The Brussels Post, 1889-7-26, Page 8S THE BL- USSELS POST null \'ntr. has n good young work- als aaw'o Tz,_ lata-_- '-maxi= , se hors eemll Wimp. ilio tt good c.dm.ncT1.p CAREFULLY May WEER, ill pay any portion to call and toe Vial Wheat 05 98 ova tC Cu', Fel:nature Boom, New Spring Wheat 4 98 8 and new Prices. 4 OOats ts.. 23 oe w111 do what we advertise, Hell ora 40 45 54 1 Clothing and Gents' L'urniehinge Dern 33 45 e next 20 days at cost. Rose Bites, Batter, per lb 12 00 tx makes each a rash as Rose Bros. p ng store ? Why because they are Eggs, Per 'been 11. 00 olotbing and gents' famishings at Apples, per bushel 30 85 Hoge, dressed 0 00 00 Beef 4 50 5 50 Hay 0 00 00 Wood,per cord 2 50 4 50 ,et9r 7 Prey uueniila binder twine, 17 omits Anr 03.053e61` / ed, ata per lb. tall, Gerry's. 1 ing her • Bei use to 'emirates anti jewelry eroutpt• ; clewing "" ly attended to at Jae, Jones'. Alt stall tl'O11blCd 111tll iluti ? I Foe potato bugs get lire Parie green Geo,L le w J3oest1lSet is go we would like t0 I, at Pepper's drug store. See ad. Goods have Oil et rid of them. Amann VEAL ae selling splendid chairs We 3 f for 25c, other ahSrrs equally ohsap, i stook o We liave the Srieire Fee PAYEE. for those Io your watch don't run right take it torth Who prefer this barbarous plan. Then to Jas. Jones. B:e'll set it right, we have Wtns"N's PLY PotsoN PADS and A year large stook of sideboards and olothi Suoo FLY PArse, both of whish give good extension tables at Veal's, very cheep. selling satisfaotiuu : and lest but not least is Do not fail to call and get a bargain poet, what is known ae INSECT PowDEnt. There in clothing before we move. Roes Bnoe. NExe Sabbath evening Rev, S, Sollery, are et leest two kinds of this, the Dalma- How many Beane are there in the bot- B.A.,B.D„ will prowl' a sermon to young Non end Pertain. The former is the beat tie in H. L. Jackson's window is the men, in the Methodist church, on "Man - and is the only kind we keep, It is well conundrum ? !Mess." to remember that this Insect Powder Ir you want any furniture do not buy Bev. G. B. HOwIE will (D.V.) give a when made of closed flowers is much until you have seen Veale stook and hear discour a respecting cs a Sabbatheschool eveo evening i true*, better then when the flowers are open or his prices, n Knox farthernrh Sneed. lye have been Parti• Pseeenvtsa sugars and jars, pure white church. odor to have the dared flowers and guar- wine vinegar, and everything in groosriesC Latey did ea to a lively ran of d-kee peer anteed pure. Please bear thin in mind very cheap. ADAt2(loon• and permit us t0 belp you to get rid of A rouxc map named Blakeman died at delivering out (Iowa that had been im. the flies, Virden Man., on the 14th inst. He was pounded to their owners. G. A. DEADMAN, a nephew to Mies Blakeman, a resident ball Assn tem pt wasbetwn odet$,e rran (g basee Druggist Bookseller, &o, of Brusselo. ni Tug parcels left at Pepper's drag store and the Exeter team bat nothing was and advertised in Tug Poor last week accomplished. They owe oar boys a re - were claimed by the owner, who thought turn ug Harris farm, cr several one 4, Morris, will she had lost them on the road home. Uaccn Toole Pavilion Show was here be offered for Bale on Saturday of this on Tuesday and gave an exhibition in week, at the American Hotel, Brussels, tbo evening, They did not attract a at 3 o'olook. The plane ie in good eon. crowd, one reason no doubt, being diem' and shoEld fetch vdoo the entertainment' was badly advertised Miss nReeoherrstook of ..___d Fancy goods into the newly fitted up premises in the Leckie bleak on Thurs. day of this week. She has one of the neatest shops in town and will no doubt do an increasing trade. AnnANogataNra have been made for e base ball match between the Brussels GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. sountena sang:ma N, w, a -at n -R• Prnin$leove Bru8cole Station, wort and south es follows: - Being South. Being North. B it.........-, a.o2a..1n, I Mixed ......,.... manulxoutside the town. They wen • ress 11:43 a.. l Mall.. Pan nixed.......... 