The Brussels Post, 1890-5-30, Page 7ipoWsExTRACii
MAY 80, 1890,
A creat Bank Burglar,
Strange Equestrian Experience.
A 1tnySterious Robbery Cleared
Bismarck has already two secretaries hulp-
ing him to prepare his "Ronda:wenuea."
One of theme is the assistant doctor of
Who Supromo Court of Saxony has do-
oided that boycotting is equivalent to dis•
orderly oondnot fu role first degree, and
punishahlo as such.
Prof. Dr, I3ruehl, thewell•known Iooturer
on zootolnical soienee in Vienna Univar•
city, has been indicted for climes against
" church and religion,"
Billy Porter, tho groat American bank
burglar, has just boon arrested fur robbery
in Bordeaux. He gave his name as Patriok
O'Brien, but he was found out.
A ppoont to be caned. "The Light of the
World," is to succeed "The Light of Asia,"
front the pen of Sir Edwin Arnold, now et
work in Tokio. Its subject will bo the life
and teaching of Christ,
The hugest; steam derrick in the woad is
used by a shipping company et Hamburg,
Germany. It is kept at the docks, anttused
in lifting hnmenoe woights on and oaf ship•
board. It can pick up a ten -wheeled locouto-
tive with perfect ease.
The kola nut Was oxperhnented with dur-
ing the Gorman autumn ruentanvres of last
year with such evldonco of its ability to en-
able Hien to endure immense physical labor
that the Gorman War 011ioe ordered thirty
tons of it for consumption in the army.
Tho Manlicler rifle and the small bullet
have had their first practical trial in the re-
cent riots at Biala, The mob was so defiant
that the Austliau troops wore compelled to
fire nu then. In all cases of wounds the bal-
lets were found to Imre passed completely
through rho bodies.
In Berlin wandering barbers visit the
plaice of public amusenlwlt about the city
every fine Sunday morning for the purpose
of shaving pleasure cookers who have omit-
ted to perform that operation at home. This
method of drumming up trade they probably
call "razing" cnatonere.
The biggest ruby in the world is found
blithe (fear of Russia's crown, which has the
distinction of being the finest ever worn by
any sovereign. In shape it re:elables a
Bishop's mitre, and un its crest is a cross
composed of Ove superb diamonds, which
support tho "biggest' ruby.
OP A professor in the University of Mattson.
burg claims to have compounded a solution
which completely neutralises the poison in-
troduced into the system 1>y Lite bite of a
mad dog. This solution consists of chlorine
water, salt brine, sulphurous acid, perman-
ganate of potassium and eucalyptus oil.
France's National League of Physical
Educati"u is exerting a great influence upon
the French youth at school. All sorts of
sports and pastimes, such as football and
rowing, are now in vogue In the colleges of
Paris. There is to be a grand regatta on
the lake of the Bois de Boulogne on 'Tithe 1.
The latest oxporiments trade with carrier
pigeons in connection with various;Europeel
armies show that the normal velocity of the
carrier in oahn weather and for et short dis.
tutu:o is about 1,3.10 yards a minute. With u
very strong wind in the direction of the
flight a bird utas; reached 1,080 yards a
Young Paris mothers ate now said to wear
colored shirts—pink, blue,or red—in the
evening. They are displayed with the re-
gular low-cut evening waistooate and to.
heighten the contrast they are fastened by
large jot studs. The demand for such shirts
is already so great that they cannot l>e made
fast enough: The young Prince of Naples
introduced tho fashion,
flon10 years ago European dress began to
come into voguo m Japan for women as well
as for men, but a remotion has set in. The
Jayanese women are nit satisfied with the
ordinary dross styles of eivilizetion, but tltoy
are unwilling to return to their old dress,
and hence they have been. making a study
of "rational dress" advocated by the various
feminine dress reformers.
There seams to be good reason for fearing
that the zebra is rapidly becoming extinct.
Sportsmen and travellers coumm' fn reporting
that the zebra of South Africa is now' more
and metro difficult to find, and is, like the
aboriginal races of primitive lands, disap-
pearing before the march of oivilisetion.
