The Brussels Post, 1890-8-8, Page 5AUGUST 8, 1890,
xstrx.ct Ram
132 ytle,
Fred. Tanner has recovered from his
[moody dismounting.
We mourn the lose of another eitlzon.
He went after sun.down.
One Fire Brigade intend going to Kin•
oardinn next week to the tournament.
A. number of our residents went to
Goderieh on the exoursien hest Tuesday.
Wm. Boland, (who has been visiting
his daughter, Mrs. Pareons, Harlook,
left this week for his home, Lafayette,
Ind., having pnrohased his ticket from J.
T. Pepper, 0. P. R. rioted Agent, 13rus-
Wm. Spence wits away at Brantford
for a few days this week.
W. MoTaggart has been rusticating in
the northero portion of this proviiioe.
It is stated that Robt. Dilworth has
sold one of his fame to Wm. Thomas.
Last Sunday was a regular gam -cher.
The thermometer marked 00 in the
Mr, Klineshot has gone West to the
lumber woods. There is a good opening
here for a Mitchel.,
A large creme tvas shot by Robi. Dil.
worth lately that measiired about 6 feet
Irani tip to tip ef wings,
Mien Panabither, the Mims (Mbar and
Neil Pannbaker, of Hespelee, are visiting
reletives in Ethel and vioinity.
Messrs. BeAvtinhirner di Heffernan, cat.
tle dealers, have contracted to supply aim
firm with 125 heed of cattle. They ship.
ped 09 head last week, 80 or will& were
for export.
We regret to state that the intent
daughter of T. P. Simpson died this
week. The funeral was on Tuesday
afternoon, the interment being made at
Brussels cemetery.
A pigeon shoot will be held here on
'Friday, the 22nd inst., when membere of
the Stratford, Listowel, Atwood, Ethel,
Brussels and Wingham Gun Clubs are
expected to compete, Sohn Burton will
preuent a, trap to the winners. In the
evening a ball will be held at the Hotel
Royal to conclude the proceedings.
'WI ewe teen .
P. Korman has two very tame looking
wild parrots. They were brought from
the States by A. 5. Conover.
II. Davis sold 40 head of cattle to Jos.
Clegg Mr 02040. That is 551 a head, and
is a pretty good figure for cattle at this
time of year.
The Clinton cricket elub will play on
the Wingharn park against the home team
on the 8th inst. Harrison cricket club
will piny here on the ifith inst.
On Wednesday evening of last week the
Oddfellows met in their encampment for
thepurpose of expressing to T. Manuel
their regret et his departure from the
town end kresenting him with a token in
the shape of a P. A. P's jewel by which
to remember his Winghain friends when
far away.
The following officers were elected as
the regular meeting of the I. 0. G. T. :—
C. T., R. Elliott; V. T., Mies Rosie Chap-
man ; S. J. T., A. W. Webster;
E. F. Kennedy; Fin..Sec'y, J. W. Dodd;
Treas„ Mrs. J. W. Dodd; Chap., Thos.
Halloren ; Marshal, 0. Johnston; Guard,
Miss Eva Dawson ; Sentinel, Bert Reid.
The Advence says :—The stemma tin•
neat holding of Decoration Day in Wing -
ham occurred on Friday last, when the
membera of the Independent Order of
Odd Fellows, Canadian Order of
Foresters and the Loyal Orange Ledge,
headed by the town band, modelled to
the cemetery and decorated the graves of
departed friends and brethren with
flowera, eto. A. number of citizens, not
membere of any society, took advantage
of the occasion and placed flowers and
plants on the graves of their loved ones
who have gone before. This is a beauti-
ful pracitice, and we hope the people of
Wiughamwill long continue to BO do
honor to the memory or these who in-
habit the oity of the dead. It is a forcible
reminder of the fact that sooner or later
we who are now on this terestried sphere
will be sleeping within the tomb.
labiate vs' el.
Archie McIntosh goes back to his old
quarters in the Royal Hotel.
Robbins' circus, which was to have
visited Listowel this month, will not be
here, the trip having been cancelled.
L. Seebach, C. George and L. Bush, of
this town, have received from the lpatent
office at Washington the official docu-
ments seouring for them a patent for the
United States on their device for starting
street railway oars.
