The Brussels Post, 1889-12-13, Page 7DECEMBER 13, 1389. TliE BRUSSELS POST
. As
oon on I ere tloi�lougolden blllftllre,
o hat tSoIwol
lnuut ravish Isib
1 stn onto:settee
I ul n wteA Oce a)Li 00 isesees
1 cu ,11 writ r,•ht'ttlltel]ne L, n, 9eH.
11 von., hall rind among their curls
111'.:,•:, neve se Mir tut .1 essie'i11
t es are, oh l so blue
lea urs (0 wee) eel colliers
They ...sit to lunityou tit rough and through
AIM (end your nunost feelhlge;
Nor bluets unit aueh at•denl llteo,
Nur h hewn Huth truth 0xprusees-
Adn t 1t, H t s 1 t ttlimtThere ere i e o eyes Ik° Je sloes I
1J stn t1' al 1. d
1 3
llor voice (like liquid Imams that roll
From nlomunnil to tho rive')
Steels subtly to the raptured soul
'Movie e to lin and (Myer :
1• ul Ir
Or lath elms, tho and
1 o t
'With h rhe I e and :creat narrnsses-
Ah all em ecdo rho truth brio hoar) :
(her ern on such voice as Joesio'dt
Of oth.",•hru•ms she hath such store
All rivnh y excellingq
Though 1 limed edicctiveo galore,
Tlu!y'd 11411 nut ill the toning;
But now discretion stays my hand -
Adieu, oyes. r0l(e 11113111000001
Of all the lmsbend's in the land
There's 110110 du tierce as Jessie's!
--C hieug0 News,
Brown -Awful wet, ain't it? Jones-
.Alwaysio--when it rains.
Tho Peeper Recipe-" Weil, brown, how do
yon find yonrelf?" ' Never lose myself.
III dud, I enplane Tal advertise.- llarper's
Wife (1^awful)-"Ynu'vs broken. the prom-
iseyst, 1,.t.teme1" unsound (kissing her)
rig ._ Ness- nrnd, my .roar, dont cry; I'll
make you .3e :-her. "- : d enoev'A Weekly.
f-. intend --"Now, nt#: jump in, plena0;
trni•,'s noin's On," Child-" But I can't go
before 1 have kissed mnmmn." Guard-
" Jump in, miss ; I'll see to that."
Minute -Is is no longer fashionable to
Inter the ears pierced. Mlmie--So I sup-
pose you won't be called upon any more to
sing, will you, dear ?--''erre Haute Express,
8'enchor-" Where do good little boys go
when they die 1" Johnny -"They go to
heaven." Teaohor-" And where will I
go?" Johnny-"Idon't want to tell." -
sumramtn: asrsax t a xm <c xasz 1'r uses a +s^a vres�mtvsm o e sa . .
,ts est .dere,. l W,.a -..:...s. ger seesse:tves ^zlr >r,:tc xessit zsesoro ttiante&W lssiz .
. -. - -.- leo ere or the 11 ratierment wain:tit. lowing;
-. .4..tN T
each tither, but,net u�ithnluurlfng the tried"
Hilo research and dis.tiey •f this present,
ago. coding has been t t a,,vd to altpersede
It ( With
1 her. ••a tt for I
m• nlviatu the nett s[
bread., none of
the uinglaetocpti0n of bl u t
the great staples of mumdi 1'c has such it
numerous aonstituecey. 1'ta1y inhabitant
of the country, without regard to age, sex
or color of condition 1n life, is 10 a greater
or lees degree a consumer of it, ---Shoe and
Loather lieporter.
A 8chuni Far
AtWeetnninoter Police Conti on Saturday
two boys of thirteen, named Frost and
Oakes, living with their patents at Wands
worth, wore ohargod with bogging at Vaux-
hall hridgo, The boys allege that a Woman
living in Woodgato street, Nine Elute,
trained them and other lade n0 beggars, and
that elle used to mind their decent olothoe
and supply then with rage to go out in,
Her own boy, it was amid, was the head of
the gang of juvenile beggars, and used to
take the money, which partly went to his
mother, and part in refreshments and visits
to tratspontine music halls. Mrs. Frost
said that she had been to this woman and
warned her that if she heard that her boy's
clothes were kept again elle would look her
up far unlawful possession. This was the
advice of the School Board officer. Tho do.
feminists questioned by Mr. D'Eyncourt,
adhered to their' etat0nleits about being
supplied with rags, etc., and the magistrate
sad that if it was true the woman really
ought to bo proeoected. A police constable
sad he had s00n the woman and she denied
taking care of the boys' clothes. Only the
evidence of the boys could be obtanad.
