The Brussels Post, 1890-5-23, Page 7MAT 23, 1SOO,
YOUNG FOLKS, ! (11'I1en(1, sealed on a lug stunning his brier
pipe by the eanlp-11101 whose ruddyhew fell
Ion his sunbrut features and lighten up rho
Oitl Elsa's Crow Soup. ch•unclorislic lines of that wooly face, laid
''eyes Dred with the reminiscences of the
. t i f ,
lit.C( TI AT NIA nrtl9 ffAlilnoV. I
1 t .
Old Ma, the cline, in her0earcl for food, o this thrilling narrative of the atnwk )n
Wont early abroad through the grove of '77jon bio enfeebled but ovo'ready llttlo
beech hand, by those barbarous cannibals, the
But found no berries in all the wood, linngnln.
That hong not, tauntingly not of reach. Now this veritable armada of war -canoes
ore down upon his sa11 craft ; how he
The nuts were not ripe above her head I the gauntlet mra
of these intrepid warriors to the
Nor had she the strength to boat down , safe reacher beyond, through an atmosphere
one 1 I darkened by the Ilight of ai rnwe and quiver-
Theblyda were abroad, with wings outspread, lop spew s, their ranks eta he pass d
But what could oho do without a gun? ;with a deafly,' hail from hitt rifles. l Air,
afloat, The top of his little cabin in the
Not even the wild plums over the hill
Had taken a doge of crimson el •
t g t r,
Stanley was tt ways busy whether ashore or
after - part of the 91 Avant formed d t is
h 1 l n 1110 1 able
And down b the stunt. 0' P
t [
1 h p l the r n
brown 1<
Y 1
Af Lhotlisl (' {
U tl (nice, '
11 1HI r 0 ( •H
LntLak def w la
'and h v110cn11 ey
l a c I t t o rut deal of the g In in•
mill to'estin g material which h° embodied in his agoIO 1'001000 anion 15t0l' because hie sermons
She hunted for urcxsns-4bn1 all were gm1o. "The wore too lin g,
WIRELETS, Ohl'ieti 't S • Ifif 1 1 he head," or Till. l'ONiioY #;z1IER1f,j4 E
and y V. Science. you
The 1)111' d'Orl(•aJH pasties away the t(•r1l(Un
of prison by making vinare,
1 y b
Montreal hits formed 14 !ice enmhhle, and
15'111 regulate the selling puce, of rine in all
gnautities ander 20 bags.
Li flung (hang on 811n(lay opened the
Mtuilelpl(l hall at Tientsin, which ie named
after Cel, i1 13I11ese) 1 (0don.
Prince Bi0lnarek is nnu'll improved in
health, and devotes several hours every clay
to sorting and arrntlghig lie letters,
A workman in Ih lirnoo, N. V„ supposed
to have been hostile, e(nnnitted sideidc last
week by diving into a vat of boiling acid,
.Rev: !r
A . !{hers n•pa`rlel to t n
n f e IL
a h M r 1
The Chri'iian Union says; c' What ('111
bels nb ee n ' t
I1 X t
t [ 1 not the 1-1131 Ltesting
all. e'n n 'r e( t
1 I 1 Oh. )In hIX1071a whatever et ell. X11
jest matte • with n hwl they 111(013 t{, do, b
tlleassumption in certain gnat 4(31'0 that the
are u0 ascertainable truths °°rcpt moth
call be seienLll}eully assert fuel - that is, a
eertlin('rl by pl'(10e(000 of ('eaoetl applied t
observed phenomena. What Christians h
shit upon is that there u1'° trnt1ls just
certain and indisputable which the Dens
cannot perceive and 1113 reasma van not arrly
at, They Etre 111'1'10130 at by other fa°ultie
Which are as trustworthy nuc either the Den
see o' the x000011, \1'11141 We insist upon is
Unit the truths of goodness in life and char-
note',ar( 7111['eal,osce.rtllin as ascertainable
1Nsewn tlhL truths, They 311(311nt Whitt pee-
1le happen
tathinkabnuttheul. '191eyere not
imaginations o• 'lotions, They are realities,
`heye.xfnt, not in the mind, but independently
if the nlfn]; as the law of gravitation would
still continue if all ![alter were blotted out
,f existence, and world begin forthwith to
811 f-1' '• .•l, it t
f 1 I th 11
ran ( uranin (..Ruud> n e end, use
el ,Sage's Catarrh Remedy, It cures when
11,1 everything else fails.
