 1Iu ui Agfa Society will and see for yourselves. We haven't space enough. to mention all the Preparations we aro malting; for the coving Christmas for it iK Something trc- hold their minuet meeting in the Brussels Town Hall, ;el Wednesday, Jan, 21st, at 1 u'cl,:uk, lain nava Torr Provincial Secretary is writ- ing; to the Division 1ttgistrare of the different ulunieipalitiee to mailall those whose duty s is to snake regia• e,lee,ue. aro having tratlons of 15rtils, Death., and ltar- CANI>1E4 MADE BY TIIB BARREL riages, eutl lave not yet complied !.o that wo ran sell them at with the law in this respect, to do so WHOLESALE PRICES, at once, as the Gevl•ii.nwnt is deter- - alined to set the Itirthn, MarriagesWearo g.'iuz t(' sten Every Kind Of Trait and Death's Act fully enforced, and that in passible to be got, tho flue for neglect is a very heavy one, currents, it(ttnil s, Cirnpes, Etas. th'aettee. wears, t'Ineeppes etc T11L•' HURON LIVIt STOCK ASSOCIATION, Alulo::: l.vury Kind of Nuts on Earth. —A meeting of the officer's, directors and all others interceded in the Huron I CA''^V'''D MN AND FRUIT Livo Stock Aesoeiation, will he held tw t7oY romit,Rarpor a at Rattenbury s Hotel, ,'imam, on Tuesday next, th' 111th inet , at 1 DON'T FAIL TO u'elock p m , 1'..r the B0rpeee of la cidinti on the holding of a spring Halle. All parties having entries to make should beryl theta in at that meeting and if there aro not sufficient entries to justify the holding of a sale, the society will lilte,y he di9solve.1. 1 IL Y. MCLxAN Secretary, 1Mrreereee Dl CISIoi.—•A question of great importance to lailreade and slippers has Len decided by the Montreal circuit court. The plaintiff had forwarded two dressed hogs to Montreal by the Carnelian Pacific, and on account of delay in transit they arrived in a condition unfit for food. Thereupon he era the com- pany for s3O damages. The com- pany pleaded that by its rules all freight was carried at the risk of the sunder, Tho court decided it in favor of the plaintiff for the full amount <llalmed, with casts, holding that in order to make the company's plea tamale it must be shown that the shipper was aware of the company's rule, and that if ho were aware of it tho risk implied was that „f carriage only and not of delay. THE LATEST FROM MosEs.—The fol- lowing is the latest prediction of Mos- es Oates:—Tho present cold snap will not last but we shall have a milder holiday week, the temperature being about the nor...ral. In January the weather will be above the normal, it will be what may bo termed a dry month, tiro total precipitation of ram and snow being less than the average. February will bo slightly above the normal, and will be wetter than the preceding month. March will be an average mouth, and will bo the wet- test of the winter mouths; there will be considerable snow and rain in this month. The rainfall in April will be fully up to the average. The mild spells this winter will average about three weeks, but of course will he slightly irregular and subject to an occasional cold suap. 'There will be a good deal of ram next spring, sum - mar and fall, and much snow in the winter of 1885.0, A HEAVY LOSS or HORSEFLESH. S. Wellwood, of the township of Wawa - nosh, lost six valuable horses from the fatal dieao o—cereI:ro• spinal. men. igitia. As I had heard of these hors- es dying and as there were all sorts of reports as to the canoe of death I made it my business to go to Wing - ham and find out from John Wilson, V. B , who had been in attendance, the real nature of the disease. Tho causes, except in so far as it confines itself to tho cola months, are involved in mystery. It stoma to attack all °lessee of horses but evidently