The Brussels Post, 1890-12-5, Page 6s
(From ouritogniar Oorresgonsont,)
WAtraruiro2:, Way, 31,'ae,
The Domooratio majority being eo
large the alliance men will uol
ably to dictatethe policy of the next _ _
House, as they hoped to do. Their A Detroiter who was loo$ing for
number is variously estimated from ,.lands in spud .. los gut for
t to forty, but it is difficult to•the train a a
one that will force the Democrats
into a bola and keep them there,
The a1oI,inley bill doesn't make a
nytbigbereeaoepttes etd aQRepubho n.
In Great flood Luck•
t little tow et.midnigbt
sage the Pree Prom, and in trying
to find his way to a hotel he went
astray and brought up against a
man who held a muzzle of a re-
volver against his breast rind said't
'Now, then, if you move a foot
you are a dead man 1'
He moved hie tongue instead and
asked what was wanted. Two more
oitizena joined him, and he was then
marched to the look -up and told that
he was prisoner, charged with at-
tempted burglary the „night before.
Two of the men positively identified
him as the maxi they had seen
running away from the jewelry store.
Seeing it was no use to talk he kept
still, and they went through him.
They found nothing suspicious, but
they held to their case, and he was
looked ftp and loft alone.
Early the nest morning a
'tell just how many there are for the
reason that what are alliance men
in one State aro Democr"ate in an.
other. They are not enough to hold
the balance of power, which is the
important thing. Never'thelees public
men regard the development of the
alliance movement as by no means
insignificant. Though their num•
hers in the Fifty-second Congress
cannot turn a vote one way or the
other, their influence will probably
be considerable, chiefly because of
their spreading influence throughout
the country. The best Informed
public men do not expect that the
Sub treasury
put into effect, scheme northat the Goverill ever n
erument control of corporations will
be adopted but what is looked for.
ward to as possible 1s a very g
inflation of the currency, in oomph•
once with the farmers' demands.
Old financial theories may have to
give way, to some extent, as a nom•
promise to prevent the entire over-
throw of ooneervatism. Something
will have to be done to quiet the
spirit of unrest, which, beiug abroad, pay for all this !'
encourages the growth of any move 'But it wasn't my mistake.'
• 'rent
fat little
juetine of the peace name puffin
and called out :
'Why didn't you tell ns we hagot the wrong man ?'
'It .teas no use.'
'It wasn't eh ? You'll have t
melt which pretends to give relief. 'Yes, it was 1 Here you've gone
To prevent a trial being .given to and laid us liable for a suit for false
those plana which: the conservatives
deem dangerous'relief by Mine outer
meane must be offered ; so that,
while the alliance movement may
not accomplish what it set out to do,
it will bring about a change of con -
he alliance seek theme of the y ts ti
find n
the Democratic platform, and, both
parties being more or less at war.
against the present conditions, they
are drawn together at this time, and
the Republican party is the victim
of the assault. The cry is for more
money, and it seems that something
must be done in this Oongrees or in
the next to satisfy the call. It is
urged upon the Republicans that if
something is not done to satisfy the
clamor it will grow so as to serious
ly threaten the party, During the
Fifty-second Congress. where the al
liance will have actual representa-
tion, its influence will probably be
more strongly felt.
Representative Sayers, who is the
Democratic expert on the Apprnpri•
ation Committee, where he holds
about the same position that Mr.
Randall used to held, is coneerued
about the enormous obiigation.,
which have been incurred under this
Congress, and believes that the Iy
Demrcrats will bav a heavy burden
to bear in the Fifty second Congress,
coming as a legacy from this. The
Democrats will, he says, have to
practice the most rigid economy,
cutting down expenditures where
they can, In the present coudition
of the Government funds he finds a
fulfilment of hie predictions made
early last session. He says the
Democrats have a great reaponsi
bility to carry with their victory,
and that they will have to exercise
great wisdom in their management
of affairs in the next House. There
must be no partisan legislation and
no attempt at partisan management
in the House. The duty of the
Demoorate will be, he says, to cut
down appropriations ss low as pos-
sible ; to pees a bill for the free
coinage of silver promptly, and pass
a tariff hill which will give the relief
the prople demand. Put thee.
thing, right at the Republican Son
ate, be says, and then see what they
will do,
Before long the sedate and °ere-
monions State Department will set
about having the official invitation,
to our national birthday party en
graved on extra heavy paper in the
perfection of the engraver's art as
repre•.ented in the Bureau of En
gratin;; and Printing, and will bear
the eignaturee of President Harri-
son and Secretary of State Blame.
