The Brussels Post, 1889-2-22, Page 5Feb. 22, 1889.
gotauf.. .9' - :d',' t'T-. iurriw'I: ^"'x*"r"w "' ^.err "%H:ER:.^..T'i.3t'TF..'.S' F.'IJtu'4L:L.�...2.37 Saar 17 WM..Cn7,lY...w.. ,:.,:p.lingua
.;Jiritxirt 410135.
Jot; (..uI,u was appointed av essot• for
the year 1116) nt n (salary of 510.
it la reported that mimed of ant
yonag noon intend leaving town for
Clpeel tool shortly.
efeeare. Teener and Sham lutvo peon
asked In sing et the SL. Petrick's oonoort,
to be held in (loderieh, on loath Maroln.
The titeetege ittenditnee at oar public
Helmet le 171, divided among ,the ouvorel
100101e, viz„ Principal's room, 40 ; Mies
Moilatt's roam, 137 ; Miss Taylor's room,
A, W, Slain, our enterprising farmer,
is going into the growing of apples next
spring. rrarn the latest account hells
going to plant ant 500 trees of winter
HIi,e Wright, of Myth, is visiting old
friends in t11ia locality this weak.
Wm. Kiser, of Harrimton, has ba'
Visiting at II. Berkholdmr'8 thin week.
Last week a Berle:hire sow belonging
to J.. M.. Martin had a litter of 20 pigs, all
living. '
Tho Alas'. W,wanosh Springy Show will
be heti. in Bele rave on Wednesday
April 17th.
A. few we"ks age Magg:e Or, "fey
scalded ltmr foot quite seriously and was
on the reserve list for some !idle time,
J no. !looney has been laid up daring
the pa -1t week with 11 Ilad earbunolo nn
hie geek. It was a very painful and (lis-
agrocablo companion.
Jno, ;ample', auction Wit last irri•lav,
was a very successful 0110 end, the stock
&o„ sold at good primeG*�. The veteran
auctioneer, tem. Kirki,y, wielded the
ham mar.
IL. Irvine's eldeitt ct0'l (htor, who has
been ill for some time at her uncle's in
Ireland arriv„ l liome about; two weeks
ago. Her brother and sister who worn
in New York heard of her illness and
went to aeconip'ony her home. We hopo
she may soon bo restored to good health
again, although fears are entertained
that it may be a long time.
Jas. Roes, Be]grave, was home last
Wm. Stewart, Blyth, was visiting his
parents hero on Saturday and Sunday
Mrs. Pattison, a sister of Mrs. Tim-
mins, who is very ill, peed her a visit
last week.
Miss Clara Creighton, Brussels, for-
merly of Blnovale, was visiting friends
hero Inst week.
Wm. Ross, a former roeident of this
place, but who has lived. in Belmont for
some time, has returned here.
Rev. A. McKibbin was at Brussels on
Monday of this week attending the re-
vival services being conducted by the
'Misses Dimsdalo.
Next Saturday a football metol, is to
be played between the Binovalo school
bore and the boys of No. 5, Morrie, in
the vicinity of the latter school.
Duncan King, being away from home
last 6nbb,th, slid not attend to hie duties
as superintendent of the Presbytorian
Sabbath School. This is the first Sun-
day fur years that Mr. King has not been
in hie piece and the confusion in oonse-
gnence of his absence showed his use-
Mr. Dowd, a roproeonte-tivo of the
Grand Lodge of Good Tomplars, held
meetings here last Monday and Tumidity
evenings, to re-establish a lodge of Good
Templore. On Tuesday evening Mr.
Dowd gave a half hour lecture speaking
very earnestly of temperance work.
Members for the proposed lodge were
then asked for, bub only four persons
were willing to join. Mr. Dowd 0anvams-
od far a few days in this neighborhood
but did not seemed in re.Organizing the
eeleeat >•rtle.
The heavy state of the roads prevent
the usual quantity of wood from coming
Mrs. Doble, of Halifax, and Mrs. J.
Doble, of Montreal, are visiting their
sister, Mrs. W. D. Bright.