And, unlilto " the noble savage," the agile
zebra has over resolutely refused to bet tatih-
The Australian national hymn has, it ap•
pnare hobo= unrecognisable in tho nliclst
of the orohostral filagree work with which
the bandmasters have decorated' ft'; so the
oder hasgoue forth that the hymn is to bo
played throughout the Empire as Haydn
ori geinally arrrengod it, The rebuke is
well deserved, and it would be 'well if the
hint thus given wore taken 'in ajl 'quarters
whore liberties are taken with great popular
Lieut, von Barby of the Twolfth Ftttooer
Regiment, Germany, has Laken a most in-
teresting ride of late. Ho was riding with
the troops in the notghboiihood of Morehurg,
when his horso took fright and bolted. All
efforts to rostrata him being fruitless, he
geve him tho rein, and waited his opp:satin;
sty to jilmp off. To his dismay the animal
sw*ervod suddenly in the dirootion of a
plateau overhanging a broad expanso of
wattle 1 a few moments and both horse and
rider would be ofol tle edge. Abri ht
flash was seen for a moment, the sabre of
the officer fell upon the head of his steed,
and they both canto to rho ground, the mut
Savored years ago the rosidonoe of Cora
Pearl in Paris was ontcrod by thioves and
robbed of $120,000, Otic of rho robbers lvas
oaptnrod and co>denaocl to five years' int-
prisomnont, but aha property was not tion
recovered. On itis liberation from prison
lately Ito encloavored to raise a sunt from a
banker, with whiehh'o might go to Gormeny
and recloon rho stolon property, that lied
boon deposited in a Gorman bank. Tho
banker's suspicions wore excitorl all the
Mall AWLS art•osted, and Inas rovoaled ale (tanto
of his accomplice. Tho greet sum may be
r000verod, but too lain to ho of any vale to
Cora Pearl, who died in destitution, after
having vainly oudeavorod to mak° a littlo
monoy bypullLehing hor memoirs
A Polish lenist,M. kadorowslti, is the llon
al theParis mu:that sen5011. lite °rienle the Sallo
Erard whoever he plays and he plays Chopin
chiefly and best, A oritio Says a 11 Of it
atroty no piauiste of our tuna hat succeeded
•, i • e •o• o
:n eonplat(ly in doing the works of that
.1ra1i,gn iunseuu with the poetical insight
natllifisted by M. Padorewski, ills deli•
auy of touch is simply marvillcus, au1 Ito
out the tarn rcnonunon'latioit of nI. vat' by any
hanee etrilting n litho uoto. His extra
military lightness of Iingor does not by any
uetuis em'ludo the exhibition of great power
occasion for rtauisesLs, that 18
mottled t, ulfnsf into tslt l an amountI
Troia(' which is eltogetliplaying
Vet since l,ubinstelu has a pianist u1c.atod
Inch comment,
Ten tliouiutnd 11011:0a is nolo the hl>he,t
'01101(1011 pl'lk+ fin's violin. 'Phu Alalel >Lad•
vat'ius has p1810011 Not France to Engbupl
'or that slue, to go Into the collection of a
Scotol>ni an, 14. Is dated 17710. Itis doseril,•
id in the catalogue of the South Kensington
)xhibi:ion of 1872 es the only ono in at non•
110011 of porfeot pr050rva ion, It was bought
in 1760 by at Italian anutteur, Count Como
liSalabuo, Niter whosodeath itwoo purchased
in 1824 by a halloo:3collector, I.ufgh'I'arisio,
Parish) hid it away, refusing to Int any ono
seo it, till his death in 1854. A year lotto
it was purchased by Vnili:tome, Its condi-
tion of preservation led to the belief that it
'lad searcely boon played upon during the
whole 150 years of he existen'0 Vuillaanle
;eft it on Ins death to Itis son-in-law, Alard,
who has just sold it.
Tho annual election, or political lottery
by which the Ttepublir• of San Alal•inotelects
Its Capilani Berlpcuti, or twin Presidents,
for the new year, metered in March last.
San Marino, which has a population of
about 8,000 is ruled by a double authority.
Un the clay fixed for election the retiring
magistrates nnu'ch in solemn procession,
11ead0d by tho bend of the Ttepublic escorted
by sixtcot of the Mobilo Guard belonging to
the plebi1411elms, and followed by the e.ullinr-
itiel, Lo tie chief church. Hero they
'(10 l'erei\e(l by Ole clergy. '.Tien the
'h•.rdo' is snug, after which the election be•
gins in the thumb itself. One of the priests
mads 0111 the manes of the citizens who art
eligible, cleft writton an a ticket which is
placed upon 11 silver soiree, and the latter
emptied into a largo silver vase. A child
't called upon to draw two tickets out of
alio vase, and the ponies drawn are those of
the elected rulers. Tho priest loudly reads
out the names, Lite band strikes up a hymn,
the bells of the town are seta ringing, and
San Marino has hot, two Capitals Idpl/gets
for the next twelvo months. The two mag-
istrates who entered office on this April 1
were Pietro Tornini and Francesco Diar-
My Mother's Bible,
This book is all that's loft mo now—
Tomes will unbidden slant --
With faltering lip and throbbing brow,
I press it to my heart.