A splendid catch of black bees and pike
was made the other day by some of Lis.
towel's citizens who are rusticating at
Oliphent on Lithe Huron. Soinebfithese
sent home by R. Thompson weighed
about 5 pounds apiece.
A. young son of John Little Was a vie.
CM of the pernieious habit of stone -
throwing, too much indulged in by boys
in town. On Tuesday evening while
driving a cow along the street he was
struck on the nose with a stone and bled
so profusely that it was feared it mighb
cost him his life.
The net of voters for 1890 for the town
of Listowel have been printed. The
number of names in the wards for muni-
cipal elections are : Bismarck, 287 ;
Gladstone, 214; Vietoria, 1113; Dufferin,
197 ; Lansdowne, 212. There are 5
voters for the assembly only in Victoria,
The total humber of names on the lists is
then 1019 ineluding repeaters in the
different wards, The list contains 84
pages of printed matter.
Rey, 115. W. Hughes and family remov-
ed to Whigham last week. The follow-
ing resolution, adopted at a vestry meet-
ing or Christ cbureh on Tuesday evening
testifies to the kindly feelings eetertained
for Mr. and Mrs. Ilughos by the emigro.
gallon over whieh the ree, gentlemen hes
had charge during the pate eighteen
months :—Moved by John Campbell, sec-
onded by 0. Tabberner, and resolved,
"Tina thie entry %Althea to give entice.
sion to its regret] at the removal or Rev.
16, W. Hughes from this onrigh, feeling
that hi his (Monitore the church hove i
losing a very able and devoted peeachee
In (meaning mother liold of duty thi
vestry tenets Hutt his labor tvill beftbend
antly prespeted, and that the Divin
blessing will rest upon hiin and 'Mtn
Hughes in their emv home," On Wed
liesclay evening the members or the Bibl
elate( itsgembleil at tbe recitory mid pre
Tented Meg, linglies with a photograpl
or the ohm. end addrees whieh attestei
their eppreeittlitm of her valued BOOM
014 teanlieti of the 515ible elem.
o neves, and the dainage at from 141,000 to
$1,500. It was a narrow cseare 11 ii ling. I
• oreville, for it is generally believed thitt.
1 if tho w10 1 1,re4 rimmed a little 10
WOSt n th Winilif bay.. eivcd that owl
of the town at leitet.
The Listowel Benner eve :—The drug
dere over the way has a "trooly
family of kittene. The mother oat be.
jug ullieeloyalist and being &growl of
Adequately eelebrating the 200% anni-
versary of the Battle of the Boyne, and
being, moreover a met of greet reeouroes,
on the 12111 of July last sought out an
polies barrel from amongst the wiled.
tion of half empty kegs in the beak room
of the drug store, in whiten were born bar
family of throe kittens. They are now
fine specimens of orange and pink, as
becomes the ocomtion of their nativity.
Whether the yonngetere will go ha,* en
their color as soon all they got their eyes
Open remains to be peen.
<--;.„:;;;,..— —
A large barn, with stone foundation,
is being built this summer by WM. BMW.
Miss Bertha Ball is home for a short
vaeation from Toronto, She is greatly
taken np with the QUOOR city.
Wm. Perrie, 12th eon., sold 20 head of
prime nettle to Meters. Heffernan Ili
Bawtinhimer. They averaged 13,48
On Tnesday, 29t1 July, Wm, IVIcKelvy
was driving near Jamestown when his
horse shied and broke the britohing strap
when the buggy ran 00 the horse he
kitaked through the dashboard and broke
Mr. Melt, lyey's leg,
relierri The town eouncil declined to put up a
Township Council on 31enday,the 18111 grant of 5230 and the promoters of the
event gave it up in disgust.
At Winnipeg a young wonian named
Tennis Smith, wile was disappointed in a
love affair, took a large dose of laudanum
Monday night and will probably (lie.
A. young man named George Robinson,
while dancing at a piomia at Fraser's
Grove, Winnipeg, Monday eveuing, drop-
ped dead. flis father was formerly
bailiff there,
Arrangements have been made to bold
the seventh annual =nip meeting of the
Canada Hilliness Association this year et
Niagara Park instead of Wesley Park as
formerly, commencing Ang, 29th, ending
Sept. 5th.
