The Brussels Post, 1885-1-9, Page 1VOL. X11.
ergeeon, epel°,
Wm, Welch,
W. 1;. Binning, P. lajiioo and Sam-
11 tuW g11run, Mn.yor, J, N
Lig Of t�d9 1uC�8S�f111 ga11d8f�at88� ' Peeve ' eYe'1
The following tiro the returns as
far UR beard from of the municipal
candidates elected, lttdt 'Monday for
1885 ;
Leedou, $Iayt>r ilecher. MIRY,
Toronto, Mayor Banning, I Reeve 'Thos. Strachan.
Ilrtmilton, Mayor Meson. let Deputy -Reeve, J. Thslup 212,
(isrJph, Mayor Stevenson, f Wm, Milnu 854.
Stretford, Mayor Cordate i 21111 .1)rputy•Iteevo, Walter Oliver.
Brantford, 11vyor It/earls. , Councillor, E. B'rynus 378, W. Ell -
St. 'Thomas, Mayor Marian. lint 9288, J. lerauter 153, J. McDonald
Itiuear!ane, Mayor Baird. 22 D. Ruberbrou 113.
tlarriston, Mayor I3risbin. Goderich, Meyer, Horace Horton.
Mount Forest, Mayor Colcloug3, I -.. ' •, Fi•ecl, W. Johnston. I)opnty-
I Jleeve, Graham Cameron, Connell -
u,;a. I)eputy.Iteovc,
W. MtCJlymont, Councillors, A.,
Dam''on, il'u1, C nuuett, B. F. Bleak,
1C. I . ter ckere hfre, 1'. M'C l ysthent,
F. Buch,Ennitn, II, Lemieux, E. Bow-
ers, J. P. Smith, II. Ker, Il. Moln-
d0o, .T. Elder iuid 13. Wrlleen.
Orangeville, Mayor P,itulla.
Pnlluerstoe, Mayor Johnston, (lora, W. McLean, J. Butler, H. Dun -
]up, W. Lee, E. L'inghnm, D. Canto -
Ion, P. llcEwan, J. II. 11. Colborne,
G. Acheson, E. Campion, TV. 11.
.11oorney, C. A. Humber.
R1;L'0E, DIV. 1. nxv. 2. TOTAD.
J. Yonug, 80 6(}---146
J. Drowe, 71 05---130
G. Backer, 06 52--118
R. Graham, 88 7G----164
W.II.Iierr, 80 78---158
Thos, Pierce, 54 45-- 99
P. Scott, 89 81--170
W. F. Veneto/2e 73 63--141
J. Wynn, 65 00--131
W. R. Wilson, 59 5G--115
The Council will consequently be
composed of Reeve Young and Coun-
cillors Scott, Graham, Xeir and Van -
stone for 1885.
Ottawa, Mayor l+'raueis McDougall.
Myth, Reeve, P, Kelly.
McKillop, Peeve, 3. flays,
Wrosetor, Reeve, T. Saunders..
Aehfield, Deputy-Reovo, P. Clare.
Bayfield, Reeve, Moorehouse.
Usborne, Reeve, T. 33'. Kay.
Old Conned (elected by acclamation.
L. Wawanosh, DepntyReeve, An-
Godorich Township, Reeve, Elliott,
Deputy -peeve, Beacom,
Tuckersmith, Reeve, Walker. Dep.
utv-Reeve, Smillie.
V. Wawanoeb, Reovo, C. Girvin.
Depnty-Reeve, C. Durston.
Colborne, Reeve, W. Young.
Deputy-Reovo, A. Allan.
Stephen, Reeve, Rate, Deputy -
Reeves, B. tither, C. Lillian.
Hay, Reeve, Dr. Bucbannan. Dep-
uty -Reeve, S. Rennie.
Wallace, Reeve, Jas. Robinson.
Deputy -Reeve, John Willoughby.
TOnwater, Reeve, Thompson.
Councillors, Fergusou, Brink, Mo.
Lncknow, Reeve, Campbell. Coun-
cillor'', Bryan, 3 BQuaig, Poateher
and Holmee.