Mrs. Wm. Piokat'd, who had the mien
fortuuo to break her arm on the rink
last week, is progressing very favorably,
Unto Cantata which is being practiced
by the varier ehnrch choirs and Sun-
• rlay Schools in town premises to be a
tine elf1ir and is being lookod forward to
with it meat deal of interest.
A. Stewart Atkinson, student with G.
L. Ball, returned home after passin g a
very creditable examination 111 the
Dental College of Philadelphia. lvlr.
Atkinson is a good student and proles.
glottal in his deportment,
Old 11r. Allan, at ono time Township
Cleric of Mullet, passed away to !tie re-
ward lamb Mouday morning and was
buried 811 Londesboro' cemetery on Tues.
day. Ile was an old country school
teacher and name to this oountay many
years ago, settled in gullet at a ,lace
afterwards called Bandon. His death
was calm and peaceful.
Plop Jesnito agitation has reaohed
Soaforth and it is to be hoped that the
declerations of Reformers and Conger-
vativom to know no party politics here-
after bat to unite under the great Dom -
mon cause of Protestantism moats some-
thing more than wordo, To bo an in -
dependant voter is expressive of more
mauho0d than being known as a Re-
former or Conservative, at least in 9% of
the general.
Wi>ti.' rltuan.
Desinoss has almost boon at a stand-
still owing Y to the storm weather,
The members of theW to ham lacrosse
ohm purpose reorganizing shortly.
As a town we are proud of our towns-
man, Dr. Macdonald, and the manner ho
always acquits himself when ho addresses
the 0leeters or tho Honse of Commons.
A friendly game of curling was played
ab Wingbam on Wednesday of this week
between Hansell and Winghanl clubs,
resulting in favor of tlio Wingham club
by 8 shots.
Gray, Young & Spading shipped a 00.1:of salt to Regina, N. W, l'., on Feb. 6111,
via 0. P, R. John Jones shipped a oar
load of horses to Victoria, 13. G„ an the
12th lust„ via C. P. Ry,
It. W. Hastings, of Turnbotay, "and
Thomas !Ritchie, have deeidod'tn start a
ender and jelly mill in WinphOtn Ramo
time in April, This 3esin008 in: to be
conducted on a ]ergo Reale, with steam
poser, a thirty 1101'0 rower engine having
been eeenred,
Spadini; ,C Powell, 07.g nt!rnhants,
have 0111,401w. e • --hip, the farmer
1otttinein0 the •
The (1, N. I; it - ,,,cute 1 it now
wanes -tank ami • II at their station
Item, at a c,43 - ,1`4,illin The eat
ntetty of the to, t , r thousand gal,
lone, or i„00 foto+,ut .41 0. Th. water i•1
pnmptel from en exn.d out spring by th •
winrintill, which works well,
A. WO4(t,
J. 1I, 'Inlloh„ has boon elected to the
Presidenny of the Young lefen's Christi ,n
A•s0oialio't of Albert College, Belle. iUu,
Lemuel 1'etton is getting 10 learnt) loge
enough to ca0ry hon through the year,
and that willbo no small number, In
that line he is an export.
Theo are three Sabbath sollools in our
village—Presbyterian, Baptist and Meth,
odist—and some good worloa'8 in mob.
Atwood pe .pee, upoo the whole, remem-
ber tho Sabbath day.
The onto tainrnout in the Presbyterian
aburoh next Friday evening will be held
in the bee anent of nhurch. 13v the way,
they lieee an nrl(a11 io numlecti0u with
th'dr 14 tile. 11 .00ho .1 now. 1t will Don -
tribute much to the Rumness of the school,
et:t 114+•3.
L.cent1T.tvr Notre,:. --In circle” to make
room for an lnunenee Spring Stook of
Dry Goods and Millinery, which will er-
rive (them March let, ve will MT t• oro•
present stook of Dry Goode, Poeta &
Shone, Pepe and Ov-ectette at a Bl! Din.
count for Cash until that ditto. Our
regular credit cu0tniners ma' she a in
this rh:4nue on the usual term . It will
pay you to ennui early. Yours, &n.,
W. Stneoon & Son.
Council 311' 011133 will bo held here on
Friday, bin eh 0th.
