The Brussels Post, 1889-7-19, Page 5• Ireiselite riet), to 1 in Mitt \ ll Is 1E1 )L age asli rt - 31S, et - the "ID )OL - 1 ; the ly bn JULY 1), ttcoeeavteee=masnsme,:weveeeeeee=eeeeevr,trewteweutwe,neeee-_eeeeeereeeee,.ee)eecreeeecrvee=emeexwccweae -etersuuttel Am atirai.nrai 31: T -IE BRUSSELS POST 71%401=11011LDZIKViliZCIAMTEiMilikele=10=100010$0011e0011121111101.11=taiLVIteeile/MWM=0101&01291C=1.06411.=111110111100V30401.770*-Tilei00130141i.52.0510V011.1111=011=0=brielia(0411 BFp tacief 'An-tAii.- ,',..e410:,e'c.e te.h.,e4"•:e Clea Cute cr =eel Ifteeese, Fresh Arrivals in GENERAL DRY GOODS Daily, Comprising Staples, Shirtings, Cottons, Cottonasles, Muslins, Prints, Ginghams, &o. In every Line we are cutting Prices to the Core. rizi;3Kssi impalas. Our Stock is Com - Piet° in all Lines and at prices that will astonish the closest buyer. OUR nos): Euery Department has lines that you should see, Fine Goods and Close Prices we will offer you. OUR GM.CrfirjE Department, hoth. in Kid, Silk and Lilt: thread are extra valut;-- GALFIELD HOUSE. )-41 i5tritt gelus, ft. t, < Yeel. John Pride, of Listowel, is about to move into the village. S. 11. Harding end wife are spending their holidays at St. Marys, J. IL ALcBain ocoupiee 1111 pulpit of the Methodist church Sabbath morning, 28th Met. Rev. A. Henderson was absent from home last week attending n, meeting of the Presbytery at London. Miss Ida Mel3ain has returned from Port Hope, her consist accompanying hor for a short visit in the west. The past week has witnessed a great improvement on our streets and walks. The ante.cow by-law 'Mould now be brought into opera11011. 131 th. John Getman, left here on Monday for Woodstock, where he has secured a good position. Mr. Emigh is attending as delegate to the Masonic Grand Lodge, which is in session at Owen Sound this week. The hour of the evening service in the Methodist church for the summer months has been changed frotn 0:30 to 7 p.m. Rev. G. W. Beaty, the newly appoint- ed incumbent of Trinity church, °Mei- elates on Sunday morning next at the usual hour of 11. On Sunday evening the members of L. 0.L., 008, marched in n body to the Methodist church to hear a special ser- mon preached to them by Rev. A. W. Tongs. The centre seats were reserved for members of the lodge. The rev. gentleman chose for his text 2nd Samuel, JO: 12. (rev. Jno. Campbell, 16th con., raised a spring lamb that dressed 55 pounds. How is that? F. W. Johnston is desirous of dispoe. ing of his farm. If he sells he will move west with the hope of benefitting Mrs. Johnston's health which has been very indifferent of late. Brwrtriay Paere.—A uterry party of old and young assembled at the com- modious residence of Jno. Hill the other evening to celebrate his 68rd birthday. Ouz-door amusements were provided for the company and were taken part in with great zest until twilight. An adjourn- ment was then made to the house where long tables were spread with all the delicacies of the season, strawberries, ice cream, pastry, &e., reo. After this in- teresting part cif the program wns through, speeches were given by Rev. R. Paul S. Fear B. Gerry and W. H. Kerr. Music was supplied by the Methodist church choir. For whole-eouled hos- pitality Mr. Hill and family cannot be excelled. The company left for their respeotive homes at a late hour wishing the host many happy returns of the day. A.uburze. About 50 Orangemen from Auburn at- tended the celebration in Wingham on the 12th inst. Wm. Symington is running a livery and is doing well at it, his horses being almost constantly in demand. Pio-nice are all the go here just now. The Methodist and Presbyterian Sab. bath schools had their union pic-nic in a grove on the banks of the river South of the bridge, on Wednesday, 10th inst., and all enjoyed themselves immensely in the swinging, boating, croquet and base -ball playing, &e., but a rain storm coming on about 5 p. m. rather put a damper on the ardor of their enjoyment. This village is making great strides and bids fair soon to be ono of the most progressive little villages in the county. To one returning to it after four or five