The Brussels Post, 1890-11-14, Page 81H1 1:3KUSSJ,LS k'US'J.' Nov 14,'•1890.
Caiary and
Ilemp Seed.
Trains leave Brussels Station, North
and South, as follows:
Mail 6:53 a.m. Mixed 0:20 a.m.
10:55 pas. Express ...... 5:45 pin.
Named .m
'.o cal X101)5 gtclns.
A chiel's amang ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll Arent it.
Le Gomm.
Anne ConaeACK baa gone to Toronto.
H. L. JAei soN was in Harriston last
Moss L' izzmo: THot1PSON is away at Lncan
on a holiday visit.
WABTE0.—All book accounts paid AT
ONCE. W. H. MCCneoaex.
A. J. Lowocx'e side won at the hunt on
Thanksgiving day. Game was scarce.
W. H. Ann MRs. Whams, of Mitchell,
were at B. Gerry's on Thanksgiving day.
HELTON Horsnos, formerly of Brussels,
is now filling a position in a bank at
Mae. 0. E. WAINER and eon, of Bee.
lin, were visiting at D. A. Sma1e'a last
H. L. JAMISON, jeweler, may now be
found in his new store, two doors south
of the old stand.
Miss MARS Monroe, of Wingham, for-
merly of Brussels, was in town this week
arranging for the formation of a music
SAMUEL LAIRD and family have mov
ed back to Brussels from Lakelet where
Mr. Laird was cheese maker. They will
be here until next Spring.
W. H. McOnaceee shipped a car of
potatoes to Buffalo on Wednesday. This
makes 1,700 bushels of potatoes exported
by Mr. McCracken this Fall.
I Ax giving special bargains in picture
framing. I have the best stock in the
county. My glass is specially made for
picture framing. R. LEATRERDALE.
J. T. PEPS= 's parents are in Brussels
this week on avisit. They brought Stan-
ley home with them. He had been visit-
ing his grandparents for several weeks.
NEXT Tuesday evening D. W. Camp-
bell gives a stereoptioan entertainment in
Melville church under the auspices of the
Sabbath school, when he will exbibit a
large number of views of the city of
GEORGE W. GREEN, of Kingsville, Es-
sex Co., formerly a resident of Brussels,
has gone on his annual winter tour to
North Carolina, where he is pushing
lumbering interests. His son Edgar has
also gone south.
LoTT's Lrvent.—The attention of the
Public is called to the fact that Levi Lott
keeps 8 first-class outfit of good drivers
and new, comfortable buggies. Every
attention will be given to those favoring
him with their patronage. Stably jest
east of Dr. Graham's block, King street.
Give him a pall as his rates will be found
within the reach of all.
BAND of Hofs,—The regular meeting
of the Bank of Hope was held Monday
availing with an attendance of 07. After
devotional exercises the regular Teml3er-
anoe lesson was taken up, with a review
of the subject "The effects produced by
alcohol on the heart." A. reading was
given by Alex. Ross and recitations by
Lizzie Leatherda}e and Herbie Dennis,
Lizzie Roddiok took the position of or-
AFTER an absence of six yearn on the
Pacific coast W. F. Scott arrived looms
on Tuesday evening last. lir. Scott is a
graduate of THE POST composing and job
rooms, but has not clone much at the art
preservativ or soma years. He will re-
main in Brussels for some time, Ile
gives a very interesting account of Cali-
fornia, Washington Territory, Vancouver
and British Columbia.
Tag Winnipeg Tribune of Saturday,
Nov, 1st, says :--"Gideon Petrie, the
ehampiou wreeti9r of California, called
last night and made a deposit of $50, the
money to be handed over to any man
who will meet him on Tuesday evening,
and whom 1,e cannot throw in fifteen
minutee in a wrestling contest. Perrie
is a000mpanied by Mr, Richardson, of
Vancouver, a noted meatier, formerly of
North Dorchester, and Mr. Scott, a fleet,
footed sprinter. Perrie and Biebardeon
will give an exhibition in the Opera
House on Tumidity evening. ramie ie a
fine specimen of manhood. Be was
raised by Scotch parents in Brussels,
Ont., and today is willing to meet any
man in the world in all-round contests,
Tun POST wouldn't be surprised if
mail were oarried on the noon train in
addition to the morning service. It
would he a great convenience to bneineee
men partioulariy.—If wo all fall in love
with tho eleotree light,—To see an early
winter and good sleighing for Christmas.
