The Brussels Post, 1885-1-2, Page 7doaitly.
It was tho Hallllist (Biding to a protty
romauoo, Still it was of no use mourn.
ing uvor a woman who was dead; if slit)
could have boon living, and bo could
111010 found hor, all wolf and good,
110 was never constant for vory long
togothtlr; this had boon by far rho
longest love of his life; now Ib was ever
thoro )vas an cull of It, and it was of no
use repining. Iso know, Ire had always
known, that if evor this 1(uowletlgo
roachod hor sho would die of it,
It was a gloat unfortunatr, h11Hi1n.He,
and be would have Loon lnorc ;mutant
to barn laid hor in solve green English
church -yard, than in the depths of tho
lalco watiun.
Ile was vary depriissod and unhappy
for two or throw weeks!, 110 touch 140 that
he considored himself a model of sten.
stnncy; and tllon he began to cheer up
a little.
lin phot soma English friomis in Paris,
and they sport aortae ploasant ovoniugs
together, Once; more tho lovo of fast
life took hold of hila; its faliu glare
blind him, and ho could not believo
that ho had spent no many months in
tho solitndo of l;olleflours. Iloresolv011
nl, laving Paris, and going honto to
:;[gland. Th ore, in the midst • of the
whirl in which ho had lived, ho should
forget all tho sooner, Ilo wan dread-
fully grieved and sorry ; but hu ,11,1 not
feel tut all art though his life was fin-
ished or marred—far from it. Ilo had
to live it.
So, Mt.'s a fee; cooks, ho returned to
(1 r, +0,1, o-'-'1 was soon plunged into
sir. 01illa of Ltu;inoss, poi les, sail
111 001,s (:1x11 t suns lam tato
01101 •.ter. lett than ever; ,(,t.- .t7
t..: • c;J /•,dentes; quite ft.ti:ra i1 ,,:0ztgbt
LI 0,-r, To 1. mistress of (I:swim, 1 W.01
10 1111, ut of 1u,11ya 'til
1 1 u
W08 tally r is .l to h 11
11 ,1 ,. , IIo would not a to the ltl
. t ov it Lord Croft 1(1 it,• l l h... 11
,10 0100(0 e weed. to lovo Agatha, and 11
he never ceased to grave over c ; but,
Wei passed, d th t 1 .... t tr ' e<
]c. It incl only hien e1�o ei 2.,t1ty :1
e odes iu ]rid life—i:; had Loon iho
of 1u 1's. iI
'r.91:2~Scot4'zi>ra<`a'F^'sst-x.".2'KnY^^••••••^•r-R,S.^•t.raeTrl ..r4),.tiee2x.es41aur ,a.1.u476c^.t141Z411Rat •-xgaszro arre,ti:'aC'im5 'ar3"•r#/>., I1TPF;..aFarStzza:ar�r-f, .
-.. ._ l•S.^9WYir.X,at^wau'tmt ',ppy
• rrtir•Fi'•nr.*�^TZia'.{I!6•/Yi' ILN•.,n,M,ML v,spYVTr.+�inf�•.f:tM n. W,I )9
Tho doctors examined sho yonug 1,y1IAT WILL I 13UY FUR
count, and forlooil a favourable opinion �7 `�p y� for tl v1Sk
of him; ho was not sosovoroly injured ! 0��1 It bbin !Ug 1oL -
ashadboonfeared at first; and whoa
lrlsnt±lutldS, Appy nL'I'ni: l's1 t';tti; •. ,..
madame ]a countess, to hor dolight and (}J{ lag uouw<,, lu +
grail Vida, sat there woopiug happy tears,
ono of Um stators cable to iugnn't what
should bo done about tho young holy,
Ivho did not [wont to bo inlurod, but wbo
was vory 111, Tho countoss said, iu sur.
"Wo had no young holy with us,"
Thou HLe remembered the beautiful taco
in tint vomit. "Sho (loos not belong to
us," Haill the Countess; "bot I am so
if 111)0 110 iuiwant or inits
need, 1 !sill tal:that,
caro of ]ter,"
And that Was how Agatha Leettnto too
11ruf''iI'''' of Madmen') la Countess '1'ior.