Mr, D'Iliytvlourt-1 hope the _Mend#city
Society will inquire fully into this matter, in fairly good condition, but none n1
and that a prosecution. will bo instituted if uugh training. They had not prepared
the boys hare spoken the truth, which I be- themselves for the trip in any way what-
lieva they nurse. The accused were dia- ever -in fact, )lit•. (lrenfell has scarcely
charged on promising not Aft repeat tho touched an oar for over two years. They
offence. --Pall Mall Gazette. were steered front start to finish by an
A Painted 00111110nn.
Thera is one pawnbroker in Washington
who has lost all faith in human honesty.
Several months • ago a nicely dressed man
entered his chop and displayed a pair of
diamond earrings upon whioli he desired to
eacure a loan. The stones had that peen-
liar bluish -white color so hi ghly prized
among lovers of diamonds, anc1 the pawn-
broker readily adanoed him 5250 on good form as in the old unnvoslty days,
then:. The stranger departed, and in duo gg,,
course of time the pawnbroker tried to die. But it was a dismal and itties ,sy eeulmenwe
Tnko time by the forelock,
He won't pause when here called ;
You can grip him in front,
But behind he is bald.
-Philadelphia Press.
Rev. Primrose- You have n very kind
father, little hey. I heard flim say it was a
shame to punish children." Little Johnnie -I
"He only says that when dna does the lick.
Two Vassar graduates two months after
commencement -"Why don't you come to
nee me?" "Oh 1 I'm awfully busy." " (that
aro yon engaged h now?" "I'nt engaged:
to be married. '-New York Herald.
The• Razor Didn't Itnprove-" I really
don't 1100 what is the matter with my razoi
to -day. It is so dull that it don't cut at
all," said Johnny's pa. " Why, pa," said
MAT VJAS fir !iUU' ' F Hr.P. k,x.u•,.
_ unj eon prtrvutinn. es l ieu iloude have aeenrred in the Do. ', T
!'itis event; hard on then who hese it to
Three 11 Overstay 11rn mow 1'1110. rosters their 03311 property ruirnel in ninny (WHO b le, rtment of the Jura, Prance.
to Father, Ire rules' un[ntontion illy detaining, the propc•,t, of The (rope has requested Crdnutl Manning
information t
y ,
•"I iuf n m r
! wit unl r)l•th
c \ inti 1 1
t 1
o' i l y
dogged mete idiom, t
and lu. . l ether e and u) bare urll
endeavor 1( a l hec ,l l e l
A fait: t was ye:tg in to I ) y rim the relations letweee work Inert and
endununce was perturnlr•d en the 1'h:unes n the one renpcet of fallen: to comply frith ("111110Y00 in 1 n tuna,
etoratt that deiervt's to ba chronielel, It a low w111011 they const likely know Clothinghrot Natalie has ordercnl a uuur Mete
Yt y :bout • "' rho judge! l'00anun sola it seism- Es n t A !
them, wind: the Lumber.
wholly disproved, that severe training in n,e)'s lisehange promises to pay, and, be -
Waft 0(10(3 argued, and it has Lance been
tory reward for
youth makes manhood suffer severely tor it.
Well, here etre three well•k'town University
oarsmen, who had not in ally tray prepared
themselves for the task, rowing (1001 the
University Barge at Oxford to the Leander
Club Glunt:teed
l 1
house at Putney, ]
10 n !1
by innumerable and nuforseotl obstacles, histicle, in
exactly twenty-two hones and a half to the
very second.