years absence it is almost unrecognizable, as so many new buildingshave gone up, makingm a rearki able mprovement itt the appearanoe of the place, and its bud - nos has greatly improved. It is betted. fully situated on the banks of the Mait- land, and if the O.P.R. run a branch lino from Guelph to Goderioh, as they aro talking of doing, it will pass through this village and rapidly build it up into a town. The farmers have commenced haying and the prospects are for a very fair crop. Wm. Eaket, who has been sick for a year with that fatal disease consump- tion, is fast failing away. The Misses King, of Detroit, daughters of Clinton King, a former resident of this township, aro at present visiting friends in this neighborhood. Mrs. Jackson, fah 0011., WW1 prostrated last week with u severe uttaok of illness but we would be glad to hear of her re. covering. Miss Rebecca jack -on is re• covering from her Mmes. Virineelistett. Mike M. Peke tendered her resignation as a teacher in the public) ammo!. R. Wbiteluw and his mill•wrights are in town, from Woodstock, andhave start- ed putting in the new rollers in Hutton dc Caere flour mill. The benedicts and bachelors were al.. ranged in (wicket array in Recreation park, on Tuesday, captained respectively by H. W. C. Meyer and Ed. Stiles. The score was 30 to 24 in favor sI the mar- ried men. A new G.T.R. enation is to be erected in town. The work of construction will begin at an early date. Tho building will be in line with the old one, there bo. ing 30 feet space between the old and the new. The new structure will be 62 feet long by 24 feet wide and one storey high. The general waiting room will be in the west end, the offices is the centre and the ladies waiting room and baggage room in the east end. A platform will extend all around the building and the main entrances will be on the north side. The present building will be used ex. elusively for freight. Morris. Wm. 'Hunter, of Itinooldine, is visit. ing at Geo. Johnston's since the 12th. Mies Martha J. Johnston, of New- bridge, is visiting friends on the let and 2nd et present. Harry MoArtee, of Harrieton, paid e, flying visit to his father and friends on the 7th eon. last week. John Pugh has finished the Molt work of the handsome residences of John R. Miller. He completed the job last week. Haying is the order of the day with the !annexe and it is amusing to see how they get 0 bindle en when itbegins to loolclike rain. Miss Fannie Ruesell, daughter of Rev. A. L. RussellsB. 31, of Peerolie, is et present visiting het grandfather, Jonathan Dubtage, of the let con. Mrs. Rettan, organist of Johnston's church, has returned from her visit to Netvbridgo and Lakelet and wo aro going to hear the tones of the organ ono.) more. A nivillosv bee" was held at janlee Speit's ono (ley last week. After the work was bons n party followed at his residence, Mr. Split is making to big improvement on his place. tli W. MoTaggar) was in our village this week. The sidewalks are to receive necessary repairs and extensions. T. P. Simpson and wile have arrived home from their holiday trip. A sato of 2068 pounds of cheese was made to F. McLaren, at 1) cents, which is quite satisfactory. The funeral of Rev. Mr. Gibson brought a largo 'lumber of ministers to Ethel on Wednesday. The Durham Review says ;—'Bev. Mr. Legear preached his opening sermons in the Methodist church here on Sunday last. Mn. L. is a young man of good personal appearance, a pleasant andilnent talker and will evidently soon become popular with the people of Durham." Onte.