The Brussels Post, 1889-12-13, Page 3DECteMBElt 13, 1849. 1 HE BP LfSSE.teg i+s• ;:ee.-x vas mmxrx xcar+ reernenerre sexe erame ..verwaree zwaerweeee •Pt�" T IIE rRgsTl)Ll\rs 311 titietil;. I dtrauger its it has been during the rail r,•etcittea etun,cn �i,utl, """"_' last yams ...-•....� Don't neglect to duchies it u, ba twenty iu foreign ao ts. In tele grnpinng Pre euleleG tInrrt lhcnvl to , a f+tt1 tl is Women like to be protected, Your last will nud testament. There's no rent/stem shoat it. The Don't nti•] a gndicil uutuas you ex - entire sex would still accept the trusts as "drongerous eousliiraoiea clinging vino theory and boroioally against the public good," and his live np to it did man carry ont the reeomin°udatiiu that Oongrose ehonld make thorn the "subject of prohibitory and even penal legisla tiara"—AIontreal Witness. + ` lin o ire ofthe Prost boils message a few notes scant to dent's Marne whiten is satialeetory, serve the press reporters, who used and that is leis cUnraeGoriz Nioli of to give Mr, Cleveland's °tate llapera almost iu full. The policy of Mr, Harrison ie, of course, as important to the world as that of his predeees. sor'n, and leis statement of it 1s, in a nese, more authoritative, as he speaks for hie party, and his party controls Cuugrusa, while Mr. Cleve. land °poke for himself, having a mind of hie own far in advance of that of his party, awl his party did cot control. Cougreee. On the other hand, while nothing new was ox. tweeted is Mr, Flarrisou's messago, and uothiug new is found there, Mr, Cleveland's were full of the daring 'of a real leader, and did mach :o instruct mad educate the people, 'eepecially in matters of political economy, Tito massages of the lat. ter always set forth a definite policy • with regard to fiscal reform, the civil eerGieew the psusion system and foreign relations, whioh he urged ou an uunillieg ilbngroee booked by principles so indisputably laid time, BO freshly stated and su t:learayshown to be applicable to the escakdition of the United States that they: could not fall to have 14 most pOwe1 0l in fluence on the public mind, Mr ilarrison's teenage 18 eintply n very ewer and prtlden•e statement of the etas wn policy of the loci ublican party 'Teel aaepnblioau administration act• tufts wee,u iu oboe what it denied When lit opposition, that Canada, in the admiuietrta'ion and protection of lidr fisheries, Las acted so ay to ti'void tiouble, and yet Canada pur sued exactly the nine polios clnring the closing year of the late admiu- fstretion which it leas followed einem the opening of the present one, That t lie treaty rights of both poopies, 01,iclt an so clear as to be beyond all nrgeelicut, will be attained in the near fat`tro Canadians will join Preeldeeit Harrison in wishing, bat .th:.y might have been attained, at toast appro itnatoly, two years ago if President Harrison's party had not acted in a purely partisan spirit. It is satisfactory to know that a wider measure of extraditton between Greet Britain and the United States hes 1,0e11 agreed upon, though this is enot'uer reform that, Utes been ua• neeessarily delayed by the atigeneiee of American parties. That inter. national boundaries in the' narrow aha°nels between the great lakes, which are becoming of increasing fhowe( Z 10 trace of suffering, snore importance every year, and, there- fore, a source of growing danger of dispute between the two countries Should be visibly marked is neces- saw;y, even urgently so. It seems probable that the telegraphic sum- mary of President Harrison's mes- sage, ao far as it concerns Canadian .tion. county, I>Ly:r d'unci' 8rd, 1808. affairs, is not done justice to, fort .During his childhood days Lis father the fisheries question is not referred removed into the State of elississippi•. to at sufficient length to warrant the He graduated from the. Military opinion expressed by a British jour Academy at West Point in (858, and nal that it setistactory, tsnd the served in- the array until Mae, when Behring Sea question is not, upper- ue resigned his- commission, return• wetly, referred to at all. Another ed to Miserssippi and became a, oot- noticeable omission in this summary ton planter. He married' the dau;h- ie the Intestate and International ter of Gen. "Zachary Taylor, after - railway geeetion, one of the most wards President o8the1Tnited States. important and argent of issues, and Beginning with, 18481 he took an whioh is not, as far as we 0an see, active:part its politics. In 18451 he mentioned. President Harrison's was elected so Clongress,.but resigned reference to the surplus, and the his seat on the outbreak of the Ifni. auxiliary one of taxation, might, so oan war and