The Brussels Post, 1890-11-28, Page 66 S'HE ERUSS1✓LS POST CHANCOIN sIT113NSS. lemma or the u auseul which came on Before the HQneroble Chaaoilor Boyd. The autumn sittings of the Chan - eery Division of the II, 0, J. was held at tIte Court House, in Godo. rieb,,an'Friday,14tb inst. The first case on the list was Morrie v, New - combo and the Bank of Hamilton, and was brought, by the township of Morris against its late treasurer and his sureties for monies said to have been misappropriated by the said treasurer ; and the Bank is said to be liable to the township on account of a special deposit Bald to have been made by the council, which, they allege, was improperly paid out to the defaulting treasurer without pro- per authority. The case was re- ferred to S. Malcomeon, Master at Goderieb. Garrow, Q, 0_, for plff. Holt for defte. The next care on the ]tet was also one of some importance to township councils, being brought by the plain- tiff, one Machan, against the town- ship of Grey, to set aside a solo by the county treasurer of some land in the said township, which bad been returned "non resident," and upon which it was alleged certain ratee which had been assessed against the said land, under "The Ditches and Watercourses Act," had not been paid. The law provides that these dues, when not paid, shall be col- lected in the same way as taxes. The land was sold and bought by the township. Judgment was re- served. ldington, Q. C., for plff.; Garrow, Q. C., and Prondfoot for defts. The next ease was that of Opper- heim v. Ducharme, which was settled by the parties and withdrawn. Col- lins for plff. ; Holt for deft. Green v. Sthuart—An action about $50 worth of threshing machine, and resulted in the plaintiff getting a verdict for $50 without costs. Gar - row, Q 0., and Elliot for plff. ; Collins for deft. The Ontario Bank v. Armstrong— An action to set aside a sale of the equity of redemption in some lands, but while the parties were fighting the matter out the equity of redemp tion disappeared in the general fall of property, and the plaintiff and defendant agreed to let the matter drop, each paying his own costs. Garrow, Q.C., forplff,; Holt for deft. West v. Reed—This was an action to set aside the sale of a hotel pro- perty in Luoknow as fraudulent and void as against creditors, and judg went was reserved. Garrow, Q. 0., for plff. ; Mc14lulleu for deft. Hopper v. Hopper was an alimony. No defence had bean put in, bud defendant asked for time to apply for leave to defend. which was grant- ed. Garrow, Q. 0., for plff. ; Holt for deft. Sturdy v. McLean—This was a motion to confirm the findings of the Master at Goderich, and a ver• dict in accordance with consent min- utes was entered. Garrow, Q. C., for plff.; Holt for deft. }11ETS 'i0 AOIINEKEEPERS. It is considered very bad form to wear jewels around the neck. To prevent that shine to the skin, with which so many are annoyed, especially in warm weather, use a little camphor in the water when bathing the face. .A. round bolster now takes the place of the large ornamental pillows. The holster is stuffed firmly and dressed in cretonne, or whatever the bed covering is made from. To set delicate colors in embroid. ered handkerchiefs, soak diem ten minutes before washing in a pail of water in which a dessert 'poonful of turpentine has been stirred. The beet way to fry apples is to halve them, remove core, put some butter in frying pan and put in the halves, the cut side down ; then add a little water and let boil dry ; then fry. There will be fee persons who will over take the trouble, me they ought, to tree eat their shoes when not in use, no matter how costly they are. The next bast thing, which also coats a little trouble, is to button up a fine shoe when putting it aside, in order to keep the upper from getting out of form. Ivory may bo bleached by placing it for an hour in a solution of alum ; then polish ib with a piece of woolen and wrap it in linen to dry. Another method is to take peroxide of Hydro• gen, and to one pint cf it add one onnce of aqua ammonia. Warm it and soak the ivory