The Brussels Post, 1890-2-28, Page 5FEBRUARY 2°3, 1890
k'it1U 11 k'k',RR(/4Ity 28, 1890,
title alt.
Revival 60r01008 aro on the program
of the Methodist church hero,
( .• !
In -ie and gado fair on the
markt on Tuesday hest, Mardi 4th.
ak. 1 hn lee harvest o,03300 has 0omms110•
ed b 1) ; our hotel keepers tiro getting a
geed enpply otored a'ey.
Lf1 •
lam regular sittings of the 11th Divi.
don Court was hold in Industry Hall on
Monday before Judge Doyle.
E. 1) Chamberlain, baker, is confined
to Or house ab prese••3 with a saver° at.
took of congestion of the lags.
Wl11 Shane, Oollnio singer, has been en•
gaged to take part in a concert to be held
in Ben -eels on Friday evening of next
Mrs. Taylor, of Clinton, who met with
a sodium accident recently, hae so far
recoserea as to bo able to return home
on Saturday.
ca ^
3 00
t re-
VV niton.
Miss Annie MoDougall has gone to
The milk routes for tho factory here
will bo leo next Wednesday afternoon at
1 o'clock, at Beirnes' hotel.
A man from BIyth has purchased the
binul:e:nitll shop, formerly oecnpied by
,;Mulholland, and the property which
god; with it, from ars. Shied, of Bros -
Ede, plying therefor $100, He is going
to short a chopping n1 anti wi I put in
8 13310 engine. IM•' )Orpn.0s running a
ciel50mill 111 con 11eeti0 . with It wh.'n rho
ignite season opens.
Ts.t astern. -A. tea meeting wi l be
hal 1 in Duff's °beroh, Walton, :11 Tues-
day night, March 4'h. Rev. Mr. Mnrray,
of Kincardine, is expected to give a leo-
turu on his trip through Europe, which
by accounts is very interesting. 0 her
ministers of the neighborhood will be
present. Mesio will bo furnished by the
Soaforth Presbyterian °heir. A good
time is expected. Doors open at OM,
Tea served from 7 to 8 o'elook.
Last Saturday afternoon, while Mies
Beesio Kelly was coning to Wm ton, the
horse which she wee driving took fright
and ran away Mie, Kelly pinokily
staid du the cutter as long as she thought
there was any chance of estopping the
horse, bnt. seeing that it was impoueib e
to gain control of it, she jumped out and
fortunately escaped without injury. The
horse was stopped before any damage
was done.
t31u s+vst
Rev. A. Y. Hartley preached an ex.
nellent sermonin the Methodist church
here last Sunday evening in the absence
of the pa -tor.
The Methodists hero have purchased
several thousand brick from a Brussels
dealer toward the building of the pro.
posed 0010 &lurch.
A greet many went fr'm here to the
tea meeting at Johnsl:nn's church in
W• e'ening of loot weak whore a
very enjoyable evening was spent,
Mrs. McPiherson's father and mother,
of Walkerton, intend in .ving to Blnevale,
in a snort time. They will live with Mr.
and Mrs. 1klerhersou of this plane.
Tho last few days sleighing has been
a greet benefit to Blueva'e in the way of
bringing firewood and saw loge in, con-
sequently the saw mill hae started at
furl blast.
The concert to be given in the Forest -
ere' Hall on Friday ev0ciug, in aid of
the Presbyterian church is to be of a
stet -class nature. Talent from Blyth,
Wingham, Eadie's, Wroxeter, and other
places besides the (tome talent is expeot-
ad. ft will be well worth the fee that is
The Literary eooiety of Blnevale is in
a short time (if it is not noel) going to
be ahead of any in the county. The de.
bate of Tuesday night, which was "Be•
solved that the war of 1837 and 1838 was
juotifiable,".was handled in a very able
way. For more than two hours the
speakers held the floor, then decision was
given in favor of the negative. About
125 have been enrolled as members of
the Society. The program, which is
rendered every other week, well shows
the talent comprised.
Mrs. F. Price, of Toronto, is visiting
friends in this vicinity.
Mrs. Geddes, of Port Elgin, is visiting
her sister, Mre. T. P. Simpson.