8:55 p.m. I Expr08a.....,...0:46p•m on Wednesday. Ta new horse sheds et Knox ohurch will be completed this week and ready 001 tiU$ fan ' for occupation. They will prove a great comfort and convenience to persons at- tending that church who have to drive. A ghiel'e anew ye Lakin' notes H. R. Elliott, the contractor, did the An' faith he'll prent it. work in fine style. -- - Oa etta Wrxo.-As I am on my retinae • Ver. XVII, cleaning, repairing and tuning organs leg for sale, ADA% Goon. and repairing and cleaning sewing Ina - °Beane planta at McCracken's. chines, please drop me a card to let me know where to call. Second hand ma• ahinea on hand and none given out with- out making good etitohing. 54- T MoonE. TITS Mitchell Advertiser has the kind- neas to say :-Tne BnueeELs Penis seven- teen years old this week. The Pose is a good strong lad. Being raised among the healtent Scotch accounts for cultivated t being so blitand he a youth. PORT ARTHUR illnattated 1st the name of a handsome pamphlet got up by the Manitoba Colonist. It is filled with in- teresting facts and figures concerning the town and is profusely illustrated with cats of the place, leading °ftiaens, dec. It is a very creditable work and will do the town good undoubtedly. MED1oAL ASSOCIATION. - The regular meeting of the Huron Medical Associ- ation was held in the Mechanics' Instf- tete, Seaforth, on Tneeday, July 16th, There were present Drs. Oampbell, Scott, Smith, Irving, vioe-pres. ; Sloan, Elliott, sec. ; Gordon, Gann, pres. ; Hanover, Young, Graham, Armstrong, Nichol, Bethune and Mr. Ewing, student. Dr. taamphell presented a case of heart die. ease and also a case of empytema. Dr. Graham showed a case of cystic, and Dr. Sloan a case regarding the diegnoie: of which there was some doubt. Dr. Nich- ol read a paper on gun -shot wounde. The Secretary read a letter from Dr. Worth- ington expressing regret at not being able to attend. He sent a paper but the read- ing and discussion of it were deferred till next meeting owing to want of time. Committees were appointed on Ethics, Credentials and publications. Dr. Sloan was appointed representative to the Can- adian Medical Association, whish meets in Banff, N.W.T., next month. Alto- gether the meeting was one of the most successful ever, held in the county, the discussions being unusually animated and profitable. The next meeting will be held in Clinton in tbree months. AN Hueneme Penn. -Conductor Quirk had a party of distinguished gentlemen from metropolitan cities and Listowel, WinF,ham, Brussels, Luoknow and Rip- ley in town on Saturday evening. The visitors were joined by a few townsmen. Arrangements had been completed for an excursion to Southampton to interview Conductor Carey and hie chums. The distinguished gentlemen referred to were :-11'Iayor Bricker, Listowel ; Peter Lillico, banker, Listowel ; Robb. Roth, brewer, Lisbowel ; Wm. Nightingale, dry goods, Brussels ; A. 0. Strathdee, G. T. agent, Wingham ; Dan. Hayes, G. T. agent Luoknow ; John MoGarry, Esq., Lucknow; Was, Scott, traveller, Montreal; Dr. E. A. 0. Smith, Ripley ; John Craw- ford, Bonanza Icing, Ripley ; Hugh Clark, T. and B. man; Harry Davison, traveler Toronto ; Townsmen-Oood00. tor Quirk, H. Irwin, J. A. Macpherson and Joseph Lang. The tug Spray, Capt. Thos. McGaw and engineer Jno. Laing, had been seoured for the occasion, her hold bad been filled with good things for the trip, and, all being aboard, about 7 o'clock the tug steamed Out of the her. bor, though a stiff breeze was prevailing and great billows were forming, the term "white caps" when used having a deep siguificenee with the excursionists as they gazed out upon the lake. The ex- °ursionists were seated on the the dealt, north o nd aft. As the Spray p pier a few barrels of water were taken aboard end she began to play teeter - tauter as she rode the billows. Mayor a if his Drinker alk x of A inquired Bricker o 0 life was insured ; Brewer Roth delivered encomiums on a mare John Gentles had offered him to make the trip by land ; Banker Lillioo was not in sympathy with whits cape ; Dr. Smith proclaimed the outlook ominous ; John Crawford thumbed hie book, "How to Be Happy Though Married,' in silence. Conrhtc. for Quirk was apparently as couragentts as a 1ion, tbotgh white %boat the elle ; Nightingale was not in a singing mood ; those in the front of the tug were getting as wet es wet maid be, and all were anxious for some ono to tinggest re-enter- ing the harbor, Mayor Bricker asked Roth the object of the trip "Pleasure, of course;" Clarke held he could see little comfort in totting the bath they were reeeiving. 