Several of our villagers Attended the
revival meetings in Brussels this week.
They report g,+ed Mame.
By notice oh;ewhere it will be seen that
the farm mien which Thos. 'launders
line lived for several years is offered to
rent. Wm. Hpeueo le the agent,
A tea meeting will bo held in the
lfethodiet church on Wednesday evening
of next week, 27t11 inst. After tea, in
addition to the looture on !'The Human
Voice" by Rev, James Livingstone, of
Clinton, therm will be readings, write,
tions and musio. A good time i8 assured
and a largo turu-out is expected.
One evening lest week the members and
adherents of the Methodist oburoh, led
by Thos. Maunders and Wm. Tindall,
made a visit to the Methodist parsonage
and presented the popular pastor with
30 or 40 bushels of oats. Tho rev, gentle-
man rrtpliod appropriately to the address.
A very pleasant time was enjoyed by the
Cs re_V.
»Miss Lydia Thornton, of Bluevalo, is
visiting the family of David Grant.
Township Council will be held at Bur-
ton's hotel, Ethel, on the 2nd Friday in
Ib 34 reported that John Mitchell, of
London, may build it dwelling on his 50
acre farm 011 the 13th con,
A large number of farmers are going
to 13rueseis on Monday, March 4, to
see the C.P,10. exhibition car.
On the nth inst„ a Give belonging to
Hugh Stewart, 15th eon., presented 1100
owner with twin lambs. This le about
the first of the season.
Jno. AioLanohliu, 12th con., heel a bee
last week hauling brick for a new cosi-
donee. The building -will likely be n
good elle as Mr, Mao. does nothing by
The Cranbrook flax mill is not prov-
ing a fuauoial success either to Oho man-
ager or p8trone. It is a difficult matter
to run any business these days without
plenty of ready money.
George Hall, who has been visiting
relatives and friends in this locality for
several weeks, loft for his home in Da-
kota on Wednesday of this weep. He is
very favorably impressed with the west.
Wo regret to hear of the 5erioas indis-
position of Hugh Stewart. He has been
ill since New Years and has been con-
fined to bed for the past three weeks,
Wo trope to be able to soou report a
change for the butter.
A. jolly time was spent at the comfort-
able residence of John Ewen, 13101 oon.,
on Friday evening of lash week. In ad-
dition to a number of relatives and
friends from Tfibbort township several
of the yowl:; p^nple of this section at-
tended. Tbo evening was very pleasant-
ly spent and the 0ompany was a unit in
deciding tllnt Mr, and Mrs. Ewen made
n filet-eI. ,v host and helioses. T10 olrl
folk showed tee company how to dance
a Sootob reel,
The Sc;tfnrtb Sun says:—R. A. Fair-
bairn curl (,iw of Groy township loft for
their home in the were on Wednesday
last. Mr. F. has been living at Walsh's
Stabion, California, for the past sir years
and le engaged in farming but getting
rather tiled of bachelor life he decided
to return to Canada and tape back a
parener with hien to share his joys. Ho
likes the country and climate well, and
we understand line been very 00100maeful
and has plenty of this world's goods.
Wo wish them 10, pleasant and safe jour-
Dnnert;, regular meeting of the
Literary and Debating Society at
Shino'a school house was bold last Mon-
day evening. The subject discussed was
"Resolved that the people prospered
more under tho Tudor sovereigns than
the Stuarts." On tho affirmative were
Tits. MoLauohlan, Jno, Robertson, Tits.
