The Brussels Post, 1889-8-30, Page 1on ro we ob th Ou tro me isl Th 1010 000 We Pa of up cur wh too bot1 bait fall tad 0We the logl the for JOS 01 a btu llavg of r Otoi the pat die W VelfroomporiOavvvaVAsavemmolamessvnaVemoluovassr.i.saavonons.................or...oncr.m.v.......x............isauikawewnwasnowarrwassmaxmoovrre.......ansovvour Volume 17. BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, WaShingteD, Letter. altietritT nitwit, arena our negmer correspondent.) . The London Free Peess of lost Fianna '‘Varanticeree, Aug.,23,130, ny gtvoo the following amount and 'score Southern Domoorats in Washington afataft=cit'lol.)°torees°011.1' tiallnat kat:Pao; n0a'o0t... re, of course, watching with consider- bau fibs interest the development of the lino» played at London : Unfortunately the =plain of the Iltaren town, E. E. -policy of the administration tower& tho _ao, of nen4sain, and Do. masiangninn,. tooth, They are satisfied that a very "r„a 10ton:111'10d effort is being made to break of the same place, missed the morning p the solid South, but their anxiety has train at Blyth, and thus the team wore .bated. A Senator or Representative two men short, Messrs. Booker and ram that direction cannot be thund who Walker, of the London 0. C., kindly con- vill not, with much apperent earneet• 66nted to ploy in their placee, and proved ape, exprose oomploto confidence that to bo of material assistance to them at a .0: 7,,,,lutrzannss.tatii)locamn ablz apaerttpl s,blys. 110v:iionti,ilociattlJgysctt lateportoolist,111. es87 r,o tan itutoh0.10,,t gTorloulentnirif,a.enCsj. otter 'maned than the senior Senator i 1 :South Carolina, Senator Hampton, to up to tho fall of the fourth wicket for 4/3 peak for the South, and in conversation Nr• Hyman), they appeared to be good pan the subjeot be expressed the follow. for a large score. There, however, the ng views, apropos of tho President's coring ended, thongh IlIr. Mayor secured ohm, : a valuable nine before being well caught ol do not think that Mr. Itharison's by Ur. Trotter, who, with Mr. Ross, bad a.„. been bowling ie eplonaid form, Ma Ross lei ilY1000 aYietfie ansiuterolpeinntiloYti d7slaliontPirit It-, also taking two dillieult catches. The at the Republican's always bow) made L, C. 0, inning ended for 70, and with 1 effort to break into the South% and I some elation the county men wont to the nave no doubt that at this time they aro vielseta, exporting an easy win. No specially earnest. At present they are g‘ teat stand was made, however, except directing their attention chiefly to Vir- by Mr. Dennis, whose 22 was it well- ginia, where they will certainly be snow- earned contribution, obtained by good ed ander. They have no chance of oricket. Lieut. Mohnen and Mr. Rose I I l et • s carrying Virginia, this Fall, nor clan they a 8° g° ' °Rb8 fio ita ' the latter at a hope for better success in other of the very desirable time, the inning calming anthem state's. They are trying to win amid oonenlerable enthusiasm for 73 by introducing the economic question in rens, leading the L.C.C. by 3 rens. he South. But as long as tho ilitter Hero the misfortunes of the Huron men of 10001 oelagoverument demands out at- began, for as they wore taking the field tent ion our people cannot bo divided on for the L.C.C. second inning their tap- „„ tain, Mr. Donnie, VMS eevoroly hit on the ''hi i's°3” Wh°ther 0 Tmn 18 8. ''''. nklo by a ball from a practice wicket, eotioniet or a tariff reformer the safety .a„doting mai gnat, unabin to piny instil. r welfare of his home is paramount to "'" to tariff." "Do you think," was asked, er-Mr. Kenyvett, of the L.C.C., kindly 'that there is a growing protootive see- taking hie place. The inning proceeded uncut in the South ?" "No," the Sena. until at tit» fall of the sixth wicket for or replied, "I think the tendencyis 00, Mr. Hyman :Imitated their inning closed, and calloa upon the Huron tonna ooro likely to bo the other way, meth- t ,.