joined•the•army of Gen - far as it goes, have been written by eral Taylor as colonel of a regiment President Cleveland. The dangers of Mississippi volunteers, He was arising out of the extraordinary" engaged at the storming of Monterey growth of the surplus in the treasury, and at the battle of Buena 'Vista. the consequent extinguishment of At the close, 'ebbe war he was offers the bonds upon whioh the American ed the rank of brigadier -general of .'yetem of banking es based, so far volunteers by Fresident Pbfk, but ais'the guarantees are manned, and declined it. Ila served in- the United Abe free use of portions pf the sur- S,tatee Senate ftpm 118iT to' 1881. ',Flee by the banks, in times'of periodi• Hq' was Secretary, of War during the weal stringency created in great part. administration, of President PIerce, iby the _surplus, cannot be denied. and in 185'8,was again, sent to the nor ignored. That they arise out of Senate from Miesiseippis. He was a protective system which will not leader in the, secession movement, :allow of. a' reduction of the revenue' and:Was„Prgsident. of , the sotealled tin the only economical way, that of Confederate States from' the. organi- eredueing the tariff, is also apparent, nation. of a . provisional, government tint that is ignored. President Har• iitttil the rebellion was pat down. 'neon •advocates .free . tobaoao as a After. the fall of Bichhond, Ile wan iremody according. to Lim, there- captured at Irwinsville,• Gat,. While "tore, cheap clothing,• cheap food, endeavoring to 'make his escape,, aad sobeap tools, in other words, cheap remained a prisoner for two years in living, is not as great a benefit to a Fortress Monroe, awaiting hie trial. tproteoted,country as cheap' chewing He was released on bail in the sum- -and sneaking. tobacco. President mer of 1887, Horace Greeley being ifarrison,does not go so far as to one of his bondsmen, and the pro - recommend cheap untaxed intoxi- ' endings against him were then -.eating figurate in preference to abeap dropped. After hie release' he visit - untaxed food, but be would have all ed'Europe, and on his return tool: t spirits not tuna as drink made free. up his residence/at Memphis, Tenn., ''.Chis will open the door for all sorts where he was for a time President of , of cheating ort the part of /knot a life insuranoo company. In 1881 ,ntauufaotlirera. The message, whioh he published "The Bin and Fall of recommends an extension of the pro- the Confederate Government," in restive system as far as farm pro- two volumes. For the past few 'ducts are oo*erned, says nothing in yeas ho 13aa resided at Beauvoir, regard to tho.,clemands of the labor, Miesissippt. 0B,t•I'II OC JEFF. thane. Last hint re or a Once /Celebrated Statesman. At 12;45 o'olock'on Friday morn- ing of Inst week Hon, Jefferson Davis, ex President of the Confederate States, died at the residence of his life long friend, J, bi. Payne, in New Orleans, La. From the begin- ning of bis Blues, Mr. Davis had iu.iste:l that his case was nearly or quite hopeless, though the dread of pain or fear of death waver appeared to take the slightest hold upon . his spirits, which were brave, and even buoyant, from tbo beginning of his attack. In vain did the doctors strive to impress upon him that bis health nae improving. Ifo steadily From t11s man who condescends apprise to tLa sock a9 ss ell as the .f.:"Rd insi'let1 that there was lag 11/12'9' to play tennis with women product4, sturdy oafs scheme in whioh Ito thinks he believes. But having in. judiclou9ly allowed women to got unhappy, therefore discontented, mail's peen is now disturbed by woman suffragists, dress re(ortnors and prohibitionists. Even the bill lot cannot help woman in some of the things she wants to bo proteoted from. She wants to be protested from the breath of the man who took a drink just before he took the car. From the man who admires Airs. A's excellent taste, and aspects his wife to wear a bonnet three years, From the mall who agrees with all that a woman says. From the man who lovas a girl because ber father is rich. From mon who chew tobacco in the bane and stairways of publio buildings and on street car pent forme. nateate it in the salve way ro the or . Jr igival will. Don't allow a miuur to will away poreoual property melees 18 if ladle and 16 if female. Don't imagine that the contents of a font will may not be proved by good evidence. Cenral Live Stock Items, Now is certainly a good time to puroltaee breeding stook ; the ad• vantage of lower prices and of treat. ing the animals according to your own plan will make up for the ex• pense of feeding a while before they are needed. In improving stook as a rule tt will be found