The Brussels Post, 1889-5-17, Page 8N/1.11/1. I -ti at 1 1..014 Pr ,t n ..1 ? .1,:. a e.l et Me- t Craelt43 e { This. 1 tt tu.: , ' ., t:f Il.:oat ,, .i (tt I1. )tutu Loos out for 114141 h:l t ns' loth i l 41 InC i 1 l.l;t at Ross Ilros next u•calc lig yon want a !.01 1 t+1 -, a 11e,10nols 0,4:0 da"w"y .F«1 3 .mitt go to 1, Ltatherimle. ---OR---- Limn please go and get a bottle of ,yl ,1 s 2 Furniture Polish from J. Dron, only 25o. 4;u�t�,t�,'4�.et,'�t.,)d ��4�.t,.�w�t., (a 1 A. too mt,ntt141,.•t.t tit.s made to the sidewalk north of the bridge by levelling if Sn lea kill surely require Same it rip. VOT3Tors aro a drag Oathe market. They can bo bondht for 1; Cants per bushel, Ms. .axe Mots Rntmn''-s, of Porter's Hill, spent Sunday with their brother, .0. Roberta. 1 13 1:Lo'rH Parlor Suiten for 1030.00, Plush, 8.85 and up. Latest designs in Frames. R. LEA'riEoDALE. ETER-O lady should call at Veal's and get oue of those beautiful patent pillow sham holders they are dandies. Miss M, B0Lsaox, of Walkerton, and Mies S. Henderson, of Toeawater, spent Sunday with Mrs, Fairfield. 11. Guano Inas removed from the Queen's Hotel to the American. Tho !market will be at the latter place hence- forth. LAST week Isaac, Fitzpatrick left Brus- sclsfor Blenheim, Holt Co., where bo has taken a situation as baker. That scetiou should agree well with bim. J. 11. GRANT, who is now in Winnipeg, wrrtea t0 gay the weather is delightful and prospects of e. good crop are very en- couraging. He bas asked for and obtain. ed another month's leave of absence. Fon the past week W. H. Brownlee bas been in this locality delivering the atlases to subscribers to the Home Knowledge Association. Mr. B. is a No. 1 roan for the business and is as good natured about his work as you please. 500. Boots for girls all sold. Will tri a whack this week at a pile of Ladies' India Kid, buttoned] or laced, Boots in cartoons et $1.20, worth $2.00, sizes 24, 8, 4, 4, 4i, 6, 5a. and 6. Ladies Shoes in Tan and Terracotta, tipped and plain, 4,000 pairs in stock. A. Goon. BAND on Horn.—The regular meeting of the Band of Hope Was held on Mon• day evening in the schoolroom with an attendance of 41. After devotional ex- orcises and a temperance lesson, readings were given by Fanny Rogers and Elsie Jackson, and recitations by Alice Watt and Dora Nott. Singing by the Band with Jennie McLauchlan presiding at the ane .LLE c...i This is the hest thing known for the destruction of the Currant Worm, which SO quickly alts the 61st 'wares on these btTlres. A fresh supplyof this powder at C. A. DEADMAN'S Drug, Book and Fancy Goods Store. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. Be11Tt01310 3XTEN0I0::, W. u. h n, it. Trainsnoave Brussels station, uert and mouth as follows:— Going South. Going 'forth. MAiI.. 04 a.m. Mixed )•"O atm F3 1)ntsy i 0 0 a.m.1 Tani! . .AO p.m eesit L -sae elm!. I Express 'r4OP.m L''rf.rilt � C�11 ;items. 4 M1 , A eines ennang ye talon' notes r' An' faith hell p t ntit. Ica cream is to the front. CASH for Eggs at MoCracken's. Trio latest in nobby ties at Ross Bros" S. B. Simms has gone to Ripley to die- pense drugs. 22,000 brick for sale on easy terms. R. LEATHEEnoLE. 40 - Miss THOAMPSON, of Lucan, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Sell. J. A. Coma/mon has gone to Granton to visit his old friends. Tim cheapest and most reliable furni. ture at A. Veal's Brussels. 300 liege of out nails just received. B. Gerry. Sold at bottom prices. J. Y. S. Tint` is bothered this week with his old trouble—rheumatism. ENeltAne corn, turnip, mnngold and garden seeds for sale cheap at Thomson's. VEAL means business and he is selling furniture cheaper than any other dealer in Brussels. 8,000 white brick for sale at a bargain. May be seen at the Central Hotel, Brus- sels. T.O'Bnir.. 31. Rom. Witsem, of the firm of Geo. Love et Co„ hes been laid up &d' the past week 3vit11 rheumatism. WarLEN3-tsoT Bals, and Dancing Pumps for man. Porpoise Laces and everything fn the shoo line. A, Goon. In' yon Mies your cow, if she is left on I the etreet over night, yon will, probably, find her in the pound at Jno. Cousley'e. A N4 -1E1011 of brethren from Sealorth, Listowel and Wroxeter visited St. John's A. F.8 A. Al., lodge last Thursday even- ing and spent an enjoyable time. BALL playing will be engaged in on Tun berry street until somebody Tuts to pay for a store window. The practice should be stopped. Roumlrr, 5 0 of rim. Wes, and Dan. McKenzie have gone to Cleveland, Ohio, where they will try their fortunes. We wish then succes. PASTUar..