The Brussels Post, 1890-3-28, Page 5MARCH 28, 1S90. fxstrixt ` ttus. f RfDAl 11ARCIIf 28, 1890, is tenrtbroolc. .fonu Cameron, fir., Itis been confined to hip home through sieknese during the past week. We hope to see him all right seal n. The regular meeting of the Young Peeples' Society will be hold on Monday evening next, beginning at 7:30 p. m, A, this will probably bo the cloning meeting a full attendance is requested. 0111En:u Norse, -Knox church pulpit wee onoupied on Friday and Saturday by Rev. Mr. Anderson, of St. Helens, Bruce Co, The rev. gentleman's die• courses were pre:tolled from the texts : Rom. 12:2, '!'sneer in spirit" and Ps. 43 : 1, "The 1..'d ie my shepherd, I shall not want." The Thanksgiving ser- vice on Sabbath evening waa conducted by Rev. Mr. Henderson, of Atwood, the text being Exodus 29:45, "And I will dwell among the children of Israel, and will bo their God," MO' altos'. Why dans one of our young men whistle rho old and well known song "Alfie I where art *nu ?" Last Tuesday night a burning chimney on Dan. Campbell's honer: caused quite no excitement, bet forLnnatelyno damage was done. limit Weedily Geo. Campbell, well kunwll around here, left Brussels for Killarney, 'Manitoba. Of oonrae Os some- body left hero sense timeago, there ie DOW nnthiug to keep Geo. hero. We wish him encases in the prairie Province and hope to !Ino hire book agafu. Tho gh•ls are in hope also, The it :vial face of a young man from Grey, who used t0 visit ns occasionally, is now wenn on our streets nn more. The reason for this is not (dearly evident to ns, but may bo perfectly "transparent" to him. Perhaps the town north of us holds a stronger attraction for him, Wi otetrer. John Ireland has returned from a visit to Guelph and vicinity. A large number of the young people of the village were treated, by John David• son, to a party last friday evening- A good time is reported to have been spent. S. Smale, son of Dr, S. B. Simile, has returned from Detroit, where he has been attending the Madinat College. He sue. Seeded in passing his second year's ex- amination, standing well op on the list. We understand that a school concert is being arranged for, under the direction of the teachers of our school. from the zeal with which they have entered upon the work we have no doubt but it will be wall worth attending. The object of the concert is to ob sin decorations, mottos, SO. fur the school. livery person inter- ested should attend. Our village has been somewhat en- livened this week by the large number of laborers employed in storing away ice here. Tho St. Clair limn, of Windsor, has bought all the ice au the pond, and has built a largo ice abed near the rail- road, where they are hacking it. In order to complete the contrnet and secure a largo amount of ice 'before Spring, a large number of meta have been employed working night and day. Oneof Lho even- ing spectators was so muoh taken up with whet was goir'g on that lie did not notice where he was standing and got a gond bath before others could draw him out. >H f•tt�,t. Have yon seen the silver tea service at Simpson & Sons? Wm Spence will attend the Spring As- sizes next week in Goderiob. Miss M. Buchanan, of Hensall, is visit. fug her uncle, H. F. McAllister. Simpson & Sun ar. ltuieg to push the oath business. Trade with them. Tt is reported that we will have no widowers scarcely in this vicinity after this week. It will be a little too preens. ture to give their names in Oslo issue. D. Lowery, of Brussels, has the con- traot for the mason work and plastering of Burton's new hotel. R. Lang will do the carpenter work. • The Presbyterians aro arranging for a choir to aid W. Spence, the veteran pre- centor. The Methodist ohuroh is also improving their choir. Simpson & Son have their apriog stook complete. Each purchaser will find it to their advantage to trade with them. Eggs and choice roll butter taken as °ash. See the silver tea service to be given away. Andrew Eckmier, being about to take his departure for Washington Territory, gave a farewell party last Thursday even. ing