The Brussels Post, 1890-12-19, Page 44 r HE BHUSSELS POS.]. Duo. 19, 1890
New Advertisements.
Looal—The Empire.
Looal—Geo, Baoker,
Silverware—B, Gerry.
Looals—A. R. Smith,
Looal—Alex. Stmoban.
Looal—G. A. Deadman,
Locals—IL L. Jackson.
Locals—Mrs. B. Rogers,
New stook—A, R. Smith.
Contradiction—Emily 001
Wanted—Mrs, W. M.ISinclair,
Groceries—W, B, McCracken,
Hardware—A. M. McKay & Co.
A. Holiday hit—Pot Bookstore.
Christmas pi esents—II. L. Jaokson.
Christmas presents—B. Leath:seasie.
Ebt Nru5sc15 `03.5t,
PRIDAY, DEC. 19, 1890.
Huron County.
A night ruhool is being run by Lucknow
Mechanics Iestitute.
A. H. Manning will be a candidate for
the Clinton Reeveship.
Victoria-st. Methodist chureh Goderich,
young people have changed their society
into au Epwerth Leaseie,"
joist: MoiGiIla» Z. P. for South
Haron, is stumping in North 'Victoria,
where a bye -election is in progress,
W, Dolorty, of Clinton, has sold to
Davidson Le Annet, of Glencoe, his en.
tire hone, Onward King, for 62,000.
Rev. A. H. Banton, evangelist, of
Michigau, will assist in revival services
iu Bettenbury Methodist church, Clin
Dr. Y. Cowan, who has been practising
ids profession at Exeter for a number of
years, left for Hayford, Ill., where he
will reside in future.
Leebnrn veterinary, C. F. U. McGreg-
or, has entered into a partnership with
D. MoIntosb, V. S., of Brueefield, and
has removed to that place.
Chas. Payne has instructed Cameron,
Holt & Cameron to commence proceed-
ings against Goderich for injuries sus-
tatned by him through a defect in the
sidewalk on Hamilton street, on Oct.
13th last.
Alex. Davidson, late of Goderioh, son
of Mrs. Davidson, Tuokeramith, and
nephew of John Ruasell, Goderieh, was
killed in an elevator in Manitoba. He
leaves a wife and son to mourn his sad
The flower mission in connection with
the W. C. T. U., Clinton, was organised
in April. The average number of
bormets distributed having been about 1.7
per week. They have been thankfully
and lovingly received by persons sick,
from the committee.
Morse -dealers, Polley & McLean, ship.
ped a carload of horses to Vancouver, B.
C. The horses (18 in number) are the
finest that have been shipped from this
county. If our Goderich friends meet
with snceess, which they no doubt will,
other shipments will follow.
The Goderieh Signal says ;--The Clio -
ton New Era is threatened with a 65,000
libel suit. That shows that the New
Era doesel oecupy the front pew in
Huron conucy jeurnalistn. Now, the
Signet was uever threeteued with a snit
for less than IS10,000. We're ahead in
A. motion asking Dr. Holme i to neo».
vey the charter of the Onierich and
Wineham railway to the town, was de-
feated ia the Goderice council at a late
met And a nietlen to pay over to
the direerers of the, road a certain stun of
uneepeeded money votei to the rail yay
by the town, wee: ruled out of order by
the Mayor.
W. S. Swell:told, of the Hayfield Road,
has a relic of one of the saddest navel
disasters, which ever occurred in Iles: -
ion i. Itis a piece of oak from the bull
of tee men-of-war, Royal George, which
went down in Peter:meth harbor a min -
bury ago, with 1,800 souls on board. The
wood is well preserved and is quite an
interesting relic.
The Lucknow Council p weed the
following resolution : —.That in the
opinion of this mend] the Government
are doing a great injustice to the several
municipalities of this Province by up.
proprietiag to themselves such a large
portiee of the liquor license fees, etc.,
whir!), we believe justly belong to the
meilicipedities in which snub license fees
are.peel end collo sto 1, and tha: the clerk
be Inetnected to send a copy of this re.
solutiou to the Pros Medal Tre ,surer."
A eorresponcleet of the Wo. Astor*
Se:dins:I-Review speeke of a visit he
made in Oxford, whom he found a sett
ca,teit the “Ornish feernere." He des-
cribee them SE particularly good farmers,
keeping their plume in much better order
than the majorit of farreere. Their
peculiarity is that their rules forbid
colors and stripes in clothing ; button
are prohibited, and hookand eyes sub.
atituted ; the hair and beard are worn
long, the former, when cut, being trim.
med straight across, and the women
weer 50 p, no bonnet or hat beim; al-
lowed ; they allow no widow blind,
ani- are induttrione, hences and frugal
beyoed iwaiee. Very fete p ople are
ay.-nre that the eame sect luse an exis•
tenon in the aiunty ef Huron, in Hay
township, and posse:saes all the oharae.
ter etios spoken of by the norresponclent.
