The Brussels Post, 1889-10-25, Page 5OCT, 25, 1889
Group 15, for the Tankerd aompoti.
ym lti� y ce�ye`�M r
,YEIDAY, OCTOBER. 26, 1880,
...--...,- Pi el.Ltorth.
About 94,000 taxes were paid during
the month of September by our tax.
The Methodist church folk talk of a
Thanksgiving tea ou the evening of
Nov. 7th.
Several of our prominent Sabbath
sahool workers are attending the Provin.
cfal Convention in Toronto this week.
Our business men have organized a
"anion" now for the purpose of looking
after their interests, It is a kind of a
N. P, boon.
The well-known Daniel Moran will
'shortly leave for London, Ont„ where he
will bo cared for at the Roman Catholic
Home, it is said.
Rev. J. McCoy, M. A., was warmly'
welcomed on his arrival ab hie new pas.
torate, Chatham, N. B. He deserves all
that 11e received,
Several new buildings have been erect-
ed in the village of late.
Messrs. Irwin db Ballantyne are rush-
ing the tailoring business.
Wm. Wherry bee returned from .1lani.
'Whit. He still lilies Ontario.
Sixty.lhroo hogs were shipped from
the Dominion factory last week,
J. G. Robertson, who has been so long
danforourly ill, is slowly recovering.
Mr. liawkshaw has moved to Mr.
1 ox'o 1esideuce. His own is for sale or
to rent
Mr. Tetsuo, of Stratford, has started
a livery stable. Ho is also agent for the
Avery fence.
Tho mcetiuge being hold on the 12th
con., reported last week, aro still con-
tinuing with success,
Alfred Mitohollhas been very sick with
pleurisy for the past ton days. It is
hoped he will soon recover.
J. H. Medd, of Hullett, was visiting at
the parsonngo during the past week. Jno.
Medd of the same place has removed to
his farm on the 8th eon.
A gond many of the villagers have
been on the look out for the tramp who
is supposed to have burned the manse
stable. Tho Council offer 950 reward for
the arrest and conviction of the criminal.
Rev. Mr. Hilts, Who travelled through
here thirty years ago, ocoupied the pul-
pit of the Methodist church hero last
Sabbath, Rev. Mr. Rogers preached for
Dr. Henderson, who is in New York at-
tending his sick son.
"Ariz t'O\vol.
The gun club meets every Friday after-
noon for praotioe. Clay pigeons etre
W. Hess, jr., has returned from Toron-
to, and is again an employee of Hess
Bros. & Cc.
The Anniversary services in Connec-
tion with tbe Sabbath School of the
Methodist church, in this town, will bo
held on Sunday, November Srd.
Miss Clara Rothwell left town last
weak for Brantford, where she intends
taking a course of vocal instruction
under Professor Calendar, late of New
At the Port Elgin races, Kidd Bros.'
Prince Frederick took first place in the
open trot. Prince Frederick has won
every race he has been entered in this
Kidd Bros. of this town, sold the brown
pacing stallion, Prince Frederick, 2.84i,
by Valentine out of the dam of Larry
Van, 2.87, to D. Hyndman, of Grand
Valley. Prince Frederiok is a very
speedy horse ; his record, 2.54}, is no in•
dioation of his speed, he having repeat.
edly marched o6 quarters in 04 seconds,
a 2.10 clip. He started tide season in
eight races, winning every race. The
price paid, 9850, secures to his new
owner a oheap horse. He was foaled in
Tho Banner says :—As a general rule
the business streets are crowded with
shoppers on Saturday night, men and
women on business bent orowd the
streets on these nights, and it is a pity
that their movements should be impeded
as they are by persons who would be bet-
ter anywhere else than on the streets.
One class of those nuisances comprises
the mashers and dudines. These take
up not only a lot of sidewalk room but
they make seueible pedestrians eiok with
their silly simperiugs and foolish actions.
Their favorite spot 1s ou the corner of
Main and Wallaoe streets. A littte 'move
on' persuasion from our chief would be
very suitable.
Wing' hELM.
Division Court on Tuesday of this
The gas pipe fano° at the East and
West sides of the park has been com-
pleted and presents a good'appearanee.
Five hundred feet of. new ,hose has
been purchased from the Gutta Pereha
and Rubber Co., of Toronto, for our Fire
The Wingham Gan Club intend having
a shooting match on Thanksgiving Day,
Thursday, Nov. 7th, on the prairie. Live
birds are to be shot at, sparrows taking
the plane of pigooue.
