The Brussels Post, 1885-1-2, Page 64 TIIE BRUSSELS POST. JANUARY 2, 1SR5,
Dirootory of Churohos Intl
.ilf•:1.011,L3: ell caun.---Sihbetil Services at
1111.141, and t1,30 pm, Sunday Sehool at
ii:1 l p.m. 1iov. Jno. 10%0 3. A„ pastor.
rueor 1r Cii1nclr.--Sabbath Services at
11'310 n.ul 31113 0:30 p.m. Sandal Seined at
pea. 1 L,ter Rev, D. C. C'Inpl is n,
341. ,hnti':1 Curial. -.Sabbath ho viees at
11 a.rt. ami 7 p.nt. Sunday Selmoi at 11:ae
e. lo. Rev. W. T. Cliffe, ineumhent.
liuoz C'tirneu,--Sabbath Services itt di
4.311. and fig) pan. Sunday Sehu01 at 2:90
p -m, 1114v. ;. Jones, pastor,
noires C'ln'acu.--SaLLath Ser -
2 lee third Sunday ill 42.33 month at 1l eau,
Rev. P, 1, Shea, priest.
then IP1::,3.,tw'.. 1.400 111 1'243: 2114.13:-.317
aalur; ill tirnham's Nee'.1.
ll-usooit• Lev::.^. Tuesday at,Jr before full
Inion in 001111114' block,
1. U. 1.", R'. Lofalrl rotate o4.1 :bid and
,.,.;. \.1 1111 .1.1y 070111U:1 1441011 111011111,
Foassrl:r.':;Lon0a 2nd and last Monday
201aiags of eaell month in Sumlt'ii ln:ll,
L. U. L. 1,1 Monday in every lie uth in
( range
Poi:r (3111 3:,-. Office hours from Y a.. rn.
1 p.
M11013/31 104' Ix1331Trrlc I1e114i00 Roost null
I:ehr:ary in 1 zolrle,i block, over S. 13. Smile's
eter21, 2111 Ube open from li to 7 pan. on Weil -
1.. :::1".ys and Fridays an,l from 4 to 0 p.m.
n 1latarditys.
g tt unit.. totes:.
Tho heat rule for keeping apples in
winter is to keep them cool. -The
fruit cellar should bo cool, clean, well
ventilated, and have northern •ex-
posure, and excepting on rainy day's
the northern windows should be kept
open until there is danger of freezing.
Of cnurse apples must be well eortld
to keep well,
.t. Startling Discovery.
Mr. Wm. Johnson, of Huron, Dail., writes
that bin wife bad been troubled with acute
Bronchitis for many years, and that all rem',-
/lieetriedgave nopermanent relief, until he
for Consumption,l0oaghnl andNColds, w which
had a magical effect, and produced a perman-
ent Ours. Itis guaranteed to cure all Diseases
of Throat, Lunge, or Bronchial Tubes. Trial
bottles free at G. A. Condemn's Drug Store.
Largo size $1.00.
If land is naturally wet and has
not been drained, most farmers think
it exactly right for meadow. It will
undoubtedly pay better to mow than
to cultivate in ordinary seasons, as
the meadow requires loss labor. Bet
the filet remains that good grass will
not long grow on soil always saltnrlit-
ed with stagnant water.
➢tneklen's Arnie Salve.
Tho best salve in the world 1or Cuts,Druisos
Sores, Moen. Salt Rheum, Fever Soros, Totter
Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all
Skin Eruptions. and positively cures Piles, or
no pay required. Itis guaranteed to give por
loot satisfaction, or money refunded. Price
53 cents por box. For sale by G. A, Deadman
It is very difficult to keep horses
in besement stnbles without injuring
their eyes. This is in part dee to
poor ventilation, but also to the posi-
tion of basement windows, which
throw a light on the horse's eyes and
cense him to be always peering into
comparative darkness. A. horse thus
treated will bo very apt to go blind
after two or three years.
➢'Lsid Lightning.