—Last Monday Rev. Joseph R. Gibson died at the Methodist parsonage here, aged 45 years and 6 months. The deceased only moved to Ethel a few weeks ago, as successor to Bev. .1. T. Legear, coming from Maitland circuit, where he had spent the previous three years. Ho had been on the sick list for the past few months, but, until lately, nothing serious Was anticipated. Not feeling as well as usual a consultation of physicians was decided on and these gen. demon came to the conclusion that an inward cancer was doing its work and that life at the longest would not con- tinue more than a few months. Last Sunday internal hemorrhage set in and death soon followed. Like a valiant soldier the subject of this brief sketch died with his face to the foe, trusting in the Captain of his salvation for victory over the last enemy. The funeral service on Wednesday afternoon was conducted at the parsonage by Rev. Dr. Hen erson, chairman of the Listowel district. Rev. W. Torrance, of Walton, read the 23rd Psalm (a favorite portion of Mr. (1ibson's) and Rev. Jno. Scott, M. A., chairman of the Wingham Disbriot, read a portion of the 15th chapter of let Corinbhians. Rev. R. Paul offered prayer. Short addresses, suitable to the sad occasion, were given by Rev. Jae. McAllister, chairman of the Palmerston District, and Rev. Mr. Tor- rance. The pall bearers were Revds. F. M. Smith, of Hentryn ; J. L. Kerr, R. Paul and S. Sellary, B. A., B. D., of Brussels ; D. Rogers, of Attwood; and W. Torrance, of Walton. The service at the grave was read by Rev. J. W. Gilpin and Rev. Dr. Henderson, of Listowel. Mrs. Gibson and her two daughter') have the sympathy of a largo circle of friends. Rev. Mn. Gibson was a quiet, unassum- ing man not known to many in this see. tion. His work in the ministry during the past 18 years has been at Maitland, Kemble, Little Current, McKellar and other places in that portion of the coun• try. Owing to the state of his health he had not preached since coming to this cirouit. It is not decided yet as to what course will be followed relative to the work here for the balance of this year. Some arrangements may be made with Henfryn but nothing will be definitely settled until the Ethel Quarterly Board has a meeting, •-•-• -e — Con u.diaie s. Crop prospects in Manitoba, aro geed. Clothesline thieves aro operating in Ingersoll. Tho 11desotic Grand Lodge mete itt Owen Sound July 17th. Fort McLeod, bT.W.T., offers 02000 for a two cls' honoree° Matting. Knox clautch, Kincardine, will proceed at oneo with the erection of tower and pinnacles, to cost 0000. The mackerel catch along the Cenadi• an seaboard to proving a Mitre this season. This donne has been going on since 1881, and is attributed to rho ex• teenier) itee of purse nettle. OUR SILIC Department is always :iomplete and our prices' will astonish you for Cheapness. IN READY-MADE er.Cernilem we will offer Ppecial inducements to clear lines of Snits, Coats, Pants, Vests, &c. IN 10041%)PIETI,we have a number of Rolls that we will sacrifice to make room for Fall Importations. Butter, Eggs, etc., taken as Cash. Drumbo is exerting itself to get a Chinese laundry, The crop prospects in Brant county are unprecedented. The late Hon, John Norquay bad life inentance amounting to 614,000. There is to bo a grand Orange demon- stration nt Brandon on the 12th. There are 137 constables in Elgin county, of whom 1e reside in St. Thomas, Near St. Thomas Monday nn Indian was so badly gored by a bell that he can. not live. Wm. MeCorgeodale, of Bennington, had a mess of early potatoes Inc dinner on the lst of July. W. C. Jones, editor of the Paris Star. Transcrip, died suddenly on Saturday morning from apoplexy. A live calf with two heads is one of the attractions to be exhibited at the next Renfrew Agricultural show. The number of franked letters sone from the Government department for the year ended June 30th was 200,000. Jas. L. Hughes, school inspector of Te- rmite, has been nominated to emitted West Middlesex against Hon. G. W. ROsS. Tho Duluth strikers engaged in a riot on Saturday andthe militia were called out. Two men were killed and over 30 wounded. Over 20,000 gophers have been killed in the municipality of Elton, Man., for which a bounty of 2 cents a. head has beau paid. Three hundred and fifty school teachers sailed from New York for Europe on Saturday, where they will spend their Summer vacation. Tho corn hai suffered greatly in Dor- ohester from the incessant rains. The greater part of the plants have rotted in tha ground it is said. Chas. McCall, of Woodhouse, is the owner of a colony of bees from which there were four swarms between the ard and 15th days of the month. Efforts will be made to secure the Royal