„, to the wickots and win if they ng ° 6" of 00100, or hold their ground until the time agreed upon for drawing tho stumps a 0:30 p.m. At first they declined to do lo this, preforriug to forfeit the match un - in dor the relit, hot better eouneole pre. O vaned, and a pluckt*. attempt wits made is to win or draw the match, which might 6 hove been eaccoesful had not three of the O men absented themselves before the time O agreed upon. During the short second a. inning of London Musses. Manton Mao. O or and Britten secured double 'figures O againet the. capital bowling of Messrs. ,.. Ross and 'II:otter, who deserve the great. ta. est credit for their display. of cricket and 11 other plucky uphill fight in the seooncl „ inning. Mr. Trotter bit well for 20 runs in the Huron second bluing, but no other " stand was made and at 0 p.m. the seventh i,': wicket fall for 40 runs. The call for h batsmen not being responded to by the ti absentees the game was declared for the L. C. C. by the umpire. e t L. 0. 0. --ler INN1110. 1 wather. b Boas ... 5 BratoD e noes b . ii;iiee: — O Pope, o'nose b Trottor Iy in the mining and manufacturi striate. The interests of the states aginia, Tennessee and Alan= part Wetly are advanced by low Untie hey Can produce iron and coal mutt caper than they can be produced in 01 ast. Tho protection only assists th astern manufacturers to keep up th valry. Without the protection th entry would bo peaty loosened. Th 08 protection the more capital will g develop the industries of tho Sutra tang this I do not think our peopl 111 be led off by this question. Th urto of the Republicans will bo in 'VI Aa, Tennessee, North Carolins.and p0 ps Alabama. I do not think they wi set with slimes in either. The exodu negates from North Carolina, if ape tip, will hurt them there, but 'the mild not carry the state anyhow. DI arrison's appoirareents in the Sout ve been of a character to strongthe in the resistance of any attempts mad on the Sorathern stotes. I know i ts 1)850 00 in South Carblina• and ammo 11 15 the same elsewhere." Still other changes in the civil servic ules are contemplated, one of which is o extend them to chiefs of division, Under the present rules oliiefs of di• visions while in the classified service are toemptea from examination and can be ppointed without being certified by the missioner. If this change should be de it would extend the oivil service tides over nearly the entire governmen- ad service and would be the last exten. don of any importance that could be nada to tbe operation of the civil service 1i». I have heard it stated, but whether on authority or otherwise does not ep. (pear, that the proposed changes will shortly receive Executive sanction and ;o into opezation. IThe board of naval officera to whom WOS referred the matter of designing the new othisere bave agreed upon the ethos aor the 7,600 ton and the 5,800 toe ehips. The 7,500 ton vessel will be built gener- ally on the plan of the English ship War. pite and the Imperious's, slightly moth - %ed. She will be 815 feet long and 02 'feet beam, built entirely of domestic steel with about 10,000 horse power. The N300 ton ton craft will be constructed on a plan something like the Spaniel' timber Reins Regent'', 818 feet long, 60 het beam, and, according to the aot of 'Congress authorizing her construction, will make a maximum speed of 20 knots. "There have been Omit 16,000 changes er the Postoffice Department since ne present administration took charge," aid Acting Postmaster General Clark. on yesterday, "About one.thied of hese have been oaused by recOMMenci. Cons, A groat many have been remov- d on account of charges, In the fourth - lase postoffloes a great many changes ,eve been tondo on actonnt of objeotion- able locations. The number of changes earae by this administration, and by the ding one, are about the same for the rresponding period of time." The eahinet is pretty well smattered Ivor New England and just at present, loath the Secretary of State in Maine, ho Secretary of the Navy inNew Hemp - hire, the Secretary of War in Vermont, ho Secretary of the Treasury in Marta - jusage and the Postmaster General in ahode Island, The only unfilled please teres to be Conneotiont. Why should e t the Seerabary of Agriculture take a p to that state and study the minute the wooden nutmeg plant? Walker, of Lonaon, Ont., sylio J ,rtIllfi to Pespbrace, Q., with some -donde two Weelts ago to fish. at Grand 'liver, wee struck with paralysis on Aug, ,fla and died Wednesday evening at J. 