The Brussels Post, 1889-12-13, Page 21 HL 1.31f.1 SSEL,S PC)S1' DECla11BE1L 13, 1889,
Before this was accomplished, A scrubbing brush, warm soap1
obi harness haat;iug le the !Welton,
�'�Qr�". however, he hit his tea against a ands and plenty of elbow grease and muddy tracks in the dining-
.. •oil• room and ax noG to see the woman
111i.vlarn.tliicnata,•••-Sabbath Services I of llie urine, neon ho wont, Hurl roll• 01e1lt, good natured.
at II a. m. and 0630 p. 1n. SundaY 1 ed into e. ditch. Die helplessness 'Silk thread is soaked its acetate of To have n lot of half fed, etnaciet-
Ooliool at 2:30 p. +10.• Rer, John Ross, may be nnagin0et ; he could not stir j lead to incroaae its weight, and par• ed, laneeemno-looking ft,wls roosting
B. A., pastor, i until his follow soldiers eot him up sons who pass it through the month dojeete(lly !u tonne old trees, when
Knox 000tha --Sabbath Services Salad
at in threading needles, and then bite few geed. healthy ohlolteua properly
lta. 2:0l p. that m• Sunday pastor,
•tt "•t3o p. 01. lieu. U. 11. Howie, pastor. 1 _ ._ _ it off with the teeth, have ettiTerod housed would make the poultry
ST. JonN a Chrrscu.—pabbattl Services VansSitstie,:, from lead poisoning. yard an honor' instead of a cis
at 11 a, n1. anti '7 p• 1n. Sunday School _.---
at 0:80 a. m. Rev, W. T. Claif, inoum-
Eternal vigilance is
8t0110 ora root, and having 00 U80 win de wonders on an old ding} N
Merle:missCn18ce.--Sabbath Services
at 10:80 a. in. and 0:80 p. m. Sunday
8611001 at 380 p. m. Rev. S. Setlery, B.
A., B. D., pastor.
I2o3iMi CATHOLIC ti14AaC11•""ga1111at11
Service third Sunday in every month, et
11 a, In, Rev. 1?. J. Shea, priest.
SALVATION MOM—Services at 7 and 11
e. m•, and 8 p. m. on Sunday and 'every
evening in the week at 8 o'clock. at 'the
One J:'ninows' Lenon avery Thursday
evening, in Graham's block.
d380mIe Lonna Tuesday At :or before
26l moon, in Garfield block.
A.0,ILW. 'knell on Monday evening of each smonth.
rst d thud
FonsETEna' Lonna second and last Mon-
day evenings of each month. in Smale's
hall.month, in
L.O.L.1st Monday in every
Orange Hall,
Posy Omen.-- Office hones from S a.
in. to 7 p. m.
31ncuk1IC'S Isslarr11.—P,eading Room
and Library, in IIolmes' block, will be
oopen from 0 to 8 o'chunk p. 10.,
days and Saturdays. Miss Minnie Shaw,
BEUBSL•'Ls W.C.T.U- hold monthly
meetings on the 3rd Saturday in each
month, at 3 o'olock p. m.
Tows Gonson..-•Robt. Graham, Reeve ;
D. Strachan. J. 111. McIntosh, William
Stewart and Wet. Ainley, Couociliors;
F. S. Scott. Clerk ; Thos. Belly, Treas-
urer ; D. Stewart, Assessor, and Jas. T.
Roes, Collector. Board meets the 1st
Monday in each month. (chair-
33018».—T. Fletcher,
man) H Dennis, A. Hunter, W. B. Dick-
son, J. J Denman and Jae. Boyers ;
Seo..Treas., W. H. Moss. Meetings 1st
Friday evening in each month.
PontroSmoot TEAe11EES.—Jno. Shaw,
Principal, Miss Richardson, Mies Hamb-
ly, Miss Abraham and Miss Taylor.
Beane OF BEAt'ru. Reeves carat and
Clerk Scott, alio. Wynn,
I. J. G. Skene. De. Holmes, Medical
Health Officer. _
thilbteldr's Corner.
an umbrella.