—I1 the "Apaohe'a" who do the yelling
amend the door of tho Amy barraolfs
Siad a goad big flee to pity for their
hoodlumi m. --To I• „ow that good timber
will be sear00 in 1 .ing positions at the
municipal and school lloaiels fn January,
There no money in it and very little
honor. --If 0. number of our /easiness amen
adopt the dash basis alter January 1St. ---
To see a rousing euiertainmetit got Up to
replenish the fend for the needy people
in Bruesels, The R. T. of T. have it on
their books. --I1 the following might not
ho true here : A reporter in Denver went
to sixty-three different men, all intent.
gent citizen, before ho found one to tell
him the moaning of the word "ergo,"
He has now started out with "ibid," anti
hue already aac°ated fifty.four mon with.
eat getting.asatielactory answer.
Mose Naoono IIALLrns1 is home :rein
W. M. Siemens was in London tike
week on legal businese.
Two comfortable houses to rent. Ap-
ply to W. 13, Diokoon.
Loon oat for Ross Bros. advertisement
in next issue of THE POST.
Goon road oart for Sale. Used a short
time. Jas. Walker, Brussels.
JNo. MEseei and Joseph Mclilaereon,
of Bluevale, were in town this week.
ANOTRaft wedding before long but J. D.
may depend on us keeping mum about
Erns. SELL wag called to Luaknow ow-
ing to time illness of her daughter, Mm.
Jas. Bryan.
PIRST-CLAae farm wagon left, Will
exchange for wood or lumber. Jas. Wal-
ker, Brnseels.
I HAVE a lot of that bankrupt stook left
yet. Come and get soma bargains. R.
A vans complete stock of jewellery,
watches and silverware is now on exhi-
bition at H. L. Jackson's.
Mits. GEC. HAsonorT 15 nob Be well as
usual but we hope the clear, frosty at-
mosphere will be benefioial to her.
I woe make it worth any man's while
to come 20 miles to buy goods from me.
5111 goods delivered free. R. La.tT1mERDALE.
GnonnE Goon is now offering the win-
ter half of the '•Adam Good stook" for
gale at the same sacrifice as he sold the
summer half. They will have a big run
while it lasts.
A minim was held at the Salvabion
Army barraoka last Wednesday evening.
Major Philpot and Captain Ogilvie were
present. °apt. Geddes will farewell on
Sunday next.
a:ARITHMETICAL problems of the "catch"
order are now in vogue in town. Hero's
a simple one three oats kill three
rats in three minutes, how many oats
would it take to kill one hundred rats lo
fifty minutes?
TEE dwelling house and contents of
David Carter, McKillop township, near
Winthrop, was deetroyed by fire last
Friday night. Lose, 8300; no inauranoe.
Mr. and Mrs. Carter were absent, visit-
ing relatives in Brussels, and the house
was, unquestionably, fired,
Birt hag all the necessary maobinery for
digging and drillin wells and is prepar-
ed to attend to all work entrusted to him
in a way that will insure setistaction.
Wells cleaned out and put in proper
share. Terme eaaonable. Residence
second door north of the bridge, west
gide of Tarnberry et„ Brussels. 43-tf
Tire Conceit purpose passing a by law
prohibiting arose signs on the streets. In
our opinion, this is right and we are
pleased to notice that this old style has
about disappeared in Brussels. A good
live advertisement is worth more than
1,000 feet of lumber hung up to the
weather. Our business men should back
the Council, up in their endeavor to im-
prove the appearance of the place.
GOT A COON.—Jack Duncan and Jack
Grewar captured a coon on Thanksgiv-
ing day in Hislop's bush. The dog
"treed" his 000nehip under an uprooted
tree andwheu he glared at the boys they
extracted the teeth in his lower jaw with
a °barge of shot and also °lipped the
nails on one paw in the same manner.
"Curly" was then sent in after the coon
and the two Jacks pulled dog and noon
out and the latter was soon despatched.
The boys brought the animal home and
sold the pelt. It was a famous victory
only it was hard work to get a cap on
the "Queen Anne."
A Feet Homs.—A. oottage worth 5750
will be ereoted or its equivalent in cash
will be given to the person detecting the
greatest number of typographioal errore
in the Deoember issue of our monthly
journal entitled "Our Homme." Three
hundred and fifth additional cash prizes,
amounting to 59,300, will also be awarded
in the order mentioned in rules govern-
ing competiton. Prizes payable lit par
in any part of Canada or the United
States. Send 15c in stamps, for com-
plete rules and sample copy of "Our
Homes," which will be issued about
Nov. 20th. Address, Our Homes Pub-
lishing 0o., Brookville, Canada.
