The Brussels Post, 1890-8-8, Page 88 1H1.;SSLS 1-.:0$11`. AuGustr 8, 1890. Are you troubled in deciding. I Oa a wee present for —A LADY— Or is it the ou difficulty of find- ing a nice and suitable gift for it Inay be YOUR HUSBAND or some other GENTLEMAN then if so the problem is solved for we have just received a large selection of FOlathIN PERS. These are the most useful present you ean make anyone that does any writing, (and who does not) that you can possibly buy, and one that will be a continued remind- er of the thoughtfulness of the giver. We claim to have the beet in the market so buy them only from G. A. Deadman. DI11300IST, BOORAELLIM FANOT GOODS DEALER. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION W. 0. & B. Trains leave Brussele Station, North and Spada, as follows; Gorse Sanaa. Gorse NORTH. Mail 0:53 a.m. Mixed 9:20 a.m. EXpress 11:45 a.m. Mail 3:06 lffixod 0:55 p.m. Express 9:45 p.m. Iptal Yttius gtems. A chiel's amang ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. Ion for sale. Geo. Good. BEN,. R. Paul will preach at Atwood next Sabbath. VERY large stock of Fall goods coining to A. R. Smith's. lenw tweeds, new worsted coatings coming to hand. A. R. Smith. Ir you want a new buggy go to Jas. Walker, carriage maker, Brussels. EOUSE aud lot to rent on Sept. let. Apply at THE Poem Publishing House. Near Sabbath evening Rev. Mr. Sel- lery's topis will be the "Profit of Godli- ness." SECOND hand baby carriage for sale cheap. Apply at THE Pon Pablishing House. ONE second band wagon, one second hand buggy and 5 tons binder twine for sale at B. Gerry's. ROUSE and lot on Elizabeth street for sale. Will be sold at a bargain. Apply to W. B. DICKSON, Brussels. Wrir, the persons who hare not yet paid their subscription to aid the suf- ferers by the reeent fire kindly do so AT ONCE, so that the matter may be straight- ened up. TO BENT.— Rooms over Mrs. Kirk's :fancy goods store, lately occupied by the Misses MoNe.ughton, dress makers. Suit- able for an office. For terms, apply to Mrs. Kirk, opposite Queen's Hotel. WANTED, by let September, a house "with not less than 7 rooms, modern con- veniences, lawn and kitchen gorden. Liberal rent will be paid for suitable place. Will purchase if satisfactory. Apply to R. L. TAILOR, Barrister. WELL -Dream AND Dandrim.—George Birt has all the necessary machinery for digging and drillin wells and is proper - ad to ttend to all work entrusted to Lim in a way that will insure satisfaction. Wells cleaned out and put in proper shape. Terme easonable. Residence second door north of the bridge, west gide of Tarnberry at., Brussels. 43-tf WEDNESDAT night fire Was discovered in Walter jackeon's stable, but ready hands soon put it out. How it started is a mystery. Had it not been noticed when it wag a serious conflagration might have been the result as Mr. Jaelt- son s dwelling ie cdoSe by ; as it was the inside of the stable was badly scorched. .A horse standing in the stall where the fire started was nearly suffocated. CARD OE THANEC—WO desire to take this opportunity of expressing our thanks to the many kind friends in Brussels and vioinity who so kindly and generously same to our aeeistance with money and household articles when our all, or near- ly so'was consumed in the fire of last week. To say that we are grateful is a feeble expression of our feelings and we hope it may sometime be in our power to retinal the kindness. MissES SAMPLE. Brussels, Aug. 6, 1890. Lisr of passengers tieketed this week by 3. T. Pepper, C. E'. R. Agent, Brus. gels MoNaughton, to Chicago, Ill. ,• J. D. Ronald, to Picton, 11. S. ; Robert Shaw, Jamestown, to Boissevain, Man.