prefers those that aro of rather tba superior order and well kept. Well or ill drained and ventilated stables ap. parently have no effect upon it, thore- forews ruay say it is duo to a spanilla poison which existing in the air be comes absorbed in the system and to - cording to the amount sn absorbed or the susceptibility of the subject are tho symptoma more or less developed. It presents itself in a variety of way's. There may be prernouitary symptoms which will oonsist of dullness and rigors, succeeded by feverishness, quicilly giving way to prostration which increases rapidly until the horse falls entirely, or more frequent- ly partially disabled. This may come on suddenly while the abimal is standing in the stable after exercise and apparently healthy, or the eymp- tome may apprcaelr gradually, and is far the loss dangerous form. The horse will at first be noticed to he dull and have a staggering gait and paralysis of the hind extremities. In tho second stage tho horse becomes in a comatose state in which it re- mains for same time, then it becomes frantic when death nuts an end to the poor sufferer, This is only a few outlines of the cause and symptoms of the disease, As title disease has made its appearance in an opizootio form it may spread ov 0 large tract of country or it may be confined to a outrun l.eerty. If anything is done in the way u1 treatment it must bo rn the first stages of the disease. JOHN NOW, V,S, COME; Anal t;cc l . _• St 00. it in wt:11 worth your trouble. --- VIE TORONTO iv;:l 3gli:�Yo 11.),1.1.[ GOOD 6' Co. ORANO TRUNK RAILWAY. iu ornt:1LNEa'0Ei400Ox,w.0,& t rains 10•Lve lirussnls Station, north and S tit al follows '.aim nJtTA, 1 GOINOI(OIIT11 11111— .711511.111. 1 1fixed...........(1:401100, E xl ream.. . _11;50 a.ln, 1 Mall 2:41 p m, 1Sfxncl......... 8:20 p.m. 1 Express ....9:50 p.m Tho morning train South and the night. train north will Only run On Tuesdays, Thnre- dayo, and Saturdays. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS. Arlllel'Oamangyo takin'noto s A n'taith he'll wont it. REEVE TOTING, WRITE 1885. Seem to those good resolutions. 'HATK, felt and velvet, 50e. and 81 at Al- exander's. THE female voters in Brussels hold the balance of power, so it is said. W. C. Davis, of Ssaforth, visited some dins Brnssels friends on New Year's day. Aiwxss, choicest varieties in barrels at Alexander's. Alias. P4. A. MARTIN, of Tottenham, is spending her holiday season with her parents in town. As there has been a groat deal of talk about the Bowe by-law we give it place in this issue. XMAS Boas 5 to 250., lovely at Alexand- er's. Reviver., services will be held iu the i1ethodist Church, commencing Hest Sunday evening. To Wnox IT nftz Coxcnaw—Owing 10 the Scott Act coming in force on the 1st of May I will sell Lock, Stook and Barrel so as to give tie place for other goods. Sas. Dron. WATclt-NIGHT services were held in the Methodist Church and Salvation Array barracks last week, THE new teachers, Miss Richard- son and Hiss Widdifield, commenced work this week 1n our school. THE Batt. band a(reuaded the per - 80110 nominated far municipal honors Thursday morning of last weep. L. 0. L. No. 774, will meet for the transaction of business at their Ball on Monday evening of next week. OWING to the indisposition of Rev. S. Jones 1041 Sunday Bev. J. L. Kerr occupied the pulpit iu Knox Church at 11. a.m. DAN. CAMEEON, of Park Hill, form. erly of Brussels, was visiting his old associates this week. He talks of going to California. Jiro. STACEY, who has been in the Northwest for sumo years, arrived in Brussels last week. He will probably spend the winter here. MISS ETTA WATTERWORTH, Dns of the ''sweet girl graduates," of Wond- etock