1:he captain was appeal. ed to. He was satiated he could land them in Southatnpton, but he would not vouch for their condition when landed. After those iu the bow lead threshed oat the situation in subdued tormsathe map• Fax pulling commences next week. Puna Paris green at G. A. Deadman's. &even bander twine, 14 cents at 13, Gerey's. Menem in watches, clocks and jewel• ry at J. Jones'._ VEAL keepe the beet stock 'and sells the elbespest furniture in Brussels. Yon just ought to call and take a look at Arthur Pest's magnificent stook of ribbed oak furniture. A YOUNG woman, 18 years of ago, wants a place 8e general servant. Apply at Tar Posr Publishing House. We intend moving bo our new stand, in Leckie's Block, in about 20 days and will clear oat our stock at coat- aOBose Biles. SSt1ARV Pry Losr.-Gold scarf pin Mee its Drusselee Pinder will be well reward- a,f by feavmg at Tits POST Publishing House, Brussels. 52.tf, Geo. LOVE a Co. have no goods to sell for spite but they will do undertaking at half combine prices and will use their hearse for the poor as well as the rich. Apt, orders for teaming left at J. G. Skene's or A. M. McKay & Co's store will be promptly attended to. All orders for garden plowing left with the above named gentlemen will receive prompt at- tention. 30 Hexnensox Bios. WoL BLA I/ILL has been appointed Deputy District High Chief Ranger for Beet Huron in the interests of the Can - adieu Order of Fareeters. Mr. Blashill should fill the bill as he is an old and enthusiastic member of the above mentioned institation. Ewer's make of Pea Harvesters leads the van. They pan be fitted to any mowing machine. All complete for 310.00 Call at the shop, opposite Queen's hotel rambles, Brussels, and sea them. They are dandies and de the work in a first- cla's manner. 52 - Magner, is being hauled for the new brick store to be built between McKay & Co'a. Hardware store and the Leckie block lately improved. Tho buildiug will. be put up by Smith & Malcolm and will be occupied by them for a furniture show rooms and finishing establishment. It is s splendid site. Work will commeuae shortly. \VnLL-DLIuzot, Ann Da1Lr,txo.: George Birt has all the necessary machinery for digging and drilling wells and le prepar- ed to attend to all work entrusted to him in a way that will insure satisfaction. Wells cleaned out and put in proper share. Terms reasonable. Restdenoe second door north of the bridge, west lids of Turnberry et., Brussels. 43-tf Tire legal first of Messrs. Dickson & Hays, of Brussels, have opeaed an alio in Seaforth, where one of them will always be found. These young gentle- men 'have built up a fine praotice here and there is no doubt of their amass in ileafo•th. The people in that place will and them gentlemanly, careful in their work and trustworthy in the transaction of all business entrusted to them. Wo wish them success. Lawta PARrr. On Friday evening of this week the Brusaela Band purpose :holding a Lawn Party on the grounds of W. M. Sinblair. Plenty of music and refreehments will be provided. A bottle has been filled with beans and buttons, the number unknown to any person, and .each ticket holder will be entitled to one guess, and whoever strikes the right number, or the neoresb to 1E, will reserve the silver orne3, now on exhibition in H. L. Jackson's window. The bottle will be unsettled at 10 p, in. on '-the evening of content's encs t u 0 a en and the the enteitanm taunted, 3SIxl, AND FraE%AN's TO❑RNA%ENT AND Bonen. 1tACEs.---A grand dotnonetration will bo held at the town of Listowel on and Au . 