Buliett, Reeve, Jobn llatIillan,
Deputy -Reeve, J. Brittoo. Old
Ceatncillors all efeeted.
Downie, Reeve, Frame. Deputy.
Reeve, Densmore. Councillors, Dem-
p.ey, Payton, Welsh.
Lewin, Reeve, Roble Jones, Cou"-
cillore, 8. Nicholson, F. Jacobs, 3.
Woods, G. Adams.
Turnberry, Reeve, J. Bemings,
Deputy -Reeve William McPherson.
Comleillors, Diamond, Evans, Thom -
Clinton, 1111yor Forrester. Reeve,
A. Mettle:'cb,e. Deputy -Reeve, Wm.
Coats. Councillors, Copp, Ueywarcl,
Cooper and Fitzsimmons.
Exeter, Reeve, L. Hardy. Deputy
Reeve, W. G. Bissett. Oonnnillors,
D.. Johne, A. G. Dyer and Jame9
Stanley Township, Reeve, Thomp-
e0u. Deputy -Reeve, A. M. Campbell,
Councillors, W. Clark, 3. Errall, A.
Ribbon, Reeve, Alex. M°Laren.
Doputy•Reove, Thee. Ryon. Coun-
cillors, Jas. Barbour, John Jefferson,
John Norris.
Ellice, Reeve, A. Kuhry. Deputy -
Reeve, P, Seibert. Councillors, W.
13. Coulton, D. L. Castner, P. J,
Pullin ton, Reeve, Geo. Lovereage,
Deputy-Reevo, Thee, Oouelly. Coun-
cillors, Nicholas Roach, Nesbit Pot-
ter, Jacob Noy, John Robinson. '
J3lanshard, Reeve, J. Densmore.
Deputy -Peeve, W. Lnw.ton. Coun-
cillors, Messrs, Hudson, Graham and
bloruington, Reeve, W. J3. Froo•
born, DeputyReeve, Thos. • Mag.
wood. Councillors, W. lir Rutherford,
H, B. JKet'r, Jas, Baird.
St. Marys, Mayor, H. Fred Sharpe.
Councillors, H. A. L. White, T. Mo.
Lean, Dr. Matheson. L, D. Stanley,
8. S. Myers, Jas. Guest, Dr, Sinclair,
John Grant and 0. J. Whit.
Seeforth, Meyer, Dr, Coleman.
Reeve, D. D. Wilson. Deputy -Reeve
Jas. Beattie. Oouuoillors, A. David.
eon, J. Laird, J. Ward, A. Strong,
T. Duncan, A. Stewart, John Fairley,
N. Olaf and Dr. Scott.
Mitchell, Mayor, Jamas Dougherty.
Reeve, Skinner. Deputy Reeve, Thos.
1VIeOley, 0ouncillors, G. Mullieron,
James Wilson, W. Challenger, S. M.
Ford, R. W. Feller, W, Forrostor, 3 ,
Goebel', 0, Shoultz, A,Dent.
Listowel, Mayor, J, Rankin
Mort is Council Meeting.
The Council met pursuant to ad.
jonrument of the Council room on
Dec. 31st. Members all present, the
Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last
meeting road and passed. The fol.
lowing accounts were ordered to be
paid : Thomas Anderson, ditching,
$4 ; S. Eaket, repairing Rattan's
bridge $6.50 ; John Wilson, remis-
sion of dog tax, $1 ; J, A. BLcEevan,
ditch, $8.50 ; James McGee, repair-
ing approach to bridge, $B ; 3. Ged-
des, gravel, $1.70 ; J. T. Garrow,
logal advice, $2 ; Dr. T. G. Holmes,
attendance to Mary Bowley, $8 ; Jot
80311 McElroy, repairing culvert, $1.-
50 ; William Scott, drain across road
$2.50 ; J. Nesbitt, repairing culvert,
$2 ; Allan Lindsay, repairing cross-
way, $8 ; W. H. McCracken, goods
to Httihday, $38 ; Misses Exforcl,
charity, $10 ; iVrn. Barrie, cutting
hill, $34,50 ; John Cloakey, gravel,
$2.50 ; George Proctor, overcharge
1u ;assessment, $5.52 ; P. Jackson,
gravel, $0.95 ; L. McDonald, plunk,
$0.76 ; Joseph Livermore, gravel,
$4.90 ; Videos office, printing $4 ;
Reading & Duff, plank, $8.82 ; A.