Ladies' College, is visiting the family of Arch. Taylor, Morris. RENEWALS for 1885 have been pour- ing in and with the valuable assist- ance of the patrons of Tun Pose, we loop for a large increase in our sub- rcription list this year. Try THE DOLT for 1885. THE '(old" gentlemen have been allowed a rest iu connection with the ('ounoil affairs and do boys will try and manipulate the municipal maoh- ine. The average age of the new Council is shout 80 years. AMONG the recent visitors in our 101111 Nae James Hunt, of Dorchester station, Jno. Leckie, a former towns- man, of Toronto, Jno. Halliday, of Loudon, Geo, Russel, wife and flm- ily, and A. It. 1llorris, of 'Wiugham, and W. 0. Raid, of Soaforth. Ora thanks are duo to P, D. Ito Kinnon, of Broadview, N, W. T., for. merly of Grey township• for being kindly remembered with wedding cake and hi.ndsomo wedding cards. Along with his host of friende in this locality wo wish himself and bride long life and prosperity. Now barber in town. See birth notice,, OW.. LOVE'S 110W advt, will appear iu am ria, I i88110. lens, HtT'reee, of Iiarristun, spent a fow dn.ys in town this week, Mos. Comma arrived 1101110 from tiro West last Wednchduy evc,Iiltl;. G, A, POWELL, wife and daughter++ spent several days in Stratford last Whito1e11 Nheat,.., .. „ 72 74 week. Rune \\'inter 79 75 Spring \\'h(alC i9 75 At'1,311ON SALII$. 1'ernar,:its. le, -.-Farm stock met lmplc- mutts, in ('1vLtabruulc, ee nmencnig at 1 .3'. clock, 111, Nichols, prop. A. Reymann, mutt. IIBa•110.1.10018 Masi-AGa'f. Lmn(>•.0Tnn ('Aurrul.Lr Eea1;0 Wont. Mits. 0. U. Mauve mud sun, of Lnoknow, were visiting in towel tide week, 112ss Miens Lucas, of Middlemtss, is waiting bar sister, Mrs. D. A. Swale. Tnk: last meeting of the old Gunnell will bo held ti x11 1luuday ovcuing 1 1 the Council Uhatubcr. JNu. FRIl{:1118111P and Altos. 1)0111)i5, of St. Juhue, Ont., are vioitllb Mite. Jas. Ross, of .11ruaet1s. Kelm your eyes open for the new advt. of Geo. Thumoou nue; week. He is uferiug groat bargains. FJ .13, i>91AL1s \1' 001111.1110 1:> SIM.' the lady who is untitled to the lattice' $15 watch. Como and get the watch. LIEUT. ABA Sneer, of the Brussels carpo of the Salvation Arm}', has been promoted to the position of Cap- tain. Tao 110011 Parliament fK poetpuutel for a week and will meet for the tra.ue- action of business next Wednesday evening. FIRE.—About 3 o'clock o11 New Year's day the fire ball rang oat au alarm and the villagers hurried to the residence of Adam Angus, corner of Alexander end Thomas streets, whore it rues aacortamed that the fire bad guinea considerable headway in the upstairs of rho house. The fire en- gine was soon iu working order and a stream of water playing on the fire. Owing to a defeetive length of hose a change had to be made which matted a little delay and gave the firy ele- ment a fresh start. .Phe bulls of the furniture and household effects were saved. The less will bo a serious one to Mr. Augur ae he had recently got a lot of notes cashed and this money, amounting to $900, with accounts, papers, Loca wore placed in a desk up- stairs where the fire started. When Mr. Angus gut to this room the desk was open and the money either burn- ed or gone. There was fire in the desk at the tune. There was an in- euran0e of $800 on the building, which is to complete wreck. Li1', Angns, and Wm Norton, the owner of the building, wiser to return their thanks to the leire Co: and citizens for their prompt action and their val- uable aid. BORN. LArnn.—In Brussels, on the 2nd inst., the wife of Mr, Joseph Laird of a son. Corwin.—In Brussels, ou Dec. 28th, the wife of Mr. Goo. Colvin of a daughtur. MARRIED. McTi.xnNox—]toes.