The Brussels Post, 1890-12-26, Page 51 ECC. 10, 1800. 1i~ati rt ` Cth) Cru ftl)rc)() 1C. A merry Christmas to all Hasa Dukelow is visiting with Miss 'Alit vide Raymuul. Stephen /Wheeler, who luta been :cork in at the "Soo" during the summer, has returned horse. You may fool all of the people sofrlu of the time, •,e'A some of the people 10! of the time, but you oau't fool all of the people all of the time. The dance on Friday last was a emcees in many ways. Damon' Hall, perhaps, never witnessed so many fair young men and women who moved to and fro to sweet strains of music. 1. 0. Tuck has a host of friends. Wodnoeday of next week, Ileo. 91st, is the annual school meeting: Every rate. payor, man or woman, in the section should be in attendance on Wednesday. Are people so indifferent in educational matlera res not to attend a school meeting at least once a year? Como to the meeting beginning at 10 a. m. To the Editor of Tam I'oe'r. Bin,--Iti your Cranbrook correspond' once of last week I am credited with a let Close A certificate. 1 have no that standing. I may also remark tha a Provincial certillcato, of any grade, re. presents an -elementary knowledge of a few subjects -not "brilliant" nor "emir. ant" scholarship. Trostiug that your Cranbrook correspondent will pardon the liberty 1 have taken is making this correction, I am. 'ours truly, W. K\rrirlr. 1llorr13.n. David N. Miller, second son of License Inspector Biller, arrived home from British Columbia last Saturday evening. He has boon away about two years and likes the country well. He purposes re- turning next February. Thos, Kelly, executor of the Hingeton estate, disposed of the 100 sore farm, if miles north of Brussels, on Monday to Wm. Bryan for the sum of 158,800. This gives Mr. Bryan '200 nerve in a block both of the IIingoton !arms. He die - posed of hie 100 acre farm in Howick to Mr. Gulley, of Morrie this week. Next Monday the municipal nomin- ations will take place at the Town Hall at 12 o'clock. In this part of the town. ship the feeling appears to be that the present Council ebould be returned to office by aaalamation so that they may have an opportunity of seeing to 0 close the present litigation concerning the bondsmen of the late Trea-nrer us they are posted on thecae° and should see it straightened out. J3xAMINATtol: -Tho public oxnmina• tion of S. S. No. 5 was held last Bator. day. Tho school room was tastily decor- ated with evergreens, pictures and mottoes and a "'Union Jack" floated in the breeze outside. There was a ]urge number of visitors present, a noticeable feature being the presence of two minist- ers, Revile. Messrs. Godfrey and Law, of lielgrale. We might here remark tint we believe an occasional visit to 00r ,cLools by the clergy would ba beneficial. The pupils were examiner[ by tbo teneher, C. 1L. Illacl(well, n'si,Red by Me-ses Tough, Badge and Black, and the ready and ercarate answers they pave to the various questions and p,obleme pro- pounded showed that they had been care- fully taught. '1'he examination closed at 2 V. In. when 0pced1.lnaking vete the order of the day. Excellent addresses mere given by [rev. ,\Ir. Codtrcy, and 11a0ete. Mussell, Li,vreace, Clegg, Bailie and Godfrey jr. All the speakers gave the pupils some wholesome nelviee and complimented the teacher upon the sou. ditiml and standing of the 001001. lir_ Bhuliwell-is etidolltly 1w eflioicut and successful teacher and lie 0001118 to lave the sympathy- and hearty co operation of the rate payers w'11i01, arutlmpertat)t fee - tors to the 0(111,ess of ❑11y l;clnad. MArnrnexr.nn.