One 1f u
r who lunw0 wronged another [ r u clr(llWnrn% a''
with ul 1rLq
,1'c n•I s' re
7 L s
u1K to Jia it f'i'.
I 1 1 hf un1E ever to
1 ]
ua ahux• him a due. regard ngt[fn.
0'I 51r O'littfferty -"An what did your
° brother 11(imkwgsthe 101e mum, of his death?"
1- 11nfly "Me brother never knew the rale
H'ratnme of his death, US n0 ingleot wad hold 011
es 11101,"
book ho (,ongo and the Founding of rte I b 1
At length, oil a rail she slaw' a crow, Free State," was penned oil the Lubin of tile A syndicate of Belgian bankers, which (
Preening his feathers with patient care : 1'711 Avant. Occasionally, he would leave oil undertook to issue 01,000,000 of Congo State
All, ah 1'-•-sho elmeitlecl-" 111 softly go wrilin g, put. down 1118 punnil, and tlIkQ (t obllgotions, has been dissolved, having failed 1
jb 1
And catch him 'h'
while sitting
110 careless
But the crow at that moment turned hos
And away ho flow, with his wings a -sail
frail it will twat: of the bias," she said,
And she boiled in her pot the bit of rail
I;ow a Toad Undressed Itself,
A peal of laughter from the back yard
oareftl surveyof the surroundings '
5 , 60111p -
lbnea nn old crocodile, disturbed by Woe' nud-
dle.wheel8 in his slumbers on a snd•bunk,
would waddle down to the water's edge, s: d
to p' ace more t11141 cote -tenth of the amount. °potaLto alien' if all matter were called into
existence, '!`baso religious tenths do not
Portuguese Oiviligation in Africa, v t
1Y, though L man's ca1au L
n techaLc
them varies, '1'll •
L 1111'0 ¢101'11 11
a the same.
On one of these lands. within a day's 'u n'• Y Y me.
garbage au!tinning toward us, as if to gut n npy from (,1ui111nano,11 have seen encamped
Tho ndml doos not orgate than; it perceives
close view of the intruders, /could offer ill((0 lately as 1884 (4 lel'6'08111\'C caravan 0 few
1110111. T110 111)11(1 01111011 cannot perceive
inviting shot of whioll Mr. Stanley generally minutes walls from the owner's residence, then is ignorant, just tai the [wind which
took advantage, ibing to disposo of its living ntorohandlee can not perceive the truth that the world re-
We assed oil creeping slowly lop• over these Portuguese estates. 'lo 01010100 solves on its axis is ignorant. ].'ho 000 in -
stream, landing here and thaw to out dry that in the compound of LUq bonBV )toolf erns °r"nnetence 1s different frons the other, but
wood for fuel or ebtadu proViaions from the I a nativo hl rho a:we-stick may oiil be rot.
e•' It is no less a real incompetence than the
native villages which Ivo sigh dud on rho river• I aido 1 li 1 yl it 1 Il other'
p ,
rut as n suUOOe < ea s we
hanks. Our reception by the natives was known 1)1111 yearly largo caawans of slaves ,, "It lea scientific emu:lusfon that the
aroused Mrs. Lee from her afternoon leap generally friendly ; but the large, thickly Inc brought fro! the lakes district [and ab- 10n Commandments were written in the
withth t
a start 1 a 1113 her t
L 10 head to aching very populated villages of lialobo evinced a sorbed into thle estates around t,nillimnna, age of AfoxeH ; it is a religions truth that
violently again. She had lain down to sleep keen desire for war, and demonstrated their I 81101 on from the gaze of civilization ; tion. It 1S wrong to steal, to nun de, to OOmmllt
offthis disagreeable helula0hp and was peace- aggressiveness by firing their old flint -lock onized by convicts and criminals of the worst alhlltery, It is a scientific conclusion that
fully ehunberingon the sofa in her cool dark- guns at our little fleet Watt passed, Stanleytype; overran by a race, cross -bred between
,Josue Christ lived, died, and rose again
131011 parlor, lost to everything shout her in „fund previously made a station hero, and a negro slaves and the dregs of Portuguese from the dead ; it is a religious truth that
a restful sleep when the uproarious laughter white oflicer 0000 at present In charge of it. 'ails ; occupied by an administration power- his life and character, its they arc portrayed
of her �' U tear !I children
!3.11 go startledmild )f this headache ry,hoodti0uly recently this
ost o11 has
the been
no lees front poverty than national ape• beset the gaud excellence, r tnnet unequalled m humaof a unique n