—The undersigned has a large quantity of pasture rented and is pre- pares] to take in cows or horses. A sprint; creek runs through the place. Apply at once to R. Leetherdale, Brns. sets. Air. orders for teaming left at J. G. Skene`s or A. M. McKay & •Cc's store will be promptly attended to. All orders for garuen plowing ]eft with the above named gentlemen will receive prompt at- tention. 30 HrannueoN Dime. 8E0. Gx:r.tveu is making several inter- nal altet'atious and improvements in his residence, on Turnberry street. lie well have a very comfortable and well ar. renal home when the wet is complet- ed. DON'T forget that the East Huron Farmers' in'.titute will hold a public meeting in the Town Hall, Gorrie, on Tuesday, 28th inst., commencing at 10 o'clock a. rn. Hon. Mr. Drury, Minister of Agriculture, and other prominent speakers Neill be present to address the meeting. There should be a good rally of farmers. VEAL will sell by public auction on Saturday May 25th, 2 new buggies, 2 second hand buggiee, 2 eplendid demo - trot waggons, 1 good horse, 1 f(ne Car. lisle colt 3 years old, well broken, 2 good news and other articles. Terms 6 months ogedit on approved notes, 10 per cent, off t.Or cash. WELL-DrOOINo AND DIuLLINO.—George Birt has all the necessary machinery for digging and drilling wells and is proper. ed to attend to all work entrusted to Lim in a Way that will insure satisfaction. Welts cleaned out and put in proper shape. Terme reasonable. Reade/me eeoond door north of the bridge, west side of Turnberry et., Brussels. 48-tf Tan daily Empire of Wednesday con- tained the following from the town of STmooe :—.81 a largely -attended meeting of the ratepayers of the town, held in the roller rink Monday night, and presided over by Mayor Luscombe, for the purpose of considering batter fire proteotion for the town, a resolution, instructing the town council to purchase a Ronhld steam lire engine, was passed by a very large majority. LAST Saturday evening the Band gave their weekly serenade and delighted all who heard them. The selections given were :—Calumet March, Helena Waltz, Tyrone quioketee, Belair serenade, Neola waltz, New Version quickstep, The For- ester quicketep. There were 20 members in the Band on that evening, The"boys" are doing good work, possibly never better. Patent folding musfo stands Were used for the first time Saturday evening. 1.0 HES ! LANES 1 •-- Cheap rates chi Beatty and oollingwoocl Lino of steam- ers, running in close connection with 0. Tat, trains from Kincardine and War. ton. By this route you can reach Sault St. Marie, Fors Arthur, Duluth, Thee. salon, Algoma and all Georgian Bay ports, thenen to Manitoba, British Col. umbia, Montana, 11linnesote and Dakota of greatly reduced .rates. For inform- ation and tokets call at T'tiornnoplr Ov• E1or. 'P, ,Ux,rt2clu3n, Agent O,T.R., ilrus. sol . 41.11 organ. Dn. Hoo+1Es wee at Clinton on Friday of last weep attending a Committee sleeting of the L. 0. L. for the purpose of completing aaraugements for meeting of the Grand Lodge at Goderieh, com- mencing on the 28th Mat. A. banquet will be held on the evening of the 29th and an excursion given on the lake. An invitation has or will be sent to the now celebrated Thirteen who voted against the Jesuit motion. Manitoba cursioa.