The Brussels Post, 1890-8-15, Page 7AUG. 15. 1890
THE spELs T3,9 s tr,
Tho Boy's Grandmother,
I. fititeh in always dropping in the everlast-
ing kintting
Anil the kneedles that I've threaded, no,
you couldn't count to -day I
And I've hunted fn ;kVg1s, till I 1 nought
my head Was split
When there :Won hey Mrthead no calm us
clocks they lay.
I ye read to her till I Was hoarse, the Psalm
and the Epistles,
When the othe boys were binning to
barrels down the street, :
And I've stayed tont learned my verses when
1110011 their willow whistles,
And I've stayed and said niy chapter with
lire in both my feet.
But there always is a peppermint or a penny
in her pocket ;
There never was a pocket that was half so
Lig and deep;
And she las the candle in my room burn to
the very socket,
While oho stem; end putters round about
till 1 mu sound asleep,
And when I've boon in swimming after
father's said I shouldn't,
And mother hes her slipper off according
to the rule ;
It sounds as sweet as silver, the yaw that
says, "I wouldn't ;
The boy that won't go swimming such a
/lay would bo a fool !"
Somethnes there's something in her voice as
if she gave a blessing,
And I look at her a moment end I keep
still as a mouse ;
And who she is by this time than is no need
of goosing;
For there's nothing like a grandmother to
have abovt the house.
Some Melee Desserts,
Co50.txrr .110uinit'S. —One quart of sweet
milk, five tablespoonfuls of dessicatedsocoa•
nut, three tablespoonfuls of tapioca, a gen-
erous half•enpful of granulated sugar, the
yolks of three egsn, salt and vanilla to taste.
Wash the tapioca and soak for several hours
in plenty of cold water. After draining off
the water, add the tapioca to the milk and
set them on the range in a pudding dish. If
there is the least doubt, tus to the freshness
of the milk, stir hi a pinch of soda, Cover
until the boiling point is reached. Now stir
in two tablespoonfuls of the cocoanut, and,
after drawing the dish to the edge of the
range where the milk cannot non, add
gradually the yolks of the eggs and sugar,
which have been beaten together untillight,
Replays\ oh the hottest part of the range,
stilling continuously until the custard has
thickened. Remove front the fire and set
aside several hours to cool, when silk and
flavoring may be added, and the meringue
spread upon the top.
(Atm—One 001 01 sheed pine -apple, one
half box of gelatine, one cupful (one-half
pint) ef cold water, one cupful of boil-
ing water, one cupful of sugar, the
grated rind and juice of one large or two
small lemens. Cut the pine -apple into large
dice and stew gently in its own juice until
tender. Unless the pi ne•apple is very sweet
add a little sugar —two or three tablespoon-
fuls nceording to the acidity of the fruit.
Soak the gelatine in the cold water until
light, and tender, then add honing water,
sugar and lemon. Stir until the ingredients
bay,/ become tumefied, then strain over the
pine -apple end set on ice to harden. The
pme-ttpple shoul1 be cold before the jelly is
P0001 upon it, ttud if the jelly is also allow-
ed to cool before mixing with the fruit, it
will hasten the sating process. Whip and
sweeten one cupful of oram, and serve with
the jellied pine -apple. The cream should
not be flavored, as the pine -apple and lemon
of the jolly is sufficient flavoring,
CosTARD Pea Sasem.—Roat to the boiling
point one pint of sweet milk. Remove from
the fire and stir ingradually the yolks of
three eggs beaten together with onehalf cup -
111 of granulated sugar. Return to the fire
and stir constantly until thickened sufficient-
ly. Flavor with grated lemon peel. The
custard to be cooked over hot water, or in a
custard•kettle like all boiled custards. If
difficulty is found in removing tho Snow
tom the mould, immerse for an instant in
hot water. Place in a deep dish and pour
the custard about the base.
(Snouts Prees (WITH LEMO)YSAUCE).—One
put of sweet milk, live scant tablespoonfuls
of flourtho yolks of five eggs and Whites of
three, four tablespoonfuls ot melted butter,
a pinch of salt. Whip the whites very. stiff
and add to them the beaten yolks. Then,
with an eggdmater mix in lightly the other
ingredients in the following order: First the
flour, then batter, milk and salt. Have
ready nine earthen oups, generously butter-
ed, and divide tho mixture between them,
Bake in a rather hot oven about 25 minutes.
