The Brussels Post, 1890-2-21, Page 4THE BIN USSELS P0S'1
New Advertisements.
Locale—\V. H. 5IcCraoken.
Auctioneer's card --P. S. Scutt.
Blaakeinitlliug—'S!lae lIlutooh,
Binary minds to comprehend and the
average citizen cannot disc Iver the ways
And 0110998 for reeling tae enni total, let
him ponder the problem ever so long.
But the people elected the Ounerose of
the United Staten and the wholeselo 111•
i oreesa of the peesion lull is all right if
Itis wife and 'coated in Geneva, where ha
soots found employment in the store of
Niemara. Pratt ,k Crane. Lest night tho
Leader received a telegram from Geneva
Baying that Raney was innocent, Tho
inferen00 is that the theneetion will bo
.:. - • 1 thepeople agree to it, if the tax•payor--•-•-•a•-•••--
Porth Oounty.
9 el r+t. oatnnr naand it lila unite will au.oly be
^I16 :.::: t ; 3 n d t, tweed 0.1 a., lend and t et. • 111“,i,
__ days. St. 3Ltrvs 18,iisaopalian0 hold pan casco
FI Bon', P, FEB. 21, 18(90. Tho nnuxiug htsoe popalnrly kuow't soeiale.
as an exeontive session le the Senate, The mambo attire of the First Presby -
We, call the atteutiur, of the Recten won pnrtinnhtrly !nitna•ona Boring t110 tenon church, St. aitrye. is :iib
and Council to two matters they should di"ouseton of the nomination of General And ow Sweeten, of Smarr, split eight
Morgan to boa cords of wood in ab
look after, or take notion upon, as the
offiaia) head of the corporation. The
first is to petition the Grand Tronk Rail.
way to put on a p0000ng00 car a1 the
'nothing freight train going south on the
Leaden, Heron & Bruce line, so that
paseelgero from Brussels amid more
uonvonieutly ;tet to Clinton and Gode-
rich. A ()lose connentioe 001111 be made
at Wngle nt Junction almost every day,
and by this arrangement persons ()coed
reach the County Town abort a p. n.
have tan hours for business and leave
again at 4 p. m., gouda,. hank 110(110 by
the 610 10g train. Considerable time is
ah (L.,1 even by this proposed itrrango-
men:, bet it would he. inanitely better Mewed stayed at the tatpitul th u t 1 , t i' ! b d 7+! 6 '
', is flow. \i a see Po go -'d I the afternoon learning at tntery
rlmu •h"'`v'ty i uuuutes lir so lust what was ,,lit ., A • 1 17th Chancellor Bo raiment'
rnas;,u why t1_e raihr,r.01e horntu+8 should
witl+ilr rite e4,asd doors. 'rhe secret sea- The oombi,.ed salaries of 0Ue Clerlt,
het MI in with this pr•sposit(tn, .ie they slut Ls au imhecila frond. Treasurer, A meteor, Collector and two
woe a catch many s d••11e • that now 1lresid-lit Harrison mid Secretary Auditors of 1lUchell for 18!10 amount to
eon -
gee,' 1 !:arse hir.� on a`••mult of the bad Blaine aro taking active steps to con• may $510. The salaries paid the same
tine - fn operation until
ommi0eioner of 1in 00 ahout seven hours,
faire, On all hands were the visible and , Mrs. A. lJoleadzen, Motherwell, last
cumbrous evidenaoa of attempted money. week paid her 94th annual subeoription
The doors were 'dewily shut, the stair- to the St. Marys Argos.
Wav8 were guarded to prevent intrusion Sir Joseph Nickson was oongratulated
I moa
E nd mil o
m es a v thecoot
public, and p t for •it council] on n
of the pages by the Stratford d 4 y
loitered around the building lint being doe. Min by Her Majesty.
allowed within the snared precincts. A Martin 1'1, Needs, of tlilibank,druggist,
so celled aeotet 80081911 WW1 i11 progress, 119.4 (dented promises in Atwood and will
Seurat ? During the afternooal groups of ,Hove then about Aril 101.
interested people sauntered along the The estate of James Beattie, of St.
lower corridors. The word would bo Marys, uoleietingof groaorie8, was sold to
passed around : "itienderson has jest , Mr, B oderick, of London, at 651 cents
quit talking, and Spooner is on the floor." ; 00 the dollar.