Porrie and D. Robertson and on the neg-
ative Alex. Perrin, J. M. Robertson and
Wm. Petrie. The discissions were very
spirited on both sides. After carefully
summing up the points decision was
given in favor of the affirmative. Peter
Botz and Win. Richio performed the
defies of a hairmen to the eatiefaotion of
all, On Monday evening, Mar. 41h, a
literary meeting will bo hold,
]Che annual meeting of the Listowel
Snow Shoo Club was held h1 tho office of
emirs. Iday Bros., Feb. 12t11 when the
following dithers were elected .for the en.
suing yea01 President, J. A. II°anking ;
Vico-President, 11. B. Morpily ; Hon,
Elm-Treas., S 11. Rigg8. Committee of
management, Masora'. Kilvort, Culbert,
Lilli0o, Burgess and Hay. Whipper in,
F, W. Hay.
On Wednesday of last week St. l'aul.'e
Lutheran eltnrob in this town was throng.
od with ladies and gentleman, the cause
of the gathering being the marriage of
the paster of the ohooro 1, 13030.101, Arendt,
and Mute Hose, oldest daughter of
Wm, Hose, of oho 'firm of HORS Brest,
furnrtn , 1111! The Itm,t w:(
Mel by l v. 'A. t4 ehldt4 of f;lmioo, m
11.0001 i'a'e w•ibl1 'hlf IIl14rl ,1L ,i. 0!1'511! of
th•, hntlh'-:ll1 nhnrnll.
John Aoki•1, rrO..fv!•d r4 few day, u.(„
1u•ongl1 the 1,at1. .0 anonym, is tett,
tin wen"r of which threatens to burn
hint olio mils ho "mends itis ways,"
;that what 1L', ,!skin 11aa been guiity of,
further than reprimanding the 8nppo+ed
entietti er tee r'7 # tt fir es in town ht, is
ata I,oi t t r•., lj 11 tri, '1'hn letnr, welch
fn releit..3 "seek the.Ilippor," is doubt-
less intended as a joke, 114 objm't bah)g
to 5,•100 01r. Asko].
Sunday evening of lar, week 1110 encu.
Goo of mime parties on !Main street was
attracted by a strong moll of burning
rags, and on inyestigation the discovery
WW1 made that a bag frill of rags in a
room over Burt Bros. Ss Co's store was
on fire, and that the'fir'e had commeni-
oated to the board partition against
which the bag w0,8 leaning. Fortunate-
ly the fire was discovered in its ieeipi-
euey and was 80011 extinguished.
Sootier 1)eA'At 311011,01 IN Crouton.
before the services began on Sunday
of last week in the Gorman] Lutheran
Churoh, the congregation was startled by
am au which proceeded from th - pew
ocoiipi••d y Mrs. Etiooboth Zilliiox and
sent, of her family. It was quiokly as.
certahled that the old hely lied fallen
over, lied was being sup,ortel by her
daughter, Mr+. David teanrdorson end Mr.
San ie , ,n. The (umber melnnchaly 'rievetty . el also gniekly mads teat in
that bri if moment lite had to all appeer-
a11Cee taken flight. 'Medical 11ee18tn000
wait imme'aiat,•ly secured, but only to
aonlirn tet brae• of the friends gathered
around her. Thu vital spark had nn-
dnubtoily left its mortal habitation, end
her spirit had taken it8 dieht from tho
Church militant to join the congregation
of the Church triumphant. The sudden -
nese of the deceased woman's death was
naturally a terrible 0110010 to her friends
and those ground her. She had been in
her usual health up to the time of her
death, and had walked to Church in
company with Mr. and Mrs. Sanderson.
The remain, were removed to her late
resid.nioo on Dodd street, and were in-
terred fu the new cemetery on Tuesday
afternoon, followed by a large number of
friends and acquaintances. The de-
ceased lady was about 84 years of age,
and was mother of George, Christopher,
Frederick, John and Conrad Zilliax, of
this town. Her death is attribned to
heart disease.
Perth County Notes.
Itis in contemplation to erect a new
G.T,R. station at Stratford shortly.
jot R. Forbes have Bold a span of
handsome Shetland ponies to Campbell
& Nelson, of Detroit, for $175.
Messrs. J. & R. Forbes, of Stratford,
havo spent between $4000 and $5000 in
baying horses for the Montreal market
since January.
