The Brussels Post, 1890-8-15, Page 81-1.b. i -VST
Are you troubled in deciding
on a nice present for
--A LADY --
or is it the oia difficulty of find-
ing a oee and suitable gift for it
may be
or some other
then if so the problem is solved
for we have just received a large
selection of FourzTaLi PENS. These
Are the most usefal present you
ean make anyone that does any
writing, (and who does not) that
you can possibly buy, and one
that will be a continued remind-
er of the thoughtfulness of the
giver. We claim to have the best
in the market so buy them only
G. A. Deadman.
Deneense, Boox.SET,ten
Trains lease Brussels Station, North
and South, as follows:
MaO 6:53 a,n.111i1a1 9:20
Itspress 11:45 aan, hall 5:05 p.m,
Mixed ........ 3:55 p.m. Express 9:45 p.m.
T.oral Reixs
A °hies among ye takin' notes,
Am' faith he'll prent it.
AUGUST 15, 1890,
Beady -made Clothing, Boots & Shoes, Dress Goods, Prints,
Tweeds, Gents' Furnishings, Hats, Etc.,
TI L cra J srroci< IS G ± JJ A TIiZ IDUC-Pin
1(0 'ETU 013 F..:13:1IF: 'Jr ee142:11117- N
W. Nightingale & Co., Brussels.
SERVIca will be resumed in St. John'a
church next Sabbath at the usual hours.
Etna Huron Fall Show on Thursday
and Friday, Oot. 2nd and 3rd, on the
aerionitural grounds at Brussels.
"amen Lem has purchased the barber
shop of T. Johnston, of Wingbana, and
has removed hie family to that town.
NEXT Sabbath Rev. M. Sellery will
preach at Londesboro'. His pulpit will
be occupied by S. R. MoBain, of Atwood.
REV. S. SONES was preaohing at
Londesboro' last Sunday. He will amp.
ply at St. Helens for the next two Sab-
ACCORDING to the published abstract
from the Returning -Officer of Base Huron
the recent Local eleotion cost Thee.
Gibson, M. P. P., 2143,06, and A.
Musgrove 2889.28.
New wheat has been marketed
already at Brussels b,ud the indications
are that the delivery will be earlier than
usual this season. Our buyers are al•
ready on the maiket and ready vo pay
the top pyioe for ,dl kinds of grain. Don't
forget this.
Ten Wingham cricket club is expeoted
to play a match on Victoria Park on
Friday of this week. The Harriston
eleven will be here on Monday of next
week. Two good games may be expect-
ed, although the 13russelites have had
very little practice.
14. LEATHEIthALE has purchased the
Veal stock saved from the fire from Miss
Montgomery. The futniture was evi-
dently handled vecy caret oily in the
rapid removal the night of the fire as
there was hardly a scratch to be seen.
Tan not= in TUE POST this week of
tbe decease of Wm. Smith, of Toronto,
refers to a former resident of Brussels.
Mr. Smith was a partner with Messrs.
Bennett & Wilkinson in a phoning mill
and sash and door factory. The building
wee burned down a feav years ago. The
A.0.0U . W. of Galt, paid Dirs. Smith
Dirt:ma all the necessary machinery for
digging and drillin wells and is prepar-
ed to attend to all work entrusted to bine
in a way that will insure satisfaction.
Wells cleaned out and put in proper
shape. Terms easonable. Residence
second door north of the bridge, met
side of Turnberry st., Brussels. 48-09
Tag Mitehell Advertiser says :—A
young jeweller in town has been trying
to reeulate a, watch for the last ten days
belonging to one of the fair sex. That
watch does seem determined to be unruly
for it will not tick right. Gossip has it
that the young man is trying to 'Winn"
the owner. That would make a wedlock
which would be better than a deadlock or
WEDNEsDIT'S daily Globe contained the
following item of local interest :—The
ehort gentence containing all the letters
of the alphabet, published the other day
in this column, brings a note from Dixon
A.. Simile, of Brussels, with a oopy of
THE Ton Or April 9, 1880, in which Mr.