"Whet is Spooner Baying 9” "lin sive John Graham, at one time of St.Marys
lforgan ought to be confirmed, though Binnsbard and Mitchell, who was iudi-
personally he does not caro whether ho clod with attempting jury bribing in
!s o• not. ' Later iu the proceedings the the Cronin ease, et Chicago, has dint).
remarks of Senators Dawes, Reagan, p,.arod. He was under heavy bonds.
Everts and Dolph were duly discussed in The Spring Assizes for Perth county
the ()molders, and the Commesinnel• will ,gree at fitrntford J•n March 17911,
'o below Justice
•a hon r1 ge. 1a pang
ole of live , Chancery Sittiuge wi4 comment' on
' 'm' on reii y F
between the places
Intl a more penman- uffioials in ;t. Marys the past year
rnih•oad aaon00tu;us s ,vaso eat +ttroewent can b0 determined upon l ,amounted to $1,160.
m ., . workable ud 'v 011E n cu which fiabm I
cotton •1 ubo'e The
plan 1s w0 the n10 us vt e d 6t t 11 d The preliminarydirectors f tl
end ear town d e . toe r
ire() ora 0 1e pTi' should make int vessels of the
Unite nes are a owe 1110901 company to erect a cheese factory
.400, :�w;ad dgis end. The ewend is This 3m. a9 Canadian
orts tos purchase
bit. ' o do
to cn'mr C',tns 1011'I ports to
purehavo batt. 1 at Mala vre's Corners, aro gel tin
matters mt linito shape. Tho stook
that sometime.; sic.uhl 1.1 .1900 to encore
eras cunfere0uea Lace Leen hold thio week is being• freely tam up and the pros•
a tannery for Benssel8. There is a good between the Secretary of State and Sit peots of being liberally patronized aro
L B State-
Opening here for a buo(o000 of this
kind ,Jit 1911 ()the matter0wae r dlacas t lin all ' gond,
and no doubt, 11 in the bands of the right ( Fears are entert
man, it would prove profitable both to tficial annomicemmit ae to aha etude at I and in case of its total or partial failure,
the proprietor and the town. It rests the matter will soon ha made. farmers would be consulting their own
With atlteelVao, as citizens, to keep Bra- Col. Daniel S. Lamont, looking the ilitereets Ff they could find a suitable sub-
- steadily advancing, 01011 this is one p10ture of boalth and prosperity, called etftnte among the spring cereals to fill
eels ste y at the white House Wednesday after- .,tp the cap.
way, we believe, to accomplish this ob- noon and after a abort
aimed for the aatety
its dataFis. 1910 probable that some of- df thefall heat on cloy lands in Etlioe
chat with 1
successor was presented to the President,
with whom he spent half an hoar very
agreeably. There was quite a loved held
in the telegraph room at the White
House, for as soon as it was known that
Col. Lamont was in the House all the
attaches Hooked around him and were
greeted in the cordial manner for whiob
Daniel is noted.
There was never bet one organization
in We hiilgt^n til^t carried an an rx-
tensivo business in the line of office
brokerage, and that is note tbo subject of
a Congressional investigation. Even the
cloak of the Civil Service Commission
cannot popularize the political bunko
jest. Talk it up and write up if you
feel so inclined.
Tay question of dispensing with the
thiamin credit system still occupies the
first Pince in the minds of the business
men of this country. We are pleased to
hear that the subject W9.13disou-sed by
.emu el' .0,r Leslie -is ::.a:1 lost week and
they have decided to give the 0x:11 system
a fair trial. Others have stated their in -
(elation of greatly reducing the credit
they have been doing, although they do
2101 see their way deer to do a strictly
came b-.ein,•0e. Don't von think it would
be a good idea for the beeiueen men of
Brnesel. to form themselves into an
Assooietion and meet owe a month, if
not oftener, to disoues questions effecting
their interests ? These gatherings should
be open to the business men of the ad-
joining villages, so that ail would et,-
deevor to follow 0,me one rule as near,y
as possible. If you'll reckon up what
your postage, stationery, hock -keeping,
horse hire, looses by smash-ups and
:(ttlasu-duwna, canon It (3, even i❑ one
year, you'll say, "I'm not mach of a
business man to allow myself to he run
in this manner. I'll bury old Mr Credit
with the hope that he'll never have a
resurrection; ' The purchaser will be
bettered by it; pri08e will come down,
and interest paying on overdue bilis will
be a thing of the past, Keep the ball
rolling, the more discussion there is the
better the outlook of the dawning of the
cash era hi business. If orodit were done
away with business would pick op in a
way that would astonish a great many,
we firmly believe.