-Tho residenne of John Roe, 21111 con., on Wednesday of lust week, was 11e aeene of merriment, and good humor. The reader will (mite 1111. doystand why it was so whin we tell his) that it was one of those events which is not generally forgotten. About forty-two couples assembled there to witness the marrinse of lir. Roe's third daughter, Eliza Jano, to David MoOntuheon, eldest Hon of P. llaCutobeon, Rev. Mc. God- frey, of 13algrave, performed the marriage uerenlony in his usual able nod earnest manner. After the marriage 111e ass0mbl- eld company sat down to a smnptuons repast and each person did ample lastiee to the good things provided. Special mention might be made,in regard to the waiters who performed their part in right royal style. The reader will bo able to judge at a glance the e.teenl in which the bride is held, by looking over the list of presents which she received. Lamp, 11obt. Nichol and wife ; pair of wens and white bed spread, Frank 1)30- 001011000 sr, and wife ; mantle Week, 31r, and firs. Mcllrnald, Winghaln 1 lemonade set, 1). Nichol and wife ; pair Silver dessert spoons, Miss Hyndmnn ; pair va5es, Miss L. Spence ; fruit dish, .Ino. Smith and wife ; pickle holder, lli�s V. McDonald ; preserve dish, Miss 11. Forsythe ; lemonade sot and table (sloth, W. II• Cloakey and wife ; silver butter dish, Mrs. PaltorsOn'; bed spread, W. P. Wallace and wifo ; album, Miss (I, ,rohnstol ; pickle sot, hiss J: Elston ; pioklo cruet, Mks M. 1'srden ; pair vases, N. 111111011 ; silver napkin 1'111g, butter knife and pickle fork, J. ;Jackson and wife ; lamp, G. G. Taylor ; lonol, lade set, It. Roe and wife ; silver goblet, Miss J. Matters; silver butter dish, Jas. Spence and wife • pin onehion, Mies A. 1,1. Godfrey, Balgtavo ; vase, Mims 1'. Roo ; Work on beantifnl wild flowers of America, from original water color draw. inge after nature by Isaac Sprague, '.1)r. Godfrey, llolgrave ; fruit dish, 11, Roo ; bed room set, Mrs. Suott; toilet set, iliso Jackson ; pillow shams, Hiss With 10111 ; table 0101.11, 1'. M000i011eon jr. and wife ; table spread,ll, Nottorlield ; table Himmel, 1)1r. Drummond tend %vire ; bible, '.331300. \yahoos ; silver cake dish, Harty and Sarah B00111a0 ; pair ('la201', Alex, (lnmpbell ; lamp, lle. Walloon and wire ; raplkin rte', A. Spence; sot glean ware, W. 1f, 11IoUutc/hoon and wife ; set plass were, W. Robb. l[IAS Godfrey, of 33ol. grave, wee the bridesmaid and W. Robb 511ppurlod the groom. Tho bride was neatly attic, in 0 these of steel gray satin and wore orange blossoms. 'The brl,i.'en)a111 wa8 (bossed 111 a 03.111 of 5,a green sills end wore orange blossmns.- Abnut 2 o'clock the tairleeeemblege wand. e(1 their way homeward aftot' wishing i,L", and 1MIrs, hte0atchoel mach Joy and 131101031 fn their new relationship. se mote 11 be. - 1 OAItS FOR SERVICE -THE undersigned will keep Two Thorough. I Bic, ISarl,sl!vn Roars for Service en Lot Il. ' o., L,, •, y, Tho, are beth 1na0 Importe'l '.10011, 'forms 01, to he ;elel at 11010 of ser- vice, with privilege of returning if necessary. 20.4 A. 311AW, Proprietor. r�11Ii?L) 1'P.I7r; TO13ON'rn TN. nusrnl,t..-Tho dant of my Dorsey Bull "Morgan of filen Duaol" is Mr imported mow, She took and prise et the Toronto In, dustrinl blxbibltt0n, and, It Is Bald, should have had 200. For further parlloulars ap• ply a1 my Drug (bud Book Store, roeffiAN. • I1'IPitOV1(11)LARGI.1 WHITE YORK SLI11114 BOAI1. The remer lg1ed will keep for service this pprosent 00(35011 1111(3 improved largo white hh'o Yorkspig ' 1(011(ly" ou lot „11, 000.11, Morris, to which a lisped number of Pow5 will he taken, Terms 31.00 to bo paid at time 03 00rvl00, with the privilege of return- ing if necessary, Pedigree may ho 5000 1111 - Mt application, ROBERT is 1CI1OL, latf Proprietor. r'IWO PURE-BRED PIGS FOR S1,.RViCPs.