15 1.6, 'Phusday and Friday, g when 31,200.00 will be given for 2nd plass and county band contests, horse racing, fireman's hose reel races and entertain- ment. ArreugOmenbe are being made ou a grand scale and the committee will spareneibher time, work nor money to snake• thie the grandest demonstration ever held in Western Ontario. Attrac. -tions and amnoemente of all kinds will d10 provided. Laaros5o and baseball ,mataales are also beim arranged and every Mete will be gratified, A. grants concert will be held en the evening of the first day, Mee. 15, in the large sket- fog rink, tithieh will meat 3,000 people, A number of towne intend twirling thoie civic hotlday en Ang. 1.5 or 10, so that their people date take Advantage of the ohoao rates and accompanythen firemen to Listowel. Arrangements 1 tahi wag urged to w a eah hound wifely, and 'n^ 'made for special trains ro• 1 anter the harbor, baling. Hite satisfied are bol :din g railway linos lata i the excursionists g q rolling taenial, on thole 1 looking for ono or two I with their venture oat anon the Ot n fight. I?sgnexcitement will find billows, and the propoe,l trip was peat• days of ypleasureeit sand Listowel the 15t11 noriod indefinitely. the visiting gentle- •andttheyr170tb att1lJtiowal e l 6th. For fall partioula]'s waigh for ; tnab spent Stinky rait�k, alw)yiah118s and l small bill and poster3• 1+t1y° jnfm•mat{on by the redoubtablett(( .. required' may be obtained from 11.11. gits �tttOO time 0, gosot time was OE- Morphia x- Morplty,.Secrelary. club gam day, pure peat lot List and the "Maple Lade" of Guelph, e to be played at Listowel, on Fri. August 16th. The match ie for n e of 335. A good game may be ex - ed ae this is the same team that took place from Brussels last year at' owel. Aer Monday as Duncan MoLanchlin, rey, was driving into town, ec0om. Hied by his daughters, his horse took bt•at a dog near the bridge and Be- it could be atoppeii the ' animal and gy were down the embankment. The netts and rig were seriously damaged ooanpants of the conveyance had a row escape. an Gorge Videos says -0 very iu• eating game of baseball was played on Gorrle grounds, Thursday of this k, between the Unions of Gerrie an d meter, and their old opponents, the meets team, which resulted in a bad eat for the home club, Although the nione pounded Grewar better thanthey ally do, they were away off in field- , W. Kaake made some fine oaachet, centre field, and A. Williame played rd base in a magnificent style, and h these two exceptions the fielding of Unions was bad. J. Hutchinson fired the game with satisfaotion to , and the best of good feeling prevailed ween the players. N the absence of the pastor of the Methodist cburch last Sabbath his pal - was very acceptably filled by J. H. °Bain, of Attwood. In the morning text was taken from II Cor. 3rd apt. and lith verse and at the evening vice he chose Rev. 21st aliapt. and 7th res as the foundation of his remarks. r. MoBain intends entering the Metho- St ministry but is taking up a college urse previous to doing so. HO taught S. 0. No. 3, Grey, a few years ago, and well known and highly esteemed in is locality. Fora young man he tw- itted himself well on Sabbath and the dications'are that be will make a very ocessful preacher of the Gospel. BRUSSELS vs. "UN]otie."-On Thursday ternoon of last week the Brussels base 11 club drove north to Gerrie to play et rieudly game with the "Unions" of theater and Gerrie. Eight innings are played on a very rough field, the me being a procession all the way rough with our boys in the load. The 0 o a first but Sheepskins, each pan G tore bug h%r The ear T ter the wee Vero Br del nen ing in thi wit the ump all bet THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. GENERAL SERVANT WANT. ND at osOO. Apniv 3o 1- BBS, W. IDL SINCLAIR, QFIEEP STRAYED FROM LOT Is-) 80.000.52, Grey. between June 8 and ]0,Oue ewe, washed and unshorn, with ewe lamb. Any information loading to their recovery will be thankfully received, "VAX,. FORBSTElt, Oranbrook P,O, 51.4 I pit bis C11 ser Ye a co in is tb 4c In en STRAXED ON THE PREMISES of the undersigned, lot 10, 000.5, Grey, ou or about June G, one 2 year old. steer, red. and white lu color, The owner is requested to prove Property, pay expenses and take him away, LORRli20 FPRr IINotox. 51-4* SCURaION 1 During the summer menthe, mon- maiming Saturday, May 1131%, 1 Will carry t>aesengers on Saturday of each week from Gerrie to Seaforth and return for 91.05, and from Brannele to Seaforth and return gee. Stage leaves at usual hours. 8. WALSH, Proprietor. JULY 26, J,889 • 1s , n^ r e:..:s 0, .v.' .f..rf11RTC ;S.Et..a.D.E. 'O1 POTATO PUC:, S.. OiEMICAUY PURE. Tanglefoot Sticky Fly Poison Pads, Pure Dalmatian Insect Powders, DBESSMAfiING.