Washington Letter.
(From our Regular Qorrespendoet.)
weeatuo0ox, Feb. 14, '00.
Tbo majority of the ways and means
committee hope to get their tariff bill in-
to the House by the let of March, but it
is probable that they will not have it
ready eo soon. They are finding some
difficulty in fixing npon any place where
the out of duty can be made. From pres-
ent indications it seems not likely that
there will be any reduction of customs
duty except on sugar, and that, on the
contrary, in many oases there may be an
increase. The only material rednotion of
revenue that there seems to be any agree.
ment upon ie toba000 and whisky used
in the arts. Tho sugar gestation is giving
them considerable trouble. The proposi-
tion to take off a considerable per cent.
of the duty and make up the difference
•is .Ur. H. Lang, of Granton, while driving
RuroO County.
Charity concert in Clinton on the 25th
Judge Toms is home from a trip to
W. Murray, his son and Frank Elliott,
of G.,derioh, shot 97 rabbits in two days. C. uuctl loos ;tot lute a tangle
over some mnnioipal appointments, sup-
posed to be illegal.
Fiftyrme births, 25 marriages and 35
deaths W0!0 registered with the Goderick
town clerk during the past year.
W. J. Biggins, near Clinton, met with
a heavy loss the other day, by the death
of his theme -bred Durham cow "Village
Flint,' from pneumonia.
Samuel Brown, of the 3rd con,Hullett,
was driving along the reed when his
team ran away. He was thrown out and
his arm brad= in two places.
Chaplain Searles, late of Auburn'
prison, N. Y., leobured in Rattenbury
Methodist ohuroh, Clinton, on Mouday
evening on "A voice from the cell."
The eighth quarterly meeting of the
Stanley, Tuckoramith and Hay Sabbath
Sohoel Association, will bo hold on Wed.
nesday, Feb. 26, 1800, in the methodist
church, Chislehural,
Wm. Graham, Stanley, lost se valuable
horse the other day. The animal took a
swelling in the head and died in a very
short time, Mr. Graham bad bought
the beast a few days previous for $150.
Geo. E. Pay & Co., of Clinton, have
disposed of their dry goods business to
J. Wiseman, who takes possession at
once. We understand that it is the in•
tension of Mr. Pay, after he gets his
business wound up, whioh will no doubt
take him some time, to remove to St.
Catharines, where his parents roeide.
THANKS, AWFULLY I—A friend of the
Beaton World writes agreeing with it
that the meaningless vote of thanks
should be dispensed with. He tette the
following story :—In the winter of 1879
I wan present at a wedding in the town-
ship of Hulled, near Goderlob. The
ceremony was at farm house, and fully
sixty petits were pre0ent. Atter the at.
tendant spread there was a dozen
speeches, and then to my astonishment
the bride's father moved a vote of thanks
to the producers by a bounty does not to the minister for the able and efficient
meet with the approval of the sugar men,manner in which he had tied the knot !