M. Brown, President of the Wingham
Quoit Club, is the champion quoit pitcher
of Canada. At the tournament in Lon-
don recently he gained easy vie toriee over
all with whom he lead to play.
Wingham Orange Lodge hag complet-
ed arrangements for holding a grand en.
tortainment in the town hall on Tuesday
evoning, Nov. 6th. The program will
consist of a concert, for which the best
foreign and local talent has been scour.
ed, and Rev. Jae. Livindetone, of Clin-
ton, will deliver his justly celebrated
leotnre, entitled "The Heiman Voioe,"
A. 0. Strathdee, the agent at the G.T,
R. station here, ie away for 1115 holidays.
He goes to the northern part of the trate
of Nebraska to visit friends, thence to
Denver, Colorado, and still on to the
Rooky Mountains, and will visit the
fan10n0 "Pike's Peak," and other noted
points of scenery, and if time will per-
er•mit, he will go as far down as to New
A shooting match under the au8pi000 of
No. 2 Co., 38rd Batt., was held at the
Zetland range on Friday last. There wore
two classes of oompetitors, the volunteers
and all.00ntoro. .IL'1111e following wero the
sneoess1131 marlcrmonie-In the yolilnteer
class Mir, Carrielr took 1st prize, a Over
cup and 98,85 cash; Rogers 2nd, 9c1;
Brant Spa, 98• Leaver 1th, 92; Pagsloy
9011, 92; Bay 8th, 91, Ail.eowots Car.
rich 94, MoGleire98, Brant 92, Ray 92,
:Gamont 92, Iitighes 99,
Son, le cow conpoeed of the following
°intim ; Howioll Thistle, Kincardine,
Wingham, Luoknow, Wroxeter and I,is.
towel, the latter convenor. 1Vingliam
leas born drawn against Guelph Royal
City Club in the distttot medal (im-
pale tion.
His honor, Judge Toms, held a Court
in the Town Ball, on Monday, 14th test.,
for the revision of rho Provincial voters'
list. A. large number of appeals had
been put In by both the Reformers and
Conservatives. The result of the appeals
was that 29 Reformers were put on and
17 Conservatives struok off, 4 Conserv-
onservatives put on and 18 Reformers struok
off ; the not result being a gain of 29
votes for the Reformers.
11 XI ve ovale.
There was about 900 realized et the
Methodist Harvest 110111e. It was a
grand 81100083
It was reported a tramp lodged in the
school the other night, but upon making
seere1 a small dog was discovered.
The uniform ox,erninations were not a
000080s 08 for some una000untable
reason there were no arithmetic papers
fon the Third classes.
Rev. A. Y. Hartley is at present giving
a course of Sabbath evening lectures
based upon "Tho confession of faith,'
which are very interesting and many are
turning out to hear him.
The gonial, smiling face of our old
friend Me. Collie is again to bo seen iu
town and his lively descriptions of his
travels are very interesting. Wo aro all
glad to see him looking so well.
C. W. Leach, of Detroit, has, been re.
visiting the scenes of former days. C.
W. has many friends and his absence for
a few years has not diminished the
mutual regard. Biuovale lost much in
C. W's. departure, and she always seems
brighter and better who, he returns
This opinion is not confined to the young
ladies only. He left in the beginning of
this week for his home in Detroit and
all his friends are sad.
W atiton.
Misses Lee and Barton are spending a
week with the family of Z. 11. Leech.
Mrs. Daniel Campbell and children
spent a week at her home near Varna.
Jno. Hewitt, who has been dangerous-
ly ill for the past months, is slowly im-
Mrs. Torrance was away for a week at
Listowel visiting relatives, some of whom
were ill.
Rev. W. Torrance will preach at Kirk -
ton next Sabbath at the anniversary
services of their ohurch.
Next Sabbath afternoon Rev. G. B.
Howie, of Brossele, will preach in the
Presbyterian church in this place. The
pastor is still on the sick list.
A very select party assembled at the
residence of Ohms. Ritchie on Friday
evening of last week. It was composed
of teachers, music teachers and a few of
their friends. It is needless to say they
had a good time as any person who
spends an evening at Mr. Ritehie's will
expect that.
The members of the Women's Mission
meeting purpose holding a Missionary
entertainment in Duff's church, Walton,
on Thursday, Oot. 31st. All should ar-
range to be present as it is expected to be
good. ' The program consists of readings,
recitations, and mueia furnished by a
class trained by Miss O'Connor and Mr. ,
Crxttb rook.
