The Brussels Post, 1890-12-19, Page 3DEC. 19, 1890. 1 HE I3R.U'SSELS POST quarter as much ae Lord Roestro• 'Andy. If be wanted to get out on vor lead ,cored they would do. the quint without the mistress But, of coureo they bad to ask knowing exactly whore he was, he'd her certain (petitions and Idose., as lief use Mr, Coventry for that trevor listened with his heart in hie muse as any one alive and well at mouth for fear that she should, se the tiene—in fact, I think he'd be put it, give bsreolf away more rather, for in a general way, thein than was Ilecoeenry. as is dead and gone can't give yon 'Had your husband many friends away by splitting on yon, ae them who were unknown to you ?' ae is walking about with wills o! 'Yes,' their own in able to do.' LDid he ever toll you any of their 'That will do --you Dan stand names ?' down,' said the Coroner at this 'Yoe—ono was oalloci Ooveutry, point. 'Coventry—was that a lady or a end the enquiry cmae toan went gentleman ?' that day, 'A. gentleman—an old friend of round to tbo Plate as naturally as my husband.' possible. ifo found .Ethel crying 'Wee lie a groat friend of his ?' in a big chair by the drawing -room 'Oh 1 yes, they spent a great fire and Mrs. Itlordannt enorgetioal• deal of time together.' ly eoolding her for the general turn 'Do you think that Major Dennie of ovente. dined with him that evening ?' lloally, Ethel,' he heard her Bay No—I thins' not.' —'this is the mosb diegraoeful mf• To you know with whom leo fairl was over mixed up in—a man dined ?' with a young wife carrying on all 'No.' this underhand intrigue—letters 'Was it at his club ?' signed 'Dottie'— friends who have 'I think not.' boon buried for twenty years, and Ring, ring the bells I 'Have you no tea w1 d with whom ? then to got murdered in the end While the then sweet spices bring, head ed scarlet, a vivid burning shame's thus. Really I am shocked, utterly Guides unto the lowly shed 117>~tlwtr, RING THE JOT -BELLS. Christ wan born on Chri .buns morning, Ring the joybelle, loud and clear, Welcome in the glorious dawning, Welocme in the love and cheer ; Let the sweet notes echo round us, 'roll anew the wondrous tale ; Loot in sin his birth -night found us, All the earth his coning hail 1 Charlie. Ring the jny.bolls, ring the jny.bells, Let the gladsome notes ro•echo far and near ; Ring tete joy -bells, ring the joy -bells, \Yeleone in the Christmas cheer. Christ was born on Christmas morning, MONEY TO LOAN Peaoe on earth, goodwill to men ; See the glories of that dawning, Gild the ages now, as then ; Christ was born on Christina! morning, Glory be to God on high 1 Lo I a star the mat adorning, Shodrletl> pewee afar and nigh. PHOTOS. TINTYPES, :L:: •50•CloIti:. TH KIST); HHS 'HH file ,smallest to Llfeslze done lu..a Lest-Otosµ manner, mootterammestenatalementawmenewentaroneereetteetenameamteeNeteealete A. HolidayHit —A.T— of Itt'sldeneem, 12tc., st ItrnrnnnMe hales, W. J. Fairfield. RING TILE MERRY BELLS. While the happy angels slug, At this point Mrs. Dennis flush• and haus a dreadful exposure ijko Ring, ring the bell! 1 While the star that Duet• blush, but it had faded away to ghaetly pallor before she answered the question. I think it was a lady,' she said in a scarcely audible voioo. Now it happened that on the previous day the police bad taken possession of some very affectionate and not very well expresaod lettere eigued, 'Your owu Dottie,' so they did not pursue lhtt subject any further. On the contrary tlhey re• vetted to the queellon of the lefajors friend, Coventry. 'Now, Mrs. Dennis,' said the ex amining lawyer very luridly, 'eta ' 1l toll uv »nti;im; ,corn about this that ,,;t+ Fittntlt and l;rn.t.1 as a wife, Coventry ? Wits Iso in Lon. III tv, sen a :good stoat of them the day, do you think ?' lee Env incudis and 1 believe no i>uu51s a0w one Oris s) int/0'02,20.1 with Ethel's bin t� u)nat every div. f.)rh.,ua,10, as 31tjor D'nnis wa•3 And what we..., he ' 1 s,hhur ?' himself. Ho is dead and gone uo w, :L 1 )l ]e Ra- ad 1'(¢In'Ilt with lily husband. They hiteh'ea'l to Etheloand she bore with had c, tissues I).,.'n ;t'.. Paton to lit fault;:, aye and hje dos, Mrs. t ctlt• r. J[.ndtin`, as oily a truly goad •111.