Tho puffs should have risen almost to the
top at tho oups, and should bo finely brown.
ad. en top, After removing them to 0 deep
dish, pour about them.
LEMON' SAIXIS.—Ono cupful of granulated
sugar, a large tablespoordd of butter, ono
egg, tho grated rind and juice of ono lemon,
sin tablespoonfuls of boiling water. Mix
bntter and sugar, add the beaten egg, next
the letnon and boiling water, beating brisk-
ly for a moment. Set the bowl containing
sauce in boiling water and cook until_ the
consistoney of honey,
NEAVOL1TAX . PUDOINC4, — One pint of
orange juice (requiring seven or eight
medium-sised oranges), one-helf box of gala -
tine, the white of 0110 egg, ono cupful of
sugar, one-half cupful of cold water, ono
cupful of boiling water, 0, few drops of toga.
oolored fruit extract, and the grated rind
and juice of one large lemon. Soak the gela-
tine in the Gold water, add the boiling water,
the juice of oranges end lemon, and tho
sugar, Strain and divide into three equal
parts, pouting one- third into a flat-bottomed
dish and setting away to harden. To 1110
second third, add a few drops of tho color-
ing extract end sot thisalso in a 0001 place,
Lot the remaining portion got thoroughly
cold, and as soon as it shows symptoms of
forming into jolly, add to it the beaten
white of egg, and whip titbil light and
spongy. Pour this into 0 waif mould,
whieh has been dipped in oold water, and
set mum Me for several hours, Remove
from the mould, cut the colored jolly into
51111111 cubes, and heap 01,011 1110 base,
Row to Clean Ornaments.
Clean carved ivory with a 1)0810 01 damn.
oned saw -dust and a few drops of lemon -
juice, Lay it ott thickly, allowit to dry, and
thou remove with a nail,brush.
Alabaster figures aro cleaned with the fol..
lowing mixture: 01)0 0111100 of borax and a
quart, of boiling water. When cog, wash the
figures gently, and dry with a silk lutacilter.
chief. If badly stained try a paste of quielc•
lime and water, and 1111 remain on for a
day 11100 wash off in soap and. water. Oliva
oil cocasionally applied with 0 soft woolen
loth harms buM cabinets Alla ormolu orna-
ments bright ; clean off a11 of tho dust,
lirenzes may bt. pinegel into baling mils.' 41,BOTRICAL,
er until warm, then with eisto.suds .
um] 11181 with 4,1,1 lineneloths. 11 111 8111'
1111(1 try booi-WitX i111.1 tiirpoutine, rub -
last on Mid (dr wit 1 lan soft dabs. sweet
/di, and, polishing wi, h hamois, i '5(1 11'
I Ouns .
Buying Potatoes,
Whim the prudent housekeeper las nsole
0 -hi', she is 1. 1 e if elm orders hey pet •
ittoes direst Is' loan the grower, thereby say-
ing from 20 to 25 /salts per bushel. 11 poo-
galdp, ;4;001 110 USIA 1, l.Ortl 110111
; I.114,1(1 erases are made to hold a, Inithel,
and they van be taken to the grocer, who
will fill /U81 return them t 801110 Ittr11)011.1
fu rn ish them, eliargiim their mice extra, The
advantage 15 that the potatoeo are net tum-
bled about ftild bruised, and that they are
convenient Lo handle, while an occasional
change of the position 01 11(0 orate in the eel.
lar gives an: on all sides and retards the
growth of sprouts. 111 the construetion of
these crates, four p0818 110 Melt square form
the foundation, ancl to them are nailed strips
01 101) 1711101108 in length, footling an inter-
ior 1 0 inches Sq.Mtre.
Boas and Bed Coverings,
Beds ought to be neither too havil 100 100
soft and matresses and pillows of hair are
best. Soft beds are enervating. Ponons
unused to them tun always uneornfortable
when forced to occupy an unaccnotomed
0011011. They 1011080 rest is spoiled by a
hard bed never make good travelers or en-
dure hardships cheerfully. To the well-
trained person a couch on spruce boughs in
the North woods is better than Sybarite
Luxury. And who lvould bo slave to a
mode of sleeping?