Oliver Hodges has sold his confection-
ery business to W. R. Davis, who in-
tends to put his two sous—Fred and
Wm.—to run it.
The costs of the suit, 11UULiron v. Dav-
is were over $350. Tho fence and half
an acre of land on each side aro not
worth that much money.
Rev. C. 13. Stafford, of Mitchell, has
been invited by the official board of the
(Bain street bletbodist 011ureh to remain
as pastor for the third your.
Jno. Skinner, nurseryman, 'Mitchell,
has made an assignment for the benefit
of his creditors. Isis liabilities aro
placed at $3000, including all preferen-
tial claims.
A meeting of the creditors of J. F.
Obwell, the St. Mary's fruit Danner, has
been called. Until this action wait taken
his affairs were generally supposed to be
in fairly good shape.
George Forbes, of Woodstock, has sold
to Wm. Kidd, of Listowel, the stallions
Blizzard and O,K., for $1,5000 and $2,-
500 respectively, Blizzard is Due of the
best bred stallions Woodstock has ever
Jas. Northgraves, of Listowel, has sold
his two Chicago Volunteer Dolts teed'. W.
Schweudiman, of Drayton, for $850.
Mr. Nerbhgraves has purchased an hotel
stand in Drayton, and intends removing
Mr. and Mrs. P. R. Jarvis, of Strat-
ford, celebrated their coral wedding 00
Tuesday. They were married by Rev.
Dean Boont01' at Galt, on the 1201 Feb„
18 19. They spelt their honoymbon in
Stratford mod have lived there over
Two rinks from the London and
Poreat City Curling Clubs 100111 80 50.
Mary's Friday to meet the „1116 of that
town, but 2V0r0 "beaten nut of their
boots,d"The St, Mary', 133131 1 at the
Lendons by 0 abets and the Forest
Citioe by 30.
In Chambers, tet Toronto on 'Tuesday,
in Regina, ex rel. Dougherty v8, leRtalay,
W, l3, M0;•editb, (1,C„foo the impenitent,
McClay (MR13110ll), obtained leave to serve
notice of a motion to sot aside an order to
rescind an order of a 'coal judge allowing
proceedings 110 the nature of a 1100 tyat•-
rlollta, and for a stay of prouee(ling.t until
return of the motion.
Mr. Trow, of Stratford, presented a
petition for the incorporation of the
Dominion Life aseuranee company, with
headquarters at Waterloo. The moor.
porators are Jas. Trow, Stratford ; S.
Kerner, New Hamburg ; Thos. Hilliard,
Jno. Shull, Walter Wells, Simon Snider,
Christian Kempf, Peter H. Sims, Wm.
Snider, Waterloo ; Wm. T. Parlto, Lie.
towel ; Peter 17. Shantz, Preston ; Ab-
salom Mauer, Waterloo ; Jonah B.
Hughs, Waterloo ; Thos. Gowdy, (5u01413;
Jno, Ratz, Klnnira,
Not long since a Mitchell lady and a
Woodstook gentleman wore engaged to
meet in Stratford at the altar of Hymen.
The bride elect with her father and
bridesmaid arrived at the appointed time
and place, bet the young man slid !not put
in an appearance, and his second teoeivod
a dhepat011 to say that he was just start.
ing for a holiday trip to the l7. S. The
father was in a towering rage and vowed
all sorts of retribution. The truant
AdOnie repented and returned last week
and it is said the postponed ooutrart has
einem boor ocelot! and signed.
littestelnst)t Ne,vm:e.
Sir (.chits. Teepee is expected hone
ent'ly in March.
Tito toes by the fire in Montreal on
Satnr'rlay wan $150,000.
T. Moorhen, need -wheat dealer, lir.
rested at Renfrew, hos taken nation
against Pollee Magistrate Daly, of Hing-
stou, for $10,000.
/l01emaort1wemeffe0 =est!•.-rr„1„_,tgt: ;^r.F- ,".ur��Ts "..S'tinzr..^ 6r,imc.•Ar.,mar='a;l0o0tztvmetvrLn3:tapie1.1:•,;s iztte str,ga
11. ;!tiller was fisr•.1 01 (Altai
oa lnt'trdav fer 1 'jarv.