does not leave mo soon," said ,lira. Lee to had been burned to the ground, and a or , and oacquiesce nforce its ice he eta sl sten of son save lavery ,.,,tory. It is a scientific conclusiont that
herself, as she pressed her hands to her great quantity of stores intended for the and degraded des otism, it is not surprising Y we arc ever in the Treeenee of an Infinite
throbbing teinples. She again closed her nese up -rive' stations, and other valuable that this vast region 'should have ecomand Eternal Energy, from wh'oh all things
eyes to try mid sleep, when the children's property destroyyed. The relations between buried in barbarism its imfortunatceo les proceed ; it is a religious truth that we can
n1°raiment took extra force, and the lough- the villages and station became very seru1u• {weighed down with tyranny, and trade u,nd come into direct personal, spiritual commu-
ter changed
hange its to object seem int bo tumult
Ifni thiel off ed, and
it was only after two weeks that 00nmmcice dwarfed to insignificant propor- Mon with the invisible Father of spirits,
fui gJ gb Y hasteristic tact triumphed over time. To give an idea of the nature of Port- These religious truths al's truths, not col-
a band of Indian braves, who mighl by swoop- the sus/Mims of these natives and convinC°cd ugneao rule whore alone they have any etfoc• (aptiona or imaginings or mental creations.
ing down in war paint and feathers with them ot our friendly intentions, and also tie° occupation, that is in the Delta of the there are more men who have the capacity
scalping knife and tomahawk to massacre snc0epded in making them hay an indemnity Zambesi, I may ray that the native soldiers to perceive the higher religious truths than
the children. for their unprovoked attack. Stanley hay- who collect the 100100 0 or tell tax are in there are who have the canaeity to per -
',Rest is impossible," sighed AIro, Lee, ing palled Dinka and the other Bolobo chiefs the habit of forcibly dishonoring the native cehwo the higher scientific troths. And any
"with such a noisy' roup of children at to a friendly council, presents weee0x0ha11g• Womol and murdering their husbands or mini who has not the 1 polity to perceive
P ( arose languidly; 0d, and the natives promised fn. future to fathers if they resist or even expostulate. In the fundamental and primary religions
and threw open the binds of the window mantain peace with the white °telt the earl art of 1880 I myself ave medical truths, those truths of purity and goodness
that opened toward the garden, The child- I Our little flotilla again started a p -stream• 1 assistance to a young native anti who had °'1 whirl the whelp fabric of eo°ioty is
ren stood in a circle, watching something on \\ a were, however, delayed a lithe on the 11ee11 stabbed through the bodybyoto of built, is a moral idiot. He belongs among
the ground with great interest, while thelway,inorderthatourengineer•mightrepair these Portuguese soldiers because he had the abnormal Specimens of a diseased
screams of laughter told quite well that] the damage caused to the A. I. A. by an old dared to expostulate -he had not ventured for incurables. His place is in the hospital
they had found something uncommon. Mrs, i hippopotamus 00110 had imagined this little to resist -when his young wife was violated for incurables,
Leo stepped upon the porch, half -forgetting steamer to be an enemy of lea, and had matte by the soldier. The an lingered for two " We sum up our whole philosophy on
her headache in the excitement that seemed (four large holes through the iron plates of months in great pain and then died. This this subject with three aphorisms, which we
"catching" like a fever. 1 1100 hull with his tasks before his pugnacity case is simply an exampple of what is ha _ recommend to the thoughtful consideration
"0, mamma," exclaimed Arlie, when shc� was appeased. Fortunately, the boat was pelting Ducey (lay antler Porhtgueae tulmi1°P- of our readers :
saw her mother watching them. "Come; close in shore at the time, so they were able
htraatiol. "Ideals are realities,.
uaDogc Ina mnrmna0 0 1iledcall (rthe children �water. her to the banks before she filled with 1 In one sphere, tho sphere of morality, „
Pomtn uoso eivilization has rade its mark. Unftlis ignorance."