Mns. Gmomons addressed a large con -
Sre ation in the Methodist church last
abbath evening. She spoke for about
an hour in an iutereeting strain and gave
advice that could be beneficially taken
and acted upon. On Monday evening
she delivered a lecture on "Secret So-
cieties" in the Orange Hall here. The
building was well filled. Under the stars
and stripes Mrs. Gilmore has peeped be-
hind the scenes of Masonic and Odd Fel-
lows' orders and she is also a True Blue
so that she was in a position to handle
het subject in en intelligent manner,
John Mooney, W. M. of the Brussels L.
0. L. No. 774, occupied the ohair. It
would not be a bad idea for a few young
people who attended that night to get a
book on good manners and study it for
a while, or else when they find their
ldttl0 "oapaoity" filled an exit could be
made through the door.
MELVILLE Curium W. F. M. S.—At the
last monthly meeting this Society pre.
seated its President, Mrs. (Rev.) Ross,
with a life membership certificate,
handsomely framed. The fee for the
aertifioate wag 526.00, Miss McKay
made the presentation, and Mrs, dor-
meek read the following address :—
To elan, Roes, President Melville C7aaarclo
Au,eillary of the Woman's .Foreign
Missionary Society, Brussels, Ont„
DEAR PREer0RNT,—Another year hue gone
and we are agate assembled et our amdral
thank -offering eory,oe to express our grati-
tude to God for the numherleeo blessings we
have reoeived as iudividuale and as a So•
oieby, and also to contribute yentas,.small though they be, towards the great
purpose and fulfilment of the divine nom-
mlastnn'•150 ye into alt the world and preecb.
tt.e Gnepaa to every creature,. realizing
that "He hath made of one blood all the
nations of the earth.' We nava had daring
the past year many things in Dui' individual
Byes for whist we have great reason to be
thankful—the meaanre of imolai and win,
fort we a+,tov end above all the nonce and
joy thaboomea to the believer resting is
open valiance on /Yes as her Savior. We
too have meth reason as a SOoiaty to feel
grateful rot the grana and glorious things
the: have been accomplished during the
past year in the sensed u[ too Gospel and In
the opening up of the dant Omer of the
ea,•th, We: oleo down, Deur President, to
take this opportunity of presenting yuu
whir tide trio eertf/ante, as a slight toketr of
our aulireciation of your etraeet and faith-
ful sa:Vlces during 015 past six years ELS Ont'
i'resi,lnnt,and of your untiring efforts to
promote the Master's work at home awl
&brood, not that you might reeoive0nearth.
ly reward, brit that you might merit y0tte
lat:inr'eapproval anal boar Trim slay 'Rho
bath dove what eho could," 'Trusting that
your beloved partner may be long geared to
labor among us as our pagt0r, and Ivnilti bo
brettke unto no the bread of lite may hie own
soul be strengthened by the pregeno000.tlihl
woo hath said 10 0. am with you alway
even unto the end of the werbl•
bigued on betel: of the W. F. bf, 8.
MMES, UonetACa,
MRs. W, A. hMcEwss, of Toronto, to'
visiting relatives in Brussels,
Macre. GEORGE CAan1Fr Re., vtelting rd.I
friends at Harriet°u lust week.
Nen Sabbath evening ltev, H. Sella'y
will take "What God is" us his topic).
Wm, Score, of Avr ie viefting at ,bete
Tait's this week. .110 is a oouein to Ills,
:Cut tar and gravel roof is being put
on the new bloolt erected by Captain
ANOTHER jot of those series window
shades just to hand at Leatberciele'e. 1
Come and examine tIs •nm before you buy
MRs. Roman: hag been dangerously ill
with congestion of the lungs. As the old
lady ie well advanood In life, being up.
wards of 80 years of age, these atomics
are severe.
Ir you want anything in furniture,
undertaking, window abadee, picture
framing or anything that should be (rept
in a oily furniture store you will tied it
at R. Leather'dale's.
To THE TAxensue.—Oolleotor Ross has
been insbruoted by the Connell that all
Taxes MUST ho paid on Or before De.
°ember 1st 1890. A word to the wise is
sufficient and the rateirnyere are molted
to call at Mr. Roes' store and secure their
:,Tun electric light wires are being
strung this week by Jas. O'Brien, of To,
rant°, and Harry James of this place.
The dynamo is expected in a few days
and the light will likely be shining on
Saturday evening of next week. Harry
James will look after the apparatus.
F. 0. Rooas'a had improved so nicely
that last Friday he came down to the
store and did some light work. The
bleeding set in again, however, and he
had to return home and for several days
was in a dangerous stats. We are pleas-
ed to state that at the time of writing he
is improving and we trust he will soon be
restored to hie usual vigor.
Lrvsgs.—H, Wilkens cC Son have
their new livery running in tip -bop style.