Bed-eoverings should be light and suffi-
ciently, wain, but not too warm. The ohl-
fashioned 'comforter, noloss 100,10 of cheese-
cloth, ought to be disearded in favor of
woolen blankets, which, together with mat-
tress, ought to Its frequently aired and
sunned. Undee-yests worn during the clay
should be 011011501 11 night and= each set
aired when unueed. Pillows need not be
largo, as it is a mistake to raise the head
high above the level of the body.
Artemis Ward's Last Jest.
When the fantods wit lay dying in South-
ampton he was tended by his devoted friend
"Tom" Robertson, the English playwriter,
who was also a friend of Joffe/nom
"Just before Ward's death," writes Mr.
Jefferson, "Robertson poured out some
medicine in a glass and offered it to his
"Ward add, 'My dear Tom, I can't take
that dreadful stuifi'
" 'Come, come,' said Robertson, urging
him to swallow the nauseous drug ; there's a
dear fellow. Do now, for my sake; you know
I 100011 110 anything for you.'
" 'Would yuu 1' said Ward, feeblyotretch-
ing oat his hand to gins]) his friend's, per.
haps for the lust time.
" 'I would, indeed,' said llobertson.
" Then you take it,said Ward. The
humorist passed 4WILV bet 0 few hours after-
The Phonograph at .Stanley's Wedding.
The phonograph figured at a wedding for
the first time at the marriage of Miss Ten-
nant and Mr. Stanley. Three of them were.
placed inWeas/lu
niuster Abbey ring the
service. ne was pliteed in the tower, to
record the full sound of the wedding bells.
The second phonograph wits placed by the
mgan, to note t le mum (11111 the n edding
march. The third was placed in the choir,
to give the hymn a,s sung by the voices.
These records have been preowned by Col.
0 00 rand to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley, so that
sny time hereafter the wedding bells, the
organ and the voicea will sound as on tile
12th day of July, 1800,
"P1103' say there's been a dreadful nod
dent at the country fain"
"What happened?"
"1, lawyer stood up before the whole
crowd and shot off his mouth."
The Inoonsistenoies of Life,
Husbantl—How about that batch of funny
matter ?"
Wile—It all Carrie beak.
Husband --And that article on "How to
Write Jokes ?"
Wife—It was accepted.
Mutual Confession.
"I suppose I ought to tell you that I am
a somnambulist," said the fear young girl,
after saying "Yes."
" Well," replied the happy young man,
"80 1111' as that is eoncerned I'm sotnething
of a freethinker myself." •
In the Std.
Mr. Boldboy (smiling killingly)—"The
waves are using you rudely. Will you per.
mit me to assist you to the sltore ?"
Miss Waterly—"Novor mind, thank you.
The Wares may be rude, butt they are not
Photographer—I am very sorry, miss, but
the negative neve taken is no good."
Miss Do Vero (in full dress) —What is the
matter with it ?
Photographer—It is spoiled by overex-
Miss Do Vere—Sir 1
Looking Forward.
Visitor (to Ohleago, 1803)—"I presume if
I follow this orowdl will reach. the World's
Fair, won't 1 I"
Poliecinan—"No-o, six, but you'll reach
the grand outpourhe of citizens tit Patriot
Hall, to argyuabout selootin' 0 site for the
World's Fans
Reason Dethroned,
Anxious Mother—"I want an order to
send my daughter to an asylum for treat-
ment. She is going to marry 1111101 thirty
years older than herself."
Jadge—"Why, madam, girl's marry old
men every day, and are not considered
Anxious Mothats—"Yos, hot the old man
my daughter wants to marry is poor,"
Tionovolont—"Well, Frits, you 501 101111)'
pod in school to -day?" "Yes, but did not
hurt," "Bayou eortaitilyhave beet crying?"
"Oh, 1 wanted to let the teacher have a lit.
tie pleasure ottt of it."