TI)0 d'll0 OF AN ANCCISI1ED Mike. —.—
Madame la Countess Tiernay was ono
of tho wealthiest and most generous
]adios iu Paris. 1.1I10 hal boon ono of -lee
most faulolts court boautios, and had
marries' tlio Count Tiornay„ ono of titu
richest and most oelobrated noun iu
Franco. I ler llfo had boon one long
scene of brilliant enjoyment ; alto was
one of the 010.0 popular queens of
Fr, -melt sonioty—tet one more beautiful
or thorn sought after. ',V11i10 sho was at
110 zenith of hor hap' ,11.1(3111.1 and pros.
po3'ity Iter husband died, and the bcatl-
iful countoss was left with this ono sou.
lie gavo up t110 lasl:!onablo ),orldthon,
udtraittedher i 14,1 a ti Lor
00; and h 3a it 1 teetoniy
fond hens proud s f , 1, itni. ul Soother.
5.11-y went rue her c;,uLineally
he•;own . eo u,t %vas far pronaor of talc.
to ids statoly, l a mother to •
til that of the levolb st girl ;l1U'1TO1 • S
ParParii. 'tT la Cile4) ( BRACKETC-1,
:lout charii .l, o was olio of 1 '"'
{ ad,
VW VW l t(edV 5
This question of ten puzzles a person at
this season of tho year but a
Call at Mrs, Long's
and a 112„1c 14 11;4' l-rgo and Well Assorted
Stock (,f beautiful Picture,;, including
'I'Ilr: 1''r and \Vo,1;ly ('lube
1r?f. 13 1. ' 11 x1.1 L.
1 nnteler t_rn1:1;5
fanny ert„inert fr r tiudr 4117Iiba'r-
t"C) •• nl,upport for tl a butt 4117 Y r)n
!71„Wfi, sell hineo of 1881 frig', . 1Lv.i wi+)u.•n 4)/,140,01 tl"n Shot lor
burnt d nut ref 111• u],) [toed here Shied up 11
Wimp Oi t.t"sl Woo it 1r,•Enln,, 'tel,•
whort lit i') s to net, [l1 111' 1•i uat1014-1*
Tall 1 us'/ 1111(1 Vrd o4te1'11 - Aslv('r. at i Lou nor c• 01 10 01,10h,
11"01 41::.25, 11)011111(.'1' of 188.1fl 1'1'. nlJ luad��ot )]n'tltry tot 5
11reru1 to 1014nrl1 <,t 11,, Town barer. ('a,11
*aid for Vat 4enek.
'['IUE POS')' and London Free
VALral,z,j,1''Al,III 1.010 SAL!..
1irusS $'?.'.3G, halitnco of 188.1 frau.
Tits PosT and "Grip” for ti:3.715,
billanlo of 1881 lieu.
Tlti1 I'ut3'r 11.1.50, balance of 1884
Subscribe at Once
Ost the Benefit of One Month ?roe,
eal Oil Paintings, h.
Splendidly -framed and Sold at 1a Figure
0; to l,_ 01131•1 teach of all,
tvunrito tett '; a i orcu1 ttluns• it U11$1P CI1:lIRS,
vas said et her that no one ever appeal. FP10`I' h 00L1 ,
1 to her for 11,ip 1:1 vain, So that WORK TAPLI ,
gaol L bad fcilc;l inti) hands whenria., 111.
he attracted tiro attention of 11011anm
Cocotte 1 do 'Lit nay, of
: r.l von It 'Splendid Opportunity The result, of tho prolonged and will e t
( malting a srlcctton at a Small Expense.
.pealed oxanlination of rho count was
tat his injurios wore not fatal. Stilt,
tlic most skilful doctors said it would
be bettor for him to remain at the hos-
pital for some days at least, lest the
removal should injure hint, The nursing
at tho hospital of St. John ri01,3 carried
on by a baud of devoted sisters called
the Sisters of the Rod Cross,” a body
of noblo women, whose lives wore
devoted to good worl(s. Ouo of 1110
kindest and sweetest among them, called
Sister Angela, was placed in charge of
to young girl found in the old stone
orch, Tho Countess de Tiornay had
con struck withAgatha's almost angelic
eanty, and hail askod the sisters to Sud
nice room for her ; she was not to go
to the wards where the great body of
o patiouts lay—she was to bo what
as called a private pationt—to have
10 of the pretty rooms that overlooked
o gardens. She was to have every at.
ntiou, every comfort at madamo's ox.
use ; and when she grew better,
atlanto would see what was to be done.
