The Brussels Post, 1890-2-21, Page 8S BEES BEE -HIVES! II you are wishing to buy flees for Spring delivery, I can supply you. I make a epeeaalry of having good large hives, straight combs, with as little drone 4otnb ns possible. I can supply all who need empty hives, I can sell you them cheaper than you eau mnke them, se I have more than I require. For prices and further partieulars apply at my drug ,and book store. 0. A, DL'ADMAN, Drnggist, Ithokseller,Faney-goods1tattler. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. EOC'1'li£nN ENTEN81ON W. 0. it Is, Trains leave Brussels Station, Borth and South, as follows: Genre Strom. OOnce. 11011711. Mall..........., 6:'ua a.m. Mixed S:20 am. 11:45 a.m. Mail ............ 8:00 pan. Mixed 8:55 p.m. Express 0:45 p,m. '.call M.ets #f1)154 A ohiel's amang yo takin' notes, An' faith he'll Arent it. QUITE a blizzard on Thursday. HERRINGS cheap at MoCraoken'e, Aeraiu DENNY is visiting in Brussels. R. J. CLABEE, of Granton, was in town teat week. Moyne and Timothy seed at Mc. Oreeken's. Fooaa'E Division Court on Thursday of next week. Sensors monthly horse fair on Thurs- day, March 6th. &fees CLARA CREIonTON is visiting at Galt this week. Jae. HUNTER, of Detroit, spent a few day's in Brussels. J. 8. HocsroN, of Stratford, was in town last Sunday. SATURDAY of next week will usher in the 1st of March. MRs. P. Settee and children are visiting relatives at Seaforth. Tie up your poodles. nasessor - art is getting on the war paint. W. A. Canter was visiting relatives in Clinton and Goderioh this week. Din you hear anything about a wedding that is un the tapas in Brussels REV. S. SOI.LERY, B. A. D. D., i• :.•1 ed at Sunshine last Friday evening. Siam/. W..tsou has been quite poorly 13 bat is somewhat improved in health just now. lift,, AINLI:Y 14 ft4'.t at Toronto et. -ending the Gran(I Lodge of the .,. 0. d ii. W, de. Luny.-- Fresh barrel received. Dozens are us. ing it. See testimonials. A. Goole TEEM: were 221 persons present at the Methodist Sabbath school in town last s 8anday. Miss Ilentt'o8, Geo. Carrie and R. 8. Pelton, of Atwood, spent last Sunday is Brussels. O. uy. STnnn:os has his flay pressing machine at work at Mark M. Cardiff's barn in Morris. study, leoturoa, Bible reeding., }ate, en commcing at 8 o'clock. All welcome, Bring your Bibles, Next door to the Oink, 1'i. A, martin, V. 0. Resume representing the St, Paul, Minneapolie and Manitoba rail• way, and Frank Harrison, agent for the Mimeo, St, Pantie Kansas city road, were In town this week in the interests of their respective lines. House and lot for sale in Brussels West, Good Feeble and well on the promises, Moo any quantity of small fruit and a few young fruit trees, A bargain if sold at once. For information apply at' TUE Poor Pnbliehing House. LAST Sunday evening Miss Lilla O'Con• nor, (thumb, is an applicant for the ppreeent- orship of Melville (thub, lead the ear. vice of song and made a very favorable impression on the audience. Several persons have applied for the vaaanoy, BEATTts Boos., Liverymen, have pur• abased the vaoant corner lot between their stal,ia and Turnberry street from Julnee Laird. They talk of putting up a large brio,( livery barn. It ie a tip-top location and would improve the street. W. 1'. HUNTER having left town rather uneeramoniously last week, the market scales, of which he wee the 'ensue were handed over to W. H. MoCrecken who takes them for' a year. Mao. was the next highest bidder to Hunter last Nov- ember, ov ember, BnueeRLs curling club was to have had a hand in the curling contest for this group at Listowel, on Wednesday of this week, but as they have net bad a chance of a game this winter, owing to there be- ing no ice, they decided to remain at home. Tut Spring aeeizes will be held at Goderioh, commencing on the 81st of March, The most important tate to come up is the alleged poisoning ease of the late H. J. Whitely. The Spring sitting of tee Court of Chanoory will be held on April 14111. JAR. MOINT0Bn has leased the Hunter blaoksmith shop in this town and opened up business on Tuesday of this week. He is prepared to do a general black. stnithing business and asks for a share of the patronage of the public. Toe Pose wishes him success in his venture, Ray. R. B. MAITLAND, of Ingersoll, is expected to deliver a lecture in the Meth- odist church of this place shortly. He