Sloan, gravel, ,$6.75 ; Advocate office,
printing, $2.75 ; William Martin,
gravel, tib ; William Clark, gravel,
$5.10 ; Isaac Rogerson, lumber, tec.
for 1'. Murphy's shanty, $12;88 ; Jas.
Drowo, hardware, $3.25 ; A. I-Iaslam,
repairing Bodmin bridge, $s ; Ed-
ward Boman, Ccunc111or'e fees and
lotting ,jobs, $80 ; 1I. Mooney, do.
$85 ; 0. A. Bowe, do. $44,70 ; Goo.
Forsyth, do. $54,50 ; Wm. Wray, do,
$40 ; W. Clark, salary and other ex-
penses, $139.40 ; Robert Miller, tak-
ing caro dhoti, $8 ; 8. Love, build-
ing culvert, $5 ; John Watson, re-
pairing tin case $2, Moved by 13.
Mooney, seconded by Win. 'Way,
that this Council do not hereafter re-
cognize any claim for draining or oth-
er work not ant/indeed before being
done. Carried. Moved by 0. A.
Bowe, seconded by E. BOeman, that
this Council take no action ou claim
presented by Mr. Armstrong at last
mooting for loss of 'horse. Carried.
dalltev ead
passed. 10,
The SCou4, ncil ctheas n le,then to moot again according to
statute on the 19th day of January,
1885' War. Chau, Clerk,
Tho price of Manitoba wheat has
been adveneed to 71 Dents a bushel.
Shipment of ooal from the Cape
Breton mines in 1884 aggregetod
481,618 tone.
The Quebec Provincial Union 398110
the Ontario Woman's Temperance
Union to unite in n day of prayer.
Booms have boon engaged at tho
Windsor Hotel, Montreal, for Isis L<1..
Ice t an at errs lat.
NO. 27,
` Three Jinmied careassos of mutton Wildcat ,,uemew:rouearmind Pike
lilts h'0 ' WE,2'n (lestt'U ., , '
runntug every [fay in lh'dt•e'lites style, slaughter -Venae cu bleudny night.
Its e: ,
Jos, Leech 1 r nett Sat, ,11111 y,1 by Vire in to KM t L I
a , 6118 t[la •,
Itingittm 4 vutal ou the exemption
130E ..1 ut t' 1 o1, ac.Hly ,undtllu l
.1 sit:, h o beau p n -b.a, 1 for 19
191st lngli,•u•1 c:93.1(Ir,al in 1 ,ante,
1 Trla, cy, .•f IGI'geion, lei been
Fete -1nte,l Prov'nleiel lin itt;' (}rand
tr rt y l'atriurell for Outer,,,.
Wm, 11••11 t, Co., of stud ,:. have
r t r - •iv'•d au eruct fo • 3,17 'u•rnns
9 a ,cir (11,1 Country age, et.
I I„ Liu) stop Ba I „mbrok .la a way
b nr ; „1.[u t, it, t'rinillas at Bor-
row, on the C. P. 1.. mein line.
ei +Imlav e l,e1ty +,f well-lcno;s'r,
lnntear eloatelsj�(a,nie+l to Cortla :,ir
11 11, for the purpose of waking trial
f peed at ,33900 shitting. Among the
v.rty were W, 13. Curtis, fi o•ry
lucrtneyor, George Philipe, T,Ito.
vain, (leo. Aeon -,S. 31(ntnserv,
7111 eevei'ral °there, The 1(:8 eves Clear
ni1 in fit•pt•elass 0)09(1tiue, and some
cry fast skating Was dime. eller lay -
'g out a course 1399. mini e•„t rouiv
r their trials. In the 800 yards
vent which had one tmn, Pllilihs
vereil the distance in 31* eccond8,
Web beats the former record of 811
condi', also made by himself, 3iont.
mory made a trial in 3.4 seconds.
baudre0p 100 yards W1a3 tried wird
oceso. Montgomery (10 yards) was
et by 0 inches. Phillips (scratch)
lee second. and Romaine ill yards)
ird. Time 104• seeond . This was
o scratch man's time., and the
niter's time was a little better. In
o second heat Montgomery (16 eels.)
d Philips (scratch) made n dead
at in 11 seconds. The last race of
day was a quarter of a mile hand -
p. Phillips (scratch) won by a yard;
ntgomery (100 feet) was second.
