The Brussels Post, 1889-7-26, Page 7;JULY 29, 1889, THE BRUSSELS POST. rope=raantvtnav,reattheatetw enthlteeirelstt»rraantete ittheethowagtheathetherwierweargerthwetheireeresthettheitemeseenseemoseasterwersothweangtherwritheewareenstheamotainitheeteeatheemwitheittgathereseasthetorthathereentheatesie ENGLISH FISHER} ENI The Brawny Briton Who Wrest Their Living from the Sea. da fc on the Tnnriera and Smacks—Storms lintrefeei and Ftalr Weather Enjoyed In the dtaueit Little Ideate fee Wecko . Ylthuut Going Ashore. The population of an old fishing town of gland is as quaint as the veesele, the quayb and the houeeo. The emaokamon have a stump of their owe, and ib ie easy to pick out an net tenth band from a met or south coaster. But those humble followers of the the, are all hearty, solid mon, every mother's non of 'em, The boat faro ie not eumptuone, bub it is healthy and there is always plenty of It. lb ie not far out of the way to class the &shore among the Reword English brawn and hardihood. The life they lead does not tolerate aughteloo but health and Strength,. Fitful wavoo roll aver their craft, and the wind Beide= oeaeee its roar, 0:d ocean is es variable ae a woman. The rollers will be heaving to robe westward, when a furious northern drift will set in. Thou the @le heavng currents meth with a savage roar, the billows ab the rear will go piling over one another In foaming heights and bury the boat oaughb out in a ierce maother. It tries every north and sinew of man and boats TO RIDE 000 MICR STORMS. In a Cape h inioterre gale a stanch collier steamer will born away into the hurly-burly of water for a whole day wtthoub making a knob an hour headway. Occasionally there are storms human power can not stand out egataeb. The East England coast smacks, the finest soaboate of the world are ,mea ted like eggshells. The fisherman never talk much about dirty weather ; it all goes in a day's work, and when over is forgobben. The trawlers are not expeoted to mind the weather. No matter whether from Lowes- toft, Yarmouth, Grimsby, Brixham or Wiok, their business is to be outside, when on shore everything le housed. The waves may be making clean breaches over the big steamers, the ships go Dowering along under reefed topsails, yet the trawlers' boats will go plunging into the teeth of the raging wind and water with all Bail eee. These little craft aomotimos keep cub nine weeks at a time, but the men think nothing of It, for they are at home and never know any other experience. As soon as a bug drops a tow of boats outside the pier, the emaokntan'o real life begins. As soon as they gab their trawls down they Nettle contentedly into what to before them. If the weather is good the boob goes along pretty muoh as she pleases, for the hang of the great trawl atretobod out behind steadies and steers hor. Beek and forward she quarters over her grounds, burying her nose now and then in a "wild cat" wave, the eddies boilIngr under bar counter and flecking the water with bite of foam. As night sate in lights are run up 10 the maeb head and the trawl is hauled In. Whatever fish may have been netted are boxed and the trawl again leb out• So life goes on from day to day, with meals and trawl, hauling the only breaks in the mono- tony, until the eteam oarriera oome around. The carriers are powerful boats of curious build. Their bows run up highinto bhe air, and the reale elope down nntil they almost touch the water afb. The stem is also well ele• anted, but ab bhe quarter the deck can bo stopped on from a dingey, They go the rounds of the trawlers as regularly as a poet - :mate The amauk draws as near as possible with safety, the fish aro loaded into yawls and transferred to the carrier. IV TS WILD WORK when a rough sem is on. The steamer plunges, the amaoke roll, the ahallope are tossed up and down, the fishermen shout, until to a landsman bho wonder le that all do not go to the bottom, Of the fishing towns, Yarmouth