It le a feat hitherto recorded to the
1,0)00us watchman, Lord Kilmorey., and to
another (slmelly entlulaiastie uquatl0 noble-
men. It las beers clone whom therm were
110 locks at. Bray and Bove ey, old when a
terrific stream almost like a millrace took
the boot on its wild career between the
wooded banks of C:livenden and the
historic playing fields of Eaton. It has
boon done by men who havo trained for the
purpose; and in longer time than imus taken
yostorday. It has been done with mourners
on horseback to open the looks, and with and about twenty-four mules nn diameter.
nothing whatever to impede the slow and Tho islands belong to Spain, and until
silent progress. recently were rarely visited by English peo-
Tlley had decided to row the cause in pro owing to the diftiettlty of lioness. A
what was called a half-outrigged gig, with short while ago the Spanish 1tovcrnment
sliding accts --the first Limo such a thing made the Canaries flee ports, There is no
las ever been dole on 14 long journey, and. terrible Custom House, no disarranging of
with three pairs of sculls. fir. Luhmann one's 10x00 or exposing of one's private
rowed stroke, Mr. W. A. Grenfell was No. belongings. You step ashore a free man
2, and Mr. liollaud took the bow. In this without question. The effect Inas been
order.' they atavtar1 and finished, All wore magical. Many of the most ilnpo'talltsteanl-
ship lines havelnndeoleerotlicr of the Canary
islands a port of call. In 1888 the steamers
came at the rate of neatly a thousand per
annual. Legends about the Canary Islands
say that they are the Elysianlrields,wllfther
the old mythological heroes were transported
without :lying to spend a glorious existence
in a perfect climate, with everysnrrcunding
natural luxury, among those being the
golden apples (oranges) in the garden of the
Hesperides. Hence, these ial0ndrr have been
alluded to se tie "Fortunate 'dales," the
"Garden of the Hesperides," etc.
work For scientists,
sides, there is the hatter of damages still to
he mottled, so that they will still got Home•
thing out of the wreck,
1t ie to be hoped the Legislature, at its
next aossion, will melee u new and
il compre-
hensive 14Y to cover this Al )Je
t and repeal
all the prior confusing 01100, -Philadelphia Niece cud Two Cone ote is said to be ,
Enquirer. the daughter of a warden of the Maine
Free Trade Tbere. State Prison, who slot a tragic death at 1110
The Canary Manila are a group of vol- lauds of a aonviut.
Yanle origin, off tho weal cost of Africa. A table in the kitchen covered with jag
The two that aro ithvaye meant when the panned cloth is exceedingly handy, as it is
Canary Islands are referred 1.0 are Tenerife easil;; wiped down, but one objection to such
and Gran Canaria. Tenerife is the largest a covering is that case must be taken about
and bettor known. It is triangular in shape setting lot Pans or dishes on it, as itis liable
about fifty :tiles long by twenty-five broad to creek or peel under heat. This objection
in the widest part. The Peak is does not apply to zinc, and a table covered
12,200 feet above the sae. limn Cam with it piece of sinoomoothlyrolled over the
arra is about thirty.tive miles east e''l(O will bo found convenient.
of Tenerife. Itis nearby circular, 3A1 cue 3031 Ot next January LOn1a110sautn
will "om}doh: the period of nbeenco from lois
native country, after which, unless he ap•
plies for a rellett'al of his rights, he will lose
his Ilungarial citizenship. In Turin, where
Kossuth lives, end where bin two 00111 111330
become Itaulian citizens, there is astrong da.
eine that be should permit himself to become
(1n Italian.. But it is said that the Magyar.rile will hot consort to this
Tfid " touch of nature which makes the
wholo world loin " was exemplified a short
time since in • little Swiss village. An
American gentleman travelling for his
health, accompanied by his sister, died
suddenly of hemorrhage at the village inn.
A temporary intorunent was necessary to
permit communication with friends this side
of the water. At the simple service in the
little cemetery on the mountain side the
bereaved stater noticed with surprise four
gentlemen, evidently not natives, standing
a little away from her with uncovered
horde. She found afterward that of there
self-imposed mourners ono wee a Scotohman
from Glasgow, another an Engliehman from
Sheffield, and the others two German
gentlemen. Tho latter were travelling fn
company, but were strangers to the others,
who in turn were unacquainted with each
other. Yet all of them had delayed. their
departure over one diligence to pay a
tribute of respect to the unknown man,
dead in a strange land, and tine solitary
mourner far from home.
The seat of the bitterest hostility to the
Jews has been the city of Vienna, but ven-
geance scenes to have come upon it at last.
A great event ho Vienna every year has
been the International Grain Market, the
grain market for the continent. Last year
6,000 perones attended itt. But last spring
Hebrew resentment wee stirred to such a
point that 2110'firms of Buda, Pesth signed a
deolaration that they would not deal in
nett' out lit of runtime for her t1' :dunce #u w,n
Belgeatle, ell of 1,1.1,11)0 to L ,tloru, d with
the itn1•al Nom of 191'3'1'11.