--.'n se 4t113, 11th and 18t11. .Deloraine, and return. $28 ; Mooso,miu and return, $28 ; Glcttboro' surd return, $28 ; Salt Coats and return, $28 ; Calgary and return, $35. Good for 40 days. For Tickets and In- formation aj', ly to 3. M. Kendall, or to T. Fletcher, Agents G.T.R. Los•r Saturday 1'. S. Scott, who was recently elected School Trustee, was served with a notice to appear before Judge Tomo On Thursday of thin week, at Goderieh, to produce papers, &o., relative to el. etion and to show corse why his positiou nu Returning Officer should not disqualify him for holding the office, The applioati0n was made by J. J, Gilpin and the affidavit sworn to by J. 8. Denman. In some places you have to compel people to stand for trustee but here it is otherwise just now and the end is not yet. Decision was not given at the time of going to prose. A report was ourrent, however, that tbo case had been adjourned. C.0.1:',—The officers of Court Princess p°+Alexandra, No. 24, C.O.F. were duly in• stalled by Bro. Adam Reid on the 13th inst : Adam Ktenig, C.R. ; A. J. Lowick, V.C,R. ; P.. N. Barret, Chaplain ; W. Smith, R.S. ; Goo. Rogers, i'.5. ; Wm. Blashill, Treasurer ; Sanil. Plum, S.W. ; Ira Barclay, J.W ; W. Wilbee, S.B. ; J. J. Vincent, J.B. ; Wm. Graham, Medical Adviser. Wm, Blashill delegate to High Court which meets in London on June 11th. The membership of Princess Alexandra bas increased very considerably during the past quarter. MISS DmsDAnE.—The readers of TBE PosT will be glad to learn that the an- nouncement of the death of Miss Dime. dale, the evangelist, was premature, The report was first published in a Hamilton paper, and owing to the serious nature of Mies Dimodale's illness, every credence was given to it. The following is from thenoon addition of Friday's St. Oath- erinee Star :—"Oar Welland correspon- dent writee :—We are pleased to be able to state that Miss Dimsdale is some better, and Dr. Sobooley gives hopes of her reoovery. Mise Dimedale, by ber earnest Christian work during her short stay, has secured the friendship and good wishes of our citizens, and all have been very anxious for her recovery. Her sister, Mise Gertie, who came here with her to assist in the revival services, has been with her since, and another sister, Mrs, Knox, of Toronto, and her mother arrived this week. A week ago Sunday she preached here and intended to do so on Monday evening, but was not able. Her disease is inflammation of the brain, end was caueod by overwork. They bad arranged. to begin services at Norwich a week ago last Saturday, but at the earnest requoat of the pastor, lice. Mr. Brownell, and congregation, they con. seated to continue the good work here another week. Last Monday evening Drs. Schooley and Claret Hold a consul. tation, but could give no hopes. Al- though she has improved since, elle is not yet out of danger, This is about the sixtieth church in which she has carried on revival services. Tho young lady and her relatives have the sympathy and prayers of hosts of friends to this town and former*aeon whero she has labored, that her useful life lnay be spared." A dispatch from Welland Tuesday evening oays, "Tho doctor states the symptoms aro more favorable, but she is so weak that she cannot speak above a whioner. He is confident of her.acovery." • THE Eat USSELS POST •inierS,9". 77".wareC.SED` :1'J&7O' IN JIMMEtlrMZMU i' ;"r.'F tM878.,6x?'!!o**.'L:. 113131,301111", in Vn 'liture is Away Down in pint .t II. 1 Ail -Jim -dale's, Miss ('11.11103 11,;!Desah1 111 home 1 WO' 13 sojourn ei eterr:il nes:Alla in Lo;,' I don. Von, is selling beautiful cabinet rhoto' frames for 21 the 001110 es other people ativulfseat 511 8tris,-t.,r X: 10)wicl, shipped seven or eight cars of peas and oats to the East this work. BEAD Rev. •1)r. Talmage's eern1131 011 page 3 of this issue. Subject "Other clays lived over." Tun general topic of oo•lversation on the etreet theeo days is Scheel Board affairs and trustee election. Sulam: fare tickets on the railroads for the Queen's Birthday, Ono and ole^ third fare Sokoto good to Monday. R. Lennieeu,ev oaerlee the Largest Stook of Pietare Framing and will give yon the best satisfaction in the County. LAST Monday Joseph Clegg shipped n ear load of cattle, The first load for ex. port from Brussels this year. Mr. Clegg does it large business. NEXT Friday will be the Queen's birth- day and a public holiday. Why did not Brussels have a celebration ? Are all the old time'•puehers" dead ? TUESDAY evening Herbio Dennis, while playing ball with some companions, fell and broke his right arm and dislocat- ed the elbow. IIo will be laid up for some time. We welcome Mrs. W. B. Dickson and Miss Bate Conin:lc back to town. They arrived here fro') Helena, Montana, on (Wednesday' evening, having visited relatives and friends at