R. Laing, acting in hie official papa.
city, made a trip to Goderich last weak.
The farmers of this vicinity made good
neo of the sleighing while it lasted.
At Wm. Tindall's sale, last weak,
David Milne purohased the thoro' bred
oow and heifer. Mr. Milne now occupies
a foremost position as breeder of thoro'
bred stook.
J. Burton is asking for tenders for the
rebuilding of his hotel lately destroyed
by fire, The new building will bo a two
story brink and will odd to the appear.
once of our village.
The bargain sale at Wm. Simpson &
Son's made quite a move in the dry
goods, grooeries,tto. People rather like
the cash system of doing business when
they Bee the bargains.
David Milne intends building an addi-
tion to and re -modeling bis stables, as ho
Dude them loo email, as his herd now
'numbers 63 head, amongst which are 88
head of thoro'-bred Shorthorns. Neale°
has 11 good horses.
A number of young folks from this
vleinity and also from the Township of
Itowiok, oolleoted at the residence of 2,.
McKee. 6th eon., Monday evening. A
Verypleasant evening was spent in their
spacious residence by moans of the ef.
forte of an 0300 obliging host andhoeteee.
CMOUo.—Quite a "kick•upp" was on
the program at Joseph Whelpton'e sale
on Wednesday of last weak; It appears
that an Tueeday Finlay Scott, Bailiff,
of Brussels, seized two horses and a
cow 10 satisfy an (mention in hie hands,
and removed the same to Burton's stable
for earn keeping, putting thorn in charge
of the proprietor of too hotel. :1'ho above
mentioned animals, along with other
stook R0., cera ;held by T. Watson tinder
chattel nieittgage, so on Tuesday night
Messrs. Taylor, Cardiff, Stratton and
Mooney cane hero 1'1•o1n )3rnsecls 111111
10013 away the horses and ewe iu opposi.
11011 to Hotton. At the nate Haste wee
au nns0emly ainsieis 00al' 11090 animals
and a gond del amid and done that was
bot goo llomanly, no near and vow
10010 001d 110w0ve', and rho pelt was
once mom Winn possesss0n of by Minot).
\Vo believe there da to bo law over it.
1(7 tast nbrs>solc.
Peter C. Dittman, Chief of Police of
Brandon, Man., was in the village loot
Saturday evening,
Mr. Zimmer takue p030000ion of Tuck's
hotel this week. Mr. Tuolt was a genial
and obliging hotelkeeper,
It ie said the flax mill will be operated
thio season by the present proprietor.
'1'e hope the ropnrt la t••ne.
arise Mary l-1410(0, woo hail been ill
tor same tiro 0, is able to be around again.
Wo are glad to see her in the store,
The 11tt10 "skiff" of snow .last wook
110ened up things al the 131111 yard 1.131•0,
Good sleighing for a wook is what we
Rev. Mr. McRae will preach an anni-
00reary earmon to the Foresters next
Sunday evening eomnOnaing at 040en
Chas. Dames has purchased a thoro'•
bred Berkshire pig 'Sir Robert Bruce,"
from Donald MoLauohlin. Competent
judges say he is a g.tod one.
Prof. Wm. Coutts will probably organ•
ize a singing olass hare, Mr. Coutts is a
thorough musioian both in praotico and
theory and excels 140 a leader.
U1on11 fop.
Geo. Strong, Township Treaourer, has
purchased Joseph Aebleford's 50 acre farm
lot 11, on the loth concession, for the
sum of 91,000.
Itov. George Jamieson, who supplied
the pulpit of the Presbyterian churches
in this locality at one time, died on the
Lith into. and was buried at Bayfield.
1r is •tater; that John Thompson, an
esteemed resideet, dropped dead on re-
ceiving intelligent,. of the Dad and um
timely death el his brother-in-law, the
late Samuel Scarlett.
Stadion Lamb has sold his farm, which
is eituated on the town lino between Mo-
If-illop, Huhett and Morris, near Walton,
to Mr. harry, of this township, for $7,100,
The farm contains 129 aorta,
Kuax0.—Last Sa urdoy an old gentle.
men named Samuel Scarlett, over 70
years of age, who resided on lot 22, con.