wee the junior minister on this charge a number of years ago. Mr. Maitland has been invited to Vancouver, B.C., for next year and has given his consent, ettbjeot to the action of the Stationing Commit- tee next Conference. Tut= of our citizens, who have been investing somewhat largely in the hay b tsiuees, went after a load on Wednes. day afternoon. They piled it on the rack high and wide, so much so that by tight squeezing and hard palling they managed to get out of the barn. The market scales showed that they had over two tons "Do board." WE nneeretand that Silas Jackson has , rented the blacksmith shop at the bridge and camnenoed operations on Tu.sday of this week. Mr. Jackson is well known in this locality and will no doubt reoeive a share of the patronage of the public This fills up the six blacksmith shops i ruesels. They should be able to atten everyllling in their fins. WELL -Drawee AND DIl1LLLCti: -George Birt has all the necessary machinery for iggiug and drillin wells and is preper- d to attend to ell work entrusted to him n a way that will insure satisfaction. 1V Veils cleaned out and put in proper hare. Terms reasonable. Residence second door north of the bridge, west ide of Turnberry et., `Brussels. 48.11 Is Messrs. Smith & Malcolm go on with their proposed new store, Wm. Blashill builds a dandy block and Beattie Bros. put np their livery stable, our front street will be one of the neatest in the county, excepting none. Brueeela holds its own very well in comparison with other planes and although the hard times have left some marks we have fared a good deal better than mare preteutione places, TEE Exeter Advocate says :-",\tire, John Croaker, of this place, met with a very severe anoident on Saturday last which might have coat het life. It ap- pears she was engaged in her household duties and by some means walked into the trap-door whiob lod to the cellar and in the fall broke her thigh. She is, we are glad to say, recovering." The above mentioned person is a ball sister of our townsman, B. Gerry. IT is currently reported that Arthur Veal, furniture dealer, of this place, has levanted, leaving a large number of un- aettled acoounte. It is said he disposed of his business to Miss Montgomery, but the creditors have opposed her right to poseesefon and the matter will likely baeetted ' s 1n the Courts. Iu the mean- time Bailiff Scott carries the keys. Mr. Veal is said to be in Mfcbigau. Ills liabilities are away in excess of his assets. WE have been printing over 2,000 new rattan for the Ronald Fire Engino orke, the outcome of tests at Fergus Lely, very pithy and spicy and full of tended testimonials, that undoubtedly ill aid mnoh in commending attention om alt towns in want of fire protection. We are pleased to note that the em. oyees of the shops aro as busy as nail• er with six new steamers under way, etined for various parte of the Do. inion. Tee Sunday night a certain party ok it upon themselves to smash the rge lass globe o g g f the street lamp in Ont of the Methodist church. I1 said ung man and his aesoniates do nob olnptly settle the matter with W. 11. a:reckon, treasurer, pr Roble Arm• oag,oaretakor,the strong arm of the w may suddenly waken them up, Now the time to repair the damage and ve yourselves and your friends trouble. groat big 05or ie going to be pet to oh malicious actions. DR. W. J. R. Homers, County Treas. or, of Goderioh, ens in Brussels on oachy of this week and let the contract or 8 new plate glass front in his store, sated by W. H. Willie. Messrs, Smith Malcolm have the work in hand and it i1 be dono es soon as possible as the remises have been teased. We hope the r. will sec hie way oloar to do the same th hie Ohne store and thus greatly im- eve the Appearance of hie centrally lo• ted block. Rs evidently hag faith in resettle for the time to come. very lsneaeeeful mission. y meetleg of the 'y,l'.O.A, was bald in Wyllie ahneeh ]}Monday evening, lath, ren Mood, but interesting and instraa- e, amyl' on Chine wore given ete the .lowing thrall she bouuderiee &nd *IVO I %Orel," by Mb) Witteok i tat t, SS .Ls ruSrl' FRllttUARY 21, 1890, "Products and natural resources," Miss Jimmie Roes ; "Olimate and vegetation," A. Grant ; "People of Mina," Sirs. Kerr '"Government and religion," It. Giokson; "History," Mise Maggio Stewart ; "Dile. 0ion0,"" Mies A. 0, Taylor. Suitable meefo was