'orberry'e, Grand Ritter. Mts, and Miss Palter orrived by steamer Aamiral Wed. ,lesday afternoon„ but Were too late to be 1201451008 by the sufferer, who died bout two hours after their arrival, Last wook obout two acres of tho farm Geo, Moore, a short dislonee east of 'ort Stanley fell into the leko, wbieh ie boost daily brieging clove large or small stee of the galley cliffs. At Port Stan. ,.y the lake extends tnuoh further inland 'than it dia a tot years ago. R.auive.r, p of the oldest residents of East n inombets that in 1810 4110110 2008 corn avieg on the Vet selrato Go lighthoeso W Stands, at ale end of tbe piers. .1118roon run on Hyn)au.,b Boss H. 0. Popo, b . Bass Young, a mud b Boss Mavor, o Trotter 0 Bost Bayly, 0 Trotter Mills, b Boss Cox, not out Byes 1 ; log bYue, uo ball) 14 0 10 21 0 0 4 0 0 4 Total 70 L. C. 0.-21011 I210100. MaroOn, b Trotter 17 Cox, stump ed MoLounan, 0 Itoss 1 Hyman, a Walker, 0 11088 5 H, 0. Popo, 0 Coleman, b Boss4 Britten, b Ross 1 Popo, h Trotter 1 Mayor, not out 14 Byes 2; no balls, 3 5 Total (20 00. OF 117.711014.-30m Imatto, Hays, 1 to 0, b Maroon 0 Holuaus, tun uut 10 Itoaeho, b Maroon 0 Trotter, o and b Britten Donnie, b Britten, a Mavor 2l1 Elliot, b Britton 0 Booker, 1) Maroon 4 Cohnnau, 0 H. O. Popo, b Mayor , 7 MoLonnan, b H. O. Pope 2 Boss, 1)08. O. rope 10 Walker , not out 2 Byes it ; leg byes, 4 1 Widasi ' 10 Total ii 00. olo 1117.11.014,-Stm Bolmos, b Britton Trotter, o Youog, 0122.0. 1 op Booker, run col Elliott, b Mayor Walker, 0 Maroon, b Mayor Machu, absent McLennan, b Mayor • 0 cos,14 o Mills, b Mavor Hays, absent 0 Donnie, retiree hurt 0 Coleman, absent 1(yo5,2 ; leg byes , 1 ; no ball,) Total The London Club winning by tweet sathree rues with fon0 wickets to tome. 20 5 ••• Tho Clinton Maces, The Clinton Driving Park Associetion held their twelfth annual race meeting on Friday of last week. Tho weather was nee, the park was in splendid condi- tion, and a 'ergo crowd of spectators were pregent. Everything pasood off without a hitch, beteg the most satis- factory mooting hold at Clinton for years, Summitries: Three minute trot - Baldwin, W.Mlirray,Hoderieh.... 1 Stephen A., A, 11. Jobbson, Deusait Happy Lney, 0. Nixon, Wingnam ,. Iteltable, J. tevartz, Hayfield bay Cionld,i0n., W. Biehbp, Goderlah4 Mum 2,88, 0.412,31). 11 a 2 4 4 21 dr 2.40 Mass- e syllabi , O. Whitley, Sea forth 1 1 1 Donaideon, One, Rapson,exantrotd ... 3 2 2 gunhilda, W, Duiteeith, statarye 21 4 3 110881V002, W. '0110101) 900, I0)02.012 4 3 4 '24111,8, 0,40, 2.14,225. Florence 0., G. Whitley, Seatorth 1 1 1 D c. P rank, S, Lawlor, Banda 2 2 2 Molly B., a, Stittrord, Stathaare 3 3 4 Resat 13. ilotherington, t.Th4 omos 4 2 M , Jolly Stafford, St. Marys- '''''' nolunt Thno,2,20, 227, 220. Running race mile heats best in tin:eo- n:may Boa eatty'llroe., Druitets 1 1 Denude Con', nosombury, Outten 14 3 8221», B, 8warts, Olinten a e 2.00 The judges wore as folloWe lath. Gregorlirtulefield ; Thos. Bell, Wing. bolo ; 'Sohn Mooney, London. Tame - hoopoe, Ignite Ilattetietty, Clinton. ON THE DIASIOND, ttiouseeis ve. tinlonsa Leet Friday afternoon the 'Unions,' of Gerrie and Wroxoter played ft. game al baseball with the Brussels club. Play commenced about 3:30, and the match MN an enjoyable one throughont. In the absences of the regular catcher Jae, &rotten officiated behind the bat, and did his work well until about the close of tho game, when hie hands became a little sore. He was relieved during the last innings by Robb. Ross, who bids fair to hold the epliaro with any of them in another season. Jamas Ross, the Mein. oible 2nd baseman, was away at London, so Andy Currie took his piece and did good work. Jno. MoBitin played left field and took in two fly cote/tea from the bate of Nash and W. Eaake. The visitors lead up to the Dth innings, when the score stood 8 to 2. At this juncture Brussels got 0, malting the euro a tie. The 1001), yielded nothing for either sides. In the Jlth the •Ijnious' secured 024and won the game. In the dusk uf the even- ing the ball cattle not bo seen by the basemen or fielders. Bruseels adminis• tared four coats of whitewash to their opponents, but receiveci twice as many themselves. During the game Pitcher hiaLaughlia got struck in the face with the ball when it was thrown to lot base. Splendid playing was done on both sides, but the borne club could have won easily with their f all tenni. Manager Cousley umpired the game and initst have done the square thing as both sides kicked. Tito following is tho scoro : exrcora, 21.0. 