The Brussels Post, 1889-12-13, Page 8All,11YU i;.1.1\ITINI1 er hither Goode, tie., Orossiee Oases, 1 Vetting Desks, Shaving Sots, Jewel Cason, Perfume Boxes, Albums, Work Boxes, or Hand Satehels 2 Or is it some Imudeotne oue and salloars, Toilet Sets, Fancy Vases, Figures, Shell Goods, Flowers under Giese, Fruit 139.8. kets, &o. 1 Or would you like a Nice Bible or Hymn Book, or some other 13eautiful Rook or Booklet, or a nice Puree, or Toye for the children, or Xmas or New 'nave' Cards Is it any or all of these, or anythiug else, then coma and examine .our stock, (t8 ib would take too much space to tell you all we have, G. A. DBADhIAN, Druggist Book seller, Fancy -goods Dealer. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. sour/mug nximssioN W. 0. 1 n. Trains Zaire Brussels Station, North and South, ne follows: Germ Swarm Gout* 540137n. 0:20 a.m. ..... al Nixed thoress 11:45 a.m. Mali 98;4050 pp :mit Mixed ...... 8150 p.m. EtPress 34,13.0 a I s ?hems. A chiel's amang ye bokin' votes, An' faith he'll prod it. St. John's Church Service or Praise. Friday Evening, Deoember 20th, 1889, commencing at 8 &clock. Tho fol- lowing will be the Program : vete 3. Organ Solo, Hymn 410, "Safe in the arms of Jesus" Anthem, - "Hark! what mean those Holy Voices?" Salo and Chorus, "Under the Shadow of Thy Wing," Anthem, "Come unto Me,' Dnett, 'XO Hope Beyoud," Quartette, "Do I wake or and I Deeam- ing," Anthem, "I was glad when they said unto me," Imam n. Anthem, ''Tile Lord is my Shephard," Hymn 237, "Forever with the Lord," Solo, "Where is Heaven 1" Anthem, "God is the refuge of his 15o ple Solo and Chortle, "Jesus lover of my Soul," Anthem, "0 Lord bo merciful,".. Deed, (sacred) Anthem, "Hallelujah to -God in the Highest," Hymn, "Nearer my God to Thee," The Choir of the church will be as - slated by some of the members of the other church ohoirs in the town. The offertory is in aid of the Ohoir fund, and as there are certain necessary expenses ie connection with this service, it is hoped that everyone vill contribute something. Members of the congrogation anditlee public are earnestly invited to attend this service. "Tete Diamond Button." Divide]] Court on the 28th. ItienngISE your Christmas goods. Xmas one week from next Wednesday. Comm meeting next Monday even- ing: BEENE selle pure sugar syrup, just like honey. BREVE sells the cheapest and best goods in town. Ms. CLIME, of Listowel, was in town this week. lime Oman jr., of Seaforth, is visit. ing in town. SuEND keeps pure groceries and sells them cheap. BEENE'S Sealette at 96 is the Best and Cheapest in town. Taos. Mclinuoarce is home from Gode- rich Model school. WOOD, bard or soft, taken for over- coats. Adam Good. Geo. FunkON, of Harriston, was in town on Wedneeday, ARCHES SCOTT was in town this week on a visit to relatives. CALL and see Skene's meltons, the best and iiheapest you oan get. W. A. OADBIOX want to Toronto on Monday on a business trip. Go to the Farmers' Institute if you take any interest in farming. Resent and Reggie Fletcher have been visiting in Lnoknow for the past week. Tem public schools close on Friday of next week for the Christmas holidays. THE Posy generally "gets there" on the looal and district news. Try it for 1890. INSPECTOR MALLOCH visited the various departments of the Public echoed here this week. w,EDD123 is on the tapis for early January. The bride and groom are Brusselites. MISSES WIUGHT and Thompson, of London, are the guests of Mise Hattie Rogers this week. N. G. BOwsEng, assistant postmaster at Goderich, spent last Sunday with friends in Brussels. Momemr evening of title week Rev. S. Sellery delivered a Iodate at Holenes- ville on "Manliness." Tanen has bean a regular rush of en- tertainment] this week, Every evening except Saturday filled. Mita. Wm. TnOMPSON returned last week from a visit to her daughter, Mrs. M. McLennan, at London. ADOTION sale of farm property in Dior - lie township, at the American Hotel, next Tuesday afternoon. BEV. R. PAungoes to Alma next Sab- bath to supply the pulpits of Rev. W. \V. Loeoh, who is on the Melt list. G. A. FEAR is away et Tomato this week writing at his examination for a druggise's license and diploma. 