rendered by the ohoir, Is ie stater,, no good authority, that arrangelnents are being made whereby F. 0. Rogers and hie goad ledy will re- sume business again, A brand new stook of spring and summer goods will be par• chased and opened oetin the afore just vacated by W. H, Willis, Holmes' block, in the course of a month or so, Mies Green, who lits suited the public for the past two years, has been re•engaged as milliner, The public ab largo will be ploneed to welcome Mr. and Mee. Rogers once more back into the business circle and iso aro stun it will be an equal pleas- ure for them to wait upon those patron. ieing them. ,S'ozenOii must have been hoaxing the Walkerton Telescope man. He gets off the fallowing : "John Hamilton dropped down to Brussels a few days ago to look at a bankrupt stock whah wee advertised for sale a number of other prominent buyers were there end among them a To• ronto man, The Toroltonian evidently wanted a snap and offs' eci the buyers 825 Oaoll not to bid above a certain figure. This was emoopted by all except Mr. Hamilton who was going to make it al- tercating for the Toronto man ; he platted the figure at 3100 and the Toronto man came down hand-omely and got the stook." 11 was the stook of F. C. Rogers, no doubt, to which reference is made. The stook was sold fa London, not Bruit - eels, and the purchasers wore W, Nigh- tingale & Go., of Srnseo:s, and not a To, ronto min. MateemettY,-Last Sabbath the annual missionary anniversary services were held in the Methodist ohuroh in this plane, At 10:30 the pastor preached a very,appropriate dieoourse from the book of Numbers, 14th chapter and 21st verse, the topio being "The pound of our hope for the world's conversion." The follow• ing was given as four of the chief reasons for this hope :-(1) The past successes and triumphs of the Gospel. Reference was made to Peggie, the Sandwich is. lands and Madagascar. (2) The present attitude of the nations of the earth to- ward Christianity. (3) The universality of the adaption of the Gospel. (4) The promisee of God's word. In the evening a platform service was held. Rev. Mr. Sellers resented an outline of the mis- sion field of the church and gave the financial statement. Rev, R. Paul spoke for a belf.bour on the question and an - ewer, ""Lod what wilt Thou have me to do?" and "Go work today in my vine- yard." After music by the choir Rev. Torrance was called upon. He delivered a splendid address on "Religion the remedy for the world's woes." Be divid- ed his subject under the subjoined heads: -(1) 1t was not a religion et Formality ; (2) nor Sentiment ; (3) nor Emotion ; (4) but Principle. We must exercise un - falling conlidenoo in God and nave faith in our children to a000mplish the work. Rev, J. L. Kerr spoke briefly of the Home Mission field. n The cnilectione and subscriptions aro d considerably in advance of last year. Lox week's Wingham Times has this t, say of Rev. G. 13. Howie's sermon and lecture in that town :-Rev. G. B. Howie, L. A., the blind Presbyterian minister, of Brussels, preached in the Congregational church last Sunday, in exchange with Rev. W. K. Short}, who preached in Brussels. Large Oongrega• tions were out morning and evening. Rev, Mr. Howie, who is a native of the East and of Jewish race, sustained ]lis reputation as s preacher well, and the entire services were felt to be very edify- ing.. dify ing. Mr. Howie repeats rho hymns, Scripture lessees from memory, On Monday evening, Sir. Howie lectured on Eastern Lands and Customs, especially the Marriage Customs of the East. Hie appearance was very striking in the Oriental garb, and ae he observed, the loose fitting meat showed how easy is the tailors art in the East. The difficulty of obtaining justice under modern rule was shown, and the extreme severity of the law against a Mohammedan, if he turn Christian. The undesirable state of af- fairs produced by Polyganz, and the facility with which a wife can be diver°. ed was graphically portrayed. The se - eluded state of woman In the East, the mode of obtaining a wife, wbioh is prao. Coldly by purobase, were dwelt upon. Tho habits of the Christiane in the East were also referred to and the nuptial ceremonies described, bringing to mind the parable of the ten virgins. Mr. Howie also answered questions, which were propounded to him in regard to educational and other matters in. the