• Anti. Forrest, Jamestown, to Sault 'Ste. Marie, Ont.; Joseph MoKins may, Bluevale, to Boissevain, Mao.; Geo. Halliday, to Detroit ; Mrs. Dunford and Lorne, to Detroit; Miss Smith, to Grend Rapids, Mich. ; Wm.. Boland, Harlook, to Lafayette, Ind, Swum Dumf.—A very good summer drink is made by putting about two :spoonfuls of oatmeal into a tumbler of water, or in making a larger quantity, ta pounds of elbMeal in a pail of cold water. It is made still more refreshing by the addition of a few slices of lemon, though this is not absolutely decessary.' The W'eetern hunters and trappers long ago considered this the best of drinks, as 11 18 at once nourishing and satiefying, and yet unstimalative. A wide and long experience, especially in Earope,warrants praise of the virtues of oatmeal water as a sammer drink for men engaged in hot and laborioue occupations. It is drank in considerable quantities at many of the tolling mills, blast furnaces, and glue works throughout England and Sfootland, as well as in this enuntry. Zb is far more strengthening to sustain the toiler through wetland exertion in a high temperature than the stimulating beers and ales Welt are frequently and in some places customarily resorted to be men in these occupatione, while it inattore not.what beat the workman lin. aorgoemo he linty consume any desired quantity -of the oatmeal water without any injurious oonsequences whatever. This drink much tonalities all theA can be fond in 00, beer, or porter, even as regards finale pfietieular qualities for whialt the latter are used by men whose daily employmesit is in an overheated Atmosphere. —=YOU MAY EXPECT -- GREAT BARGAINS Ready-made Clothing, Boots 8c Shoes, Dress G-oods, Prints, Tweeds, Gents' Furnishings, Hats, Etc., UNTIL, OUR STOOM IS G-12/01.r1114Y R,13333T_TCUT). -se-o-un 07330m1JN,T tsniZVA.N W. Nightingale & Co., Brussels. A um sale on Saturday. Geo, Good. WE pay strict attention to oar own business. A. R. Smith. A DEW second hand buggies for sale at a bargain. Jas. WALKER. A revs summer goods left, will clear at a sacrifice. A. R. Sinith. Tan first instalment of this year's orop of flax is being delivered at the mill here. Tan briokwork at Wm. Ble.shill'e new block is completed and the tar and sand roof will be put on at once. JUST received at Mrs. E. Rogers', the Palace Store, two oases new dress goods and closkings. The very newest styles. Call and see them. Tan intense heat last Sunday, coup- led with threatening rain toward evening, had the effect of diminishing the number of church goers. CARD OD Taarais.—I desire to return my sincere and hearty thanks to the people of Brussels for their geuerous donation to :midst me in making good the loss sus. tained by the recent fire. Their prompt action is very highly appreciated by me. Brussels, Aug. 6,1890. Otto. EDWARDS. Now MARBLE Womis.—The firm of Johnston & Cochrane, stone cutters, &o. has opened out are prepared to 611 all orders for monuments, tombstones, markers, fences, &c., in a workmanlike manner and at living pricee. Satisfao• tion guaranteed in eyery case. Don't place your order without matint on them and seeing their samples and ascertain- ing prices. Shop nearly opposite the Town Hall, Brussels. BASIMALL.—On Thursday of last week the Brnssels baseball club went to St. Marys and played 0, match with the team of the stone town. The match was char. aclerized by no less than nine errors by the visitors, and was generally an "off" day. In the 4th innings the home nine took advantage of the loose play and got in 9 runs, and this practically gave them the match, although they were blanked in the three succeeding innings. The ninth innings was not played as the game was called so late our boys had to make a rush for the train. St. Marys has a good team and play a good game of ball. They were re -enforced on Thursday by Iwo or three outside players. J. Sander- son and N. McLaughlin, of the 'Unions,' played with Brussels and rendered vei- nal:4 assistance. The following score will furnish additional particulars of the game: BIIIISAHLB. 