They are regarded as the best of neigh-
bors, being quie and not given to quar-
FATAL ACCIDENT.—, Deo. 181h,
W. H. Cooper, a mil known resident,
took the morning train for Brucefield
with the eupposed intention of 00 100111(1
soma 80000018 in that vicinity. He was
walking on the track a mile or ao south
01 11101 village when the trait), due here at
0:45 tn route from London, came along.
The train men saw him on the track and
signalled him to get off. He appears to
have done so at iirst,but being weak from
four or five days illnegs he in some way
again got too close to the tea* and wee
struck on olio side by part of the mane,
sena:thing his right thigh and breaking
it. He weer ihrown tomer 1 several
yr& and received a severe blow on the
right forehead, which with the shook to 1
his systom generally MIME 80 have naus-
ea hie death an hour or :so after the ars f
eident. Ite was brought to Clinton to
the Commercial Hotel where he had
been boarding, and was come:Mug at the
time, but breathed hie last :shortly after
11 a. tre, The feneral took pima from • t
the Commercial ander the sometimes of the
Bone of England, at 3p. 01. 0» Thursday.
lie wee only SO years of ago and was 1
burn in the township of Tuckormnith,
For many years ha has been Seoretary
of the local Coeicervistive mistake lea and
WM also an activetworker in every move•
went having for its object the moral and
naterial welfare of the uommuulty, lie
was en indefatigable ideal correepondent
for the Empire and other oily papers,
and thoroughly reliable. He was a mem.
ber of the Ontaria street Methodist
church. There were few better, many
worse than W. 11. Cooper. And though
be often necessarily combatted for the
taint that wati in him, we do not hob.
tote to say that anions all his ammaint.
auces, Reformer or Coneervative, young
or old, he left not a single enemy. And
the universal expreesiona of regret that
we hear on all hands at his untimely
death are coupled with the testimony
that his was a moral and religioue in.
tegrity entitling him to the white flower
of a blameless life.—Clinton News -Re.
Perth County.
Mitchell Loyal Temperance Legion
has now 98 members.
New Hamburg was lighted for tee ilrst
time last week by electrieity.
Thos. Pounder, of eon. 2, Logan. had
the four fingers of his left hand token off
while cutting with a cutting -box,
James Burke, on coaling home from
the Ottawa Normal, will take charge of
his old school, Britton, at a salary of
Thomas Burke, 01 111010,, taken cherge
of hie first school after the Christmas
vacation. Ibis No, 10. Morrie. He will
receive $325 a yeu,r.
F:ixes are plentiful in the country about
Listosva B. R. Tremain renently bag.
ged four and Thos. Carter of Elam got
no less than seven.
W. G. Iforrieon, who has taught in S.
S. No. 6, Elma, for two 781305, 1)55 seour.
ell the position of principal in the Tees -
water publics school at a salary of 6600.
The mayor, of Mitchell, received a
cheque from Mr, Iiiterson this week for
81,000 lo pay debt on town park. They
will name the town after anyone else
who will pay the debt off.
There was buried in Trinity church
cemetery, Mitchell, on Sunday, 9th inst.,
the body of Mims Urania Stratton, who
lived on the Huron roadabout half a
mile weet 01 1118 corporation. Her age
wae 98 years:, 9 menthe and 26 days.
Game is plentiful around Bornholrn.
Foxes are almost daily seen crossing the
country and a deer' made so bold as to
come quite close to the church on a re.
cent Sunday while service was being con-
ducted, It is also said that a bear has
been seen.
James, a ten-yearmid son of A. Math°.
son, of the Stratford Beacon, was play.
ins in the press room Tuesday afternoon
with one of the employees when he slip-
ped and fell on his right arm, breaking
it about an inch above the wrist. 13oth
the bones are broken.
The annual meeting of the patrons of
the Classic cheese factory owned by D.
A. Dempsey, Ellice, was held on Friday.
The year's operations had been very sue-
ceseful, the average price realized for the
yeara sales being 9.261. cents per lb., the
total amount drawn for the season being
111,732.00. A vote of thanks was passed
to the chairman, John Henry, and to the
salesman, D A. Dempsey. The cheese -
maker is Mies Charlton, of Atn-oeci, of
whose work the above results speak very
highly. She is undoubtedly one of the
best cheesemakers in the pi eviuce.