'W. H. WiLL/S is away at Seafoxtli this week and his place in the shoe store in teen is being filled by his brother, 33 Trattrena lbs, best Citanulated Sugar dis for 91.00 ; 18 Ibe. best Coffee Sugar foe ad 61.06 for cash only at Thomeon'e. in S t.t.t-tS' 1-'06"1' Dsoparan 13, 1889. jf. Fotway, of Bluovele, was yield hi- I] Poeinnester Farrow, OAR woe 'eh.' .d gentleume wear] well am/ is iv heerty. Tun illustrated. Christmas flambee the Montreal Stoic Is to band. It is 1 elegant issue and is well worth the pri asked. Tim worship of "Ilioleoli horrid Kis lo Ilinnon is announced tie the eubject Rev. G. 33. Howie's uext Sabbath eve 10133 disoourse. Miss Beowseow, of Ilarristpp, wee in Bruesels oyer last hunday lentil hersieter, sister, who is the milliner at A. It. Smith's store. "The Diamond Button" is the name of a continued story to commence in Tue. Pose next week. It 18 it very sereal. Read it. PAS YoUR TAN:Ea.—Notice is berth given that all texes should bo paid fortl with. Call on the Collector and get yot reoeipt. lbs. T. Ross. Menne llIclameem was in town la week. Ho is one of the most pepult travellers .ee the road, and be should b what he is, a modes at it. Rev. S. Youxe, of Clifford, will preach in Melville church next Sabbath, Rev. Mr. Ross will conduct Anniversary ser- vices in Clifford that day. NEXT Sabbath morning Rev. S. Sellery B. A., B. D., will take as hie subjed ''The Lord's Witnesses,' and in the even ing 'Whet is it to be a Christian?' Two of R. Leatherciale's colts got ith the oat bin on Tuesday night and gorged themselves. The older one, a "Baron Rothschild," had a close call for its life. Lase week we received the Christina Globe, It is le very handsome publica tion and the accompanying plates or well worth preserving. (Oslo copy of it. EU. J. E. Russ, a former peeler of tis Methodist church, Brustels, Was in tow for a few hours on Tuesday of this week Ile is a member of the Niagara Confer woe. Blume= examination to the High School will be held iu the Brussels Pub• lie school on Wednesday, Thursday and Eriday of next week, 18th, 1.9112 and 20th inete. THOS. SEM, of Harriston, was in town on Thursday of last week visiting bis parents. Mr. Soli is one of the leading merchant] of Harriston and does a large business. F. Dawono has disposed of one of his houses on Williftm street to eleorge Avery, of Grey township, for the sum of 9400. The purchaser and his family took possession last week. AT the meeting of the shareholders and patrons of the Grey and Morris Cheese Factory, recently, Mark M. Oardiff was chosen as ono of the Auditors. The second will be unwed by the Dmootors. Ix the window at Toe. Laird's barber shop may be seen n. handsome collodion of shells, neatly arranged. They wet': gathered by the m oprietor on the Pacifi coast, while sojourning in that locality. Hoes Weeann. Farmers should read the important annonumment of J. L. Grant & Co., of Ingersoll, in another column, in reference to fattening hogs early. This firm will buy no dressed hoge this winter. 19•5 REYDS. S. James, J. Ross, 13. A., and G. R. Howie, of Brussels, D. B. McRae, of Oranbrook, and Rev. Mr. Forrest and 3. Smillie, of Walton, attended the Melt- land Presbytery, at Winghetn, taking train at this station. LAST Saturday evening Henry Mooney had the misfortune to get his right hand against one of the knives in the flax mill machinery. The result was an ugly gash. This is the second time he has been laid up from the same cause. BPECIALS.—Ten pieces of robe dress goods et 25o., worth 400..'.. 15 pieces of robe dress goods at 1713., worth 30c. Ladies call and see our sealette at Ku, it has no equal be town. We have also a piece at 69, worth 912. Scuff ,i Fergu- son. Tins Brussels Mechanics' Institute Library will be open every Saturday afternoon from 3.80 to 5 o'clack. This is a goad move, made largely to accom- modate persons outside of town. The membership roll should receive a large increase. CHEAP Fade—Commencing with Tues. day, 24th inst., excursion rates will be given, vis.: single fare, good to return on 26th inst. Also on Deo. 31st good to return on Jan. 2n4 at same rate. Tickets will be issued on the 20th inst., good un- til January