10.0, ST. KARTS. 10,0. 0 4 Nolan,rf Gerry, of. 3 2 J. Ross, 2n cl b 0 1 MoIntyre, ard b ...2 3 Sanderson, If 1 4 Mitolmil, lf 2 3 Hart. a 2 3 Malian let b 2 2 areLaughtin, rf —2 3 Leperge. end b 2 2 Branahman, Alex. McKay, 2nd, Noble Ourrle, ard b * 3 Emmett, c 1 8 Gerry, 3rd, Joe Ballantyne ; 41h, Sarah D.Rosa, 1st b 0 4 Collins, of .........Btrattou,sa .... 0 4 Bayer, as 1 2 Laird. Coal cart, Alex. Smith and Wm. —1 2 James. No. 1 Reel, J. G. Skene and D. Grower, p 0 2 Ford, p s — — —— O. Roes: No. 2, D. McKenzie and Wm. 24 Totala 16 21 Rev, Jim. Ross, B. A., hi away for a few week's variation. Thera will be no service in Melville church for the next two Sabbaths. BINDER Twinn.—Five tone beet binder twine in stock ae follows : —Blue Ribbon, Manilla Flax and Silver composet binder ewine. B. GERRY. I MIND my own business and sell new, bright and sparkliug goods at right prices, that's one reason why I had snob rapid success in business. A. R. Smith. THE woollen factory has received a freshening up °oat of paint to cover the damage of the Iota fire. W. 11. Wilson has replaoed the plate glass windows in his store with a 4 -light sash in each window. Oen olever and obliging milliner, Miss Green, is now away buying fall millinery and intends making a grand display of all the latest novelties. Due notice will be given of our opening days. Mas. E. Rooms. Oti Sunday morning of last week Dr. Graham's gray driver cut an ugly gash in her neck, supposed to be done by get- ting the strap twisted by whieh she was tied. The veterinary had to pat in seven or eight stitches to close up•the wound. THE Toronto World says :—"At a danoe in McKillop township recently the staid, old-fashioned Brussels Pose is authority for the statement that there were 101 gentlemen and 9 ladies present. In pioneer days this would have been called a stag danoe." LoTT'S LIVElir.—The attention Of t110 Public is called to the fact that Levi Lott keeps a first•olass outfit of good drivers and new, comfortable buggies. Every attention will be given to those favoring him with their patronage. Stable just east of Dr. Graham'e block, King street. Give him a call as his rates will be found within the reach of all. a DENTAL NOTICE.—Notice is hereby given that all dental work left unfinished by me will be completed by Dr. Cavan- agh, my successor, on the same terms as agreed upon by myself. All outstanding accounts are to be settled at tha office opposite the American Hotel, Brussels. I desire to return my best thanks to the public for their generous support and ask a continuance of the same to Dr. Cavan- agh. E. A. Manna, L. D. S. 2 - Fritz Bamann.—The annual meeting of the Brussels Fire Brigade was held on Monday evening, in the Counoil chamber, Chief Scott in the chair. The following officers were elected :—Chief, P. Scott ; Captain, A. Corrie; lst Lieutenant, Jas. Rose; 2ud Lieutenant, Silas Jackson; Searetary•Treaeurer, F. S. Scott. lat ScorTe by 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Bruesels 0 3 0 0 4 0 0 0— 7 St, Marya to 1 2 9 0 0 0 +—la .8. returu match will be played shortly on Victoria Park in this place, when some good hall playing may be expected. Costeirtmarsay.