Heiden dirt not tempt "n 18. 01.16,0i
but will come on limn. xt ..teal fur.
More tell raids in Weulworth nonnty
irw„ he in ,''r.i(nnmad 114 nnft 100
'1'11e publisher' , of d]!Liege arc mdc 181(0. .
111: to eo124bl]s11 nn ev:elfin;; tanaop4per in
ibr. pulitinns ,o',in't the .''nit hill
ware largely •etignea in the Prnteitaut
churches of lln:dret t.
An (10103' Ipts ba.n gra [del bo the
M'tnit ba Collet for the winding up of
Dull 1',,.,111 Conoriu,y.
The quarterly meeting of the Ontario
Gaolers' Assaoiatioil was held Tumidity
afternostt at the Rossin House.
Tho Windsor Cas Well Co. expecte to
commence operations soon, and will ask
the Couhcil to meat then the privilege
of piping the town.
A Winnipeg dispatch Bays the western
system of the Groat Northweetorn Tele -
gra. 11 Company has been taken over by
the Northern Pacific,
'Phu ttenchere of the Ontario 1',0w So.
ciutyy havo doable(' teat the attendaune of
aturiants at the new law school should be
compel/my for rote year.
The Galt nu'le•s, winners of the On-
tario Tankard, wore met by it brass band
moi a procession of 0nthneiastio towns
men on their ex Iva' at home.
Tt Ta understood that John Small will
accept the collectorship of customs for
: 1, and that 3d (you Ch,rke will
stand for 14,100 Toronto 1..r the 0,,111m008, .
At a conference or grain Wren 114 Win-
nipeg it was dorrirle1 to i'.1: for the 0414'
111101' 010310 of a sp:1ial bnirl of grain es-
a.rniners to select standard,; f ,r Orth.
west what.
, Chicago pa gel• states that the pro -
timed excursion of Canadian nlombcra of
Parliament through portionsof the States
lute b en arranged, and IS expected 00
stat from Suepension Bridge about
'May Ise.
Phe amulet 11100tii,q of the Cana,lien
Shorthand Writers' Association was held
at Ottawa of Monday, when the following
officers wore elected:—President, Fred
Cook, Ottawa; Secretary -Treasurer, J. L.
Payne, Ottawa; Local Vice -Presidents,
A. F. Wallis, Toronto, and E, J. Duggan,
The annual meeting of the North-
west Transportation Company was held
at Sarnia the othor day. Tho eleotion
of directors resulted in the choice of a
board comprising Messrs. J. E. Ross, J.
H. Beatty and John D. Beatty. At
subsequent meeting of the directors, J.
H. Beatty was re-oleoter3 President and
Manager, and Jno. D. Beatty Assistant -
Manager and Seo. -Treasurer.
An accident matured in the now filo
factory, Port Hope, on Tuesday. A new
grindstone, weighing about two tons, had
been placed in position Monday, and
Robt. Norton, a file grinder, given charge
of it. About 11 o'clock oa Tuesday the
mons er burst into emeriti pieces, one of,
which struok Norton on the hand, frac-
turing the skull, from the effects of which
the unfortunate man died in about nn
hour. Deceased was 27 years of age, and
leaves a 92,210 and three ohildroe.
Voting ort the high License By-law,
to be adopted in ease the Scott Act is re-
pealt:d at the voting uoxt April, took
place at Peterbore' Wednesday, resulting
in the adoption of the by law by a ma-
jority of 33, or 107 for and 161 against.
Very little interest was taken, only a
small number of those entitled to vote
having visited the polls. The by-law
places tavern licenses at $400, shops at
5300 and oaloous at $600.
About eighteen months age the town of
Ingersoll granted a bonus of $12,000 to
Evans Bros. its Little, piano mauufaotur•
ers, who failed in less than throe months.