Gbh at one and oue third fare. Da.A, Sae, of Dakota, is =eking a visit to his brothers, (Principal Shaw, of Brussels, and Angus Shaw, of Grey township.) The Dr. purposes visiting the Continent and expects to sail about the olose of this month. He will take a course at London, England, as a special- ist, the eye and ear being hie subjects, &Ornge by appearances there will hardly be a contest for the municipal offices in Brussels this year. The pres- ent Council will, in all likelihood, be re. turned by acclamation. It will be a new experience for thie place if such is the oase. The present Council has managed affairs very eatisfactorily on the whole. THERE is no assessment in connection with the A. 0.1J. W. for December. There were 242 applications received during November, for membership to the Order. Twelve assessments of one dol- lar each is surely 0 low premium on an insuranoe of $2,000. There are scores of men who should be in the Woekmen So- ddy, THE Lietowel Standard says, correctly too :—J, D. Ronald, of Brussels, passed through Lietowel en route for Monkton, N. B., where he has recently sold ono of his steam fire engines. The Ronald imine is deservedly popular in the marl - time provinces, this not being the first one that has been purchased by the "Blue noses." Mao. Kam will from now till Christmas offer special harping in wool goods, all hand made, comprising Hoods, Caps, Jackets, Faseinatoes, Scarfs, &o. .4. lot of slipper pattorne very cheap, Under- clothing'Hosiery, &o, General mod - meld of Pitney geode, Toys, &o. and examine her stoek, opposite Queen's Hotel, Brussels. Wmfm•Dxectate AND Damanle.—George irt has all the necessary machinery for gging and &Min wells and is premix - to attend to nil work entrusted to him O way that will insure satisfaction, lig funeral wee held on Wedueelay after. Is, noon, ma and eira Vincent have the 110 sympathy 0311114' 33,1.-.0115 in tho 10.40 of them Ilett born. of Lowe Saturday night or early Sunday 111 ramming some sneak thief visited Neil co Milloy's, Mill street, and walked off with 10 pounds of lard and several pieces of in ad ve 00 he ed n. Or Y. al 1- o. ir 11 Or tr e, tr y, s, lb a, of t. • • r. • 1 • • • • • • g" prime 11100.1 that wee stored in a box of the wood died. Neil says if he b n• 0330301113 11181 031 the act los would ha filled more than his coat tails with els leather. It was 0 contemptible eel whoever the thief was. Mate. Slaws &Biros to inform tl ladies generally that ehe has ammo:: the manefeAture of the "Improved Go stitutional Corset," reooinmended 2 health, ootnfort, style, fit, elegance an durability, Large size corsets 13 speoialt "Good work, combined with a pritotio knowledge of the business," my molt Faotory—Smale's block, Entranoe—mi, door. A call solioited. Md. 33. Smerm. Belem you purchase either a gold silver watth or a piece of (diver plate w would take pleasure in showing you 01 stock, whioh 10 0011 complete in quanta quality and variety, and at very to prices. In eight and one day °look walnut, niokel, 40., wo have in stook ti very latest patterns, which we warrai honest time keepers, by the beet maker and at lowest pewee. A call is respec fully solicited. T. Fnemorren, Jeweler. LAST Sabbath Rev, E. W. Hughes, Listowel, occupied the pulpit of John's church, Brussels. In the more ing he posaohed a Missionary sermo from the text "Atte I my 1p other's keel er 1" His sermon at the evening seem was based ou "And God said let there b Light and there was Light." Both se mous were very interesiing and contain ed many points well worthy of reflection Rev. W. T. Cleft, the incumbent, sup plied at Listowel and Atwood for Ill Hughes. WHAT WE MAY REPECT.—Bad roads i snow does not soon corne.—Illunioipe eleotions.—Railroad talk over the pro posed Ontario and Lake Huron Road. Other places to be jealous of Brussel grain and pork market,—A lively two 0 three weeks of entertainments.—Xma trade to boom and people to deal wit men who let the public know the bar gains they earry,—Santa Claus to soo get down to buinness.—A large numb of changes in school teachers in th various rural solloola—Renewal eubsorip tions and new ones too to pour in fo Tug POST for 1890.