—The Toronto Empire says: "Rev. Ghosn B. Howie, M.A.., Ph. D., ia a living witness to the truth of the old time saying "Where there's a will there's a way." Without sight and with hardly adequate knowledge of the Eng- lish tongue, hIr. Howie began hie Wadies at the University of Edinburgh for the Gospel niinietry ton years ago. His action appeared to the professors at first as hardly intelligible. They thought he would listen to the lectures, but would never dare to present himself for exam. ination, but very soon they saw that he could pass his examinations and gain prizes too, amidat the generous applause of his fellow students. In 1885 he ar- rived in the Dominion, travelled all over, entertaining and instructing audiences by his lectures on the "Lands of the Bible," aud the "Social and Religions Life of the East." For over two years past he hag been settled as pastrOp Brussels, Ontario, where Sunday after Sunday he officiated without a book or a scrap of paper, held prayer meetings daring the week, visited the sick and conducted funeral and marriage services to the satisfaction of the community. Dr. Howie has now resigned hie charge, and ,muoh intermit is being taken in his pro- posal to go back to Palestine and labor among Jews and Mahommedans. The ex- ample of Professor Fawcett, the late Postmaster•General of England, of Dr. Matheson and Other blind celebrities, are oertainly more brilliant than that of Mr, Howie, but the latter ie more recent and just at our door. It in a remarkable fact thet proportionately, the blind, the mute and Where suffering from physioal in- firmities have presented to the world a greater number of great meri than those in more favorable circumstances. It would seem, then, that no one can tell what wiso daring may do for an indis vidual or a community in spite of ap- parently tnsuperable obstaclee." "..0he following is from a letter received by Dr. Howie from Rev. 0, Harrower, Rioe Lake, Wis. :— MY Dean Bao.,—Permit me to con- gra:White you on your attaining the honored rank of Dr. Your unflinching devotion to duty and study, will doubt. less make yen a power amongst your fel. Iowa, at a leader Di thought and high culture. Clod blees you, my brother, in your noble work and may your home be the home of inapiratton and love. Thompson; No. 8, D. Straohan, Kenzie Scott, Jno. Scott, Wm. Ainley and Wat• son Ainley. It was moved, seconded and carried that the Council be asked to pur- chase 500 feet of new hose, Several new members were added to the membership roll. Civic Horan/cr.—Last Tuesday was ob- served as the annual oivio holiday of Brussels. The centre of attraction was the excursion to Gocierich in which aboat 250 or 300 people of this locality partici. pated. The train took in about 1,000 ex. ofigionists to the Co. town, all the sta- tions from Palmerston to Clinton adding their quota. After dinner some 400 peo- ple witneeeed a base ball mateli between Brussels and the "Unions," of Wroxeter and Gorrie. The game was too one sided to be very iuteresting but some good play- ing was done. The "Unions" were in hard luck and only got three men ever the home plate. They played a good game in the field, Johnaton malting some partioularly good aerobes. The score was as follows :— Buneenas. It. 0. "Mows." 10.0, N. Garry,of.... .... . 2 3 Sandereon, e 3 Roes,2ed b 2 1 MoLaughliu, p ... 0 9 Hart, o . . "", 3 1 Paulin, let 5 0 2 D. Itoss,161 b 3 W. Rank°, end b 0 Cu-n*3rd b 0 3 Walton-16,3rd N., 1 2 Stretton, sa 2 2 Irwin, et 0 3 Cochrane, rf 0 3 Mettrathaf 1 2 Growar,p 0 o Johnston, If ...... 