The driving shed at Tack's hotel has
received a new roof.
Mra. Slommon is having her new dwell-
ing lathed and plastered.
A new sidewalk has been completed
from the Presbyterian church to main
Soo. Hunter is having his house raised
end a atone foundation and cellar put un-
The mother and sister of E. J. Will.
tame have come from Clifford and will re.
side in Craubrook.
On Sunday, November 3, anniversary
sermon, will be preaohod in Knox ohurch
by Bev. 3. L. Murray, M.A.., of Rimier -
dine. On Monday. evening of
will deliver a lecture on "What I sow in
Europe." Mr. Murray is Noll worth hear-
OBIT. -Last Friday afternoon the re-
mains of George Hunter were interred in
the burying ground at this place. The
ceremony was in charge of Rev. D. B. Mc-
Rae. About eight years ago the snbjeot
of this notice went to Manitoba and fol-
lowed his trade es a painter. For about a
year and a half he had been poorly but
no serious resnits were antioipatod. Ho
desired to come home and a friend from
Boissevain cared for him on the home-
ward journey, as he was confined to bed
all that long way, from Monday to Thurs-
day when titer arrived at Toronto. The
patient was 'immediately taken to the
residence of F. Pride, his brother-in-law.
Palmerston Avenue, where ho died at 4 p.
m. There was a complication of troubles
ih his ease bat his sudden death preolud-
ed ascertaining the real trouble. The re-
mains wore brought to Ethel station on
Friday afternoon and from there to Oran -
brook. George was a good hearted boy,
kind and generous and was a general fav-
orite with all who know him. The action
of hie friend coming all the way from
Manitoba with the invalid will never be
forgotten by the relatives and friends.
Alex. Hunter, of Brussels, reached Tor-
onto a few hours before bis brother died.
The aged parents have the sympathy of
the community in their grief.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Perris are away on
visit to their son, Rev. D. Perris.
John Askin and wife have returned
from a visit to relatives in Southern
Advid Shier and Ohne. Bishop have
returned to Toronto to pursue their re.
epeative couriers at college.
The Literary and Debating Society, at
Turnbull's school house bag re.oeganhzed
for the fall and winter months. Their
first debate wee held ou Wodeeeday even-
ifig last.
t a meeting in the school house, S. S.
No. 8, on Tuesday evening, 15th inst.,
the Literary and Debating Society was
re.orgauized and the following ofticree
elected :-Chairman, ;Jno. Cuthill Soo.-
Treas.. C. Bowornmu ; President, ;1,
Woods ; Vico.Presitleut, Union C. Mo.
Taggart ; Committee of management,
Jas, McNair, Notl MoTaggart, 7no Cut-
hill, Robb. Shiole, Ilary Stowalt, Lizzie
Fulton, Jessie McNair. A debate will
take place on the 22nd thee, subject.elle-
te1ved that intemperance it 14 gfeat01
evil than war,
SMIIMRManaWAISSEMnanilM erzramteremwatinereeintemetexceinseigeeniMeramostmemeeiriseezza
All are /10w busy enuring the root THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN.
0 11G4D IJU 411PtM
t ae10- Ap,,ly 191 Lot 11, 4ol1 8 um.
crop. The weather n9 all that could b
desired for this and otiher farm work,
The 13th and 14th 0lneessions nr
considering the guoation of union. A
, least representatives of two femjlies on
those line have the preliminary arrange.
mente merle, You must not be arida' me
about the particulars as 1 wont give thorn
just now.
Thos. W. Johnston bas disposed of hie
60 aoro farm, lot 11, con, 18, to Arch.
Duneaneou's sous. Mr, Johnston will
remove to the Northwest next Spring
where part of the family is already sot.
tled, They are in the Moose Mountain
district and like the country well.
Last Wednesday Thos, Alcook slipped
over to Morris townebip and carried off
Miss Maggie Tiernan. This was not the
drat time Tom had been there, sn lie had
no difficulty in finding the road. The
happy twain enter double blessedness
with the congratulations of all who know
them. It is hinted thet their example
will shortly be imitated by other persons
not far distant.
Township Council on Monday of next
Thos. Bird left this township on Fri-
day of last week for Michigan. He pur-
poses remaining there if he sees what
suits him.