Johnny (reading aloud It tale of advon.
tttre)—" And lie was oast on a desolate
Alton and 110 did not see the hum of a inan
for years," Sistor Kate—"Whyonamma 1
the poor unfortunate musthave beenwreek.
ed. on the beaoh whine we wore last Summer,
Wo were there three months yen remember,
and didn't 800 5111511 the whole time,"
11 Dottrel.. liNtieelnielii v N:eiv Departure
...51,,,01,,113 Applied fir 01i0 1414' 11111
-.t El.111 lire or 1140 1,01 broil tog
rpoituntrot s: ni • t en ern.' '14,44.
In 111,, emus. o1 some very delieate cdectri-
cal evpurifeentil which wore 'wing c,miluct•
ell, menet tinie ago et Harvard linirernity,
1)10 instrIlinstItti wore so disturhed, that it
WaS 1ol1101 imposeible 1 proeetal 01111 ehe
work eXeept a few hours in 11111111-
(4111., night 811 010(11115 was quiet,
trains, 0110-11 pilMtifal 1,1111441 fro itt 11 diStftlIve
1tho1(1 half 0 111110, 111141 partly from the
ri yid beat of the feet of the baseball players
in an adjoining gtsfund. A. remedy was
00(1111 113' adopted by the pbming of a very
heavy stone, 5ep0101e/1 by thisk Myers cif.
rubber, on the top of the independent, brick
11101 111) which the experitnentel apparatus
was placed, After that neither the rush of
the express train nor the fiercest slide to
seemul base had the slighest effect on the
labors IA the °Mariann. •
A striking . Instance of the important.
effect on an industry which the use of
elearioity May have is afibrdal by the new
departure in the manufacture of cellulose
paper. 'This paper le of particularly line
texture, bid 111 eoneetillence of the high cost
of its nutnufacture the supply hes 1)0111 much
restricted. Now, however, the shredded
wood is put Lino leaddined hullers with a
solution of common salt and electrolyzed
for three and a half lima The nascent
chlorine bleaches the wood fibre to 0 snow.
white silky substance, and the result is the
production of paper at a tithe of its former
English electricians 000111 determined to
keep the lead they have been lately taking
in the application of electrieny to private
vehicles. No sooner is the 81)00058 of the
electrical omnibus and the electrical dog
cart an assured fact, than the report of an
electrically 115110111 1)001)51001 is published
in the English papers. 'the brougham has
two dress lamps --one at each side—gm-usual,
and the electric: current is connected with
these by means of the ordinary wires run be-
neath the upholstery inside the vehicle. A
battery fitted up tvith accumulators oat.
ain't for an eight•hours' run th fixed inside
the box on whiehl the coachman cats. In ad-
dition to the otitsido lamps, there is tut in-
candescent lamp fixed h1 the roof of the car-
riage at the rear, and as this is covered by a
colored globe the effect produced is unique.
The lamps at each side give an 0005110111
light for the coachman, and the one inside
efteetnally illuminates the interior of the
bronghain. The whole of the lights can be
worked by the aohnum as
without the let
111 isturlaee ennui partly torn railroad
It has never been questioned that some
met; have greatness thrust upon them, but it
seldom happens that a man is made rich in
spite of himself. Charles Williams, Jr.,
whose name has been so intimately connect -
ea with that of Prof. Alexander C. Bell in
the history of the telephone, may be said to
have had this singular experience, Mr.
Williams, back in the "forties," Wee a
maker of elects:Mal appesatus and supplies.
Prof. Bell met him, and together they
lowed out a series of experiments in practi.
cal telephony, which led to their establish-
ing 0 private line, with somewhat crude
magneto call bells an11 switchboard devices.
The Williams factory also supplied for a
considerable time the material required by
the National Bell Telephone Company.
Presently the bills came rolling in, but the
company -was not in funds, and its shares,
which wore not in very good repute, were
the only available setoff'. With the great-
est reluctance Mr. Williatns accepted uoine
of the steels, on the prineiple that 11011 11 loaf
is better than no bread. Another botch of
bills became due. and in spite 01 1111 emphatic
protest the manufacturer had again to sub-
mit to a transfer 01 1118 mune to tho unwel-
come Bell stock. In the course of time came
the telephone boom, ancl the patient but
somewhat weary manufacturer suddenly
found himself a millionaire,
One of the features of the forthcoming
Frankfort Electrical Exhibition will be a
large electric boat, driven by storage but-
teries, and capable of carrying 100 persons.