—Sleighing. Tait program of the East Huro Farmers' Institute to be held on Frida and Saturday of this week, is a very in teresting ono and should attract a lam number of the farming community. 0 Friday evening iv. addition to Prof. llob admen's address on "Skill in farming, Miss Lottie Hill and Miss Annie Smit will sing m &lett and Mies Minnie Gorr and W. U. Sinolair will oontributh solos Miss Hargreaves a000mpanist At th Saturday afternoon session WU. Plewa Secretary of the Dominion hfillers' As sociation, will address the Institute, el 'The relation of the Miller to the farmer, from 8:30 to 4:30 o'clock. CANADIAN ALMANAC root 1890.—The Can adian Almanac for 1890, published b Copp, Clark & Go., is out in an enlarged arid greatly improved form. The Can adian Almanac is simply invaluable a a book of reference, and this year's issu contains several new features that ad much to its merit. There is for the firs time a list of the physioisus of Ontario the political color of members of the Do minion and Ontario Houses of Perlin ment are given, as well as the salarie paid the &Male of the Government. In addition a neat lithograph of the new Parliament Buildings in Toronto accom- panies each copy of the Almanac. ANNIVaRSAlw SERVICES. -One week from next Sabbath Rev. Dr. Hannon'of Kin- cardine, one of the ex -Presidents of the Guelph Conference, will preach the an. nivereary sermons in •the Methodist church in this place. An open session of the Sabbath school will be held in the afternoon when addresses are expected from Dr. Hannon and others. On the evening of Christmas day the anniver- sary tea meeting will be held. Instead of following the general rule of speech making, &o., a song service will be given by the church choir and the Sabbath school, acoonmanied by an orohestra con- sisting of violins, violin cello, flute, cornet and organ. Recitations are also expeot. ed from Rev. Mr. Davie, of Ethel, and Rev. W. E. Kerr,of Owen Sound. See posters for further particulars. EXTENDING.-110SSra. Smith & Malcolm have purchased the frame of the old Melville church and removed it to the rear of their large factory, shingled, Bided and floored it. Tho upostaire of the building will be used as a finishing room for furniture, &o., and the down- stairs for storing wood week and season- ed lumber. The new structure ie 80x40 feet and the roof has been elevated 3 feet. There is about 30 feet of an alley way be- tween it and the briok building which will likely be enclosed mut Spring with briok. Messrs. Smith & Malcolm aro hustlers and have been pushed with work all year. Additional hands will have to be added es the employees are now work. ing over time to keep up with their,. orders. L.O.L.—The following officers were : iiieeted mid installed for 1890 in conneo• on with L.O.L.,'No. 774 : 13:o. Matthew Wilma, ; " Joseph Bowman, D.M. ; " H. Mooney, Chaplain; " J. Mooney, Reo..See. ; " Geo, Cardiff, Fin. -See. " W. R. Mooney, Treaa. ; " M. M. Cardiff, D. Cor. ; " John Bowman, Lecturer ; " John Ma/UW.200n, let Com. ; " F. MoCutcheon, 2nd 00M. ; " Jambs Oakley, 8rd Com. ; " Joseph Smith, 4th Corn.; " 13. Gerry, P,0.191. ; Geo. Fitzpatrick, O.T. ; Me expected that the nest 12th of July will bo celebrated in Bedside by a great big demonstration. Further par- ticulars later. B. Gerry has the prelim. inary arrangements in hand. A mew tar and gravel roof was put on the Vanstone block this week and a portion of the rear Welt wall rothuilt. 11051. Coutusemont, the woll-known in- surance agent, of Gnelph, was in town wens eiennea out and put ho proper Aare. Terme reasonable. Residence s000nd door north of the bridge, wed gide of Teenberry st., Betide's. 48.11 !Jun.—Last Tuesday morning Myrtle ay, the infant daughter of Jelin and emcee Vincent, died, aged 5 months el 26 days. TL c child load been troth - 1 with the whooping cough an21 had not ougth to rally f eon) the attack. The 1\7. en business on Thursday of last week. pr Notrror particsindeloteti to ender- an Signal by hook seenunt kindly pay at lot onto and mu sicoblige II. MeCracken. str 13 ammo EsnEnvoro.