9, of this township, met his death in a
moot dietroseing manner. It would ap-
pear that he went into the stable to un-
tie it steer and he was either thrown
or fell at the feet of the animal and wa0
tramped 10 death. The deceased was
well known in this locality and was most
highly respected. The funeral, on Tees.
day was very largely attended. litter.
meet was made at 'Maitland Bank
• Wroxsyrtar.
Miss Tillie Gofton has returned home
from Michigan after spending a few
months there.
Mr. Gotten was very low with a re.
lapse from the effects of la grippe, but he
ds slow) recovering.
Mrs. Johnson is very low at present
with brainf•ver Her medical attendant
has but little hope of her 0000000y.
We are glad to he able to state that
Jas. Fox, our popular druggist, is table to
around again. Mr. Robinson, of the
firm of Robinson it Leo, acted as dis-
penser during hi eill11000.
The funeral of the late \Vm. Finlay
took ulnae hare last Friday afternoon
He was sick for over Seven years with a
slow kind of con0nmption, his whole
body wasted away like hie lung,. Ilia
sorrowing friends have the Synlp;thy of
the entire community.
( x)10 above was received too tete me 1:136
week's issue.]
The saw mill ie again in full blast.
Mr. Brune, of Tara, paid ns a visit this
Our village was mach livelier than us-
ual last week.
A, L. Gibson is gradually improving,
and hopes are now entertained of his re-
Club swinging has been an additional
feature to our Public wheel work, and
theme to bo very popular with the
The Society of Christian Endeavor,
which was organized in the Presbyterian
ohnroh a few weeks ago, is now in pend
running order and has had an encourag-
ing in0r0000 slime then. We trust that
this may continue.
Wing -Its%
Jno. Forster has commenced his duties
08 a.eee800.
R. R. Vanetone it Co., have disposed of
their jewelry business to W II. Wallace,
of Goderioh,
Mrs. A. Stewart full on the sidewalk
in front of John Kerr's restaurant, and
broke her arm near the wrist.
J. W. Walker was in Toronto laid week,
attending the annual meeting of the
Grand,Lodge of the Ancient Order of
UniteWorkmen, as delegate of Wing -
ham Lodge, No. 136.
A. Roo, hae lately purchased a wean•
ling and a yearling by Garfield. This
stallion is full brother to Florence G.
2:241 ; Topsy, 2:80§ ; and Belle Roy,
2;42; and is making quite a reputation
for himself amongst the breeders in this
eeetion of the county, -
Wingham Board of Trade has a mem.
berehip of 28. The eleotiou of officers re-
sulted as follows : Geo. McKenzie, Presi-
dent ; 11. W. 0. Meyer, Vice•Preeident ;
R. Elliott, Secretary; 00nh1011 and Board
of Arbitrators; D. M. Gordon, P, Fisher,
.1, Hanna, B. Willson, T. Bell, H. Kerr,
J. Neelands, Dr. Macdonald, T. A. Mille,
Wm. Clegg, J. A. Cline, E. F. Gerston
John Hanna and H. Kerr were appointed
Oversea.—The Lucknow and Listowel
antlers played at Wingham on Friday
for rho district medal, Luoknow winning
by six shots, Score t
01500101113. 7,1301240W.
W. Sanderson, J. Allan,
M. MoGilvrtay, Wm, Allot,
R. McMillen, Murdoch,
G. Ford, ekip.,16 J.
Tenant, skill 25
E. Alexander, A. Lawson,
R. L. Lillian, A. MoPAer0on,
J. M. Olinlin, Wm, Little,
W. Climio,Skip ,.92 J. Hunter, skip, .10
Total 118 Total 11.1
A Court of the Independent Order of
Foresters 100.0 instituted 10 (awn by ,131'.
Dioksou, an organiser for above society.