The gas well at Kingsville, Essex, still
keepe up its deafening roar, and it is re.
ported that the force ia greater than
when the vein was struck first. It will
be piped immediately to Kingsville and
probably to Leamington.
Robert lercEwen, of Byron, sowed last
fall twenty bushels of Ottuadian Velvet
Chaff wheat on thirteen acre+, and reports
that he has obtained from that seed this
season, bymctual count whim threshing
on Saturday last, 561 bushels.
WllLini Bobier, a Dunwich fernier, is
showing a maenifitient sample of two.
n '
rowed barley ithe ear, plucked from the
yield of 110 pounds of E'nglish seed sown
by him the past spring. The result of
the first year's experiment with the grain
in this country provea it to be a SOMME
in the climate and on the soil of Ontario.
A few days ago Robb. Armstrong of the
14114 oonceseion, Gerrie, had occasion to
go into 51r. Oather's field in which a Mill
was pasturing and was attacked by the
animal. How long he fought the animal
will never be known. When found about
seven o'clock in the evening, he WfUll
lying on his back in e corner of the fence
nneonscions with the side of his skull
broken in and other bruises abont his
head and body. Medical aid was at ones
summoned but before the Dr. arrived he
expired. Deceased was a young man of
estimable character, in the prime of life
tend VMS only married about seven months
A very bold departure from ordinary
praetice-has been made in the new Globe
building in Toronto. Owing to the pec-
uliar shape of the premises, being long
and narrow, countershafting would have
been necessitated to an extraordinary
extents. Instead. however, of ueing shaf-
ting, it has been entirely doneaway with,
with the exception of one piece to drive
the dynamos of large capacity. The en-
bire machinery on the various floors of
the building will be driven (Reed by eleo.
irie motors, some seventeen' or eighteen
obtaining their sapply of power
from the two dynamos in question.
This is the first time in Canada that a
motor plant has been iettempted fur
continuous using on such an extended
A. few days ago Mrs. TI103. 13. Lett, ljr.,
who lives near Egansville, having oc-
caeion to go to work in a potato patch,
left her baby, about a Sear old, sitting on
the doorstep. After being away some
time she heard the child meke a strange
noise, but did not pay any attention to
the cry until she heard a seciond sound,
when she at once set out to see what
might be the matter. On arriving there
she was horror•stricicen to see a large
snake coiled around the child. The little
fellow with one hand had hold of the
awake, while in the other was a 91000 01
bread which he was holding out to his
snakeship, who seemed hnngry, as he
was eating it with great relish. So ter-
rified was the mother upon beholding the
sight, she was unable to go to 'ita anis-
tames. Calling her oldest girl elle bade
her take away the baby. Meanwhile she
procured a hoe, and as the little girl lift-
ed the baby, Mrs. Lett dealt the snake a
blow which settled him. It was with
hard eoaxing that the child could be
paaified after being taken away from his
dangerous playmate.
Farm help is very seance in the vicinity
of Guelph.
Corn oan be Mend in Essex as high as
14 to 19 feet.
D. Bondy, of Sand wieh, killed a rattle.
snake Saturday over five foot long with
Six rattles.
Wallremburg wente a canning rectory
and ie prapering to vote un a bonus to
1300tire ono.
Kingoville is doing well. There has
been but ono prisoner in the look -up there
for 11 year past.
The itt 0. R. will shortly ereob a hand.
seine 020,000 etation at Windsor. The
plane are oompleted.
Wheat IR turning out well in Delaware.
Some of R. Gibson's, already threshed,
gives 42 bushele to the acre.
Charles Grant, of Windeor, while get-
ting on a boat at Amhersbarg, dropped
his gold watoh into the river.
The total number of oars of American
cattle peeing through St. Thomas in
bend during August was 1,539.
The manufacturere of Galt and Preston
will send exhibits to the jameica exhibi-
tion to be held in January next.
The Brime Herald understandfrom
Dr. D. E. MuLean, Goverment Inspect.
or, that glauders aro prevalent in Kincar-
dine township.
Lucknow funiture factory wants asaist•
once from the corporation by way of a
loan. It is likely she applicatiion tell' be
favorably entertained.
Owen Sound's big carnival is "bust."
Rev, Mr. Law, Presbyterian "minister
of Belgrave, is enjoying a brief vacation.
Win. Wray's new brick residence is
nearing completion as far as the outside
WOrk is concerned.