It it rept rt('d :icor 3h•a, Clcopst3'n Potter
is an bruiser: in health that elle will not re- I )yi
• e meantime she
turn to the 1/11.14 r, laud :n w
bornthe mese Until 1/11/4110 to 141 her alone,
mot' isfuec dlnl'e.
t that of
(- ut
Johnny. "It was sharp the other day,
when I used it to make a ship with."-'
" of you. I
Jack -"Ethel, I am rebooted
saw that Frenchman in the conservator}'
didn't yod
• sane you repeatedly.
tell Lim to stop Y' Ethel-" I couldn't;
1 'tWhy not .
ors d 1
.7uuk." Jack-" You c a
Ethel-" I can't speak Fronoh."-Judge.
Minister -"I'm glad, Bertie, to see that
you kept your promise to me and name to
church to -day instead of going flatting."
Bertin -"Sas, sir." Minister -"Don't you
feel butter than if you had gone to the
creek 1" Bortia-"Yes, sir.; 'cos pa said if
I follorod him to day he'd link me," -Saran •
ton Truth.
Jlseosy Freshman (stopping in front of the
new neighbor, and gazing intently at her) -
"Ain't I a brave boy,. Mrs. Spinka?" Mre.
Spinka-"Why ?" Jimmy -'"Canso, mani-
ple said you were a perfect fright, but you
don't scare me a bit." Tho Froihleys and
Spinksee aro not on speaking terms -Law.
roue American.
Solomon Iakelstein (reading) - "And
Joeepl1 rent his clothes,. and--" Ikey
Iskenstoin-"Veit a minute, fader." Solo-
mon -"Yes, Ikey ; vat is it?" Ikey-"Vy
didn't Joseph sell his glotheo, instead of only
renting dem ?" Solomon-"Ikey, Joseph
vas not so smart as you, ant rd !"-Law-
reuse American.
, ifiegm
Little .Johnnie approached his mother as
elle was laying away a pan of fresh -made
dougluluts-"Mother, I any, mother l"
"What is ib, my eon f". "Why don't you talk
some, mother?" "What do yon want mo to
say, Johnnie ?" "\Voll, you might say,
'Johnnie, don't you want a doughnut?"
Philadelphia Press!
"Professor," said the batentat#owl young
man ata reception, "I've heard much talk
about the anthropoid apes approaching very
olosoly to human beings. Now, what in
your opinion, i6 nearest to a man?" "You
want my candid opinion, of course ?" "Cer-
tainly." "Well, I 011001d say his undershirt.'
-Washington Capital.
Scribbles-" 1"9 ore's the foreman of the
composing room ?" Editor --"0h, hole gone
off on his vacation, "For hie health?"
"Yes ; in one 'Weekly TheetriOal Gossip,
l •i
the copy 1 gave hint to sot up, ,read 'biiss De
;Rouge, the opera queen, has eomo very
an noticeable fads' and he got it i pada'-so he
tasked for a vacation." --Town Topics,
Thereto no ,lnhstliett, for Leather.
p'•' , 'material. There is
Leather is a unique to it.
71 0nb11113' in any way
analogous aropposite
Flexibility t and durability10' pu n l ses in
.1' quniktias that tlq other product posses
such a marked degree. In the tanned
elinin, the animal end.
vo gelatine and t
vogotubh kingdom aro combined in a indis-
soluble uulnn, which Will 'withstand the
frictional wear widely shoos, ins
continuous ft
mass, belting, pie., are subjected to, better
lsu it is the one
Oxford waterman, They wore accompanied
throughout the journey by a steam hunch,
which was occasionally boarded in order to
take their alight meals, to snatch a feu
seconds' rest, and to satisfy themselves with
ripe fruit, whioh they one and all enjoyed
more than anything else as a atinnulent <11ur•
in; their long voyage.
The clock struck midnight as they 0ter tell,
amid hearty congratulations from Oxford
folk, and they rowed as strongly and in as
pose of thein. He exldb#ted the ilfamonde
to a well-known dealer, who said if they
would stand a test they were easily worth
51,500, The stones wore removed from
their settings and placed in a bottle of alco-
hol. Then they were shaken for about five
minutes, taken out and carefully cleaned.