The Court will be known ail (10031 Ilur•
on, end starts off with a membership of
17. After the instituting 0030nloniee had
been completed the following wore in.
stalled 140 trio alcove Mr the current
term : II, W. C. Meyer,1`../.11.(1,11. ; W,
T, Yates, I'.O,Ii, ; \V, L. Coves, (1.11,
C. N. (1310111, V.('.li.: J. 11. ldoorhtasr,
chap.; W. Hutton, 1( N. 1 '1'. .3, Mills,
1•'.S ,\ 14, 8111131), '('0(1303.1 1) Nnther-
11n)d, 14.1}' • W. h'Ceoa)ht, •l.W , 41, Test
S1,11. ;
'1,11.; it.1)ocuver, 30,13.;'1'.Chisholm
11.1)., Physician.
The vontreat of building the bridge at
Hutton it Carr'o mill was let to L. Hardy,
of Exeter, for 8616,
The Tinlee says :--Tho elootrio light
was lit for the llret time on Monday even.
lug, but did not work very well. Since
then 1t his been working very awtisfactor•
ily. No arrangements has beeu made
with those in whose places of business it
has been placed, nor with the Council.
If ant trial proems sati•fautory, no doubt
tho light will bs a3oopted by oar mor.
ollxnts and basin/ma men, and perhaps by
the town.
The loo harvest bas begun, Many
really wonder where the loo oom00 from,
It is from 8 to 18 inehoe thick. That is
pretty good for 1890.
It le 1314131 there are sixty vacant houses
do Jlinton just now. This does not.
epode well for the progress of the noun.
try. Another family loft this week.
Miss Gregg, daughter of Rev. Prof.
Gregg, Torunto, who has been visiting at
the manse, left for home on Monday
morning, amid the well wlehes of her
Report 1,00 it that Mr, Foster is not
able to attend to business. This was in
some measure true, but it i0 with pleas-
ere we announce his recovery and he is
able to attend to his nun)erou0 duties.
I'he clipping from the "Cleveland
Loader" 113 1110113501108 POST Wae 700011g
in one particular. Airs. Raney is still 111
Clinton and nob in the States 140 Hutt
paper would learn the reader to believe.
Rev. Mr, Stewart was ;abseil, over 801..
day Mat on 00,0nt of his brother's fun.
end, who dims in his pooitinn, on ship•
board- The body wa0 1(13111011 at New
Orli sus and forwarded overland to Mon-
treal, near vvhioll city is the old home
A union meetiou of Rattenbarv, On.
tario and Willie Y. P. C. Association
met on Monday evening, Tho neebiug
was addroosed by AMessrs. Gillen and
Holmes. The young folks at least seem
to be determined to unite with each other
in workingtogrthnr in the eommon 0(11105
and oo doubt meth gond ds being ammo.
Oohed by these meetings so full of vim,
life and earnestnes-.
The power of mind over mintl was
beautifully illustrated the other day. A
little boy not moro than grasshopper
hs•iglu, fell to dinging, "Bring back my
bulnio," immediately a tittle girl took up
the chorus and a dog joined in the bass,
a lumbering waggon did for the orchestra,
while the ringing of the milkman's bell
rang down the curtain and mother got
a hold of grasehnppery and tho tone Bud.
denly changed, then thorn was a silence
and the world breathed again.
Crowded oongregetions listened with
pleasure to Rev. Mr. Grant, Queen's Col-
lege, Kingston, on Sunday. The Dr. le
a ma ., who at 0,00 eomnnands attention
and though his sermons were an hour
tong, k. -pt the attention of his audience.
In the morning the subject chosen was
J.cob at Bethel, •'This is the horse of
God" being the text. The evening ser-
mon dealt with She "Anointing of the
Lord by Mary." The 4Villia therch de -
aided this year to omit the esus] tea -
meeting and asked for liberal oolloetions.
The aol'eotion was 9271), ten dollars
more than was asked for. The 011013
rendered choice music.
The charity concert in the Town hall
on Tuesday evonine wa0 a success in
every partionlar, The night was charm-
ing till it began to rain, which so uowhet
dampened the enthusia+nh on the retnn
trip. Phe program consisted of home
talent. We11 has it been said "Foreign
birds have fair feathers,' but after this
it will not be necessary to go far for an
excellent program. Clinton may, with.
out boasting, say no town in Canada can
produce better talent. The Doherty band
opened the concert, Misses Turnbull,
Oombe, Jaokson and Hearne sang excel.
lonely, while Masers. Sibley, Holloway,
Combe, Bruce, Cole, Foster, Shearer,
Jackson and Brewer pleased the audience
well. Tho instrumental was rendered in
an effirioht manner by Misses Hearn,
Gibbings, Boles and Comas and Messrs.