au item to breed only !roue reasonably well matured animate. Sell off all the stook that you do not want to winter ; as a rule, the better plea is to eell reasonably early. Werli its nearly as possible to hen everything first.class; this Pure West India Molasses. THE LEADING aroc GROCEj y DEPARTMENT. Our Stock of Staple and Fahey Groeeries is Large and Well Assorted, consisting of Black, Yotuig Hy -son and Japan Teas, which were carefully selected and bought in large quantities for Cash, Customers can always depend upon getting Extra Value, Our Coffee at 40c. a pound is Strictly Pure and the Finest Ground. The Coestich new Season's Fruits at Lowest Prices. Special Value in Pure Sugar Syrup and tion, Its riff„ center% to accept tshat tants consteutl o of his Haig hborea ever P:ovideutre Lade in store for handsomo young daughter, Lin, At sir o'oloclt phueslay mu -u• Frem employers who pay women lug, without auy assignflble cease, less than men for the Immo work. Air Davis wan seized �itli n eon. From the man who expects his gestivo chill, which seemed to abeo- wife to be his valet. Iutely crush the vitality out el his From clerks who measure their already enfeebled body. Sc svQnls Courtesy by the customer's bonnet. WO; Mr. Davis that the violence of From the husband who allows the assault soon subsided, for lalackhis wife to run rho furnace. of vitality 01)01) +thieh to prey. From Prom the book agent who tinder.that moment to the time of his death staaue that "you are a very in the battery of his case was that of it telleatutsb woman." gratin! sinking, Despite the first Freemen who go cut between that the end had come slowly and the nets. peacefully, and after Le bad boon From htrsbailds^whose business face to face for hours with the dread keeps them down down three nigbta reality, the blow fell with crashing a woek foray upon .the afflicted widow. As long as there bad been work for either hands or head she had borne up bravely, and not until rho s;veet Ween for her tender ministrattous were lost she dal not seem to realize the terrible farce of the blow that hail fallen upon her. ISuowiug of a predisposition to -heart affection the doctors were at once gravely alarmed for ben. They promptly administer- ed a oompo:meg draught, and et ti late hoar she wt.a resting quietly. After death the face of the deceased, though looking slightly emaciated, s nearly resembling that ofa peaceful sleeper than that of the dead. •itfessages have been received from many points, alt expressive of re- spect for the dead and of eympathy for Mrs. Davie in her affliction, Jefferson Davis was born it Cbris•. From whist partnere who claim curlerstanr', as thoroughly os all the science, and expect the y ae r woman to hold all the trumps in able your market, curl then breed the pack. nud feed to supply it, From the agent who insists on Shoop, cattle and Lnge are low, exchttugiug sewing machines. soil even wall plenty of feeii lire stn From the husbands wbn belong to coarct 'moieties. From men who believe that women are too good to vote. From men who swear in the pre - the right number of stook in proper. than b the amount of fasd that webe raised. If the pigs aro confiner/ al this s03011E00 especially, plenty of green food should be supplied, not only in securing a better growth but alio in maintaining health. Steady work does nut injure the teams nearly ae mach 164 a hard poll or drive, even for a short time. During growth feed for develop went of bone and muscle ; at matur- ity feed to fatten. The nelvtentago with therm is that the increase will pay the emit of keeping, leaving the wool for pro. fit. Canned Beef, Chipped Beef, Canned Tongue, Salmon;ttmnnt, bat, with Christian 7'esigntt ,'[,+rem the elderly husband who The hest profit ie iu just Isee piu,r important item to manage so as 10 ss0171,o the Ittrgeet growth iu pro- portion to the auioumt of feed con- sumed. The differeneo in the gain that sauce of the ladies of the familyd One farmer will secure as compared not before other women. wad to another, is often the result of From dancing partners with clammy hauls. From the hu.,band who expects hie wife to mile sweetly and say ere, in adopting the address in "she is so glad be enjoyed the play" reply, inc;ludorl a motion levering when he goes alone and she stays an Australian federation. at home and Dares for the babies, - knowing how to feed duel then using this knowledge. The New South Wales L' egislat- From men who believe they need not be as good es women. From men who talk most about women'° rights bo be protected. Sweet Bedtime Stories. "Remember, Honors," said Mrs. Perkins to the. •'new nurse girl, "that I do not allow the children to hear stories