at the residence of his brother,. J. Eekmier. There was a large attendance and a very pleasant evening was spent. He loft by the noon train Wednesday, in company with Robt. Carr, of the 12th eon. As these are active and industrious young men they will no doubt do well in that district. We wish them Inok. I3.111evaal e. E. Hartley left for Clinton on Monday last. Mrs. Wm. Messer and her little daugh- ter were away for a holiday vioit last week to Mr. MaAllister's, Mae. Messer's father. ,Jharlie Leech, of Detroit, is at present visiting in this vicinity.. We are always glad to see Mr. Leech in Blnevale, the only thing that is the matter is that 11e never stays long enotigh. We are glad this week to be able to chronicle the arrival of the organ in the Presbyterian church. It was used last Sunday in the Sunday school and all were highly delighted with the great lin- prevenient in the singing. It is a Bell organ. 1tTr.Duff had a hard time in the committee to persuade than that flue was the right kind of an organ to get, but sineei1 has been hoard there are Do oomplainta made, The work et the now Il'ethodiet church hoe begun in earnest, atone, sand, Are, are'being quickly drawn to the place. They have chosen the lot of old Mr. 1Vamsley,'s, Main street, art the beat site. The lot was worth somewhere in the neighborhood of $200 or $300, They have cleeiclacl to build the basement of stone, nearly All above ground, and then comes the body of the church built of brink, which is to be high 011011810 to pet a gallery in, if noeesaary. The dimes. stens of the ohuroh will be about 400118 foot. The building will add greatly to the beauty of the village. lltuavnle will very likely grow rapidly after this for a time, THE BRUSSELS POST A Plour and Feed stere has jest been opened in Bruosoie under the manage- ment of Ring it Hartley, of Biuevale. The bueinees that bas been worked up here 1n that line chow the pains that aro taken to make it it su000ea. It le not nooessul'y to telt the people of Brussula whore to get thou flour s31tho,y will shun fired tlll4t the eheepost and beet retie flour, and all kinds of feed is kept by Ring & Bartley. The debate at the literary meeting last week wee very interesting as well as in- structive. Though both parties vigorous- ly uphold their sides the decision was given in favor of the affirmative after three hours of solid argument. This week there was a spelling match on all the words of Europe, which was very in. teresting A. vary largo audience %vas present, There io to be one more meet- ing and then they aro to wind up with a grand concert. It is to be the best of the season. rae.v. Adapt Steles leaves this week for Mon- tana where he will (mesh his fortune. George McDonald has returned from the Algona District where he was work- ing in the lumber woods for the past fomes months. On Thursday evening of last week the y0nnu Ileople of this locality enjoyed nn "at home" at the comfo,table residence of Hueh Lamont, 1121 con. A. McNichol is buildings naw etal,, on his lot in Cranbrook. Iris of the old style of arohiteotnr°...t tidy does not believe in new fengled things. A new 111111 barn 15x311 feet, will Put up t.y RRubt, McKay next Summer. Thug. Newsene hits the contract. C. Game a doss them roll work. Dan. Robertson, 0011. 14, has re000tly been olfe cd a big selary on jouru1 E3th: work, bet will farm as (1131101 the pre. sent seits.m. A literary work, which hoe engaged his attention during leis are hours tor some yearn, will peobetbly be ouutplettd this BOOBOO. Old Mr. Batas died on Monday of this week at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Wm. Fralick, Morrie, at the advanced ago of over 80 years. The funeral took piwe on Tuesday afternoon, ltev. Mr. Paul, •.1 Brussels, conducting the service. Mrs. Bates died a few years ago, One by one the old people are leaving us. John Askin, jr., and •Eno. Robertson, jr„ probably the Iergest jobbers in the wood Ousting ]ino 111 01i9 section, are about through for the season. They are steady workers, and have cut, Belie and piled a great many cords during