Michell Advertiser : On Monday last,
near Bornholm, in Logue:, Thomas
Baker and his son, a young man, went to
the bush to chop cordwood. A limb of a
tree fell on the elder man, rendering him
unebl' to walk herne. The boy started
off ag fast as ho could ran, but before be
reached the houss he dropped dead. The
young fellow was subject to heart di-
sease, and the excitement of the accident
was 800 much for him. The woenclecl
man had to remaie in the woods until he
recovered effilleiently to crawl
home. On the way he discovered the
dead body of his KM.
—Sir Richard Cartwright addressed n
gathering iu the Opera House, Mitchell,
Monday night OD the reciprocity question
On the p13311 10» were W. C. Moscrip,
president 01 4100 South Perth Reform
Association, who took the chair ; James
Trow, M. It, W. Buckingham of Strat.
ford, Dr. Irving of Kirkton ; T. S. Ford,
mayor of Mitchell ; T, H. Race, edi'or
of the Mitchell Recorder ; John
Whyte, rpm, Jobe Whyte, jou„ Dr. Merl -
hurt, Isaao Hord, Waiter Thomson, Alex,
Cameron, Geo. E. Matheson, Wm. Kyle,
B. A. Boll, Jas. Princleville, Alex, Mc-
Laren, reeve of Hibliert, and many other
prominent residents from different parts
of the riding. Sir Richard was accom-
panied from Stratford by Wm, Bucking,
ham and James Trow, M. P. IIs spent
au hour and 45 minutes,pointing out how
the farmers had been misled ai,d how the
population had diminished, the value of
both farm and town property decreased
and the national debt piled up during the
past tweets years under the policy of pro-
tection About, the nilihile of the address
Thos. 13allantyne, M. P. P. for South
Perth, entered the hall, and WAS heartily
cheered an his way to the platform.
After Sir Richard had coaeluded his ad-
dress Mr, Ballantyne came forward and
thanked the audience for the handsome
majority that they had given him hest
June, thereby returning him to the Local
Legislature for the sixth time to support
the government of Hon. Oliver Mowat
lis aloe spoke briery in favor of unre-
stricted reciprocity.
Ome.—Rev. 'Wm. Davis, of Woodhouse,
Norfolk, aud father of Rev. Canon Davis,
of Donlon, died Thursday evening of
last week at the residence of hie son, It,
R. Davis, Torouto, where he was visiting.
The mum of the sad event Was the burst-
ing of an artery in his bead about a week
before his death, from which he suffered
intensely until relieved by death. De -
mused was born in Ireland its 1817, and
first naiad in Canada, rniar Mayville,
Waterloo county, He afterwards went
to London and studied in Huron College,
being ordained in 1804 by the late Bishop
Oornyn. He wag appointed incumbent
of the eloireh at Tilbury, Ileeex, Nubse•
jeently being made rector of FAL. GOONU'A
church, eVingham, in 11173, and two years I
Mee rural dean 01 1115 comity of Huron.
He has been rector of Woodhouse, Nor -
elk, foe seine year% holding ,tho charge
rom the time he left Winglutm until hit
dentiee. 115 was knowu 113 13 maioon 0.11(1. ;
ublo clergyman in the ranks of the
Church. of England, fuel wee beloved (11
his dioacse. whore be hues spent many
years of active service in the moos of his
Mester. It is said be grieved much ever 1
the of his wife in Mitchell a short
time age. The remakes were taken to
Lendets for interinent, the fit:send talc.
in;; place frent St, 80,014' Chnr,.11, South
All our Big Stock of Dry Goods and Clothing went up in Flames,
And now 1 have Staited a Brand New Dry Goods
and Clothing Business again.
During the past few weeks Travellers of all kinds have been Calling
on us and Offering us Great Inducements to buy,
They are swarming in from Toronto, Montreal and London, but it
makes no difference to us what kind they are, whether they are
Red, White, Black or Copper Color, as long as they give us
Or whether they come from Toronto, London, Montreal. or Halifa,x.
We have now Bought
ew and. iStylieh Goo do for our Custoraerz.
Opposite Central Hotel,
Brussels, Ontario,
Have you ever Compared our Clothing with. the Other Kind P
But got hold of it ; turned it inside out, and outside in ; pulled at the seams; looked to see how each seam is
the pockets ; looked at the linings, and SaW all the hidden things, run ;
how the buttons are on ; the button holes worked ; raised up the collar ; turned the sleeves ; pulled out
It takes More than Clothing to Constitute Clothing,
It takes Trimmings, Workmanship and Honesty.
London, tooodiand Cemetery. Six
eons survive him : Two are publishers of
the Mitchell Advocate, two eeirgynten of
the Church of England, another is cus-
tom house officer at Winehttin, and an-
other in the employ of W. R. Brock di•
0e., Toronto. The family hove the
eympathy of the community in their sad
bereavement, following, its it dos', so
soon upon the doth of thaw mother.