0 ono knew anything of her—no ono
soon her enter the great stone porch
hero the wooden crucifix hung. Two
throe of the sisters stood round rho
elwllcreonthey had laid her ; fairer
cture was over seen than this—the
ce, white and still as sculptured marble;
o long, dark lashes lying on tho palo
sok ; the wealth of shining hair lying
to a veil around her. They drew
ares to her, theso good sisters, who
Blom saw anything so fair. Ono
oohed the white hand, so cold and
11—tho others raised a tress of too
[kion hair.
'She is English,"said Sister Gertrude. by the Thousand Feet, and Frappes Made
"a fair, beautiful English ;tirl ; her Hair Up for Any Sizccl Picture. -
is like gold, and her face like a white
"She is so young," said Sister Clare ;
"and her face --ab, Madonna 1 how
boautifol it is. I wonder if all the
English ladies are like hor?"
"Do you thins( sho is a lady?" asked
Sister Ana, who rather disliked and
mil,tlnatett tlio term.
Sister Clare sisals again tho whits)
11a11d1 that 111 outside the counterpane,
"Look, sister," she said.
A1111 ono g;tl:ueo was enough. The
beautiful, snit, white handl lying 111000
rvini (l0rtahlly tho handl of a fatly.
'.Look, too, at her dross," said, Sister
Care, "Everything sho wears 18 of the in a Stylo that Cannot be Surpassed,
st eostly description ; her dross is
rn au,l soiled as if by long w'allting ;
il( at tho ;dead leaves olinging to it,
t it la of the finest description ; look
this hamll(0rchief, of the purest 11010,
, indeed, dear oister, tho poor thing is
"It does not matter much," said goods
Spats r Gertrude, "whether er sho is t4) lady
or not; that is tho last thin; Ivo [00(1
trouble about. Who or what site is does
not concern 1114 11111011, but what we can
do for her ? 8110 is very ill,"
"Site looks to xno," said Sister' Anna,
"as though she would never opon her
oyes again," and titan the kindly sisters
drew nearer to 04)1x10110 dread.
"May 1lcaveu pity hor," said S1Ht0r
Claro, "Suroly oho will not din without
a word or a prayer, Wo must do ammo,
thing at once. Sister Anna you will bo
t110 best to remain with her. Sister
G-0rtrudlo, will 300 Sind Dr, Rognier at
The sistois dispersed, oaoli carrying
away with icor a vivid reeollootion of the
beautiful English girl lying on what
80011101 to boa bed of death.
Then Dr, Itcguior eamo, and looked.
astonished at Mao beautiful girl.
Something serious," lie said, to Sister
Ho bent clown over the pale face, be
laidl his hand on tlio girl's heart.
Sho is alivo," ho said; "but this is a
worse caro than the young count's."
Ile looked at the white Paco, and tried
I'ra 13,: OONTINTIRD.)
.1 4: 4,
The sumo evening that Agatha found r
,ter way to the por011 0£ the hospital of tri
St, john—ono of 1110 fittest institutions
in I'aris—a sad accident happened to
the rune;; C'ouut do Ti01n1a-y. Ho was
attuning with his mother, too
',;.:Loofas and wealthy Countess de
'l:ieruay, from a ball, when their
carriage carte in collision with a
Sher( tltrtt Was rapidly driven by a
roan not (luno sober. Ilo could uover
answer for the CO1IHe(llienee9, for ho was
lulled at once. I t;
Tito collision was of tarriitlo forco ;
the horses were so seriously injured that l'
they had to he shot. The two belong. I h
lug to the count wore most valuable. a
Tito countess was thrown out, but ti
escaped uninjured. :Che count was
slung with violence against the -curb. 1 th
stone, and lay there lil(0 one dead, of
A Grow(! collected at once., and two 111
gondarmos came to the scene, It was n
curious sight to sea that beautiful lady I tw
in her diamonds and magnificent dross m
kneeling on the pavement crying out 1
that her Hon was killed. Sho woultt let' h
no one 1'0100 the injured head but ber-
self. She ]aid it on the soft satin folds I c
of (tor dross.