—At the residence of the bride's father, on Xmas day, by the Rev. E. B. Pitblado, of ,St. Androw's church, Winnipeg, P. D. McKinnon, of Broadview, N. W. T„ to Kate L., second daughter of Mr. Daniel Ross, Whitemouth, Man„ and grand -daugh- ter of Mr. Joseph Whitehead, of Chu - ton. Enema—COLE.—On Tuesday, ilea. 28rd, 1084, by the Rev. A. Mc.1.41tr, Mr. D, A. Frazer, of Blyth, to Miss Sarah L. Cola, of Morris, Pn0o'ron—TOUELL.—On Dec. 24111, 188.1, by the Rev:J. S. Fisher, at the resi- dence of Air, Samuel Thud', Mr, Charles Proctor to Mies Elizabeth Ann Thuoll, all of Morris. BAINES—Roarmso,t.-0n the 24th ult., by the Rev. J. S. Fisher, at the residence of Mr. Edward Sherritt, Blyth, Mr. Francis J. Baines, of Morrie, to Miss Martha A. Rogerson, of Blyth. DIED. McKnn. At his father's resident, 2nd con., Grey, on Christmas evening, William elson MoKeo, needle years and 1.7 days. It is not known where ho over gave of- fendo to old or young, beloved by all who knew him, his bereaved parents have the sympathy of the neighborhood. With this transitive state wo aro bound, In mortality's garb wo at present aro found, Living to die, corruption the grave— Living by faith, 'tie Josue will save in the power of the Father with glory su prelno, Arise from the tomb, our souls will redeem, Made perfect through Christ, finished theme. Now my dear boy wo hay(. laid you away, Sever hopeful the Judge will approve on that day; Love was tho passion that governed the mind ; sweat was thy eonvers0, so gentle and kind, 01d self in oboyanea continuously hold, Native goodness through which all vies woo repelled. Men of distinction recorded their name; Conspioaoue =onus you have done the same, I1nowladg0 in youth you had u goodolaim, 1011 men, common, great doods have done, Early life and 8001111 self conqueet you won. WANTED.—A GOOD GENERAL servant, Apply toems n.E,Waiste Batley •Li 52 Oats 211 57 P11A 55 17 Butter, tube uud rural . „ 111 17 Eggs 1101111111111.. 2,1 p' Flour per barrel doh 4 5:' { Putiltoes :i(1 1111 iley per tun 11 1111 (111 111.10. 1,00 1b 7 s Dretse1 11.1.,‚,._,,,,118l (1 80 Salt 1cr111l el.h,ak . 1101 09 l IIL •:Itl!IO, 18'11 1V. u1 18 10 - - �qr 1, 1)1L'Iis0N, i�@5 i Y• pet with Uarrew it 1'raudfeet.(Sodn- ; Ai'. PEOPLE'S COLUMN. riche Solidt conveyancer, .en, Wilco in (,rant', iH u.6, Groh,. le, Money to Loon. (IA111•; ON THE PI PiII1I h or _%, LEX.. HUli'I'Elt, (!LEllli Olt' `tJ tiro undo L,n, l,()noon sir...,, tires.e:IH, 1 1!IU Po,uth I:n tel: I: Court Cu Notion, ' lam red and white .,tear. Owoor 1:, 1•equeited L'run'eyanct•r N tart' 1'ul 110,14 ,11,1,1,eso end to p1"v01 0perry,y'ny expenses owl t d;,. hint 111Hnri11..!e Agtnt, 1'uu1n int-est:,I una1 (0ot, 00111'• 19 ttNi(Y lee-re:1a (:ollertiune 10,du. 011ie., 0rahom':. 1:1.1: Br 1,c 010 RANK@NC. OIN'1'Oi31I (L 2to7.'AC1CiAltri, BANKERS • BRUSSELS. TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING 1113813113 BS, Retest)! lend discounted, Interest ,ll.rwc•d on depu,d to repayable .n 101•10.11 d. Prom pt attention 01' 111L1001180L1t.11!1, t1.1, LE DAL AtiD EJONVEYA 9C9ND. ( y 111'll'AlW l:, L 1.1 1 u 1'. L A W (Jenne, 1140,1.'0 111uut, 1 8a0auls, Aloney to loan. 7 L. WADE 11114t.1S ER &c. .0 .4 . thee.,. 1 riu,rlt , 1 u.d y 1 J 1[0 Goll, )0;q„ i11 Leckie's Meek, Ili.) 1.' 1„1.4, L 11T SINGLE AND DO)1 1 ,F,E LIP ,the ,, first l ,+a 10:111,1•10, 1.10010 Lu ex0unugo for wood, - Enquire at lair r nee. C TRAY1':U ON 'PllE 1'(11.\11 1 S (_ ul tbouulnr,4uod. Cru1L.rnk, tour clue.: else!. at11, a 1.01 ::rid NV'11, o,,. requested to prove property, ILIO charges nio1 tale lino 91-e' away, FUND. 1t.tlrfllt'r%, MEDICAL CARU . •.,q2 �;(r- ,11(PII �Ul N 21 D U. M. 1f. 1410 (,.(. a. o. 1'4, ,lur.n,0orgoolt,andAc- 00001,ler. 0uu•1•. ami rc.uiw:c •: oyer Nlghtin- gale &(te'0040(0. A. 11uNAliO1iTUN, 11. 