The music of Hie threshing machine is
onoe more heard in this section. Fall
wheat is yielding well.
Mr, McInnes, con. 7, has a tine field of
spring wheat which, besides being a very
heavy crop, stands in places 5 feet tall.
Rey, George Jewitt and family were
visiting relatives and Mends in this
township. He is now statioeed at Her.
teeth, Kent Co.!
The annual fall exhibition of the East
Wawanoah Agricultural Society will be
held in Belgrave on Tuesday and Wed.
needay, October 7 and 8.
Robt, Shaw, Jamestown, and Joseph
MoKenney, of 13luevale, have gone to
Boissevain, Mini., and Archie Forest, of
Bluevale, has gone to the "Soo." They
purchased their tickets, via C. P. 11.,
from 5. T. Pepper, Brussels.
Ibuinovzsimer(i—Andrew Laidlaw, 8th
eon., has had a fine bank barn complet-
ed. It is 41x68 feet and finished with
all the modern conveniences. Anthony
McDonald did the mason work and 3. M.
Hughes had charge of the framing and
earpentering, Frank McConnell and
WM. Kelly also put up big bank barns on
the same line this season. M. Maines
was the contractor for McConnell's and
Thos. Newsome for Kelly's. After har-
vest Wm, Clark, Township Clerk, will
build a frame dwelling 18x28, in front of
his present house. The mason work is
ready now and Milton Hughes will soon
begin to push his department.
Cannella xi l'al ewes .
A. crib 10) feet in lengbh was sunk at
the Wiarton breakwater last week.
A. Woodstook paper annonnoes F. C.
Martin, of the legal firm of Bird & M ir.
tin, of that town, es a probable EillOCMISOr
to Senator Alexander.
A. car load of silver ore, valued at 04.5,•
000, the product of the new vein of the
Badger mine for one month, iwas shipped
from Port Arthur to Newark, N. J.
15 2 year old ohild of John Martin, 11
Sandwich East farmer, was bitten on
the arm by a rattlesnake 'Wednesday.
The arm is badly swollen, and it is not
thought passible that the child can live.
Oure Boucher, 86 years of age, the old-
est parish priest of Canada, celebrated
his diamond weddiug on Wednesday.
There was great rejoieing et Louiseville,
Quebec. Oure Boucher ' is hale and
The fast trotter Alvin, form(rly the
property of Mr. Merrill, of Tilsonburg,
and Mr. Lang, Simooe, is now the pro-
perty of W. H. Wilson, of Cynthiana,
Kentuoky, who paid 510,0000 for him
after the Cleveland race. Alvin will
start in the Flower City 10,000 Stakes at
Rochester next week.
Sunday afternoon Mee. Thomas L. -
Wood, of Brantford, was sitting at the
window with her baby boy of eight mon-
the upon the window sill when the little'
one suddenly spmng back againet the
abutters, which gave way, allowing him
to fall to the sidewalk and striking upon
his head. The akull was featured and
instant death resulted. The sorrowing
mother thought the shutters were gee.
urely fastened.
Rev. Dr, A: W. Jordan, pastor of the
African Baptist Churoh, Halifax, hag
entered an aetion agaitist the proprietor
of the,IntereolonialiRailway dining •eoom
at Amherst for refusing to supply him
with dinner. Dr. Jordan was a pan.
senger on an Interoolonial train, rend sat
down to the table with the passengers.
He was ordered to go to a bable by him-
eelf, but deoling to be thug degraded,was
turned out of therestaurant. The res.
taurant building ie Government property,
and formal complaint will also be made
to the Railway Department.
On Sunday afternoon a spark from to
l000motive on the Michigan Central rail.
way set fire to a field of rye belonging to
Mr. Smith, &beet a mile southwest of
Hagereville. Before it was got under
control the fire destroyed teu mires of rye
and some underbrush in a pities of woods
near by. Monday it again broke out and
spread with wouderful rapidity in a noeth
westerly direction towards the west end
of the town, burning fences, stubble,
grain and everything before it. The peo-
ple of Hagersville, becoming Manned for
the safety of the village, turned out in
large numbers to fight the fire. By
slashing, teeing down fences and plough-
ing before it they sueoceded about even. I
ing 111 chocking its progrese within a few I
hundred feet or a. number of buildinge I
eitamted on tho OntaltirtS of the village.