Reliable, speedy horses,, new comfortable
rigs and attendant comforts guaranteed.
Ladies can be suited with quiet borsee.
"Live and let live" 14 our motto. Re-
member the place, Mill street, Brussels.
Special arrangements made with oom-
meroial- men. I1 you want a rig any
time call onus. H. WILLIAtra m Some.
33an BATT.—Among other items in
Saturday's Gazette concerning military
affairs we notice :—Confirmation of
rank. Captain Robert Stanley Hays, R.
S. I., No. 5 Company, 38rd Battalion ;
from 18th August, 1890. Lieutenant
John William Shaw, R. S. L, No. 6 Com•
pany, 33rd Bettaliou ; from 15th Aug-
ust, 1890. Second Lieutenant Alexander
Wilson, R. S. I., No. 3 Oompauy, 33rd
Battalion ; from 16th August, 1890.
New ?Louts Worsts.—The firm of
Johnston & Cochrane, stone oath:re, dm.
has opened out are prepared to fill all
orders for nionntnents, tombstones,
markers, fences, die., in a workmanlike
manner and at living pricee. Satisfao•
tion guaranteed in every ease. Don't
place your order withdut calling on them
and seeing their samples and ascertain.
ing prices. Shop nearly opposite the
Town Hall, Brussels.
THE November number of The Old
Homestead, a literary and domestic
Davis published by Da i
s Bros. Sa-
vannah, Ga., has been received. It con-
tains forty large pages of original stories,
aketchee, poems, essays, eto. Its house-
hold department, handsomely illustrated
fashion pages, children's corner, aeleot
music and premium list, together with
its complete and serial stories, make the
publication eagerly sought for by people
of all nationalities. The subscription
pride, unlike costly magszines, is very
low, being only 51 a year. Send for
sample Dopy, free.
Da. Howrs'e Morn:ENTs.—Rev. G. B.
Howie, Ph. D., late of Brussels, is now
in Plattsburg, N. Y., ab the call of the
Methodist church there. During his
stay in Montreal, from Oct. 11th to Nov.
7113, lee delivered many sermons and a
largo number of lectures. The press
there devoted rough attention to Dr.
Howie and the Montreal Witness pub-
lished his portrait as did the. Ottawa
Free Press, and all spook of his addressee
in terms of high praise. His future
movements are tabled as follows :—On
Nov. 14th he is to be again in Montreal,
on the 10th, 17110 and 18th in Pembroke,
on the 22nd and 24th at Portage Du
Fort, Quebec ; on the 80th in Ashton ;
on the 27th and 28th at Ottawa again ;
Dee. 7th in Wiuohester. Apple Hill,
Smith Falls and Brockville may probably
enure him for the middle portions of
Deo. He intends spending Christmas in
Toronto and will probably visit Phila-
delphia next January.
MATRouoNLoL. Tho commodious resi-
dence of Jas. Gladstone, 5, P., Salem;
wee the scene of a vary pleasant event
on Wednesday, Nov. 5th, being the
wedding of his adopted daughter, Miss
Mamie Saunders, to Thos. A. Roes, of
Fe-gus, formerly of J3rusaele. The knot
was tied by the Rev. Dr. Middiemiss, of
Elora, in the presence 0f a large number
of relatives and friends from Guelph,
Ayr, Otergill, Mildmay, Vergae and
Elora. The groom was supported by
Will A, Bose, of Guelph, while Miss
Gracie Rome, of Mildmay, performed the
duties of bridesmaid. The bride was
handsomely attired in moire sills and
carried a bouquet of natural white roses,
tube roses and maiden hair ferns, her
only ornamament being a diamond
brooch, the gift of the groom. The
bridesmaid wore a cashmere dross of the
same ahede as the bride's with a bouquet
of cream roses. The presents were
numerous and costly, showing the high
esteem in which the bride is hold by her
many friends. Mr. and Mrs, ROSES will
melte their new home in Fergus. Tag
POST joins with Tam's Brussels friends
in wishing himeelf and bride health,
wealth and happiness.