>1 yen d;,ut know whet rank w0511au would hovis baro with he hold :'' theme .0 my hm.h:nnl a -el to coil t�+'—n 1,' Dried Ethel brooking him Charley Coventry always.( intofrelh ,obs–'1. Dont bitty to hoar 'And bow was is y. nr lin •bm,l Yee say tiled, Jack—I Was not—' never brought his ;;rut': fri u,! to ' 11110 tnistwt:o wee,' said he eat - tine short her self •obnegattug '11.: diel. Ho can ttvlc0 but I ward (—'t!t0 Frost miet,Lka was in WA:: out 1.7111 tttne9. And VM a::,cr,l 13the1'S 1, iug forced tutu (000ryine Liar to dinner but he caned not a man ler whom she could have come. ley' Mebane( said in exenee neither love nor respeot. As far as shocked. 'It was not my fault, Mother,' sobbed Ethel meekly. 'I am not so sure about that,' severely,–'If you had been anything to Oosmo thab you ought to have been—, Oh I here is Lord Ross• trevor—' with a sudden change of her tone—'I was just expressing rn y disgtiet at poor Major Deunis'e QOndllet to Ethel,' elle added ti him. I heard whet you soul, Mrs. 1lordannt,' 8(1111 he very quiotly, 'And yn(i aro quite wrong let One particular, E'llel was everything '1. thiuk lie had brei in the Beene poor eh ; , i rt I s a very b for lntn that he was a very shy man.' '1)nt he Bid not come is see you ?' 'Olt 1 yes,' eagerly. 'Anil Judge would know.' Yes --yes. And you dont think be dined with him that evening ?' 'No, I dont think so.' 'Very good. That will do for tllo present. Let Jae. Judge bo called again.' So Ethel moved away and Judge stepped forward. 'You remember a friend of your late master's, called Coventry ?' '1 do, Sir.' 'Ile used to call him Charley Coventry ?' 'Ho did, Sir.' 'They had been at Eaton to- gether ?' 'Yes, Sir, they had 1 believe ; at least I Lave often heard Major Don• nit+ eny en.' ''Vas he an officer in the same regiment .with i'Injor Dennis ?' 'In the 24th Lancers—she was, Sir.' 'And do yott remember his twice coining to call on your mistress ?' 'Mr. Coventry never camo to call on my mistress, Sir,' enewered Judge promptly. 'But your mistress said that be aid.' 'I dare say my mistress was told so, Sir ; but Mr. Coventry never called on her or anyone else, for the very good reason that he died on active service in the year 18—' 'You are sure ?' 'Perfectly euro, Sir. He was Major Donnie's greatest friend at the time, incl him and me helped to lay him in his grave,' 'Where was that ?' 'On the Gold Ooaet, Sir. He died of fever on the march to Ard. nonb.' 'Nero the 24th in that oxpedi. bion ?' `No, Sir. Mr. Ooventry and Mr, Betels, ae he was then, worn both volnuteers,' Judge replied. 'But eau yon account for AirdrieDennis having told his wife that he was continually in the habit of see. ing a man he know to have died morn than twenty years ago ?' 'Well, Sir,' said Judge quietly— 'Aia,jor Dennis was a very good eo, bo sure sett breve your 000 life master to mo -1'd been his „servant rjglht' almost eine he joined the cervico- _.. -.. _-,.....__ but at the same time as I'm on oath Tho Toronto Presbytery hat; and it cant do him any harm now eustalnsd the call extended by the your beteg mixed up wtih a ma - graceful affair, you snrely ought not to blame Ethel for that ; you have yourself and yourself only to thank for it, but itis Ethel who has had to ?ear the brant of your world- liness.' 'Lord Rosetrevor—' gasped the lady—'you insult me.' '1f to speak the plain and un- varnished truth is to insult, then I most plead guilty to tin charge,' he said. 'I ineint upon your leaving the house,' she cried. He turned to Ethel—'Am I to go ?' he asked. 