Smale gave two sentences, each shorter
by four lettere than the onereoeutly given.
These are Mr. Sinale'a sentences : —"Fri-
ght, vex and swamp lazy job, quick."
"Up, qaick, 3, Belzy, vex and fight
LEMONADE and buttermilk are as good
at anything drinkable that you can find
this weather, said a Cincinnati physician
recently. "They both are great things
to quench thirst. They both act as a
pleasant tonic to the etomach and they
have a stimulating quality. Bob they
should not be drank ice cold—that is,
bits of ice should not be in the goblet.
Let them be as cold as the ice cheat or
refrigerator oan make them, but not more
than that."
LA.130REItte EXCURSION To lfsEstnemase—
From Brussels, Ontario, on Aug., 18013
and 20th, fare to Deloraine, 515.00;
Moosomin, 516,00 ; Glenboro', 215,00 ;
Mooseja,W, 515.00. Certificatee given
with tioket that will entitle purchaser to
a return fare of 218 00 on or before Nov.
30013, 1820. Farmers and laborers this
is a, chance to go and work three months
helping to take off the harvest of Mani.
toba. Get your tioket from T. FLETCHER,
G. T. R. Ticket Agent.
THE days are rapidly glowing shorter.
THE flax mill cOmmenoed work this
R. BURNS SOld a house and lot to D.
Roberts for $230.
A FEW secondhand buggies for sale at
a bargain. JAH:WALICER.
HOUSE e.ndlot on Elizabeth street for
sale. Will be eold at a bargaiu. Apply
to W. B. Theason, Brussels.
MRS. BALLANTTNE & Sots shipped a 050
of eggs to Montreal this week.
Ir you want a new buggy go to Jas.
Walker, carriage maker, Brussels.
HOUSE and lot to rent on Sept. 1st.
Apply at TEE Pose Publishing House.
Bees:micas to Grimsby and Niagara
Falls On Stturday of next week, 28rd
Itny. Ma. Foeurse, of Walton, Will oo.
cupy the pulpit in Knox churth next Sab-
BEATTY Bnos. "Topsy R" won second
prize at tin Hanover races on Monday,
in the open run.
Soam fine aattle are being shipped
.every day or two from Brussels to the
eastern markets.
La A.. Ourrie's garden one hill of pota-
toes yielded 95 by actual count. A num-
ber of the "Irishmen" were fine big ones
Ws would be greatly pleased&if a large
number of our correspondents would get
a good big hustle on and let us have the
latest news.
Tan District meeting of the Methodist
church, Wingham District, will be held
et Londesboro' on Tuesday of next week.
B. Gerry was elected to represent Brus-
TOMATOTIS.—Thos. Kelly has about
half an acre of tomatoes this year and
they are ripening splendidly. If you
want anything in this line give him a
-call or send your order.
Done forget the auction sale of farm
;property in Morris township next Wed-
nesday afternoon. The sale will take
place at the 8.0181500.13 Hotel, Brussels,
at 8 o'clock.
&LIMED LONVERT has purchased the
house and lot belonging to Christopher
Grimoldby, Turnberry street. The price
paid was 5425.00. It will make a
comfortable home and was a bargain at
the fignre mentioned above.
Senscraenes in arrears to thie paper
are requested to pay up at once. We
hope that those in the different parts of
Canada and across the line, who, have
been trusted during the past year or two
will give the matter immediate attention.
Distance should not effect honest dealing.
LOTT'S LIVERT.—The ,attention of the
Public is oalled to the fact that Levi Lott
keeps a first-olass outfit of good drivers
and new, comfortable buggies. Every
attention will be given to thoee favoring
him with their patronage. Stable just
east of Dr. Graham's block, King street.
Give him a call as his ratee will be found
within the reach of all.