the winter. it is rumored that when they get all their money gathered in they will start a hank. The "box" aocial given at the home of Samuel Matthew., recently, was a navel and most enjoyable affair. Each lady brow; M a box containing victuals for two. All the boxes were paced on a table and the gents made their selection, 'scortain• ing the named their partner when their box was opened. There were scene very odd couples as the result. The company loft for their homes in the early =ruing well plea.ed with the evening's p easure. On Tuesday evening last a number of relatives and friends assernbled at the borne of John Roddick, 14th 0011, to cede- brato the fiftieth anniversary nf the mar- riage of the brew host and hostess. To say that a good time was put in does not cover the ground, but after enjoying the big.hearted hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. Raddiak the company separated, with many good wishes expressed for long life and oontinoed happiness and prosperity to the old folk. Tire POST adds its con- gratulations. ammo DEntrE.-The closing meotl0g of the Literary and Debating Society of Shine's school was held on Monday ave0• ing last, The attendance was fair, not- withstanding the condition of the roads. The feature of the evening was a debate on the subject :-"Resolved that we learn more from reading than from ob- servation." The affirmative wee upheld by Alex. Perrie, Jas. Perris and Jae. Me- Lauchlin, and the negative by Wm. Porde and Jas. Robertson. After the combatants had delivered themselves of a quantity of arguments, humor and sarcasm, and the smoke had cleared away, the chairman, D. Ballantyne, of Brussels, gaye decision in favor of the affirmative. William Perrie, the Presid- ent, during the term spared no pains to make the meetings a aueoese. Tha trus- tees and parents of S. S. No. 1 are to be congratulated on their broad and liberal spirit of fellowship. Morrlaa. The roads are bad. James Speir was away in Michigan o1 a business trip. Mrs. Robt. Mnthers, of the 1st con., is very sick at present. The regular meeting of the township council will be held next Monday. Mrs. Jonathan Dulmage, of the 1st con., has been ill for about two wooke but is slowly recovering. Robt. Shaw, of the 2nd con., has re- turned after a two weeks' visit to friends and relatives fn Woodstock. Miss Annie Eakot, of the 1st con, has been very sink with the meaeles for over a week, but she is slowly recovering. Mr. Nichol, of Jamestown, wears a very becoming smile this last few days. Tbo reason of it is an increase in the family. Alexander Eakot has boon laid np with the "Grippe" for e. week but it did not get a very firm grip as he is able to bo round again. Wm. Clark's sale, which was adver• Used. for last Friday, did not come off. Mr. Clark made arrangements and stopped the salon We noticed 'Critic's" remarks last week and in reply would refer him to Prov. xvii-28. We say nothing more for the reason found in Prov. sxvi-4. Mr. Blackwell, teacher of S. S. No. 5, hoe been laid np for a few days with an attack of pleurisy. Wo aro glad to say 110 is able to resume his duties again. W. Forrest purchased a lino young Holstein brill from 1I. & W. If. llollert, Tavistock. The annual owe to Bruit - stela on Tuesday and was talion hone on Wednesday, Mise Martha J. Jobnston, of New- bridge, who has beau visiting friends and relatives on the 1st and 21111 onus., for about tri month, intrude retevoiug to her home this tveelt, Last Friday :Robert Sholdiao, a prom. icing young roan in hie 11i15ate011t11 year, diet. from an attack of typhoid fever. The funeral took place on Bentley after. mon. This fe the second death in this family this Winter from the satme diseases Another son, who 100.11 very ill, is improving aomt n'het, two are piensed to state, 1 We are creditably informed that W. 11. 