—Lata Monday evening at the close of the usual weekly meeting in oonnection with the Christian Endeavor in tho Methodist chureh, the following oflioere were elected for the en- suing tertn t—Ilonortory President, Rev, 8. Selloey, B. A. B. D. ; President, Geo, Rogere ; lst Vice -President, Eli Smith 2514 Vice -President, Miss Maggie Me. Naughton; Secretary -Treasurer, Miss Minnie Moore; Managing Committee, D. Armstrong, W. Reddielt, 'P. 11111, Miss E. Kerr and Miss Thompson, Look. mit Committee to be appointed by the. Prooklon6, 13 new program of topics for the meetings of the next six menthe Mil be prepared 01 04101', printed and placed -loon HAY F011 84 se the halide of the members. The Sr. -X will eenver in uentitios to sult piety bee done exceedingly well in tis pest and its 541001838 is largely attribel 4210 to the energetic work done by bit President and the other o5ioere of th Assoolation. There aro upwards of o101 members on the yell. gust about this time of year the air is full of HINTS. They come perhaps from your wife, your son, your daughter, or your best girl, who being aware that Xmas is only two weeks hence ,are thus in a very innocott manner making you acquainted with their wants.— sort of paving the way for their Christmas boxes. Now don't pass these gentle hints unnoticed, but call at Pepper's Drug Store and see the beauti- ful Xmas presents suitable for old and young. -gentian= Ta0Ora 1.3exp.—This organization, consisting of 20 mem- bers, with Bandmaster Leonard in com- mand, arrived here from Listowel on Wednesday morning's train and played some stirring airs on the wuy to the army barracks. On Wednesday and Thursday evenings they gave entertain• menta in the Town Hall, which consisted of seleetions, well pleyed, by the band, singing, experiences and conversation. This band was organized aboub four months ago and their mission is to go from station to station soliciting aid for the Drunken Woman's Homo in Toronto, instituted by the Salvation Army. Cap- tain Leonard stated that the members of the band received no salary but were supplied with clothing, instruments and music. Their travelling expenses: are paid and billets provided wherever they stay. H4 also said that J.32 drunken women had gone through the Home in the past nine months, and out of this number 103 had spent various terms in prison. Sixty of the 132 are endeavoring to lead better lives. Eight thousand eight hundred and ninety four meals have been given away from the Home since its establisInnent It takes about 970 a week to maintain the Drnnksn Woman's Home and the Home for fallen girls. The band boys play well and af- ter a few months more practice will take their place with the best bands in the country. They left on Friday for Blyth. A. rolling mill project is talked of at Kin gston. _ . . . 1 0 chaser. T. illPPB11, La 0,0051. 0, Grey. 0 TAG TC), GOWN: X110 e I1538001 P0usoots every morning indeed 6euti5;VilrretualtrinY oi3ilrIrertleeil- hared to until further notioe. S. WALSH Proprietor Notice in hereby given 101331 0310 ing accounts due the 3030 iie,o1 of Rayon/ft tt Turnbull, Brussels, must bo nettle,1 by eith. Or cash 00 0015 forthwith. The book]; aro at DiakflOn &Hays' otnoo, and they aro au- thorized to give .1(3(1011)GB for mold%) paid. 14 - monemer_ Dueronn.—At Langdon, Dakota, on Nov. 10th, the wife of Thos. Dunfortl, (formerly of Brussels,) of a son. VINCENT.—In Brossels, On the 10th inst., Myrtle May, only daughter of John and Frances Vincent, aged 5 mouths and 26 days. Pnoceom—In Morris, on the 3rd inst., Mary Ellen, only daughter of Ohae. Proctor, aged 7 months and 20 days. ..A:r7C=X0INT MoNDAt, DnO. 23. --Farm stook, imple- ments, &c., on lot 16, con. 33, Grey. Sale commences at 1 p.m. A. Reymann, auct., Anthony Baker, prop. WEDNESDAY, DEO. 18T11.