Geo. Parker, of this township, pur-
altaeed the 50 acre farm joining his own,
which formerly belonged to the Rogerson
estate„for 9050.
The Orangemen of Ilelgrave intend
having an entertainment in their Hall
on the eve0ieg of, November
50. A program of music, addresses, etc.
will follow after supper,
David Lamb, of the stlh line, and
family, have removed to some place near
Stratford, this week. He did not snake
a aucoess of farming and left poorer than
h0 came.
The Morris Centre Literary and De-
bating Society will re -open for the com-
ing season, at the Town Ball, on Friday
evening of next week, at 7 o'clock. A
full attendance asked for.
MAT11U[ONIAL,-T11e residence of Coun-
cillor Oalbiek was the scene of festivity
on Wednesday evening when a large com-
pany of relatives and friends assembled
to witness the nuptials of Joseph 11. Bow-
man and Miss Kate Calbiok, The cere-
mony was performed by Rev. W. T.
Cluff, of Brussels. The wedding gifts
bespoke the esteem in which the bride is
held. Mr. and Mrs. Bowman enter this
new relation with the best wishes of
host of friends for their future prosperity.
TUE Poor says "Amen.”
Weenneo -On Wednesday, loth inst.,
at the residence of the bride's parents,
Wm. Peter, of Bervie, and Miss Sarah
June Hunter, were united in the holy
bonds of matrimony, the Rev. A. W.
Tonge, pastor of the Methodist church,
Blyth, being the officiating olorgyman.
The bride was attired in peacock blue
velvet, trimmed with old gold colored
plush, and was attended by Miss Clara
Welsh, of Clinton, and Miss Annie B.
H unter, sister of the bride. The groom
w as attended by Daniel Meilclejohn, of
Bslgrave, and Jas. E. Hunter, brother of
the bride. The marriage ceremony was
performed at 10 a. in. The bride was
the recipient of numerous valuable pres-
ents. Congratulations being over, the
many friends and relatives joined in
social entertainment and vocal and in-
strumental music. At mid-day the
festivities prepared and over, social en-
joyment was continued, till, in the course
of the afternoon, the bridal tarty with-
drew to their new home, followed by the
good wishes of all. Though Mips
Hunter's absence will be greatly felt we
heartily wish her and her husband all
success and prosperity in life.
Needed repairs have been done during
the past week to the bridge crossing the
Rev. Mr. Maiillan, of Auburn, left
this strtion ou Monday on a trip to
Rev. J. W. Taylor, of Mitchell, preset'.
ed eloquent discourses in Trinity church
on Sunday.
J. M. Hamilton has moved into his
residence' on Dineley street, whioh he
purchased recently.
0. Hamilton disposed of the McKay
property in this village to Mr. Laughoy
for 9550, last Monday, by public auction.
The 12th Division Court was held in
Industry Hall on Monday, before Judge
Doyle, only a couple of cases having to
bo disposed of.
A. McCreight having purohased the
chopping and cider business here from
Adam Platter, has built a fine mill on
his property, close to tbe woolen mills.
The Medicine Concert Company took
their departure 'for Clinton on Monday.
They were ahead of any travelling troupe
that has been here yet. Miss S. Hamil-
ton held the lucky tfeket for the diamond
ring.on Friday night.
The 'adios of Trinity ohuodq here met
at the rectory 13114 formed themeetvos in-
to a Oburoh Woman's Guild with She
following officers :-Mrs, (Tanner, sr.,
president; Mrs. G. W. Raney, vice -prey.
ident ; Mrs. F. Metcalf, treasurer ; Mies
S. Tanner, secretary ; Mrs. A. Belfry,
asst, -secretary ; executive committee,
Mrs. Rmi h Mrs. C. Tanner, M Bell, B
Mrs. Walker, Mrs. Jonee, airs.
s. Nation.
The following is the list of prize win-
ners in sheep and pigs at the Blyth Show,
omitted from our published Inst owing to
the judges' book being a sort of a Chinese
puzzle :-Snnnr.-Ootewold-Aged ram,
Jas. Potter; ram lamb, Jae. Potter; aged
owes, Pas. Potter ; shearling ewes, Jas.
Potter; ewe lambs, Jas. Potter. Leice0.
ter -Aged ram, J. McGregor, R. W.
Haetingo ; shouting ram, Et. Buell &
Sons; ram Iamb,; R. W. Hastings, N.