— The undersigned desires to intimater to the ladies of Brussels and surrounding country that she is prepared to attend to all orders intrusted to her. Seth:raotlm' -guerauteed.-Shop-Ilp•etaire, ono door north, of Walter Jackson's Hardware store, LO- MISS SAMPSLR, STRAYED ON THE PREMIE'ES of the underoigned, S i Lot 29, 0on 5 Monis, on or about July 15311 a yearling heifer. The owner 15 requested to prove property pay expenses and take her away. Apply4 t the Central JHott te J. L Y seeks N. s£ be f W a tb ho co all ti ru 2 t ge 1111 a in th b ep me team event 1 th b t old do nothing with Grower's pitching, d for the first three innings they re - red in the 1, 2, 3 order. They got 2 ns in the 4bh, a "goose -er=g" in the 5tb, in the 6th, making their total 4. By his time Brussels had 14 so Grewar nerouely gave them a chance to pull and after they had tallied 5 runs he Int them off by striking out three men succession. The visitors made 5 in e 7th and the "Unions" were blankedT ANNERY FOR SALE.— THB n the 8th, giving the game to Brussels Brassie Tannery is offorod ter sale at y a snore of 19 to 9 and an innings to 40bargain.mler L vats, 2 ourrytableS, 2 stoves, are. McDonald played a dandy game good bark mill and Whin set of too a, -with treating pipes to leaches. &o. There are about 2 aures of land in connection with the building. No tannery nearer than Wingham or Listowel, Terms easy. For further par - un. In the absence of D. Roes and G. deniers, as to price,berme, &e., apply at alliday, J. W. Shaw and a. MoBain • 87- Tun rose Pulis11ingHone e,Brussels, played. Noble Gerry played let base all ' ght. The "Unions" area decent lot of "'WARM FOR SALE.—THE SUB - ye and they play a good game but are L' sonn3Ea afters Iia valuable no sore 00 light for ourclub. A return matoli fartn,being lot 3, eon, le, Grey Township, ill be played shortly in Brussels: The Huronres Co., f and lee gooThere h re re about FOR N.—A.811'W FLIES, ='ATS PEPPER'S DRUG STORE, Opposite Queen's Hotel, Brussels. "'WARM FOR SALE,—THE UN - 1' Densr01E1 otters for Sale the north, oast quarto rof lot 28, oonocaeion 0, 5lorrie, County of Enron, containing 50 aoree. The land is of first quality and in a high :tate of oultlyatiou. wel fenced and uuder-drained, cGacroa cleared. Newham, house, 8 rooms, milk house with concrete Italie, 2 wells, good barna and shell, orohnrd, etc. Eight sores of fall wheat. This desirable prol>orty neloius the eorporet1°n of Bruaaelc. elate able terms will be given. Title parte ot. JAMES OBIEVIO, Owner, 90- Soatorth i'. 0, (OOD FARM FOR SALE IN Morris, on reasonable terms. In order to close the affairs of the estate of the late W. G. Hingston, the executors offer the fol- lowing ob lowing valuable lands for gale North half of Lot 80, Cotlae55ion c, Township of Morrte.conteiuing 00 acres. On thio lot 3B erected a good frame barn with stone foun- dation, good orchard, well and pnu1P . Near- ly all cleared, and is on the grave road closely adicintbg the village et Broeasls. This farm sa volnable 0110, to well fenced and its a good state of cultivation. For pyiens and terms apply to THOS. SELL Y. Brussels P. O., MO= 3ENNrN00, Viotoria Square P.O., or JAMBS SMITH, :Maple Lodge P. 0., Middlesex County, TEACHER WANTED.—A SEC - 1 own or Phird Ohms Male Teaohee for School Section No.4,Grey. Duties to com- mence drat of September. ADplioaate to state salary and °epode=ce, with reforenoe. Applications received up to the twenty- seventh day of August. Address EDWARD BRYANS, See,•Trsas.,Jamestown P.O, 2.41 `( ORRIE AND SEAFORTH STAGE Been. Stage leaves Gerrie shout 3:a0 0,.10.. reaoh- lug Brussels about 8:30 a. in. and will arrive at Seaforth about 11:30 a, m, Beturniug *111 leave Seaforth about 3:30 p, m,. mob log Brussels about 6:45, in time to connect with trains going north end south. Also make connections with C. P. R. et Wroxeter and Gerrie. S. WALSH, Proprietor, Having done bueiueae to ��� Ctation oc 700x8, our reg' 11303103* and rosponstbllity is established. We want three mom in your vicinity t0 represent us, to whom exclusive territory 031l be given, Handsome outfit free. Salary and expenses paid weekly previone s%perieues not required. Write at once for terms. Hardy Stook for Canada a aptooiaity. SLAY BROS., Nu4rserymen, Rochester, N.Y. BULL FOR SERVICE—I WILL keep on my Farm, lot 27 eon. 0. Mor- rie,athoro'-trred Batoe Bull, of the Duel) 005 faintly. Psalgmee emu be Been at thee tables. 