From the beautiful bluish white they had
flag, and
Chinese V 013 the G111n 8
become as yellow g,
were not worth over 575. The expert said
aftel'uurde : Them stones are painted. The
process is a very simple o..e. A small piece
of indelible pencil is dissolved in a teacnp-
Tul of water. The yellow diamond is then
with finecamel's-hair air brush dipped
meet. There was no m00n visible. Tho
stars refused to shine, and the river was
dull and dead with mist and fog. It was
difficult enough for the steam launch to
find its way through the dankness and the
weeds, and more difficult still for the oars-
men to follow the fitful lights. however,
they all reached Riley Look at 12.11, whore
1 a ret
led prepared c
man It
the local oars n n pretty
show of Chinese lanterns.
Day began to (lawn when Cleave Look
was reached at 5.01. The day that broke
so beautifully over the misty river proved
true to the very. end. Dlapledurham was
painted wt 1 a can,e - timed at 0.27, Cavorshom at 7.15, when
In the preparation, and the stone is allowed the captain ordered a wash, and the crew
to dry. The paint will wear off in time, enjoyed is hearty breakfast. Coolcham nt
but nothing will remove it quiekly but alto- 11.50, after encountering that dreadful
hol. No reputable dealer will have any. "(lead noses," in Cookham Reach, which
thingto do with such stones, but we have was anything but pleasant. Boulter's Look
to kep a pretty sharp look -out for juotsueln was reached at 12.27, and here, after the
tricks as that ono I exposed a few moments cheery greeting at Bourne -end and the
aao " prospective welcome at Maidenhead, oc-
curred the first disaster. Me.Grenfell, who
lanae$ iCOyn .100 at !'oris. tVae 110w in his own water, so to speak, and
King Dinah Salifou, who attracted so within sight of Taplow Court, was attacked
much attention 1(010 during the visit of the with violent muscular pains and contraction
Shah of Persia, las boon replaced by another below the breast bone. It was a kind of
sable Senegalese sovereign named Outman muscular cramp, and tine pain had to be
Gassy. Parisians, however, are no longer endured on and off from that point to Put -
curious about negro monarchs, as pool Ous- nay. Tho )ands had all stood fairly well.
man Gassy, unlike his predecessor, it }oft to All rt11e oarsmen rowed in gloves, and when
laugnish in his lodgings in the locality of blisters came they were softened down with
in in-
But torts,
s of cotton. g
byan en- lumps P
Grenoll0, where he j surrounded
cam meet of his subjects. KingGassy has eip#out croup and irritating blisters, on
r men encouraged ori
bythe heart
the ons
nae and
:trent g
of Fra
1 c use
p bled in the a
n lit and
fought hearty
has accordingly received the Cross of the and aympitthotio' cheers of \fnidan ,
Legion of Honor, which he wears proudly till, pluoky as ever, they tinned Bray
on his white burnous. He rules when at Lock at 12.52, and sensibly repaired
home over 200 villages containing a papule- to the cabin of the steam launch
tion of 800,000 sable subjects. Like most for a heuty luncheon. Darkness came ou.
of the superior types of'blaolcamoors who apace as rho undaunted crew toiledonin
have beeminvitod to sem the exhibition, and the gloaming to Teddington, the last of the
to represent hero, the natives of tiro French looks, which ens reached at 8.10. Every
colonies or dependencies iu Africa, 00alnan oarsman was' still fit to row for his life, but
Gassy is highly intelligent looking, men, and the monotony of the journey provoked
his royal honors, although meagre and lassitude, and at lust the musonlur 01amp
mediocre, sit well upon hint. -Paris Cor• pains at the baso of Mr. Gronfoll's chest
London Telegraph. yielded to a treatment of amateur massage,
with the aid of n lotion of pure brandy.
An J(10000001' for (Yltate cams:... Once Kew was passed, their energies re.