The estate was bought by a company,
who have operated it for the lest year
and so great has been their eneeess that
on Monday they purchased another lot
morose the street, 40 by 100, on which
they propose to erect a four -storey brink
building at a probable cost of $5,000,
which will give employment to nearly 100
Tho boom arising from the finding of
natural gas still rises in South Gosfield
township.. A Company from Potroloa
ham leased hundreds of acres in the
vicinity of ltuthven for the purpose of
sinking wells for oil or gas, if the former
is nob abundantly obtainable. In either
case if successful the intention or the
company is to erect industrial atrnetnres
nu adja00nt grounds instead of convey-
ing the flow to other places to refine and
utilize. Tho Ci11:Lge of Ruthrol now
presents a :.nuc of aotivity. Curious
phenomena resulting from sinking of tho
gas well has been ebservial in the inanity.
Ono or these occerrod on John Rose'
form, three miles 11(10811 of the well. Al
flov'1ng epriug on the farm supplied not
only hoes, but the whole neighborhood,
especially during dry seasons, with au
abundance of pure water. On the very
day gas was diocoverod !loss' flowing
fountain suddenly became mineralized,
so that neither Inert nor boast has since
boon ahie to drink it. Besides this, tho
flow so decreased 111 volume since the
change that the spring is nothing but a
small affair, and its entire vetted:ion
800m0 imminent.
Bearden was visited on Teeeday nighhb
by one of tho moat destructive fires iu its
110000ry. It broke out in the prose room
of oho Mail building, from, it 1s supposed,
the falling of a stove. Tho flame soon
spread from the Mail building to the
Masonic Block immediately adjoining,
being the finest etruoturo in the elty,
onto which the dames were driven by
the wind, which by this time was blow.
ing a gale. The Blasonio Bleak, which
now lies a heap of smoking ashes, was
occupied from top to bottom by the fol-
lowing t—On the lot fiat, the Post Office
was entirely destroyed, except soma
little registered matter ,A. C. Fraser,
a eek of drymods and groceries;
Jn. liirehheffesg loan olltee, entirely
destroyed ; on the 2nd tint, Clifford Sir -
ton's law office, library and books mostly
saved; Dominion Lands Moo, papers
almost wholly destroyed ; on the Ord flat
were the Masonic and Oddfellows' Lodge
rooms, everything in whioh was com-
pletely destroyed. The following aro
Oho lassos:.-Masania Block $20,000, in-
surance $9,000,
n-sutalee$0,000, total loss; Frame's auraj
$10,000, insurance $10,000, total loss ; {
Post Ofioo $1,000, lesurano0 none; mail.
plant $4,000, insurance $2,000, total loss;
( 13110 bookatoro stock $4,000,. inenranee
112,500 ; 'Canada North-west Land Build-
ings dama;;ed to the (xtent of $200, fully
insured ; 1111401!8 hotel damaged $1300,
fully immured. Tho insurance o] Masonic
.111 irk is divined "l as (0111)388 s--1)0111•
100114101 ilni0t1 03,500, Queen's 1320,000,
Ihonix � ,000r Western +1.,1100. Other ti)
, insurances not known.
Money to Loan.
.Money to Loan on Farm. 1'lO-
perty, tot
Brussels, Ont.
FRIT:i 2'] FUN.7)S.
of Private Funds have j est been
placed in my bands for In-
1T 7 PElt (ENP.
Borrowers eau httvt' their 14110115
complete in thno days if title: is
Apply to E. E. WADE
Largest Circulation in Wester,
L^: FE .1(l1' '.i ' 41,1i•
Household Furniture, d'a,
11Iu, (1. Iltaln.'rr>w has resolved instructions
from R. Adams, Londesborough, fto soil
he Public Auction 01)
Thursday, March 7, 89,
—Ar 11111 —••-
r 1 o'cr.ors r, 51., the following Valuable
Property, viz.:
410851—Part of N of Lot 11, Con. 0,
Township of Morris, 93 Aores, with good
Brief( (louse, Frame !Toone, Frnme Been,
Stables, do. Well Rutted for dairy or
stank f tem.