Humane Society's medal for Wm. Whiter, of Toronto, a boy who has saved five persons from drowning within a year. Magistrate Denison, of Toronto, is de- termined to stop flower stealing in that city. He sent a young roan to gaol for three days for eteallug the flower off a geranium. A St. Thomas man named John Ket- chum, who served in an Iowa regiment during the Amerioan war, is to be paid 03,088 arrearages of pension and 612 per month daring life. The case of Contnee vs. 0.P.R. is at last finished at 0obourg. In the *tie branch of the ease the plaintiff has been awarded 66,000, judgment on the North Shore contract heing reserved till let of August. The Canadian College of Organists held its first annual meeting on Friday nt Toronto. F. A. Torrinton presided. It was decided to do all possible towards making the assooiation eineiliar to the English College of Organists. Since the county of Wentworth was formed into a separate municipality in 1855, there have been eighteen wardens. Alt of them are yet alive, except A. Brown, who reigned from 1859 to 1861i, and Alonzo Egleston, who occupied the chair in 1874. Two sons of William Bayley, of Wood. stock, aged thirteen and fifteen respec- tively, were drowned in the river the other day while bathing. The youngest boy got beyond his depth, and the elder lost his life in trying to rescue him. Both bodies were recovered. The clerks in a number of the stores in Norwich are oironlating a petition among,the merchants for a "constitu- tional' half holiday on Wednesday of each week during the Summer months, closing the stereo at 1 o'clock. The petition is being largely signed by the merchants. There was a ourions incident touohing the death of Prod Ellis, formerly of Mt. Pleasant, who died recently on the road- side in a drunken fit. It appears that the unfortunate man bad a Bible in hie hand, and that a piece of grass between the leaves marked the pasentge at Mark IL, 20, "And he fell to the ground and wallowed foaming." The following new postoftIces were established in Ontario during the past month t--Asselstin, Lennox, Michael Asselstine, postmaster; Clay, Muskoka, Robt. Fullerton, postmaster; Fair Ground, Norfolk, W. W. Williams, post- master ; Beene Craig, Carleton, F. Salt- er, postmaster. The office of Aboyne, county of Wellington bus been closed. A gentleman who resides near Nor- wich came very near being victimized by two sharps. This is the game they worked, He was asked by two agents Who (tailed on him to give his name OS a reference to whom could be submitted the names of purchasers of pumps, in order to And out their finanoial standing. He wrote it, number of lot anl all, on a piece of paper, supplied by en agent, who loft it lying on rho table while he drew gr, 111,'s attention to something out on doors, the three man going °deltic). Agent No. 2 was cold and wont in to warn himself, sew the paper, picked it up, and, after reading it, took it and went away with his compenion, After they had departed gr. M. looked for the paper, mid was informed by the womon in the hone° whore it had gone. He started in pursuit of his late visitors anl niter going five miles caught up. to therm Being a powerful and determined man 110 was not long in inducing them to give up the Paper, when he foiled that he had signed a note for $300. la Gams ALM XX SE -110=S w, aro nearly giving away. All lines are being 'slaughtered at panicy prices. Having- bought many lines :tt prices that has ruined many of the manufacturers in the past month and We are giving our customers tin; benefit or our cheap purchases. lair.,04,IN ma:1r Department is in full blast andall lines must be cleared at wholesale prices. NIGIITINGILLE & Co. ."4.1:18111200.41111.11011X tut rztI N e we. O S Rain and wind have done great dam. P R ago in Ohio and some other Western St °Itet: 0.ol tlfty.two Sunday school pia- --- Mos held in Alabama thee far this year, forty-six of them have been rained on is the most liberal and cheerful mauner. • Po re • :50 - Ceti ts. Bolivia, line one of the most interesting exeibits at Paris. It is to practical end notturul 8100 of is load mine -14 All Work