A German inventor has produced an in. viscid again. . TyyThey were on their old battle
expensive elevator for private llousee rtluke lltlleyadworevepaoe hd atgto 110Shi00 t
which is described as follows : " It is on Once more they were going under Hammer-.
the principle of the inclined railway and smith Bridge, with 110 crowds on 1110 shore,
the motive power is furnished by the city and only the stars to witness them, but
water, which is applied in the cellar. Each once the lights of Putney camp in oiglt 011
flight las its separate chair, so that, for they went at racing pace. With a few
example, one person can 0:0011( from tho strokes they passed the hunch, and as the
first to the second story while another is on clockstruok 10? ateppednpontiuo acaletomed
his way from the second to the third, or shore of Putney. The avenge hewing was
still descending from the fifth to the fourth. nine man rulentes to a mile, and, as ,
The chair being only the width of it luunan thirty strokes a minute.
body requires but little apace, and atilt As las been said before, they were none
leaves a free passage for any who wish to of them "done" when they landed. They
walk up or down instead of riding. It is could have gone on rowing to Weeminstei'
set in motion by a simple pressure upon ono or Gravesend for the matter of that, but
of the arms, whioh after it has been used, they were t pe tray sok of the dull,, dead
slides back to the bottom stop, its desoent monotony of the tsok.'-London Standard.
being.regulated in such a Manner that the
carrying of a passenger is a matter of entire ;Tim sally of test Legs.
eaj1ty. The motive power is, of course, The great flood flat married mkR#.ora of
more or loss expensive, according to the loge own the Sts uohalnn mrd stranded
cost of the water, tide being, it is stated, ier then: 0 co11110S muses all along the shores
Berlin, a little more than one-tenth of n coni islands of the stream, left the questions
cent only for each trip." of their nwlla101111l and the consequent dam -
'Mitt Mir 10011in rtuu1y. mgrs 111 a onnditiou as badly tangled a9 that
Mrs, Elizabeth :Faith, whose death co- ,It 1.10 logs themselves, and ns tho late on
eurrod a few days sines in her 87th year, the 01hjeet it not eo plain that it eau be
was a remarkable woman in man respects, readily Understood by ordinary People, it is
but in none more them a careful business not sm•psisinhg that the courts have been
outlook for future emergencies. As .an 11' 1 t lacuna nt
illustration of this it Was leashed yesterday
thtot the coffin fu whic}1 she was Untied was
made by her directions more than three
years ago.
The cofn was of solid walnut lined with
zine and trimmed with white silk, It was
enclosed in la strong ceder hos, and this in.
still 118otln01' box trade of thick oak lumber.
After its completion the maker tools the
coffin to her residence on East Jefferson
ott•eet for inspection. Shu examinedl it with
groat cafe, and expressed herself as satisfied
w111! the workmanship. title instructed the
mnunfeetmer to take It back to his shop
and keep it for her (3,111) she needed it. I
remained with him for 'throe years, until
death f "t t last'iaturdavbrought
Prof. Jones answers (in an English news-
paper), the question raised as to whether
the tapping and drilling of the earth for oil
that is going on in America is dangerous or
not -that is to say, likely to lot out t:110 in-
ternal fires of the earth to play' ,havoc with
the surface far and near, Ile compares the
earth tp a balloon floated aid kept distended
by the gas in the interior, which, if ex-
hauster}, will cause tlleoruatte0oklapae,ai111Ct
the motion of the earth in its orbit, cause it
to lose its place among the heavenly bodies,
• thinks
Another vrital
and fall in pieces. A
n t
that drilling should be prohibiter) by string-
ent latus. The scientist says con munense
cavity exists, and that here the gas is stored,
that a mild below tho bottom of the cavity
is a mass of roaring, seething flame, which
is gradually eating into the rock floor of the Vienna, and the tenement was supported
cavern and thinning it. Eventually the in various towns of Hungary and in Prague.
flames will roach the gas, and a terrific ex- The Vieille. Associtttioe, seeing tbo clan.
plosionwill ensue. '1'110simile of the earth serous extravagance to which the anti -
being like a balloon is not very solid. 'Why Bernal,: ugttation had been carried, sod -
not weight the earth, and settle the gees- tinned the Emperor to allay it, but the
tion of solidity? The scientist can weigh result could not be avoided. The efforts of
the sun and moon; tho figures are long, but the Jews have made the corn market of this
the result is worth the trouble. year a colnparntive failure. Instead of
Sleeting 111111 ]oats on the' Wing: the 0,000 i =chants of 1888 there have
The chiefs port that man of the lovers of been but 1:.(1:10, old a proposition has arisen
sport Y , (01x1) t" estaLlish another ulternetilnal corn
good shooting hn(1 n the vicinity of Louis- ,,,3.1(3'4 i•• Pae+
villa just now is bull -bat shooting, or as -
some of them express it, " bull batting." Gougfnq a class Etc.