to the 000kney'e paradise, The Yore drags slug- gishly between long linen of piles, the solid quays obretoh out along shore for a mile, and rows of battered smacks haul ab their moor - Inge. Lowestoft has a family resemblance, and there is a general mixing up with Yar- mouth, Grimsby is more of a factory town, bub it has plenty of shipping and busy dello. At times there is a glob of fish, and then load after load le sold for the price of manure. In London people are starving, but at Grime. by a barrow of fish will be sold for a penny. At Brixham, on the south shore, there is a splendid harbor, with deep water in the cove, Torbay, on the shore, is also ;a safe retreat in a storm, and it le not unusual to see 200 trawlers jammed in together. Northward, between Shields and Berwick, there are only three porta where fishing boats drawing muoh water oan enter. Blybh is one, a sooty little place, peopled by Puritanio folks, pretty much all given bo the coal trade. Many good sailors dome from there, but there le ne Railing industry, Amble is another town that the fishers fiy to when hard pressed. It is at the mouth of the Duke of Northumberland River, and while quite a driving place in a meroanbile way does no fishing. North Sunderland le the bunieob town on the north ooasb. There le some fishing, but ib is monopolized by Sootchmen, who come from Leith, Kir- Reidy, Buckhaven, Berwick and other places. Their boats ate different from the Yarmouth smacks and Torbay trawlers. The Sootoh Draft are ehaped like a mackerel, being ohorb at both ends, She carries no jib, and hor mast is stepped close to the stem. She can nob Bail very close to the wind, for the big sail's lug le not easy to flatten. When wishing to beat she is also unhandy, itbotng necessary to half lower the sail before she will tomo about on a new tack. Bub With the wind on the quarter or dead astern She DUTSAILS EVERYTHING. Who cabins are cramped forward, leaving midships open with room for a tremendous cargo, Wiok is frequented by Sootohmen, and has in late years become important. Ib has a Rath of ire own of over 2000 sail, and In a street oar, seated direobly apposite a as many morn strangers .come when the lady and her innocent appearing eon of about: herring begin to run in the fall. Thefishing elx years, eat a man with a glass eye. season at Wick is a carnival and riot of The youugoter had been gazing intently eager toilers and money-makers. Every on his victim for some time. All eb once he thing has been done to make a good harbor appeared very uneasy, When, to the great in which fish oan be landed wibhoub danger amusement of the passengers, he exclaimed r or trouble, making it a favorite porb for "Say, miator, why don't you wink at ma those who wroat bread and butter from the with the other eye, too 1" ooean'e depths, medlar 1" "My mother's no' in ; elm's doom the street on a meas0ge," replied the lad with promptuoss• "Indeed 1'' replied she miuietor, with a glance at the bottom of the throne, " Well, toll her I culled ; and say that the next tine she goeo down to the 'Allege oho might take her feet with her I' Pulled Down a British Flag, Mro. Susannah Cook la en English woman living at 4;0 Pearl street, She hail been In this country 20 years, and thinks it a great plume. Yesterday the thoughb oho would help along the oelebrtation of the Fourth by hanging two American Rage from her win- dows on the third floor. She put anL''nglleh Reg between the bwo Amerloan 11 age, She had displayed the Same flag during the non• tonniel aelobrabion, Along with the American flags and a picture 0f Washington, and onto before on a Fourth of July, when ate lived on Vandewater 8(roeb. The othter day her English flog attract- ed the attention of Dome men in front of the saloon kopb by John D. 0 Brien, at Paul and Vendewator streets, They gob a ladder whioh reached to the fire e0oapab in front of 410, An Irishman climbed bho lad- der and