-Tho undorsighed has re. ee/lt17 purchece,l and will keep for Service at Nor111 half Lot 29, Con. 7, Morrie, a Pure- bred Berb4111re Sour, Maul by air. Buell, and also an Ohio imported ('heater while, o110 year 01,1, 1•x0,1 1.0 Tilos. (lom•gp, I'utn051, 11 from 1po1100 01,011 0u both (.til0s. this hog tool( Bra prise at the Industrial Ezh i10u,'I'urent',, 1s'J0,in a close of 17, and also Ord at the \fosters Fair in it 01,300 of 15. T ruts, X1.011, 1' be paid at lima of serylue, with private go of rolurolug If ,ec08sary, 15-tf S. WAL1i101(, Proprietor. REAL ESTATE. E OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE with good garden, well and stable Apply to 11115, TURNBULL, Meehanio Strout, FARMS FOR SALE. -TIE UN. nitner081Sn has several gond Farms for vale and to rent, easy terms, In Townships of tf orris and Grey. F. S. SOOTY, Brussels. 07-tf. C)HOICE FARM FOR SALE.- Bolds South half Lot527, eon. 6;0forrle, 100 acres, nearly all elearod. Good buildings, about 20 acres Fall wheat in ground, Easy term s. Apply to W. M. SINCLAIR, Et- Solicitor, .Yo., Brussels. TilARM TO RENT. -THE BUR- L, scriber offers his 100 acre farm, being Lot 10 and West half lot 14, 008. 14, Grey, to rant. Between 90 and 00 uoroe cleared. Por further particulars, us to tent, terms, &o,, apply to PETER SINCLAIR, Proprietor, Cranbrook P. 0. 19.4 T41ARM F013 SALE. -THE UN- DERSI0]rrD offers for sale the north east quarterof lot 29, ounces:don 0, simile County of Buron,c0utnlutug 00 acres. The land is of first quality and in a high state of cultivation. well fenced and under -drained 1.'0 acres cleared. Nowtranle house, 8 rooms milk house with couor010 walls, 2 wells good barns and shod, orchard, ole. Eight acres 0f fall wheat. t'hie desirable property aSjoius rho o0rporatiun of Brussels, Snit- abie tonne will be given. Titlo perfect. JAMES GIt11tV10, Owner, 30- Seaf'rt11 P.0. Notice to Creditors Ol' Tn( 1,x'1'1: BENJAMIN TINDALL, DKC1.\SAD. Pursuant to on order of Lhe nigh Court of inches Imola in Chnuthers on 1londsy, tho ('a (13,33• of ilaccr,be-, 133!01, 3u an 00(30(1 0f 110 Driti.h Caua,lmo Loon and Invuhttuen6 (`nn1(100v vs. William '1'38(1011 (1011 0rh0rs,. the creditors of Benjamin'(11,011!, lute 0! tiro 'r, w•11shlp• of (1r,w, lu Hal 0t ' oewi. 3311, cairn 311 cr •Ulf 11neY0000 about llt0 month of May, 1805, are. on ,r be - faro the Twenty seventh Day of December, 11-00. to Heti d, by post, prepaid, to I'' a ea.Il n'n,N, CeOR, 331A1.1.AC11 d: 111Ar 1,1x11.1,, n1,11,i1,00, No.1 Arlbuide st, Fast, In the City 0f Tn• -r,,-I-e��Y route, their ohriedinu and surnames, ad - drosses amt description, Stu full particulars of their 01011110, a statement of their ac- counts, and the nature of the se:middies: Of any) held by them 1 00, in dotard ill°roof, they will be perm,6ltnrily excluded front the ben1dt of the said Order. Every credi- tor 1loldmg guy te01111ty it 10 produce rho saute before 1310, the tin dale:gird Clerk lu Chambers of the said 00001, at my Cham- bers, in Oogoodo 11,1(1, lu the CIL/ of Toronto, on the 7111 Day of January, 1(01, at 111:70 o'clock 111 the forenoon, being the 11,100 ap- pointed for adjnd11atiun on the olaim0. (ileu0dl F. AaNOLD1, Clerk in Chambers. Dated the :3rd day of December, lase, THE BRUSSELS POST OMMIPINIARIMACYZEMISIMEIMMINIIIN Card of 1 hanks. 1 take this opportunity of thanking the public for their patronage for the past twenty-four years that I have owned or been in connection with the Hardware 13usiness in the 'Village of Brussels. The business was first opened in October, 1800, and On the First Bay of January, 1891, I shall Start a 313 Pays Cash Sale. 1Iavimg had l0'1'1' 2.1 year, experienct' in the e1redlt business 1 have mule to til(' conclusion to do n, Cash Trade. 