Iu the low dititriets, along " Dutch Ditch," "Thar' goes the meanest man in
on the banks of the Olio River and other Chinook 1" growled one of the old mossbacks
places, bull bats may be seen in large num- of the 00nn#son Valley, as he pointed to a
bora for an hour or more before dark. The man on the opposite side of the street.
' Ow 90.
the most
is ' PI
Lit in which
theyare aeon
• ]aria
• me here we 1
on Floyd': Fork, where, on the testimony "When ho first 401
of voracious witnesses, the sight about sun- fight. It was to be a fair fight and no
down and. got the o
g him dot
down every evening is marvellous. knifing. I got6 gouge
Several persona who wore out there every on hie right eye, and what d'ye s'poso hap.
night last week said that at times they pencd 1"
could see not, loss than a thousand or fifteen " He cried quits."
hundred bull bats et one time, just as the "No, he didn't. Dern his shedder ; but
last rays of rho sun fade(! from 1110 tree tops ho road a glue eye thee', and I kept Molise
on the hills. Tho revolutions and antics with it until he had lee licked 1"
they made aro described as the ; dowel Qruantente.
brain and sight of a person standing in the
midst of where the bate were flying. They The newest novelty for evening wear is
tvonld dart through the air with great the sequin set. The Eastern coin is imitated
velocity and many times within a foot or by a bone counter, and these aro strung to
two of the tithe bets' fields. At tinier it ether with s#lir on a piece of not 27 inches
seemed as if the bets would certainly strike g
their faces, but when within a foot or two :vide. Tien it #s arranged on the front of a
of the humus they would root sufficiently col bed sequin a petticoat.
most course popular,g but
to•miss them. ,they arc mads in (3,11 0h01100 ; whon the
A �i'Ontari Cat. wearer moves there is a great rustling rind
The " Woman Cat "-La a Side-ebat rattling. But then rustling and rattling are
who 11a0 just escaped from the Saltpetrise- not oblc0ted to,
Hospital forms a frediu to topic of sense- A sequin fringeia used for ornamenting
Ronal 11011 and conjecture: Inst now. It the bottle's. And it would seem that we are
nppoars that last week (t good-looking and coming back again to the old fashioned silk
apparently healthy girl of fifteen was taken fringe. But only the bostpeoplohnvetakeu
to the hospital by her friends. She was ex- . ft up, and tt only
ra hewing split fringes ex-
141111110(1 by Dr. I arinalnl,.:alnd while he was , rose, del for.trimming their different
all four , her oyes she suddenly trent her
, gowns It ie altogether too feeble for t]
all fours, 1101 foetuses became distorted, her ; illiterate to notice. Another nes" dress
eyes glared, and imitating the mowing of o trimming is worked out in dolioate floral dr
cat, 51101 endeavored to her. the persona who signs withal material that looks likeudiesio:
were starling 11001 her. After leaving : -Pall l•1a11 Uoeett
aided for several moments in this manner ' — `
the patient began to lick her hands, and I Tone Ls 19041(11310.
then gradually returned to her senses.theCendiictor(ouStOtenlalanditopidTrunsdt
When under examination by Dr. malady,
t. ' railway) --&lactam, you mast pay Sill faro
winchlied lllothor attack of her malady, ( for that boy.
13131011 3s called galoanthropie hyste'igne, : d Passenger(with a ei h I suppose
and she bit the 0(1#3)11: surgeon severely Ludy g g) PP
in the leg, Dr. Charcot had holies doming I will have to pay full fore the balance of
the patient, but she has suddenly disap- , the sway, but the was only ton years old
peared from the Soltpotrie e, and is now
when we lent Tottenvillo, If we reach SO.