11chorus, as they cLPPed their hands; 1iaI In September, '3 3, a
blue smoke lar ingo'or my six years' Zambesi
legion of nothing, shouted again at the Lop of their voices. � enrlin g up over the tall trap -tops, announced lar work m the Zambesi reg)o1s notling,. Re Wanted More Time,
"1411511, •,hilllreu,"said 51 re. Lee, as she went' to us that we were approaching %native set- perhaps, has so forcibly been impresse<l (.;ripe "\\'¢ll, Doctor, dial yon 01 cooed
slowly dawn the walk. 'Yin will alarm dement. This WILa Lnknlola, and in 1110 upon me as one of 111e results of Portuguese in breaking up Cable's fever?"
the neiglnb0rhood, if you amnia nlorequiet."1 neighborhood of our landing -place the new 111Ht1pne0 011 the native population ns t10 Young Doctor- I would have clone so
"You will lau;;h ton," cried Willie in his station was to be built. A el'owd of ]natives lamentable deterioration of native 1110001- in another week had I been given half a
boisterous way, ''3111en you see what this' was gathered on the bleach awaiting our ity. The Portuguese on this coast line have chance."
toad is doing," and they made room for her' arrival, and as soon tai Stanley, landed, a reached a depth of somal inmlorality-in- "They didn't call in alotllor doctor, did
in the chole, Mrs. Lee rlmh0 upon the R.0110,81000 81000 was sett through the village to beat deed of sexual criminality -below which it they ?"
in time lo see a toad give a little convulsive the old chief's gong 101111 5110111100 a1 the head
is impossible for humanity to fall. Fanny "No, but this morning, jest 0.0 I was
gulp, at something it was swallowing and ', Hien to a palaver, -St. Nieholc,s.
then hop away.
"Well, what Is thet'c 0o much out of the
ordinary 000 Uf a 1,10,1'X 00101101 111 cntiug, I
The Cowboy's Sermon,and after swallowing its food, bop away to Owyf
lied something!. vise it 11(9' devour. If that; Champaign. County Herald: "Lots o I
is !'hat caused all this (((1110, 1 must say you fonts that would really like to do right think
are easily amused." 'their crestfallen ap-; that 0000'in' the Lind !leans ohoutin' them-
selves Des hoarse praisin' His name. Now I tell
IIlemoment,rinice amused her for a moment, when
\1-illio exclaimed : you how I look at that. I'm workiufor Jim
"0 mamma, it 04'110 awful funny ; for ho here. Now if I'd set round the house here
swallowed his clothes." 1011111' what a good feller Jim is and singin'
"Swallowed his clothes 1 Row absurd 1" songs to Ilion, and gottiu' up in the nights
"He really (lid Swallow his skin, mamma," to serenade him when he'd rather sleep, I'd
explained Iharry the eldest. "11 looked so be (loin' just like lots of Christians do:
much like he undressed and swallowed his but I wouldn't suit ,1101 and I'd get fired
clothes, that Willie stalls it `swallowing his mighty quick. lint 0(•1011 I buckle on my
clothes.'" chaps and rustle among the hills and see
"That surely was curious. I am sorry I thei,Jint's herd is all right and ain't auferin'
did not see the performance." for water and feed and Min' rim off the
"0,111de is another toad going to undress," range and branded by cow thieves, then I'm
exclaimed Willie, pointing to ono only a few aprvin' J)m as ho wants to be served. And i"
feet away. I was ridin' for the Lord I'd ride out in th
The lady and her children now gathered ravines of darkness itncl the hills of sin an
around another large toad. It was acting keep His herd from boiu' branded by Ili
queer, and they watched it with interest to devil and run off to where the feed wa
813135 v
hntttwonlddo.SirCoaflaPP paredsht gb g• snort and c uh''
il.iln' bolas in the creek all dry
ish and cite lmaonscious of theirpresence, and no cedars hs and inns for shelter 5•h 1
g , p 0 m th
while ho pressed his elbows against; his sides, blizzards conte,
and rubbed downward. " I don't see how I'd bo helping the Lord
After a fete smart rubs, his skin begat out if I jest laid round the 1Va11011 e(ttilf' up
to burst open along the back, but lie kept the grub I could git, and gittfn' down on
rubbing until Ile 1104 worked all his skin my prayer bones and tatfyi11' the Lord up
into folds on his sides and hips. He then and °skin' for more. The Bible say's some -
grasped one hind leg with his hands, which thin' somewhere -I've got the place marked
looked almost human, and pulled the skin -abort how people serve the Lord by feed -
from that log. in' and waterin' and lo0kin' after the Herd,
"Off comes his left pant leg," shouted and I think it would coo lots of people good
Willie. An explosion of laughter followed, to read it over. When a crittur has had