1 Clunky has been appointed local agent for the 1Yfanufuoturer'a Life Iasurana° Company. Another epeeial mooting of the town- ship Council was hold fact Saturday, The report of the eudito"e In wince - Lon with the examiuutfuu of the late Treasurer's hooka shows a shortage of ?x2,127,119. A demand lies been made on the bondsmen for that amount, On 'Thnrariay of lust week Robert Thuell had the misfortune to moot with an aooidunt that Wil lay him up for soma time. He was in the bush with the team when the horses got frightened and in their jumping about the rank slipped and lot the driver down through. His left leg was broken hi two places, the hone protruding through the flesh. 1 -In also got u bump on foie head. Tho Injured leg WEB 001111 sot and the patient is fining ao well es could be expected. Hxnexear,-The residence of Samuel Barr was the scene of one of those notable events in a life time, viz„ the marriage of Mise Mary J. Arnott to Francis Coates, on Wednesday lust. The ceremony way performed by Rev. S. Jones, of Brussels, in the presence of a ailed company of friends, Miss Barr was the bridesmaid and Rev. Mr. Davis the groomsman. The bride was the re- elpient of (400)0 handsome presents, Mr, find Mrs. (theme left for their own home accompanied by the hearty Cod speed of all. May the vnushine of prosperity illnnil nate their pathway. alerenulsrar,.---O,• Wedneedny of this week a largo company assembled 131 the re:a•l no;• of Sauue•I Welker, or„ 7th eon„ 1" witneee the neptlale of W. 4, Walker and 1111•33 ,Jennie ,Walker, youngest daug',L:r of the host and hoatee,1, Rev. Samuel ,101108 was net long in tying the ulutrin:nni:it knot. Tho bride was at seeded by ,hiss Arabehl Armstrong and the groom by W. Robb. The wedding gifts were of is Well order and expressed the estimation in which the bride is hold by her many friends, Ur. and Mrs. Walker commence married life with the best wishes of all who know thaw for their future happiness and success. Exrr•.aTarxMEsr.--Last Friday evening the tnuvienl and literary entertainment came off at Barrie's school house accord. ing to announcement. A veru pleasant evening was enjoyed by all. A. I12. Me. IGe,y, of Brussels, performed the duties of chairman most acceptably. The fol- lowing was the program : -Instrumental, Mr. Smith and Mise O'Connor ; chorus, "Songs that love," choir ; solo, Miss O'Connor ; brio, "A little farm well tilled," Messrs. Coutts and Strachan Bros. ; reading, Miss K. Richardson ; solo and chores, "Some day I'll wander hack mettle," R. Strachan and others ; reading, Miss Sharp ; recitation, Mrs, Robb ; duet, "A. B. C.," W. Coctts and Miss Taylor ; chortle, "Homeward bound," choir ; song, Miss llfoCrae ; re- oitation, Mise Mooney ; solo, Mary atraohan ; recitation, James Turnbull ; solo, "People will talk," Wrn. Coutt's ; reading, "Cuddy Peggy," Wm. Barrie ; recitation, "Smiting the rock," Mrs. Robb ; trio, "Here's a health," Strachan Bros. ; solo and chorus, "Cousin Jede. dish," Miss Taylor and others ; recita- tion, Robt. Strachan; God rave the Queen. The proceeds amounted to about 5111,00 which will be applied on the nay• meant of organ recently purchased. Frank Gradey, of Allegheny City, Pa„ murdered his two children at an early hour Saturday morning. A true bill was found at Cohourg As- sizes against Mary Ann Mountenay for killing James Lawson, in Murray town- ship, Northumberland °aunty, last De- cember. A four-year-old girl at Wardsville, in a game of hide-and-seek, was put in a churn, and her mother, not knowing the child was there, poured scalding water in the churn, killing the child. On Tuesday of last week at Hilpat- rick's furniture factory, Blenheim, John B. Muckle WEB taking a bolt off a pully with a stick when it got naught and was thrown back, striking him in the abdo- men. Medical aid was called, but proved of no avail, for, after great suffering, he died on Monday. MONEY TO LOAN. Money to Loan on FARM PROPERTY -at- LOWEST RATES, Private and Company Funds APPL'sr TO J.C.Hefernan, J.A.Young, Valuator. Agent. Ethel P.O., Ont. 1881 The "Scotch Collar." Relevy and Light harness, l3omwtALo Roma, Holm BLANYI.TS, SLmar Brams, RUIIIIna Roos, &c„ Always in Stock. A. Handsome Range of Trunks, Valises and Satchels to choose from and sold at I.lensonablo Prices, OF BRUSSELS. NIRS. ROGER —BEGS TO