The boat will ply on the River Main, and
will play an important poet in the traffic
between the interior of the city and the
eastern part where the exhibition is situated.
.1.1 the lust mooting of the committee 01 111»
exhibition, a very wise resolution, and one
which it is to bo hoped rill be adopted
hereafter in the mausgement, of similar func-
tions, was p0o5d 11 was decidad that in
consideration of.the expense to which ex-
hibitors would be put, a oortain proportion
of the profits of the undertaking should be
put aside for their benefit. It was subse-
quently resolved that ono -half the net pro.
fits should be distributed among the exhibis
tors hi proportion to their respective ex-
An English Member of Parliament has
patented an invention in whioh electricity is
made Ilse of for improving the extraction of
gold. .An elearmal journal, in making a
note of the Mot, expresoes a most feeling re-
gret that some readier means isnot available
for the extraction from the pockets .of its
subscribers of the gold which has been so
long overdue.
Prof. J. E. Sweat makes a very welcome
proposal for the nnproyement of the streets
in which the electric car is about, to take the
place of the horse ear. He proposes to 1101.
row up the roadbed to the miniimun whlth
that the tralfie will require. This he con-
siders should not exceed 14 or 10 feet,
Permanent curbstones would then be set,
and from the top of the curbstones to the
sidewalk wortlit be 0 perfect lawn. The ad.
vantages claimed aro tho getting rid of the
rails in the roadway and the narrowing down
of the roadbed to a width that eon be well
paved foe the mune money that it is badly
done for now. It will east loss for repairs,
will give loss dost, and the grass strips will
make travelling cooler, healthier, and inuelt
more pleasing to the eye than it was under
the old conditions.
The ability 01 1110 01001110 53510111 of street
oar propulsion toilet/11e enormous loads was
defnonstre.ted in many places &m-inDecora•
tion Week. In Buffalo, on the following
Sunday, the font electric ears of the street
railway oompany carried over 15,000 pas.
A. tvial was recently 1111110 111 Pennsylvania
of int electric mai cutting machine. The
dynamo 10118 51, the ontranoo to the colliery
and tho power was transinittod by wires to
the place whore the eater was doing its
WOrk. The mann= weighed 1,200 petunia,
and was managed by ttvo mom At the trial,
the point of which was over a mile from the
shaft, the machine made ast undercut fottr
inches high, throe feat wide, and four .foot
deep in two minutes and ten seconds, The
machine cuts with it, rotary motion with a
series of ;angers, and its work is elean mid
Chinese "Shiers'. Prefeereit le Die Mother
Men he iird.
'rho Nhi (Chin11,) saym 1 There
prevailing eustotn 111 the district .alled
4.11.e0115te1, 111 0'14111.011 proVillev, itniolv;
111410 society 10 1811 difterent kinds of igeter;
hoods, tenth as " All Pure" nisterhoods,
' N.-ver-lo.he.Married"• sisterhoods, 0...
Saelt sisterhood of ;demi ten young
inaidens, who swrar roas 10 13014,5i,11 1101,1.
to get utorron, its they regard marriage as
se/malting ilovria, believing dut their mar -
dna lire, it 1,0 miserable rind 111.11.4 ;
1.11,1 lilo 1)r001115 14111 10 prevail upon tlese
to yield. A sad ease just happened. A
band of young maidens ended their rmistenee
in this world by drowning in the Draw.1
river because one of theta was forced by her
parents to lie mussed. She was engaged
tn her childhood before she Joined 11115010151.
had made all the neves-
1 1.1.1111;401C p
in c n Ls for 1 te r marriage she ('0'
1)01-101 the affair to the other members of ,
her sisterhood, who at 01111t0 agreed to die '
for 151 011000 if she mumbled constant to
her sworn vows to be single and virtuous.