"Prod 10 doctor," sho cried, in most , "`
ht•.:rt•'nwlin,; tones. "Por Iioavon's sako pt
31111 f!4)
a doctor."
:c; unto in the crowd 0'1111 for.
wax{, and said;
"Madame, it might bo half an boor
heforo a doctor could bo found awl
brought Hero; tho hospital of St..Tulu1
1H just ttl'otmd the corner ; the best plan nti
will bo to carry him there," g
"1)o you think ho is dead ?" asked the
'.Cho stranger placocl Ids hand on the
count's breast,
"Ha 1.4 not dead, madame; his heart is
boating, though faintly. Ho may rally
if he has immediate help, bub not if he
waits hero until tin doctor comes—in
that case ho must die."
"Thou, for .!'leaven's sake, lob slim bo
taken thorn 1" she said, and it was Bono
at once.
Thera was an instant stir in the
crowd. A Fronohmau lioldom requires
asking twice for help. . Tho door of
the carriage was falcon quickly from the
hinges ; 110 was laitl upon it. Soveral
strong mcu Came forward with oilers of
help, mune was carried quickly down
do street to the hospital of 81. John, loo
Thnlcountess walked by his side ; alto Co
conk/ not 1eavo him for a moment. Tho loc
usual crowd followed. It was not an bn
uncommon, but a most picturosquo pro- at
00ssiou—the woundod man, his mouserAh
in all too splendor of lior ball lt1tiro, 1110
diamonds gloaming in tho light of rho
lamps, her joWuled hand clasping ono
of her sou'.s, 'tiro crowd, all agapo with
wonder, following.
Thera was tho dleop, old-fashionod
porch, with tho bright light shining, au,1
tho great crucifix hanging to 1110 hall,
They rang the bell, and wllilo thoy wait-
od for an answer tho countess saw rho
silent figuro, ovitl3 its white fano and
foldod hands, lying on the scat. Evan
oho stir of the crowd had nob around
Agatha from tlio deadly sleep of oxllaus.
tiou. Tho countess wont up to hor.
"Dear Heaven 1" sho cried ; "what a
faeo 1 --what a beautiful, anglclio faro 1
Iiow did this girl come hors 2"
No one know.
"Sho is a lady," said the countess ;.
"and I fear sbo is dying. 13ring soma
11011) for hor. Oh, heaven, what a nights
—how full of inisfor1uno and accident!"
In rho 00.11£301011 that ensued whorl 1110
attendants hastened to answer tho bell,
thoy assumed naturally that the young
girl lying on the seat belonged to 1111
party. Agatha was oart'iod into film
hospital and taken to a room, and many
flours elapsed beforo tho truth was
oa Mindsof Fraronitme,
Including Ilan(1so1110 Parlor and Bed
Room Suites, Easy Chairs, Comfortable
Sofas and Lounges, Sploudidly Finished
Sideboards, Boot( Cases, Secretaries, (C0.
rt TTI.I,511' TV0EK
Either Plain or Gilt,
G'rcZZ i.n' cinacd See T72,0772 -
Hand-3a .o Furniture
Made to Order
I have hundreds of articles not mention-
ed ahoy() that would probably suit you if
you saw them. A Call at my Spacious
Show Room will not east you anything and
by making your Purch0aoa from mo it May
boa Saving of a Good Many Dollars to
Thanking my 101117 customers for past
favors I wish you ono and all tlto COWL',
AI13N1H Or VIII BEA8011,
W., Kerr,
0::114, e7 Claire de.