East. Al the conclusion, a hearty vote of thanks was proposed to the Rev, Lec- turer by Peter Fisher and seconded by Bev, Mr. Carson, of Whitechurch, JANNE13LA000LLhas removed his shoe shop back to his former stand in Geo. Seeker's block. Miss Amax BITERS is home from a five weeks' visit to her sister, etre. Cl, A. Newton, of Oarlock. A BAUSLAuoa and wife and Miss Buchanan, of Seaforth, wore in town on Monday of this week. Oun ice men started work on Wodues- lay and if cold weather continues a large quautity will be housed before long. TEE data of the proposed Band Concert is not yet fixed but it is expected to be held early in March. Look out for it. A cin load of stook, seed, implements, ko. was shipped on Monday to Neepawa, Manitoba, by Henry Hamilton, of Wal. :on. SERVICE was held in St. John's church 00 Wednesday evening of this week and will be continued each week during Lent. HOUSE and lot for sale or to rent. Oeutrally located. Good well, garden, Stable, &o. Apply at TEE Pose Publish- ing House. True barbering business must be look- ing up. Joe. Laird has a new hand this week, He's a relative of Joe's and ,lie name is Laird. Riav, G. B. Howie, of Knox church, is lalking of taking a holiday for a fete weeks or so. His pulpit will be supplied during bis absence. Tim farmers have given up the idea of sleighing and have been =thing in wood, hay, grain, &o. on wagons at a lively rate this week. MORE than the wicked stood "in slip• pery placers" last Tuesday morning. In fact some people sat down and others tobogganed along the sidewalk. J. D. Renee has just advised the Mayor of the city of Toronto that if they bad one of his largest steamers the main portion of the University boildinge would have been caved. BEATTIE BROS. 1iavo purchased e, fine young trotbing marc from a dootor near .'3belburne, Grey county, She is a good mover for a "green" boast and should make somothing moody if taken care of. Io(ronlraxion was laid before Reeve Graham by the captain of the Salvation Army figeinet two youths for disorderly conduct at the berraoke laet Buuday evening. Tho case will be heard Fri- day, int clic ,i0 lately visited A r sly v ted •tit° Ronald Mee °Engine Works, eent all the way from Pot :;:est .Prairie, Manitoba, to Dogotietor �y; y •i• = of the large double pump el g, Pee deme ae parebaee(1 by rho. arty u:f .Winitipeg. ON Tbnradayof Last week Min Pr&nele, of Bretesebs, attended the wadding of her saater,y tem Barton, 01 Toronto, to I. ,7. Az' C)oMMI, of the same; place. It is Said Si the beide wee nob the only one to reooiva Se e;d�'i�amond ring. tie :Evolty Tuesdlty -evening the nor,. . to abotiy my Arils& wil'i lea STAB IVa 13ibt1a agb,)r 01 W la 0p w fr pl e do In to fr yo pr M str la is se e1 Ut M ra wi A wi ar s B 330RN'_ LAIsn.-In Brussels, on the 18th fust„ the wife of Mr. Joseph Laird of a eon, BALLANTrNB,-In Atwood, on Wednesday, Feb. 6th, the wife of Mr. R. M, Bal. lantyne, of a son. SrstrsoN.--In Ethel, on Tuesday, Jane, cry 28th, the wife of Mr. T. P. Simpson, merchant, of a daughter, Youue,-In Ethel, on Sunday, February 10th, the wife of Mr. J. A. Young, insurance agent, of a eon. 2 r.Es.axr*et3„a, Runs -Bose. -In Seaforth, on the lath inst., by Rev, Mr, McDonald, Mr. John llobb, of Morris, to Miss Emma Boyd, of Seaforth, Peecoox-Roos.-In Morris, on the 1251, feet., by Rev. I. B. Wallwin, Mr. John Poa000k to Mies Maggie, Soo• and daughter of Mr. Henry Robb, both of Morrie, McCAuonee - DAnnito .--At the B. 0. church, Hallett, on the 17th inab., by Bev. Father West, Mr, John Mc. Canghey, of the 2nd eon. of Mey�, to Mise Mary Ants Carbort, siert daughter of Mr, Thos, 0arbert, of Mullett. CocrMB-BAI,TON.-Oil Thursday, Pobru- ary 18th, 1890, at the ohuroh of tho WAY Trinity, Toronto, by Rev. John Pearson, J. Cooper, of Toronto, to Emma Dollard Barton, of Toronto, dangbter of the hate Dr, Francis, of Delewate, Ont. snL.a,as. X101141'0% -,111 Elm&, on the 8th inst. Geo. FlautHton, aged 45 years-n&live of Armagh. XtlATtuo,-In Atwood, Un Monday, Ifob. :sed, 01w if of the tele John Keefe frier egaii 140 Rage,. A'STQ7T. CeaT ffeaeS FIS, 31011005, MAECIt 10TH, ---high grade Muck, on lot 20, eon. 11, Meliillep, Salo oommeneee at i o'oleolc. John D, Sob. bans, prop, Geo, lbxlcby, aunt, PRWAY, Foe. 287H,-i'arm stook, im• pimiento, &o„ on lot 10, con. A., Turn. berry. Selo eomtnettoce at 12 &Meek. Dunoan MaPbereou, prop, Geo. Kirkby, snot, WRDi'(EsDAC, MA1,C1112TU: Fero stook, implements, &o, lot 6, con, 11, Grey, Sale oommoneee at 11 o'clock a. m. sharp. Lunch at noon, Wm. Bishop, prop. Geo. Kirkby, atm. Tnuxsoar, PRIVY. 