Ounhmiuge; aged ewes, let and 2nd Snell
and Sons; shearting ewes, let and 2nd
Sn& ell Sons ; ewe lambs, N. Cummings,
Snell tis Sons. Southdown -Aged ram,
Glen Bros.; shoarling ram, let and 2nd
Glen Bros. ; ram lamb, 1st and 2nd Glen
Bros.; aged ewes, 1st and 2nd Glen Bros.;
ehearling ewe, Glee Bros. ; ewe lams,
Glen Bros. Shropshiredowu -Aged ram,
T. Anderson, Ji, 15111th ; shoarling ram,
Snell &bona, R. B. Laidlaw ; ram lamb,
1st and 2nd 9. Anderson; aged ewes,
Snell it Sons, II, hose; 01181.0i0g ewes,
Snell Sous, II. Ross ; ewo lambs, 1I.
Ross, lt. B, Laidlaw; fat sheep, 1t. W.
Hastings, Snell et Sone, Pres. -Suffolk --
Boar, II. Bdwarde, 311 McNamara' sow
II.ledwar40, L. IYIoNamara, B0rltshir0
Aged hoar, 1:. MoNarnara ; brooch Bow,
I1. McNamara, J. Clark ; boar, P. Inn.
Namara, ls. 13e11; sow, E. McNamara, 11.
Laidlaw, Yorkshire -Boar, 1. Baylie.
Chester White ---Aged boar, T. Baylis;
bear, 9, Ilaylie ; 8019, 9, 130,911e.
!_I-001 HAY P031 HALE. --
Will 19111 deliver le eunutithei to suit per.
thew. T.PEPPER, Lot 0,003'.O,Grey.
lJ Ens wanted at once. .411,1 v to
0110. A. 710913, Mier, Ont.
of the cad°reignea, lale. 00 18. Ciroy,
on or about only 10,1080, a red steer, one year
old. The Owner is rorluoatgd to prove „Po-.
porby, Pay oxpeases and take flim atony.
10.4+ 0100. CLARK, Walton 1',O,
a'p0nt Out. the
3,1, 1281,
0011 of aIleuP 3 0310, 't
ing about 20 pouada. A, Mellott, Oran.
brook," was on the card attached. A imitable
reward will bo paidfor returning 1t to T,rri
Poor Publishing house at once.
20, Con. q Mo Will
oLW'ti N011 bra 10 boars. i Ono
ie a Berkshire and the other a Chester
White. Terme, 01.00, 10 bo paid at time of
eorvloe, with 111301000 of returning, if neces-
sary. BAML, WALKER, Jit., Proprietor.
1. of the and ersigooel, lot 28, °00.8, Morris.
on or about Dot, 1018, four calves tewo heifers
and two atom eland two yearlings to heifer
and a atoar 1"----
J e no 1artioular mark-
ing on any of them. The owner Ie requested
t0 prove property pay expenses and take
them away, ANDREW J. CARTER,
10'4* W¢lton 1'. O.
LST 11ULi ON 0 O N S E R V A-
'rin m"etheg of the Conservative
Ase0r.iati on of Rest puree ,rill be here in
the Town 31¢11, i3rnssals, on Saturday 208E;
teat., at 1 o'clock, for the purpose of select.
ruga candidate for the Local Legislature,
A full .attendance re,lue8ted,
10- - J. J, D19Ns11AN, Secretary.
in the Season, 0 owes and lambs, all
white, tads aut. Ouo ewe bad black spot on
noon. At time of going away all had letter
about tworn off on
. shoulder,itlenrewarclvill
be given for any Information leading to their
rraovmy, DAVID MILNE, rthal P.0,
er patent onuses iin¢r the Patent OSboe and
before the Courts promptly and carefully,at-
tended to. Upon receipt of model or sketch
of invention, 1 make careful examination,
and advise as to patentabilityfree of charge.
Fees moderato, and Intake no °barge unless
Patent is Seemed, Information, advice and
sponial reforenoos sent on application- J.
It. LI'i1TLLL,Wa8111110ton, D.C., U.B. Patent
OMee. 00
Stage leaves Comte about 0:50 e. m., reaoh-
iuglirnssels about 8:30 a. in., nod will arrive
at Seaforth about 11:30 n. m. Returning will
leave Sv,1orth about 3:10 p. m., reaching
13n,ssuls about O:15, in time to 0onnect with
trains going north and south. Also make
connections with C. 9, R, at Wroxeter and
Gerrie. S. WALSH, Proprietor,
Any Amount of Money to Loan
on Farm or Village Pro-
perty at
6 & 63; Per Cent., Y'early.