POST Steams Publishing, house,
Xi wilt p 1 to, limner., of tin surrounding
townships to roll at the
131.1 i.'S.ELS FOUNDRY
',And sec oar ,.tock o1
1 11(., 1011.111' 11U I'TPBS,
HOUSE 1) ,ELH, I LAgl, 11ILL1:11S, Se,
Which Or r a 1 i 1.1 01011y to meet the watts
of thelor,u]ug community
We alp,., give *wrist attention l0 0(3'1119 of
every description on
01 eaas Engines .10lallers, Reapers, 3leve -
(01e,' 1ftercel,❑tg9)ar110es, %'toughs,
end inay intplesnemt need
en t11e fare0
Bull suede of Steam: ovn1et• and (1I0, Pipes
11100878 on hand,
Wu curdi1a10 IArite 1nsree11011 at the old
stand 5101 14,, hear the Post Doke,
W1\2, 11. WILSON.
p),017,111 a nix,,' o,. a n.„•.r d of north //.art,
of Lots, Non. LH, GU H (21In tin 1st ('on, of Turn-
hort'y. 0001ai1tif( 110 rc, rr, rr,ore or 1,-,n, sat,
uL„] If 10110„ from w,o;.eter. G 12:11,0 fro,,
Borrie, 70,ilnn 100,,, H0110147. 011 tin G1•nee1
Load, Sebool within a fewrods. Aosores ohop-
podrandyfor clearing. 110 8cr>s swine[, good
hineknnh end cedar, I,ulnneo herd -wood, 911131.(;
creek tl"•oagh the earn, 1:n1y term,; of Aay-
Wont, title perfect, Pilot, 0)1,800. Apply to
JAMES Ilia:WE, it. 13. DIILN ibN,
OIar<iwurn Merchant. Euwv,i11.,-
23-t1 Hoes,..1., Wrnret,y,
.13;INseIN Jrta1eI"ray e1'8,
i wilI be et tl;o Town it .111, i•st Snturdny
torno,a for the 4,11r3.4.../. , 1.011C tying tears. 311
iutcn' ,,,) n1011d ',runt ti n elv<-< 010011.
/ugly. 23148. TOWN. Ct A, 11, r.
aj 9 1 9
wat.01) c
IT, rear r '
0.A. R.4.d,r S •
New 1(1., '3 10 choose from. 11.1;.; lune
er reputation for having the heat and
cheapest will bo felly sustained this
season, A Largo Stoat of
Toys and Fancy Goods
Ql.A A. Deadman,
0)rugglit, bookseller, e' fancy geode (Ehler
ntilkA1615 gt1One egrgj Flouzing
The undersigned, thanking his many cuetoinero for their patronage duril..t
tho pa:t year, wishes to inform the public that rho n1i11 has undergone n
thorough repair, sumo of the latest improved machines have been iutrt,iso, ,
--but still retain the stone grinding system.
' 6 RI ; Fun., G{C' t hhi,tg FLOUR, Crit1CI C l~E1,t.
All Sorts of Mill Feed Delivered Prom pr!.!,/
to Order.
"I7.77-71-43 3„_A S T I-- 1I.A,_ IL_ .
111 ROSS,
HEA—1' 0 ! YE PEOPL.. i�
Wood Oook and Wellington Stoves Still : Aloa o
\Vo tats o pleasure 110 informing you that WO have securc:i for this Season's
Trade, the \`,`Wed Cool( and 1,Vcllingtou four-hour Cook Stoves. Took
These Stoves are without doubt the hest Cook Stoves over introduced into
this Section. They aro got up in First -Class style, having largo Flues,
spacious ovens, two drop oven shelves, extra largo tiro doors, long, wide and
deep fire hoxe0 fitted with movable bottoms, meet broilers, very deep 11011
pans, and every Wood Cook stove warranted to weigh 40(1 pounds, 1\ e11in(;•
tan stove warranted to weigh 425 pounds. -
Having scoured the control of the seatoves for this Section, and 11vitg
bought a largo number of them, we intents soiling at prices that tt ill l.Cfy
competition and must insure for Them a very ]arl;e afllo. Zyo 1114)10 all e
wage 011 ]land a largo assortment,
Ofe all tllo ]eadfnf; Stoves (both e1001 n p,
heating and coals iu fila market at bottom prices; also Platform Scales.
torn Pumps, Clothes Wringers, Bird Cagca, 0raniteware, stable 1111.1(111
Coal Oil, Machine Oils, Stoves, eta., etc, lilavotroughing as the chcal'1rt„
and Satisfaction Guaranteed, Solo Agents for the celebrated Wanyer Scty
ing Machine,
:AtORO FTtR' o s.