27th. --Postponed sale of far m stook, lie„ lot 14, colt, 1, Gray, sale at 1 o'clock p. m. John Bishop, prop, Geo, Kirkby, aaot, BRVSS:E7S+19 2vnete-M2iFTe, Fall Wheat Spring Wheat Barley Gate Peas, Butter, tubs and roma,, Eggs per dozen Flour per barrel.., Potatoes , Hay per ton .. , Pork ,, . -. Hides per lb Salt per bbl., Sheep skins, each Wool, per ib 15 80 70 80 33 37 24 20 53 54 14 15 12 00 6 50 00 80 35 G 00 0 515 4 75 G 10 2 2i 1 25 On 60 1 00 18 20 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN, S.00D HAY FOR SALE.- Will ALE—Will deliver in quantities to quit pur- chaeer, T. PEPPER, Lot 5,Oon. 9, Groy. LOOK POSTING WANTED.- Business men, or others, requiring their books posted up neatly and correctly can have tbow done. Apply at this Olace, N OTIDE 1 Notice is hereby given that the outstand- ing somata doe the llto am of Hayeeoft & Turubull, Brunets, must be settled by eith- er cash or note forthwith. The books are at Diakaon & Bays' Oates, and tbov are au- thorised to stye leceipte for moles paid, 14- NOrrItDL'` ___. __..._ 1'O DEBTORS. All parties indebted to the estate of the )ate Andrew Ourrlo are requested to settle the same by the 28th inn. Alter that date all Unpaid °,aims will bo collected by pro. one of InW, BY ORDER OP leXEOUTOI48, Brussels, Ocala, 1889. 14.11 DIRESSMAKING.- The undersigned desires to intimate to the ladies of Brusaels and surrouudlug country that gibe is prepared to attend to all orders intrusted to her. Satieficotlou guaranteed. Stop -Up -stairs, oou door north of Walter Jackson's bardware store, 10- MISS SAa1PLE, cAME ON THE PREMISES of the nndereigned, lot 00. con. 17, Grey, on or about June 1st, n ponding heifer end a yearimg ateer, both rod in color. The heifer has eons gray hairs. The steer has some white on hind quarters. The owner is 550°65504 to prLIVvea oporty. pay expena0s Had ta`kegythrem away. 28-8 1l013T. BE11RY, PATENTS Caveats, Ito -issues and Trade e Marks secured and all oth- er putout onuses in the Patent OOIoe and before the Courts ]promptly and carefully at- tended to. Upon receipt of model or aketolr of invention, 1 make careful examleatiou, and advloe as to patentabilityfreo of charge, Loos moderate, and I make no obar a unless patent 1s sound, Information, advice and spe„ilai references sent on applloat(on. J. R. LITTELL, Washtugton, D.U., U,8. Patent Office. n5 REAL ESTATE. rilARMS FOR SALE. -THE UN. nRASIONnn hoe named good Farms for sale and to rent, eney terms, in Townslilps of Morris and Grey. F. S. SCOTT, Brussels. 97.15. LIARM FOR SALE. -ANY PER -11-' SON wanting a good farm o1 300 sores in the township of Morrio,B notes from Bros - sole, an tho most reasonable terms will got a bargair by applying at once to J. M. O'CONNOR, Fire Insurance Agent, Brussels, or the proprietor, G. A. PERRAM, Potrolea, Ont. 01-4x TIARM TO RENT. --THE 200 L sore farm (known as the Bishop farm ) Lots con. 10 and Lot 5, con,11. Grey, will be rented for a term of years. It ie in an ex- oellent state of cultivation Poseeeelou given on 0r before April 1st. For farther partiou- lars apply to JAMES FEISGU8UN, Brnesela, 57.10 orFE11GUS001 BB08,,.Teeearater• OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE in the Village of Mimi. There is au aero and a quarter of laud nal% upon it is a good frame dwelling, stable, &a., the proper by of the Into Mrs. Walter Govonlook, The lot is well situated on the bank of rho Maib. laud river. For price, terms and further par 804 apply on tho HENDIORSON, FARM FOR, SALE. --THE UN- der0lgned offers his 100 sore farm, being North ball Lot 00, Con. 8, Morrie, for safe, There are about 75 nares cleared and under cultivation, On the premien are a gt od frame hem, ban)( barn, good orchard and other neoeoearioo, Only 2a notes south of Brussels on rho gravel road, For farther pnrtimdnre, as to Price, &c„ apply 50 the proprietor on the promises, e0.Ox J, PYBUB,Box 190,Brunets P,O, pARM FOR SALE, BEING LOT .L 80, Oou. 5, Grey, containing 100 aoroe, 15 timberellr About 70 agree ` of dry land and the balance ova ami black ash swamp. Ther° is a log bones ou the premieea, will bo sold on ery reasonable tame as motto. tor does not require the let. For battier ar- ticulare aptly to 10011T, MoLAVOSST IN, Oranbrooly P.O. or ALEX. HUNTER, Brus. sola 15 l1FARM FOR SALE. -TUE UN - D7tnsinonie ofroro for Salo the north out quarto rot lot 28, ¢anaeealall 0, Morrie, Ootinty of Huron, ecntaining 00 sons, Tho hand 00 of first quality and 1ti1 a high state of cultivation, well loneoti mud uuder•drained, PL urea *looted. Now frame bowie, 8 rooms, milts boric with OOoordt° walls, 2 wells, gond barna and shod, orchard, oto, Eight icoproperty 1adoresne tfall e corporation of Brnssol, Suit- able tonna will be given. Titleeerfoot, JAMES GRIEVE Owner, 80- -.