and it is possible that the clause will bo I Then the newly made Bou -in-law moved
stricken out of the bill in the House, or a vote of thanks to the wife's father for
that it may finally defeat the whole the bonnteons spread provided. I ex-
meaeuro. There are understood to bo pe0t0d the clergymen to move a vote of
ten republicans in the House who will thanks to the parents for having raised
vote against any considerable reduction ohildren to marriageable age, but he
of the sugar trust, and six of them de. seemed a0 thunderstruck as I was,
elate that they will vote against the en- ie. 35. Remy, a former resident of
tire bill if the clause is retained when Clinton, who suddenly disappeared some
the gioation cornea to be finally voted on tine ago, has boon arrested near Cleve -
in the house. This opposition in their land on the obar(e of forgery, He was
own party perplexes the majority of the to have a preliminary trial on Thursday
committee in making up their bill. of this week. The action is brought by
The common saying that Republics two of his creditors in Clinton. The
aro ungrateful cannot be applied to this Cleveland Leader of the 17th says :—
Republic's treatment of those who have "Robert Miles Raney, a former resident
.been disabled in its military service. of Clinton, Ont„ wee arrested at Geneva
The pension fund le seventy millions, yesterday by Deputy United States Mar -
with the prospect that it will bo themes- shat Mooney, and brought to Cleveland
ed daring the prunent apogee by the on a charge of forgery. Raney, who is
entail bills and general pension logisla- 50 years old, was formerly the agent of
tine• --not including it meager() presently George I3anly, who claims that he forged
to be oonsidered--to an amount above the cancellation of a mortgage given
one hundred millions per annum. Tho Morel]. 4113, 1881 to Ilanly by George
proposition supported by Gov. Hovey of Thompson. Tho mortgage wag for
Indiana, for the payment of a general $8,000, and 1t was canceled on Merrill
service pension will largely Manage this 21st, 1886. ltaooy wag released on 61,000
amount, 1f 199991,1, There are about bail. While waiting for his bondsmen,
twelve hundred thousand pensioners and ho denied in vigoro110 tering that ire was
at the propelled rate of eight (1011ars per guilty of the crime charged. lie said
month the Burn per annum would he the inert ago was paid to him, and he
$115,200,000. A .Ispnrato measure pro.
viding for 9rrlarng00 r nrrien about $500,.
000,000 a )dltion•J, Thine valion0 080110
when aided tre,,,eece4 the ability of or
a few miles from the village met with a
painful aooident which will necessitate
his confinement to the house for some
weeks. While passing a team his buggy
naught in the wheel of a farmer's wagon,
npsotting his buggy, throwing the doctor
out and breaking his arm.
At the annual meeting of the Athletic
Association, held in St. Marys, on Fri-
day evening, the following officers were
appy tinted : President, D. S. Rupert ; lot
viae, W. C. Mosetip ; 2nd yioe, H. Fred
Sharp ; Secretary, W, K. MacLeod ;
Treasurer, Wm. Andrews ; Executive
Committee, G. A. Graham, J. W. wood,
Was. Leary, Wm. Moyes, D. Dewar, F.
Long, T. G. Ryley and T. D. Stanley.
After the officers had been installed the
gneatioa of a celebration for the 24th of
May was taken up.
The annual meeting of the SoubllPerth
County Orange Lodge was• held in the
Orange Hall, St. Marys. The different
districts wore well represented despite
the unfavorable state of the roads. The
returns show a large increase of member-
ship during the year. After routine
business the following officers were sleet-
ed for the year:—James Thompson,
County Master ; John Somerville, De-
puty 0. M. ; Bonbon Switzer, Chaplain ;
John Robinson, Treasurer ; Geo. Moir,
Recording Seoretary ; John Duneeith,
finaouial Secretary; Capt. Paiaey, direot-
or of Ceremonies ; John Lancaster, Leo-
turor ; Thos. Hoporaft, Deputy Lectur-
er ; "Mo. Corbett, Deputy Lecturer. The
next annual meeting will be held in
Mitchell on the first Tuesday in Febru-
ary, 1891.
The following is from the report of the
Perth Mutant Fire Insurance Jompany
Rod shows that during the past year the
oompeny issued and renewed 2,155 poli-
cies, the amount written being 82,898,294.
The total number in forint on the first of
January was 5,158 polioiee and the
amount at risk. There were no unpaid
olaims at the close of the year, the comp-
any beginning the your with a clean
sheet. The ante show $10,810,09 in de-
bentures ; oesh in bank, furniture, &c.,
and $105,484.01 in premium notes, or 0
total of 6115,719.10 atter providing for
the re.insuranee of all current rioks on
the cash oyetem, which amounts to $8,-
8;727.71, leaves a net balance for the secur-
ity of note policy holders of 6107,021.39.