For many generations past,
Hero is our family tree ;
e1'(y another's hand this Bible clasped ;
Sha, dying, gave it to ue. •
Ah : well do I remember thoso
Whose names these records bear ;
Who round the hearthstone used to close
After the oroning prayer,
And speak of what test pages said
In tones my itoart would thrill !
Though they aro with the client dead,
Hero aro they living still !
Mt' father reel this holy book
co sisters, brothers dear ;
How calm was any poor mother's look,
Who loved Clod's word to hear ;
Her angel face—I see it yet !
What thrilling nlomo'ios o00e !
Again that little group is met
Within the halls of lenge;
Thou truest friend man ever know,
Thy constancy I've tried,
When tell were false I found thoe true,
My oounsolo• and guide.
The 'linos of earth no treasures give
That could this volume buy ;
In Leaching Inc the way to live,
It taught me how to die.
To Help Liverpool's Harbor,
A recent oxporimentin landing transatlan-
tic passelgors at Milford Haven may or may
:tot limn quick oiled the zeal of the Mersey
Docks and Harbor hoard, bub at any rate
that body is note• sufficiently alive to the in.
creasing h npoi•tanco of the passenger traffic
from tho United Status to havu deoulml upon
1 prompt attempt " to remedy the vexatious
lolays which froquently oucui' on the bar at
tortain conditions of tido front the want of a
greater depth of water across it." The use
if sand pumps of the other side of the Atlan-
tic at Sandy Hook has boon so successful
that this s11lumo has impressed the Livor•
pool dock authorities, and iu, preference to
till the suggested plans of harrowing, plow-
ing, dredging, or constructing training walls
they have decided to give the sand pumps a
trial. A stun of £10,000 has boon voted. for
the first oxporinlolt. This sum will, it is
said, suilice to fit up two 600 -ton steam -hop•
per barges with powerful cenbrifngal pumps,
Ind to allow of oonttlulous work being ear•
pled on, when weather permits, for a period
if twelve months, by which timea Indg-
albnt should be formed as to the prospect of
portnaeutinlprovenent, The sand reproved
by the pumps will be dollve'od into tho hop.
pore of the barges and deposited upon situs
to be agreed upon at the back of the banks.
And He Wail a Canadian.
Apattotio ' story of (disaster, lingering
horror and supremo horolsm oonles from Lako
Eria. On the odgo of the ice pack on the
5110re an upturned, water-logged and rapid.
ly sinking boat, bearing a half -frozen, hnlE-
starvedl man, was picked up the other day.
fle had boon in the lee and water for days,
bad was so nearly (load that his recovery
will be attended by the loss of sono of his
0000n limbs. Whet ltosototrb on the troibohor-
n1s wator Ito hada companion, who hailed
from Simcoo. Their boat was ovortnrnod and
they olambered on her bottom. For boars
they clung there, hoping for rescue. Tiley
lisoovot.'ed that their joint weight was too
water -lo g d boat. f both ;rent for the tt t gy,o ( I L] ra-
mbled by her, both would die when she
,vent down, Otte aright stand a chane of
being saved. P110 other 11nH1 cooly end Oallm-
ly looked the situation in the face. "1 i1,ev0
no relatives dependent on mo, no one to
mourn for me," Ito said at last, "while you
have a mother and sister who look to you
for snppo't. (3ood•byo, old follow, I'm Poing
to moot my Creator," Then, with a mlmltr
prayer, ho slid into tho chill waters and (lis•
a poaved forever, '('koro was horoism of tho
highest type—the heroism of sacrifice.
They go Toretiler.
shorn papa" Ah, going 1"
Leto goor•--•'i Yoe, sir. Your daughtorand
l have ml,leyod it feast of roasoll."
