The Brussels Post, 1889-2-22, Page 4New
4 " THE BR
.Advertisements,,1.1uro. Mr, 1lardy, Bion+err of The \\am:.o'seaselmel aauglltfir
Crown Lards, has slime introduced a 00elling last week. 1t wee r:.tingo
Loutl 1 Veal. 13111 for the formation of new enmities,' I Wore nnlrlt damage WWI 110110.
Aeolic), Salo --7t. Adan s. This tinkering with the 1 ice ries of J. Wore 11, of Clinton, lino two
?,oral --W 11.:11eC'raedten, : old r'rtablt11'd Conoties is not 13131 co lox') phtnts' ono hav1tlg 1813 flotw•rs and
I1,SSELS 1 -'OST Feb, 22rr, 1318,),
ra aM.1:rs. .• rn^a. ri .raMan.l•
nuns' Private Funds to Loan.
prim. $20,000
Mummy Peas'. -•J. Skimler. rest thing, especially 15'11011 the majority ; of the single velli a variety.
of 1310 uutl»ciil ditfes i�.t •rootage ore wall hast v0ur building n ,c,
natisf 0.1 With the exieting order of things. amount of about $G0,000 leek place do
Home f Foie -Albert ret, y, The (Snotty town erase sl,mlld be handl n-lnensan will be nue of activity in 13113
Aro von '4lushoni- C. 1. 11) d
311111. and the other 117 flowers rued bells,
Great Contest Adam Good.
Bracelet 1 need- -This C)ii'tee,! 'nieces to the
Farm for Sale --Wm, Spence,
f a )noel. ill with a great Ilea, of t',tnt1a11 end 110 30 81131 of building, xays the r31IOn,
Anne110 n, nt f 'I' Ibett P pp,r
Exeter, and it 35 03i3/001 ell filet the con,.
' •' .nap 3"1313:0 3310513 by •he •expresse:7 wfal3
Notice to creditor- -1)1 ht. (Gibbous.
Tendet31 Wanted . MCLtuidden- of the (demo's, T131 leading f, Mum. of
he n..„ r i :those .1103310
amore �- I be ascertained at 0n0e and a petition
Cortvarded to our member, Thos, Gibson,
to be presented to Parliament.
It is all very well for Listowel and
3001011 Forest t0 formulate and attempt.
to carry oat their selfish object whether
it suite anybody else or not, but the
ratepaye,s who have no axe to grind
should speak out emphatically on this
11,)1`l1Ssrk ` ,lest,
J''r'Tl',Oi', FEB, 22, 1889,
Tux daily Globe of the 14th iust., con•
taint0 the following complimentary
notice of the highly esteemed M. P., of matter and se that they receive at least
finrnn motional,
of 1133 011, a fair am0tlut of justice,
opened the resdmed debate. There is
no clearer speaker in the House than
Dr. 'Macdonald. Ile has a remarkably
char and accurate memory, whieh en
able' hint to speak with certainty, and
an entire absence of hesitation, upon
Washington Lett:oz'.
(roe., .ice ,ing,n«r rerrssp"n i.'at,)
W.1.ou1x01e¢7. Fob„ 15, 1869.
matt,rs w11or-- others would not v,111nre That there Is to he tel extra aessiou of
to n,se3t tllems,l5'as without 1ploting the Fifty first Congress is looked upon
from he d0cureents direct. He lute so n,nc11-... ,1 , sregon0 c0nclusio by Re
been tried • • r and over again by Mtn-
fsterirtlie s who desire to "heel,le" him,
as the enteh people have it, but his re-
plie- ere so clear and pointed that the
experiment is never long sustained. He
made a etreng appeal ern 1)01111) of the
farmers to an abolition of this tax.
T/iknE are no new Daminien Voters'
Lists to I'e prepared this year, if the
Bill un v before the Dominion Periiarnent
passes in the shape it was introduced.