The AtwoodAuxiliary of the Women'o
Foreign lfioeionary Society, in 000000.
tion with the Preebytorian church, has
much cause for thankfulness to God and
much reason to be encouraged in its
work. Tho total aim oontributed to
missions through its agency during last
year was $181, thin amount being double
that of the next highest auxiliary in
this Presbytery, and potting Atwood in
the foremost plane, a position which it
has held for the last three years. Ian
offioern for this year are : Mrs. Calder,
president ; Mrs. Joseph Priest, vine -pres-
ident ; Mrs. Mader, treaeurer; Mise ;Alla
Graham, secretary. They hold their
regular meeting on the last Tuesday of
each month, at 2:80 p.m., et the residence
of R. Anderson, Atwood. Membership
85 ; members of general society 10 ; life
members 5. Two life members were add-
ed during the peat year, Mrs. Joseph
Priest and Mita Ulla Graham.
.. .... isaNT1NVMU F ... _ •... u0A1 SAGO 1.)
chosen from the judges of Ontario was a
bettor provision than that they should
be Mow from the barristers or lawyers
0 Coterie, booauee he believed rho
i,rlg•'s wnnhl be a tore pore and upright 1
than the ha(', piton 881eet00 iron.
the lawyoro of Ontario and outer
parts, I believe that in tetany parts
the harridan; are noting as wall as t11oy
post' ly nail, nut they onmplam in many
places that they cannot uoderetand the
act. They say that the ollange0 which
have been made render it altno.t impos
dela to understand it. I know that the
barrietore who are employed in our part
of the country are as good lawyers, and
as sincere and honest as any in a 1y part
of the country ; but Judge Doyle told me
p8nt:ili 1) , that the (0t was 310t properly
understood, and 11e blamed the Govern.
mint for not planing an AO upon the
Statute -book wl1ie11 weld be more plain•
ly understood. Let me gi,o a few iu•
station of this : If an elector asks for a
copy of a 01101nunn0. the law provides
that he shall receive it for 5 cents ; and,
when I sent to the judge for copies to be
served on the witnesses, bo net two
copies tufa kept the original, The law
,egnires that the two Borges aha I bo sent
to the tarty, and that th'• original .hall
be kept by the bailiff. liow man I take
the original wheat the original is kept by
the judge 7 I went to the judge, and
then he said be did not uuderotaud the
law as it Pow was, and of 0r consulting
with the other pulp—judge 'Toms, of
Gode'ioh—he s,11 there meet be two
ori,anals issued, one to be kept by the
parties, and the other to bo served on the
witnesses. non, there is another thing.
The clause alluding to etudeeta and
others attending schools was repealed, as
it appears. 1 appeared bofm•e the court
in Wntghain, in order to gee my son oil
the list, he being twenty one years of age
at d a student in Toronto. The judge de-
cided that the Government having re-
pealed that section in reference to stud•
elite, my son 0otitd not go on the list.
Afterwards, however, he got new light,
and allowed students to go o1 ; and,
when he was asked : Why did you pre-
vent Dr. Maodonald's eon from going on 7
he said that there 1098 another ancient in
the riding who was o1 the opposite side,
and he did not allow him to go on, and
the one would balance the other. Was
that any satisfaction to moor to my sari,
beaau.o the judge did not understand the
law end did not put the proper parties on
the list? I say, therefore, the law io
ouwbereome, that it is not well under,
:Amid, and that itis unjust to the party
which ie not in power. There is no hon.
gentleman opposite who will sit down
and talk quietly ,n regard to eh18 platter,
who will admit that ho would like to place
M the hands of his political opponent the
making of the lists on which lie is to be
elected. I 0111tllenge any non. gentleman
opposite to rise in his place and state
that he so uld desire to place such a
power in the hands of his political
opponent. It is easy to get the
names on these list., and, once they
are on there lists, it costs at least $2
each to get the nam88 off, and some-
times you cannot get evidence to satisfy
the judge. It is altogether unjust to the
parte in opposition, and, if I was on the
side of the Government to -day I would
-ay the same thing, I ask the House to
consider this question on its merits', and
to extend the right to Ontario to place
its young men on the list to whom it is
prepared to give manhood suffrage. In
regard to the Province of Quebec, I agree
that the views of those who have spoken
should be perfectly considered. They
state that they are not prepared to give
manhood suffrage to their young mon,
but they must remember that, in On-
tario, we are educated more highly than
the people of the Province of Quebec ;
.that wo opsnd $6 in Ontario for every $1
which Quebec spends on education, and
therefore we educate our young men in
Ontario, 0o that, when they reach twenty-
one years of age, they are fit to exercise
the for.Mr. Ohognette. I challenge the hon.
gentleman's etatement.