IT has been deaided, we belleyes that
the town band will play on some other
everthag than Saturday, owingto the in.
ability of 80018 01 the band gettiug out
.on that evening. The change will pro-
bably be made to Friday. They have
:also decided nob to play on the street, but
.will make an effort to have a entail baud
steed erected near the Town Hall, or
otherwiee go to the Park.
Tan law of the road has been amended
by adding the following; "Any person
-so overtaking another vehicle or horse.
unari shall turn out to the left so far as
may be neeeesary to avoid a collisioe
with the vehicle or horseman so overtaken
aed the person so overtaken ehall not be
xequired toleave more than one half of
the road free." This aot mune into force
on the 1130 day of August.
Tat Goderiob Signal says: —The
gargest exoursion of the season came to
Goclerioh Tuesday last from the W. G.
8.14. and L. H. & B. lie Fully 1,000
peesons UMW 10 town, and brought with
teem the celebrated Brussels band,
Whiell appear to 5.11Ptuthge in ite bright
tiniforin, and morel' el from the station
to the Albiou Hotel. headed by Editor
Keer,of tbe Brumeo1 POST who, by the
wo, makes an egcellont drum major.
THE RAND.—We Me pleased to hear
that the town 13and him engaged J. Sum.
iner, of Bethany, Ona, bite of Bitriand,
as teaoher, Mr. Stammer is an experiene-
ed nausioian having belonged to a
tory baud for opwarcle of 17 years. Be
plays a olationet. Peactioe is Mice more
resumed, new 1110010 put on the boards
mud a general boom commons:ed. Two
other elarienets will bo added making
fame in all and we Meet 0.10 Band will
do bitter than over, The Weekly Open
wit tioneerte wtil be continUe 1 daring the
Oa Monday morning Samuel Craw-
ford had the tine of a pitch fork run into
his wrist while engaged in handliegrax.
Ton C. P. It. will run a 011etto Farmers'
excursion to Manitoba and the North-
waat on Aug. 20. For special rates op.
ply to 3. T. Pepper.
Tim Sehool Board did not see their
way clear to expend any money at this
time on musioal instruction as explained
by Mr. Soott, of Winghatn.
Puma: School re -opens in Brussels on
Monday 25013 inst. The Principal's de-
partment will not open until Tuesday
owing to promotions, &o. to be made.
THE Postoffice Department has adopted
a new system of refunding money to de-
positors in the postoffice savings bank.
Checks are forwarded in lieu of money,
thereby aesimilating the praotise of the
department to that of the government
savings bank's operation by the finances
FALL goods arriving every clay at Mrs.
B. Rogers', the Palace Store, B' missals.
We will have a splendid stock this Fall
more especially in millinery, mantles,
dress goods, and velvets which will be
all the rage the coming season. Remem-
ber we have no old worn out, moth eaten
goods to offer, our stook will be entirely
now and fully complete by the end of the
NEW MARBLE Wongs.—The firm of
Johnston de Cochrane, stone cutters, dea.
has opened out are prepared to fill all
orders for monuments, tombstones,
markers, fences, stes., in a workmanlike
manner and at living priced. Satiable.
tion guaranteed in eyery case. Don't
place your order without canine on them
and seeing their samples and ascertain-
ing prices. Shop nearly opposite the
Town Hall, Breese's.
"JUAN GRAXm."—This is the title given
to a new novel written by A. M. Taylor,
Barrister, formerly of Brussels. The
book contains 252 pages and is published
by A. Lovell & Co., of New York. We
are in receipt 09 0. copy whioh we haa
perused with pleasure. The story is
well writteu and refieeta credit upon its
clover author. No doubt it will have a
good run. Everybody should read "Jean
Grant." Mr. Taylor is making a name
for himself and bids fair to become one
of the leading novelists of the day.
;Tan Blyth Standard says :—There
appeared in the columns of the Brussels
Pose an item stating that a rhubarb leaf
was pulleci inrounoillor Strachan's gat -
den in that town measuring two feet two
inches in width and two feet six inches in
length. Brnssels has to take a book seat,
however in that line. Alex. Elder, our
popular merchant, has growniug on one
plant in hie garden two rhubarb leaves,
one of which measured two feet eight in-
ches wide and two feet ten inches long,
the other measuring two feet nine inohes
wide and two feet nine inches long.