and then all became quiet, awaiting the next his moral nate' starved over since he was a
move, which was the removal of the right calf, and been let run 0 human Maverick till
pant leg. the devil took pity on him, jest cause
He now pulled his east•off gamont for. nobody else didn't look after 111111, and put
ward between his fore logs into his mouth his brand on Min so doop that even in the
and swallowed it. spring, when the hair's longest and it's no
"Why don't you give your old pants to trouble to toll to whose herd ho belongs to,
an orphan or sell 'en/ to a rag man, Mr, it shows mighty plain that the cowpunchers
Toady?" queried the jocose Willie, in such of the Lord las been hmntin' salary harder'
a comical tone, that Mrs. Lee joined heart. that they've been hm(1)0' soils."
ily in the laugh,
"Mr. Toady" paid no attention to this
question. He was raising and lowering his
head, swallowing as his head came down,
thus stripping of the skin from his abdomen
until he came to his fore legs.
"Now lig is going to pull off his sleeve,"
said Arlie.
Grasping one of his fore legs with tho
opposite hand, by considerable pulling he
stripped off the skin. lie 1100(1 by a slight
motion t earl and 1 '1 swal-
of to h dal the dine swl 1
lowin drew the akin from the neck and
swallowed the last 0f his late costume, lbuth°
was none the poorer, because he now appear:
ed in. a dazzling now Slit, and seemed well
contented with himself over his new Spring
°lodes and hearty dinner.
He now I10pped away, while Mrs. Lee
laughed heartily with the children, who
almost shrieked w111 merriment.
honor is unknown among these do- noticing an improvement in Cable, he died."
graded pioneers of a pseudo civilization. -Tho !':pooh.
incest and unnatural vices aro commit-
ted without (nty attempt at secrecy. I True Courage.
The Portuguese morality i11 these dark re-
gions sped
is appreciably lower than that of the J'
brute beasts, With the morality of tho then of humanity making toward v
ns ?
native Makololo it eau be compared in no De Jolmes-That's s Lumley, and despite
sixtictilar. Among the uncontaminated his harmless appearance he's a courageou
native peoples the moral code is relatively m[tn*
a high 011e and its infringement is punished Well, his looks belie hint, vBut w11at
by death. Those fearful lulu horrible crines hakes you think he has mirage.
against natural instincts practiced by the ' He eats restaurant hash.
Portuguese in their .settlements on the coast 1
are llnknOWll to the interior. Under the ex- A gentleman wont to keep a written ap
emplary tuition of the Portuguese, however, pointment with a broker whom he did no
thonative population in the neighborhood of know bysight. Seeing a forlon•lookin"gen
and under the influence of the Portuguese Oman seated 111 the office, ho said : "I bet,
settlements have fallen almost to the Porti• pardon, air, are you the broker ?" To whio1
guess level ; encouraged by the gross immor- 111e other promptly replied : " No, sir, I'm
ality of their white masters they have tonthe feller that got broke 1"
Lost their own comparatively high moral
d code, This is perfectly well known to resid- I "Born to be Happy,"
0 ants intim Portuguese coast settlements,and so said Socrates ; so have reiterated man
s . it is impossible to preserve silence about other 'Sooro hers 111 regard to ted many
facts that are notorious when, as at present, philosophers g, y-
r') e q buts,' it is
As heoldA is the vital p tet t l
' the state of Portuguese civilization fn East
e • tivo dot but a welcome
Africa is a subject that claims the attention not only nn impala y,
and n
of philanthropic Europe. -The Fortnightly privilege for every man ( woman to main-
Rericw. taut it 111 the highest clog000. One of the
most insidious and dangerous omissions in
Threads of Truth. this 'oo neetion is to neglect a tendency to
constipation. The slogging up of the system
Life is too short to spare even the stormy with effete matter predisposes to disease,
drays. depresses the spirits, and creates gloom and
The true birds of the air always fly with despondency. Tho occasional use of Dr.
their own wings. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets will prevent a eo1-
A shadow is always darker and larger than stipated habit, clear the brain, sweeten the
the figure that makes it. temper, (and we add, the breath also) and
Flattery is but the condoling of our fail- open a vista of happy activity possible only
ores rather than a true estimate of our mer- to the well regulated mind and body.
its. 1 Marries for n1eley-Ube preacher.