11110820[..0. 11.0. Sanderson, 1 4 Currie, 21)* 1 5 A401.0u13111111.1) 5 D. Hass, 10 1 3 1'001111.1 b 2 3 0. Stratton, e 1 3 Noah, 20 1 4 P. Stratton, 30- 1 5 Smith, es . ''''' 3 2 Molltiln, If 1 4 Williams, 3', 1 4 (lorry, . 5 .10111101011,1f.„ .....24 3 21. 11.00g, S9 1) 3 W. Kaa110, 01 0 0 1-101110D y, rf .. 2 a 4a11s0,1/1 2 Groa ar, 1 a Totals 10 33 ti 73 ..... 30 1 3 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 14-15 Brussels 0 1 0 a 1 0 0 11 0 0- 8 lLmsnins. 111112u0, 21eLanglilin and Sa 111.128(48, (ivesvar 02,1 Htretton, 11)11./08.-;11,inager CO2810y, 13r822210. Ilvii88els vs. ()nit. On Monday a ntatoluel (.811110 of base ball was played on Recreation Pork, Sao - forth, between Breese% and Galt for a purse of $50 and the amateur champion- ship of Western Ontario. Our boys counted fully on winning but a 0(10110001011 of what might be called ill luck attended them which would defeat almost any team. In the 1st innings Hatay War- dell, Brussels catcher, was struck on the right arm by a pitched ball which ren- dered him useless behind tbo bat as he could not throw to the bases. This being the oasepitoher Grower instead of going in the box took 3rd. base and McLaughlin and Sanderson were substituted as the battery, Grower expected to relieve the former after a few innings. He did not have an opportunity, however, as in run- ning out for a foul fly he ran into the Band otand and struck his head and also injured his arm and leg, so badly was he hurt that he had to lay off the balanoe of the match. A. Paulin W08 5014 to 8rd. Davidson, the Galt pitcher was knocked out of the box in the 2nd timings, 6 runs being 'looted. Brown, of Guelph, pitobed the next two or three innings and than Cookroan finisbed the game. At the end of the 5th innings the score was 9 to G in favor of Bruesels but iu the Gth the men from the oast got on to McLaughlin and made 6 and after that they were not headed. There was a good sample of ball playing and under ordinary oiroom- stancee Brussels would have eon easily. Sanderson pleased a fine game behind the bat and difficult fly °statics were nabbed by D. Ross, J. Ross and A. Paulin. Our boys made 9 errors and Galt 8. Umpire McLean, did fairly well although he was thought to show a little partiality to Galt at critical tiMeg. Of course many a good story is spoiled by "if" yet had Grower been able to pitch in the latter half of the game Galt would have assuredly lost the =deb. .The sooro is ; CULLT. 11.0. 011170081.41, RM. Thom 0200 0311 2 2 J. Boss, 2b ..... .... 1 3 Davidson, p 3 3 Warden, 0 2 3 Coakmau, 81) 3 2 Sanderson, tab- 2 2 Baker, a 2 1 Currie, If D G Murray, If 1 4 AraLaughlie, rf,.. 0 0 Brown, 20 2 2 Corry, et 1 3 Crawl, of 0 4 Stream , se 1 4 Stookford, rf.„, 1 4 B. Scum ab 1 8 Cushman, lb 2. 2 Grower, p 2 8 - - - Totals 10 21 Totals 10 27 Galt 10212022 X-10 Brussels— .. , 0 0 10 0 1 0 1 0 0 -10 BATTEBI80. - east, Davison, Brown, Cook. 11100 and 13akor. Brussols, McLaughlin and 8 modorson. thunne,-7MoLettn, of London. Grey Council Meeting. Council mot at Tuck's Hotel, Oran. brook, August 28rd 1889, pursuant to ad- journmeet members were all present Reeve in the chair minutes of last meet, ing were road and passed. Malcolm MeNiehol presented au ao- count for 812.00 for keeping William Mullin an indigent cripple 21X weeks and requersted the Council to find another place for him, as ho was unable to keep hbn may longer. John Knight applied for aid to Mrs. lieberteon, an old. indi- gent, lady having no means of support, the anus of 86.00 was granted in the mean- time, until a petition bo presented in her behalf. Moved by Edward Bryane, attended by Wolter Oliaer that the Reeve and Trotter:ter be authorized to borrow of the Bank of Hamilton, Listowol, tho stun of 8600,00 for Township putposes. °Anted. Moved by Edward Bevels, seconded by Wm. Brown that Peter Sin. olair be appointed a member of the Board of Health in pleas of Peter Mo - Douala who has moved away. Carried. By-law toad and pearled levying 21.10 mills on the dollar, entity rata, and. I 3-6 mills Township Tato for tho entreat year. Marshall Harrison applied to have the ma or drain ot lot 80, 0011.10 cleaned out, tho parties having failed to do the work according to notice -Moved by Wolter Oliver, seconded by Win, Worn that the Clerk bo inetruetect to notify the Engineer to go and examine the goal ditalt or drain and if neeeesary to lot the FRIDAY, AUG. 80, 1889. Number 7. 