Stern papa (moving his right foot with
groat velocity)—" And now you have a flow
of solo,"
Can 11110 that the habit of casting bread
npon (ho waters is what makes the
bine ocean roll?
lir, F. L. Janos, the l:xpli>rer of Stimuli.
lend, Valls a Ylettrll to an Elephant.
LixmoN,Muy 18. -The tragic donut of Sir.
F. I,. Jetties, the intrepid Airman hnnlernnd
oxploror, has surprised and slioulted all who
know to bis tattoo' in Africa, A cubic
leepated,fr, 1lhaweeit.r=mitbriefly iunnnnce+
that 1 Il. {, as killed t l b n m e
w m 1 >haa t
> to ulo m
Y, 1 ,
while inulin w tho l aabouu uouulry. Elm
plinth hunt in g bottngor011sttport,aml natives
a"1 not uufl,.,(uently Milled while chatting
this animal but as as Nile while nen have
:Heaped fated accidents. 'There are some
whit victims, hoWove r, and the last ono pre-
ceding 1R•. James was lir. Deane, en agent
of the Congo Few State, who was
trideathhytwounded elephanwhile lionting
coni the Congo.
The ,James brothers are hest known for
thoirj menoy through tho eon trcof>lomaliland
south of the Gulf of Aden, Very few white
mel had penetrated beyond those: warclfl'inge
of this country, It is, except 11part of the
Sahara, the most danguroua regime in Afroa
to travel in. Tho people are' fanatical D'Ios•
leets, and few who have ventured into this
(unitary beyond the const (tills have escaped
death, The British P011101 et Berbera, be.
liming the whole party would be killed,
cabled to England for permission to prevent
them from going inland. He received por-
miseion a littlo too lato to catch the pithy.
1Vhila iu Somaliland the expedition was
in constant danger. After its return the
late Mr, James wrote a noteworthy book
describing the discoveries and hairbreadth
escapes of tho expedition, lie 0am0 out of
Somaliland nnecathed, only M fall a vietint
to an ciepbaut on the other side of the con-
Proud of the Relationship.
"Oh, 6Ir, ))unenberry, cried hor little
brother, "I'm 50 glad you are going to he
k it to rno."
"A11,.Jahnsy, it that to ?" he gaepod,a look
of happiness flitting over his face, "How did
you know? Cone here and sit on my lap and
toll me all you have heard.''
"Sister's other feller condo hero last night,"
began tho boy after he was safely iu the arms
of the young man, devouring a quarter's
worth of candy. "and I heard them talking
about you."
What did they say?"
"'He was mad," replied tho torror, "'cause
xis goes with you so mach."
"And what was her reply to hien?" con
tinned the young man, the look of happiness
spreading further across his features.
"She said," began the youth, again, "that
he needn't get mad 'cause you come to see
her, as you was it soft snap and was saving
hint lots of moray that would go to fixin' up
their house after they were mal'riod."
Tho look of contentlnont on tho young
man's face gave way to tho pallogof despair,
as lie gasped:
"-I'Vel1, bow is that going to slake No kin
to you?"
"Oh," went on the boy, "I'm coming to
that now. She said that when you proposed
to her she would boa sister to you, and won't
that make you my brother?"
As the child picked himself off the floor be
beheld the 1,1111 of the young man flit through
the front door.
How's Your Liver ?
The old lady who replied, when asked how
her liver was, "God bless neo, I never hoard
that there was such a thing in the house,"
was noted for her alniability. Prometheus,
chained to a rock, might as well howl pre-
tended to be happy, as the mall who is
chained to a diseased liver. For poor Pro-
metheus, there was no escape, but by tiie
use of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets,
the disagreeable feelings, irritable temper,
constipation, indigestion, dizziness and sink
headache, which are caused by a diseased
liver, promptly disappear.
Women have fower vices than mon; but
they have stronger prejudices.
"A Roaring Faroe,"
is the terns we often hoar applied to the
modern trial -by -jury. The trial of Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Prescription, by a jury of
thousands of women afflicted with "female
complaints," has been no farce, for it has
established the fact that this remedy is a
specific for all chronic: woeltnesaes peculiar
to the sex. The only medicine for women,
sold by druggists, under a,poeitire gltaranlec,
f1'o111 the manufacturers, that it will Oivo
satisfaction in every mase, or monoy will be
rafundod. This guarantee has boon. ptintod
on the bottle -wrapper, and faithfully carried
out for many years.
He who knows only his own side of the
case, knows little of it.