Should she violate the laws of the/sisterhood
and yield to her parents her life was to be
made most unpleaoant by the °thee mom -
hors, and she wouid be taunted as a worth-
less being. tilie consulted with them as to
the best mode of escaping this marriage,
01111 they all agreed to /lie with her if the
could plan 01 run away front her parents
on the night of the marriage. As there
10000 10003' friends to watch her movements
it was almost impsable for 100 10 escape ;
so she attempted her life by swallowing a I
sold ring, but any serious consequence that ;
tnislithave resulted was prevented by the '
administration of a powerful emetics By
bribing the female servants she was taken
one night to her sisters under the cover of
darkness. The sisters 01 111100 joined with
her to terininate their lives by jumping into
tho Dragon river, with its swift currents,
which rnpidly carried them off. This kind 1
of tragedy is not uncommon in this part of 1
the land,
A Conductor Killed.
Tonos:To, Aug. 4..--Waltee POWel I, an Old
employe of the Grand Trak and who for a
nutnber of years has been Coi.ductor of Dm
mixed train running between Toronto and
Belleville, wits killed the other el ternoon at
Vet* station at abont 2 o'clock. The de-
ceased had taken his train, which leaves the
Union station at 1.45, ont 00 for as York
when another car was taken on. The con-
ductor was standing on a siding and had
Met given the signal to start when he Wais
struck by a yard engine whiell approached
him from behind, Hu was thrown under
the wheels and 1 MS horribly cut and mangled.
The remains were brought to Toronto and
were taken to W. II. Stone's undertaking
establishment. He lived at 715 Ontario
All Men
young, old, or middleaged, who find them-
selves nervons, week and exhausted, who
are broken clown from exoes or overwork,
resulting in many of tile following symp-
toms 1 Mental depression, premature old
Igo, loss of vitality, loss of memory, bad
dreams, dimness of sight, palpitation of the
heart, emissions, lack of allergy, pain in the
kidneys, headache, phnples on tho face or
body, itching or peculiar sensation about the
WrOttlIn, \vesting of the organs, dizziness,
speaks before tlie eyes, twitching of the
muscles, eye lids and elsewhere, bashfulness,
deposits in the urine, loss of will power,
tenderness of the scalp and spine, weak and
dabby muscles, desire to sleep, failure to be
rested by sleep, constipation, dullness of
hearing, loss of voice, desire for solitude, ex-
citability of temper, sunken eyes surround-
ed with LEADEN MULE, oily looking sltin,
etc., are all symptoms 01 11010008 debility
that lead to insanity and death unless cured.
The spring or vital force haying lost its
tension every function wanes in consequence
Those who through abuse committed in
ignorance may be permanently oured. Send
your address for book on all dimes peculair
to man. Address M. V. LIMON, 50 Front
St. E., Toronto, On. Books sent free sealed.
Heartdisease, thesymptomsof which arefaint
spells, purple lips numbness, palpitation,
skip beats, hot &slum, rush of blood to the
head., dull pain inthe heart withbeats strong,
rapid and irregular, the second heart beat
quicker than the first, pain about the breast
bone, otc., canpositively bo cured. No mire,
Ito pay. Send for book. Address M. V,
LUBON, 50 Front Street East, Toronto,
She—” It will be a pleasure for Inc to
share your troubles and anxieties," Re--
" Ina6 I haven't any," Sho—" Oh, you will
have when WEI an married 1"
We cheerfully rthonunend any prepara-
tion thitt 5t011015 115 high as SLOCUM'S OXY.
LIVER OIL. It has crept into the confi•
deuce of the public solely through its mane.
For wasting diseases of throat or lungs all
druggists will testify to its efficacy.
The moment wo come to understand God
we lova God.
Beaty bottle of Dr. Harvey's Southern
Red Pine for coughs dna eolds is warranted
The reason the devil hates us is become
Clod loves us,
Mr, Fangio (admiringly—What an ex-
quisite carnage Mrs. Sinume has 1
Mrs. Fangle--Has she? Why, she'salwn.ys
walking When 1 see her.
LtilStIJcE.NuNegleE, T8E1.E PTLI1E0,111nmg,raotlittraioo,f0Azsae.
paintings were so universally admired a few
years since at the Fine Art, Exhibition of the
Education Department, has been appointed
Art Director in Lansdowne College, Man.