Fluid Licktning is tho only cure for Tooth-
ache, Headache, Earache Sad Neuralgia. It
does not take a dal' or an hour to caro it, but
111 logs than a minute all paid is gone. 'Thous-
ands have tested its merits witbiu the last
Soar, Plaid Lightning Is also a poeith+o cure
far Rio lunetism. The worst possible eases
have loon permanently cured in one week.
Price 20 4141113.1 at Hargreaves' D rug Store.
GAS tar will drive away ants but
whore they gather around apple true,
as they are apt to do, 11 131 a question
whether it is to the advantage of tete
orohartlist to got rid of them. Ants
aro very destructive to lbs, apple or
plant lice which on apple trees are a
frequsnt cause of 4nfrn111111ues by
dostreying the foliage lit :i time when
it is must needed for siartmg the
young fruit,
Cruelly 9iserSIerca.
In the Province 03 Ontario every your thous-
ands are being slowly murdered by taking un.
suitable, untried nostrums for each complaints
as Costiveness, Indigestion, Liver Complaint,
Kidney Troubles, etc., who might easily re-
u0b1 lost strength and energy by using Mo-
GrOaor'0 Smsody Cure. To oonviuco them that
such is the oast] w0 will 012031 mm a free trial
bottle at Hargreaves' Thrift Store, prim Meta,
andel. See testimonials from persons in your
own town.
The Dost cif growing an acre of lu-
t1ian corn in Iowa is put at 6. This
dues not include husking, as in many
cases the corn is fed in tto shock to
•cattle, followed by bogs to gather the
corn wasted in the droppings. The
stalks of Western cern are not con-
sidered very valuable. Of our East-
ern varieties the stalks of a good corn
crop will quite often pay the expenses
of cultivation.
To The Ladies.
McGregor R Parke's Carbolic Cerate wil1
auto any ease of Pimples 011 the fame or Rough
hldn rip either hands or face 0mi leave them
sett as silk, it w111 also healany sore when
another preparations fail. Thousands have
tented it. Ask your druggist for MOGroger &
Parko's Carbolic Comate, Sad d2 not bo por-
an0ded 1..0 tike anything else ointment too as
oditis but 25 cents por box at Harg 2031'
Drug Tim commercial papers almost al.
ways over estimate the yield of crops.
This tendency is unzonseiously fol-
lowed by many agricultural jonrnals.
Every farmer who has made an ex-
traordinary crop is in haste to report
it, Thuee whose yield is below the
average say nothing. The result is
that the average yield is generally
overestimated. There ie an abnzd-
mice of private complaint among far-
331'.re ; but when they appear in print
they put their beat foot forward.
Itis is 'immutable feet, as indicated
by ensue returns, that lusenity is
more frequent among farmers' wives
than in any other elites. The 3:413'
finomont to Ramo, with its uneesatng
round of monotonous duties, is one
cause of this tendency. Farmers are
compelled to leave home more in
marketing their produce, but their
wives de not see enough of the world
to etfmulat0 proper mental activity.
dm kind To I1one•at'raphig.
Edward 1111014110041 , of 1Llrrisburg,311„sags 1 --
''11 ing 3e1012t d 80 11111'03 bonoat from ]2l,,4-
vitylk*11113 It. i 1lnvol11011t0 minsuffering
m as reMi-
11R• log for 01 phi 3111011 lay do iters tee m�"I
weal! nave to here the hello scraped es lug
amputated. used, insteaid, titre0 bottles of
1110ct410 313(1111 01111 31022111 Luxes 11 uckiru'::
Arnica 33014.1), end 10y 101 10 00 0 3101111 and
Well." 1110 0 3010 141110r0 a11.4,e1,1 at fifty tunic,:
bottle, and linoit)mPs Arman Salvo at 22 cants
per Lox by G. A. I14ad3uan
It is 1103 011 110 1 that tlto l'nr:ner
grout good elope. lie must learn to
buy closely and at wholesale rates if
he would mike money at present
pollee of his produc.. T11e farmer
the only producer who sells Mainly
a: whelei ale and bay's mainly at re-
etail. This 11e can avoid, and by it
little forethought Ile should do se.