Two Storey Brick Terrace, containing
four dwellings, newly finished, opposite
Presbyterian manse, BIytIi, together with
Lots 75 unit 77. McDonald's Survey:
Lot 5, Block I, MoCaughoy's Survey,
acre; Lot 43, Block 0, 1fo0aughey'eSur-
vey, .j o. '-
lls•, 150 11'340v0 guar
tobe, for bale or Exchange for ()•liario
Also a QIlontity of Iiau_elwld Pnnni-
ture, (doggies, Cutters, dto„ &c.
Terme for Real Setae male `.un!1:i at
sale or on apphirntieu to
:r'>'e ROAMS.
r_-Y'fi ee rosters. I,edn1.snonere i n•
'REE A ILL i,cir
LONDON, - ONTARIO. t .: z•
.. i
The "Free Proses is the only newupaver in
the West receiving the Associated Press
Dospatolles, It contains all the Nerve, by
Cable, Telegraph, Telephone andMull, up to
the hour of going to press. It 8ivee in. each
issue original and valuable Illustrations of
men Aad things, and is the only newspaper
in Canada employing its own artists.
The Weekly Free Press
$1.00 Fox Yeo.o. PooT,en Pttnli.
Established near17 Half a Century.
“The Three Graces,” and "Ry the take.
side," two handsome 011000105, nleo a boan-
tilul illustrated OltrIstnuis Nnmbcr oom-
prieiu, 03 pagoo, given away Free to crazy
subsorlbor for 1888.
$8,000.00 1:1 413l3111014,
Comprising new and useful Articles, elven
away free to Agents. The most liberal In-
&teemonts ever offered in Canada to Agents
Sand for agent's outfit nod terms,
The "Free Prean" is the Only Morning and
1veniug Paper published in Wettorn On-
tario. It Is forwarded on all early morning
trains, reaching all places between Toronto
and Windsor by 8 a. in., and ,s the milt. daily
before theoafternooat n.Olnts The Live 'Newspapon
of the West, $14.08 per Tear, postage free.
Sold by Agents everywhere, Address,—
r.omeamee. Co.xa3a-
The undersigned desire to in-
timate to the people of this sec-
tion that they have bought
out the
of !MMR. 11033T. MATTICI3 (Next Dolor
to JIIr. John Wrrnn's Wagon. Sloop,)
and they are prepared to attend
to the wants of all favoring them
with their patronage.
All Kinds of Blacksmithing
Work Done,
and l3ATISFACTION (xt7AILA_\TL'i'•I). ,
We make a Specialty of
R°tobei't1 & Jefferson.
If you Want a Nobby Suit
co:L./.I _l11'o
8 THE LII"i i�ERC�l
'9 FORNISiiiE7. E a'><11E l,GSNMENT.
SS fi
11"o have the Finest Assortment of Fancy Tweeds, Worsteds,
Overcoatings and Pantings that can bo shown in Brussels, also a
splendid and well selected stook of Gent's Furnishings. Our IItt,ts
and Cans are of the Latest Shapes. All will be sold at Moderate
Suits Got Up in Latest Styles
and Fit: Guaranteed. Give Us a Call and be convinced of what
we say. All' Tweeds bought from us will be cut Free of Charge.
Hear What the Poet Says
Arrah Pat phawt is that you see walkiu down sthrato :?
Sure its Mike with a new suit from Head to the fate ;
And where did the spalpeeu get fitted so pato ?
'Why up at Broa(lway .at $8.
Tliim Ross by's got lis
And everything else
They y �
e ufit
ca ou up lik
And 'Inger they'll not
•illil; ant I.\'eede
oo gintlemau needs ;
Ctild Country gint,
05 OLl for never a
They'll suspend you with Brliees the lojke couldn't be,
Put a shirt on your back that will fit to it toe
Their gloves and heir stockings sure niver will wear
Anil their tw oro warranted never to tear.
If 7013 w8111 bat
Jist call On ill
For be(lad its t11
There i;. every
), or oven ti It
it w,i1 'si\ve you ;L dollar
h 1'511 ..phakinl to you
thorS that is stylish and new.