11.1.11401411111111111114.416440.4414.1.044,r11,20441311141.14.1111111{*010114/1/101.11•111•10411641111441011411•111(411111111 tutor, 11. R, Vanstone, to Min Lizzie Crops and e SIAM in Onterio, Gilbert, oldest daughter of Win. Gilbert, of this town, which event took place 111 PrOM a bulletin issued by the Bureau 21. Paul'e eland' at 7 o'clook 00 Wed, of ledustries, Toronto, and dated Almelo nesday morning, tho lalet inst.the ave. alth, we glean the following information of our towuspeople went taowitness the mony being performed by Mural Dean rteable-ietivgeivtersa ftlitleortarreaesen oolf 1.1:10:rflopele; onruomp: Cooper, of Invermay. A. large number hors of live stook, ,to. afhe annexed tying of the knot, and the 0110.41 wan for 1889, 1888 and the annual average of full. The choir was on duty for the oc- the seven year's 1382.8, together with the evasion and as the bride entered, leaning acreage of clearedpaols2 turelan21.1 : 1222.2 upon her father's' arm, 111isa Davis, the 2 orgeatiet, played a very suitable selection Crepe, A.ores. Aores. Acres. of sweet, lively mnsio, wide/3 added much Corn 187,11e 222,971 182,084 to the spirit of the ceremony. Tho bride B.lu1eokiomksbehenets., 2510:120 2 109e 07420 28 2021:2021 was attired in white satin, with long flowing veil, while the bridesmaid, Mee Potatoes 1241a:2.81112 12513:4951: 111676:0700161 Addio Vanstone, of Brussels, slater of the Mangel-wurt• groom, wore a 'salmon pink satin. Her- eels bort Gilbert, brother of the bride, was Carrots ., 11,201 12,594 10,182 groom's best man. Everything passed off Turnips., 111,103 115,188 100,171 very pleasing indeed. After tho ceremony raetstre, oTcl 2,517,7e1 2,535,601 the Nide] party proceeded down the aisle The total arcio hi crop, not in.luding ana, taking a oab which was in weitiug pasture loud, is 7,770,133 acres in 1880, in front of tho cbnroh, were driven to the as compared with 7,010,350 in 1881, and reoideneo ef the brisle'e father. They left with 7,381,550 as the yearly average of on the 0:90 train for a wedding trip to the seven years 1889.8, some of our Canitainn ',taus; 0.1,a will The statistics of farm live stock in the violt friends at different points before following table show Moro:wee in Itoroes, their return. May the newly married swine and poultry, and decreases hi cat- conple enjoy long life and a happybout, Ole and sheep. noy through lite together ie the wish of 1889, 1884. the Beacon as well as of their hosts of learnt Live Stook. No. No, friends in Southampton and vioinity." 11011108 and wits- .. (1133,797 590,218 Milch oowe 770,171 7e1,559 All other cattle—1,112,720 1,147,079 Sheep and lambs1,844,180 1,049,014 Swine .. 0,280345,10629 2,811094:017149 P°TultibavYtotal olip of wool is estimated at 895,980 fleeces, yielding 4,388,808 pounds or 6.50 lbper fleece. There were 331,529 fleeces, yielding 4,001,027 pounds in 1888, being 141101 net fleece. The table of the values of farm prep* erty show that land has depreciated by over 8,000,000, but buildings, implements and live stock' show increases which place the aggregate value at nearly 51,- 000r,OB: 00 above the returos of bait year. Following aro the figures for the two y.0, Farm Property. 1889, 1+38. Land 8502,429,133 5010,180,801 Buildings .,109,4114,237 188,293,225 Implements 51,086,700 49,734,832 Live Stook,,105,731,288 102,3339,237 __— Total Property 8089,210,034 $201,308,004 The rental of leased farms is placed at 61.90 per aore on the whole farm or 82.80 per acre ori the clearance. Iu 1888 these respective figures were $2,07 and $2.83. manta. Carried. Tho following ac• counts were banded in Ana ordered to be paid. alert ,e Co. Municipal Manual and Collector's Roll paper $8.50 ; J. 0. Heffernan, plank for sidewalk In Ethel 811.00; John Ruddick, gravol, $21.09 ; James Prot, logging and levellieg road on boundary Grey and Enna, 14 and 16 cons., $17.00 ; W. II, Kerr, part payment on .printing contract, 895.00 ; jaoob Stems, gravelling on side road between lots 16 and 10, eon. 14, 85.00 1 John Steiss, gravelling on side road 4, con. 13, $19.78 ; Same Martin, gravel, 613.02 A, G. Campbell, grovel, 84.08; Alex. Mo. Kay, levelling road on boundary Grey and Elma, between 14 and 10 cons., 610. ; Alex. McKay, taking out 'tempo analogs at lot 31, coo. 11, 618.00 ; Maleohn Mo. Nichol, keeping Win. Mullin, en teal. gent, six weeks, $12,00 ; Ches. Dames, repairing Betz bridge eon. 19, 61.0.74 ; henry Fogel, gravelling on oon: 8, $40.80 Francis 13eirnos, ouivert and erosswaying lot 25, oon. 6, $24.52 ; Wm. Freir, clear- ing road on boundary- Grey 81/11 It11111a, $20.00 ; Robt. Coutte, gravel, 58.91 ; Robt. Coutts, gravelling on side road 9, con. 11, 54.00 ; Wni, Milne, lumber for roads, 0121.05; Quintin Mehlain, gravel- ling at lot 33, con. 3, 85.50; W111. Bate. man, shovelling gravel con. 0, ; Henry Green, repairing 1139000.011 1) now bridge lot 7, con. 2, $2 ; Isaac Currie, gravel, $2; R.Burns, inspecting gravelling on bound- ary Grey and Morria,59.82 ; Mrs,Robert. aon, charity, 65 ; Henry Buttery, work on road 0011. 19, and burying dead sieer, 83.95; M. Pearson, gravel, 2,7O;6Thns. Cardiff, gravel, 04.08; John Compbeil, repairing orosstvay lot* 13 and 0, con. 17, 22.30; Thos. torment, gravelling at lots 10 and 113, con. 14, 148; Peter burying dead animal, 01; Biob. Alcook, gravelling on siderood 0, cons. 17 and 14, $30.83 ; Jima: McNair, gravelling on sicloroad 4, con. /4, $18 ; A. Resonant', attending to equalization Union S. S. Grey and Walton, $9.80. The Connell then adjourned to meet again at Dames' hotel, Oranbrook,-on the second Friday in October. 1V1I. f3107.8c8, Clef k. 3111,11,114t8' ASSOCIATION. The foetal annual meeting of the Millers' Association of the counties of Huron, Perth, Grey, Bruce and North Wellington, was held in the Listowel town hall on Saturday. Thirty mills in that sectiou were represented. The fol- lowing wore present :-R. 13. Clement, Walkerton ; H. Kelly, Blyth ; James Stark, Paisley ; N. Wenger, Aron; Jno. ItIclrerlano, Dublin ; Edward Watt, Pal- merston ; Geo. A. McKay, Port Elgin ; Wm, A. Alvah', Cargill; Wm. Chapman, Teeswater ; Thos. Wilson, Herriston ; S. W. Meyers, of A. W. Moyers ca Co., Listowel; F. W. Hay, of Hay Bros., Liotowel ; john C. Hey, President Do. minion Millers' _Association, Listowel E. Ratz, Gadshill ; R. M. Hnzetwood, Clifford ; Howson Bros., Teeswater ; lia,geratee and Dodds Orchardville ; J. alollaffy, Port Albed.,• Carter, Son & Co., St. Marys ; T. Gibson, Wroxeter; R. Black, Gortie ; S. R. Stewart, alit. ellen. The officers eleotectwere :-Presi- dent, H. Kelly, of Blyth; Vice -President, James -Stark, Paisley • Secretary, John W. Meyer's, Listowei. David Plewes, Secretary of the Dominion Millers' As. eoeiation, addressed the convention. Much routine business was disposed of. The Brantford wheat -buying table was adopted, as was also a resolution to buy wheat from dealers by test, as follows :- Testing 04 lbs., 4 oents over Standard pr!pe 0 1 11 4 / 11 11 00 " Stet/228r9 prieo. • ID " 1 sent under Standard price 44 0, ,1 41 11 11 50" 5 " • 58 " 18 • 64 ' 14 " The present prices for new crop wheat are to be governed in the meantime by Detroit No. 2 red winter. Orange Blossoms. 811010313118-IntA14. On Tuesday morning of this week W. D. Blethers, of the Milton "Reformer," and Mies Minnie Inman were united in matrimony, at the residence of James Elizabeth street, Brussels. Rev. W. T. Cluff, incumbent of St. John's church, performed the oeremony. The bride and groom left on the omen train for the east followed by the oongratulit• Sons of relatives and friends for their future happiness. MY/M..410014E8. Before 7 a. m.. last Wednesday Rev, D. B. MoRae, of Oranbrook, tied the nuptial knot Making Dan. Ewan and Miss Mary A. Holmes, both well known residents of this place, husband and wife. Miss Rebecca Holmes, sister to the bride, was the bridesmaid, and Robb. Currie was groomsman. Mr. and Mrs. )Swan took the morning train for Saginaw city Whore they will visit relativee, after whir% they will return to their home on Thomas street. May their wedded life be full of happiness. 