Shearer, Cook, Emerton and Gray. The
Otago was beautifully decorated, under
the skilful management of Misses Reeve,
Farrow, MoTaggart and Douglas. Editor
Holmes occupied the chair, Mr. Manning
being absent at Ottawa. Proceeds up-
wards of $90.
1 Tho following persons compose the
1 Goderich Board of Trade ; President, R.
`S. Wdhamo; vino -president, Joseph Kidd
jr. ; lreaourer, R. Radcliffe ; secretary,
James Mitchell ; (louncil, d. H, Colborne,
M. Hutchinson, John Butler, Joseph
Beak, A. Saunders, O. A. Humber, D.
MoGiliiouddy, D. C. Btraohan, • T. 13.
Van Every, Bette Price, A. S. Chrystal
and Wm. Leo.
B_Ll .L .Ti. .G3.
A. Fair for the Salo of Horses,
Cattle, &c., will be hold in
Blyth on
Tuesday; Mar. 41h, '90
Auction Sales conducted Flee of
Charge on above date.
S0o'yTroao. 111.11 Preeideut.
Ready for Business !
I Wish to intimate to the
public generally that 1 have
leased the blacksmith shop
at the bridge 6,11=';',„) incl
am now In 8 position to at-
tend to all kinds ot' b111ck-
$tllitlling in a WO1'killaIllike
11'111111.1('1' and on very 1(08011-
able 11(18. HORSES7®E-
01119SP CIALY1 A $hal'e
or the patronage O1' the pub- '
lir is 8OlieiteIi. I t 11 ill be
131,V 11.11) to give the best. or8nt-
- AS IT IS 'rill'.—
Money to Loan,
Money to Loan on Farm Pro-
perty at
Private and Company funds,
,Solicitors, t&.,
General Blacksmithing.
The undersigned desires
to intimate to the Public
generally that he has leased
the Hunter Blacksmith Shop
in Brussels, and is now pre-
pared to attend to all 'work
entrusted to hide,
8ITES F.tCVO N (.U3.R %N't1;) (3,
Cr XV baa,. A. t:A.Las,
14 Jct -s. MeI11 tu.51t..
Morley to Loan on
Private and Company Funds
J.C.Helfernan, J.A.Young,
Valuator. Agent.
Ethel P.O., Ont.
--T IE
Kincardine High School
Is now open, with the following excellent
&W. Parry, 10. A., neadmnster.
Honor Graduate and Gold Medallist of
Victoria University—Classics
and Moderns.
.Tomas (;ray, M.A.
Honor Gradulte of Tnr•nte University
—English and Science.
F. W. French, 01.A.,
Honor Graduate of Toronto Uuivereity
—Mathematics ,end Commercial
bliss Janet herr.
First Class Provincial Certificate --
English and Moderne.
Drill, under supervision of a Graduate
of Royal School of Infantry,
London, Ontario.
W. 0. Loscxns, Cbair. B. of R.
29-tf DaWito' S. M.noyN, M.D., gee.
The "Scotch Collar./"
Heavy and Light Harness,
Honss BI,ANiETs,
Always in Stock.
A Handsome Range of Trunks,
Valises and Satchels to choose
from and sold at Reasonable
i '"Special Attention given to
Practical Watchmaker
ardd Jeweler.
Thanking the public for past favors and
support and wi0hing still to 004301•0
.4:,our patronage, w° 'aro opening
out Full Lino int
Silver Plated Ware
from Established and Reliable Maker*.
fully warranted by us,
Clocks of' the
Latest Design _
\Vr1a,1Ni; hies::,
1". n01111i nt.1W
1 ::'.11nn it 1^1111 1,1110 of \'t„r.1vs and
, > fidin 8triuge, ,km.., in s1,011. -
a, 71: - lss11rrr or 'lnrringtr X,irenat+s.
r. Fletcher, Brussels.