f runt the Amu I I esi I Lire oze famous one—out of which mauy large fortanes have bawl mule. The entrance to it is through a special pavilion erected by the Bolivian Government. An incident whiob ono in the famous story of the Hidden Hand is now located in Philadelphia. A. lady of that city, standing late at night before her mirror, saw in it the reflection of a mom under the bed. The house doechey lay on her bureau es usual. Carelessly picking it up, she seated herself by an open window until a policeman passed under it. She dropped the key in front of him, at the Berne time quietly signifying her mean- ing, He came up stairs, and sure enough there was a brutal.looking follow, who was promptly nabbed. Then, the lady being safe, her presence of mind gave out, she fell into a faint, and the next call was for the doctor. TINTYPES, Evansville, Ind., was visited by a heavy rain and wind storm Monday afternoon, which did much damage. About 10 o'clock at night when the power at the electric light station for street Alumina. tion was turned on numerous wires which had been blown down charged buildings and pools of water in the streets with electricity. Fire a Loot high was emitted in places, musing an alarm to be sounded. The fire department responded, and, be- ing unaware of the condition of things, rushed into what was almost certain death. Horses and firemen alike were kuooked down with electricity. Others rushed into u building that was appar- ently on fire only to bo thrown violently down. Citizens ram ie and met a similar fate and excitement rar. high. A mes- senger hastened to the station and had the electric power shut off and then the work of rescuing began. A dozen or more were found unconscious, but their lives were saved by laying them upon the wet ground. Several firemen are yet in to pre. carious condition. Of dune In a first -rime; 11101111er. VIE -CUTS Residences, Ete., 51 Reason:Me Rates. W. J. Fairfield. voztaapposs MONEY TO LOAI4. PRIVATE F(.\ DS.. of Private Funds ini.v.• placed in my huildr• for in- - vest in • AT 7 PER ':1'::j. • Borrowers can hosv todr loans complete in three day.; tale is satisfactory.. Apply to NOTICE TO THE PU131,IC. The Undersigned desire to intimate to the Public that have. formed a co -partnership, under the Firm name of Turn:1)1%11 & Ballantyne, and are now conducting the Stove and Tinware Busin-s- f wince).- - owned by HAYCROFT & TURNBULL. Our (0111 will patronage. be to please those favoring uo with their US A CALL and ascertain our Prices. • TURNBULL 6- B.1LL. 01 7'.1%/VE... Jos. BALLANTYNE. JAs. Tuaxtrum, 9a/ • 61E HAVE JUST RECEIV- • .Eo a Very Large Purchase, the balance of a Wholesale Stock of ualEs' - BEADED - WRAPS - IN ALL VARIETIES,* worth from $4 to $S, which we are going to sell all at one Price, $2.50. liERGUSON (0 HALLIDAY, 1J4N4 GEO. Private Funds to Loans. 20,000 Have been placed in m3 hands for Investment on real estate. LOWEST RATE OF INTEREST. No Commission . Borrowers can have loans com- pleted in Three Days if title. satisfactory. W. M. -SINOLAIR, Solicitor, Brussels. I PAINE S CELERY COMPOUND ACTS AT THE SAME TIME ON THE NERVES, THE LIVER, THE BOWELS, andthe KIDNEYS This combined action gives it won- derful power 10 cure all diseasee. Why Are We Sick? Because we allow the nerves to remain weakened and irritated, and these grent organs to become clogged or torpid, and poisonous humors are therefore forced into the blood emit should he expelled naturally. PAINE'S { COMPOUND CELERY WILL CURE BILIOUSNESS, PILES, CONSTIPATION, KIDNEY 0020 - PLAINTS, URIN ARV' DISEASES, PESIALEWEARNESS.RITEUMA- TISST, NEURALGIA, AND ALL NERVOUS DISORDERS. Ity quieting rind strengthening the nerve% and causing free net icn of the liver, bowel e, and lc kine!.,.oolrestor- ing their rowel to tl '0 thsenSd. Why ettfror Ttilionn Pains and slehoot Why tormented with Pii,Constxpotiont Whs frightentslover Disc:Jet...2d lisdneyet Why endure nervous nr tisk beadoelles9 Why have oleaplessui0h041 PA11,11''A C0111, 1." . I+ and rejoice in health. It i. •i • etteta. hleo,neiy, Itrtrollcb,“ . fIrkeel.,:. 4,1de W111.1. 8, 9 title .11)- 0 00110A , 04