tore down the ] oglieh flag, amid ahem from the orowd in the ttreeb. He did'n get it all though, but left a part on the lire escape.. Half an hour later Mrs. Oook di000vored what bad happened, and hung out the rem - neat of the 11 ag, She had hardly done so When three young Irishmen rapped on her LATEST FROM EUROPE, Aotivity la English Arsenals--lfoulapa'er'a Movements -Von Moltke and Bistnarok Disagree, There is oomebhing more aerioue In the air then a brush with the Soudapoto, Deily aounoils of war are being ,held in London and the utmost baste la used to get the other regiments la (renditlon for foreign eervioe, There ie more widespread aotfvity and a vastly greater haste than when England was preparing for Woleoley'e grand expedition to Khartoum, and it is ridionloue to assume that all thlo flurry is 000aeioned by the advent of a few thouoand half•ohtved, thireb eon - slimed baroariana above bho mond cataract in Uppor Egypt. Just what this something else ie is not at the moment apparenb, but It is tolerably safe bobbing that the Connaught Rangers will see the Straits of the Darden. elloe before they do the minarets of Alexan- dria, Boulanger and hie friends, very muoh ton• hoard of recently, celebrated the other night at Alexandra Pelaoe. Any one could go for five shilling') and a penny, including railway fare, dinner and fireworks. A fortunate thing for the lightweight pretender is the door and advised hor to bake in the rub of du:grace whioh threatens M. Constans, the the 1 ag and save trouble. While she was latest victim of the systematic hunting talking to them come one olimbed the fire down of French Cabinet Ministers that has been going on of late. Coastans, who is one of Boulanger's bitterest enemies, is a very clever man, but his reputation of being the most unscrupulous statesmen in Europe seems to be deserved. He had been for some time Governor-General of Tonquin, whence he returned numb rioher than he went. His sucae0eor, Mr. Rlohaut, beteg charged by the Government with making investigations as to Oonotane' conduct, died under very mysterious circumstances on hie return journey, and with him disappeared the re- port he had made about Const, n ' behavior. The document has just oropped up, and contains unpleasant evidence against the Mialeter. While young William le ruminating under the shadows of the Norwegian mountains his two chief lieutenants are making Berlin hum with the energy and noise of their deep personal quarrel, The Biemarcke are anxi- ous to keep out of war as long as they can. Count Walderaee, who is von Moltke's sire. censor as ohief of staff, is the visible head of the aggressive party, whioh wants to force the fighting. There is a wordy wrangle proceeding in the Berlin papers, and, indeed, the leading German journals generally, be. tween these opposing factions, but thus far there is little in Ib to help one to guess the relative strength of the aombabante. The Biemaroklan dynasty la by no means as firm on its loge as it was during the lifetime of the old Raieer,tbnt it has still great resouro- escape again and carried off the rest of the RS Mrs. Cook says thab nexb Foorbh oho will fly an Eoglieh it g again, and O'Brien Basotho that it will come down. The ghee wee not reported to the police,—(New York Sun, JuY . The Restoring Effects of a Little Widow, "John," said a wife, who was supposed to be on her deathbed, "In oats of my death I think a man of your bemperameob and domestic nature, aside from the good of the children, ought to marry again." "Do you think so, my dear?" "1 certainly do, after a reasonable length of time," n Well, now, do you know, my dear, that relieves my mina of a great burden. The little 'Widow Jenkin has acted rather de- murely toward me ever eince you were taken Sac is not the woman that you are, of course, a strong-minded, intelligent woman of oharaoter, but the ie plump and pretty', end I am sure she would make me a very dosirable