'Perms—Thorp'-bred cows, $6; high graded cows, $3; common sows, $1.50, with privil• age of returning during the season. To be rotator tan or before BDee ROADPOOT188g, STRAYED ON THE PREMISES of the undersigned, lot 18, eon.10, Grey, on or about first week of June, 1 yearling steer, gray in color. The owner is requeste to pay all charges and take him away. Also strayed from my premises about let Matey, 1 two-year-old steer, chiefly roe, but with other white markings and white star on fore- head. Any person returning or sending me whoroaboute of same will be suitably re - JAMES KNIGHT, 50.4* Oranbrook .5. 0. REAL ESTATE. Municipality of the ?usage of Brussels, County of Huron. Notice ie bereby gayer' that 1 have trans- mitted or delivered to the minors m ention- otdin Sectiona5 and 0 of the Ontario Votore' Lio80 Aot.1889, the 0op1ee required by said seattons to be so tranemibted or delivered, of the yet made pursuant to said Aot. of all persons appearing by the teat Revised As- seooment B011 of mild Municipality to bo en- titled to vote in acid mnnielpalit et elec- tions for members of the Legislative As- sembly anti etMunicipal elections, and that odd lfab was nrst posted up at MY Mice le Brussels ou the Stn day of July1S80, and ra- manna there for inspection, Blectors are called upon to examine the said list and if any omissions or any other errors are found therein, to take immediate proceedings to have the said errorsN r 080 d tic Olinkg to Inc. Dated this 13th Clay of In ly,1880. FARMS FOR SALE.—THE UN - A. nEooiINrtD 1105 Severn pod Farms for solo and to rent, easy terms in Townsbipo of Morris and Grey. F. S. SCOTT. Brueeele. 37-tf. behind the bat and did some extra goon work with the bat. The battery reoeived good support. Every Bruseelite made a H 51 bo w following is the aeon :- BataBeLs. R. 0. ',Manna. n. 0. J,ltoss,2odb 1 1 Sanderson, ap 2 3 N McDonald, m.. 31, 3 1 A. P ulin,,ilit b: 1 4 J. Stratton - a 9... 3 e Geo. Nash, lad b 3 2 A. Currie,1! 9 T. Smith, s. e 1 2 F. Stratton, erdb I '1 A, Williame,srd b 0 2 J. Moliato, of 3 1 W. liaalte, rl..... 0 0 e, w, 7 4 4 %sakd, Iof t..,., 0 0 Total 19 21 Total 0 24 Umpire Hutchins on gave very good sat- isfaction, although a little on the slow order. the 22nd feet. s se • a of on the wife of hlr. , Philip Amens of a eon. B1.Aitg%AN -Near Virden, Manitoba, on July 14th, Wm. Frederick, son of Thomas and Rebecca Blakeman, aged 29/ears. i the 17th fast, Valale -In t5 o , y xB0 Wroxeter, 0.Veal, aged 80 years. 1013.'3, aaeeix,08 10,x.4..0 'G. eenn110TEn Outlilt1LLY Fall Wheat 40 45 Barley 20 27 Casa Pate.. 63 54 Bettor, tulle and rolls..,, 12 15 I'lggoper Coee;St,,...•••,•. S11 00 Flour per barrel r t ,.,. ,.,,i 30 00 I eta pee . 7 00 0 00 Hay per ton..,,... Bides per Ili. 2 3 Balt per lobi., IVitali-a25 00 Sheep shine,sanb 60 1 00 \Vool,pee lb. ...V,...,, . 10 22 OVEne wifftir, 95 98 Spring Wheat.,,,,,.,.,,. 05 OS eThere is a log bowie, good bank barn, beating orchard, nodalItiro lamest0 7 oonventenoee On the premises. For further particulars, as to t,ri55,torme, eta„ applyto the Proprietor, THOto S. HI DOV1ALD TEM HAN, 12rn sale i ARIL FOR SALE.—THE UN• dersignod offers his farm, being west part Lot 11, Don. 18, Grey, containing 50 acres, for Sate. The farm is about an clear- ed and under oultivabion and le well under., drat net. There is nearly an acro of 005150 3. A tog go, et, frame barn,3SxI0 oast a log Amble and other outbuildings aro o trapromises. Also L podwells, l- eertiagiven after 10iv0 ,. For full to H• 0819.JOBNSTON, Pxropritor AUCTION BALE —or. A— BANKING. oINTOSII & MoTAGGART, BANKERS, • BRUSSELS, 'x'xs.meaet R 13.911910.1 els t m.iziavg 731.581.11931. NOTES DISCOUNTED. Canadian and Uaitad States Drafts i>ougbt and sold. reforest allowed on Deposita. Collections made of favorable terms. Canadian Agents -Sf onOanr0rs Beim err CANAnA. New York Agenbe-Imeoureine ANn Tann- 1l,5 NATIONAL.BANx. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. `c7[; M. SINCLAIR, YV a Solicitor, Conveysuoer. No teary Pub. lie, 20. Office-Grailam's Blook,1 door north of Poppers Drug Store. Private Funds to Loan, EE. WADE, .4 Barrister, Solicitor and Notary Pub- lic. Convoy0ooing. Collections and Loaning, Mr. Wade will attend in Gerrie every Wed- nesday at twoo'eloak, DIOKSON ec HAYS, LJ (Late with Gamow & Pmutitoot, Gode- rtob,) Barristers, Sellastore, Conveyancer$, &a. 00;p1500—brneeole and 13 oaf orth, Brits gels Weise, Rogers' Block, Mein St. Money to Lonn. n. BOUTS, w, n. 01011500. M. TAYLOR, B. C. L., Barrister, solicitor, &e„ of the area of Taylor, McCullough dr Burns, Barrt:tars 8o11e1torg, dc„ Manning Arcade, Toronto. Money to loan. VALUABLE WARM, IN THE COUNTY OF IN THE HURON. In the Matter ofPeter McDonald, Inxolnent Under and by virtue of an assignment for the benefit of creditors mode by the above named Insolvent to Robert Gibbons, Req., Sheriff of the Oouoty of Buren, by Public there will be offered for sale 1»' split Auction at Tn}clt's IOotel,g hour of 19 O'olook,'Noon of of Huron, at the SATURDAY, JULY 27, 1888 The following valuable farm property, via., Lot number' Fifteen (15), in the Twelfth (12) Concession, of the said Township of Grey, excepting thareout three and one-half horse of land heretofore sold sod conveyed by the favorablyr alto tor,, adjoining iningthe said Vil- lage of Oranbrook and 5 miles from the Village of Brusoels, situated on the SV,G.Jr B. 10 7. The Boil Is a rhea loam, and is in a good :tato of oulttvetion. Then are situate on the property the following buildings: A gcod frame bane ,about 20x30 feet, and a good barn with shone atablinm underneath 4000 feet, There is a good bearing on the property, also two good wells. The Property is well fended and drained. Tn3000OP SALE. -Tett per cent. down on dayfif sale and the balance within thirty purchaser wliibwithout entitledn to oat,conveyance free of expense. The property will be sold subj eat to au exiaiiag leges, winch expires en the 1st day of Deo0mber next, with prlyilego to purchaser to enter to do fall plowing and pat in fall crop. The property will be offered for solo subject to a roseryod bid. The Title is Perfect. Por further partioutars 5851) 30 RCro Barth ereeeeo,J..''O STOoASand JonN11Mo- INTOsa, Oranbrook, oe to the under- signed. DICKSON fe HAYS, Solicitors for Asslgnoo. Dabod nt BrusseleJuly 4th, Brussels. FARM FOR SALE.—THE UN • 0DinfONED offers 1110 150 -acre farm for sale, being lot 18, and $ lot 10, eon, 7, Grey. About 00 or 00 acres cameral. Fences in good repair, 35 steres bush on the 50.0010 lot and 10 soros an the other 103. 2 good beating orehardt. ono on each plum and plenty of good water. There to a geed brlok veneered house oontaintng 0 ro00O, Two borne. The frame ono is 4)x00 ,en a etono fO°rtdatioo, the other 10 log. • rte farm is 4 trader good cultivation and hi only f 01 a Mile from the dining vtlinge of Ethel, and II miles from Brusaett, For forth&1 1r�arEict- lare apply to Waal/ BATEMAN, Prolir]e- tor, 20----jl.. A.O E FARM FOR SALE. first -e1058 farm ter sale in the TownOhll$ of Morr(0In the Oouuby of Heron. being eolith beds of north half tote 26 tic 20 n n utltinln and 0005hhalf 001 oeeth con a y it clsaoree mono or lave, 125 sorts mostly clear of stamps anti 00 : good slate of ou1Li- vatlon. Whore is a /bent; bearing orchard a geed benne and habit barn GG x G5 Net with stave MAMA underneath. The farm ie etttt- Med Within a mile of the Village of llraeale on'. 15 a good farm ,for grain or eteelt rain ing ea ltls watered with the river Maitlaua and never failing 05701110 oresk. Poovsetott will be givenat may time. For Sunhat par- 1500'11)61103ali lllY tueOola rpt ryla0a arta6•tf MORTG,/1 G.E S,l1L.E ALEX. HUNTER, Clerk of the Fourth Division Court, Co. Huron, Conveyancer, Notary Public. Land. Loan and Insurane° Agent. Funds invested and to loan. Collections made. Office in Graham's Block, Brunets. ,A Valuable Farm BUSINESS CARDS. �T T H. hicORACKEN, VV• IennerotMan3ugeLieensee. Cmod tit 1110 Grocery, Turnborry street, Brussels. 