Nothing:Like It 1
Hoary day swells rho voltuuo of proof that
as a specific for all Blood diseases, nothing
equals Dr, t'ierce's Golden Medical Discov.
ery, Remember, this is an old established
remedy with a mend I It Inas been woighed
in the balancoand found fulfilling ovetyalairnj,
It has been tested many years in thousands'
of cases with fiattorhlg success 1 For Throat
land Lung troubles, Catarrh, Kidney dfseaso,
Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sok .Eleadnahe
and all disorders resulting from nnpt'ovoriell•
od blood, there is nothing like Dr, Pierce's
Coition Medical Discovery—world-renowned
and over growing in favor I •
An odticated hog -the collogo professor
who spits tobacco juice on rho Floor.
All Men
young, old, or middle-aged, who find therm
selves nervous, weak and exhatietod, who
are brokon down from'oxooss or overwork,
resulting in many of the following symp-
toms 1 Mental depression, premature old
ago, loss of vitality, loss of memory, bad
dreams, dimness of sight, palpitation of the
heart, emissions, lank of onergy, pail in the
kidneys, heaclach0, pimples on the face or
body, itching or peculiar sonsittionabet)t the
scrotum, wastingof the organs, 01100111085,
specks boforo te eyos, twitching of the
muscles, eye lido and olsewhore, bashfulness,
gine loss of will aw
mine osiis in Moo tenderness of the scalp and spine, weak and
flabby nntsclos, dos110 to sloop, failuro t0 be
1'ostod by sloop, constipation, dullness of
hearing, loss of voice, dosiro for solitude,
excitability of tompor, sunkon oyes surround.
oil with au.hbaN CIRCLE, oily looking Skin,
etc., aro all symptoms of nervous .clobility
that load to insainty and death unloss cawed,
The spring or vital forgo having lost its
tension every fulllti011 Winos in 00118091101100.
Thoso who through abuse committed in
igno'aloo may bo permanently cured, Sond
you, address for book on all diseases peculiar
to man. Address M. V. LU13ON, 60 Front
St. E., Toronto, Ont. Books tont free sealed,
Heart disease the symptoms of ,thiol arc
faint spoilt, purpio lips, numbness, Pal ita
tion, skip baits, let flushos, rush of blood
to the Road, dull pain in the heart withboais
strong, rapid and irregular, tho second heart
boat quicker than the first, pain about tho
breast bone, ore,, can positively be ottrod.
No cure, no pay. Send for book. Addross
LIMON, so Front Street blast 1'0•
M. Y. s
.1011(0, Ont.
took Cold,
X took Sick,
1 'li101t
RESIj1.1' 1
Y take My Meals,
take Aly Rest,
ANI) 1 4(0 YlcionoltS SHOUGIt'1'O'1AKE
getting13nt too
Emulsin of Pure' Cod Livert011
) and HypophosphltesofLimeand
soda N0•> ONLY CURED MY Isteip-
lennt Consumption BUT 1100.'r
SIB UP, AND 10 NOW rtIT '1N0
Soota'e'Emuleto. in put up only In Bannon
color wenppore Sold by all Druggists at
100. and 51.00.
.1l'07'7' C. l t) Hi1'L'', Belleville,
NATURES FREE. nnp'a. otNynmmopud
0 Canadian Watch Co., Toronto, Can.
10,00 ADATaud
respectable work
to and women. Address T. 0A. Srmlerume
6 Adelaide Street West,. Toronto.:
COS WANTED --Will pay 101,o (ten and
a half contsl per dozen, 0.0,(1,y5nr mares(
gallon shipped by freight in our eases, during
May, in lot,. o0 (100 ORSOF4 and upwards ;,writs if
van want 11'x1, 101I7 IIAWLEV, NO. BS
Front St. 1.,, Toronto,
EI1OETho Ghoapant, Strongrtest 8'6 Inst
T'o u, for iiu•ul, Gardon,Orohard
or'1•ownLots. lithos from One par rorl(lf;
16.1 Sand for ,,.,price list—'ri>r(., ' Picket
`Wire h'enc'e I'S., 281, 115000 Fit-, Toronto.
CANCER KT(MmolNn,lDDoP.00vt
��•'-'^•- Fhagera street, Buffalo, N.Y
Bost thing out. Agents snake 85 per day
;Sample by mail, 250. (1LE10i1T & CO., 30 King
St. 1x1•, Toronto.
I J. DOAN &:So9N.