Chicago, Detroit land London. THE sermon of Rev. J. Ross, B. A., last Sabbath evening on the Jesuit question was r. most excellent dieoourse. Tho subject wase handled with that thoroughness which characterizes all Mr. Ross' pulpit efforts. The rev. gentleman is sound on the question. W. H. (Gems, of Tine POST, has been appointed local agent for the well known and favorite Allan Line of steamships. He has also the agency for the White Star and Inman Lines running from New York. Full information given with pleasure as to rates, sailings, Re. LAST Friday while Jas. Blashill was carrying a pail of hot water at the slaughter house his fouls slipped and he fell, The result was one of his arms was scalded and one aide of his face also got a touch. He was laid up for several days. LAST Sabbath evening Rev. John N. Lake, of Toronto, occupied the pulpit of the Methodist church here. He preach- ed an interesting discourse from Job 22nd chapter, 16th, 16th and 17th verses. The rev. gentleman has not been in the aotive ministry for a namder of years. THE law Arm of Dickson, Taylor & AlcOnllough has been dissolved, Alr. Dickson retiring. Business will be parried on at the old office by A. 611. Taylor, 7. W. McCullough and S. W. Burne. Mr. Taylor the head of the new firm, is taking good rank in his pro- fession, mid he has able es5ooiates m Mr. McCullough and Mr. Burns.—Globe, Mr. Taylor's many friends in this lo- cality with him every success. Icn CnoAyt SocxoL.—On Friday [Min- ing of this week an lee cream sooial will be given in the Methodist church base- ment. After refreshments have been served a musical and literary program will be presented in which the following are expeoted to take part :—Rev. J. T. and Mre. Legear and T. B. Simpson, of Ethel ; Mrs. Swann, Mies Lottie Hill, Bev. U. Swann, Rev. 11, Paul, Dr. Holmes, IV. H. McCracken and the choir. A pleasant time is anticipated. MH.rlao CHAlooEs.—The following are officially announced :-33rd Huron Bat- talion.—No. 2 Company, Wingham—To be captain : Second Lieutenant Charles Edward Williams, vice Wm. Elliott, who retires retaining rank. No. 4 Company, Clinton—To be captain,rovisionally : Adam Morton Todd, vice David Andrew Forrester, who retires retaining rank. The following officers having failed to attend She annual drill for 1808-9 are re- moved from the list of officers of the militia. viz.: Lieutenant John Ainaley, No. 2,Company (Wineham) ; Lieutenant John Alexander MoNaugbton, No. 5 Company (Brussels) ; Second Lieutenant Win. M. Sinclair, No, 5 Company (Brus- sels) ; Lieutenant John Beacom, No. 7 Company (Porter's Hill.) SPITED AND PEESENTATION.—On Mon- day evening, May oh, the members of the Anoient Order of United Workmen, of Ilderton, assisted by the citizens, on learning that J. N. Kendall, postmaster and popular station -master, had been ap. pointed to a similar but more lucrative position in the town of Brussels, met in the dining -room of the Lorne House, and after partaking of a substantial re- past specially prepared for the occasion, made him the recipient of the following address and a silver headed ebony cane as a tangible expression of the esteem in which he is held, and as a slight memen- to of the many happy and enjoyable even. ings spent together :— Me. KENnALL, DEA) Sm, — Having learned with a feeling of regret that you are about to take your departure from amongst us, and feeling that we suffer an irreparable lose by your removing from our midst and necessarily from the meetings of our noble Order, in which you took such a lively .iuterest, and by your general nature and kindly disposi- tion has won the esteem of your Brethren and the public generally. Wo feel that the cannot allow you to depart without some tangible expression of our appro. elation and hereby present you with this cane, hoping, dear brother, that you will aocept it in the spirit in w11101t it is given. Signed on behalfof the brethren of the Lodge by AYES. OANIPDELL, Fin, GEo. Minnun,, W. M. 14Ir. Handed replied appropriately, ex- pressing his the/aka to the members of the Order and the many friends who had been so kind to himself and family slur. Mg their sojourn of six years in Ilderton. 