-... 8eafotth P.0. G001) I+ARDil FOR SALE IN Morrie, on reasonable torm0. 1n order to alas° the affairo of the 50Aato of the late W, G.111n8eton, the nxeoutore 005r the fol. lowing. valuable lands for nate North halt of Lot 30, Co110010llon 5 Township of Morrlfl 0onteiningeo bores, ()n this lot le erected a good frame barn with stone foun- dation,good orehard,Well and pnn,p. Neer - fxall bleared, and le ole the stave road reely a edfotnlnlq tbo VBlege of Bramble.10 fiam ie 8 valnabto auo, 19 Well leveed 'and fn a good sbato of '0110ation, Por' )trio°. ung forme apply to 01108. vede to ruatolr 1', 1' , ,rube - arena...de vedette equate P.O., or JA1sau 9attrrq;Mtaple Ledge i.+,0 Mid8l390!LODRotr, I T'AI211't FOR (TALI ..- BEING ' Lot 52, Oot1. 10, township of (lrav, Huron, 32n, 1'1nrr are 100 "eras, til sorsa „f (ditch are sloe(udunu la goon Veto of mu - frame esilon, On the feral 4a et atone bailee and frame barn And:Melo steblos,,a good ingeroban bear- orlurhar ertioulars apply to the proprlgtor ou the Protuleob. 07 tr JOAN 'VINCENT, Brussels 1, 0. WARM FOR SALL+SAL-THE SUB. 1� eoulpnn oilers his valuable 100 acro farm, being lot R, son, le, Gray Tewrahlp, Huron Co., for sale. There aro about 00 one cloyed sod in good Wert. Thera is 0 teahouse, good bank barn boating orchard, and all the n0000aary oonyenioese on the premleoe. For turtilor particulars, as to Terioa,terme,eta„apply to tho Proprietor, HOS,HISLOP,(llora .P.0., N,W,T., or to 24f DOUGALD S'1'1OAOBAN, Bruseele, J ERSEY BULL FOR SERVICE, For twine and other pal•Ulenbu's ask for ciroular at my Orug and Book. Store. Should unro,t to pay sell hisheifer0518 oaccordingplto mi11(hlg qualities of their amiss. 00•Ilmbn G. 0.. DI:ADMAN, Brusoo5B, AUCTION !":AI AM C� —o5— . ALUASLE PROPERTIES. Under and by virtue of powora of este eon - tailed in certain Mortgages, which will be Produced at the time of nolo, thorn will be sold on Tuesday. 20t11 Day of February, 1880, ,11 Twelve O'oloae. Noon, 11,5 the AME1u- CAN Ilona, in the Vilioga of BnuoeonB, tbo following Va limbic Properties: Parcel 1, --Coto Nos, 11 and 12, in the 1801 CoConcessionty ouron ou aiui g 800 50000 1more Or Lase. Paraol2,-Lot teo.225 and the easterly ten foot throughout of Lot No. 224 on William Street, 1:1 the Village of Brussels, TERMS; One-tenth of the purchase menoy to be paid down at the time at Rale. Torn} a for bala,ioe Morel, and will be made known at the tiro of sale. For further particulars apply to ROBINSON, O'BRIEN & GIB80N, 00.8 Vendors' Sodaitnrs, 74 Church Street, Toronto, EXECUTORS' NOTICE, 1N THE SURROGATE 00IIRT OF THE COUNTY OF HU1tON. In the matter of the Estate of THOMAS t'AlbDIFF, late of the Township of Grey, hi the County of Huron, Former, DECEASED. Notice la hereby given pursuant to the pro- visions of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, chap 110, that all sreditore andothero having plain a agalnat the estate o1 Thomas Cardiff, late n1 tbo Township of Grey, in 6110 County of Huron, Farmer, deceased, who died on or about the 00th day of January, A.D. 1890, in the townehip of (,ray aforesaid, aro request ed to Rend by poet, prepaid, or to deliver to Marls M. Oardiff or t0 Henry Mooney, the Executors of thalaet will and tnstemeet of the said Thomas Cardiff, doomed,at Bruit.sole, er to tbo undersigned, on or ,otnre the aret day of Womb, A.D. 1800, their names end addresses with 1011 particulars of their Olainse, And notice ie hereby given that la- ter tbo said last mentioned dote the .Baia Executors will proceed to distribute the as. sots of the said estat 0among the parties en- titled therot0, haling regard only to the claims of which they shall then Pave entitle, and that the said ];xesu tors win not hs liable for the said assets or any pmt