The last section reads as follows:—"It
shall not be necessary that any revision
of the lists of voters prepared in a000rd•
ante, with the provisions of the Domin-
ion Electoral Prancbiee Act shall be pro-
ceeded with during the present year,
1889, but the lista of voters in force at
the time of the passing of this act shall
continue in force until the same are
finally revised, In accordance with the
provisions of the said act in the year
1890." In accordance with this anybye-
elections held for the House of Commons
during 1889 and 1800 will take place on
lists five yeare old and all young men be-
tween 331" ages of 21 and 20 will be dis-
franchised until 'Smellier 31st, 1890.
Tris Dominion government have re-
jected Mr. Mulook's proposition that art-
ificial fertilizers imported by farmers
should be admitted fr.-0 of duty. Ir tatt-
ing this course the ministers show olear-
ly that they are hostile to the agricul-
tural interests of the country. The
mauufaoturers aro allowed to bring in
their raw material free of duty, but the
raw material of. the farmers is to bo
taxed. By alloying the free introduc-
tion of rate materials used in the manu-
feature of cottons tbo governm0ut admit
that the duty is paid by the mummers.
They also admit that the duty on corn
used 1n whiskey -making is paid by the
distiller who imports it, because they
allow him a refund of duty when he ex-
ports the product of the corn. Hence,
according to the principles adopted by
the government in dealing with the sub-
ject of duties and rebates, the farmer
pays the duty upon the fertilizers he
imports, and the tax upon manures is a
bnrdml upon the agriculturists.—Free
Press, Ottawa.
1lnblicse 1':ny;eessmen, that they have
(linea 0.'01' d to discuss the pr0l.abi itv.
Pleb.,! n fent fifths of the Republicans
in the )ielnse look open it as certalu that
Gee. )'hlrri.on wi l ea 1 a weskit] to eon
verse a111131 the first part of April. Mem-
ber who have t,lked with Gen, Ilerrisml
on this subject are firmest iu this opini-
on. Represente.tilo Posey, of Indiana,
who has just come from, his home 10
succeed Gov. Hovey, and is anpp"sed to
know something of Gen. Harrieoll'e feel.
Mg en the subject, said the a her day
that be almost knew that there world be
an extra session called. He is not the
only one recently from Bulimia, however,
who is impressed with the idea that a
called session is certain..
The only argument that has been
ma88 against it is that to 1101.5 Congress
in session during the first months of his
term would be a source of annoyance to
the new President. But it ie under.
stood that Gen. Harrison himself fettle
that the uecessity of an immediate or-
ganization of the House is too pressing
to be overbalanced by any consideration
of mere ineoevenionce. He is said to
feel that the most important thing for
the Republicans now i.. to hold the two
11011988 of Congress and to clear away all
perplexing matters of legislation that are
pressing for consideration early in his
term, that they may not drag on through.
out hes administration to embarrass it,
or remain to oomplic0te matters as the
next election approaches.
It was 1 o'clock Wednesday when the
Senators, headed by President pro tem
Ingalls, marched into the Hoose to take
part iu counting o£ the electoral vote.
The audience for the ceremony was a
long time ahead of hint. All the gal.
leries of tho House except the executive
and diplomatic were crowded when the
House met at 12 o'clock, and the people
had been struggling at the doors some
tune before that, By good managemeut
on the part of the doorkeepers people
were seated, tis long as there wore seats
to be had, without 001110si011, except that
of tongues, During the prayer by the
011091a:n of the House there was co+o-
parative quiet, but during the rest of the
time until the joint session was assembl-
ed and Mr. Ingalls held the gavel, several
thousand voices were impelled by several
thousand tongues into a perpetual
prattle. The big sofas and chairs from
the lobby were placed in front of the
Speakers desk and all other available
space was occupied by chairs. A resp.
lotion was adopted admitting ladies to
the floor and soon many goy bonnets
added Dolor to the picture spread before
the galleries. The gallantry of members
was taxed w11011 ladies began standing
up about the aisles. When a woman
fixed her eye 013 a seat and looked very
hard the congressional 000upsnt was
mn01 bardeued if he did not grow ner-
\fir. desire to call the attention of the v0us and finally give it tip. The 000 -
townspeople of ries-els, partieulerly the gy=onged with sors 11.3 1.119 ights ere, r of the 311oerwere ies eon-
business n1on, to the question of intro. tented if by rising on their tip -toes they
elttoing eleotrie light into our t:'30n, \ti e could glance over the shoulders of the
have uelthe' gay nor =0reet lamps ay. i more for#unate persons who had secured
foot-h,•Id in the door -ways.
