The Brussels Post, 1885-1-2, Page 3JANUAIIY 2, 1885, DON'T STOP MY 1rAPI;II, Don't stop my paper, printer, Don't strike my mutat off yet, You know the tinier art! stringent. And dollars hard to got ; But tug a little harlot, IH what 1 mean to do, Anti oioopa the t 1011,!4 1. l'111t'r, Enough for nut shit you, I can't afford to drop it t 1 find it doesn't limy To do without n paper, Ifownvor others may. 1 have to ask my neighbors To givo nut theirs on loan ; t'itoy don't just nay—but mean it - "Why don't you have your uwu ?" You can't tell how we mise If it, by any fate, Should 1011(11(0(1 not to rettrh Or come a little Tato, Then all is in n hubbub, And thins go all ;tun., And printer, if you mo ruarrir'd, Lou know (ho r(a tut whey, The children leant their st0t'ie:( A0d weft 1e S1126,13,, too, At Met to 4hau (1 ver, And then to read 11 through; :1114 1 to read the leader, And con tho lino!t i tiers, And sewn the eollrapoud 8ce, And every setup of I can not do withent it, It is no tee to try, The other people take it, And printor, so must 1, I too, must keep ((1e pined, And know what's going on, (Jr else I'll be accounted A fogy simp]eton. Thou take it kindly, printer, If pay is somewhat slow, 2'. r each is not so plenty, And wants oat foto you 111108 ; But 1 Joust have tho paper, Coot what it 0uay to me ; I'd rather dock my sugar, And do without my tea. So printor, don't you stop it, Unless you want my frown, But—lost I miss a number— PH plank tho cash right down ? So send tho paper promptly And regularly on, Let it bring us fortnightly Its welcomed benison, RELIGION IN 801100LS. rhe Now Deparlenenfnl ]rules 08 to O'rttyer and nggo Rending. The regulations regarding tho road- 1ng nftho Bible and prayer in the public and high schools, approved by the Provincial government on the 10th day of December, 1884, are as follows : 1.—Every public and high school shall be opened with the Lord's pray- er, and closed with the reading of the Scriptures and the Lord's prayer, or the prayer sanctioned by the depart- ment of education. 2,—The portions of Scripture used shall be taken from selections author- ized for that purpose by (bo depart- mant of education, and shall bo read without commout or explanation, 3.—Where a teacher claims to have conscientious soruplea against open- ing 111111 closing the school 11,8 herein provided, Ito 011011 notify the trustees to that effect In writing. 4.—No pupil shall be required to take part in the exercises above r0- forred to against the wish of his par- ent orpuardian, expressed in writing to t]10 master of the school. u, --'Ghon required by the trustees tho Ten Commandments shall bo re- peater, at lcaut onca 0 week. 0,—Tbo trustees shall place a copy of thaautltorized readings in each de. partl1ent of tbo public and high rahocls under their jurisdiction, with- in 0113 year from the date hereof. 7. -The clergy of any denomination or ttoir authorized reproeoudativeo, shall have the right to givo religious iustluctiou to tho pupils of their own church, in 011811 eoho(l house at toast ones a wook, after the bour of closing of MO school in the afternoon ; and if the clergy of amore thou ono donani- intitiou apply to give religious inetr0c- tioe du tha stun) school house, the aclool board or trut•toes shall decide an what day of the week the aohoal Immo sl13311 be at the disposal of the cleegyman of molt denomination at the time above stated, but it s111811 be lawful for the school hoard or trustees nod clargyman of any denomination to agree upon any hour of the day, at which a clergyman, or his authortzad representative, may give religiou8 in- etrnotion to the pupils of hie own church, provided it be not during the regular hours of the school. The regulations presenting the "/lours of daily teaching" provrdo that they shall not exceed 810 hours in duration, but "a less number of flours of daily teaching may 11e d0• tormined upon in any public school at the option of the truetoos." Ar- rangement may therefore be made by the i.rueteoa for Wasting the ordinary 8011001 work earlier than the 11811111 hour ou oortain daps, so that this 3.110.3' be given for religious 11)8true• 11x1. Tho Granger salt block at Kin. carcline began tho manufacture of salt on Monday, 22nd, No doubt salt will take fumblo :now. THE BRTJSSUiLS POST W11110ibl:e linos. TROs, I'.LEITC;FII±1R, Bow to tvintor Lune safely ie of 1 gr•e14teet importance, and gnoral very imporfeotly understood, if may judgo from 1110 largo number mantle tort every winter and sprit There ere runny methods enggeet as "the Last" for \Yiitter)Ug imee, O will toll poi to loop awn' cold ; to other to In ep themw(11•rn ; OW) 10 say Olt thous iu 111(1 c'lltr 1 101011unn11u In the lathe ; o.uuther, Lary them the grnuu(1. 