—A.notion Bale of farm stock, implements., household furniture, dm., on 101 26, con.10, Morris. Sale commences ab 1 o'olook p. zo. Geo, Kirkby, auctioneer. Mrs. Sarah Tiernan, proprietress. DEZESS.T.TSS=ZO Is5?.21..1.8=331T, Fall Wheat Spring Wheat Barley Oats Peas Butter, tubs and rolls.... Eggs per dozen Flour per barrel.. Potatoes Hay per ton. .. . .... Pork .. . Hides per lb Salt por bbl., retail..., Sheep skins, each ...... Wool, per lb 76 82 75 82 80 35 24 26 53 55 14 15 17 00 5-50 00 85 00 6 50 8 00 5 00 5 25 2 1 25 00 60 1 00 18 20 S7.11.A.FOI.L,SWE I.C.A.M2.11C3SYSE. Fall Wheat 75 82 Spring Wheat 75 82 Oats 24 26 Peas 55 55 Barley 30 85 Potatoes 35 40 Butter, per ib -14 15 Egga, per doze17 00 Apples, per bushel 80 85 Hoge, dressed 5 00 5 25 Beef 4 50 5 50 Hay ........, 6 50 8 00 Wood, per cord 2 60 4 50 Sheepekins, eaoh 40 57 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. WANTED, SERVANT GIRL V to come for a few hours each day. Good *ages. Apply to 4,33., POST P111/1181.1 - hug Roue, .NIOTIOE TO DEBTORS.—NOT. .1.1 mu is hereby given that all persona in- debted to me are requested to call and set. tie accounts before Doe ember let, as after that they will be collected throve)] the COttrb. J. A. MoNALIGHT ON, M, D., Dreg - 18. 0 TX 40 Tel ! ' TO DEBTORS. All parties indebted to the estate of the late Andrew Currie are requegted bo settle the seine by the 28th Mgt, After that date 3511 305333314 dolma w111 be collectotl b/ pro. eoes of law. 113201053531 0.133 EKE01J.3OBS, Bruseels, Oet, 13,1681 1441 UTCHERING,--THE UNDER. signed is preentred to attend to the killing and dreeeing of cattleehoop or Mae ter farmers or townspeople 'le a Workman. like manner and at reasonable votes. Ord. ors loft at A. Ourrieei blather 01100 will boy promptly attended to. DAIL MoDONALD. 284 MEW BA1113:Elt SI101).—THE endersigned 413E000 to intimate to the e people of iiruesille and surrotthcling country '1 that he has opeeed ebaving end hair mu- a tine pitied in Sinaleet .1310olt, Ishore bo may bn found ready to attend 10 1111 300,1510 of the LI public. Geed work guaranteed, 10.30 30811141 LAIRD, Y, NOTICE. — THE STUD 130011 hoIongiog to me for tho year 1860 is in David Pergusou's bomb:for eollootion. Par- ties having ream in 1054 pleaca pay the same to him, 118 138 is the only person wee has any olefin to aolleot. 80010610 TAIT. Dated Grey, Dos. 4,3880, 210' QTRATED ON THE PRE IVIISE S of the nudersigned, in the village of Hentryn on or about Oat. 20, two Spring Calvee. Tho owner to requested to 50(100 Property, pay enemies met take them amity. WILLIAM JAOKSON, 21.8ns QTRAYED ON THE PREMISES k.) of the undorsigned,lots 31 and 15, non, 10, Grey, on or about Nov. 9.7tb, yearling steer, rod in color. The owner is requested to prove property, pav expenses/ and take hitn away. NELSON 52-4 QTRAYED ON THE PREMISES L.., 01 111' undersigned, 3018 08 and 00, cop, 1, MorrIS. tIV 0.1)0Ut the m !dale of 0 °fob er four yearling cattle, Three of them aro steers awl tho other heifer. Tho owner is requested to prove property, pe.y espouses and take them itway. EDWARD MULLI- GAN, eennestown rib. TTENDERS WANTED 1—n10S-tiF,xA .1 11 od tenders for the position of Carets In Brit studs Sehord, will be received up 00 the 30th December, lowest tender not neaessaril5 accepted. Dialog, .be., may be asoortaiued on application to the Secretary of School 11 °aril, who will also receive tend. ors Duties to commence Tanuary 10,1800 W. If, MOSS, 8.3s,-Treas. 13 .P.S.1.3 , Datsd 3113 B russets, Deo. 10, 1880. 22-0u PATENTS, Vgge:V:nsnaall'f romte er patent causes in the Patent 09150 and beton the 080110 promptly and oarefutly at- tended to. 'Upon reeelpt of model or sketch of invention, make careful examination , and advise as to patentabilityfroo of charge. Pees moderte, and I make no charge unless patent is secured. Information, advice and special reforonoes sent on application. J. R. 1.41.37381,L, Washington, D.C3., 0.8. Patent 55 Jersey Bull tur Service. I will pay as high as 1118 for Heifer Calves, 1 month old, from this Bull, price varying according to mincing coalition of their dams. For further particulare apply at lay Drug and Book Store, Bruseels, 20-1 G. A. DEADMAN, D &c. REAL ESTATE. pi ARMS FOB, SALE.—THE UN. DERsroNED has several goal Farina f ar 04,10 mato 15 111, easy tonne. in Townships of At orris tind Grey. 0.0, SCOTT. Brussels. 13741 • — nOMMODWITS AND COMFORT- S.-) able residence to rent. Also a. roapin utob0i2nomfo,or sale, cheep. Apply to MRS. F. W. slum, lot S, coll.