'How do yon stand thie weather?'
asked the overshoe. '011, I atm
used up,' replied
the umbrella.
Miss Gothem-0,11Tisa Bostuee, I
x03 making a crazy quilt. Mie`e
Boston—Indeed I I never made but
ane imbecile coverlet.
Irate German, to stranger who
bad stepped on his toe—Mine front,
I know mine feet vas meat to be
walked ou, but that privilege belongs
to me.
'Lesson parties' are becoming
popular 80030 American town+.
It ie stated that every young matt is
expected to bring a lemon, a girl,
and squeezer.
'No Thoroughly Occupied Men.'
says a great writer, 'was ever yet
vary miserable.' Unless he was
it pug to tills Use IL tw'., yeas' -old
child while its mother went calling.
In a t.3 in of Schleswig-Holstein
there is a tux exemption for doge
'that sleep with their masters and
inleCreasea and so preserve them
from gent, rheumatism and like
the price of When trying to thread a sewing grace.
machine at twilight or in an imper
A little girl of nine summers
came to rile her pastor about join-
ing the church. She had been liv-
ieing a Ghriotnu for nine neetths,
had been properly taught, and aux•
veered the naval questions promptly
and property. At last the pastor
kindly said :
"Nell, does your father think you
are a Ctiriatiiau ?"
"Yes, sus"
"Kava yon told sum ?"
"No, sir."
"How then does he know ?"
"He sees."
"How does he see that ?"
"Sees 1 am a better girl."
"What else 0004 din see ?"
"Sees I love to meed my Bible
and pray."
"'Then, you think be sees you are
a Christian."
"I know he does:; he null help
it," and with a modest, happy bold•
nese, she was sore her father knew
she was a Ohrtstiail, heanase he
could not help Boeing it in her life.
Ia not such the privilege of all God's
people—to he euro that others see
they are following Christ ?
SOUR OREAAU Pre.—One cup sour
cream, one cup of sugar, three eggs ;
nae the white of one egg for frosting
and 801080n with lemon.
SAUSAGE 05ISLET.—Cut thin slices
off a round of sausage, place in it
frying pan with a little butter, and
pour over six eggs beaten and mix
ed with pepper and salt
COFFEE ICING.—Take half a pound
of freeh butter and quarter pound
of powdered sugar, ford beat them
to a cream in a bowl, adding drop
by drop during the process half a
teacupful of the strongest coffee that
oan he made.
IRIsa STEW.—Chop fine cue pint
of colds boiled beef and one Out of
raw potatoes ; add water to cover
and boil until the potatoes fire tea.
der ; season with salt and pepper
and thioken with two tltblaspoons
01. flour rubbed smooth in oold
Canaan SALAD. -To Otte quart of
chopped cabbage add Ike yolks of
two egos, ono teaspoonful of sugar,
two teaspoons of ground. mustard,
One .teaspoonful of salt, one-half
teaspoon of blank pepper, one cup
of vinegar, two tablespoons of butter
boiled together five minutes.
BAKED APPLES.—One Inert of
pared and quartered apples, two
thirde cupful sugar, one quarter cup-
ful of butter, two cupfuls of water.
Pot the apples in a baking dish,
sprinkle with sugar, and, after
breaking the butter Into bits, put it
all over the top. Add the water
and bake slowly for one hoar, or
until the apples are tender.
ORu31D P0nnit3G.-00 ne quart of
sweet milk, one pint of bread crumbs
three-quarters of a .cup of -sugar,
yolks of four eggs, butter size of an
egg, flavor with lemon bake in a
slow oven and when done spread
over a layer of jelly, whip the whites
of the eggs to a froth, add one cup
of powdered sugar ; pour over the
jelly and bake a light brown. Serve
BUFFALO `VAFFLES.—B1.41 One gill
of rice in three „gills of water until
soft ; melt in hot rice two table-
spoonfuls of butter, sift a pound of
flour twice, the second time adding
to it two even tablespoonfhle of bak-
ing powder. Beat four eggs until
light, add one pint of milk and the
Sour, two teaspoonfuls of salt and
two tablespoonfuls of Dorn meal.