NVIIAT WE MAT Exencle.—The "Gor-
don" Rash to take its inninga with the
yonng men in Brussels. --Business to
brisk up and tile merchanes to make
their Fall announeements.—The festive
oyster to make his appearance next
month.—Fall Fairs to come to the front.
few weddings that have bung fire
for some tiree.—Opening of sehool.--The
viaiting season to cam terminate and
everybody buckle into work.—Manitobo
excursione to keep booming for another
801I0I10, PRTEES.—Reete Grablthl, F. 0.
Rogers and A, 'Gettig made a canvas of
the besiness men last Friday for spatial
prizes for the Fall Fair, to be hold on
9naursday and Friday, Oat. 2nd and 3r15,
and succeeded very well, meeting with
few refusals, Prizes; will be awarded foe
foot races for men, boys and glide ;'In.
diem (slob swinging, Highland piping and
&ming. One of the Meet exalting
evente of the day will be a tug of war b5.
tweon reeidents of Geo, and Mortis
townships for a prize. The admisesion
fee sit the mate hos laeen reduced from 25
cents: to 15 Mite lor adults and 10 cents
foe children. With fine weather the
biggeet oroWd ever goon 00 a Pall Show
helm le Impeded. Watoh out for 'bills and
prize lisle, Speoial vitae on the Cl. . 11.
Mr, and Mrs. Bmigh, of Blybh, were
A Dandy Trip.
The Canadien Pacific+ Railway lute ar.
ranged for Three Speoial
mmonAINN, • s,wrooAwg, • Moosr,star,
Gratmosio, • C/ALGART,
August 12111, Return nn111 September1,
August 19111, ** September Mb
September end. •• •4 October nib
're 90. P.R. OompaltY have suPp11011 111.
with BoalltIftil gomoranchnn MOSS to be
given Free to catch laxouraiouist, Coll and
got ono, For Tlekets, Bertha, Lowest Hetes,
,ta., °anon
in own Met Sunday. Finiate, AIJOVS1: 15011.-09 bees, on Lot
Miss Annie Roes Sundayed with
friend,' in IVingham. 25, eon. 9, Morris. Sale to 000110101158 at
T. Hall, wife and daughter speat last 311:5.0e0oh'oteloi,okr.ropG.eo. Kirkby, amt. Debt.
Sunday at Pert Blg
Lieut. J. W. Shaw is home from the
Military School at London.
Miss Mary Ritchie was at Fergus for
O few days visiting old frienda.
Miss Bllie Tineley, of Hamilton, is the
guest of Mrs. Neil McLauchlin.
Miss Maggie MoNaughton has gone to
Owen Sound on it holiday trip.
Mrs. Howard, of Harriston, has been
visiting her sister, Mrs. S. Fear.
Miss Maggie Smith in home for a holi-
day visit with her parents and friend&
Mrs. Frank Shiei is in Galt nursing
her mother who has been seriously ill.
Mimes gory and Ella Love, of Blum,
were visiting at George Love's this week.
bliss Mary Sample is filling a position
in a London store. She wont last week.
Miss Mary Farrel, of Kincardine, was
visiting old friends in this locality last
F. S. Scott was away at Toronto this
week attending the Grand Lodge of L 0.
0. le.'
Mrs. Pearson and nephew wree away at
Port Huron on a visit to Mrs. 1?elton and
Mrs. Holland.
Miss Minnie Shaw is home frorn Brig -
den. Her stay in the e est evidently
agreed with her.
Jno. Cormack is home on a brief visit.
The west apparently agrees with J. F.
It is 4 years since he was here before.
Misses Luella and Bertha Law, of
Walkerton, and Mies MoBeth, of Paisley,
are visiting with Mrs. David Armstrong.