°, Grey, Brussels P.O. 9-1HE FINEST BUILDING SITE y for residence in Brussels, containing one Kora of land nearly opposite Mr. E, 0, Boners' residence • is for eels at a bargain. Apply to W. M. Smondxn, Brusssels, or to 3010. TIARC+BEAVES, Cor. Queen and Sine - ace streets , Toronto. THE RESIDENCE OF J. R. .1. Grant, Mill Street, le offered !or sale, as the family will remove to Winnipeg next Spring. Also the stable used at present by Lott Bros. and a well located building 105 00 Turnberry' street just south of the postoilloo blcolt. Porpartioulars apply to MRS. S. 11, GRANT. 20.11 VARIVI TOR SALE. — BEING ..1.2 Lot 13,1, Con. 10, township of Grey, Huron Co. There 008100 acres, 80 soros of whish are cleared ann in good Mato of melt. vation. On the forma tt stone house and frame barn and frame stables, a good bear- ing orchard and good well of water, For further partioulars apply to the proprietor on the promises. 17.133 JOHN VINCENT, Brussels P. 0. TANNERY FOR SALE.— THE Brussels Tannery is offered for sale at a bargain. In it is a 15 h. p. engine and 80 p, boiler,10 vats, Scurry tn.blee, 2 stoves, good bask mill and a full set of tools, with heating pipes to leaches, 40. Thera are about 2 aores of laud in conneation with the building. No tannery nearer than Wingham or Listowel. Terms easy. For further par - Haulers, as to price, term a dm., apply at 37. THE Pon Publishing Bouse,13russels. FARM FOR SALE.—THE SUB eciraMen offers his valuable 100 acro farm, beiuglot 8, son. 13, Grey Township, Huron 00., for sale. There are about 50 acres cleared and in good heart. There 15 a log house, good bank barn, bearing orchard, and all the necessary conveniences on the premises. For further particulars, ea to price, terms, eto„ apply to the Proprietor, A RAYMANN, THOS.RISDOP,Olare P. O., N. W. T.. or to 2-08 DOUGALD STBACHAN, Brueeels. • Anotioneer, tend sales of Janne 'f.i%ini.ewalhn ,ree,ay to°r_at- cheerfully given. oranogock 1'. 0. Tberee may be arranged at Tile Poift Publishing House, Bruesels. A WHISPER IN Y0011 EAR, Pentisis Buy Your Xmas Presents at PEPPER'S DRUG STORE. A Beautiful and Choice Aesertment of istritoritAsi and AmititicAN Fancy Goods, Games, Stationery, Etc„ Eto. -Something Now in - P o T 0 it. t COMB AND Elb113 I y. T. PEPPER, Druggist, Graham's Blook, - • Brunets. RANKIND. M'oINTOSII & MoTAGGABT, BANKERS, • BRUSSELS, Two.wi.sio.et G.oan.exa.1 ci&t.3=3.3c.e. ew.a.mteaomm. NOTES DISCOUNTED. Canadian and MOW States Drafts bought alisO tirriett allowed on Deposits. Collections mode on favorable terms. Canadian Agents— Miluondur's BANS 01. OAX.:Ay. or k Agents—IMPORTIMS ANn TnAn. Has NATIONAL BANE. LEGAL AN ildNVEYANC1 L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, Ib Solicitor and Conveyaneer. Collec- tions made. °Moo—Vans tone's Block, Brim. eels. 21.3m. I,,XT M. SINCLAIR, v r • Solicitor, Conveyancer, Notary Pub- lic, &a, Oilloe—Gralmm's 13lock, 1 door north of Popper's Drug Store. Private Funds to Loan. E. WADE, 4 Barrister, Solicitor and Notary Pub. tic, Clonvoyaueing. Collections and Loaning. 1111. Wade will attend in ClOrrio every Wed- nesday ab two o'e look, iDIOXSON & HAYS, (Late with Garrow Proutifoo Godo - rich,) Barristers, Solieitors. Conveyancers. &o. Offiees—brussols and Soaforth, Bras solo Wilco. Rogers' Block, Main St. Money touLos.auu..\,,s, w. 2.2.78013, A M. TAYLOR, B. 0 L Banister, Solicitor, &c., of tho are, of Taylor, McCullough Duna, liarriaters mEloollgytotors,i..t.: Manning Arcade, Toronto. LEX. HUNTER, Clext of the Fourth D Melon Curt, Co. lInron. Conveyancer, Notary Public. Land, Loan and ineurance Agont. Ponds invested and to loan Oollectione made. Ogles in Graham's Block, Brussels. BUSINESS CARDS, TIRESSMAMNG OVER MRS. 11.1 Bran's store. 3079855 33, 1.1.111r- NAUGHTON. TT H. ALGORACKEN, • Issuer of MarriageLieonses. Office at his Grocery, Turn berry street, Brussels. N. BARRETT, JbJ. Tonsorial Artist. Shop—Next door south of A. M. lefoKay & Co's hardware store. Ladies' and children's hair (tutting i veracity choice 510010 533 cigars kept. A. • Usurer of Marriage Licenses, by MoNAIR, appointment of Lieut, -Governor, Commis- sioner, 445 , Q. B. Conveyancer and Agent Pim Insurance Co. °Moe at the Oranbrook Poet °Moe. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM INSISRANOE, FIRE AND MARINF. GUELPH. DRESSMAKING.