45e seconds, Philips and Mont.
cry need the new English speed
tes. If the ioe holds the spieler (as
Hips is called) will cut the records
tty lively this season, and it is
that several crack skaters from
ghkeepsie will be down awl take
t in the coming championship
uta. It is very probable that El-
and several other spet-d)' Mont -
ere will visit New York in the
future, especially if good prizes
offered as au inducement for their
ar city is about double that of 3I. b1'echottc, She Canndiau Auer• .
the 0111 one and duce much better 19.1)(( te, trill, it 18 rulnottr,) lei
work. Notwitheta1 (1111= tboih111 state shortly honored with a deeorlatl:n l,y
of the lumber meakete, rand present the King of ,1pain,
heavy 911001:, :NI,1 .sola i.. boyo,,. ,a., Au itoeuee,l 0o11f,
lIlea( rl, i'.l, 1 ,,1, -
(1etffi , 011 logs 11101 aro 1df, r..�l, both
at heti 111111, (111d up the Flyer.
11*ortia etioun d
to ra 40.,1 (.aunty lu l u 1' 11.,r8
hi.1 $500 hail reduced, .1 0,1 i1 v a�
raised to $'9'000, • 1
r B' rwca4�f. , KI1(g(tcn Cretucll bav rlrei!103 - that • i
ion ke nn app•�'a1 n;,sio.t tin, t1 11
Assessmtatt Roll the eel itepil cite- pally (3 es its exemptieu for 41.1rt: , i
9113(1111 31itu119.11 Were e. ('1 in() the ean3,11 bas. f
ncteli on ! A 1. ,tuiltnil beggar died rtcently,
the roll of shell
MI i among; her effects were fouundr a
The Comity of Perth Sabbath $9,000 in bonds, and the deeds of 11
Snhoo1 teacliers will meet in then' I the house Rhe lived in. ! e
annual convoutiou at cit. Marys ou The report pnbliohed that Janes i T
Tuesday Rua Wednesday, the 20th Greenwood, of Chippewa, had teen ; 1
and 21st Jan.
91.1 the sarninntiou0 held at rltt•„u- i swept over Niagara Falls, is incorrect ; 1,
,'r ontr;'•rt 1'ranepoe•.t`u>u Cele-
091 Mandaay of last week, the members
of the old Council for L+'hme township,
were all returned by acclamation, as
follows : Reeve, J. T. Kuria Deputy.
Reeve, Wm. Lochheticl ; Councillor
:, tegnrds that gentleman, ho being ; o.
MN at home.
Sotnu time ago his Excellency the { v
Governor.General had Ia person ' i1
fined $5 and ooste for abusing his ! fn
Jno. G. Alexander, L, Pelton and I burse. On 7.httrsday Lord Laned04ruo'r
Geo. Richmond. Other nominations , rett'o;ie[I the party the amount paid, 00
were made, but the persons namivate I
their names on to a depth
withdrew leaving the
old Ootlnetl mestere of the situation
for another year.
At the entrance examinations of
Queen's College, Galway, Ireland.
A. 0. Davidson, sou of the Rev. John
Davidson ,Drumquin, Omagh, obtain-
ed a second year scholarship, value
£60, and first place. Itlr, Davidson
scored the hlghoet marks of any stud-
ent since the opening of the college.
—Belfast Witness. Tee young lean
referred to above is a first cousin of
Mr. John Hamilton, Elm gravel
road, also a relative of Win. Davidson,
County Clerk, and has many other
family connections in this and adjoin-
ing conntios, who are pleased to
hear of his success.
Montreal have be flooded .. a
of three or four feet, owing to ilre
rapid thaw. 'Very little damage will
bo douo, the flood Laving been ex-
Mayor Daly, of Brandon, son of T..