'No,' eh oriecl—'oh 1 dont— dont—my mother is so angry'—ae lire. Mordanut ruohod from the room—'Jack dont go—you are my only friend' and I-1 am so wretch- ed and so wicked. I dont deserve to have a friend in all the world.' (To be continued ) LIVE REMIT. Dr. DeWitt Talmage says :—"Out yonder is a man very old at forty years of age, at a time when he ought to bo buoyant as the morning. He got bad habits on him very early and those habits have become worse. He is a man on fire, on fire with all evil habibe, out with the world and the world out with him. Down and falling deeper. His swollen hands in his thread•bars pockets and his eyes fixed on the ground, he passes through the street, and the quick step of au inn000nt oltild or the strong step of a young man or the roll of a prosperous carriage mad- dens him and he nurses God. Fal- len sielt with no resources he is carried to the alms house, A loath. ing spectacle, hs line all day long waitiog for dissolution, at iu the night rises on his cot and fights ap p)trabione of what he will be. He started life with ae good a prospect as any man 023 the Americas coati• nent, but there ho is a bloated car - (Ass, waiting for the shovels ofpttblio clhartty to put hien live feet nuclei. He has only reaped whab lie cowed, Harvest of wild oats 1 'There ie rt way that seomtli right to matt, but tate enol thereof is death?' . Young titan, as you cannot live lifo over again, tltougll you may long to do say it, 1 may as well toll yon tlh)tb be was a gentleman as gorier - ally tools tho first excuse that came Wort Ointroh of that arty to Rev. J. J. Turnbull, of St. ilatys ; sal trey :21000, Where reclines the infant bead, Ring, 0 ring the bells. Chorus. Ring the bells, 0 ring the bells, Ring merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Ring the bells, 0 ring the bells, Ring merrily, merrily, Ring the bolls, O the wo clrons, wondrous birth, Ring, ring the bells ! Sound the 0e0e o'er all the earth, Ring, ring the bells 1 IIeaven's Ring has mite to save, Come with love mu• lu,+»•ts to lave, Como to triumph o'er the grave, Ring, 0 ring the bells. "Peace on earth, good -will to men," Ring, ring the bells 1 Sound the new, o'er hill and glen, Ring, ring the hells l Ring the bells berth Lod ;Dui clear, fling the tidings : 'Christ is here;' Ring, a dying world to cheer, Ring, 1> ring the hells. .112 0 RING SWEET BELLS. 0 ting sweet bells of Christmas tido. O'.•'all ten) Plains pi' earth ; 1'rec'sint the tidings far and wide, 08 our Redeemer's birth, Cit,.rss . 0 ring ye merry bells, 0 ring ye merry bells; A I11es-age sweet yotlr ntn,le tells, 0 ring ye Merry, merry bolls. 0 ring sweet bells of Christmas tide, Bid jarring discords eerie! • Ring out the reign of war and strife, Ring iu the reign of peace, 0 ring sweet bells of Christmas tide, The world with music Gil, Till every heart ?ball learn the song Of peace 011 earth, good -will. IIALLI;LUJAH I JESUS REIGNETU 1 Long ago in old Judea, angels sang glorious song, And the lips of little children still that ohorne sweet prolong ; Spotless as the snow-white lilies that in Jordan's valley grow, Ring the heavens with their praises, echoes all the earth below. Chorus. Hallelujah 1 Jesus reigneth I pass the joyful news along 1 Hallelujah 1 0 ye ransomed 1 Steell the glad Redemption Song I Little children, nton, and angels, earth and heaven forever sing - Iktlleln?ab 1 Jesus reigneth 1 Hallelujah 1 Amen. Hallelujah 1 hark the chorus 1 quickly from Judea's plain, Shepherds, starting front their slumber, swell the jnbilant refrain ; Nations springing into being, roll the melody along ; Hallelujah 1 Jesus reigneth I earth and heaven swell the song! Lund and louder grows that ohorus, far and wide its notes aro heard, And the hearts of far off heathen in their desert homes aro stirred Ransomed voices swell the el. as from the ielando of the sea Hallelujah I Jesus reigneth 1 Hallelujoh I reigns o'er me 1 a The Davis Platform Binder Com- pany, of Cleveland, engaged in man- ufacturing harvesters and bindore, on Friday last went into the hands of a receiver. Assets, $400.000 ; liabilities, $50,000. The embar- rassment is declared to bo only temporary, and is due 1) string cues in the motley market, Last Monday a large bird war noticed circling around Italy, Texas, and eudaeuly it cleecended with groat rapidity in to the yard of Charles Waller, seized Waller'µ 4 year old boy in its taloue and aeceuded elow• ly. Grasping hie gun the child's falhet' mounted