110 would never forget their kindnses and their kindly worded address and hand- some present would be dearly cherished by frim. To further honor the departing guest an excollettt program, composed of songs and speeches, was given, all express. Mg their seise of the loss the lodge and also the 06t1z508 generally sustain in his removal. The chair was 0ocupied by Geo. Milburn anis the vice chair by Thos. Oliver. Alex. Campbolltoad the address. During Mr. Ifendall's sojourn in Tiderton he has been an untiring worker in the Lodge, filling all the oftlots in tutu, mrd during this time the membership "floras - ed from 18 to over 60. Mfrs. 7i Will is away on it visit; to relatives in :'ngland and will not return before the end of 71dy, P1111 uoul 1315`10130 is coming 1, silo front. 11 i to Is:10310 can giro vnll a 3, .d Holstead for 111.30 Chairs for3 S1101.0 1 lc ilmsselll(so NVuU to itet10/1011 uu '•i"uday 01011ing to hear ,111'x. Heat iddo 1s. H 1 111ANN/LLA Binding Twins 000 feet to the potted, at 18e. Flag Twine, 1100 feet to the 11o1111,1, at 200. li, U3.L6i, • Faze Mt0100101l1, wlro has 13,031 30- journin3, fn the neighborhood of Pete'- bnrn for several months, is home again. Itis visit evidently agreed with 11it11. Leos out for Arthur Veal's big auction sale of horses, cows, buggies, spring waggons, sewing; machines, and other ar• Helen at the Americ,4n Hotel, on hinter. day May 25th at 2 o'clock sharp; A grargea of Bruseelites went to Wing. ham on Thursday afternoon of this week to witness a base ball match between the olub of that town and the Unions of Wroxeter. The result Was tt very deaid. ed victory for :the latter by a scare of 10 to G. The pork pocking establishment of Walker 40 liarlatt, at Aylmer, Out„ was burned Sunday morning. Loss about $50,000. The new Inman steamer, City of Paris, Dressed from Queenstown to New York in 5 daye 23 hours and 8 minutes, breltk- iug the ocean record, Contractor Mann is reporters to have scoured the ooutract for the Morris and Brandon branch of the Northern Peeing S Manitoba Railway. ltev. kir, Evans, of the Chureb of Eng- land at Buokinehmn, Quebec, was car- ried over Iligh Palle, twenty-five utiles from Buckingham, and drowned. He was out sailing in a bark canoe and got 1000 the eurrent. The Ontario Government is construct- ing tunnel under the Falls at thee gQnn o Victoria Niagara Falls Park, blasting a passage -way three hundred feet long out of the shale and slate. At the end of the tunnel will be a large room, which will give a magnificent view of the immense volume of falling water from the under side. Nearly every hotel in this city, Bays the Guelph Heral, is now supplied with a fire escape, and while the landlords have been trying t0 devise some easy method for guests to get out of their houses in case of Piro the wily tramp bas been pnz- t ling his b' Gins as to how he Could get in. The proprietor of a Maodonell street hotel has a fire escape which reaches within six feet of the sidewalk, and a tramp commenood experimenting on it the other evening. He crawled up on it to the third storey of the building, opened a window and jumped in. A bed -room stood open near by, and the man entered the compartment, doffed his clothes and laid himself away for the night. In the morning he arranged his toilet and went down and partook of breakfast. Ilo then cooly walked out and started down the road tow'ar'd Hamilton. A few minutes later the good-natured proprietor discov- ered the trick and now 11e has doubts as to the wisdom of being supplied 3131111 a fire escape. AORST- 1tIcCoxcuzox.—In Morris, on May 14th, the wife of Mr. John McCutoheou jr., of a son. DICE0ON.--In Clinton, on Tuesday, May 14th, the wife of Mr. Chris. Dickson of a daughter. CLu1H—GmsoN.—In Morris, at the resi- dence of Mr. Wm. Clark, on the 13th inet., by Rev. W. T. Ciuff, Mr. Moses Clark to bliss Anna Gibson, both of Morris. McLAvnm,m—BELL.—In Morris, at the residence of the bride's parents, on the 16th inst., by Rev. Robt. God- frey, Mr. Donald MoLauohlin jr., of Grey, to Miss Hattie Boll. BLAox.—In Morris, on Thursday, 9113 1150„ Laughlin Black aged 86 years. Govmoaocx.