M. Daly, of Stratford, was voted $500
by the Town Council the last day
of 1884 and very generously handed
hover to the Relief Commute for the
benefit of the poor.
An unknown woman and a boy
dropped into an air hole while cross-
ing on the ice from Amherst island to
Kingston on Monday night were
drowned. Several others narrowly ea-'
caped the same fat.
Mr. Van Horne, general -manager
of the Canadian Pacific railway, states
that the road will be open and ready
for travel from Ottawa to the Rocky
mountains by the end of the approach-
ing session of Parliament.
Sir John Macdonald will leave the
capital on the 12811 lust. for Montreal,
accompanied by Lady Macdonald, to
attend the demonstration and ban-
quet in honour •of the Chieftain's
forty yoare of public service.
A dwelling -house awl fivo acres of
laud in Dleeferd wore swept away last
Wednesday Morning by the bursting
of as mill dam, which inundated the
village. A. bridge wtas 0100 destroyed
and muohotbor damage clone.
Winnipeg City Council havng pass
ed a r000lotiou repudiating the Royal
Oaunninelon to inquire late civic of
fairs, the eommi38iou Itrt: adjouru,'d
for two weeks. The melnbero of the
C0nlmleuion reflect severely 091 t:,o
majority of the Connell for the action.
The new regulations for calmed
goods come lute fcao.: on Januery 1.
Every can must contain the weight
of goods /narked thereon. The reg.
tilntiuns will not be rigidly aaifnrnr;l
uutil the meeting of Par,ianwn`tvtrwltuu
some (Menges in the law -will be (made.
A epeetal mooting of the Toronto
City Council W0.1 held on J,ua. lot,
when an address WILd preceuted to tiro
Ilan. Oliver iiowel, eougretubating
111111 upon the settlement of the bnnud-
ggus-Ona ceouna�y Notes.
The Huron Balt Association bas
reduced the pride of salt to 00 cents
per barrel in car lots.
At the recent matriculation exam.
Mations, Victoria University, for 1884,
among the successful c-andidates to
the classes of Freshmen, this year,
were S. V. ,Pentland, of Goderich 13.
S., and A. N. Miller, Kitacardiile
Tho W)Ilghaul Vidott e.oys ;—FI.
Perkins, of Gorrie, was IU town on
Tuesday making areatmelnnts fur the
forthcoming session of the Orange
Lodge, of British North America,
which will tit Ito place herr. in February,
about 800 rlolegates will bo presout
from all parts of Canada, and tvill re-
main in Council four days.
Tho wild mai, of the woods captur-
ed and newt to goal. The poor mis-
erable °venture, who has haunted the
woods of \Vnwauosh, for 00(1)6 y001'8
back, and 1tils been a source of terror
to the women and children of that
township, 1.88 taken in custody on
Christmas day by a party of Minton”,
and handed over to Chief Davie, of
Blyth, who brought h10 prisoner be.
fore Squires Drummond and Young
orsn Friday, under the charge of vag-
iFeey, who sent Lim up to G0(10(1nh
goal for three mouths. This poor
eronttlrowho gave this naureof Charlie tart' question, lir. Velvet made n bap -
Edward and claims bo came from I py reply, referring to the time he Et).
presented the city ata aldormau. There
wero a large number of citizens pres.
out in the Council Chamber.
News has melee] Quebec of a ter -
1.114e aceid0nt at Lit Bonne Ste. Auno,
It appears that a wmntan named Pare,
while honso aleautng, took down her
husband's loaded fowling -piece, which
wet' suspended to the wall, and laid
it on a chair. While her back was
turned one of her obiidron, a Iad a-
bout 5 years old, took up the gun and
shot his little brother, aged 8, who
was also playing about the room, Itill-
1U him instantly. The horror an11
grief of the unfortunate mother 0011
be betteremagtued than described.