thereof so distribu Lod to any perm or persons of who se claim 0r Maims notice 511a11 hot have been givt i, as atorooaid. Dated 50 Brussels February 10th, 1004. WHIT. L. TAYLOR, 91-e Solicitor for said Executors. NOTICE TO CREOITORS. In the matter or the Estate of WILLIAM SUDDEN, Isle of the Township of Grey, 50 the county of Buren, Farm. er, Deceased. Pursuant to Revised Statutes of Ontario 18,,0,ebapter 110, notion 18 hereby given that all orodlttors mud other persons baviug any claims or delneede ngatime tbo estate of W]Iltam'sudgon, Into of the Township of Grey, 1” the County of Huron, and Provivao of Ontario, farmer, deceased, who died on or about the 15th day of May A.D. 1887, are hereby 1•oquestee to Bend by Host, prepaid, or deliver to James L. Darling, Barrister, of the town of Listowel, In the County of Porth, solicitor for the Executors of the said deceased, on or baton THURSDAY, the 0th day of MARCH, 1890, a statement in writing of their aalnoe and addresses and rho full particulars of their olnima or domande ana of tho securities, if arto¢i0trtfrcn`thtltebd h dayoMahAD 1890, the said executors will proceed to die. tribute tiro assets of the said deooasod among the parties entitled thereto, haying 1.00059 only to such claims of which notice has boon given as aboye required, and the said executors will not be liable for the said anon. or any pert thereof, so distributed to any peraou o1 wboee Maim notice shall not bay° 11450 50551109 at the time of the dis- tribution of the said assets. Dated at Listowel this 0th day of Febru- ary A.D. 1890. JAMES L. DARLING, 81.8 Solicitor for Executor's. JUDIOIAL 89010 OF A Valuable 5O -Acre Farm 1N 'THE TOWNSHIP OF QRST, In the High Court of Justice, /!LEEN'$ BENCH DIVISION. SHINE VS. SHINE. Pertinent, to the iudgmont and final order for eato in this Dation boating dates rasp cot- ively the 25th day of November, 1880, and Inc 10t11 day of P ebrnary,1800, there will bo sold with the approbation of S. Maloomeon, Hiles 1l, by Elio said Masterof thls latable theacurt at Ammo - min Honor, in rho Village of Bnusoire, on SATURDAY, the let day of MAR011, 3800 AT Ton n0551) 015 12 o'OLOOZ, NOON, the following lands and promises namely : The south half of lot No. twenty-six iu the ninth ooncoesioo of the Township of Grey, 1n the County of Huron, containing by etl- 1n018(ir00'1006 dity aere0 of land, more or less. The land la all elearod and in to good state of cultivation. The Soil is a clay loam and thorn 10 00 waste land. Thorn is a large, Orchard on blue lot and tho tubas aro in good Mewing ao clieton. There le a log bonen boarded over and a frame barn °rooted on thepromfso(r, The .;(oboes aro rail and in fair vitiation. Tho land is about ono mile trout Ethel station o1 the W.O. & B. railway and about 0 miles from bhs Nourishing Vill- age Ot Btnseelo, W111oh i0 readily accessible by good gravel roads, 501105 OR MLR Ten par cunt, down on day o1 sale to the Plaiutla'e 8olieltore, and the baleamo with. out interest In 00 da a thereafter white the purchase* will beouslt1edto a abnvoyatnoe. The purehaoor will bo regnlrad on the day of sale CU alga en &eroement the tee one - Motion of liepllrobus°. Tho property will be offered roe Male eubjeat to a reeeryod bid,. Tu all other roopeoto the forme anti o"u• dltiooe of Belo will be the etandingeonditione of sale of tole honorable court, The1ltle to porfeot. For further pa7tleo1.bs5a ,apply 4i,o the Noel Mettle 4 Odl1 11al or fo ate Pleintllb s 80. Salton, Dater] ailEhsderlo"h built 1'U't'k slily of ary, 9,11'. 82 l4. ktel.Laoug ON, :Ghoul Mater et 0040518ft. DI01I801QaH��,YO xl•a 1;',lt(I?tlelf4.t)e44fNllf', Pepper's Drug Storer Pepper's Drug Store, Drug Pepper's Drug Store, Peppers ' Drug 1 Storer CI1A11A11'8 1150(115, tsst U514ELg ALWAYS USE PEPPER'S PILLS BANKING. L\� ,IINTOSH & MpTAGGART, BANKERS, . 13111)44816LS, Tetee eteet a Q-oaao- a.l lOaallcicag On‘a,olnoaa. NOTES DISCOUNTED. Canadian and United Statnn Drafts bought mud soh,. Interest allowed on Deposits. Oolieellona n,ade on favorable terms. Canadian Asants-kirnauoir'e BANS( 07 CANADA.. Now York Agonte-IAmmtrene Ago Taan- nne NATraaar, 'Balta. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, 1 be 8011oit5r aid Ooavoyanoer, Collec- tions made, O®co-Vanotoue'e Block, Brus- 2f-8m Tj M. SINOLAIB, * Bololtor, 000veynnaer, No tory Pub. lie, &n, Oln0o-Graham's Blaok,1 door north of Pepper'e Drug Store. Privsuo Ands to Loan. p E. WADE, e Barrister, Solicitor and Notary Pub. tio. Convoyanaing, Colleotiooe and Loaning, Mr. Wade will attend in Gerrie every Wed- needay at two o'olook, DIOKBON & HAYS, (Late with Darrow & Proudfoot, Goat - rich ,) learristers, Solialtore, Oonvoysneere, &0. °Moes -brussels and Seaforth, Bras sole Office, Rogers' Block, Math tit. Moony to Loan, n, 5. 71.05. W. 11. DICKSON, A M. TAYLOR B. 0. L. Barrister, Solicitor, dm., of the Ilrm of Taylor, MsCtnllough & Burns, Bsrriotere Bolioibore, &a,, Manning Arcade, Toronto: Molloy to loan. A LEX. HUNT'hlli Mork of the Fourth 'Helaine Court, 00. Huron, Convoyeeor, Notary Public, Lund, Loan and Iueunloce Agsut. Funds invested and to loan, Collections made. 011Ioo 1n Graham's 13 look, Brussels, BUSINESS CARDS. DRESSSIIAKING OVER MRS. ientee store. MISSES 1..: 1h, ale. NAUGHTON. \ 7 7 .II, ata0ISAGKEN, 1 r' IssnrorP e'Marriage B Oilloo at his Lraacry, 1'arnbrry Stre¢t. Brussels. N, BAR1RETT, Tonsorial Artist' 811015 -Next door south o1 A, at. Mali,ay & Co'e hardware titero. Leib Aa' and ollilersu's hair eutth,g a; l,r,cialty t -A choice stook of cigars kept. AMCNAIIR, • Usurer of Mintage Mecum, by ap pointmout of Lieut,-(lovoraor, Commie - stoner, Ioaanitrun000 CO..(Mee at the Craud lrrcolc Post 0l110e. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM INSURANCE, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. NEW BARBER SHOP. -THC undersigned desires to intimate to the people of Brussels and 'surra oding country that he has opened a shaving and hair ma- ting parlor in 8male'o Block, where ho play be found ready to attend to the wants of the pubile. Goad work gamma teed, 2041 JOSEPH LAIRD. AUCTIONEERS. A BAYMANN, • Anctlaneer, se always ready to at- tend isles of farms, farm stook, &a, Terms cheerfully given, Oranbrook P. 0. Sales may bo arrauRed at Tutt POST Publlabmg House, Brussels. ,GEORGE KIRKBY, Licensed Auctioneer, Sales vendee - cid on reasonable Orme, Farms and farm stock a speoia101. Orders left at Tun Pots Publi thing House,Bruasela, or vont to Walton P. 0., will reedy° prompt attention, AVM* TAKEN OUT LTO + N- 1 SR ae an Auotioneor, I am prepared to conduct sales of farm stock at nonviable prices. Snowing the standing of nearly every psreoa I am in u position to sell to good marks and get good soanrity when 001,1 032 055911 Satisfaction guaranteed. Give mea pall, 92• la, 8, SCOTT. DENTAL. 23331MTm 2 B'S. 3vZ '0-I G. L. Ball, L. D, S. Nitros Oxide Gas ad- mini0terad for the Painless ]Sxbrsetion or Teeth. 74 Gerrard Street Eaot, Toilet/To. n0STTx0T 1 W. 3, Fear, L. D, 8, Graduate of Toronto School of Deatiobry. All operations guaranteed, FM -Artificial teeth, ,lust quality, and a guaranteed fit, for 512,00 nor sob, 01000-0ADY'e 337,0017,11317,9170111a1, ll) I LV JT I "t_ti T ' 33..6.. tasA=e'1=1V'. T.,, 3D, S„ Honer Graduate of the novel College of Dental Surgeons, Terceto, Nitros Oxide elite ad113ialster09 for the painless Extraotion of tooth. 011lce.-- r5'ONit DOOn NortTn or'BANx, 53115501510, MEDICAL CARDS. M. F. OALI7, M.D., 0. M., awl t 0101'19 Mambo f bhn Ooli o P 4go t hyyei*lau Offlcad Snrgoone ei Ontario Ian steosb Haut Ribo)ieua Resldmlro-,tufa street Haut, Ethel, Ontario, t) A. IVoNAIIGHM.TON, , D. o O, i15, L, Th. 0. P., lldinburgb, M. 0, 1' S, Out, Ab Popper's Duni Store teem 9 to 11:90 a. M. 504 from 1:80 to ,t n• 00, At other llonremay befound at ,pie residence,fo1•as• oris000apiod by Dr.15ntobine0n, MEIl se. VETERINARY! NO. ]). WARWIOKtV. R.," E! X�5p1100 8OCt'Co v. Vv. 0(151l0X1dN, V.B. 0:vacu1,a .) at Honorary 17a)Ttsy 05 Wage Vetoribaryy °Ile a Will ba ladrset CO L minewi'tire, greatest Hao Red Woke - Modal elan any wait, ebtrusl50 tib tits oharae moo ,nd imenti'sy-O'.13rien s stn titanfi,2 doors north of bridge, Turebil vy Rtt lAlfip 1108'. of (ad rDIY 041 wfl l a rli eels 'qnr '500 mist, lig i CYay larg, re ) 'm le ad Ill. hat till' •1 8 aeon tha Pros 510 for ed ne 1st no veal Ton Per cn 1 nine the 'e 1 nit . 9 vee twu you 001 :uta: it Rnu 6 vain prof "vel ba s feed 11500 Valu F T of. I 011 The 1310 ere yea iced Dec nun 10 d the a 10111 ata that gen, the /mal the a ba Ore was bili} 01p t0 elft Ord for AS 501 46e. 19. fro B. of 85 Pas end tai apd acro wit t11 ri p lift• am fun of ,Dia' IOe mn Gr Gra Th the Be velar Go elm ph1 0 sen A 0 a0( Igo en, wil be eye Wo )1a bit. mat 5df