—At Osprey, on Wednes- day, 8th inst., Mrs. '107. Govenlock, aged 48 years. .i'.r7Vsmrn 53 M.A.RO:Fc imni. commons) CAIIEPOLLY EVERY WEEK. Fall Wheat 90 02 Spring Wheat 90 92 Barley 40 48 Oats 26 28 Peau..... 60 62 Butter, tubs and rolls16 00 Eggs per dozen 10 00 Flour per barrel 6 60 00 Potatoes 20 00 Hay per ton ., 11 00 00 Hides per lb 2 8 Salt per bbl., retail....., 1 25 00 Sheep skins, each 60 1 00 Wool, per 11) .. 17 22 EEA,FORTM-T 001BMOTED 04EESOLLY BMOC 30131311. Fall Wheat 90 92 Spring Wheat 90 92 Oats 20 28 Peas 50 62 Barley 40 48 Potatoes 211 00 Butter, per Ib 15 00 Eggs, per dozen 10 00 Apples, per bushel 80 85 Hogs, dressed G 00 00 Beef 4 60 5 50 11 00 00 Wood, per cord 2 50 4 50 Sheepskins, each 40 7s Hay THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. ULL FOR SERVIOE. — THE untlerstgnodwin kee ter 5ervi30, on lob 10 con. 0, Gro , the trhoro'-bred Short. koro Durham Bull, "Dollanoe;" (0078) Dom- inion Shorthorn Herd Book. :Corms, to in- sure, $1.25 for grade (sows; 69.00 for thong - brads, Lee to be paid Feb, 1300, 1800. Pedi- gree may bo soon on application to rho proprietor,HUG11 MORAY, 41 -lx ,f31)i )l`I']tAYIII Il ON Till?. i 3 31.,.3.1 0 cf tl,l mint 010,1, Lot 4, (Ion, tut 10i tliq 10111hile i' ttcl iu 01400 3, c. %,3i1 1!„ 1 , ae :- (iut t t• 10.01.0 1, ' ' ly IT '3311110 4101 tall/ .11 ,0 1311113',111% 0/019(1.11 TAYLOR. 'ft 311 c,c 1 cc rood ,,,1.1,1,1 writ' e l 31.tr. lilt ltil.lth, \ilrslrye:ion,.1(uebester N 1., ae tlnty aro le 100113 0 11100011t 1311,101131141b011,1011. 1151, to gull the h 0110100 0114 hardy varletien of ouree'y stn,.l( either of Mills!' os con, Units ala L.. y ;tot x ,.e1 reseal e vnrle ttu:: to offer. 111'ite them at on00 for terms, de. lays are dai,ilrrnun. 97.5 Tic :tL.c l[Tab'a;Yf)lw t Anri•l5 the summer months, mon- menclug 'aturauy, May 11111, L will oarry paseeng008 en Saturday of 031011. week from Carrie to Seafertll and return for 01,000, end iron: Brussels to Bnnforih and return Stage loaves (1t usual !lours. On the Queon'n Birthday a special eau reputes) will ba run to Nonfortb, 50 cents for return trip from Bras- sels. S. WALSIL, Proprietor. 01111114 AND SEA( ORTlI STAGE Bourn. Stew:h eves 401ri0 about 5:90 0. m., reach- ing Brussels About 0:30 a, 111„ and will arrive at bent) rib anent 11:30 0. in, Returning '0111 laevo !;efforth about 3:90 p. tn., reuohing Brussels about 0:45, In time to connect with trails g01:11.1 north and south. Also make connections with C. 1'. It. at lVroxoter and G orris. 0. WAL571, Proprietor, ��i71oL8 FOIZ SEI1VIOE.—T1 J unignod will beep for oorvlce Lot 2a,, Con.4, orris, tiro thorough bred Durham Boll, "Barney." ort (11)531, ragistorod pedigree 1)0:131 ion 8)1,31 01,10,1 Ord N, fol. rl,3 for thoroughbred wr .61 far nvo 100 Terme, x ingoet cavo, s,'r. 'vol privilege 1I t hull is ins it nem01/ th . u wall , '03 grade bull e, els) kept it the sumo hon 'Penns, necessary. saute. with priv(lnge of hlg ifasoon on The t ot(oIi o of "Barney"areOmaybe even on alp -/),r, on to the owner. 9&•3n•, PlIT1011 B A.B11, Proprietor. TRAYED FROtu, THE'PREIS. ins of tho undersigned, lot 10, con. 0, Groy, on or about Apri 186th, a -tread of cattle. Two yearlings ono a white hull, the other h rod heifer, The otbor three are 2 -year-olds, two steers and a heifer. Tho largest door baa white star in forehead and t30o hints logs white over faloeke. Any information loading to their recovery will b o thankfully received, JNO. LOW30, Brussels, 1',0. 41. 0011RT OF REVISION. I VILLAGLr OP 1121488I0.1,8, Take uoii0p that the Court of iiavieinl/ for . tiloVOlingoofliruasols REAL ESTATE. -FARMS FOR SALE.—THE UN - .L Dun01GNun has Govern mid Farms for sale and to rant, May terms, in Townships of Harris and Grey. F. S. SCOTT, Brussels. 87-tt. 'HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE, On the corner of Mary and atechan3c streets, in the village of Brussels. Thio pro• party is very conveniently situated and ie n bargain to any person having a family of Young children as it is so near the 0o10ol. Good stable and well on the promises, also soma young fruit trees and n quantity of small fruit. Apply to the owner 011 the premises. 15-tf MRS. TUIINBULL, Brussels. rpANNERY FOR SALE.