Mr. Macdonald, (Huron). I will refer
my hon. friend to the Statistical Record
issued by this Government, wherein the
expenses of the educational systems in
both Provinces are given. There he will
and that wo to Ontario last year spent
$3,995,LowerO00 on Canada educational
only spentpurposes,625,000 on
educational purposes ; and, I think, that
is about six to one. I do not Flay tbie at
all in an offensive spirit to the French
Oanadians, but I Bay it in order to show
that we are preparing our young men for
publio lite, and that when they attain a
majority, we are ready to pass over to
them their share in the government of
this country. I think this Government
should repeal en Ad which hag cost 00
much and which keeps certain olesoeo
out of the franchise, so a more enlighten.
ed and progressive Government may
place upon the Statute book a provision
giving to the young men of Ontario a pri-
vilege which the Tory Government at Ot-
tawa refine to a000rd.
FEBRUARY 21, 1890.
15ingeton City Connell have voted to
tax all 01100011 property.
Galt is to have another paper, It will
be peblished by Jas. K. Cranston, boost•
'tenor, and will be Balled Tho Nutshell.
The Toronto University was destroy.
0d by fire on Friday night last, noosed
by the overturning of it lamp. The total
loss will foot op to nearly a million
dollr'o. lurnred for $175.000.
A joint stock company hes been for, 1.
ed for the emotion of n new roller mill in
tfagersville. The parties interested are
famine of Walpole and Oneida, end
stook to the ttumult et ebuut (111,0000 Inas
been eubsoribed.
Ilerliio News:—"Ono of our well-known
OWeans, the happy father of eleven eons
and throe daughters, is discouraged.
Some ono informed bun that the Govern.
t t 101 offered a 100•ac a farm to any
had atI re r
family with ten or more children. He
came for information to tbie came, where
no end of people constantly oomo for
light on subjects that may be dark to
then. When lie was told it was the
Que'.eo Government that made the offer
—hut only to French families --he \went
away sad. Ile now foals he made a mis.
take by not being a Frenchman."
A collision took plane on the Grand
Trunk Railway on Saturday mo Hing
oneguartor of a mile west of 'Brookfield,
end between Welle011 Junction and
Brookfield. It appear') that two train.
met about a metier of a mild west of
llt'u lifield, going et full erred. Thu
engineete, iirunren end other trainmen
jemperl end osoaped unhurt. The two
engines -,re reported I b'- badly damm-
ed, curl several cars piled up in the 'Meek.
The ears were loaded with general mer-
erchandise, The wroekor from Fort Erie
was soot out. The aooident is o,icl to
have been oa(sed by a misunderstanding
111 -orders between the dispatcher and
00nada's honor luta again Leel, upheld
and now Louis Rubenstein is not only
champion figure skater of Clan 'de and
the United States but of the world. The
figure skating competition took pl9oe in
St. Petersburg Friday and according to a
eabloaram just received, our anon ion
head-; the list and has beaten ropreeent-
ativee from Vienna, Stockholm, Not wey,
Finland, Moscow and St. Poteroburg.
Partionlars, of course, aa,uob be had yet,
but it ie enough to know that O'made.
owns the ahampiouship. Aco'nding to
0 letter received from Rubenstein it
would appear that ire was pretty badly
Peed by the police authorities' in St.
Petersburg on account of his religion.
His passport was taken from him and
ho was forced to dance attendance at the
Police ecurt, and at the second interview
woe told to leave the country in 24 hours,
lir R. Morier. the British Ambassador,
on being applied to. managed to arrange
matters so that Rubenstein was Permitted
to remain lir the Russian capital until
after the skating matches. When his
passport was returned to him the words
^British sabjoat" were er'seed out and
replaced by "L. Rubenstein, Jew, must
leave St. Petersburg by tho 10th Feb. u•
ary." Sir 1t. Morier told Rubenstein
that foraige Hebrews were in v ry bad
odor and that it was doubtful whether he
would get anything like a square show
at the race.