wife," The next day Mrs. John was able to sib up, the following day she went down stake and on the third day she was planning a new dress. A Free And Easy Prison. That is a queer story told of E. L. Harper, the wrecker of the Fidelity Bank of Cincin- nati. Ib ie to the effect that he eae been doing a profitable iron bueiness.o the tune of 0360,000 a year while serving hie sentence in the Ohio penitentiary. Through the efforts of hie faithful wife, a joint stock oompony was formed, and, presumably through the collusion of some of the prison officials, Harper was allowed to direot the movements of this company by telegraph, three enabling it to make money when other men in the iron business were actually running behind. It it a striking Illustration of what a "smart" man with money can do even when he is dead in the oyes of the kw, In the meanwhile the disoovery of this little arrangement will bo likely to arrest the effort to obtain a pardon for thio distinguished criminaL— JN. Y. Tribune, Inventor Edison's Queer Pillow. Nob long ago 1 palled at :Edison's home, expeoting to see him. He wasn't there, and Mrs. Edison told me she badn'b seen him for three days. I soon found that he was ab hie old tricks—working night and day in his laboratory, having hie meek aenb to him and sleeping on the floor with his clothes on, and a abiok of wood under hie bead. When working he never leaves his laboratory, and he seems to think that by keeping hie clothes on he can better preserve the nervous tension after he has started to work. Then he perseveres until he has ac. compliehod his purpose. Hie time he regards as very valuable, and this is the reason ho d000n'b want to oome here until 1t is neces- sary. Hie deafness hes not improved any, remaining about the same,—[Er. Tier -Shooting in India,. Tiger -shooting continnes to be excellent sport in India, there seeming to be no diminution in the supply of the Rene oreat- urea. An Englishman writes home : "On two 000aeione 1 shot three together, one lob in a thicken over a bullock they had killed, the other three over a ' kill' by moonlight. They were quite uneophistioated, and as one was killed on the spot by the first shot the others returned in a few minutes, evidently thinning it was all right, as their comrade had staid behind. I ehoboneof these, when the other again soca returned, and I got bhe three before 9 o'clock. Next day I came suddenly on a splendid male tiger face to fade end on foot, He had oome to eab a dead elephant which I had gone to have a look at. I shot him deed on the spot, The Late Arohdeaoon Philpot, Word recently came of the death in Eng- land of the Venerable Arohdeaoon Philpot, who was ninety-nine years old, Of his four- teen children, nine are still living, together with thirty -51x of his forty-two grand- children, and all of hie fourbeen great•grand children, He preaohed his lash sermon about throe years ago. What He Wanted To Know. She Might Take Her Feet With Baer. A good old minister in Scotland is no stickier for etiquette, and likes his vleits to the mombore of hie Rook to be ae informal and as homely as passible; but he has a .great regard for truth, and i0 invariably down on those whotn iso detoota'in any do- viationtheroirom. Recently palling unex- peotedly on a widow who linos in a oobtago on the ontokirts of the village, he surprised her in the midst of waalting a lot of clothes. She hurriedly hid behind to olothee-horde, and told her little boy to may that the woe oub. Who visitor knooked at the door, t' Well, Jamie," be said, rot and where's your The Moon's influence i7pon the weather is aooepted by some as real, by othere it is disputed. The moon never attracts corns from the tender, aching spot, Putuam'e Painless Corn Exaraotor removed the most painful earns in three days. Thio groat remedy makes no Bore spots, don't go fooling around a man's f oot, but gots to buaineae at once, and effeott a bare. Don't be