Blanchard, who killed his friend Cal.
11010,51338 banged at Sherbrooke, Que., last
John A. Wilkinson, known in Ontario
polities as "Big Push" Wilkinson died at
Toronto Friday after a very short illness.
Deceased was aged 50 years,
James Brown, living near 'Weymouth,
N. S. in cutting down a hollow tree ewr
his place found a purse containing 64,000
in a hollow of the tree, partly in bills, the
rest in gold. Mrs. Payson died at this
Owe a fesv years ago supposed to be
worth considerable money, which was
never found. It is alleged that this was
part of the money hidden by 'Mrs. Pay-
son berme her death.
Cva lib rook.
School will Giese on Tuesday the 23rd
Miss Amelia Watson is visiting at the
manse this week,
A 13all will be held in DemosHall
this Friday evening.
A wedding here would give us a nice
noway item to chronicle.
The flax mill is in full operation and
employs a goodly number of hands.
The Sabbath school in Knox °laurels
begins at 9;30 ; in the Methodist church at
1 o'clock.
Try THE POST for 1891. It gives a
la: ge monist of local, district, Canadian
and general news.
A number from here attends the
Public School Examination of Mimi Sic.
Neil and Mr. MoTaggart, at Ethel, PH -
Success Cnowxe Seeenss. —Wm. W.
Knight spout part of hie vacation with
his parente and friends in this vioinity.
Mr. Enight is a brilliant scholar and a
successful teacher. He is self.taught.
The opportunities Imbed of gaining an
elementary education in early life were
limiter], a High school course Was denied
him as hie help was needeci at home, but
notwithstanding the difficulties he toiled
and triumphed. &moose crowned
sueeess in rapid sucoession.
The diligent student become an eminent
lie has earned and holds a
prond 1'° 11011 in public thought, Mr.
Knight obtained a professional Third,
Sound, First 0 met First A certificates
within a few years, eventing his and
Claes and lat C while engaged iu testa •
log. Mathematical teacher in Aylmer
Iligh school and Principal of Brese.
bridge Model school 5001'0 positione he
won/tied in term Strathroy High school
has engaged him for 1801, Mr. Knight's
splendid career in the educational arena
should he an inspiration and encourage.
tnont CO the poling everywhere, that dili-
gent industry and indomitable courage
end perseverenee 1000 1.110 11010111 fadOrS
Wilkh will carry then] rung after rung
up the ladder 01 813300,43 MO 14010,
acirs. a. N.
Ilan liemoved to the Stur 8 'Vacated by
11 L. Jaoksou, POSTOFFICE 1.11,0cE, and
calls the attention of the public)
to her Stook of
FRESU 0 r1iTeliS A 1,1VA I's ON HAND
17-8 MRS. A. E. MAIMS,
Private Funds to Loan.
Have boon placecl in my hands
for Investment on real estate.
No Commission,
Borrowers can taxa loans com-
pleted in Three Days if title
• W. 11. SINCLAIR,
Soticitor, .Brusscis,
Ma, M.A., L.C.P.S.O.,
T1'L0 ,Sootch
Chronic Diseases, Private Diseases, Dis-
eases of the Brain and Nerve, Dis•
oases of the Ileart and Lunge,
and Diseases of Women
positively Treated
SoNATHAN DuScITART, Listowel, 5070
"Atter open:line all 0117 0100157 and property
to no purpose on meal& men, for what
81.107 termed a hopeless 0050 of eoesum tion,
Dr. Sinclair ouroel mo."
Mn, YAWS VcatONG, W0041101105, 03.70 1—
"WU on all othorn failed, Dr. Sioulafr ourod
o 01 1118,"
0. nOltilliTSON, earletall 'Noon, noys
Slooluir unrod ma of fintarrh."
Gno. Itewee, Birth, lays Rinolalr
Duna mo Iloort ailionnu 0114 drupe y, whom
MI °thorn failed,"
Digrosen of Private Nature, brolighi on
f111,', De. Medal'. rerlainig Cep,.
01-.e.tastatattaes. Vireo,
WILL DE AT '11111
Friday, Dec. 261h, '90
•`4, 5 N‘ • L
in 12
of the Balance of our Stock
Saved from the Fire.
As 1 am going to Clear Out the Whole Stock
before the First day oftianuary, 1891, so as
to be able to start the new year with
a Brand New Stock.
A Few Lines of Damaged floods yet on Hand,
VS7 OR. $1.00
Store at the Egg Ex atporillan5 BrookulEi.
4 •3