Rev. S. Sellery, E. R. Grundy, wife
and Sons, R. MoNaUghtOn and other
Brusseiites visited Ki warding this soak.
W. F. Vanstoue left Brussels on Wed-
nesday for Winnipeg. He will be gone
about a month. T. Fletcher ticketed
&. .8.. Beer, of Seaforth, was in Brun.
sets last Monday and Tuescley. Dir.
Beer was a resident of this town for a
good many years and is still a property
Mrs. Wells and children, of Zurioh,
and Miss Carrie Wells and Pearly Mc-
Lauchlin, of Tilbury Centre, Bssex
Clounty, were visiting at Geo. Beaker's
this week.
John M. Farrow, wife ond son, of Lon-
don, were the guests of Postmaster Far-
row last week. Mr. Farrow is mail
clerk on the main line of the Great
Western, between London and the dos.
pension Bridge.
On Tuesday Jno. Varooe left for a
holiday trip to Manitoba where he has
two brothers and other relatives. Salt
Coats is his destination. He will be
away about a month. He purchased his
tioket from n`. Fletcher.
W. H. Hill, a former resident of Brns-
sels, was renewing acquaintances in this
locality this week. lie is preaching now
on a outwit neer Orillia. Mr. Hill con-
ducted the Yoaug Peoples' meeting in the
Methodist Church last Monday evening.
George Hingston, of Joliet, Illinois,
was in Brussels this week visiting his
mother and other friends. Mr. Eingston
is a Court stenographer 0.11.4 is kept,very
Imlay. Miss Hingston, who Wee his assis-
tant, has taken a position in Philadel.
phis and is doing well.
Rev. James Harris and wife, of Ben.
miller, former Brusselites, and Rev. B.
L. Hutton, of Goderiala, 16,828 10 town on
Tuesday and Wednesday. The f orrner
W000 on their way to visit their daughter
at Glenallen and the latter on a brief
holiday vieit to his old parishioners at
A. H. N, Jenkins has moved again
as the St. Catharines Daily Gazette has
died—rather young in plan tuo. It is
said that he was in Toronto recently
looking after Hon. Oliver Mowat in re.
bream) to some GoVernment appoint -
Meat. He's taken a positipu on the
World of that city.
Rev. Jolla Mordy, of Niagara Falls,
has removed with his family to Winni-
peg, where he will reside and engage- in
temperance work in the province) se gen.
oral agent of the Manitoba branch of the'
Dominion A.:fiance. The reverend gentle.
man impelled Knox church pulpit, Br us.
sels,for ulnae weeks before Rev. Dr.
Liowie was called.
IMPROvEMIINTS.—john Wynn is build.
ing a new house on the oorner of Queen
and Princess streets. W. H. Cloakey is
boss carpenter.—ano. Broadfoot is he,ving
his residenoe on Mill street re -built. It
wail almost consumed by fire last Mareh.
The new building will be somewhat
smaller than the former one.—The new
fence at the south of the school ground
is completed and the fresh gravel put on
the walks. It will be rough travelling
for sometime. --Edward Danford is hay.
ing the frame house moved to the rear of
his lot on John street, and haying the
lawn and grounds put in shape in front
of his handsome new brick residence.
Few houses will be more comfortable or
convenient than this one when °omelet.
ed.—Briok has been hauled for finishing
the veneering on the shop now used by
Mesons. Johnston & Cochrane for their
marble works.
"KNIOIrrs or REST."—We Were of the
opinion that Brussels was about as well
sooietied as any town in the Provinoe
bur we learn that a -new Order is likely
to soon be established to be known aa the
"Knights of Rest" No Member is allow-
ed to perform manual labor of any kind
under pain of immediate expulsion. We
have not learned who the officers are to
he but we believe there is plenty of tim.
ber and some calonlate the Knights will
have 40 members to start with. Meel.
lugs will be held whenever seven members
meet, as that mpg° number constitutes
a quorum. The opening ode of tha order
is "There is rest for the weary." Ledges
will be established in Wingham, Blyth,
Clinton, Bxeter, Seaforth and Godurich,
and we look to our brethren of the limes
to give the Order a "boost." We hope
the grocers and business men generally
will take an interest in this organisation
and supply additional seats for the mem-
bers, 8.5058085 agent is wanted for the
oanvas. We have several persons in our
mind who would fill the hill to a nioety
but dont care to mention names until the
gentlemen 1100e beelo_onen_lted.