in it for twenty- four hours ; then dry and polish with chalk. A. picture frame embroidered in Louis xiv, ribbon work on pale cern satin, which is the shade of white satin turned yellow with ago, and in the new oval shape ; a pretty travel• ling case of white linen bound in 'golden -brown braid ; or a comb and brush case of the same material; Or a dainty pinouelnon, are all presents which would probably be aceeptab!e to any young. lady. The favorite linen for embroidery is of the "old bleach" manufacture, '.l'bis linen is woven with a firm round thread of a superior quality of flax, and is grass bleaohed• To glean hair brushes put a table- spoonful of ammonia into tepid water and clip them up and down until clean ; then dry with the bristles down. In place of the ammonia, they may be cleaned by using a tea- spoonful of soda. Have your apple parings in a cool plaeeuntil you have a quantity worth the while, cover with water and boil briskly for an hour ; strain, add half the quantity of sugar and boil gently for a couple of hours, and a good apple jelly will bo the result. Or, if you put the parings in a jug with a little water, and put in a warm place, they will make fair vinegar. The prejudice prevails that plants in the sleeping room are injurious,. because they aro constantly throw- ing oft carbonic acid. Recent in- vestigations have shown that ill effects are too slight to deserve con sideration. If a room is properly ventilated, plants can do no harm, and even if it ie not, the quantity of carbonic acid exhaled by them will not materially affect the purity of the air. TUE WORTH OF A RIFE. In the Solomon Islands the mar- ket quotation of a "good quality" wife is 10,000 cocoanuts. The. money of the islanders, says All The Year Round, consiets of string of shell beads about the size of a shirt button, well made, and strung in fathom lengths of two kinds, 'red' and 'white' money. This is the basis of the currency, above which comes dog's teeth, which are the gold of their coinage. Only two. teeth from a dog's jaw are legal lan- der. •A hole is+drilledin, each,: and. when a native has acopmnlatefi .a' sufficient number he strings them together and wears them as a collar. Such a collar may be worth as much as £20. Porpoises teeth are one. fifth the value of dogs' teeth, and sags of a marble•like stone are also current coin. The following is the basis of Sol. omon Island and exchange : Ten cocoanuts, one string of white money, or one stick of tobacco ; ten strings of white money, one string of red money, or one dog's tooth ; ten strings of red money, one "iso" or 50 porpoise teeth ; ten leas, one good quality wife ; one batlike, one very good pig ; one bahika. one medium young man. Canadian News. The Lachine Canal will be closed on the 30th inst. Watford has three hotel keepers who can tip up over 700 pounds. Dan. Kennedy, an old Ingersoll boy, has been elected ah eriff of Douglas county, Wisconsin. Jas. Quirk, the Brantford foot. racer, has gone to England, to run in the Christmas Sheffield handicap. .Rev. G. W. Calvert, of Paris, has returned from a suoceesful deer hunt in Muskoka. He also shot a fine beaver. A large addition has been built to the Fairknowe Orphans' Home ar Brockville, the Canadian branch of Mr. Quarrier's Scotch homes. Up to the present the Bell Tele. phone Company has erected, this semen, in Canada, no less than 1,380 miles of trunk lino wire, all of copper. Secretary Prank, of the Brantford Weter-works, has sent an account of $2,10122 to the Ontario Govern- ment for the work of layiug 2,244 feet of six inch pipe to the Iustita- tion for the Blind. The condition of Esso:. county roads daring the early part of last week may bo judged when it took a Windsor man from 8 in the morn• ing to 12 at night driving from Stoney Point to Bello River. The Exeeubivs Committee of the Equal Rights Association will meet in Ottawa on Monday to discuss the selection of a sucoessor to Dr. Caven, who has announced his intention of retiring from the presidency of the association, Dalton McCarthy, it is said on the authority of Ald. Hen- derson, of