George before he has whiskers I'll not be -
A. cherry ^r0y.
111 .'l en o d
The owners of the lost logs gave the West three -Inches 10(of 1 , inch 111 deep. 11110 gll_>oxlae Wales is said to here received a somewhat
drench Lum em e1' (31 Exchange power o is novel
attorne • tel recover the In ,11 and that ty full of portion' of .gild when open aycl a story,Pfte itlreacles m , ie qteh for to the effect but
t at
brought suit in the NOrtlrnmb0rlaud County applied a portion'
th tandwill
a sing, chipper, per a reistered letter tvea delivered at. Marl -
small bird g
Marl -
flutter its wings, thin about old soh cat g
of sight. Tho work bound' is of solidi gold i contain L10,000 in bank notes. The 111108(00
and very finely wrought, This lox cost{ was in the handwriting of a lady, who apo( -
81100 The inventor died of tor halving it, , ogizetl for the
exceeds h nr requirementsift on the othat her
Mr. 'Thomas Goodall, of ,Sauforel, lie., ? grudge it.-TexaslSiftinga.
has an ingenious invention made 11y a native 1 She Must Xfn�'eitiecn "Manion?" On num.
of Geneva, Switzerland. It is a lex about The Loudontle ocoorre correspondent ofo the Prime New -
Court against abotit 1711 persons, owners of
islands nr riparian lands, who were alleged(
to be illegally ho'.dingg the property and pre.
venting its r000031ry by the Exohonge.on
All interesting decision .lar boon g by
Judge Rook0fcl1er, in which he 1101010 that
those 111000ns who have complied with the
act of l'i[troll 20th, 181'2, and filed a doscrip-
(lc n of the limber lodged on their hind, or
secover•ell by thorn from theyetor, with the
nearest justice of the peace told advertised
the Same, re 011litledl'to salvage at tho rate
of 50 trouts per 1,000 fent, board measure,
Ow 0 0 1 a its owner which the judge estimates at about f cents
#L• into 4mvkce..-Ex011ange" ;a1'• to • J g Y
Tera "Massy" rrnlrtl7(llimrhAII/ 1 g y foe them with their feet, until the brit ,ren
"She's the 0aae)001 310(4 11 1 over 011 plied It 8001110, however, that thole aro ort
11 seven or eight of 11000 f01'esiglltod parsons. Ho high that they :sere ill water up t" their
to for m bile." n3s to them, it )0 ordered that a 00tt1011101111 melte. When a clout was soundrnl a diva
Haw did you find that tui,.„ must be trade cm the tome cited, the inf. followedt mud the clans was landed in Inc
"'Well, she :acted me cold (matter soup formic: article in lnteroot to :vivo: Choir own boat. Sixty-two clads were the kvsnit, au d l`ha # do I ; .z1'. 1'v ..a( MI. led b}: t1,' fresh
at tlml a
and stale broad; 0nc110ai�1 .[ thonglrt a hula proper y out of the acountnlatinn of logs, the chowder pot:v00 large and wall 11110d, hlizr.a•d.
that: Y g Y, (5 h•kfttvoo$ and misc0llanomul debris 108 boot
commodity for which there isabsolutely
�ur l silk cake do ma' sod, g ,fm ern il,•rry e1'" n is not 'Mined, any.
s301(33tte, ,' (Ol(l, • oterclran cahh, wool She said ift #L WtIA a coke of :nal, air LIMY cm.
1)tl,theother alexclltnge onilants r its rue After
m' ati,Noityhen
it has a gout of 1
era t0 monde estoitt n g j preventing
iron and stone are fronuentdv used in lieu o thonghtit would,. •i:vllnsey's !Feebly ocean and eutPloyees from talam alve,1 the
tl 1
out ' normo l House ]tat :reek and was found to
and although ho haul the msehinory o
several others made no one as 311 has been
able to put it togothor and mance ,e ,w)rc,-
snow l'111011111 :)acne ilailtnre. , l:ott,,
Ono day last wools four young ladies stop-
' ng+ a1, Colin Park went 311) ono of tho
creeks after ohms. '1`itey were 00111rer late, monis in tho country, making no a )natter
anthe tide tv0a'11111)5 rapidly :siren theyof 58,000bons in ell, ..rd their total re.
reached the. 01111111%1,130, Not to be outdone,
ir'ed clans byfuelling oef,ts mach sea0on 1111'q 1 :!'Damn, at , o 1',118llitg
the hunted the las •
000, of which sem 1_ t,
to the Most moderate ,',night lt.inn,110 101
(lolvn 110 cleft lroht, ml,,,wisig ml aver051 of
31528 for each Mott+e.
,l. Good Country ter Wine Clerks.
Considering the shortness. of the season,
hotel -keeping in Switzerland is e decidedly
remunerative i.cluotly. There are as
nearly is 1109n 1,001) .1f these establish -
064 6t0