For Circular Address,
Northcote Ave., Toronto
BIZBookkoophy, Banking, 1'enwnanshlp,
Fillel1111 l a a
u d, ry fly & hl i I at Munro
ilia 13u„taes t'nivrr>•ityy' 8t•ihnl t9,nud Ale+tltlriu
l'ahlie library Nldg., 'Toronto. 1'iroulers free.
'l'ho.. Ilengnugh, 1i1u10ger.
noir increasing popularity is a proof of theft
superiority. Be sure and get a Conboy top oa
your buggy;
If you want both. go to Great Fans, Dion
term, and help build the Great Half 1Illlion
Lollar Dam across (ho Missouri, the Two
Million Dollar illneltor, or ono of the Three New
Lincs• of Rutlwayy—Nlollart Line, Lothbridge
Line, and Pacific Coast Lina all being built by
the Great Northernlay, (tit. l'., 11. & 2'1.1
18,0)0,000 of free farming lauds along the line,
For particulars send postal card W
J. 116. ISi1CICZNS,
Can, Pass. Ag tag
4 Palmer flotlse Block, Tonoxxo
AatPO weakly between s 8)0 850 an and
telIlar'ieki saloon0andk110,0, etorind'tw
SIclu el.aucnte $t0.000au1$�ol reco'dle to•
,.I cunei and uecionsmo ellen. lutnruediatu ffi'di;.
Stue ago 820. Apply to ll i:.,Nfltnt,t,r, G4os'
mrd Manager Canadian Shipping CO,, :Cos-
To51 11u1w1' Spume:, M0N1'IiEAl., 01' to
Agoiltsin all 7 ow.ils and Witter, .
Used Internally &Externslly..PracolOc.S1,811 ;2
POND'S DETRACT 00,11cter d futondos
-Meat Extracts are Simply the Flavor of Neat,
Containing slightly stimulating, properties, ' but
void o1• all nnutritlon.
Johnston's Fluid Beef
Is the only Meat Preparation that fulfils all the CCM
Ili tions of a Perfect food, containing tlke•,Albuluen
and Fibriue, the flcsleforiniu finalities of (neat.
TO TIME. EDITOR 1—Please inform your readers that I1 ave a positive remedy fpr the
above named disease. By its timely ase thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently 'awed.
1 shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy FREE to any of your readers •who have com-
sumptlon if they will send me their Express and Post Office Address. Respectfully, T. A. $LOCUM;
M.C., IBS Wrt Adelaide, St., TORONTO, ONTARIO. •
Take your Saw Mill to the Logs, by
purchasing one of our Portable Saw Mills
of 12 to 40 Horse -Power.
Tin ihtrI oG1Ut�P17F1"
=_bow P11iC
.. W._ s;
Most Practical, Efficient
and 'Econolr lost
Milts Built,
Send for Cixoulara.•
Engine Worip
tradellsrk, gado by THE ALBERT TOILET SOLP CIOY
o-a,[rooa a• ••.,r MONTREAL.
Uoi;i.c•^R,ur',wsxo sago, 0.5(N R-IA.o
For a No. 1 Roadster or Busi-
ness Machine. see the COMET
SAFETY." We guarantee all our
lVtachines. Catalague free.
T. FMIE & CO., iblauufacturers, Toronto.
— TUE —
Ohnnpeet and
H Americo 10 buy
Band and Musical
Instrumento, •r
/Hsi°, &a
)--lv-Ni WPC.1
The Alliance Bond and. Investment Co, of Ontario, Li nitwit
Incorporated February `:7th, 1S:10, -
CAPITAL - - $1,000,000.
Senora! Offices, 27 & 29 Wellington Streit East, 34 & 30 Front Street East, Toronto.
This Company undertakesagonoles of evog, description, and trusts, snoh as parrying out
185110s oe capital f or com panics and others, conversion ofrailway and other securities, willgivo care-
ful attontlon to managoment of est+otos, the collection of loam:, tents, interest, dividends. debts,
mortgagos,dobentures, bonds, bilk, 05108, coupons, and other securities; will aotasagontsforissn-
ing or countersigning cortiflcatos of stock, bonds or other Obligations.
Receives and. invests sinking fonds and invests moneys generally for others and offers the best:
torms therefor.
Evory dollar invested with or through this Company corms the highest returns andis absolute-
ly safo. 4.11 investments aro guaranteed.