Beat thoroughly, and by degrees
add another pint of milk. When
beginning to mix these waffles put
the . whole quart of milk where it
will keep warm, but not more than
Moderately to—not hot. In baking
do not All the waffile•iron3 full.
Leave room for rising.
fact light, place a bit of white cloth
or paper back of the needle eye.
By this method the eye can be found
and filled much easier.
To remove grease from any mat-
erial, take some epirite of wine,
literally dissolve salt with it, rub
the greasy spot, and it will then re-
quire a good deal of examination to
find where the grease wee previous-
ly present..
When a house is afflicted with
chimneye that smoke, it should be
borne in mind that the beat proven
tive to the nn18an00 is to open the
windows of the room ten minutes
before the fire is lit, and not siO3nl.
ane0nely with the lighting, 104 is
generally done.
To properly sharpen a carving m,lde
knite the CIaCVer nn;,�ht to b0 bold etma"
an ordinary roan into am:
an angle of twenty to twenty five in r his lir11 would road ta'nuty'
degrees on the steel. When the l
001er side nt die blade is turned, freight ear's.
Three 1nshel4 of potatoes
ll reserve the
you must be careful to p
Moneta or Gastronomy.
Tone of honey are shipped
San Diego, Cal.
Japanese persimmons are large
and luscious.
Mongrel geese are very delioato
and toothsome.
Maryland oyster packers hitve
put up prises.
Last election day Entine ate 082,•
000 pounds of oysters.
The sugar crop of Yucatane
smaller than usual this year.
A Nebraska man has raised
beet more than three feet long.
The sausage and the bucltwhent
entre are gastronomic Siamese
'lucre lit only one vineyard
Great Britain from which wine
same angle, Then draw Ibo steel
from heel to point againet the edge,
using only a slight pressure.
The equeakiug of shoes ie due to
the rubbing of the upper upon the
under sole. This is prevented by
rubbing soapstone powder between
the two thicknesses of leather,
which acts at a sort of lubricator.
A. shoe which has squeaked can be
.need by the dealer or a cobbler
simply by ripping the eolee apart
putting in soapstone, and sewing or
pegging the leather together again.
The Latest in .newels.
In this inveptative age now uses
of common things are continually
being discussed. When car wheels.
nae made of paper, and paper is
made of wood, it is impossible to
predict what will be done next, It
was inwhat, we already begin to
think of as the "old times," how•
ever,—twenty.-Ave years ago—that
the woodeu overcoat was invented ;
during what i. still called "the
Aco0rding to the historian of the
fifty-first Pennsylvania regiment,
Colonel Hartranft—afterwards Gov-
ernor Hartranft—made nee of it,
although it was net clear that he
was the inventor of It.
Its coustruction was simple, and,
ea will be seen, it was not intended
for comfort bat for 'discipline. It
consists of a barrel with the head
knocked out, and a hole cut in the
1-0ttom big enough for a man's bead
to pass through.
One day a soldier bad been guilty
of breaking guard and going off to
town, and on getting back was ar-
rusted and. put into an "overcoat"—
that is to say, a barrel prepared in
this manner was slipped over bis
head, and lie wins compelled for a
certain time to weer it.
Pretty 80011 One of his comrades
came along, Dating an apple.
"Give 038 one," said the man in
the barrel, but when the other man
offered skim cue, a difficulty arose.
The prli0n0r'e arms were not so
long as the barrel, and were under
it, An apple in his hand might as
0.x011 be at, the bottom of the sea,
Batt hunger apnrrttd his ingenuity,
"Put: it on top of the barrel,"
said he,
".Chen.die began 1.0 twist his body
this way and that to make the apple
roll about unlit it 311(1111 come with•
in resell of Witten h.
In lockets a quaint idea is au en-
ameled hand satchel,
One of the latest fade in scarf pine
is a pear-shaped pearl.