1), 0. BOAR FOR Sltl1YICII.--THIi e'M., L lt, o, e., manure'. eitye%1O8, thrt1ntl.t,ltl&c00UOhu,Lr, Ola0e(Lndr7theinO0 b tiTiersb2un(1 ba5n tiler? Uierl nmAulhiro that Torm 1p o ul1 d bYDt. 'r, 1. Halmca, ur o u ,e oar 1 t• seevmo apt a r, en n, icy, 000 0: north of bridge, B rueaels, —01 at time ut em'vieo with pxlvtlege of retnrv- iug24 n00000iry. R(:BT, I\GLI,,=',P• DOOTOle A. MoKELVRY. 1J'A1t5I FOlt SALE.—:1'11111 VAL- A'hysleinn,S nrun on and .cconehca r, .2 008400nrm,1101000010110001 of nit ,,00,11 (*t'adunto of'171nity University, of Toronto Mt f of late no. 20 R b0, cos. 0, Morris, .2119 10008. Ferw Orly of haste, luta of b'm'a ',alt, Te1ws easy, Aptly on the premises. (1002010 AND )O1s11 ENCS,—Brink house -op,; 11, rdtALICK dealto English Oburch, algin St„lire oeels.9e TOG LOST ON SATURDAY OF last week, a black and tan dog, blind in one eye, was lost in Brussels. Any informa- tion loading to his recovery will be suitably rewarded. 1110 finder would oblige by leaving him at the Amorlonn hotel stables, SCOTT. ROAR FOR SERVICE. --THE subscrib or hue n thorn'-bro.l boar, a erose between a Suffolk and Berkshire, for servioo ou lot 18, 000, 8, Gray. lie is white in color. Terms -01 to be paid at time of servlet with privilege of returning. 11. McKLY 24.50 Prop, aeaTRAYED FROM LOT 9, OON. 7, Morris, about Cot. 15th, six yearling cat- tle, throe steers and three heifers, They aro spotted red and white. with a slut in the left ear. Any information leading to the re00very will be liberally rewarded, J. i toIN'('OSH 11tf. Brusuols. i OAR FOR SERVICE,—Tho subscrib- er has a well-bred boar, a cross be- tween a thoro'-bred Suffolk and Berkshire, on his premises, lot 80, con. 8, Morris. Terms -81 to be paid at time of service, with privilege of returning if necessary. 22-4” 21.5E0. IfonsyTu, 1'rop. le} ARM FOR SALE.—NORTH He11Lot 20, Cow 8, Morris, being 100 se ru0,40 of which aro cleared and nearlyfrom stumps, .there are on the promises It good log houee and frame stable, two never falling wollsand s,noxuollmut orchard of almost two hundred fruit trees all bearing 'Phe farm is convonlontlysituated, both g only]( miles/thin Brussels and 19 from 9oafortb. For further particulars apply to P. S. SCOTT, Brussels or to 10I0I1, L18E9, Lindsay fI,DAE FOR SALE. --THE UN - A.) dorslguod being about to drain, with a view to clearing t1(0 land, 001111000 a thump of about three or four acres of cedar thereon It is heavily alta bored and tiro trots aro largo, Lot 11, Con .13, Grey, 21 mllee ole gravel road, DANIEL ROBE1RTSON. aIr G V Willing, of llfanohoetor, Mich„ writes "sly wife has beenalmost helpless for nth yrs 00 Helpless that 010 ootrld not turn over 1h bed alone. She used two bottles of Electric hit- ters, mulls so much improved, that she 1s 11110 to do her own Oona,' Etootrio 13itter0, 0111 do all that is claimed. for them, Hundreds 01 testimonials attest their groat onrat108 pow- ers. Only fifty con to a bottle at Dendruan a. FAlt1I FOR SALE AT A BAR gain,—The farm contains about 125 an 1110 and is within sight of a triving town in !Trey Co, Good 113 argot, 601001, oburalloo, 460. The Toronto, Grey & Bruce railroad rune aoroos the roar of the lot. how mere .to the man payingtho oath. 190.8y tering it On Elmo. 11110 is a spendid opportunity for It poor man OT n man with a family. Tho owner would ' exchange for a smaller farm in Huron Co. Tor further portion's' s ape lv to W. 11. 