People We Know.
W. Hartley iff On the sick list.
lAies Nellie Ward is holidaying at
Kismet dine.
Mies; Jennie Pierce was viefting in Me -
Killen last week.
Mise Leah 11111, of Wingharn, Wee ill
tOWn lett Sunday.
Miss Emma Avery was home from
Lakelet Met Sunday,
0. IL Vanetone, of Sotithampton, was
in Brussels last wools.
Mrs, Cormitels has arrived bogie 10010
an extended visit at Detroit
Goderieb, Sept. 15, 15 end 17.
Listowel, Sept. 17, 18 and 19.
ndustrial—At Toronto, Sept. 8 to 20.
IVestern—At London, Sept. 18 to 27.
Alitchell, Sept. 23 and 21,
labitriston, Sept. 24 and 25.
L'amter, Sept. 29 end 80.
Seaforth, Sept. 30 and Oot. 1.
Wingham, Sept. 30, Oot. 1.
Atwood, Oot. 2.
Walkerton, Sept. 80 to Oct. 8.
Clinton, Oct. 1, 2 and 3.
Stratford, Oct. 2 and 8.
I3russels, Oet. '2 and 8.
Northern—Walkerton, Sept. 30 to °ate.
Howiek—Gorrie, Oot. 4.
Belgrave, Oat. 7 and 8.
_ —
33MIT.TSSMS...S 1.2.A.M2.3=3STS'S.
Fall Wheat .
Spring Wheat
Butter, tubs and rolls....
Eggs per dozen
Flour per barrel
Potatoes .........
Hay per ton. ......
Hides per lb
Salt per bbl., retail
Sheep skins, each
Wool, per lb.
J. T. PEIPPBR, Druggist,
C. P. R. Agent, Brussels.
mooTosa dr MoTAGGART,
Troia -lomat a, Gteksaeral Z3a.saicasaa
Canndiau and United Statue Drafts bought
and sold.
Interest allowed on Deposita.
Collections made on favorable ternte.
Canadian Agenta —1.1an050ur'a Balm OF
New York Agents—IsrrenTens AND Tadao
21188 NA0I028AD15.0,18.
88 90
88 00
45 48
42 43
55 56
11 00
13 00
420 450
80 00
500 600
500 5l0
2 2i
125 011
60 100
18 22
V V wanted. Apply to Mns. W. M. Sm -
.:main, BrUesele,
Are yen aware that it first moss be-
tween &jersey and any good milking cow
mama the very beat id either cheese or
butter. For -particulars regarding my Jersey
Ball apply at my Drug and Book Store.
G. A. DPI ADMAN, Brussels,
LY Mum XART ClALDEn, a graduate of Ben-
gough'a Canadian BuSinese UntVersIty, To.
route, (which institution she attended eight
menthe) is deeirous of organizing a Short-
hand Class in Brussels. For particulars, as
to terms, ,bo., apply at Tau Pon Publishing
HOuSo. 59-
• Solicitor and ConvoyanO0r. Collec-
tions made. Office—Vanatone's Block, Bras.
sole. 01.501,
iv. LiJoiray
alinlier, Notary Pub.
tic, &a. Office—Gralnim's Block, 1 dc..)r north
of Popper's Drug Store, Private Funds to
the publio generally not to give °milt
to any person on my acoonnt as I will not be
reaponsible for debts thus contracted, nor
will 1 hold myself • liable 100 the forging of
my ofgrn1U0a to written ordera sat intend
proseouting any person found guilty offer.