In accordance with the ancient proverb,
he who would accumulate must spend also. Live' disease, biliousness, dyspepsia, or
We might take lessons from childhood in indigestion, and all derangements of the
that enviable art of being easily made hap- stomach and bowels cured 1)y Dr. Pierce's
py, (;olden Medical Discovery, or money paid
If it be true that "truth is stranger than for it returned,
fiction," how exceedingly queer it must bo Velvet is the favorite finish for light w00
sometimes, (1000115.
Force may compel compliance for the time
The ono deserving the greatest commend-
being, but gentleness and affection endure All Men,
and reign co finer:11y. young, old, or middle-aged, who find them-
selves nervous, weak and exhausted, who
are broken down from 0xoes for overwork,
008(11ting in many of the following synp•
toms : (rental depression, premature old
age, loss of vitality, loss of memory, bad
dreams, dimness of sight, palpitation of the
All the bells of Heaven may ring heart, emissions, lank of energy, pain in the
nn s headache, pimples on the fano or
birds of Heaven may in
lad t
I the nrds cava e
Y, , P P
All the wells o1 earth may apr.nb, ' body, itching or peculiar sensation about tho
All the wind on earth may bring sorotuni, wasting of the organs, diozinea8,
All sweet sounds together ; specks before the eyrie, twitching of the
Sweeter far than all things heard, muscles, eye lids and elsewhere, bashfulness,
Hanel of harper; tone of bird, deposits in the urine, loss of will power,
Sound of woods atsun(dovli stirred, tenderness of the scalp and spine, weak and
Walling water's' winsome word, flabby =sales, desire to sloop, failure to be
Wined in warm, wan weather; 'rested by sleep, constipation, dullness of
yet them is, that done hearing loss of voice, desire for solitude, ex -
One thing • oitabihby of temper, sunken oyes surround-
(1000)ng aro its dim be done, ' ed with 00Autta oino10, oily looking slain,
11nov not well the sweetest one ' eta, aro all symptoms of -nervous debility
Hoard of 1(1100 beneath the sun, 1 that load to insanity and death unless enr0d,
Hoped in 1•Ieaven hereafter ;
Soft and strong and ]nod and light, ITho spring or viisal 1810 leaving lost its
tenoion every funotion wares in consequence
Very sound of very light, Those who through abuse committed in
Heard from morning's rosiest height' ignorance may be permanently oared, Send
When the soul of all delight 1yo11r address for book on all dioases poeulair
Fills a child's clear laughter, 10 mal, Address A•I. V, LIMON, 50 Front
SwlNnvn'E, St. I ,, Toronto, On, nooks sent free sealed.
On the Congo (Pith Manley,
The Seoret of a Long Life,
You sometimes see a woman whose oho sago
is as exquisite as wits the perfect bloom of
her youth, She 5801ns uottle118od sweetness
and grace, You wonder how this has conte
about; you wonder ]how it is ler life has
been a long and happy one. Here are some
of the reasons :
She knewhow to forgot disc seeable
b B
She understood the art of enjoyment. .
She kept her nerves well in hand, Land in.
flioted them on no one.
She believed in the goodness of her own
daughters and in that of ler neighbors,
She cultivated a good digestion.
She mastered the art of- saying pleasant
She did not expect too much from her
She made whatever work came to hereon•
In the evenings when we put in shore lar She retailed her illusions, and d1(1 not b8-
tho night to cut wood, my chief, Stanley, Have that all the world was winked and un•
would often narrate some of the stirring kind.
events which 00011010(1 during his memorable She relieved the miserable, and syntpatliz•
expedition to relieve Dr. Livingstone, or od with the sorrowful,
Is still more thrilling voyage through tho She retained an even disposition, and made
Dark Continent. I rentonber one particular the bostof everything.