The rain coming on in the evening put 1
an end to the danger. The flee hermit 1
over parts of the farms or Sobil Smith I
and Henry Phillips, part of the land
awned and used by f(ynch, Beattie di Co. I
MI It quari yr, ma re mutilate of vacterit
141110914 lets. The amount of Tamil eaveved
is verionsly egiimitied at from 50 to 80
Election Expenses.
Abstract of EXpensos of T11011,1S GIBSON
and A. H. Mose-nom candidates for elec.
tion to the Logielatiee Aasembly for the
Elecitoral Dietriet of East Huron, held
nine 5th, 1800.
Pant of Huns 5 12 50
Livery Organizing . 80 75
Postage, Telograme, etc. 8 76
Printing 24 55
Personal expellees 16 50
Total ....... , ....... 00
JOHN 6foORA.01,
Financial &gen t tor '14. Gibson.
A. 11. AfilsoltoVif'S blxiorgeirs,
0(ganieleg and Rent I% 81 50
Livery . 55 50
Printing 11(15
Miseellaileous expem oil lir Com-
mittee Mame( 21 03
Poligonal espensee 131 00
- Total 28
Financial A gentfor h. IL Als sip ova.
1101519192 (1113110N14,
Noturning.OfilorT for Host 1100,)1).
ofirvich, A tig.1
TA-IA.Rnui 2011 SLE.—THE UN •
PEBBIONIM has several good Farms OCr
sale and to rent, easy terms, in Townships
of Morris and (fray. 2,8. fillOTT.BrasSele.
N.) mug south half Lot 27, con, 0, Morris.
100 acres, atla rly all °leered. Good buildings,
about 20 stereo Pall wheat in ground. Easy
tonna Apply to W, 51, 500002181,
tf. Sulalitor,
.1: DicallrONED offers for sale the north
oast quarto rot lot 28, ooneenaion 0, Morris,
0010150 05 Huron , con tutu in 1100 wires, The
land Is of first quality and In a high state of
cultivation, well fenced and uuder.drained,
11 acres cleared. New frame house, 8 rooma,
milk house with concrete walla, 2 wells,
good barns and ehed, orchard, eta. Eight
acres of fall wheat. This dee irs.ble property
adjoins bbs corporation of Brussels. Suit-
able tor me w$11 bo given. Title perfect,
JAM1913 0141EVE, Owner,
00. 610001.1.11 2.0.
`9..-A Morris, on reasonable terms. In order
to close the affairs of the estate of the late
W. G. Monate!), the executors offer the fol.
lowing valuable Wide for sale North
half of Lot 30, Concession 0 Township of
Morris, containing 00 acres, Oa this lot la
erected a 000,1 frame barn with stone fowl -
dation, good orchard, well mid pump . Near-
ly all cleared, and is on the grave road
closely adjoining the village of limonite.
Thie farm le a valuable one, is well fenced
and in a good state of cultivation. Por
primes itud terms apply to THOS. KELLY,
Brussels 1'. 0., HENRY 41400/14011, Victoria
Square P.O., or JAMES 81100II, Dimple Lodge
P. 0 11111.11essx Couutr.
Auction fTd aie
Under !old by Virture ot tbo Power of Sale
contained In 0. certain registerel mortgage
which will be produced at the time of Solo
awl upon which default in payment has
been made there will be offered for Sale by
Publio Auction at the Americo,. Morel. in
the Town of Brussels in the County of
Huron. on
Tuesday August, 1911i, A. P. 1890,
at the Hour of Three O'olook in the Alter.
noon the following valuable la.ala aud pre -
1:111105, viz
The south half of lot number twenty eight
10 1115 fifth concession of the Township of
trorrls in said County. containing ninetY•
nine and one-fourth acres, more or less, sixty
acres of which are cleared and under colt.
vatiou. There are °reeked tm the premises
frame barn with stout, foundation and frame
dwelling house also with stone foundation.
The property is situated within about three
quarters of a. mile from Brussels station,
Tnnus.—Ten per cent, of the Purchase
money 10 110 paid down at time of Salo, for
balance terms will be made known at time
of Sale. For Maher particulars apply to
Vendor's Solicitor, Toronto, Out.
Dissolution of Partnership.