imposed upon by substitutes and imitations. Get "Patnam't," and no obhot He who lotos half-an•Jtour every morning rune after it during all bhe day without be. ing able to overtake it. es ab its command at Court and has a power - fill commercial and fioanaial baoking. Its struggle to hold its own against the new generation of sword-olankers who surround the emperor will at least be vehemently waged. WIRELETS, The mills at Glon Morris, Oat„ have been burnt. A slight flurry of anon fell at Kingston the other morning. Two poet -office clerks at Kingston have been suspended for opening lettere. RIM.. Samuel Aimee, of Ammeter township, has oub 65 loads of hay cff 30 acres, Near St, Thomas yesterday an Indian was 0o badly gored by a bull that he cannot live. Fishing in the St. Lawrence was never better than it is this season, says a Brookville despatch, A Romeo, Mloh„ despatch Bays that James Couoh, of Ohesley, Ont., suioided with Perla green there on Saturday night. The handsome steam yacht Orizaba, be- longing WI Dexter P. Ramsey, of Buffalo, has been lost en Lake Huron. A fireman was drowned, Mr. James Maloolmson, father of Capt. James Maloolmson, of Hamilton, diad a few days ago in Huron county ab the groat age of 99 years, Senator Carvell has been appointed as suc- cessor to Lieutonan•Governor MoDonold, of Prince Edward Island, whose term expires on September 2nd. Mr. L. A. Ceatillier, who has held the position of Deputy Registrar -General nines 1873, has been appofubed Under-Seoretary of State, made vacant bythe retirement b of Mr, Gran Powell. Tho Pope has returned thanks to the authors of the,addrees sent him from Quebec on the 000aeion of the Quebec demonstration, and sends his apostolic benediotion to all associated in tho movement for his temporal restoration. Commlaoioner Herchmer is at present in Winnipeg making arrangements for a patrol of mounted pollee along the international boundary to prevenb smuggling. Dr. McGregor, the English agent in New Guinea, has ascended Mount Oven Stanley, the highest peals in the country, and has se- cured apeoimene of new plants and birds. The Book of Luton. A Man Without Windom Liven in a Fool's Peradiae, A Treatise especially written on Dlseaaes of Man, containing Facts For Men of All Agee 1 Should be read by Old, Middle Aged and Young Men. Proven by the Sale of Half a Million to be the most popular, because written in language plain, forcible and inebruotive. Nractioalpreeent• ation of Mediaal Common Sense. Valuable to Invalids who are weak, nervous and ex• hauetkd, showing new means by whioh they may be oared. Approved by editors, critics, and the people. Smeltery, Social, Salem, Subjeote. Also gives a description of Speoi- fio No, 8, The Great Health Renewer; Marvel d Healing and Koh-i-noor of Medi. Dines, It largely explains bite mysteries of life. By its teachings, health may bo main- tained. The Book will toaoh you how to make life worth living, If every adult in the civilized world would read, understand and follow our views, there would be a world of physical, intellectual and moral giants. This Book will be found a truthful presentation of facts) oaloulabed to do good. The book of Lebon, the Talisman:of Health 1 Brings bloom to the cheek, Strength to the body and joy to the heart. It le a message to the Wise and Otherwise. Lubon'a Sped - fie No. 8, the Spirit of Health. Those who obey the laws of this book will be Drowned with a fadeless wreath. Vast numbers of [nen have Mb the power and testified to the virtue of Lubon'o Spooifio 0o, 8, All Men Who are Broken Down from overwork or other 01111000 nob mentioned in the above, should send for and road this Y'aluable Trea- tise, whioh will be Sent to any address, seal. od, on receipt of ten Dents in stamps. Ad. drone all orders to M. Y, Lubon, room 15, 59 Eronb Street E,, Taranto, Canada, "Not Balk, hut Business I" Is the way a Western Ivan petit in fxprear- ing to a friend his :mull .lete