How Do YOU STAND 7 —A large num.
bar of the readers of Tma Pea' nave for-
warder) their enbsariptions, for which we
are truly grateful. 'Tore are some neo.
pie, however, who mein to have an idol:,
that newspaper men don't eat, and that
they wear old olothes, and to those wo
would simply say, a greater mistake Was
newer made. Wo aro human, requiring
an ordinary amount of grub to suetafn
our lives sad strength to lick our enemies,
while, at the same time, we must have a
reasonable amount of warm clothing to
protect our bodies from the chilling
Masts of approaching winter, not to gay
anything about purple and limo linen. In
view of our humanity and our simple re-
gtfiremente wo must request every Jelin.
qua to pay up. To those who have
Piot done so we would remaria : Meetly,
- -Tire POET bee been mailed to your std•
dress regularly, and you have either re•
coived full video for the subscription
price or you have not. Secondly, --If
ems here U."n hen,•titted by our paper to
Ore extent of ria subaot'iptioh price, and
have mamma that amount of money,
you are a moan individual for not having
paid en, and we rake pleasure in tolling
yuu so. Thirdly,—If you have desired
to pay up, and have made an honest
effort to raiee the money, and failed, we
sympathise with you, turd if you will
write se of the fact we will continue • to
seal an the paper just the same, Fourth.
ly,--If you have reoeived bene-
fit from reading Tms PoeT, and can pay
for it and won't, we would thank you to
write us, enslooidg your photograph,
for 501,1010 the are keeping e, space in our
rogue's gallery, hlfthly and lastly,—If
you have not received any benefit from
our paper. if you don't like our style, if
you are se dull ae not to appreciate the
pruduatamts of our great intelligence and
the brilliant thoughts that flow from our
brain, we would earnestly request that
yon ,tu,hutiut es of the feet at once, and
we shell not further trouble ourselves to
east pearle before—well, before unappre^
dative people. We purpose sending out
etateinente of accounts to all those who
are in arrears, (If you don't liquidate,
we don't propose to see you, but if we
ever run MOWS you in the course of onr
wanderings, loth out for breakers, ae the
cm,tribtatioee of honest subscribers have
been sutlioieut to keep our muscle in
good shape.) if any of our readers wish
to save ue tide trouble, as well ae the
expellee of postage, and at the same time
spare themselves the annoyance of re-
ceiving a dun, we would request them to
ray oe AT ONCE. The amount owing is
tery small individually, and we trust
that, during the next thirty days, our
subeeribers will ad remit and thus avoid
the neo, salty of being again reminded of
their liabilities.
fi roar,
Oonred Marilee' is pntting up a now
woodshed. .
Township Council on Monday of next
week, 17111 hest.
A number of persons from this town.
abip were at Goderioh this week sties.
ing the trill of Hann ve. Grey munici.
Bowerman and James Bear, of
Exeter, were up two or three days of
last week for a rabbit hunt on the 16th
and 12th Dons.
Mrs. William Strath, of the 16th eon.,
is suffering just now from a severe sold
and an attack of quinsy. Mrs. Peter
Sinclair (jr.) is very i11 also.
Miss Hannah Ball has gone to Toron-
to to pursue her musical education. Mise
Hannah is a proficient musician already
and we wish her success in her present
eon rite.
An interesting a000unt of the induction
of Rev. David Perrie into the pastorate
of Geneva Presbyterian ohureb, Chesloy,
may be read on page 6 of this iseae of
Tics P.MT,
W. Russell Bishop, a former resident
of this township, is now teaching school
at Attlebnry, New York State. He has
secured a 2"d class certificate and pur-
poses writing for a let. His friends here
will be pleased to hear of his success.
Miss Maggie Aiken, who has been vis-
iting at the residence of her uncle, Sas
Mitebell, of Grey, returned to her home
in the Forest Oity last week. Maggie's
pleasing manners and gonial disposition
have made for her many friends who
will be glad to waloome her return at any
future time to their midst.
Ou Thankegieing Day the woods and
swamps in the lower part of the township
fairly teemed with hunters and Bounds.
A large quantity of ammunition was
squandered, in most oases fruitlessly, the
majority of the local amateur sportsmen
not appearing to be overburdened with
game on their homeward tramp.
Gideon Perrie arrived home last Tose
day night from hie tour to Oaliforni a,
Washington Territory, British Oolumb is
and the Northwest. He is enjoying
good health. He knew nothing of his
father's decease until atter the funeral,
receiving a telegram at Calgary. Mr.
Plinio has been away for four
On Tuesday evening of last week a
number of the old friends and former
school metes of J. D. Campbell assemb-
led at the residence of his parents for a
farewell party. A most enjoyable time
was spent in sooial chat, dancing, coo.,
after which they adjourned to their re-
epeotive ]some exptossing their best
wishes for John in his western home.
While the family of the late Donald
Stewart, of Grey township, was at church
am insane son, age,: about 25 years, left
home, wandering abort the country for
two days and two nights. The poor
fellow had nothing on his body but a
shirt and pante and was without a het.
He outlived the cold and wet of two
nights, while the aflioted family and
neighbors scoured the eouuty looking for
him. 'Tuesday he was found near Itlit-
ahell, having travelled about 85 or 40
miles in all.