1(nOwiog that it will be a Saving both to 14(4111r and buyer, far \t•hcu you take Into consideration the cost of books, Li1113eads, and a 1111111'0 time to keep them, postage and travelling expenses collecting accounts ; and add to that the bad debts, a few mistakes an(1 some law, 1 think that all honest men will agree with lee that the Cash Syst em is the only safe way to do business, A SHORT CREDIT WILL BE GIVEN TI.) PERSONS BUILDING. I have never professed, like some men, to sell goods for nothing, but I am going to make a Big Reduction in Prices. Hoping you will think favorably of the movement and give me your patronage in the future as in the past, I remain, Yours truly, BRUSSELS, Dee. 32nd, 18110. KINLEY EIL )gf'TON1:? TO LOAN. !! Money to Loan 011 FARM PROPERTY -f1 LOWEST RATES. Private and ColupJuly FunQ 11. APPaCa J,C,1-leflel'nan,, J,A..Young, Valuator. Agent. Ethel P.O., Out. 091! To the Public After a business experience of 13 years in the Butchering Busi- ness in Brussels I desire to ex- press my bust thanks for the patronage of the past and ask a continuance of the sante for the time to conte. I desire to call the attention of the public to the tact that 1 have Removed my Placa of Bnsi, moss to my new Brick Block, Opposite the American Hotel, where 1ill keep a Choice Supply of 'Meats, Poultry, Sausage, &e. 1'1'.7' (LVr't1.1; WANTED. ell 1';1 id for 1)rossctl Poultt'v and :fa.ides. (,IIV1'. 11.11ar. .4. ('roLL, \'!)(31t8 TI.ti1L11, Wm. Ealashillf l2. i)1'-n?lus lt, Candied Raisins ! B. GERRY. 'Special Holiday Sale Scarff /Ferguson's DRESS GOODS. 300 lards Tweeds i' 1Te('ts at `s':., regular price 1211•. ; 500 Yards Nice Soft \Vool Dress Goods at 10c., regular price 10c. ; '100 Yards Very Fine Dress Goods at 181e., regular price 25c. ; 200 Yards Heavy Bordered Dress Goods at 23c., worth 40e. ; We are also going to offer Every Pattern Dress in our store at exactly Half Price. NO RESERVE. SMALL WARES. :35 Dozen Silk Handkerchiefs at 25c. each, regular price 50e. ; 10 Dozen Silk Handkerchiefs at 50e. each, regular price 715e. ; 35 Dozen Fancy Bordered Handkerchiefs at 2c. each : 50 Dozen Fine Lawn Handkerchiefs at 4c. each, or 3 for 10e. ; 100 Dozen Lawn Handkerchiefs at 5e. each, or (3 for 2(1c. ; 25 1iozen 'Embroidered Linen Ilalidkercbiefs, 3 for 25c., worth 20c. each ; Dozen Very Handsome Embroidered Lawn 3 for 3513., worth 30e. each 50 Q IHandkerciliefs, ;,rl Dor(•n 1.11ec 1',ereler,,l !Tana CD'Ilicf,2 "c1.: With a Full Line c.f. Fi le Linen and Fancy milk Handkerchiefs of laid Kindsand at All Prices. New Currants t . 35 :lluzcm Ladies All Wool (Colored; C'aslnnvr,• (dove•,. at 1:e. per Pair, or '2 fairs for 254. t Peels and Alts of V'ariolls Kinds/ SpicoxlMs 33 oItme, yet og Caj a ie for Ch'r 5tnna. ,..A. Fine Range of Crockery. Nancy Sideboard Scarfs, Tray Cloths, Lunch Cloths, Doylies, Carving Cloths, Table Napkins, 10 Dozen Ladies Bleck Caslnnere (;loves at 1.4c. per Pair 500 Yards Wide Silk Ribbon at 20e., worth 35c, ; 200 Yards Silk Ribbon 4 inches wide at 10e. per Yd., worth 00c. ; 35 ;only; Tapestry 'fable Covers at 50e. each, worth $1.00 : 115 Dozen Pura, Linen Cape Collar ut 5e. each, regular prie' 20e. Specials in Linens. W. H. M'CRACKEN. TO( 1?011. ALL KINDS OF G- OCERIE a. lte has .lust 1lee.eivecl a. Large Stock of Eine NEW RAISINS AN.1) CIIIIII1.NT'S, CANDIED PEELS AND NUTS, AND ALL KiNl1S 0i,1 CANNED 6001)8, Qeo. Daeker's is the Place to get the Cheapest and Best Teas, Sugars and General Groceries. ALSO ALL KINDS OF C'HOCIKEli,V I+"l)l'U ESA%1U,, Kid Gloves. We have a Full Mange of Sizes in Ladies' laid Gloves Itt 5Oe., 7.5e., $1.01) and $1,25. In Gent's Kid Gloves we hare a (;ood Assortment in Lined and Unlined. Gent's Neckware. \Vc have a Lovely Stock of Gent's Derby and V aur-in-lifan(1 'hes, Suitable for the -Christmas Trade,. Also 1. C110I(1' LCT O1h` SILK AND CASHMERE 'MUFFLERS. Our Sioc11 is Well Assorted in .111 Dcpartall1nts, - a11T we aro confident \%!' can please all in want rd ('«••ani ('hviotnIf133 Produce al" all 1(iulls ta.leait iVl i;xol'1�1tn;�'(1 lel' Goods,� , . FERGUSON & c nC.. i.c`, .rmi Ecv 1 IANA GERS.