oatiafaotion in the auto of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets, So small and yet 0o effeobual, they bid fair to supplant entirely the old•etyle pill. An ever ready remedy for Sick and Bilious Hoadaohe, Biliousness, Constipation and all blood disorder% Mild le motion, wonderful in effect 1 Pub up in vials, 0011. venieut to carry. Their use attended with no discomfort] These sterling merits 0000000 for their great popularity. Broad bands of soft leather, in colors to match the material of the gown, are worn as home, ceffo, eoliare, waietooate and revere on walking and driving suite intended for coun- try wear, She scolds and freta, She't full of pets, She's rarely kind and tender ; The thorn of life Ie afretful wife— I wonder whet will mend her r Try Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. Ten to one your wife le prose and fretful be- cause she it aiok and soffariog, and cannot control her nervousness when things go wrong. Make a healthy woman of her and the chanoes are you wilt make a cheerful and pleasant one, ' Favorite Persoription" is the only remedy for woman', peculiar ail - menta, Bold by druggists, under a positive guarantee frocp the manufaoturero, that it will give eabiafaation in every oath, or money will be refunded. See guarantee on bottle wrapper. Large bottle,, 31, Six for 85, Every elf should be a base-ballist, in order to oaroh the files from the batter. A Cure o; n0 Pay. All diseases arising frown a deranged liver, or from impure, blood as boils, blotches, pimples, scalp Meuse, sorofnlouo t sores and awaiting and consumption (whioh is lung - scrofula) in Its early stages, are oared by PlannerDr, Pler'e Golden Medical Discovery, or the money paid for it will be promptly re- turned, Sold by drnggiste under a duly ex eouted certificate of guarantee from the manfuaoturera. Careleaenees is little better than a half- way house between accident and design. The Turtle Mountain Region. Thousards of acree of ohoioe tree govern- ment land, now open for settlers, in the Turtle Mountain Region of Dakota. Here was raised the wheat teat took first premium at 116w Orleans Expoaibion. Isiah eon, tim- ber in, mountains, good schools, ohurohee, congenial society. For further information, maps, ratea, eta., apply to F. L V4 hitney, G. P.&T,A,S".P.M.rob 01. Ry, St, Poul, Minn„ or J. M, Huckins, Canadian Pass. Agt., Toronto. Plisse and atoordioreplaited toilets are charming popular novelties. The ekirte, bodices and sleeves are all made entirely of plisses of thin woolen or silken stuff over a well -fitting lintog. ALMA LADIES' COLLEGE. ST, TH01/05, 0NT0RIO. gerNearly 200 students in 1888. 16 oRAD• DATES and OERTIFIED TEACHERS in the Faoulty. Total expenses from 840 to $60 per term, or from $150 to $250 per year in advance, including Musk and Fine Arte. d3' IIOLA eamee Hare, coating $2,000, erected last year to meet demand for rooms, now open, Address, PrinoipalAuatin, A.M. A. P. 459. tip AUTOMATIC SAFETY ELEVATORS' BARKER'S SHORTHAND SCHOOL, Pat. hydraulic, baud and steam elevators, LEITCH & TURNBULL, Oaaadiaa Elevator Works, Peter and Queen streets, HAMILTON, ONT Artificial Limbs FOR CIRCCLAR ADDBEBH, J. DOAiOJ & CO,, Toronto, Out, IVIA largo nrnonnt of T FUNDS to Lonu atR U low rate of Interest on Or swamp 01003CCurt a Apply y l y. DI 1 to BEAM, CHADWICK, BIACKSTOCK & CALX, Barristers at- 1 Solicitors, wellington St., tor. Ohurch, (over Bank of Torontal TORONTO OMT. ONEY CHOICE FARMS FOR SALE IN ALL PARTS er MANITOBA, Parties wlaMng to potation Improved ManitotO Farms, from BO acres upwards, with Immediate possession, call or write to 40, I, 0A51,006, Ido - Arthur's Block, Main se., Winnipeg, Information furnished free of charge, and settlers assisted in making selection. 