—THE RR Brussels Tannery is offered for sale at a bargain. In it is a 16 h. p. engine and 30h. p, boiler ,18 vats, 2 curry tables, 2 stoves, good bark mill and a full set of toolswith heating pipes to leaches. &0. There are about. acres of lend in connection with the building. No tannery nearer than Wlugham or' Listowel. Terme easy. For further par- ticulars, as to price, terms, da, apply at 87- Tun P0O0 1'nbilnhb1'4 1101100, 01.108110. Li1AIt1I FOR SALE.—THE SUP,. BOMBER oilers his saleable 100 mere taxon, beiug:ot a, con. 13, Grey Tom:ahip, Huron CO., for soft. There are about 10 cares el0arod and in good heart. There is 0 log house, gond bank barn, beating orchard, and all tho imeesatny conveniences on the pre:Moos. I''er further particulars, ns to price, terms, oto„ apply to the Proprietor, L'FI00.I3hSLOP, Clare P. O., N, W. T.. or to 2-t1 0)000311.] 0Tl03101.4N, llrusocln 1141 ARM FOR SALE.—THE TIN. ..il_ nuntuomi0 offers for sale tho north east quarter of lot 28, 00008503011 0, Morris, County of Citron, containing 60 acres. Tho land is of lira quality and in a high state of cultivation. well fenced and under -drained, t a acres cleared. Now frame house, S rooms, milk house with concrete walls, 2 wells, good barns and shed, orchard, ate, Bight sores of fall wheat. This desirable property adjoins Oho corporation of Brussels. Suit- able terms will be given, Title perfect, JAMAS G1ti1.V11,-Ownor,. 00- Soaforth P. 0. t)0�" AORE FARDIFOR SALE. —A first -glass farm for sale in the Township of Morris in tiro County of il mon being south half of nerlb half lots 21 de 20 and south half of20 in 5th con., containing 200 acres more or less, 126 soros mostly clear of stumps and 10 a good state of oulti- vatton.- There is it young bearing orchartl,a good house and h,nik barn 00 x 56 feet with stone stable underneath. The form is situ- ated within a 10110 of the Village of Brussels and is a good form for grate or stook rais- ing as Otis watered with the: river Maitland and never failing spring creel(. Possession will be given at any time. For furter par- tienlars apply on the premiees or to A.11,. 1011ERTSON Brussels. P. 0 6-t1 'FTALUABLE I'ARbI FOR SALE b being the South half of lob number 80 in the 4th concession of the township of 11001is, known as the hounosteml of Arabi - bald Taylor, oonlaining ninety -vino soros. Ninety aea00 aro Bleared, the balanoo wood- ed with valuable timhor. Excellent build- ings,largo orchard of choice trees, soil in good oon'dltion and is situated one and a quarter0, 0lthe mein grhavel roadrl1 Village ono of the finest homestead farms lu rho Oouuty of Hurou and will bo sold at bargain and on terms to suit purchaser. For further particulars apply to the Proprietor. A. M. TAYLOR, Henning Arcade, Toronto, or to fAIRCHIBALD TAYL011, SA., on the prem- ,,%%I�( OOD FARM FOR SALE IN l�Morris, on reasonable terms. in order to close the affairs of the estate of the lata W. el, Megaton, rho ex5ontor5 offer the fol- lowing valuable lands for sale North half of Lot 10, Concession 5, Township et Morris, containing 00 aoro0, On thio 100 is erected a good frame barn With 800110 foun- dation, good orchard, well andpnmp. Near- ly all cleared, and 18 on tiro grave road closely adjoining 410 village of Btu:Bela. This farm is a valuable ono, is well fenced and in a geed state of cultivation. For prime and tame apply to Ta05. 1110LLY, Broseela P. 0., HENRY J19xr'NIN00, Victoria Square P. 0., or JAMES SMITH, :Maple, Lodge 1'. 0„ Mlddlo0ox County, AUCTIONEERS. (�y EORGE KIRIKBY, ‘X Licensed Auotionoor. Sales conduct - orlon reasonable terms.,Farms and farm stoops specialty, Orders ett at THE 1(05T Publishing Ilona ,Brussols,or sentto Walton P, 0,, will reeolvo prompt attention, A RAYMANN, • Anotloneer, 15 always ready to at- tend )alas of fame, Mem stook, 80, Terms ahem -fully given. Cranbroolt P.O. Sales may be arranged at T324 Poser Pobllahtng Reuse, brussels. DENTAL) G L.11a11, Ie, D. S„ honor Graduate and 01. It 0, D. S. 'reroute. Vitalised Air g1Ven. OOlc a Mrvnns 71r,colc, SEA100010, ]Da Nus 0T 1 W. J. Fear, L. D, S„ Graduate 0r Toronto School of Dentistry, A11 nporatione guaraut0ocl. f`Arttilcial tooth, Bret quality, and a guaranteed At, for 812.00per sat. 011100-0A0Y'o 13LUCx.,' 534M/oit'rn, .11)7661:1TX1.0T1 he hold in tbe'Towil Tian on i I >r -.G-- S2A�v' 21 '. z,, xa, s„ MONDAY, 111814 ann,1080, nm 7;t) P,M, Ali partsos Interested will please {alio no. Moo and oat nuoordinglr • 44 �21ns '10., .', Clerk. 