TILE INVESTMENT BONDS of the Company aro issued in amounts of $IOD and upward' and
offe unparallollod induce -men -a for aooumnlpatvo investments of small amounts, monthly matt
larger periods for terms of years from five upwardsand the investor is not only .absolutely pra-
tooted against loss of a single dollar but can rely upon the largest rotu>}ns consistent with secur-
ity. Correspondence solicited and promptlyropliod to. - '
FEEL STONE, President. G. F. POTTER, Managing Director..
First•class General and Local Agents can obtain romunorative ooutraots by applying to
WILLIAM( STARLING, Superintendent.,
AddrossWILEIl1', ROYCE ,C CO., 830 Tong,
Street. Toronto. Send for Catalogue.
Never Failing St, Leorl
Up to throe years age
Dyspepsia, that horrible
8onsutlol, wretched pails
and choking. The Tory
thought chills 1110, A
friend got cured with St.
Loon uvgodino to drink
Idid. Tho choking Iumpi
gob softer and donor. 1
was aural and roman is
tho very bust of health, 51
Loon Water will euro when
al othol• lntctareo raft
GEO1051 G. `'trrLSON,
Victoria Semen, litontreal
Free from all restrictions as to residence, travel or oceupatioo.
I'ald.rep Polley tan,1 Cash Surrender Value Gnnranteed lu well Polley
.1°X1L5E1 SOT2E111370* .AL.1OT1oTTTx7C'S' 761%T3COICEV rnX313JATT xac itmac Y
Provides an INC011IE in old age, and is a good INVPSSfil1P11TT.;
Policies aro non•forlet-table after the payment of two full annual Premiums. .
Profits, which are unexcelled byy any Company doing business in Canada, are allocated over
Rvo years from the issue of the p1,olicy, or at longer periods as may bo selaot011 by the insured.
1','oft4 so Allocated are Absolute and not liable to be roducdtl o1• rccitlled at ant
future Hine miller any cirevonslln ees,
Participating Policy Holders aro entitled 10 not lass than DO per tient. of the profits earnedin
tho plass, and for rho past seven years have educate received 95 per cent, of the profits as oar,led,
Delivered anywhere In Canada. Largost
Stook. Lowest .Prices.
McCausland & Son,
7r: to 76 (ring St. 'West, Toronto
flues:llad for 3Oohotl mod Bondy of Coloring, '
Tllay ATO ll10 ONLY Dorm that
There is nothing !ilio thin for Strength, Coloring
or reuless.
DNB 0sokaga wrap TWOof lnyetkor Bycfoth6 mykol,
If yo,, doltbt it, try It I Your money mal 110 ra.,
funded it you aro not convinced nttor atrial. Flay.
rmu0otore aro made in x,i.Idsll1 Dyes, embrao ng
allow Shades, andatb0,8 are added no seen asny
Iacono no fashinnntlo. They oto wnrra0Eatt Eo dysa
more goods 00,1 do it hatter than Aly Wan. Dyes
Suave Price as inforio>rDye,10 &'till .
Canada nrm)oh 1 481 06, 1nal Wont, Montreal,
Setulposlalyor Satn4a10 carol and PoohoIdsstflOtloa,
('AiITION•—We have ascertained that in some sections of the
country, (leaders bane been selling 811 Rogers' Peerless, jilt ol1 not
manufactured mucin inferior to the genuine Peerlessly.
quality. We 1011 Mail $3 to any Person sending us letter exposing
such cases, and to protect our customers will mail to any one desir-
ing It at list of dealers in their neighborhood selling the genuine Pochs-
less (hl.
have them totem again, (5)0111450 11R4b1dALCUla811 yhavetflado'thS8isa*UladfN5t50
0pilopsy or I'a ling Slcknose a 1 ie. -long study, 3 warrant my remedy' 06 G irstrtiill.
worst cases bacaaso others have failed .s no reason for not now rocofvin 3 cure. Serldg5-
muco fora tre0tfso and a Erect 19ottlo of lay laef'm6Mabcc3 n0mody. Giro' Lv e5
Post Woo. It op tsyou nothing for a trial,'ntd -it will cuts Hyoar, AMMO "!as acs Sia TE
IdirCy itroac01 tlflige, 580 WEST p10E4.4100 a 4)789EY, Tf551 *NTC/a
, Whoa 1 say mlli'o I, do,not tm�sulk
mOrvil to 110 0 tllbmforalirh' andtR