Cuff buttons are issuing in en-
amel and painted to represent porce-
With the approaching bo iday
initial jewelry is bound to be in de
Tiny miniatures in Irian gular
frames compose much admired sca f
Twi-ted wire rings with knotted
centers are a whim that exist at
Queen strain pendants are in the
market, fashioned as walnuts to
beaten gold,
A tasty ring setting
circle of diamonde and
above a rare oats•eye.
A plain Rowan bar running
through three gold circlee is a hair•
pin top that is popular.
A very beautiful shell hairpin has
a crown of Bobemaim garnets set in
filigree cold,
Effective as a lacepin ie a plain
bar, on which is a wavy ribdon of
diamonds and rubies.
Afavorite ring setting is composed
of three opals set between a sapphire
diamond and ruby.
A delightful little chatelaine ad-
junot is a diminutive mail pouch in
oridized silver for stamps.
Chased gold crescent brooches
are milking their appearance with
precious atones sunk into them.
A fanciful heading fora aide comb
conedste of heavy gold loops artisti•
oally arranged iu fan fashion.
A diamond spur inolosing
small horseshoes of successive
is a late addition to ecarfpine.
Eight Mistakes or Farmers.
Household Hints.
It is not safe to use rubbers on
fruit cans after they are stretched
out and yellow..
If windows are wiped off once a
weep on the inside with a slightly
dampened cloth it will save washing
so often.
If you have a suspicion of moths
in your carpets, scrub your Boor
wall liob water and salt before relay- Rrelet a bettor temper.
ing them, and sweep salt over the 1 To let foolish pride or narrow.
aorpet once or twice during the minded prejudice prevent the adop-
month. tics of new lilethode, when they
T,1 preptrC 30 mustard plaster ;— : have Neu proven by practical men.
( . t
, 1CtL11 e 1
up the arta
1. wilt or To gains ,
Mix the mustard with the white
au egg, instead of The re.: 3171, imitate and speculate for an
stilt will be 1 chaster which will hotir or two ttpolt what the weather
'draw" plefeo fly ,v a1, but will not { i1 going to be, while the weeds get
pt'odnee a blister, mem open the I start, end then wonder whey farthing
akin of en infant, out matter flow ? doesn't pay,
long it isallowed to 1 sn t in np m 1'., !nave a le of 3inehnpped hold
the part. wet or half,1p;tt at the pile, a lot of
is a semi•
one hill is the claim of a Wet
ginia farmer.
The guests of 3110 United Statee
hotel, Saratoga, consumed 8,000
eggs in one day bast summer.
Vit' -
Next to sunlight the incandescent
light gives the best illumination
reading All notions of the injurious
effects of the electric light on
Byes are err0ne0ns.
Thirty thousand dollars In
and silver Spanish pieces, of
date of 1068, with six bronze
non, have been recovered near
Greek island of Andra.
v1n ,r�
Private Funds to Loan.
€ 2O,OOO
Have been placed in my hands
for Investment on reel estate.
' mut
No Commission.
Borrowers can have loans com-
ploted in Three Days if title
Solicitor, Brussels.
Money to Loan,
Money to Loan on Farm Pro-
perty at
Private and Company Funds.
Solicitors, c3c.,
4 • 'Pot- • .0 - Cents.
General Blacksmith.,
wishes to intimate to the public generally
that be dies all kinds of Blnckemithing
in a Workmanlike Manner.
Wagons, Buggies, Sleighs and Cutters
muds to Order.
Repairing promptly Executed.
I make a Speoialty of Horae•shoeing.
A Call Solicited. r3'Romember the
Stand.—NEAR T111 BUMS.
24 S. Plum.
All Work from the Smallest to Life size
done In a first-class manner.
To think that any one can farm ;
that it man who has starved as a
canvasser for a patent churn or has
been unsuccessful as a carpenter
can jump into farming—a business
requiring high intelligence and per-
severing efforts—and, being utterly
unfamiliar with details, be able to
make money on a farm.
To entertain the idea that a large
farm half stocked and j5oorly culti-
vated pays better than a few mires
well and carefully tilled.