— The undersigned desires to intimate to the ladies of Brussels and surrounding country that sho is prepared to attend to all orders intrusted to her. Satisfaction guaranteed. Shop—Hp-stairs, ono door north of Walter Jackson's hardware More 10- MISS SAMPLE. 1VrISS M'OOLL & MRS. CARSON INA. have started a fIrst.olass Dross aud Mantle Making Shop over Straolian Bros,' store. As Mrs, Carson outs by the best Anieriaan Tailor Systatn end has worked in Toronto for a number of years a perfect fit and good sotisfaetlon ieguarantood. Parties who are good sewers taught to out and fit 10 a few days. 1.3-Apprentio es wanted. AUCTIONEERS. (IEORGE EIRIIBY, Lio.onoodAnotioneor. Sales conduct- ed on reasonable terms. 'Forme and farm etook a specialty. Orders 1033 at Tern Pose" PubliehingHouse,Bruseole, or sent to Walton P. 0,, w111 receive prompt attention. aoco 100 ACRE FARM FOR N-11 BALE,— Being oomposed of Dot 19, Con. 9, Grey. There are 70 (WM cleared. There 15 5010810 house and barn and a' good driving house, also bearing orchard, wbll, ,to, on the premiobs. The Maitland river runs a few yards from the hone°. There *, Keno good tail timber on the lot, The farm lies between Cranbrook and.Ethel and is convenient to both planes, while Bruesele is natter away. Per full partienlars apply on the minims to Al3AL TINDALL, Prorie tor, X141101P. 0. 16- PARAt FOR SALE, BEING LOT .1.- 28, eon. 6, Grey, containing 100 acme, 15 Urn cleared. under gross, and the balance timbered. About 70 acres of dry land and tlio balance cedar and black alb swamp. There le a log house ou the memises. Win bo gold 00 00015 reasonable terms au proprie- tor demi not require the lot. Por Darner par. Coulon eatply to 2033T, MaLAUCIILIN, Oranbrook, 0,0 .05 ALEX, HUNTER, Bros- ,P510,ARM FOR SALE.—THE 12 DEMME» offers for sale the north eitet quarter of lot 28, concession 6, Morrie, County 01 0010010, containing 00 acre& The land is of first quality and In a high date of oultivation, well fended and uuderolraineci, sllaesoe elbased. Newham° bootie, 8 room% milk house with eonorete walls, 2 wells, good barns and shod, orchard, oto. Eight aoree of fall wheat. This desirable property adioius the eremoution of Brumaire Suit- able tome 1,valmbnesgloYME. 021110 iOi'Oeet, V100, 0:vnno, 80- beaforth 0.0. (200D FARM. FOR SALE IN N....A Morrie, on reasonable terms. In order to ohm the emits of QM ()Mato of the late W. 61. aingeton , the doeutors ogee the fol - levied valuable lancle for mile Mirth half of Lot 80, Ommession 5,Township of Morrisneentathing 00 urea. On Obi lot hi lyalleleared, a»d oil the gis,v0 risad 01.8045d 1400(1 fratilephyfil/ With 000,ss 233111' dation, good oninted, well and mime Nears lonely a/Baden the village of Brunsels. 'Ilia Mire ie ay:nudge 0115, Well fettled ne in it good state of cultivation. Per 1 Amarillo f) .It wales Victoria (Mare P 011. ila10168 8411.111,1,01410 amdao .0.,Iffiatcsett county. DENTAL. 7.7=2,TTZ0=1,e.'"2"1 G. L. Ball, Nitros Oxide Gae ad- ministered for the Painless Extraction of Teeth, 74 Garrard Street East, ToliONTO. 2n0z11,1- 'X' W. J. Pear, L. D. 8, Graduate or Toronto sohoot of Dentistry. All operations guaranteed. sairArtificial teeth, first quality, and a guatalatec0 flt, for 510,00000 set, 012[8e—Odor's Boon, findronTa, Txsor: O., Honor Graduate of the Bova! Collage of Dental Surgeone, Toronto, Nitres Oxide Gas sato inistored for the Painless Extraction of teeth. Chloe-. Deep Non= or DANZ, 13nusions, MEDICAL CARDS. ITM. F, °AID, C. M., 1515 . Member of the college of Physician and B111'0013[4 Of Ontario by oxasnInation, Olfluo and atesitIonsto.-- Maio Stroot East, ThAsol,Ontarlo, ir A. MoNAUGHTON, 2/1. D. EY • 0118., Ti It, (1. P., Edinburgh, 0. F. S. Out. AA:Poppet's Drug Store from 0 50 11:00 a; 111. atsit froin1:80 to 4p. no, At other hours may bo found at bia YoSidonoo, Them. 01115 030315150 by Dr, tintehineon, 12111 at, VETERINARY. TNO. D, WAUNVIOlt, V. S., 30) (SUO(1ESSOR 150 30, ytt.0,111mor.v.s..), ortkaaato and lioneettry Volley otOntario Vetetleavy Dollarm , will bo oaned to annul:t/1th the wettest ode one prOfete Menai skill any dad entreated to hie teutrem, Oflice and inthineree-O'Beleten old etandira doors north of .1.eidge, TurebareY it. BrUaS0111.