Ottawa, will not accept the position. The Simone Canadian nye ; —"A very singular circnmetance occurred at the residence of Ansley Death, in Towneend, on Sunday morning, An old wooden cloek which belonged to his grandfather had been carefully kept as a relict, but it had been oat of runniug order for the past ton yeare, and, although it had been moved from the shelf on which it stood three or four titnee a year wben ()loaning house, yet it , had never given any signs of running. However, on Sunday morning, just as Mr. Heath was getting up, about half•past sevon, the old clock etruck its bell 25 times, greatly to the as- tonishment of the family, The wonder is, what made it strike, as it had not been touched fn some time." Shoddy peddlers are operating in McGillivray, Foxes are very numerous in the neighborhood of Dorchester Station. Right have been killed within the past two weeks, G. A. Reid's painting entitled iMortgaging the Farm' has been presented to the National Gallery in Ottawa by the Royal Canadian Academy. Rev. Dr. Torrance, public sohool inspector of Guelph, has in con- templation a journey round `the world on the trip arranged by the 3. R. R. Oo. He expects to go Dec. 15. A telegram from Woodstock says that James McCollum, of Windsor, who was reporting the Birchall exe- cution for the Detroit Free Prove, fainted dead away as the rope was being adjusted. Woodetook Board of Trade has prepared a memorial to the Ontario Government stating that a Normal school is badly needed in Western Ontario, and airing that it be lo• sated in Woodetoak. A young son of Mr. Goodhau, living south of Sweaborg, was frightfully scalded a few days ago by falling backwards in a tub of boiling water. The doctor thinks the little fellow will recover. At Kingsville gas well a pipe wrench slipped from ire fasteninge while screwing up pipe and struck Nicholas Scratch across the abdo- men. He is suffering greatly. There fa no hope of his recovery. Chas. Briggs, of Paisley, has en• tered action against a Port Elgin magistrate for not making return of a conviction last spring. It appears Briggs was fined $60, and the J. P, is charged with retaining the amount. Hamilton is exercised over the ex- pense attendant on tin) recent lunch, etc., given the iron add steel dele. gates. The caterer's charge amounts to $712 50, and the hackmen's These amounts cost of liquors, are wondering will amount to, cost will exceed chargee to $285. do not include the and the citizens what the liquor hill tiome say the total $1,000. Settlers in North Minnedosa killed a horse last week for food. The animal being in good condition some English settlers partook of the meat and were so well pleased with its flavor that they paid 20 cents a pouud for portions of it, and would not believe it was horse flesh until shown the quarters with hoofs at- tached. The latest applicant for the 'mean man' championship has turned up In the person of B. Smith, an Ancee• ter farmer. In a suit brought against him for wages by his housekeeper, ' it turned out that he had charged her $1.50 a trip for every time he drove her to Hamilton. Perhaps he considered anyone foolish enough to go with him ought to be fined. A couple of weeks ago Hugh Ross, lot 11, con. 7, West Zorra, lost a very valuable colt under peculiar circumstances. It appears that the folios: was down between him and his next neighbor, Mr, Clark, and the colt wandered down to Mr. Olark's swamp, where there was a thicket of willows and grape vines. By some means the colt got its bead iu be• tweeu a bunotr of willows and vines, and, instead of backing out or press- ing its way ahead, kept turning round, and the willows and vines formed a rope around the colt's nec Ic, strangling it. The colt had been dead some days when found. MitiOnIIOnleilitineeniatellSOMIMORINEESLWart FURNITURE! FURNITURE! BARGAIN81 BAITING PURCHASED: A Bankrupt Stook of Furniture, •And added it to my already Large Supply, I am in a position to sell Goods Cheaper than ever. A Splendid Stock to select from, consisting of Superb Plush and Hair Cloth Parlor Suites, Oak, Walnut