Thos Travers got into a fight with
a young 10(111 named john. 'Y. Brown,
son of Robt. Brown, a respectable
farmer who lives on the 9th Lite of
Vonpra. The upshot wee a brutal as.
sault ()n your Brown, whose nose
Travers bit half off. A cotetablo
arrived on the some after tho fight
w08 0001' and 19(108ted the catinib,tl,
who hag boob committed to jail to
await trial. Tbo maimed man's in
jury is of n gre,vo neture, erysipoles
threatening Q to supervene. While
friends wore looping for t1
will a view to replan
near Bristol, England, presents a
most forbidding and hideous appear-
ance, enveloped ie about a dozen sults
of old tattered clothes, no w•ondor if
the eveme1l mud children 0hetald he
terrorized, in case they alight moot
or see smolt a frightful creature. Many
attempts have boon made to capture
this individual, but hitherto without
0700190 (hien. y�pT�q vex.
Exemptions on real estate alone in
Toronto amount to $10,787,540.
Toronto is moving in the direction
of obtaining the G. T. R, car shop.,
Montroal policemen were fired at
by 7.ur9hua, who were dietnrbo9 in
their nefarious work,
Monerotal's building hill for the
year just ended is estimated et two
and n half million dollars.
Two Mimi/ton salvatiou(e18 ennead
of assault pushing 19 pedestrian oil
the s1d0,vallc, have been aogeitted,
Mrs. 'Phos, Flynn, of Wolfe island,
while going to her well for a pail of
evetor, alrppod and fell backwards and
was killed,
In the nese of Thomas Osborn°,
who killed } '
, e jury rip urnecl
oelleraoy the Governor=G0910101 who
French, the lis eon -in-law, (38 v l(rnu°ts flesh b(11611 off th to piece o! by the
Reeve, D., o Campbell, Deputy. has signified his intention of tlttoudfn „� a verdict rt, havers E ugageti' to the soaroh 11011° ler
Roova,R, 4Y0ods. Councillors() Adam the carnival,
g at Aylmer.
1, e 101,11 tock piece vowing that if it was found he wrote i;cameo f n
at Aylmrn' eat et.
was the
SUIT CAPTAIN LUDoATR, of '.fort n•
to, look charge of the Army meetang
on Weduoaday uivht,
'1'ne standing of pupils in the sen.
i.e. (lepartluents of the I;ine,eis Pub-
lic Scheel is tuavcidal>ly c'1'-W'tled nut
0113 (9.13(1).
Tor; Nstiounl Hiller Mills .hipped
1,000 3)191)5 of their patent I11ur to
(11.9,p`1(1', 300eleed, and 500 barrels
to 1Ialifax, N. S., this 30811.
Tho Taylor (110:ceet Co. played ,n
the Town Ball on W'edneeda•,y even-
ing, colder the auspices of the A. 0,
U, W. lodge of this piece.
Is another eoh,mu c>tlr (resters may
Lave tltc pleasure of reading. e poen,
entitled "Canadian hymn, ' t' A. M.
Taylor, woll.11own iu this 11,n.3ity'.
'I'nenlc ere by fee le marry fell.
013 1209111119 around tit 019118 and cal,
ling at people's hoes (t. A (1030 Of
salt or bnc1(5[1ot would do a -1(e• With
8011)., of 9(1890.
R1s0. A. D, llcbua-Ann, of Seefortle
will preach iu Melville Church next
Sabbath. The animal soma.] meeting
of the Sabbath School will bl Held on
Monday evening.
TRUSTIES] Er,oarrou,--creat excite-
ment prevailed lint Wednesday over
the election of 2 me,ubere to the
School Board for the ensuing term.
Ono game for special interest being
manifested 9a8 that !a 1a11y' minilidate
was in the field and her supporters
wero all alive to i,or interests. The
Bolling place was visited by wore el-
ectors ou Wednesday than hoe been
known for years auil the result shows
that hard work was done. The fol-
lowing were elle 00ndid,ates ami the
vote they polled, respectively :—
Dr. hutch}myon, 110,
Mre, J. R. Sniitlt, 121,
Dr. T. 0, Holmes, ell,
Dant, Hayden, 57.
It will he soon that the two poisons
&rat named wore the people's choice
and will take their seats at the Board.
Mrs. A. Strachan was nominated, as
stated last weep, but declined to
stand, No stony was left unturned
friends of Mrs, Smiths to ih-
election and the faot of it be-
voting Iwork,ont anJnoadditional
Returning n' .er,