The 0roocry expeusoa will be much
entailer if the supply for winter 13
bought in the fall and paid 113
when purchased. , There le besides
the :1avin3 01 many ntine1e0ea4y jear-
(1no1SAaTY, June. 1544.
Mesora.Lumaden 11:, iwilsan. Sirs.lieganl-
leg the bouo0t derived front 111e use of your
Glycorated Balsam of Fir, I fully 0ndorse4.1
that already stated by your numerous corre-
spondents from all parts of the country, Rav-
ing contraotOI,e 0-war0 001(1 n1100111lt�mni011 by
a violent cough, thong11h01''ug a 1,00iud101) 044
gainat "each stuff,” I was induced by your ag-
ent hero, Mr. Williams, to try 0 bottle, 'tad it
is unue000sary to add that I experienced relict
s't bones evconsider
r invented or o120re 0 t t0 tinof e
IImbao, ps0005100 all the prop0rt10s claimed
epee/flea. 11ouro, colt; Dulioaut McLaren.
Canadian n rete- i'ta.
The Qaosn's hotel, Listowel, was
recently purchased by George Zilllax;
of the Royal hotel there for $13,000.
Petitions for the submission of the
Scott Act rO the county of Elgin and
the city of St. Thomas were filed in
the sheriff's office on Saturday.
Nomination will take place on the
let of January for a representative 112
the House of Commons for Lennox,
and the election will occur on the 8th.
At the annual meeting of the Agri-
culture and Arts Association, hold in
Guelph, it was decided to hold next
year's Provincial Exhibition in Lon-
The mails passing between Kam
loops and Victoria, B. C., have been
robbed of $9,000 by unknown part-
ies. The postmaetor at Kamloops
losses $500.
The Montreal Customs officials
have seized twenty tons of dynamite
imported from Glasgow last Septem-
ber and entered at a considerable un-
Some people never seem to know
when they are well off. Two vessels
lou.lod barley at Kingston for Cepo
Vincent, in the face of a 20 bolow-
zc30 temperature.
The third trial of James Ellis
French for scandalous offences in
connection with Cornwall, resulted
in his conviction and sentence to two
yens' imprisonment,
The Methodist ministers of Mont-
real 012 Friday adopted resolutions of
regret on the death of tho Late Dr.
Rice, and decided to drape the church-
es of the city in mourning.
Tho remains of the late Bishop of
Niagara were Interred at Burlington
cemetery o1) Saturday afternoon 1n
the preee1100 of an immense con-
course of clerical and lay friends of
tho deceased.
Samuel Hawkins, under sentence
of life imprisonment at Kingston from
the county of Elgin, for shooting with
intent, has been released under a par-
don after serving seven years in the
Itfrs. Griggot' was found guilty of
bigamy at Kingston, notwithstanding
her plea that elle believed her first
husband was dead when she married
again, and sentenced to three month's
Memorial services for the late Dr.
Rice were held in all the 1\fethodiet
Shushes in Montreal on Sunday, tho
buildings being heavily draped in
inonrnlug. Largo o0ngreglttione at-
tended despite the inclemency of the
The New Yorlc Board of Health
has made several 00i1010e of poisoned
candy recently, and inspectors are
searching holiday goods for more,
Tho poison ivas discovered in the
coloring matter in CAM whore miner-
al instead of vegeta110 dyes had boon
A deputation of prominent citizens
of ivlontroal waited on the rsmbere
of the Quobco Cabinet on Saturday
to urge the necessity of reform in the
present system of m,bu.a3erllent of the
provi''reo.l lunatic asylum. Tho
1511(112or., itl.nitted the urgonoy of
the gneeoion and promised that im-
mediate eaten would bo taken in ac'
iordnnoo with the views of ttlo dopa.
ri rouse Is
Of the Leetquallty Mewls 00 heel and dolly
Orae i u any part of Lilo 4Bingo free of obnrge
TERMS Very Fat'orublo.