0 3 R. Rose,lf 1 3 A. Kauko, s it 1 1 Total &sore by Inniligs--715- 3 4Tota51, 0 :7-3 TA Bruseels 9 5 1 1 2 0 0-12 *Ilniona" 0 8 0 0 0 0 0-9 A. Cousley and R. riftorett umpires. The steamer, "City of Windsor," ran excursion 'rips on the lake and gave an opportuuity to some of the excursionists of going to "U•rup," at 7:85 p. m. "all aboard" Wae shouted and two engines took the train over the grade toward Holmeeville without any trouble. The homeward trip was made very pleasant by the improtnptu choirs in the various MEL Conspicuous in this department was a Listowel sextette, road° up of Bev, Mr, Livingstone, Meesre, Lamont, Wood and ladies ; the Atwood Philharmonic, Society; to oompany from Bthel and Brussels; and Dick, the bootblaok. The latter was on the program for both musi- cal and literary eelections. The train did not reenh Brussels until about 11 o'clook. Our team Band carried off the honors of the day and received numerous compliments for their tine appearance and excellent music. Station Agent Ken- dall bad the day's program well arranged and the very pleasant outing was fully enjoyed by all, the lads who sampled the ',pop" bottles may be an exception to the rule, The day passed by very quietly In town. A number of the business men kept the holiday by attending to businese as useal, while others had more fun than you could shake a BHA at over a game of ball in which the competing teams were eaptained by R. L. Taylor and W. F. Vanstone. The score was well up in its teens. Crsiaaclian N WM. Shrewebury and Gunn are the only tw o cricketers that have scored over 1000 runs so far this season. Lightning destroyed barns at Cherry Valley, Maxwell and Shelburne. Horses were killed in each. Little Ella Northcott, of Moseley, who unfortunately got her foot taken off by a mower, ia rapidly recovering. The report of the Montreal harbor- master shows an increase in the trade of the port for the present season. The manager of the Deloraine Coal railway says lie will be able to lay coal down in Winnipeg this winter for 65 a ton. The Women's Christian Temperance Union, of Hamilton, has decided to open a newsboys' club -room and working boys' lodging house. Corrected returns from Prince Edward Island show that four Goverment candi dates to three Opposition were stameseful in the recent eleotion to the Legislative Council, Premier Greenway estimetes the Mani- toba wheat yield at 15,000,000 bushels, while Mr. Shaughnessy, or the C. P. R., exopreteht,e svastyield of 17,000,000 in till the N An Aylmer syndicate has bought from R. Learn, of that town, his trotting stal- lion Golcl Ring, '2.18, by Eden Golddnet. Gol&Ring will be placed in the stud, The announced price is 610,000. An 11 -year-old bey named Carroll, of Windsor, was drowned on Friday even- ing. He was watering a horse, when the animal stumbled and threw him into tbe water. The boy could not swim. Fifteen hundred Icelanders celebrated their national holiday at Winnipeg on Saturday. The orators of the day ex- pressed their greatest satisfaction with the change from Iceland no Manitoba. Mrs. Fulton, of Fingal, while in Hain. ilton recently lost a pocket -book which oontained 619 on Talbot street. A dog owned by W. Culver picked up the book and carried it to his owner, who subse- quently returned it to Mrs. Fulton. K. Brooke, son of D. Brooke, of Brant- ford, had his hand caught in the lawn- mower on Wednesday of last week whilst trying to remove a piece of stick from the blades. One finger was broken and an- other almost out off. John P. McLean has beeu served with an injunction by the Huron and Erie Loan Company, preventing him from reaping his wheat. As the injunction wise obtained at London ex parte, and as the motion to make it absolute will not be argued till ten days after service, the wheat will be absolutely ruined. The farm was recently sold for a sum in ex- cess of that due the loan company, and Mr. McLean thinks he is being hardly' dealt with, as he still has possession of the farm, but ie nos allowed to reap the reward of hie labors, but stand by and see his wheat destroyed.