3V1.0 1"..T FIY' TO L,O A.R AT OQRRoov R0Tna OP 1a'rMRMMT, The Penberthy ar t IMPROVED a, ,, Automatic Injector Mil j 10,0001' u'e in oanada ; 26,000 C1'.t1 a ..0 In use In the Uolted States. They ire are simple and coat lees than other makes, while performing the same work. They start easy at 25 lbs. steam, and work to 1N1 Ds ; Litt nater le to 20 It. and work from a head aa well, Automatic and restarting when 0ur,ent to boner le broken. Send for circular to slain Office. Penbertlly Injector Co„ Detroit, Mich. Factories, Wiad,or, Can, and Datrolt, Mloh Mention this paper. PLATE fOr AL EI Delivered anywhereLowesto t Pdoce. 0anado. Largest Stook. McCausland (Si Son, 72 TO 76 KING STREET WEST, TORONTO. A GREAT LIFE -GIVER ST. LEON WATER. Loads of testimony as follows: 2 have used St Leon. Believe It tobe both curative and ref te,hlog•—Rsv Jona Form. D D. Bore, Muscle flesh and blood—nothing on the European ooalinent to equal this builder -up of poisoned, wasted humanity; St Leon is to eu011 better than gold.—DR Waren. Oured 01 dyepep ia. Was askeleton; am now .80 and strong. W E Powsa, gusher. Send in your orders or go to the Springs in Quebec the fountain ofYresh life, vigour and Joy. TUE ST. LEON MLY0RAL CO. Toronto. Montreal and Quebec. CHATHAM FANNING MILLS. Sold With or With- out the Bagger. 17,100 now in nee. 1500 of these Mille have been sold this year already, They C v_;Y9F4l will be exhibited at r._ .._ allthe Ie,4la Fairs ti.—Torontongatoo,, OHttamilawa, - ton and Loudon. 11^31' amputees all others in the mar kantt.il you Do notget buy u circulars and infor- ,nation. Our Pat- eotBaggiagg Appar- atus eaves timeand labor. Will bag 00 to M0 buaiiete per hour, and can be attaohed to any of the maohi000 made by us during the last four years. Agents Wanted. MANSON CAMPBELL, MAN'R, CHATHAM, ONT. OF PURE COO LIVER OIL AND HYPOPHOSPHOTES. Almost as Palatable as Milk. So disguised ,Rat tno ruost doirho avost delicate stomach eau fake it. Remarkable as a 1'LESH PRODUCER. Persons GAM.* rap- idly addle faking I21 SCOTT'S EMUL820N is acknowledged by Phy- eio,ane to be the FINEST and BEST preparation of its class for the relief of CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA, GENERAL DEBILITY, Wasting Diseases of Children, and CHRONIC COUGHS. Sold by all Druggists, lOOa, and $1.00. ♦TEFT9 peocured, Patent Attomeye. cad oxperta, Esfd18e7: Donald 0 Ridont dt Co., Toronto. CANCER and Tumors CURED; no knife; book free. Da. MCMMICHAEL, No 60 Niagara St., Buffalo, N.Y.. S I OYO L E get 160 8econd•ltaad, '■ '/'Send for list. A. T. L A N E, MONTANAN Q0E y U0 t. There are nooemotions, COLLEGE, Oollege being in eeaslon throughout the entire year. Its graduate' are meeting with dletinguishod success, es hook -keep - ere, business managers, shorthand -writers, court reporters, etc, Individual instruction is a feature of the Institution, Graduatoe waisted In obtaining positions. Addromm M. MLOCORMICE, Principal. TELC 1110110 can make honey during 1000tion by oanvaseing for one 00 more of our fast selling Books and Blht s especially History of Ornade, by W, re. Withrow, b,D•, latest and best edition ever published, prises low, terns II.orN. 'tante for illustrated circulars and term•, WM. BRIGGS, Publisher, Toronto. REAVES LINE STEAMSHIPS. Sailing Weekly between TU)NTRE4.6 end LIVERPOOL. Saloon Tioketo, 116, 100, and 660. !Return Tickets, BM, 101 and 1110, n000rding to steamer and a000mmodatioa. Intermediate 100 Round Trip Tfoketo, 200, Steerage, 920. Apply to IR, E. NUBBLY, General Manager Canada 0001p• ping co., 1 O0aroat HooIS SWAMI, MCNTaOAO, or to Local Agents in all Towne and Olttas, ENGRAVING FOR ALL ILLUSTRATIVE` &ADVERTISING'\ PURPOSES. C J.L.JONES,,, WOOD ENGRAVER, Ip,MING STREET EAST. TORONYO,CANADA, Merchants, Butchers, and Traders generally, We watt a GOODMAN In your locality to pickup CALF SKINS For ns. Oath Furnished en satisfactory guartoth Address, 0, S. HMI PARK, Vermont, U. s, Keep up Your Strength BY TAIC'NG 46 King Nlroot East, Toronto, Formerly, tar 0000 flwe y care, Pdnctpol of tiro Sltoct- band tpetltute In eoanc00ioa with robe danadtun Buhl. thea