Tor which the highest market price will bo
I also melte a Specialty of buying hide Bund
Wales. Don't forget the Place, next deer
Lo )3'Irteber'n d)rwellr7 Store.
4.1411111 W 0171131214
SC'O2'T ,ICT ] Ee1TTi,i"b''!
Friends and Patrons we ilt,lre to can your
attention up ear
Now i;ombind Wionor Soo6 rill
This machine has all the latest improve-
ments and is taking the lend in the States
and Canada. It works like a (1113111.
Also the improved
whioh intending purehltsers would do well
to call and see before buying elsewhere.
Wo also keep on hand
Renorsible point plow with stool boom and a
number of other walking plows, Grain Grind -
ors, Organs, Fanning Mills, Bain Wagons
and al other hinds of farming implements.
Wo have also on Land an OSf3AWA. CO3L-
BINED DRILL, which we will sell cheap.
Como this way please and we will send yon
on your way rejoicing.
call of Thanks 1
In thanking my many cus-
tomers for their liberal support for
the past eight years, I wishe to in
form them that being burned out
of lay old stand .I have re -fitted it
in first-class-stylo, where 113ope
to see all my old customers and as
many new ones as see lit to give
me a call. 2 keep nothing but first
class Groceries on Maud, and servo
customers alike. I also keep
all kinds of GRAIN for sale. Give
me a trial and you will save money.
All goods delivered free of charge.
goo. Mop.
The undersigned begs leave to announce to
the Public generally that ho has pnrohased
the Entire Stook of D. Frain, harness
maker, and havin gbrought a Largo Stook
of his Own Make ,he is prepared to Com-
pote with the impost, as he Buys Strictly
for Cash A Uornplotc Stock of
And Everything in tbo harness Lino.
t:. harness nlaclo to Order frau best ma.
torlal on ShortestNotico.
Lir Repairing Promptly Attended to.
On clic:tsd before Purchasing
Don't forgot the plaoo, in Dr, Graham's
Block, D. Frain'; Old Stand, Main Strcot,
Baying Purchased the Business of M. Campbell, of Lucknow
3311(1 made additions to the Largo and Well Assorted Stock, I
am prepared to Offer Bargains to the Public that Cannot Fail
to Satisfy. Our Stock consists of
DRY G001)5,
131'., fie„
On account of my expenses beim. low I am telling at Close
11lave a Splendid Stock of
:newly -Made Clothing for men awe l 'boys
on hand and Woolen Shawls for Ladies, suitable for this
season of the year and will be SoLD VERY CHEAP, Ordered
Suits will hare my Special Attention,
A Choice 'Stock of Teas, and fresh Fruit
Suitable for all kinds of Cooking purposes that cannot fail to
give Satisfaction.
Butter and Eggs taken in exchange for goods. By Iloliest
Dealing, close attention to business and low prices I hope to
merit a large share of public patronage. Give me a Call.
o�r�oo, -
Read and don't forgot that floss Bros. have just Opened out tho Larg-
est Assorted Stock of Tweeds over shown in Brussels, consisting of
Scotch and Canadian. Tweeds,
and as those all have to be run off this Winter to leave ronin for
Spring Stock you can depoud on getting a Good and Cheap Suit or
Call and Examine Our Stook
and you will be Satisfied that you can Buy Suits and Overcoats
Cheaper than any place else.
being of Exceptionally Good Value. Some Extra Largo Sizes in
Shirts and Drawers of Good Quality. In
'`s1c''tf _`f rUS
we Show a Complete Stock of Desirable Goods.
Suits Made to Order on shortest possible notice.
Call Early and Secure your Choice
as we Intend Rushing these Goods off at Onco.
ROSS Bees.,
R. STEVENSON. Fashionable Tailors. ale's Old wand,