Josiah Blaoleburn, editor of theLondon
Free Press, died at Aot Springs, Ark.,
T ueeday.
The Red River was fromen over from
shore to shore in several places oppesrte
Winnipeg last week.
It is stated that both the C. P. R. and
N, P. R. will be greatly taxed this win.
ter to haul out Manitoba's big wheat
The Pilot Mound Sentinel sale : Half-
breeds residing along the river have
formed a oombivation and have decided
to raise the price of firewood to $2.50 a
In replying to a boastful assertion of a
Landon, Dakota paper, the Morden
Monitor points out that No. 11lned is
quoted at 00 Ionto there, as against 84
ciente at Langdon.
Dan, Xing, of Noepawa, tells a tall
yarn of the yield of wheat on Robert
Johnston's farm in Glendale. 1485
bushels of wheat were thee: 10d off 80
aoree, or en average of 4071 bushels to the
acro, and 1,100 bushels of oats elf twelve
acres, or an average of 112 bushel° to the
acre. Dau, says that both he and the
oldest settler% will vouch for the e0rreet.
ness of the florae.
FRY,—In Mitchell on the 8rd inst., the
wife of Mr. Fred Fry, of a daughter.
Wmsam In Morrie, on the 8rd inst., the
Wife of Mo, Matthew Wilson of a
YATEe,-In Wingboam,On the Ord feet, the
wife of Mr. W. T. Yates, of a datagh.
TILLItn,—In /gingham, on Oct. 80th, the
Wife of Me. R. Elliott, of the Titu"s,
Of &daughter.
nee azwmxlme s,
Tilttums—Canoes—In the Metbodiet
Churalt, Ilelgrays, on the 511 inet,
by the Rev. Geo, Lounds, Mr. James
Timmins, merchant, Bluevale, to
Miss Matilda Carson, of Bolgrave,
Iteee—SAi1NDEne,—In Salem, on the 5611
inst., by Rev, Dr. Middlemiss, of
Elora, Mies Mamie Saunders, of
Salem, to Mr, Tho%. Bose, of Forges,
formerly of Brussels.
HowE—Cor,r.IE,—In Listowel, on the 6th
inst„ by Rev. J, Livingstone, at the
parsonage, Mr. Frederick Howe, ton -
0o001 artiet, Listowel, to Mien Mary
Collie, of Toronto.
ATTC'1'x05w SAr.a77S-
FRIDAY, Nov. 14ra.—Hotel property in
the village of Walton. Sale to oom-
mence at 2 o'clock p, m. Wm, Biernes,
proprietor, F. S. Scott, auctioneer.
Fall Wheat
Spring Wheat
Batter, tubs and rolls,,.
Eggs per dozen
Flour per barrel
Hay per ton
Pork . • ,.
Hides per lb
Salt per bbl., retail......
Sheep skins, each
Lamb skins each
Wool, per lis.
88 92
88 92
48 47
36 86
67 00
13 14
15 00
4 60 5 00
80 00
5 00 6 00
5 25 5 75
5 00
1 25 00
60 75
40 50
18 20
smell family. No washing. Apply
to B. L. TAYLOR, Barrister.
Main Street, Brussels, opposite PO51-
ou3ee, Posaoesioa November let, Apply to
W. R. WILSON, Brussels, 13.3
aobioe that as Emma Gill, my wife,
has left my had and board, without just
cause orprovooation,I x111 not be respon-
sible lot any debts contracted b y her after
a hie date. THOS. GILL,
Brueaela, Seov.Ilth,1520. 18-48
of the undersigned, lot I, Morriobank,
about August 1010, four yearling cattle.
Two are Mears and two heifers. The owner
Is requested bo Provo property, pay expea5ee
and take them away,
17-4 Jamestown P. 0,
Tan Ham Lambs, got by a ram that
took prises at the Industrial, Provinoral and
Western Fairs. Also Two young Short Horn
Bulla tit for service. They ere fine tmimals,
with good pedigrees, and will be sold cheap
and on easy terms. DAVID MILNE. Ethel.
Teaaher wanted for School Section
No. 2, Grey. Third•olaee ear'ti iest°. Duties
to commence ou Jany let, 10.1.0. Applica-
tions, stating salary, will be reoeived by the
undersigned up to November let 1850.
JOHN STEWART, San'y.Treas„
19.4 Or'aabrook P. O.
JERSEY BULL (No. 20797),
American Jersey Cattle Olub'e Herd
Boole He I6 a sou of 'Canada's John, which
was at the head of the largest herd in Can.
ada. His dam is au imported cow. For
further particulars call at my Drug and
Book Store, Brussels.