Scores of Alma's graduates aro 11001,' engaged
in teaching private classes or in Schools and
Colleges and aro thus proolaiming the 1)0110'
111 thariteter of Aline's instruction, For
110 pp. Calendar address P14.11,WirAt, Austu,
11. D.
Genius may he swift, but perseverance has
the surest feet
A. P, 1114
&TUMORS Without the knife
b ancersnIzmit;natet0.1
T51041)005'a52 STEWART MIN; CO.,
OEM and MOW; :STAN PS, 10 111215 W.
0 von to. Write for circulars, The el.thst
mann faeturors in Canatia.
10, J. IMAM II "%Nakao St., serolato
ANT& In e,.ory town in tho Dominion
reliable me a le rem:esent the Domin len
111115 fund Loan A0010, 65.67 Yong° st„ 'Toronto,
O OUTTII,7G $01100.1.1, 5010811110and reliable systems taught, whereby
nerfeet.fitting garments arcl prodttood,
send for circular, 5, OORBIGAN, Prom, 63
KihR St, West.
rtoniteis enticng 01100111)11, of 'Persian
01tog ,tri,chidrens skirs:
021 uiuEntega03ga"(11,15110.whoe ths class Of wOrk18(011
) In its First Stages.
;Palatable as 1V1ilk.i
) Be mire you get the genuine in Salmon
) color wrapper; sold by all Druggis:s, at
501. and 81,00,
) SCOTT & BOWNE, Belleville.
Bob valuain the Dominion. F. E. DIXON&
CO., Makers, 70 King street Emit, Teronto,
rat -sena for Price Lists and Disnount,03,1
Lends all other Colleges In Canada In the num-
ber of Matriculants prepared annually.
11517 Special indueements arc °trend to those
yquirIng 0 Business EA aragion. Send for
calendar. Address Persmiess Dvest, MA,
EICIIIittS can make niOneY tiering vaca-
JJ tion by rallolosIng for 050 00 more of our
fast selling nooks and J3lb10s especially History
of .natla, by W. If. Withrow, D.D., latest and
hest edition ever published, prises JOIY, terms
Wr.ta for illustrated circulars and
terins. WM. 13 111 0 0 , Publisher, Toronto.
AGENTS WANTE 11—S1,f money. Choicest
books. Control of territory. Apply at
once, E, N, 3100511 & 011.120 Venice St., 011010105n
$3 PER DAY—Good men and 100111011,e U Fast seiling, article. J. E. Mose.,
IS Victoria street, l,oronto.
USailing weekly between MONTREAL and
'LIVERPOOL. Saloon Tickets $49, 60,and 660
Return Tickets, Slin 500 and 5110, according to
steamer and accommodation. Intermediate $20
.8100811100030. ,Apply ton, 1.11""e' Gon
.a Manager, I :: it nu 1 115 (20.,
T031 Hot78E SQUARE, 1410111,11EAL, Or to -Local
Agents in all Towns and Cities.
E:SMaEN tby the11Tldest, lrget and
4A E110W1 NurserND
les in the West. Ex.
norlones not 11' 00)'.Pennant:1n peSitioni
Good per. We 0 l 0080. Get to work NOW
while 111 easy In sell and territory unworked.
Send for Catalogue.
S P EC 8131311012 8l0uSt0N-J,il0tIi.
I A I. Aug, 110, JIsolcephllg, 11100111001
shin, Shorthand.Typencriting. Unique plan.
Instruction -mornings, special excursions after
norms. eh:Milers free. Canadian College of
eommeree, Public Library 11)61)10 1,1,, Toronto.
14,1 1,1' Catalogue.
•neon at once tie 0 11121II1 earrra,
and a natualte 'treats% This remcdr
sag tad,. .d mar and la IvrrecUr
us 444,11srlotis Limo ate used ins
ita prepatatIoll. I will 001,111 It ;a 4Usa.
in ewers 1000. s'I,Pre other meows hats Wad.
My !sawn Aar .11.4l114 a tree 1,01110 : waa the
ta, Wills to I,-, awl, re,:,,its
d ),,udIC11001.
1114 a trial, _ana ras Jattl
IS artils, Lei. Express and
ima inns. Adore. I
H. CI, ROOT M. C., 186 VVost Adelaide at.
Toronto, Ont,
Th elr increasing popularity bit proof of the
superiority. 130 sure and got a Oonboy top on
Your bug,gv.