10141012, 13rus8018, 0, 0. �1A1tD OF THANKS. As the gaardian, representing Oho parties entitled to the sum of 01,000, 0,8ured by pno1103 No, 7970in tho Confederation LifeAosoctation on the 1110 of Mr, Pater Bonder, lata of Liebe. woe, bt1aoksmibh deoonoed, I do8lre to thank the sold Assnoiation, and their active agent, llr. ltioharel Manning, for tho prompt mahner in width they have settled mid claim, not ro• quiring the One to Mamie to 0111011 they aro untitled to before payment of tho some. RAIN 00IINCi, Dated at nruooaold, Doo, 20E1,1004, NOTICE! Tho East Huron Agricultural Society wi1 hold their anneal meeting in the Town Hall, BatIs9EL9, on WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 21st, 1888, at 1 o'olook p.m., for the nurpo80 of receiving the Dlrootnrs ll'inancial Report, Electing 0ia- esrs and Directoro for the o00nlog year, and transacting snob other busiuogs as may 00510 botoro no mooting,t good ',Mendelianisre- quested, 110IlT. GIBSON, Vfoo-President OIITC+AGE SALE,—Udder and by virtue of the power of salt contained in (t certain mortgage (which mortgage will bo p10800od at tient of sale) there will be sold by public Auction, 011 Tuesday, the 20th day of January, A. D, 1885, at ono o'- elook in the afternoon, at Biomes' hotel, Walton, Lote Noe, 2 and 8, IIowntt'e Sur- vey, Walton, forming part of Lot 1, in 1110 18th eon. of •roy township, more fully do- acrrbod in said mortgage, Terms made known on the day of Halo. For further particulars apply to M. MORIRISON, Wal. ton, Agent for Mortgagee. 25.41n, Walton, Dec. 28rd, 1884, J. A. HUTCHINSON, 1l. D. 0. R. 4', 1'. Edinburgh. Has ramovod to Ills residence on Mill Street, the house formerly occupied by Dr. Graham, and ,-111 bo there at night, 130 still retains en Mike at Hargreaves' Drug Store. DENTAL. `C L. BALL, L. D. S„ IIONO1i o Graduate and member of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Office in Struthers Block, Will visit wingi:am otnoo only on Wednesday until his student returns from Collage. ]lest posslblo pains taken 1,, all operations. Charges moderate. Hours 8a.m. to 0 p.m. HOTEL CARDS. AMERICAN HOTEL, BRUS— SELS, Maness Gmbol, proprietors, largeand convenient sample rooms, Suable' atten- tion to Commercial and ether Travellers. Tho bar is always supplied with the choicest bravos of Liquors and Cigars. An attentive Hostler always ou hand, \J7ENTRAL HOTEL, BRUSSELS. —As 1 have taken possession of thio hotel I will be pleased to see all my old friends, and hope by keeping tiro bust of liquors, good ac- commodation and boss stable, with attentive bartender and hostler s0 8000(0 51(113 now 01109. T. (>'Nl%.:1L, 1'ropricto, UJ;ErrS HOTEL, BRUSSELS. —Tula well Known hotel was 110000 in bat• nor rnuuingorder than at present, as the now proprietor hits thoroughly refitted the house, Tho Boris su77,pliod with the ch,lOest liquors mid 518100, Tmwe Si par day. Good Sample Rooms f or Commercial ceut, 11. W, TUCK Proprietor. BUSINESS CARDS. T H. McCRACKEN, Issuer Marriage Licenses. Oillcc at hie gr1 ory, Ternbolry street, 12,08 YUAN NOTT, VETERINARY e Burgeon, Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College Toronto, Residence, the b owe lately oocupiod by Mrs, J. Parker .Main etreat, Bru eels. Moly AIR, ISSUER OF MAII. L7L.• riugo Lio0n((0e, by unp0lntreent of Idoutenant•Governer, Commissioner, &c„ Q. 11,1100 083000or and Agort Fire Insurance Co, oath.) at tboCraubrook Poet Ogles. ROBT. CUNNINGHAM, Insurance Agent, GUELPH, ONTA1100, H. L. JACKSON, ?ratios! Matchmaker and I6vie!!El", S'atisfaotlon Guaranteea in al Repairing. --SHOP AT -- W. .9. .TA0KS0N'S 800.5191, llatt1S851018 0RANBROOH SAW MILL. The out of his mill and riber a raised tkentthe mill, ie will bo ready to mat right along. Oustonl flawing 02,28 nor M, Logs taken in Ex. charge for Sawing. When trado is takers 82.50 per M. will bo charged. ALL IioNbs OP Lpamca Fon SALE Onnlr. GIVE ME A C3Ai.L. K-Kla )t.rl.1e1 WVIEFIC7 sn , Prop,.