They be sent to each govern
mein through its representatives
her,:, ,til in the eminently ponderous
and decorous fashion of the State
Dever meat, and the ace planes
will begiu to come in not long before
the Fair opens. Unless p. aper 1!.
formation is appended to the invite•
tions or communicated in some way
to the various foreign goverornew
there is apt to be some confusion,
arising out of the fact that while
the Fir ofliciaily opcni in April,
180.2, the Pair will not redly begin
till in October following.
The candidates for '92 are being
discussed with almost as mnclt narn•
estness as if the noininating con-
ventions were about to be hold. It
is astonishing what a near approach
to unanimity there is hi the opinion
that the two man brought to the
head of their respective parties by
the result of the election are Blaine
imprisonment, and I won't atatid it:
' 'If the officers don't know their
business I can't help it.'
'Well, I find you to be a disorderly
person, and I fine you $5 and a
month in jail 1 If you'll get out of
town I'll remit the jail' part.'
'And I must pay $5 because your
officer made a mistake 2' queried
the Detroiter.'
'Certainly. While we were fool-
ing with you the man we wanted
got away. And more heeitetlon
will be contempt of court and a
hundred dollars fine and six months
in jail. Train is about due and my
buggy is outeide.
He rode down with him, and as
the train moved off 'his honor' said
'Yon got out of this mighty lucky,
olrl, fellow ! There is only one law-
yer in town, and was calculating
to charge you $50 for advising you
to take the dirt road out of this and
strike a gait of ten miles au hour.'
r. E 1)0§1'
One way of 1•re,renting delicate
and sweet oriented flowers from fad.
ing is to out them with several
leaves on the stem, and, when the
flower head le planed in water, to
allow only the bead above water,
while the leavee are entirely sub-
merged ; by this means the leaves
seen, to help ;support the flower,
which will then last for three days
in a fairly gool morn,
Platinum costs $20 an ouneei
China has 139 telegraph atatione.
A Krupp gun has a 40.foot barrel.
Moat platinum comes frofn Atieeiil.'
Kentucky has a 91 -year-old mil;
Fifty•thoueand atr-brakes are in
•use. .
Impuro milk cost a Buffalo man
Berlin has a papier-mache fire
Dundee boat builders get 7 pence
per hour.
Stale beer is a cent a glass in
New York.
New York has a Hebrew
Butchers' Union.
Many lab,irers in Italy average
25 oente a day.
Penneylvama mines supply half
Uncle Sam's coal.
Millions of mackerel are being
caught at Saco, Maine.
A. pennvmn-the-slot gives electric
• En leh rallwa s
Olean very fine lace with benzine.
To beat the whites of eggs stiff
with ease they should be cold.
Old paint stains may be removed
from clothing by rubbing the spots
with spirits of turpentine, which
will moatly evaporate.
Out a piece frtm the top of old
kid shoes and insert it inside the
ironing holder you are going to
ma ke.
Beep the stove or range free from
soot in all its parte. A hot-air
passage clogged up with soot will
prevent the oven from baking well.
If one wishes to cool a hot dish
in a hurry, it will go found that if
the dish be planed in a vessel full of
cold, salty water it will cool far
more rapidly than if it stood it water
free from stilt.
Try a bandage of hot salt outside
the face for neuralgia ; fill the
month with hot salt in case of
toothache ; put a little hot salt in
a piece of muslin, and then put it
in the ear for a second or two when
the earache is troublesome.
If a tablespoonful of kerosene is
put into four quarte of tepid water,
and this is used in washing windows
and mirrors, instead of pure water,
there will remain upon the cleaned
surface a polish no amount of mere
friction can give.
If you want to make squash pies
and eggs are scarce and dear, sub•
etitute rolled soda crackers for the
egge, say one to each pie. Season
particularly well, dont forget the
alt, and if not just as gool a3 the
original, 11 is excellent nevertheless.
For earache and toothache, and
neuralgia in bead or face, the surest
remedy is a hop poultice wrung
from hot vinegar ; and against anch
needs one should ]seep on Band a
half dozen flannel liege of oonveui•
ant size, stuffed with strong, home•
eared hops.
Spun candy may be made after a
fashion with a fork. When the
sugar has reached the proper degree
if a four -tined fork be dipped in and
drawn slowly out it will spiu a
thread, which may be wrapped
around a framework of whatever
you may choose.
For hives in children, rub the
irritated skin or the pustules with
castor oil, applied with the tip of the
finger Baby will bass from fretting
light g y
A colored woman's exchange is a
late enterprise at Atchison.
A. small,Maine town shipped' 96,-
000 -pickled eggs to Boston.