As the hanis ao not come in
minuet with the wain; , chap
s aided and Hors hands
80910'01'51'd. Tins mop being
wrung at 1101110 length there
is 1(0 01000115 or stritinhvg o
the beekoor ehoulders. Th,
hands are not soiled or distig
unit, hy the wringing of 1
11 1 th 0, 50e053
cloth. As tin
clothing is no
drenched o.
disfigured ita
in ordinar3
In opning ne
01)80101 500900
tidal if regale.
ed. The use o
is another im
portant advantage impossible with tho ordir
ary hand -wringing MOO The flour wash°
easier, cleaner and quicker, and dries quicker.
Tarbox'Bros., 73 Adel, 121e St. IT., Toronto
23 Wat erloo St.. St. John, N.B.
katX hfile
itUbleac vi°10
84144 tvon sitottai°
reel Interne?, Estemadly. 1'rIces50c.$1)51.7!
PONDINETRACT N.liese.York &Landes
Cheapest and
Atnerica to buy
Band and )luslea
Musks &a
Food of Health
For Children and Ad ulls.
Invaluable for Indigestion and
Co n sti potion.
FRANKS & CO,_, London, England, Proprietor
MONTREAL 0.swICH, 17 St. John Steam.
Dr. T, E. Allinson, 1)11.0.110, London, sayS:—
" Dike Dr.Niehois' `.t000d of Health' very much
and find it of groat dietetic value in 11100>1 101
elkies. As a breakflin dish I prefor it to oa
meal. For the reguiation of the bowels it can
not bo surprosed.`r Send fors/mete FREE.
Will Reopen Sept. 1, 1890 (30tli year)
The first of the Ladies Colleges, Has Uni-
versity affiliation, gvaduating course on Liter-
ature, :Music and Ar;, followed by Diploma fn
each. ltomus may bo secured now. 101' torms
address the Prinelpal,
Spey, A. Burtxs, D.D., LLD,
!A Cli/NE
After many years o
suffering from heart dit
mum, indigestion, weal,
nese, headache, oto.
St. Loon Watet
cured Ace Entirely.
I 11011' rejoice in goo.
health.—ivirs. J. Oloutte:
Thousands vouch to the
truth of above. Wh.T
then drag Wong 01litF0, I
and pain? Drink St Leolt
you will rejoice.
The Palate Hotel a
Springs in P.Q. nos'
open for the reeeptions:
Miters. For narticulas
St. 14'011. in 1[11(4%1 Water Co., Vtd,
Or to St. Leon Springs, Quo.
ki OS
Ihacsalled for Mohnen ant Beatty of eattiaeo
They are the MIX ToVES that
There is nothing like them for Strength, Coloring
or Fastness.
DESPootage AUSISTWO Dim otherPseisthe mutat.
It you doubt 11, try lb 1 Your Money will be re,
funded it yal1 aro Oa convinced attor trial. 'Fifty.
fouroolora too made itt Turkish Dyes, embracing
ell new shades, and °thereon added no 4001a taleY
become fashionable. They are warranted to dos
mom goods 000 1)0 It batter than any other Dyes.
SamePriceasInferiorDye,3.0 cstststo
Canada Toenail 481 Bt. Pool Street, Motareal.
Bentkpostal for Saw* Cara andHoOk inairactioW
Tt) PRE EDITORI—Please Inform you, -enders that 1 have a positive remedy fok
above named disease. 13y its Steely use thousands of hopeless; ..;sSes have been permanently cured,
I shall •te glad to seed two betties of my remedy MICE to asky ,S your readers who haw Con,
sumptIon if they will send mide their Express and Post Office AddroSO. k'tespectfully. Ti A. CiLMNI14
M.O. IRS Vifost pefelao Gt.. TORONTO, ONTARiO.
With Upright or Horizontal 13oilers.
I 2, 16, 20, 25 Suitable for all work.
and 30 H.P. ThreshinlIaVihst.5140,
Traction Engines
2, 76 and 20 Horse -power.
For the North.West.
Mond Mr Cirtlidier.
&terms Engine Works GA