0001101on-when the rising moor threw long, She did whatever came to her oheorfully
silver stipples across the purple waters of the and well.
She lever forgot that kind and a
the soft evening airs fanned the words(
Congo, and t g , g
smile cost but pricelesstrey treasures
of gibes on the surround- s
smoldering patches 1 0 d ,
ing )Hills into flame, which cast in fantastic to the discouraged. 1
relief the weir8 shapes of the rocky mplande She slid unto others as she would be done
and the ,wondrous variety of the tropical by, and now that old %go has °ole to her
v .station., ail there is o. halo of white lair about hot
Ytani°y,(lres8od h i hie canpaigningeostume head, she is loved and considered.
of brown jacket and knickerbockers, with This is the secret of along lifo and m happy
li ;(tern, " .;^,x'na 1 p. 11' n1'. ; it z.M IYSa nue.
atiou is that one whose thoughts and endeav-
ors are given to others.
A Child's Laugh.
-- I Heartdiseaso, tlesyniptoresofwhich arefaint
olleot for the Day.numbness, al p itatiot
Brief dspells, m1' l0 lips,
,1. P,p
p t p in flashes, rush o Blond to the
G c Thy voice is in Om inch ilei bets hot 0 s f
Ult, Lord, one o 1, . ,y e w p , ,
and in the waters 1 Thou apeakost in the head, dull pain in the heart withbeats strong,
faro, and in the whirl -wind, and by a still, rapid and irregular, the second heart beat
small voice. Wo long to ]roar '.l'hy voice quicker than the first. pain about tihe breast
amid the sanctities of this Sabbath day, bone, eta, oun7esitiwely be otu'od. No cure,
Speak tons, from out lho.hallebtjah slow and no pay. Send for book. Address lot. V.
sweet, from out the hallelujahs sweet and Li.J110IsT, 50 Front Street Last, Toronto.
tow. Speak, Lord, we wait and listen. Ont,
A. P. GOS'
1 In its First Stages.
Palatable as Milk.
Be sure you etch S
e genuine I Salmon
n n
color wrapper; sold by all Druggists, at
Sec. and $1,00.
SCOTT Sc BOWNE, Belleville.
180 an1e1011151,00
WATCHES FREE. rnrgeods, {(•1100000a,enl•meed,
0 Canad(an Watch Co., Toronto, Can.
BIZ Bdokkcopinl, Banking. Pemm�nnhip.
L Shorthand, typal 'Shoreta, at Institute,
Pusineso, University R. 'Shorthand Institute,
Public Ltboary Bldg, Toronto, Circulars free.
'Phos, Bengough, Manager,
and TUMOR Specialist. Private
Hospital, No knifes seek free.
G. H. MCai 1QHASa, M. D.,
...w® N 810(1' 01, Buffalo, N.Y.
and reliable systems taught, whereby
stylish, porfect-rating garments are produced.
Send for circular, S. CORRIGAN, Prop„ 4
Adelaide St. West.
Wanted I
General Servant, for a small family, with a
comfortable )longe. Good references required.
Fare advanced if necessary. Apply at once to
Cheapest, 7?-5
oand Bost
Fence for Farnl, Gar -colt, Orohnrd
or town lots. !'rices froni41o. per rod (left.)
.end for price cells.
t. Inver
p Ire
FF ((1'l. cep It
[ver St., Toronto. I
° O O®A DAY . -Er. ■ hoe wort[
for men 000 women Acdrese T. N. HanIPT08 ,
d Anahuac Street West. haoos0. 1
- V.AGRAV1NCI'' c �j L:JONE -;'�"
FGR ALL, .1% E7ti>iE GR1g1 E ;
A00J(1 RA5l - IO1KtN[#ST E1ET1:1} TP
&AIiV�RT151 ¢`� f VS
•puRPQSEs:• ,YoRpNt h:P1NADA
f 1
Kl:[F7 sI.C.. �L'i(C0� ..iC4ornM TORONTO
V Sailing weekly between :1(OSTRE,U, and
LIVERPOOL, Saloon'Ticknts 94' , E4,and 9110.
i 100100n 'rickets, 900, 900 and 5110, according to
steamer and acc0mmo[lation, Intermediate X201
Steerage 920, Apply t011. E. MURRAY, Gon-
ers] Manager, ('tulndt[n, Slipping Co.. 4 CUS-
Aionts in all Towns and Cities,
to use.