11 /B ISS O'CONNOR, 1V1 Teacher of Piano and Orga0. Torres on application. WALroN CLAe0 moots every Theraday and Friday at Mrs. D. Onmpbsll'o, 1Val ton. —1N T1HE--- Townshdp of Mo7'ris, County of Huron, Ont.. Ceder Awl by virtno of a pwer sao contained In a pertoin Mortgage,owhlohof wi11) MISS HARGREAVES Boeing to roealvo pupils for inetrns. tion on the Piano and Organ. Niue years experionoe. Iteaideuee with Niro. 13orgresv. es,over Popper's Drug Store. be prodnead at the time of Salo, there will ba offered for gale by Public Auction, by F„8, 80on, Bee, Adotioneer, at the American hotel, Brussels, --ON Saturday, July 27, '89, at the Beer of Three O'etoek la the Atter. ° ro ort via. r n •aluabl r the Heart, th gl property, � to the Atli , of uuuibox 2G Cho South Half of L 000„ of Lha said Township of Morris, known at 0 Barris except 1 8 oon.100 0 555 100 soros, sold n11d aYya1 80.300 sores ).beretofore for sold and Wey. l to the W. G. o B. B'y for a right o2 way, Tharp are about 88 mores °loaratl and in gl 011 state of anti'' Ito; volty well o5noetl and 'TON 170100. 'The U OOfee aweth eta good frame MANt. MOO feet, wkH pee hen raid woodshed et - x00 f et •1 40 0 to5obh; alio a g°Od bank barn, o ether promisee an intplomoat hone. Upoa, 4143 5410101000 and near 3110 buildings is a never -tailing spring. 'Phare is %leo a good oroh%rel. Tbit fa au o teelltnt term, and It ottuabod within two and a-11011 Milos of Brussels, a bhHvlug rilingo ea elle W. 0 k B. llalway. Tarsus or 4IAtill.- lute 107011 will be Rola eubloottoa "first Mortgage now sabs(atitrg thereon t• -r the sum of $2,000, to- gotlt or with intereil b thereon , full partioulars i o Vendor's Of wbio r pan U° bad from to Belief l*b3o•r. The wall 10 over one above said Mete/orbnt.t abet be pelt t fie fotltre 'Pen per omit, thereof on ay of sale, and the bahluee within 30 clays thereafter, when the pereb0eer rr111 ho entitled to be lot tato llose0^slon. The above poopority 5111 be offered for este subject to a reeervod bid, • Por further pettieulnrs end oonditione of ealo weer to the Auctioneer 01 to 0i01(430N & 1. 1Y8, VI;NDoit a 001°100)00, _ Tatted et1ruea4at Gib 407 of 3211,18g0 ROBERT CUNNINGHAM, INSURANCE, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. •rYr• N. BARRETT, }.� • Tonsorial Artist, Shop -Next door south of A. 5r, astray &• Oo'e hardware store. fLadies' d chola estiook of cigars kepis eatl+tfolulty AeMONAIR, Iseurer of Marriage L3oonsea, by appointment of Llont,-Govmvor, Commie - teener, &c., Q. B. Convoyau0er and Agent Piro Iusurenoe 00. 011105 at the Oranbrook Post Mae. DENTAL. 10102111'0x08010 L' 1 G. L. Ball, IL. D. S., Honor Graduate and M. It, 0, D. 8. Toronto. Vitalized Air givou, Ofi10e-Manias BLOa15, BEAFo,Itrl, 9ESTT9ST1 W. 3. Fear. L. D. S., Graduate of Toronto School of Doatietry, A11 teeth, first quality, Rua a ggugunalanheod fit, for $16.00 per set. Office-OADY's Bacon, $tAF011Tn, AY 1+1NTItee er WC-A.22=12A% 9 7a, s.. Honor Graduate of the Royal Collage or D Dotal Bergson, Toronto. Nitros Oxido Gas a dminiatered for the Painless Extraction of teeth. Crllee-• f20'ONn Doon Bonen or Baku, Bn0501L5 AUCTIONEERS. (`1_EORG11 KIRKBY, '..A Lietoeed Auctioneer. Wee 00nduot• od0n reasonable terms. Farms and farm Moak a specialty. Order's lett at Tan Posy' Publi ne Ho so Bruaola oraoubtoWilEon P. O., will receive prompt o-tte ---_ A RAYMANN, Anetioneer, IS always ready to at. a dm, Torura tend of farms, Parc atoic 5n , a P. <. Sa1oa 'Cr nbrook 0 may a0 engu. may be avenged at Trim Poem Publishing 90155, BreSsels. MEDICAL CARDS. M. F. CALM, M. D., C. 1l., 1' f Member of the College of Phystchia anti Sutgoone of Ontario by awamivatton, 001oo and Petitioner) Math etrmat Bast, 1J thol, Ontario, TA. bIoNAUG13TON, M. D. ef • C. 31, L, B. 0,P., Edinburgh M. 0, P,. S. 001. ill Pepper's Drug Store brain 0. to 11:00 a, m. and from Lite to 4 p. m, At other home nrny be found nt his rosldsndo, form- erly occupied by Dr. ilutettinaon, 51113 et. VETERfl4ARY1 _ �NO0 WARNVID11 V. 8., .D s (gm at,11o0B 5n .1,', ]V, O'BR10 , boot . Graduate and Honorary Follow of Onttrlo Veterinary College, will be plonked to so. amino with the graat00 cath feud ltrofes• alo350,kill any Weeentrusted to lila emerge, 011ie and of doom alts etend,2 hoometh of bridge, getenbeter et„ drueeele. p y n A 1 !i 31 w 11 11 A b cc at tl h a f, it. er co re hN of lot an Dc 011 the 11( 31 Dc 0t ou we ire n, 100 the • his Ak 1 lotl ( tar no eye net of 1 100 310 yea -lab, 5111 ,lac fee.• age laoil shl in kr an Llan the lei' (for 1;. day on kiwlinnraa 8lwd ante pt0roi5ng ou>res, be Mvin to ori u t 6^1n'J 8 -cut 01'01 aft, abo stet bo i 0110 Gbit Sf»h CIIC