and Cherry Bedroom Suites, Sideboards, Bureaus, Extension Tables, all kinds of Chairs (from Plush, Cane and Rattan. to common wood chairs), Lounges, Sofas, Ilattrasses, &c., &e. It is impossible to enumerate. Any person will be well repaid for examining our Fine Display. Special Attention given to Picture Framing, A Large Range of Pictures, Brackets and Fancy Articles for Sale. Big Cut in Linen Window Blinds with Patent Fastener. Hand -made Furniture our Specialty. We Guarantee Satisfaction every time, and take no second place in our work from anybody. Latest Designs. UNDERTAKING ! The Undertaking Department' is under my personal supervision, and everything is clone to suit those requiring my attention. A Large Stock of Caskets, Coffins, Robes, &c. always kept. Two Hearses in connection. Special sittentiom given to Embal7miYmt. I have the District Agency for the Celebrated KARN ORGAN Save the local agent's commission by buying from me. LISMi3.A3L civicriz:z.4. Upholstering and Repairs Attended to with Promptness, ALL GOODS DELIVERED FREE IN THE COUNTRY. 9'The public cordially invited to inspect our Large and Well -assorted Stock. R. Leatherdale. Nov. 28, 1890. HONE/ TO LOAN. Any Amount of Money to Loan on Farm or Village Pro- perty at 6 & 61, Per Cent., Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division Court Clerk, Brussels. PHOTO S . TINTYPES - "ox• - u0 Coutes. A11 Work From the Smallest to a►rc eine done in a aret•elass mnnnor. 317 S of Residences, Etc., at Reasonable Rates. W. J. Fairfield, `Post' Bookstore. CHOICE STOCK 01 -- Pocket and Family BIBLES —ALSO— Hymn and Psalm Books ALBUMS Sold at Prices that will Astonish you. Writing Desks I Would make a Nice Present. School Books, Bags, &c. A Nice Assortment of Stationery. Post' Bookstore, - Brussels, '0 -OLDEN PADLOCK' T1.'R B 1—LUSS tams, ONrZ'A CUSS -OUT SAWS I m CUTS ,WS ! A. Woodetook dispatch says :— "The public bore are looking aux- iouely forward for. the promised statement by Rev. W. H. Wade, in which, it is hinted, he will give Bir- l °' chall's confession. It is understood the clergyman will give his state- ment to the public after Birchall's .carviN,kNc,sniWU' widow leaves for the Old Country, which will be early next week. Your correspondent was informed that Birchall did make a full con- fession to his spiritual advisor, and afterwards wrote the totter which "El orest Beauty," "The President " "Lance Tooth," • appeared in the Toronto Mail deny- I 1 t1, ing that he had done so. The pub- i 6 Chana.pionI" "Racer Racer" &o. Ito are inclined to accept Mr. Wade's version of the affair, and what he has to say will be interesting." Four weeks ago a yoke of oxen were logging in the township of King. En passing through the bush one of the oxen broke bis leg, The owner immediately had the ox killed and buried. The living animal was taken home and stabled, but its moaning cries were of such a diameter that he was turned out to pasture. Nothing more was thought of the matter until the cowherd went as usual for the cows, when, in passing the place where the ox lay buried,• ho found its living mato knee sleep in the ground with its head resting on a portion of the side of the dead animal, which had been uncovered by the pawing of the living ox to get to its had companion, The annual was relieved from its position, taken to its stall, but it refused to bo com- forted, and the next morning the ox I was found dead; Jut Received from the Best Manufacturers in Canada a Full of Cross -Cut Saws, including and Well'Selected Stock The ''Forest Beauty" is the ONLY Saw made with the back five than the front. Sawyers know the advantage of this. EVERY SAW OF THIS MAKE GUARANTEED. Persons requiring anything i.n this line should see thein, . N'uU1 Line of the Boit Chopping Azns on Nana. Did you' see Harland's Improved Oil Can P The Safest and most Convenient Can in the market. Cannot be left open to evaporate. Easily operated, and no corks to hancllo, Take a look at thein and you will he convinced that what we say is true, W 1'R ID.J TO DO �.3treTh SS. A. M. AloKAY 85 Co. guages Thinner