Grey, Ang. 4th, mao. 4-8
Brussele, on the 5111 islet, the
wife of Mr. Oliver Smith of a daugh-
One.—ln Winglutm, on the 80th ult., the
Wife of Ale. Robert Orr, of 8. dough.
I is/Ann.—Li Merris, on the 11053 inst.,
the wife of Mr. James Ireland 01 :1
DASESIONE.—in Morris, on Sunday, Aug-
ust 0115, the wife of Mr. Jos. Case.
more of a daughter,
Wn,son—Gemitas.—In Atwood, on the
5th inst., at the Methodist parson-
age, by Bev. 1), Bogert, Ma, Nem, H.
Wilson to Miss Mary 75. Graham, all
of Atwood.
Mate with Garrow &Proudfoot, Gods.
rIch,) Barroders, Solleitora. Conveyancers,
6m. Offices—Brussels and Seaforth, Brus.
Sole Office.ltogorsIllook, Main St. Money
to Loam
It, 8.11818. 16.11.11108000.
A M. TAYLOR, 33. C. L.,
.4-3..• Barrister, Solicitor, km, of the firui
of Taylor, McCullough de Burns, Barrister -
Solicitors, dm.. Manning Arcade, Toronto.
Money to loan.
Clerk of the Fourth Dilvision Court.
Co. Huron. Conveyancer, /Notary Publics,
Land, Loan and Insuranoe Agent. Funds
invested and to loan. Collections made.
011108 in Graham's Block, Brussels.
TXTM. F. GALE, M.D., O. M.,
Member of the College of Physician
and Surgeons of Ontario' by examination
Office and Residence —Main street East,
1.1 • C. L.11. C. P., Edinburgh, 501.0, P
S. Ont. At Pepper's Drug Store from 9 to
11:50 0. in. and from 1:30 to 4 5.15, At other
hours may be found at Ms residence, form-
erly Occnnied by Dr. 13 u tab imam Mill sa
7:1 =MT 'I' 100 T,I,Z
G. L. Bell, n. D.8. Nitres Oxide Gas ad-
ministered for the Pciniesa Extraotiou of
Teeth. 74 Gerrard Street East, TOntniTo-
M. CAVANAGH, L. D. Se D• D. S.,
Graduate of the Royal College of Dental
Surgeons, Ontario, and of Toronto Uni-
versity. Orman—Opposite American Hotel.
• Issurer efMarriageLicenses. Oftioe
at his Grooery, Turnborry street, Brussels.
-r_ti• Tonsorial Artist. Shop—Next door
south of A. M. McKay 4, Oo's hardware store.
Ladies,' and childrena hair cutting a speolalty
PATENTSCaveats,Re-issues and Trade
Marko secured and all oth-
er patent causes in the Patent Office and
before the Courts promptly and earefully ,at.
tended to, Upon receipt of model or altotell'
of invention, I make careful examination,
and advise ea to patentabilityfree of enamel.
Feea moderato,aud•I make no charge unless
patent is mewed. Information, advice and
'menial references emit on application. J.
11, L1TTELL, Waelnugton, D.C., U.S. Patent
Office. 06
SHIY11.-111 Toronto ou May 10th, Will.
50.875Smith, formerly of Bruesels,
itged 41 yang.
GATIts.—In California,,, 011 July 20111,
Dirs. DI. A. Gates, meter of Mrs, o'na.
Groper, at Brussels.
20 Lost on Thursday. July lird, on
the street in Wroxeter, a parcel of bills,
amounting to SW, and a promissory note
drawn by John Sanderson in favor of Jane
Walker for 8100. dated Jane ilth, 18811, and
having a payment of 5550 endorsed on the
bast thereof ,dated April 11011, 1800. A. re-
ward of 525,00 will be paid fur the relievers,
of the above, or for such information as will
lead thereto, All parMes are warned against
negotiating the above mentioned note, the
same haviug been lost.
Wroxeter, July 15th,'00, JANIS WALKER.
Notice to Creditors.
. —
In the Matter of CHARLES DAUM% of the
Township of Grey, in the County
of Huron, Farmer, Debtor.