Straight Loans With privilege of
repaying when required.
Apply to
A. Hunter.
.Division Court Clerk, Brussels.
Fresh Will ;` 'leered to
Salt. 941118 or"f``l�� any part of
the heat goal ' sr. the village
llYelwaya ea Free of
baud t de. "'-'-' Charge,
.E'ett Catt1r 'SV'auto d
For whioh the highest market price
will be paid. I also snake a specialty of
buying Hides and Skins. Don't forget
the place, next door to Fletcher's Jewel-
ry Store.
PATnforro Lv TONE. Taus To CANADA.
Titre TO Tun 311ltrms.
The 'Empire' is now the Great Weekly
Paper of the Dominion, and special ar-
rangements are being made to add new
and attractive feature,, which will greatly
increase its interest and value.
As an inducement to place ft to the
bands of all Patriotic Canadians the bal-
ance of present year will be given Freo to
New Sebsaribers, making it only Ono
Dollar from novo 1111 cad of 1800.
faTTIse 'Empire' will be Clubbed wills
The *Post' for $2.20, In advance.
Subscriptions taken at
THE POST Pub. House, Ifrussrfs.
Practical Watchmaker
and JezveZer.
Thanking the public for past favors and
support and wishing still to secure
your patronage, we are opening
out Full Lines in
Silver Plated Ware
from Established and Reliable Makers,
fully warranted by ue.
Clocks of the
Latest Designs.1
r'A1so a Full Line of VIOL=N= and
Violin Strings, ,e0., in stock.
Y. ID: -Fssurer of Marriage Licenses.
T. Fletcher, - Brussels.
Money to Loan,
Money to Loan on Farm pro-
perty at
Private and Company Funds..
General Blacksmith,
cvisho- to intimate to the public generally
that he does all kinds of Blacksmithing
in a Workmanlike Manner.
'Wagons, Buggies, Sleighs and. Gutters
made to Order.
Repairing promptly Ezeouted.
I make a Specialty of Horse.shoeing.
A Call Solicited. 1 Remember the
Stand.-NnAIt VIE ButDCE.
21 S. Plum.
Durable !
Diamond Dyes excel all others
in Strength, Purity and Fastness.
None other are just as good. Be-
ware of imitations, because they
are made of cheap and inferior
materials, and give poor, weak,
crocky colors. To be sure of
success, use only the DIAMOND
DYES for coloring Dresses. Stock-
ings, Yarns, Carpets, Feathers,
Ribbons, tC:c., &c. We warrant
them to color more goods, pack-
age for package, than any other
dyes ever matte, and to give more
brilliant and durable colors. .Aslc
for the Diamond and take no other.
A Dress Dyed
A Coat Colored
Garments Renewed CENTS.
A Child can use them!
At Druggists and Merchants. Dyr Bask fres.
Montreal, P. Q.
With Glorious Inducements for Fall and Winter,
Our Immense New Stock is now Ready. Unequalled in Style and Quality—Unparalleled
in Low Prices, Men's, Youths', Boys' and Children's
Clothing and Furnishing Goods, Bats, Caps, Etc., alto.
By far the Finest Assortment, Best Values and Lowest Prices.
Whoop ! here's another Beason come,
n clear the track
All merchants cl a ,
We're going to beat the record some,
Don't try to hold us back.
Whoop 1 prices lower than before,
New goods in stacks from roof to floor ;
With novelties our store is full, '
And that is where we get the pull.
We run towin and r
don't forget
The prize we want is trade.
We'll make our figureslower yet
Than sinner ever made.
Whoop! Here's the store that gives you most,
You'll find we make no empty boast,
But bargains big and bountiful,
And that is where we have the pull.
Show us the man who said "There is always room at the Top." Leading the Trade,
Standing high above all Competition, we find the Crowd is still with tis, yet we cry for
More. Our new fall. Stock is Immense, our Bargains Unlimited.
In the Quick Rush of the Fall Trade everything goes at a Rock Bottom . Price.
Coale in Everybody and, for once in your life, see what Quality and Style really means
Mens' and Boys' Ctothibt. ', Hats, Caps, Gents J'U n7.,'/t i r,,g Goods, etc.
These Goods are as you like them in all Respects. ?r:ieeoi particularly Pleasing.
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