To pay several dollars for good
farm tools, and allow them, for
want of proper shelter, to become
useless a year or so sooner than they
To let year after year pass by
with no attempt to improve the
quality of the farts stock. Blooded
cattle and horses pay. The cattle
make bee( quicker ; the cows give
more and richer tnilk, and the horses
of Residences, lite., at Reasonable
W. J. Fairfield.
resit and
Balt Heats of
the best quail
ty ninnyeon
and and dc -
•1't ii O D ffi+ Ta' ri' O I.O d..1V .
�r`�jj�[yJ� �`t •y T
ii til yon
62 O 'II CIO
Of Private Funds have just been
placed in my hands for
• At 7 Yer Cent.
livered to
;MY Part of
the Vll,age
IH eco of
111314 List received a stock of
New Boos,
Nei To➢s.
Borrowers can liavo their Loans
completed in three clays if title
is satisfactory.
Fat Cattle Wanted
For which the bighest market price
will be paid. I also make a specialty of
buying Hides and Skins. Don't forget
the place, next door to Fletcher's Jewel-
ry Store.
E. . WADE.
The 73 est Family Netscape,. in Canada 1
Established nearly Half a Century.
1 IN0 oi' W7H`.EMI Jr, II+IIS
London, - Ontario.
All the News in full, by telegraph, tele-
phone, mail and correspondence up to
hour of publication. Illustrations, Prac-
tical and Useful, are given every week;
Special Market Department ; Agricultur-
al Department; Capital Story always
running ; Ingenious Puzzle Column ;
Humorous Reading. Just the thing for
the family 1 Every member of the house-
hold eagerly looks for it each week. The
Agricultural Department is a noted fea-
ture of the "Free Press," being always
up to the times, and conducted by persons
practically skilled in farm work. Large
81.00 5u. eaParoh,tbal clubs nee of 1889 of four and warde
A Handsome Christmas Number and
Four Chromes given away free of charge
to every subscriber for 1800, Artists who
have seen the, advance sheets of the
Christmas Number pronounce it a 'gem,'
and alone worth the prioe of the sub.
soriptiou. Address--
ddress—'•FREE PRESS,"
20 London, Ontario. TIE tifilitt
Any Amount of Money to Loan.
on Farm or Village Pro,
perty at
6 & 6 Per Cent., Yearly.
Straight Loans with privilege of
repaying when required.
Apply to
A. Hunter.
Division Oott7't Clerk, Brussels.
aveoa Wit d
Jp So*?
eir-bil et
it is exp isiteA
in Albums, £t{agic Lanterns,
Drawing Slates, Baskets
and a host of Articles.
Two Lead Pencils, a Pen=
holder and puler, put up
in a neat box, for
• andthe KCIDOIEYS
This combined action gives it won-
derful power to Cure all diseases,
'Why Are We Sick?
Because we nlloly the nerves to
remain weakened and irritated, and'
thcsc great organs to become elcggcd
or torpid, and poisonous hunters ere
Ihcrcfore forced into the blood that
should be expelled naturally.
lamena�D 10R71E18ND ALL
By quieting end strengthening the
nerves, anti causing free action of the
liver, bowels, and 1,idneys, and rester.
ing their power to throw off disease.
why suffer 9(1,, Paine and Aghast
Why term , 1tod wilIt Pilau, ConntlpsttenI
why friphtenml overDlnerdorodttidneyat
Why endure names or MAK baadnahea1
Why have sleepless IIighte1
i Alnita• (•I,1 .,1, Cnnrnuan nod
t)ap .
wink* in ha•1hh. It I , u entirely vegeta-
130 tweedy, lineation, la ,ll epees.
.ked 11 all 0370(00'. ) r i.:•t $7,0.
u1 0r4r00.
WELYS. I•ICIlA1e :011 tt CO„prnpriod¢;n,
ti 11N.1' 50M l., 1.13
It Won't Cost You Any-
thing to Call and Soo.
Girls' Own Magazine,
Leifure Flour, Boys', 'Own •
,ni ,• � :C3
Chatterbox, slake
1' l n
,/.1110 (✓
b 7
land and other Popular and
Standard Works 1:1cecivors
tllld ready 111r `ale.