91:080-RT/NTalz. There has been a regular boon) lin weddings this week the latest on the pro. gram was the nuptials of Dentel Kenny, of Detroit, a former Beussolittioand Mise Maggie, oldest daughter of the late W. T. Hunter. The interesting ceremony was witnessed by a number of guest's at the horne Of tho bride on Wednesday evening, Rev, G, B. Horde, of Knox °heath, being the offieinting minister. The bride was attended by her sister, Miss Sennett Hunter and James Hawk:mon was "best man" for the 1413)011). After sapper the young folks adjourned to the Town Hall \ober° danoing was kept up until well on towards morning. Mr. and M. Heim ecter their hoer relation with the beet wishes of nattily relotivos and frionds for their future tutees& vatorrooe-onannie. The Sonthamptoe Beacon of het week gays :--'One of the princtipol events in Southampton this tveolt Wee tho wedding of mar eeterprieing furniture manufao. Sporting Column. 11.1281141.1. 1200011,0. 14T2118.1Ttolur). INTIMATIONAL. WoC1 Lost Woo Lost Detroit. 58 20 Toleao 43 41 Syracuse :17 Leedom__ 4./ dg Rochester 00 42 13111184o NI 'reroute.-- 47 42 31 62 24.1.1:108.11,. A02001a11.108. Won Lnst Won Lost Boston n2 34 83, Louis ..... 711 New York__ 01 17 i3rooklyna ...... 07 21 Philadelphia53 40 Baltimore 01 42 Chicago ..... 13 .19 Athletiev :;r, 43 Cleveland 40 52 Cluetunattl.... 58 is Pittsburg.. 17 611 145,300» Olty... 43 • 01 Indianapolis 411 60 Columbus 38 11.2 Washington-. 32 01 L081211110 22 8.1 Bello Hamlin trotted a mile without a skip in 9.12;7 at Rochester on Tuesday. "Bud" Renaud, who managed the Kit - rain -Sullivan fight, has beeu fined $500 and oosts. One of twenty-four games, Ewing, of the New Yorks, has failed to bat safely in but two. It is reported that Cincinnati wants Joe Knight, and that the Tecumseh management have fixed his price at $2,- 500. Patron, 2:14a, now in training at Cleve- land, was given a mile by Geo. Puller in 2:15, the last half in 1:07. He Kati all of his speed and is in gotta condition. At the (Italia Strawberry Island sports Wednesday, G. R. Grayput then pound shot 52 feet two inches. The closest throw to his was 88 feet, Mr, Gray also threw the 18 pound hammer 109 feet. On Saturday at Culver Park, Rochest- er's left fielder ran the bases in competi- tion for the Little Casino diamond badge. The beet time here so far was that made by Hoover, of the Torontos, 14a seconds. Simon want around in the extraordinar- ily fest time 02 14 2.5 seconds, Steve Brodie, the Brooklyn bridge jumper, visited the Falls Monday for the purpose of examining the feasibility of floating over them in a rubber suit. He thought the scheme possible and safe, but fortunately the falls people gave him no hope of pecuniary advantage, 00 Brodie, in disgust, took the next train back to New York. While giving an exhibition of hammer and weight throwing at Lawrence, Mass., for the benefit of the local church and schools, last Saturday, 3. S. Mitchell, the famous amateur athlete, wrenched the tendons of his back severely. Martha is created with throwing a 1G•pound hammer 13G feet Inches, and a 55.pound weight 39 feet, at LaWrence. Tho barrel used by C. D. Graham on Sunday came all the way from China, being laden with oil on its transpacific journey. It ie the smallest, bat most stoutly built of any of the structures yet employed 10 this dangerous purpose. It had no securely fastened hammock nor padding to protect its inmate. Graham experienced the meet severe shaking he has yet reoeived, but was not seriously injured. Thebarrel floated through the rushing torrent in an upright position, weighted down by 200 pounds of ballast. The daring navigator said that he would send the same barrel over the falls on Wednesday afternoon. It this experi- ment proved suceessful be intends to go over the cataract in his trusty barrel on Monday next. Huron County. A bear has been seen near Farquhar. The Exeter Club Wednesday defeated Hensel! by 25 to 10. Zurich Evangelical church Imo pur- chased on organ for the Sabbath '010°1. Exeter has had quite a squabble over the engagement of a prinoipal for their school. London commercial travellers vs. Ex- eter baseball club last Saturday. Score, 26 to 20 in fewer of the former. A roller flour mill and a saw mill and planing factory is expected to boom Hay- field. .A. bones