The above named debtor hoe made an
Assignment to me under the provisions of
Chap, 104, R. . 0,, 1887. A Mooting of the
Creditors of the said debtor will be 13e18 at
my offiee in the Village of Oratibrook, in
the County of Huron, on Varna; 8110 22ud
Day of August,inatant, at IMrtlo o'oloolt in
the Afternoon, for axe appointment ot
inspectors a,nd the giving of directions with
reference. to tho 4/mega of the estate.
Bvery person elohning to he entitled to
ran k on the estate is required to furnieh 10
roe partioulare of claim, proved by anidaytt
tnot declaration) and anon; 00515115121 as the
ease admits of.
Cranbrook, August nth, '00. ASMONUE.
Valuable Proyerty
Under nod by virtue of powers of sale
contained in a nortaiu mortgage, which 'will
he produced at the time iof Rale, there will
be aold Wurtiday, Ike mid Stay or 6eps.,
1590, at welock in the afternoen, at the
Mumma HoTra., in the Town of Bnuasnts,
the following valuable property
All that certain unreel of land situate in
tlic Township Of Minis, in the County of
Ninon, containing 100 acing mom or Jammu)
being componed of the North Half of Lot
Number BO, 10 the fith Conooselon of Said
Towniffilp, now in the pOSSeliblod of John
PYThittirtia.—Onatenth Of the mireitase'inoney
to be paid down at the biota of sale. Liberal
terms for halonee 1)0 made knoWn at
the time el sole
Por blether nattleulars apply 10
Vanden' Solicit ora.
441 74 Olnwoh Street, Teton 60,
. • Insurer of Marriage Lieensee, by
appointment of Liout,-Govornor, Commis-
sioner, dos., Q. B. Conveyancer and Agent
Fire Inaurance Co. Office at the Oranbrook
Post Office.
Leirres lirussels every evening on the
arriyal of the beaforth stage, and returns
from Gorrie in the morning in time to catch
the Seaforth atage going out. Tlais rule will
be adhered to until further notice.
S. WALSH, Proprietor.
The undersigned desire to intimate to
the ladies of Brussels and vicinity that they
have opened a Dreasmaking Shop oyor Mr.
Alex, 8 traehan a Store, Bruseels, whore they
are prepared to attend to all work outrusted
to them. Satisfaction guaranteed.
0111. Is destroys of procuring puling in
V mal Music. Prof. Warrington, of Toronto
is pleased to give hie teatiMOUlal aS to MSS
O'Oonnor's ability, she having been a pupil.
of 1119 during her day in Guelph. lustru.
mental Music on Piano, organ and Guitar.
Terms made known on application. Prineese
St., 13rnasels, Mise O'Connor is open for
Clamart Engagements, 85.
auetioneer, is always ready to at-
tend sales of 180,05,50015 stook, &a. Torino
abeerfully given. Oranbrook 2,0. Sales
mity be arringocl at Tun POST Publishing
f.„11.10RGE KIRKBY,
LieenStal Anabloneer. Salim uonduct-
oil on roaeonable torms. Farina and farm
stOOIC t snodalty. OrtlerS left at TUE 200
PUbliShiligIlOnse,Ern MOIR, or sent to Walton
P. 0,, will r naive prompt; attention.
sti as an Auationeer, I am prepared
to 0011,10105 sales of farm atoe'lt at reasonable
prices. Knowing the atanding of nearly
000035 norms. 001 in a position to sell to
good marks and got gond security whon geld
on emelt. Satisfactiou guaranteed. GiVe
me call, 35- 8.800911
TiOnOr Graduates of the Ontario
Veterinary College, nro prepared 10 treat all
diseases of detnesticitted animals in a 0050.
potent manner, l'artlottlar ittenntiat Dahl
to veterinary dentistry. Cams probaptly at-
tended 00. OfIloo and Infirmitry—TWo deers
north Of bridge, Turnberry at, Jiro igiale.