Middleborough, Ky., has 6,000
people. Fifteen months ago only a
dozen lived there. , • '
San' Diego, Cal, has the largest
hotel. The grounds cover twenty
acres, the building five.
Whalebones, the real i,articles,
have become scarce and high. Be.
cantly a ton of them in London
brought nearly.a thousand dollars.
The seal hunters of Viotoria, B.
0., have decided to fix the pride of
next season at $3 per skin. The
prices formerly paid have been $.175
and $2.
There ie a' serious falling off iu
Russian grain production. A.meri•
can, Indiau and Egyptian grain are
driving the Russian article out of
the market.
Hundreds of millions, probably
billions, of dollars have been added
to the value of real estate in the
ortios of the world by a single in
vontion—the elevator.
The owners of a large woolen
mill in France are in consultation
with Philadelphia manufactures re-
garding the transplanting of the
mills to this country.
All the window glass factories in
Findlay, Ohio, have gone into the
new trust. very factory west of
Pittsburg except one, it is said, has
now gone into the combination.
More women in proportion to
population are employed in indus
trial occupations in England than
in any other European country : 12
per cent of the industrial classes are
Though the population of the U.
S. is in excess of that of Great
Britain, the British railways last
year carried 755,000,000 passengers
as against 495,000,000 in America.
The Minnesota lumber cut this
year will exceed that of last year
by several million feet. The esti•
mate places it at not less than 825,-
000,000 feet, and not more than
There are from 1,000 to 2,000
children under 15 years of age em-
ployed in the manufacture of paper
collars, while of those between fif-
teen and twenty years the number
reaches about 8,000.
The electric light ie likely to have
a bearing on horticulture and agri•
culture in general, worthy of the at.
tenticn of entomologists. Tho nee
German farmers put the light to in
°etching the fly of the nun cater-
pillar, which has done so much
damage in parte of Germany this
summer, was, perhaps, the first
great application of electricity to
invent catching. But electric lights
aro everywhere working havoc with
insects. Prof. Lintner, entomolo-
gist, estimates that the debris he
collected from a single electric light
represented 133,000 insects, Of
course, useful insects may be as
ruthlessly slaughtered by the light
as useful ones but the matter may,
nevertbelese; have a very practical
bearing. Gardens and orchards
With tiny electric lights blazing out
here and there to catch moths may
be amongst the common things of
the fuiure when electricity becomes
DEo. 5, 1890.
We have put the Knife in right to the Hilt, and are
Determined to Slash Away at . Prices
Regardless of Cost of Production
For the Next 30 Days.
Overcoatings, Winter Suitings for lion and Boys, Pea Jackets, Uuder-
wear, Gent's Furnishings, Hats and Caps, Far Caps,
Fur Coats, Rubber Coats, 8m, 860r,
At such Trey endous neauction$ Below Regular Pgioo
.&t such Tempting Prices that if you are going to buy at all you can't help purchasing.
You are well a -ware that, despite all the blow and puff of competitors, we have,
by Actual Measurement,
You are we11 aware all of our advertising we Speak the Truth ; that every word
we tell you you can depend on it. .Now, don't let this
Slip,by without .yonCalling and having a look at what we are doing.
All Goods Bought from us by the Yard will be Cut Free of Charge,
The Palmerston Brewery Com-
pany is to be wound up by a hqui•
dater, by order of the Chancery
to slumber while the proems is go. The cattle stealing fiends of Col-
ing on, the relief will be so groat ehester'South now take revenge on
and quick. For inflamed oyes, their enemies by poisoning horses
bumped heads and sprained ankles, belonging to the latter. Wm. Packer,
and Cleveland The only 3!orce' use abundantly water as hot as can who is prosecuting Todd Quick, is
bill the Republican platy node is 1 be borne. 1 the latest victim.
CSX,,Andlk2CLUZX 'YOU inanwimarr WIT
Leckie's Old Stand,
- Main St., Brussels, Ont.
131 -CUSS H1l_,S, ONrs'A TSO.
Just Received from the Best Manufacturers in Canada a Full and Well•Seleoted Stock
of Cross -Cut Saws, including
"Forest Beauty," "The President;"
" Champion," "Racer,"
"Mance Tooth,"
The "Forest Beauty" is the ONLY Saw made with the back five pages Thinner
than the front, Sawyers know the advantage of this.
Persons requiring anything in this line should see them.
A Full Line of the Best Chopyin a A ES on nand_
Did you see Harland's Improved Oil Can P
The Safest and most Convenient Can in the market, Cannot be loft open to evaporate.
Easily operated, and no corks to handle. Take a look at them and you
will be convinced that what we say is true.
OE I 13 TO DO B'LISIi " + SS.
A. M. MeKAY Co.