ANNOUNCE I1E11 INTENTION OF— Opening Out on Thursday, April 3rd, Tho whole of the Splendid New Stock will be completed by that date, when she hopes to have the pleasure of seeing All her 01(1 Friends and Lots of Now Ones, It being her intention of carrying 011 It Strictly Cash Easiness, every article, in both Dry Goods lul(1 Groceries, has been Marked Down to the Lew: a. Living Profit. This system we consider far bettor for both buyer and seller, and saves lots of disputes, compared with the long-winded credit business. Millinery ? Milliner7 Our millinery Show Rooms will be Opened on the Same Day. As our Stock is Entirely New we would wish Every Lacly to pay us a Visit. Miss GREEN, our Obliging and Popular Milliner, will be only too glad to Show our Lovely Goods. Miss Mom is always on hand and really to take any Orders in Mantles, Her Excellent Work and Fit, being so well-known, needs no further comment. We say, Come along Ladies, and it will well repay you for your visit. Recollect no compulsion to bay, but we do wish every lady to see our Excellent Disphoy. Brusscis, March 28, 1800, E. ROG ERS. NEW__ SPRING n ■ YY -- SPRING GOODS ! Any Woman can get a Good Idea of the New Spring Styles by Calling at Money to Loan, Money to Loan on Farm Pro- perty at LOW 3,,47 R.8LTE+'IS'. Private and Company Fonda, DICKSON &. HAYSI Solicitors, otC,, BRUSSELS, ONE. General Blacksinithing, The undersigned desired• to intimate to the Public generally that he hits leased the Hunter Blacksmith Shop in Brussels, and is 1I0W pre- pared to attend to all work entrusted to him. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. GIV10 MIl A 31 J .c:. it ciiltosfd. Nutlet:. 1 EAST HURON 'iE DISTRICT Liquor Licenses, All applications for TAVERN OR SSP LICENSES For the ensuing year must be filed with the Llspector, on or before the FIRST DAY OF APRIL NEXT. Parties wishing blank applicatio;s should apply to the Inspeotor. John R. Miller, 31 4 Jamestown P.O. Morris, March 101,1590. TER FLETCHER, Practical. tiV'atela nalkr r ancZ JeweZer. Thanking the public for past favors ail support and wiabing still to secure your patronage, we are opening out Full Lines in GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES. Silver Plated Ware from Established and Reliable Makers, fully warranted by us. Clook,s of the Latest Desalt n..s. JEWELRY ! WsDDrso Enos, LADIES GEE Rues, Bneocnss, Bea/trees, &c. 'Also a Full Line of Violates and SV�1LF QFERGUSON'S Violin Strings, &c., in stock. LB. -Usurer of Marriage Liecuses. T. Fletcher, - Brussels. —AS WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED— A Well -Assorted Stock of General Dry Goods, Such as cannot be seen outside the Cities. We have the Newest, Cheapest and Nobbiest Dress Goods ever offered to the Public in Brussels. It will Pay You to Call In and See what Bargains we have in Prints. OUR LINEN DEPARTMENT IS ALSO COMPLETE. I== "Special Attention given to Il,ellail'ing. DENNIS FE SoarSoarff & Ferguson. �GUSH 86 HALLIDAY, w Managers, mop • — PAINE:S CELERY COMPOUND ,?d u) ACTS AT THE SAME TLMt OM THE NERVES, THE LIVER, THE BOWELS, and the KIDNEYS This combined action gives it won- derful power to care all diseases. Why Are We Sick? Bemuse we allow the nerves to remain weakened and irritated, and these great organs to become clogged or torpid, and poisonous humors are therefore forced into the blood that should be expelled naturally, PANE'S CELERY COMPOUND WILL. CURE BILIOUSNESS, PXLE3, 00NSTIPATION, EIDNEY 0011- PLAI:NTB, URINARY DISEASES, IMMALE WEARNESS,RASUMA• TISK, NEURALGIA, AND ALL NERVOUS DISORDERS, Ily quieting and strengthening the nerves, end causing hue nclion of the liver, bowels, nod kidneys, and restor• ing their power to threw off disease. Why anlfrr nil(on^, Nina and Ararat Why sol,,hotel wi ih Piles, Conat(patioot Nhy foirincanl ovarDisorOOrebRidneyat 'Why endure 1t0100110 or Wok boadaohast Why have aleerIeve nights Pei f an r r t r i m( Onto un and in itraBh It art . % gtla- t I rt wd5 harm It It,c,, .r' P .(.,.: 7,J:a Ts,co. ti V 'ELI .S.11ICIta1Nell &Cp.,Prop! slew, 110N01t1121,, t..