1 MAY 17, 1889. -HEL LO 911.4iP, Cb� Would 1)111'icultU'l,y invite your attention, at the present season of the year to the fact that I 01111 Save Tour Homey for you if you give nye an opportunity to do so. I have Wall Papers of every style and price, CAN- ADIAN, AMERICAN and ENGLISH, from 50. ROLL as high as you wish to ga. No trouble to show you what We have for wev have just what we advertise to have. PEPPER'S RUG S`xrOItE (Successor Io J. Hargreaves .0 (104) Opposite Queen's hotel, Brussels, RANKiNG. .:INTOSII & MoTAGGART, BANKERS, . BRUSSELS, Tro.aoact ra G'ono to . Baal-izaC' NOTES DISCOUNTED. Canadian and United States Drafts bought and. sold. Interest allowed on Deposits, Collections made on fen'oratfe terns. Canadian Agents—M1lncunxr'a Bann os CANAnn. Now York Agents—IMpal:xl:ns .len Tan/. Ens NAR20N.tL BANS, LED ,R, AND Cil��VEYAI'CIbC. \i. SINCLAIR, _w �' T .sal 1 eltoy ailsto' l uoob, 1 :mar north 11c, &). Office—Grails Dtug nb0.'.' 1'100',,,1 n„nr north of Popper's Drug Store.• Private A+ends to Loan. t'� E. WAD.11, 5_1.1 o Barrister, Solicitor and Notary Pah. lto, Conveyancing. Collectaous and L)aulug, air, Wado w111 attend in Gerrie every Wed- nesday at two o'clock, IOKSON & IIA.YS, (Lata with Gamow & Preu,dfu0t, Gotte- rtoh,) Barristers, Soltoitor0, Conveyancers. &0, 011100—Grant's Block,13 russets. Money to Loan. n. 5. HAYS. w. 14, nUCaaoN. lA A . 81 TAYLOR B. C L. Barrister, solicitor, &a., of the firm of Dickson, Taylor & MaCulloa gh, llalrintors, Solloltors, &a, ,Moaning Arcade, Ring Street West, Toronto. Money to Loao. letLEX HUNTER, Clerk of tiro Fourth Dh'1+ion Court, 00. Unroll, Conveyancer, Notary Public, Land, Loan and Ioannina Ag„nt, feuds invested and to loan. Collections made. OOlae in Graham's Block, Brussels. R+ISI'3ESS CARDCTix YYYY'''!]]1000A/r 1-I. ItIoORAOE7,N,-- ....-_ 9 t' - (sensor of Marriage Licenses. Olgea at hes Grocery, t'nrnborry street, Brussels. l ISS O'ot,NNOR, Teacher of Piano and Organ. Terms On application. Walcott 111,005 moots every Thursday and Friday at Mre. D. Cowbell's, Walton, ISS HARGREAVES Desires to receive pupils for lustr00. turn on the 'Piano and Organ. lviuo years experience. Haddam: with ]tics. dargreav es, over Pepper's Drug Store. N. BARRETT, JLIIi• Tonsorial Artist. Shop—Next doer south of A. M. McNay & Oo'e hardware atom. Ladles' and ohllaren'e hair cutting a specialty r A olooioo stock of cigars kept. A • 6110NAIR', .ti I ieuror of Marriage Licenses, by appointment of Llout,-Governor, Commis- sioner, Ineuranoae 00, Office at the Orembrook Post Office. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM, 10(8UEANOE, FIRE AND MARINE: G UELPH. DRESSMAEIN'G.— The undersigned desires to Intimate to the ladies of Brussels and surrounding country that she is prepared to attend to all orders intrusted to her. Satislaotlon guaranteed. Shop—Up-Stairs, ono door north Of Walter Jaokson's hardware store, 00- MISS SAMPLE. MEDICAL CARDS. UTM. OALE, M. D., 'O. M., Member of the College oaPnyystchins and Surgeons of Ontario by examination. 0711th and li051,10 oe—Main street East, 14thel, Ontario. T A. MoNAUGHTON, M. D. 3) • C. DI., L. R. C. P„ Edinburgh, M. O. P. 13. Ont. At Popper's Drug -Stora from 0 to 11;90 a. n1, and from 1180 to. 4 0, m, At other Louts /nay be found at his reeldoneo, form- erly ooaupiod by Dr, I1ut0111050)1, Mill eb. VETERINARY. U...' W1 O'BRIEN, V. 8., .__..._ .IL • Honor Graduato of the Ontario Vet. eriuery College, 7s prepared to treat all tdieoa5esofelomesticatedanimals On sm0ntifie and approv04 principles, Oildao—Two deers north of 'Mulberrybridge, street, —TSO D. WARWICK, V,, ., • el Graduate f the Ontario Veto 1 1 er nary Colloga,bas oeol(od an otlloo in Arnssoh and honor Grpoltoto of trio R0 s,7 0 1le'l a of -ifs now 3/ ti tete i1u t Lroot 011 di0oa5os a1 Do31ta iStereof�o. T' inontl •YC a rx;0xiltflo Goo t and 04 tiroV0dn:lnoi 100 t 04116 ablou?nt010. oalminletonnd din Union ac an of pP. 11 od to tooth. 011lco— day0 night, 011doofn.13 c1. Itirho,rd's Har• f �t Om4Daoa NonTn Ot AANN, Bat/8a73Le, noes "(sops opp01/10 (30a0n 6 11ct91, 13rneoolt.