—Detton Ad- vance. The village of ()natio and neighbor. hood, says the Guelph Mercury, was somewhat excited on Sunday over the flitting of a young eouple. It appears that Miss Tillie Blanchfield, of Eramosa, and Thompson MoLellan, of Belwood, had conceived an affection for email other, the intimacy having grown while the latter was in partnership in the hotel businees in Belwood with Mies Tillie's brother. The anthoriiies at home, is seems, did not, look favorably nn the match, and so plaits were laid for a runaway dash. The young lady on Sunday morning took her accustomed place in the choir of tint 100. Church of Cued° and joined in the de. 'widen& During -the serviee,however, she went'out, °leered a low stone fawn), ran across a field, oalled to her lover, who was waitingfor her on a stoop near by, 'I'm ready,, ' and the young pair quickly got into the buggy and were off. Her flight was not discovered till servioe was out, and permit was made as far as Arthur, but without avail, and the young couple are, no doubt, safely married. The thirty-second annual meeting of the Canadian Prase Association was held in one of the parlors of the Rossin House, Toronto, on Monday, and although the attenclanoe was not large, considering the number of names on the roll, it was nevertheless more numerous than on some previous occasions. The following officers wore elected :—President, Andrew Pattullo, SentinelsIleviesv, Woodstock ; First Vico President, fl. P. Moore, Free Press, Acton ; Second Vice President, J. 0. Jamieson, Intelligencor, Belleville ; Secretary•Treasurer, 7. B, McLean, Canadian Orooer Assistant -Secretary, Jas. S. Beierley, Jonrnal, St, Thomas ; Executive Committee, L. G. jacksonol, B. Trayes, T, II. Presto 1, W, R. Mimic A. Pirie ; Auditors, A.. 30. Fawcett and C, B. Robinson. A vote of thanks was unanimously passed expressive of the "long, faithful and efficient services of Mr. Olimie, the retiring seeretary- treaeures.'The auditors submitted their report for the year, showing a belance to the wrong side of the books of 6.18,68, The receipts were 6524,41 and the expenditure 6588.14. Manvers township, Co. Dur• ham, on July 30th, Leonard afyres, father of Mrs. Jno. Downing, Brus- sels, 10 118 79111 year. 130M..20. HENDERSON.—In Brussels on the lat inst., the wife of Mr. Robert Henderson of a son. FRIDAY, Amor 15th.—Of bees, on Lot 25, con. 9, Morris. Sale to oommence at 1:80 o'clock. Geo. Kirkby, mud. Elobt. Kneehtel, prop. Goderich, Sept. 15, 16 and 17. Listowel, Sept. 17, 18 and 19. Industrial—At Toronto, Sept. 8 to 20. Western—At London, Sept. 18 to 27. Mitchell, Sept. 28 and 24. Exeter, Sept. 29 and BO. Seaforth, Sept. 30 and Oct. 1. Clinton, Oct. 1, 2 and 8. Stratford, Oat. 2 and 8. Brussels, Oot. 2 and 3. Northern—Walkerton, Sept. 30 to 001.8. Honda— Gorrie, Oct. 4. Belgrave, Oct. 7 and 8. nEilR.1768=2.46 ZAC..a.1=ZEITS. Fall Wheat Spring Wheat I3arley Oats Peas Butter, tubs and rolls.... Eggs per domen Flour per barrel Potatoes Hay per ton Pork Hides per lb Salt per bbl., retail Sheep skins, each..,. Wool, per 15. 88 90 88 90 45 48 43 44 57 53 it 00 13 00 420 4150 80 00 500 60) 500 000 2 24 1215 01) 60 100 18 2e THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. NATANTED,–GOOD SERVANT wanted. apply to MM. W. 03. Sot- Bruimela. LOST.–BETWEEN JAMES - TOWN and town line, or soon after turning to word hfoleeworth, a blue, serge body coat. The ender will oblige by sending It to REV. ILE. HILL, Geand Valley, Ont. FIALF-BRED JERSEYS.— Are you aware that .n. first cross be- tween a Jersey and any good milking cow makes the very beat f er either cheese or butter. For particulareregarding my Jereey Bull apply at my Drug aud Book Store. 5.4, 3500,010850 Brussel& QHAWL LOST BETWEEN V Brunetti and Walton on July 1215. The shawl is brown in oolor with an orange thread running through it. There is also a border or light grey mixture. The ender will confer &great favor by I eaving It at Thu POST Publishing House, Brussels, at once. QHORTHAND.