his Morro laid wont in pursuit, The bird. made, direct for the creel; bottom two mtlee from the town, but after carrying the child hall' way it slowly descended lighting near a revulo. The father distiwuutlsd and crept up rho ravine within a few yards of the bird which evils standing on the child's breast and shot it in the head, The chill was unhurt, but the talons of the bird woro still in the child's clothing. The bird meas nrad throe feet from tip to tip of wings, Any Amount of Money to Loan on Farm or Village Pro- perty at 6 & 6, Per Cent., Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division Court Clerk, Brussels. Clubbiri, Beata. • We are now prepared to furnish the following City Papers in connection with rdlr P ',.' —FROM NOW— Until January 1st, 1892 ; London Advertiser ..,...$2 21 London free Press ....... .... 2 25 Toronto Gldhe 2 20" Toronto Nail 2 25 Toronto Empire ...... 2 2(3 Noir is the 'Time to Subscribe. Cash 'gust Accompany Orciers, A Manse; --. Pc. -r l'ub!i=hong 1Iouse, Ilt0asi:t.s. H. DENNIS Calls the Attention of the Public to the Fact that he continues to turn out First-class Light and Heavy Harness as usual Nothing but Al Stock used. Just to Hand a Splendid Stock of Horse Blankets, Rugs, Robes, Bells, Whips, &c., &e. A. Large Range of Trunks, Valises and Satchels kopt con- stantly on hand, and Sold at Reasonable Prices. No Shoddy about them. Special Attention paid to the Manufacture of Horse Collars. Repairing promptly attended to. CALL IN. H. DENNIS. Oily Tongued Agents will try to draw Attention from this Notice, NEVER MIND ! Call and Judge for Yourselves all who are hi want of the following Our Single Furrow Plows sell from 012.00 to $14.00. Wo draw Special Attention to our Two Furrow Plows, which sell from $10 to $1.8, Straw Cutters, $40. 6 Knife Pnlpers, $11. PLOW 1'O>I1 ere a Of All Makes. The following are sonic of them :- 'Voir,', Wilkin- son, Copp, Advance ail Smith's Fells, rept Constantly on Hand at 10e. ler Point. Gang Points, 2t)N. each. tiecoucl-lrn.nd Horse Powers of different Indices Chesty, taw l'hntrr, 11nl5Lling lliarhitn• and Itsntd 81w ('or Sulo, EV, l>'. Ur'11,su,)'; eels Foundry, The Realms of the Rich and Rare ransacked fur the Beautiful and Useful. THE PICK OF SANTA'S PACK Of Presents are here Presented to the Public, Every 1. Every Purse. Person, --SOME NTNG POR— THE PENNY, THE DIM';, THE QUARTER, THE HALF, AND run BIG tom. SO iIIL`JflN(;r ; T�HEFATIIJOR, THE LOVER, TIIE GIRL, THE 107 —F01i— YOU, AND TUN BABY! Something to Suit Everyone's Stocking, OW' Store, is Stackecz With Lill .Kcarted .Par° - gains at Big :Hearted. Prices. PRIZES - AND - SURPRISES - FOR - EVERYI3ODY, DOLLS in Bisque, Wax, China &c., Drums, Work Boxes, Magic Lanterns, Money Banka, Writing, Desks, Cups & Saucers. Children's Toy Sets, - Washboards, ''ails, ece.. GAMES OI' VARIOUS SORTS. Sleighs, Carts, ''-hips, horses, Trains, And Toys of almost Every Description. nig Bargainis in.:Bibles, and a :tbirrrnei. —1 PANSY SERIES OF STONY BOOKS j -- Boy's Own, Girl's Own, Chatterbox, AND PICTURE BOORS BY THE 50011I:. The Goods are Here, and they Meso be Disposed of. Make sonic little codger's heart glace by spending 95 cents, if nothing more. MAKE YOUR SELECTION EAi1LY ;T 'THE POST' BOOKSTORE. ---FOR =-- Christmas and New Year PRESENTS! ••..CALL AT•'-' R.each k & k ale's n �i z AND SEE ITIS IMMENSE STOCK. [Louses Furnished from the; Cheapest to the Best, EASY CHAIRS, RATTAN AND REED FURNITURE, PA_PILO Y* SU [TES In a1.1 kind:; of Coverings, in Stock, or made to order. 13IJDROOM SUITJS In Walnut, Oak, and Elm. Sideboards and Extension Tables IN ALL THE LATEST DESIGNS. IL4XD IVORI , SPECIALTY. Special Attention is called. to our Upholstering, —NO SLOP WORK.— After a long experience in this line we Guarantee every job to be turned out in a Workmanlike Manner. We ta.ks' no second placc.1 in this Department of our business. Try our wore,. Special Bargains in the Celebrated Kai"n Organs, D() .NO'7' iitISS SEi:1NG OL'li SPEOL\.L LINE O.` NTZR,E ".L'A.13I,,M3S, All ill, Very Low Prices. R. Leatherdaie,