Province of Ontario,
County of Huron. f Mr. Thomas Ferguson
end Thomas W. Gibson, formerly the only
members of (110 11(110 carrying On business as
tinsmiths at the village of Brussels, in the
county of Huron, under the style of Fergu-
son dr Gibson, do hereby certify that the
said partnership was On the 11th Hay 01
A.D. 1803, dissolved by mutual consent.
Witness, our hands and seals, at tiro village
ot Brussels, in the county of Huron, the
Eleventh day of July, A. 0.1800.
Any Amount of Money to Loan
on Farm or Village Pro.
perty at
6 & 6i per Cent., Yearly.
Straight Loans with privilege of
„,repaying when required.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division Court Clerk, Brussels.
ANDREW 0111111E,
Fresh and livered to
Salt Melilla of any part of
the best qual the Village
Ilyalwaytion Free of
band 111111 de- Charge.
Feet Cattle 'Wanted
For 'which the highest market price
will be paid. I also make a specialty of
buying Hides and Skins. Don't forget
the plain, next door to Fletcher's Jewel -
r1 Store.
r Cures
Money to Loan on
Pri v ate an Oonipamiy Funds.
ArPritiV To
frornan, J. &Noting.
Valuator. •
Ethel P.O., Ont. 4511
Lot e, eon. 1, Bowen, 100 twos.
Pert Ot IOW I and 2, 0011,4 Elnloss,
Et lot 18,0011.1, Wawanovh,100 Rwrea
111 lot 2.1,005.8, Wait Wewanash,100oretb
Lot 14 and Wi let 16, eon. 0, Kincardine.
1404 00000.
115 late 9 and Scop. 14, Peel, 1100 sores.
Ei lot 8 and Wi loi 0, con. 10, Peel, 200 acres.
Si lot 0, con. A, xi ato, O0'ear.
Loot 11, con. 13, Mint°, 100 acres.
Lot 21, oon. 9, Normanby,100 woe.
All the above aro well improved farms in
fine looalites, are vary oheap and oan be
bought on easy terms, Also a, store and
dwelling in Brussels for sale. Apply 10
JOHN MoCOY, Ilamuiroe.
Private Funds to Loan,
Have been placed in my bands
for Investment on real estate.
No Commission.
Borrowers can have loans com-
pleted in Three Days if title
Practical Tratchinaker
and Jeweler.
Thanking the publics for past favors and
support and wishing 0111 to secure
your patronage, we are opening
out Full Lines in
Silver Plated Ware
from Eatablished and Reliable Makers,
fully warranted by us.
Clocks of the
Latest Designs_
Lams Gem RINGS,
Eannmes, dm.
r00'Aboo a Full Line of Venom and
Violin Strings, dro., in stook.
N. R.—Issurer ef Marriage Licenses.
T. Fletcher, - Brussels.
Money to Loan,
Money to Loan on Farm Pro-
perty at
Private and Company Funds.
.4- For .50 - Ceriutt...
All Work from Int Smallest to Lire age
done in a first -rings manlier.
V X 7.K 'MT 5
of Residences, Ele., al Reasonable
W. tr Fairfield.
a it, 33
Is Prepared to supply you with a
Handsome Oarriage
At a Slight Advance on Cost
Call in and Make a Selection or
Leave your Order.
If you are intending to travel
Dennis' is Headquarters for
A. Large and Well -Assorted
Stock to choose from.
Surest Aids for Impaired Vision.
B. Laura,nce's tests • enable one to be Fitted Instantly with
' any kind of Spectacles.
B. Laurance, or a Competent Optician will Visit Brussels period'Iy.
All Spectacles sold by the 'Undersigned will be Exchanged by Mr.
Laurance Free of Charge if not exactly adapted to the sight.
B. Laurance's Spectacles are Recommended by almost every
Medical Expert in Canada.
One Year's Guarantee with Each Pair.
tigpeetnele - Repairs - lExecuted- with-Derapatoh.
A. M. IVIcKAY & Co., Hardware Men, Brussels.
STERLON MittatitiE
Mowers, Binders and Threshers.
Very Heavy Body,
Great Endurance,
Perfectly Pure,
Does Not Gum,
McMillan, Kittridge & Co.,
LIIANort AT 8121{ATvinu),
For Salo by k. M. MoKay &go„ Brussels.