— L, Miss MARY CALDER, a graduate of Ben- gough's Canadian Business University, To. 1.011i0, (which institution she attended eight menthe) is desirotia of organizing a Short- hand Close in Brusaela. For particulars, as to term, dm., apply at TUE PosT Publishing House. 02. HEREBY NOTIFY .1.11 the public generally not to give credit to any yawn on my account as I will not be reeponsible for debts thus contracted, nor will 1 hold myself liable tor the forging of my signature to written orders as I intend proseenting any person toned geilty of for- falry. JAMES EIMA.RT. Grey, Aug. eth,1890. 4-3 PATENTSOaveate,lie-iesueeand • Trade Marke Bemired and all oth- er patent causes in the Patent Ofibie and Sabre Mel:Mune promptly and carefully at- tended to. Upon reeeipt of model or aketeh of invention, I make careful examination, and adviee as to patentability free of °barge. Fees moderate,and I make no charge unless potent is secured. Information, advice and imenial references sent on application. J. It. LITTELL, Washington, DM ., 078. Patent Office. 85 $25 RLonTh REWARD,— ARpu;arlay, 30,15 ard, on the street in Wroxoter, a parcel of bills, amounting to 8342, and a promissory note drawn by Oohs Sauderaon 10 favor of Jane Walker for 9800. dated Jeue 6411, 1883, and haying a payment of $850 endorsed on the beak thereololated April 1115, 1800. A. re ward of 925.00will be paid for the recovery of the above, or for auch information as will lead thereto. All partiee are warned against uegotiattog the above mentioned note, the mime having boon lost. Wroxater, July 15111,00. JANE WALKER. AUCTION SALE OF Valuable Property 'Linda and by virtue ot nevem of Sale contained in a certain mortgage, NVW011 will be produeed at the time lof sale, there will be 00111on Tuesday, lbe 2.81 MY of Sept., 1890 00 11 0 IA OT 00_1, AtailiI0co A14 BOTalA in thT e own of 13atiselibs, 10 followlag vt)nablo proper y , All that tlertain Intreel of lithe situate in the Townehip of Morrie, in the County of Huron, coutalning 100 acres mere or less, and being compoeed of the North Half of Lot 'Number 20, in the fith Genoese:ion of said Township, now in the posseasion of Sohn Pybue, Tita-0.a.tonth of the pine:bete 'money to bo paid &MI at t110 title 01 sole, Liberel terms 105 baInoo whlb isa mitsio Maitre at the time of stile loer further pertioulare epoly to R01311442014. 0,135411014 8 61.88011, Vendors' SolleifOrs, 4.3 74 Cherob Street, TOrelate, .4, Dandy Trip. The Canadian Paola() Railway has ar. ranged for Three Special HARVEST EXCURSIONS —wo— DPILOBAINE, • SALTCOATS, • MOOSE/AlY, Gratmoso, • 04LCIARY, August 19111, Return until September 11144 Auguat 19114 " September Nth Sept ember Mid, " October 1101b The 0. P Com panyheve supplied me with Beautiful Memorandum Books to be given Free 10 iamb uxoursionist. eau and get 0116, For Ticket& Bertbe, Lowest 010 100, dme call on J. T. PFIPPER, Druggieb, 0. P. R. Agent, Brussels. BANKING. moINTOSII & MoTAG GART, BANKERS, • BRUSSELS, TTarA.OaCt a G-elleT0.1 Za0.111C1sse, 3a1.1.03...0010. NOTES DISCOUNTED.; Canadien and United Mateo Drafts bought and Bold. Intermit allowed on Deposits, Collections made on favorable terms. Canadian Agents —15111110HANT'S BANN 05 CartanA. New York Agenta—Licrowenna ANT, TRAM, alai NATIONAL BANN. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. RL. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, • Solioitor and Couv °veneer. Collec- tions made. Oince—Vanatoises Block, Brus- sels. 21-3m0 AivM. SINOLAIR, • Solicitor, Conveyancer, No tary Pub- lic, dm. Ofnee—Graham's Block, 1 flea north of Pepper's Drug Store, Private Puede to Loan. DlOKSON Sr HAYS, (Late with Garrow & Proutifoot, Code - rich ,) Barra:tam, Solicitors, Conveyancere. &a. Offices—brussels and Seatorth, Brus- Reis ()Mee. Rimers' Block, Main St. Money to Loan, n, a. SIAM Tr. H. DIMON. A M. TAYLOR, B. 0. L., • 13arr0eter, Solicitor, &c., of the firm of Taylor, McCullough & Burns, Barrister:, Solicitors, ft., Manning Arcade, Toronto, Money tn Mau, A.LEX. HUNTER, Clerk of blie Fourth Divolon Cottrt, Co. Huron, Conveyaimer, Notary Public. Land, Loan and Ineuranao Agent. P110115 inveated and to loan. Oollectione made. °Moe in Graham's Block, Brunel°. MEDICAL CARDS. NV.M. F. CALE, D., 0. M., M. Member of tbe College of Physician and Surgeons of Ontario by examination Moo and Itesidenee — Main street East, Ethel,Ontario. T A. N1cNAUGHTON, M. D. py • 0, AL, L. R. O. P., Edinburgh, 51.0. P S. Ont. At Pepper's Drug Store from 0 to 11:30 it. 131. and from 1010 to 4 n. 01. At other houra niay be found at his reeideuee, form- erly is:minted by Dr. LI utehinson, Mil: st, DENTAL. S310T T 151 ZS '2' 1 5.10. Ball, L. D. S. Nitros Oxide Gee ad- ministered for the Pr.inleas lOXbCaOtlOn of Teeth. 74 Gerrard Street East. TonosTo. 1)111 N X ! M. CAVANAGH, 1...• D• Se D. D• S., Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Burgeons, Ontario, and of Toronto Uni- versity. Ovexon—Opposite detention Hotel, BLUBBOAB, BUSINESS CARDS. wH. MoORACKEN, e Issurer of MarriageLieenses, Office at his Groeery, Turnberry street, Brussels, N. BARRETT, • Tonsorial Artist. Shop—Next door south 00 4. 11. afeKay & Co's hardware store. Ladies' and ahildre us hair cutting a spealalty ROBERT CUNNINGHAM. INsullANCE, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. A MoNAIR, Issurer of Marriage Licensee, by appointment of Lient,-Governor, Commis- sioner, &a., Q. B. Conveyancer and Agent Fire Insurance Co. °Moe at the Oranbrook Post Oillee. QTA.G111 O G.0311,3RIE kJ Leaves Brueaela every evening on the arrival of the seatorth stage, and returns from Gerrie in the morning in titne to 050011 the Seaforth atage going out. This rule will be adhered 10until further notice. S. WALSH, Proprietor. DRE SSMAKIN G.— The underaigned denim to intimntoto the ladies of Brussels and vicinity that they have opened a Dressmaking Shop over Mr, Alex. 5 traehan a Store, Bruagele, where they are prepared to attend to all work entrusted to them. Salisfactiot guaranteed, 404 MISSES STEWART &BMW?. MISS LILLA O'CONNOR 00 dealrous of procuring penile in V wial divide. Prot. Warrington, of Toronto is pleaeed to give his testimorial as to lilies O'Connor's ability, shia having been a pupil of hie during her stay in Guelph, Inatru- ni °Mal Muck, on Piano, Organ and Guitar, Tonna made known on applioation, Mimeo St., Brussels, Min O'Connor is open for Concert Engagement& Se - AUCTIONEERS. A RAYMANN, xi.. Auctioneer, is alwaye ready to at- tend sales of farme, farm stock, ko. Terms cheerfully given. Cranbrook P. G. Salim may be arranged at Tali POBT Publiehing House, Brussele, GEORGE IURKBY, Lieensed Auctioneer. Sales conduct. at on reasonable terms. Farms and larm Mock a eueelelty, Orders lof 1 at Into Poem i'ublialSbeggOoaotitoeoaleor sentto Walton 7,0,, will reeeive promPt late1114011, T.TAVING TAKEN OUT MOEN- Ztalireglan; Vlttotitetoggsicatao abha prices, knowing the stealing ot nearly persou Itin ill it potation 00 gen 10 good marks and got good imourIty when sold ou °Vela. Satisfactiou guaranteed, Give Me a eat , 82- 10 S. SCOTT. VETERINARY, IXTARWIDIt& GOLLBY, v V Boner Graduates of the Ontario Veterinary College, are prepared to treat till diniesea of denteetioated animals in a oton- potent 1110,111101.. Particular attention Paid to Veteriuttry detitiatry, Calls promptly at- tended to. Ginee and luermary—Two doors notth of bridge, Tureberry et., Bruseele,