It heals the skln, and de.
Stroys Insects and germt
on the hair of man
Cheapest and
In America to buy
Band and• 3fuelon
Music, &a
'('heir increasing popularity is a proof od'it *
superiority. ulty. Be auto and got n Conhoy lop -en
your buggy,
For ('IU1d ren and Adults. -
Invaluable for Indigestion and
Co 13th atlo
P D•
FRANKS R &aLCO..e'London,
7 n Joh
England, Pro rt
ax -
y ,laIl
0 1'1 L.R.C.A.
1? 1 John o , sap, -
"I i,1' a r. Allinson' oodC J London sa auto
"I ]lk0 Ur. Nichols 'Food of Health' very =auto
and find it of great dietetic value in many dis.
eases As 10 breakfast dish 1 prefer it 1s, •o'at;
meal. For the re1trlatlon of the bowels itaam
not he surpassed.' Send for sampie FREE. Al
Bost thing out,. Agents make), 99 per'dale
Sample by moll, 25e, ULEMENT k: Co., 313 i;:iartls
St. E., Toronto.
To the Fu rnitnre Trade
Dealers in Furolture & Upholstered 6rait
Wo the undersigned bog to inform 110'(
Retail Trade that we have a full lint o11
Furnttureand Upholstered Goods, (loss �a
well assorted stock of Walnut, Parlxirs,
Lounge, Sofa, Easy and other ChairrFramte-P
nu. goods are well finished and made of ad10,
best seasoned. woods. Orders solicited. !l
Queen City Mamifacturing Co'y,
117 King Street W„ Toronto.
Never FSlung St.' Loa
Up to three years
Dyspepsia, that berr0140,
sensation, wretched pabbt,
and choking. The Ymrg-
thoughts? chill me -,
friend got cured with S"t..
Loon; urged me to drink,
I did. The choking J•ml•A3104
got softer and s:softer. al
was cured old 'remain 3a
tho best of health. St. Levu
'water will cure when :11
other mixtures
Victoria Square, Montrgail
Amccxraosrs wet®`
UAC INaE aF o,'i��'^pHnuteassrvol
Med Internally dl Externally, Prtees o0e.�tltle9'0-
POND'SEETRACT00 NowYork&Lola.,ale,••
FOR BEST sauna"'
ELEYATINlL oxoOxEaeesnA SizrCOs. aoroi
0�'v% % Send rbc tab .
Pogo Catoiogaal
Address WU tLET , ROY('E ACO., los Yongo
Street, Toronto. Send for Catalogue.
Send for Illustrated Catalogue
and this advertisement with
your order for our Now Mar
Its fiber and WO will allow you
AUI1n808 a
Uraolmani Bros,, M'fgrs,
Pickering .Sprint .
Easily adfuste0 to 111',0»(1
Special faoilitiesforma3,,
ing has reduced primas,
WOR xS CO., pp,
When 1 say Cure 1 do not meat*
merely to stop thorn for a time, and then;
have them return «gaia. 1 MEAN A RAD (C A L C U R E. I have made the disease of Fit•(tt.
Epilopey or Falling Sickness a life-long study, 1 warrant my remedy to Clare to,
worst cases, Because others have failed is no reason for not now receiving a cure. Send at,
once for a treatise and a Free Bottle of my Infallible Remedy.. Give Express at,s
Post Office. 18 costs you nothing for a trial, and it will cure you. Address 1-H.
MAN IS 4,4
Is used ns a STIt 1'NGTIi-GIVING 1'001) fotr
ItStIIIPIr 1311,1_
fi yx
(sal, Y1
To ed dl Ise. By t s timely use thou ands renders that 111000 n positive remedy for
1 oIi o named disease. By its simply use thousands 0111690100s cases have been permanently creed.'
1 shall be glad to send two bottles of my romody FREE to any or your reatllers *he haw tlotW
.p tion if they will send me their ExpressAnd Pest Office Address. LtespkttullY, T. ATA. 66®ldi/tly,.
m rt 168 WeAdlmlatdo Sty TORONTO. ONTARIO,