G. A, DEADMAN, Druggist, d:c.
who used my bulls this Beason and
have not got their cows in calf had better
return them now, as their appears to be ro
trouble in getting them In calf now , and as
it will soon be collecting bare. I would like
all who patronised my bulls to get value for
their money. DAVID MILNE, Ethel,
of the undersigned, north half lot 22,
eon. 4, Morris, on or about Oct. let, three
with cattle. hite Spots and 6110 heifers,
red steer. The owner 10 requested to prove
propertyy, pay expenses and take them away
Vth,00US FARROW, Brussels P. 0.
The nnderatgnod will keep for service this
ppresent eoason the Improved large white
Yorkshire pig "Ready" 012 lot 20, eon, 0,
Morris, to which a limited number of sows
will be tattoo. Terme $1.00 to bo paid at
time o1 sellIco, with the privilege of return-
ing if necessary. Pedigree may be seen up-
on application. 1001310RT N10HOL,
15tt Proprietor.
1. Lost on Thursday, July sad, on
the street in Wroxeter, a newel of bills,
amounting to 8342, and a promissory note
d awn by Jo1m Sanderson In favor of Jane
Walker for 8600. dated Suns Oth, 188% null
having a payment of 4850 endorsed on the
back thereof, dated Iprll 1161, 1820. A re.
ward of $25.00 will be paid for the recovery
of the above, or for snob information as will
lead thereto, All parties ars warned against
negotiating the above mentioned nota, the
some having been lost,
Wroxater,July lebb,'00, 1A1711 WALIio'R.
SERV-011,—The undersigned has re.
vicinity purchased mud will keep for Service
at North half Lot SO, Oen, 7, Morris, a Pule-
bred Berkshire Boar, bred by bir. Snell, and
also an Ohio inIported Cheoter White, one
year old, bred by Thos. George, Potnam,
from imported stook on both sides. Phie
hog took gid primo at the Iudustriel Exhibi.
Mon, Toronto, 1800,in a elate of 17, avid also
tlyd at tho Western Fair in a class of 15.
Tommne,$1.00, to bo paid at time of e5ryiae,
with privilege of re burble if necessary.
15-1.0 8. WALKER, Proprietor.
fBW.A.Mm. aro, F.:AS2.12CW
Pnneunnt to tho order in this ammo, dated
the Fourteenth day of Ootabar, 1800, there
will be acid, with the approval of Ir, 13,
Board, Esquire, the Master at Woodatoak, b y
Public _+.notlau at the ,ttncrican Mesta,
UnII00e's. on
1011111AY, NOVEMBER 2is't', 1800,
at Two O' in the Afternoon by L', S.
Soo'T, Auctioneer, the follewing )ands and
promises, etiolate,lying and being in the
Township of orris, in the County of
Huron, containing by ado=asun=eht eight
aor00 of loth, he the Santo more or lens,
being all the laud situate an the north side
0f the river Maitland of 1110 North halt Of
Lot number Ten, in ilia Second Concession
of the Tomtit') of Morrie aforesaid,
T1't ac 011 HALES.-0110'ton61, down; belane°
in thirty days, without intermit to ba pard
into Court to the orodit of Ibols cause, In
other roapeete the Sale will be in anaortlmnee
with thestandleg oolditioua 01 tboCourt,
For further pertCellars apply to blesar0,
BALL & 13AL1,, Solicitors for the PlainbhY,
Woodetneit; to 1i., 0, T'AYLOII Barrister,
Brursele, or tet the un(1ersigbed Mester,
10, 13, IMAM), blaster et Weedid0ok,
Woedgteek, Dat,07111, 1050 17.3)
la 0 0 RE
(A..)11 orTlaens) Ciloap.
00347-7 -41-1-72:7 $ .
A New Stock of B10305, PRAYER Boake,
HUN BOORS, Nioo, Now and
Vary Cheap, at
.Pepper's Drug Store,
Traxaao,ct a C+onoro.l $0alniac.
Canadian and United States Drafts bought
and sold,
interest allowed on Deposits,
Collections arcade on favorable terms.
Oanadian Agonte—MEnanANr'e BANE or
Now York Agenbe—IatpanTEns AND Teen.
lis• Solioiborand 0onvoyaneer, Collec-
tions made, OEoe—Vanstons's Block, Bros.
Bole._ 2E-9ma
• 8oliettor,Conveyancer, Notary Pub-
lio Jo. OIDc —
e g Store. Private
a Fuo,15north
L Pepper'° Drug Store. Private Funds to
(Late with Garrow ,k Proudfoot, (lode.
rich,) Ilernatars, Solioitore, 0onveyaneers,
10. Offices—Brussels and Seatorth, Brus-
sels 011toe, Rogers' Block, Main St, Money
to Loan.