The Stratford Herald says : 11 H.
Farrow, local manager of the Belk Tele-
phone Company, owns a largo Newfonnd.
land dog. Saturday Mr, Farrow came
up to the Herald office on businose. The
dog a little later got on his scent and
followed him np. In the meantime Mr,
Farrow went back to tho telephone ogioo
by another way. The dog waited round
the door and shivered until he was ntlow•
off in. He didn't seem satiolod, but
still bung arcing and eyed the Horald'a
red-headed hustler in a way that made
that young man foal very nervous, till he
thought of having Mr. Farrow call off
itis dog by telephone. Ha rang tip the
insbrnmont and at the sound of the bell
the dog seemed more at home. lilt. tsar.
row was told what was wanted of him
and the tranoinitter planed at the dog's
oar. What Mr. Farrow says leo said
Wits : "Como along, Tard, old fellow;
what aro you doing there 7" following
tine remark with a whistle. The dog
docked up hie oars and made for the
11(t doe', ft was opened for him and a0 110
stilt hotly a 0110(10 for the 1011 amonut ; passed mit he looked at the rod -headed
it railed for, and further, that he wrote 1 reporter 018 meets 118 t, say "It's a good
no endorsement on the m110191 0 at a11. I thing for Von that 111y suspicion; veto's
nervy came from (-t11t.; i lad April avitli mlfnunded."
Canadian Newts.
George Blackburn, of D. Marys, has
fallen heir to $8,000.
Wm. Joll, a Bell Telephone Company
employee, who fell from a window of the
Coulson House, Owen Sound, on Monday
morning le dead.
Chas. Hubert was seriously injured at
Wisner's implement factory in Brant'
ford on Saturday morning, He Was em-
ployed running a tumbler and went up a
ladder to move the belt, when hie cloth-
ing caught in the wheel. He was whirled
around the shaft, striking the briok wall
every revolution. The engine was stop.
ped as quiokly es po00ible. When he
was talion down both loge were broken,
and it is feared 110 lo otherwise injured.
Ile was talion to the hoepieal.
Tho late Senator John MoDonald left
01.01 estate valued at $1,609,000. The hole
hospital in Queen's park, towarde which
ho contributed $10,000 fu his lifetime,
received by his will a further such of
$60,000. Ho has willed to Victoria 'Gni.
varsity, Cabonrg, $25,000 on the oondi-
tfon that it 10 removed to Toronto, All
the employees of the firm of John Ile.
Donald ie" Co„ of which he wag the prin.
Opel partner, who have Doan in its em-
ploy twenty years a11(1 over, aro to re-
ceive $800 each, and Paul Campbell, who
is to manage the business, receives $1,.
000. To John McDonald, the son of the
deceased, is loft $75,000 ; to Fraser Mo
Donald, '1`13,000; to each of the ten
children of the decennial. 91(10,000.
Any Amount of Money to Loan
on Farm or Village Pro-
perty at
0 & 6A, Per Cent., Pearl](.
Straight Loftus with privilege of
repaying when regniretl.
Apply io
A. Hunter,
Divisions Court Clerk, Brussels. 1
The Navajos Indians of Now Mexico
aro a4 in revolb and threaten to m0000008
thewhite nettle' 9.
Despatches from Shanghai gie0 derails
of a wholesale execution of criminals re-
cently in Pekin. Phe condemned num-
bered fourteen and were carried to the
plaoe of execution in wagons. They were
dressed in red, their hands tied behind
them and a heavy chain was fastened
around their necks. They were indiffer-
ent as to their fate. At the plane of ex.
eention an Imperial Commissioner read
the decree of oondemnation. Nine of
the prieonero were to be beheaded and
five hanged. The former wore placed fn
front of the plane destined to receive
their bodies. Their fades were painted
red, their clothes were stripped from
them and each one was forced to dig a
grave for himself. The subsequent work
of the executioner was speedy, and in a
few moments the nine were beheaded
and the five strangled, The bodies of
the latter were stretohod on the ground,
and officer') pinned on each a large paper
giving the name and crime of the oon-
demnod. Later the bodies were expoeod
to be the prey of birds. An immense
orowd fioolted to Pekin to witness the
Sts Leon literal Water,
O ' T020NT0, -
15101.::tie OJllllec, In,
Cady's Block, Seafort,
Whore he eau bo Consulted On all (hroa
Mounties of both Sexes.