1+ ( ,ray wonder 111 1111! (t,.,;Illt,t_ (•.,111•!8 (.:11f11:7o(1 al i,'1u.d41) a1 '11 11111111 0on11:agin; a 1141x11 cull 111'puto that be (lave 1:111:11 wintered :/.tfoly by eachthan plans ; butI alit 0 n' tain ti nut any of three plans can be 11,11 upon for 1130 Due merfnl wiltt:r11tli be1;1, i3y all these m111110118 a lar 13(130Lr of been 1110 from each tato/ llilrnl( rho whom:, Alla tunny dtnClyd 3(18 oli1irely. Som.) who ha net with heavy lessas in winter ha thought that Hot loss was cruised 1 e poor quality of honey etorr!d by ti Entex, P1114 1 couoiiler a great lei fake. 1 (1.1 tat boliove bees trill c1 Ieet 4(((1 store! honey not stated their use 1114 food. They utak° 11 n11Htake_ on 11(11 point.Lot Int oar: examine closely into the conditions for enceessf01 winter- ing,131 winter, been cluster as eloso- ly togolher us possible. The more saver° tie cold tbo more compact too cluster, in order the better to keep tip 1110 animal heat neees0i11'y' to rmtintafu life. 13y all the old meth- ods the cluster of bees in divided by tin sheets of comb, wnl)ll is a great hinderau0o to eneces8ful wintering. I11 mum Cases the bees Cannot clus- ter 1(18- ter'compactly together iu one mass but are erre 111 out botweou the cliffor• eat sheat° of oomb. In controllable hivos on my plan of wintering, the bets cluster compactly together on the top of the movably frames of the brood aeotion• They are hero able to keep up the required amount of heat and are at the same time within an oasy moss to their stores, of which they can avail themselves in moderate weather. Bees always remain iu a dormant state through very severe cold weather. Ventilation is very oasoutial iu wintering. Hives must bo so arrang- ed that the perspiration arising from the boos still pass off, otherwiso moul- dy combo, front and ice, sour honey, and other bad effoots will bo noticed The correct plan for wiuteriug may bo expressed iu a fow words. Tho brood sections m1at be socnred agoiuut the efl!oots of sudden changes in the woatbor, and provision made for the absorption of all111010tllro told perspiration arising from the bees while in a dormant utak) ; and also prov181ot1 mads for the bees to cluster compactly together iu alos0 proximity to thole winter stores. These points are tho foundation for suooeaslul win- tering. By old m0thods twontyfivo pounds of Bonny 10,18 thonght necessary to winter a swarm of boos. Now, by the most improved and stleceseful plan only fifteen pounds is required. Boos aro now fed safely aid °ffoctl101- ly, every m011611 10 the year, so that tlr0ro is no need of losing hoes ui wen • ter from lack of stores. By old mat11- oda in our northern climate, boos mutat havo a supply to last the .t from Novetubor to illay. Great programa has been made in boe culture during tho butt, 21 years, and still there is room for improvement. 130 jy a'rnettenl Watchmaker andJot8elolr. I o of 3g, )d e' rat: Il• ill I) 113 11 4141 at 'd of go ak alma VI' ntchca,613 rcr 1'1111cd ware, 0133 ver Watches, Clucks, ,al(I ltingx, Y1 oil ns.Bic, I br,.p full line of goods 'meant [tett in 1 t1r•t•clas Jaw.lry 01,100, 1' .11 aryl •rsnu,ear, l,v trouble to ,ilt8+e 0uo.1:4, Agou I,for 000611 Tletcnta, Antoriaan 1(83(0080 0010p011y mad Groot North west:ore tulograph Own tato' —NEW STOCK OF --- Buffalo hobos, 141 g Norse Blankets, Woodstock, N.B., has had a $80,- 000 flee . Tho Michigan Central boats at Windsor ferried 1,237 freight cars Saturday, the largost clay's business hat nate kh, of x11• vas vile ity The Dominion Goverment has de- cided to tlafray tho Dosis of eondl11g a repre0otttativo Canadian oxi,ibit to the Antwerp exblbitlnn in May noot as well 11,i to the Colonial and Indian Exhihtttou in London m 1886, on re00rd. It is alumnured, semi•oflioially, t the Dominion Parliament will be led together on Thursday, the 20 of Jaunary uoxt, Right Bev. T. 13. Fu11ee, Bishop Niagara, died last Wodnoaday mo ing at three o'clock, at