of 82;000 and a loan of 08,000 is talked of for the purpose, A. horse belonging to Chas. Mueller, Learosee, Wio., VOA struck with light• ning and the thoes ripped off from all four feet and Go horse left uulujured. The Clinton and Exeter base ball clubs played in Clinton on the agrionl. turaa gronucis last Friday. Score 1 Clin- ton, 18 rens 24 hits 1 errors Exeter, 17 runs 18 hite 9 errors. Mise Ellen Hicks, daughter of Daniel Rieke, of Usbotne, appeared before alag- ifitrate Clothe charged with dapping ono Dawned Small, a blind man of the same toweship, in the foe on Steadily, 18th Inst„ while returning from chetah. Eva demi° was given for 1110 plaintiff by Miss Mary Cornish and for the defendent by Mr, Hicks, After hearing all the evi. clone°, the magistrate fined the defend - Ont 65 and caste, amonnting in all to $10.50. 'Phe affair soma to heart grown out of some personal spite and has re. stilted its nave°. Genera I rieWss. A white kangaroo, the first over known, is on exhibition at the London aquasiam, 0. pair of screens wrought in the finest of gold leaguer by Japanese workmen have been sold to a merchant of Shanghai for 414,000. When he has finished his art studies hi Paris, Prince Eugene, of Sweden, is going back to Stockholm to spend his life in a, stadia. Mail advices from Hong Kong and Yokohama show that great numbers of people have suffered death from floods and earthquakes. California fruit growers, who used to throw away their peach pits, aro now getting 116 a ton for them. They are worth this for fuel. They make it hot and aromatic fire. Ao showing bow mach St. Thomas' progress is due to the railways, it is stated that there are on the pay roll of the M.0.11. in that city 934 persons, who receive $48,760 monthly in wages. Dr. Chas. Theodore, Duke of Bavaria, the philanthropic physician, recently celebrated at Tegersee, in Bavaria, his removal of the thousandth cataract from the eyes of his poor patients. It was made the occasion of a great ovation. Rev, Dr, Lyman Abbott, the successor of Henry Ward Beecher at Plymouth church, is a plain -looking man, and his head seems top heavy for his slonaer figure. His forehead is high and dome- like, and his nose long and aquiline. He wears his dark hair and beard, now ting. ed with gray, moderately long, end his keen grey eyes are rather deeply 'set under heavy eyebrows. 'His pay is about 810,0000 year. Constantine, heir to the Greek throne, is in his tmentyartoond year. He is a very handsome young man and has a moat fascinating manner. He is extreme. ly fond of military matters, but has de- voted a great deal of time to the study of literature. He can read and speak English, Freneh, German, Russian and Donigh. His mind is very active, and he 10 50005 of a thinker than appearances would indioate. His habits are rather better than those of the majority of yonng men who hold anything approach- ing his rank in Europe. Several months ago Charles Fish, of San Francisco, a clerk, while attempting to board a ferry boat, fell over the ropes into the arms of Miss Mary Rethburne, daughter of a retired merchant Of San Eranoisoo. A. fow nights afterward they mot at a social patty, and from that time on a friendship sprung up, and finally they wore engaged. Finding that the girl's parents were opposed to the match, the pair eloped, and were married at Sooramento. The young mon having only 638, told his wife if Obey could only manage to math Neve 'York they would be all right, as he had wealthy relatives there. This preyed satisfactory. The wife adorned herself in roon's elothing attire and they started for the oast. From Sacramento they beat their way over the Central P00180 Railroad by riding on freight trains and on the trucks of pass- ing dwelt's. A week ago they nattived in Ogdonntid desiring to See 501110 ColOrado scenery they started for the Rio Grande, After having boon put off a half dozen trains the couple embed Derwin Mon. day mothiug. As it happened the Nolen Paellas ran a Grand Amy eOeureion troin out let eight, and the rumple man. %god to go on the train as port:ore. Tues. day night they would Math Omaha, ami probably the pair would got through to inicatao, roweling New York next month. The girl te very ptetty, ecetreely 19, while bbr :mama is 22,