R. 9,RATS. 30, n.DIrKs0N.
AM. TAYLOR, B. 0. L.
• Barrister, Solicitor, he., of the Ann
of Taylor, Mocullough d: Burns, Barristers
Solicitors, da.. Manning Arcade, Toronto.
Money to loan.
• Iasurer of Marriage Licenses. Office
at his Oreeery,'1'urnberry, street, Brussels.
Tonsorial Artist. Shop—Next door
south of A. M. Malay ,$ Co's hardware store.
Ladios'and ohildreus hair cutting a specialty
of Marriage Licenses, by
appointmeut of Lieut, -Governor, Commis-
sioner, 510., Q.B. Conveya000r rind Agent
Fire Ineuranae Co. OMBee at the Ormlbmok
Post Offoo.
Clerk of the Fourth Division Court,
Co. Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Public.
Laud, Loan and Inenrenoo Agent. Funds
invested and to loan. Collections made.
011loe in Graham's Bleak, Brussels.
Late of the Cenearvatory of Music,
Toronto, is prepared to give lessoue at
Ethel and Craubroak. Pupil of Professor
Fisher and Mr. Harrison on the piano, and
of Mr. S. H. Clark in vocal music. Class at
Oranbrook eyery Tuesday. For terse, dre.,
apply at the Methodist Pareo0ngo,E that.
Teacher of Piano, Parlor and Pips
grean, Organist in St. John's Church, Brus-
sels, solicits a share of the patronage of the
mueio-loving people of Brunei/1 and vicin-
ity. Inetructioue given at current rubes.
Terms, references, ,ko. may be ascertained
by calling rat the residence of Mrs. Danford
or.,Tllruberry street, Brussels. 7-81
Is desirous of premixing pupils In
Vocal Music. Prof. Warrington of Toronto
is pleased to give bis testimonial as to bliss
O'tiaanor'a ability, she having been a pupil
of hie during her stay in Guelph. Instrn•
Mental Muaie an Piano,. Organ aud-Guitar.
Terms made known on application, Priemesa
St„ Brussels. Miss O'Connor is open for
Concert Engagements, :18 -
ARAYBURN,• Auctioneer, 1s always ready to at.
tend sales of farms, farm stook, Rs. Terme
cheerfully given. Crttubrook P. 0. Sales
may be arranged at Tun Pon Publishing
House, Brussels,
Lioeneed Auctioneer, Woe conduot-
od on reasonable terms. Farms and farm
steak a specialty. Orders left at THE Fen
1'ubliahlugHoue0,331ueao1e,orsautt° Walton
P, 0,, wh1 receive prompt attention,
gE as an Anottoneer, Iaur prepared
to oonduat sales of farm stook ab reasonable
n14008. Meowing the atautllug of nearly
every porgy I nm tu poeition to lien to
good masks and got good Security when sold
on credit, tatlefaotiou guaranteed. Give
me 0011. 82- F S. SCOTT.
s:s aT TZ3Tm.'3L'1
G. 0, Ball,L, D. El. Nitres Oxide Gas ad -
Ministered. for the Painless Extraction of
Teeth, 74 Gerrard Strout East, T0001000.
TD Y'3; N OD X bet 90
M. CAVANAQH, L• D• Se D. D. S.,
Graduate of the Royal College of. Dental
Surgeons, Ontario, and of Toronto rinl-
veretty, 01,01018—Opposite Aoloriean $oOei,
v1 7 Til. 1't'. GALE, M.D., 0, M.,YV Mombee of the 001Cogo of Pbyyetelan
said Sturgeons of Ontario by asannitati0n
onion and Raeidottao — Alain street East,
ilthal, Ontario.
A. D1cNAUGHTON, li, D.
r • 0. bi„ 11,18.0.P . Edinburgh, bis 0. P
S. Ont, At Popper's 11rug Store from 0 to
I 1:30 ta, in. awl Tran 1:50 to 4 p, in, At other
hoan8May befoetid et hi'¢ reeidonaa, farm.
a'1y moulded by Dr, ilutollinaon, M111 at.,
?�T D. WA 3WIOK,
• Helierrad t of the Catena
Veterinary College, 10 prepared le treat all.
tlioa coos of damoeti0atod 0.ulival8 lit a noon•
potent Mnanner. Parttoufar attention void
to vet:whew dentistry, Galla promptly at.:
Medea to, glee acid lltdrmary- l3wo riome.
north of 503dg8, Turuberry sI,, Mumble,