that might frighten them when they go to bed. Yon may tell them about birds and harm - lees little fairy stories, but nothing about bears or lions." "Tis, mem," replied Honors ; and this was the harmless little story she told that ntght e—• ieWanst there wuz a gr•r-real big monsther of au animal wid horns an' a tail of hot fire an' teeth a yard long that wint around in the dead of the noigbt atin up little byes au' girrula that bothered .their nurse stain' her to get up and give them wather iu the 'might and tonin' how else lift the baby for a,wurrud with the .porlacemin in the parrnlc and little things logo that. An' this ter-r•rible big monelher could go roight through ;solid walls, moiled yen, an' he'd ate yeez up 'fore yeez could swam out. Now puddle up an' go to slape loijee good byes an' girrttls or-be'll be after yeez av pea say a worrud. Wind • that. Stop' ,yeez abiverin' now, Birdie ; an' iphwat do yeez mane by ohatterin'. yer teeth loike that, Willie ? To slope wid yeez .oryou'll be ate up 'the mine I take the light out." Will Dont's. Don't leave anything uncertain in a+•will. , Don't imention people by their nick names. Don't try to deviee real property be au alien. ' Don't make a will without two witnesses • ; better three, Dou't`tnalte a new will uuluts you revolts or destroy the old one, Don't make a will that docs not peovido far children that may be born. • are for • direct protection against Don't try to force a wife to accept fereigu labor by excluding emigrants In Aug ralitt there are nearly certain property instead of dower. '!Cho greatest extorsion of the pro. 247,000 more males than females, Dant neglect to make yens wit. 'cativo system is to be in the dine- Inoliding New Zealand, and 'Tits• noshes writer•their full names and tion of a commercial manmo and by mania, the excess of males over addreseos. 'means of subsidies. If the postal females is 802,040.;; Don'1 fail to specify which one is subsidies of the (United Slatoe are It is said that tr Faris first luta meant wltou• two boar the saw kept within the limits of those gt•aut• produced porous plass for window name, ad by Ifttgland, whose example is panes, The pores, are too One to Don't f:irget that if a women your •noted, it 1s safe to say that the admit of a draught; inti they assist tuarringo twill invalidate rt will al• linmrieall. flag +vitt (,lla , as great at in ventilation, i road' made,. in iS' °1E3 I-10 03K Sardines, Strawberries, Peaches, Tomatoes, -Corn, Peas, &c, S.o- VBnr CIIEAI'. We would lea1l Special Attention to our Sugars, which we are selling at prices that will compare with, if not better than, others in the Trade. Crockery Department. Printed Dinner, Tea and Toilet Sets, Decorated Tea and Toilet Sets, Plain and Fancy China, Plain and Fancy Glassware, also a Large Assortment of White Granite Ware, which we sell considerably Below the regular price. Bakery Department. Bread, Buns, Cakes and Pastry Baked Daily and of the Finest Quality. Wedding Cakes a 3peclalty. G- F-10_ 'TIOMsON. 41.011111. 111111•11111•1••=mmi., .A1lT1dTOUNCINC- G.. vx' EAT A AND GAINS MAKING IT HOT FOR COMPETITION With Glorious Inducements for Fall and Winter. Our Immense' New Stock is. now Ready. Unequalled in Style and Quality—Unparalleled in Low Prices. Men's, Youths', Boys' and Children's Clothia .g ,ani, Pu sishing Goods, nate, Cap; to,,, Etc. By far the Finest Assortment, Best Values and Lowest Prices. WE „ HAVE — GOT THE — PULL. Whoop ! here's another season cot*, All merchants clear the track, We're going to bent the record some, Don't try to liold us back. Whoop! prices lower than before, New goods in staeke from roof to floor; With novelties our store is full, ,lnd that is where we get the pull. We run to win and don't forget The prize we want is trade. We'll make our figures lower yet Than 'inner ever made. Whoop ! Hero's the store that gives you most, You'll find we make no empty boast, But bargains big and bountiful, And that is where we have the pull. Show us the man who said "There is always room at the Top." Leading the Trade, Standing high above all Competition, we find the Crowd is still with Us, yet we cry for More. Our new Fall Stock is Immense, our Bargains Unlimited. In the Quick Rush of the Pall Trade everything goes at a Rock Bottom Price.. Colne in Evel;ybody and, for once in your life, see what Quality and Style really. eans in Mens' 2d Boys 'Clothing; , Hats, Caps, Ge72ts' F+ui'72ishing GOOCLs,f a7eio These Goods are as yon like them in all Respects. _'rices particularly Pleasing.. Special Range of Overonafings at Prices that will Astonish You, WE Gr.'T..1.8.4.N .'. E SOL ID SJI.TII: 4CTION ,—WE GIVE IT. ROS :i. ;,i v Iyer Le, O #.. JL. a