his reside in Haneiltou, aged 74 years. John Gillespie, one of the leading wholesale merchants of Toronto, e b° ordained shortly iu tho Ch trop of England, and will work in Triu Churoh. Tho plane for tho proposed new Canadian Paeifo Railway bridge at Lachine are under the considot'ation of the Govorn)ont. Who 08timatod coat of the work is two million and a hal f dollars. The outbreak of smallpox in Hast- ings has boon practically stamped out, there borng only two patients now nn• dor troatmont at the hospital and no now cases reported. The total nein• bar of loathe in Hungerford from (ho diseatte da fortyfivo, a 0 �•I I have moved to my now brick vtot a 01111 am prepttr01l to wait on all toy old custom- ers and many now ones, Tright and heavy Harness outdo to order ou short notice of the very host material and suparior workmanship. I have in Ssoolr HARNESS, WHIPS, CURRY 00111318, BRUSHES FLY NETS, DUSTERS, ETC. A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF TRUNKS, 'PALMS, SATCHELS, ETO., ETO. Ha DENNIS. UR CUSTOMERS, I wield to inform all that I have rented the ING 9AM WOOLEN MILL Till I gat the Brussels mill in opera- tion and will take in Wool horn in Trade aH venal, I intend to take in All Kinds of 3fouufactnring Hero, at the 01d Woolen 11i11 Stand, each as Roll Carding, Spinning, Weaving, Fulling, &o,, t 72Ct Guai'anntee to Give Good & Hs.factioiz• —ALL KINDS OF— Knitted Goods Made T o rder, —SUGH AS— Jackets Scarfs, Stockings, St;(.,. I havo a large stook of goods on hawed, such as Bed Blankets, Horse Blankets, Sheeting's, Union Flannels, All Wool Flannels, Toff Shirts, of various kinds, Under Shirts and Drawers, an Excellent Lot of All Wool Tweeds both Fina and Coarse. P'LTIAaa (4Si'11NTEA CALL 13113'0I130 S11I.,LI13 4 YOUR WOOL 11La>sW.iitoa1i.,, co. ° 0 5 W..a 9 i.�. R `1i_' . 't :":a' Ii) p .4(1) I .A .11414 a a The uiidel'gig.ne(] hav'11111' (tulilplct('cl t11e C11t111gt4 I'l'oIll Ow stone to the CELEBRATED 111.' NGARIAN SYSTEM OF GRIND- ING, lta'licnr the .dill in rpr WTMr raUto"y fi And Will 1)e glad to see all the, O]d Custonwrn 1)114.1 111; many now. Ones x$ 1)0881131VV. ChoPping done, FLOUR PIED ALWAYS ON HAND, H1GNE:'`b PRIleti PAID f >et ANY QUANTITY CV fa,' (.i!o WNEAT Ln TET_T-L-0127.1 rina, dir1L k 7 IIANIjFA CTIJREll 013' Buggies, Carriages, (Democrats, Wagons, Express Wagons, &c., All made of the host m1100101 and finished in a workmate -like manner. Repairing and Painting Promptly Attended to. Parties intending to buy should call before purchasing. Mc- Kelvey, Grey township; Wm. , B. Wmit , Little, , JamesGeorge Breutt and warr, and David Breckenridge, Morris township; Thou. Town and W. Blashill, Brim. sels; Rev. E. A. Fear, 1Tonkton, and T. Wright, Turnberry township. 1 'Romomber the stand—South of tho bridge. J 1 TaUYMRS NATU1AL .OILER ILLS 000 VAN& ONE 13R08., .°roprietors, --000 Wo have much pleasure in announcing to tho public that our New holler Mill is in comploto running order itud is giving the best aatde/notion. SOTS, MEAL, ORAS & CHOP CONSTANTLY ON HAND. 11'e also (13(11re the following brands of FLOUR Patetn, Jersey Lily, Canadian's Pride and Snow Stcrm. Gristing attended to with prornptness. BALL KINDS OF LUMBER OUT TO ORDER, Berlin. Foundry M.t.xtl8'A0 1 Ultan8 OF ENGINES, .BOILERS, MILL MACHINERY, (Cc. Small upright Engines & Boilers a specialty. For rootlet partiouiara app! y to I Ikon 8 Cott Berlin. FONH.1TLE, NW:SERIES. sea'0'lxor.argoof in (hit 1 1128 0)0 A0ta0.1 0u3n0,ra t, I Aorta SALESMEN WAVED, To Dacha Woo* ad Oman am Ball 88108 stesayempionnontetaxecl 0aiartoo to alt willtugto work. Ai11)1 AVE W0rsl3N eau havop10480nl, WORK THE YEAR ROUND. (0004 Routs aro Nato Late Kull 086 19 0,08 pan! 1han311 011 expensed. "wen asodaueateaso, 100(10(154 s1ett111 i1 AWINItabtlINOt.m. TORONTO, ONT, A GREAT 011A.i('J( 30 EH MONEY 1 001131 worth a largo 0)1m 03 money 111 )tree, Ton will and 1,01.:I1 F0140Uli13 IN 01111 CIIICULAN. —o— Ti) }L4 .li'Ii MONEY. r 'Tarme uud Oat(' 0rao,---. Ycn hill 3 nd our 1:100011 ar n Print.', .i (; art 1 0114)i 10EaT rrn.tasunge c0., St. Co11woiuos,Ontario, Canada, MONEY TO LOAN, P iiS1VA.91rXi: 1t+'31'N3)kd, $20,000 OS 3notva0o tondo haTo tarsi boon toloaod to m tamp}3 Poo la 000ta10at at .At 7 Per Cent. llovrow00( ono Aiwa thair Lror.o o<ae1QA3 in tbllac daysiYi8Wo is sabisfnotany(, Apply 10 E. F.. WADE,