t'onou option, A0111,05 and. Catarrh
treated oneeesefelly by Inhalation 8f 11011'
cutoff Vapors, the only rational leerhue.,
for those diseases.
and en ffleeasos of the itrinory 00 1 111 pud-
11.81y enrud (e (,.1101(0 9110,'.
Call or Address
:31.11 Mt. PRILLl I'e;, S t:oo-oerni
The following speak for 111eme01000
Brussels, Ont., Jan. 8, 1890.
I have been using St. Leon water for
the past month or so and have found it
very candela in promoting good health,
After using it a week I found my appe-
tite much benefitted and eau now eat as
much in one meal as used to suffice me
for two. For any rheumatic affection I
believe it to be ahead of any drugs or
patent medioinoe, and think that per.
sone of a rheumatic tendency should use
it constantly.
A. Hymen,
Clerk 4th Division Court,
County Huron,
Mn. Amu GOOD, Brussels,
Dear Sir,—The St, Loon Mineral Wat-
er that I have been getting from you has
done me so much good that I cheerfully
give my testimony in its favor and hope
othere may bo persuaded to give it a
WAt. ltgncn'ree, Su.
Brussels, Jan. 7, 1890.
Private Funds to Loan.
Have been placed in my hands
for Investment ou real estate.
No Commission.
Borrowers eau have loans com-
pleted in Three Days if title
,Solicitor, Brussels.
fresh and t. livered to
Salt 11 oala of ' • any port of
the beat ghat �� ,1 ! the Village
l t•t•, t I
I IY n t t .,�f., ' t�
bund and lie- Charge.
Fitt Cattle Wa.lntcd
For which the highest market price
will be paid. I also make a epcciolty of
buying tildes and Skins. Don't forgot
the place, next door to Fletcher's Jewel-
ry Store.
This water, the like of which is found
no where oleo but at St. Leon, in the
Province of Quobeo, resembles all nat.
Pro's production0, an egg or grain of
wheat for instanoo. Wo can tell what
an egg or grain of wheat is composed of
but man 10 utterly unable to make a
(train of wheat or create en egg and be i0
lust as enable to counterfeit St, Leon
Mineral Water. Bot kind nature has
done for us what wo could not do for
ottroelves--brought the eixteen different
ingredients of this water together in the
proper proportions, mixed them and
herrn 11185 fordo in a copion0 Atom,
I am in a position to impply this to.
markable water, absolutely pure, straight
from the wells, at it priori that loaves
little after envorhlg the cost of bringing;
it this far.
A1)AM Gool),
'fIto Tc,o, til Grocery.
A Fair for the Sale of Horses,
Cattle, &e., will bo held in
Blyth on
Tuesday, Mar. 4111, '90
Auction Sales conducted Free of
Charge on above date.
Seo'y-Trona. 31.8 President.
Ready for Business 1
I wish to intimate to the
public generally that I have
leased the blacksmith shop
at the bridge ( 4a seuad) and
am now in a position to at-
tend to all kinds of black-
smithing in a workmanlike
manner and on very reason-
able terms. HORSE -SHOE-
of the patronage of the pub-
lic is solicited, It will be
my aim to give the best of sat-
isfaction. 32-4
Practical Watchmaker
and Jeweler.
Thanking the public for past favors and
support and wishing atilt to secure
your patronage, we aro opening
out Full Linos in
Silver Plated Ware
from Established and Reliable Makers,
fully warranted by us.
Clocks of the
Latest DE',57i l'b5.
Labials (loot 1915150,
Bnooc lit
1 Alnirtuf :, t\':
►:.^:•:'Also a 7Pu11 Line of Vrog,ixs are,.
Violin Strings, ate„ 1n stook,
N. tt.--aamnv.r (teafeerlage ttle,moee,
T. Fletcher, - Brusse14.