Uuiverelty. TyrewritinSg department undrrthe . management o1 Ole. 0E0. RENGOUD H, agent for the Remington Typewriter, Appy for :grouter, statues Ode paper In writing, Allan Lino Royal Mail Stean l ± Sa itngg during winter from Portland ovary Tharedoy and Rainer Quebec every Sat Satto urday 00 Llverpool,,wellIn ne et C ,.donderry to landmelte and paw:engerm foe 80om.ad and Ireland • aim from Baltimore, vie Halt lax add St. John's, N.F., to Liverpool 'fortnightly daring summer mouths, The eteamero of the Gtm- 9ow lir , ,all during winter to and from Ba1Ras', Portland, Boston and Philadelphia ;and during rum- mar between Glasgow and Moutroal weeks Glen gow and Boston weekly, and 01aegow and 1°hiladet- plata fortnightly. For freight, presage or other information apply t A. Schumacher 0 00., Baltimore; B. Cunard h .Oat Halifax Shea A Oo., Bt, Johu't, MM., Wm. Thome. eon to Oo, St, John, N. B.; Allen 7a Do., mese at Love Si Alden New York; H. Boruller, Tomato, Allan,, Rae a bo., Quebec • Wm. Bropkie Fhiludel• phis H. A. Allen Portland Boetoo Montreal. Provident Life and Lir Stock Assoe''>t CHIEF OFFICE, ROOM 0, ARCADE, - TORONTO, CANADA (INC 011POIt-ATED ) A 11II1tual Benefit Association, 001.00 ISTE'TI[ R VT—B-v paying to the above As,ociatloo ONE CENT PER ID -LY, a person aged twenty-two, and two cents per day a person aged forty-four can secure Five Dollars per week while disabled through slain:sea or aecident, also for twa and throe cents per day, parsons aged as above can noun for their dependants, Five Hundred Dollars is avert of death. 01 VE $7000i OWNERS can provide agalnetlosa by death through disease or accident of their Block. at easy rates, Those Interested, Berri for prospoctnoee eta, Reliable Agents wanted to unrepresented die. telots. WILLIAM JONES, Managing Director. TORONTO CONSERVATORY COTEENmENT OMUSICe C*0R00TER. OF AN HON. et W. ALLAN • • PRESIDENT.. WOO Total Attendance first 2 years. All branches tough. —Instrumental and Vocal mnticp,' Elocution, Language,. Scholarships, certificates,diplan mos. Free Theory, Violin, Concerts and Lectures Next Fan, organ students, besides the use of severed, complete church organs, can have lesson,. practice and recitals upon a GRAND CONCERT ORGAN',bmO expressly for the Conservatory, in Association Ball., SU OHM ER NORMAL TERM, July 8. to Ang..m. FALL TERM OPENS Sept. 4. Send for fret Calendar, Address, EDWARD FISHER, Director, tor. Yonge St. and Wilton Ave„ Toronto HALLIDAY STANDARD WINDMILLS Dor enpplylog constantly pure and fresh orator for tine follorving purposes, vlz— Pompiog water for Stock, Farm Buildings, Mansons, VillaReeldeooee Pablio Inetitutlons, Gardens. Green Houses, Town & Village Waterworks, Hotele,Ooilegee, Pumping for Railway Stations, , Fire Proteotion, .- trrigatien, Tanneries, Breweries, Sewage, Mins,'`` Draining Low Lands. These mile._ braced Wind -t" mills are made - from one mac to lortyborse-pow''-=c'ids:• ONTARIO PUMP CO.. TORONTO, ONT., CANADA.. Mention this paper. er. They are perfectly moa,. trollable to gales; and uniform In speed. Geared Mnia for chaff nutting ra r0 pulping, threshing, row- ing wood,grind- Ing 0000, ate, oto. Arlsomanu- faoturereoffeed grlodere,baylog \if mole, iron and,wood pumps;, a fmtlutset FaB. rm, O , Town; Farm, andO,m. mental Water Supply Materi- als. Oolaloges and Price Lh R, with references, mailed freeon applloatton to Coifeberation Ile TORONTO_ •e,. OVER 'LaSMal ..."E Co 33.3S 33 32 N'st. 3,000,00 AND CAPITAL. SIR, W. P, H O WL AN D, President, W. C. MACDONAL1) t WM. ELLIOT, E. HOOPER, .T, $, 0L1.CDOI2ALIIr, A,OTedltr, r YlettPRna1DAVTa. 1. MANAGING DIRECTOR,. ()ASSETS C*. J6oavy STRAIGHT LINE ENGINE. SAWMILL BOILERS IN ALL STYLES. ENGINES, Cang IVIIIIs, BAND SAW'MILLsa t!AVY CIR'1'1! AR MILLS With Steel Carriages SmltIGA E, JLO.SPHH rind' VENEER. 19fiaoii1 se.. FJNK BELT1M sawaoat I,ltwators, Con: ' ••era, Carrier% WATEROIIS Engine Works Co., BRANTFORD, CANADA, The Great 9trengthGiver