A twosome bright-eyed brunette, with
a smile 011 her 1enntiful face, came
gliding through the corridor of the
with the a ;caption of the one lamp 1.1:
the Town Hall the corporation 1:910 : otl,-
ing invested in this rely neaeseeey irl-
The Exeter A'ivre•ets gays :" Go :Cites.
der last, a you.lg eel of John Welsh
1 hr. v. -Miming r e)
c front mime), Simper( on
0, ,„eigh o,id a gutting u1T, by wino
means gut his leg broken.
1'310 Goderlch Guu Club held their an
0nal meeting on the evening of 10011. 18th,
3011811 the following officers were elected:
—President, Jam013 Nisbet ; Vice•Presi,
dent, \V, Itutson; Secretary, John Grant;
lnsp..ator, F. lrrotty; ]llxo'ntive Com
mittoe, 19. 13. Watson, R. P. Wilkins •u
and Walter Shannon. The secretary's
repor• showed the club to b.+ in a flour.
shies condition.
11'I, C. O'meran, of Godork:1i, ex -mann
bur of Parliament for Wean Huron, was
stricken down with internal hemorrhage
on Thursday of 105E week, and a1 present
Hes in 11 precarious condition. Ile rallied
somewhat, but his physicians, though
hosefel of 1330 +ecovery, are not over eon.
Hera. .ler. Cameron's political friends
and opponents alike extend to 111111 their
svmprtthy in 1118110110ticn.
The Go 11.0l013 Signal gay::-- The 0a.
0111 t , 1s let11terehirl ,tpp3''ad to 1,o
long felt want with 'junto n nutubn• of
rtpplicauts, But the contest .33 the time
of writing seems to leave narrowed do., n
to two stickers--\Vm. Campbell aid F, 1)V.
Jnlnlstou--with the former on the inside
of the twit and several lengths ahead.
If things era as they appear, and Mr.
Campbell succeeds in girt.Mg the pe ilio 1,
we believe the large majority of the people
of the town and neighborhoo 1 will end ,roc
his appointment. Mr. C+nnpb.11 is com-
petent to f1ll the position in every par-
tfooier; he is an old resident of the town,
and, barrio his politics—which are the
most rigid kind of Tory—is not a bad
fellow. Ile has boon a hard worker for
the Tory party, and has sacrificed tone
and means in endeavoring to "elevate the
standard," so to speak. During the last
election he was, outside of the 1a 30100te,
the greatest Conservative hustler in the
Riding. We cannot „ay th0t we love him
any more oil that account, but we repeat
what wo said before, for we aro willing to
give the devil hie due : If Campbell re.
ceives the appointment there will be none
to question his fitness, and few to dis vete
his right to occupy the position. Even
the "Ottawa delegation" would wheel into
line if Mr. Campbell's appointment were
gazetted at an early doy,
G003303031 11I0 131e0r8110s.--Tho follow-
ing facts are taken from the report of
the Inspector of Jails, for the year ending
September, 1888 : Ill that year 117 males
and 18 females were committed to Gocle-
ri6'trjail, being an increase of 60 over
the previous year. In 1887 there were
no commitments to Godorieb jail for
drunkenness, but in 1888 when the Scott
Act was not in force, there was 4. Of
those committed all but 7 were over 10
years of age. 61 were sent up for the
11ra't time, 21 for the second, and 19 for
the tb1'td. The offence Qthat the largest
number in this county committed was
vagrancy. Only one�prisouer went from
this county direct to the Central Prison.
The religious denominations of the pris-
oners were as follows : 24 Roman aitb0-
lics ; 37 churoh of England ; 25 Preeby-
terians and 35 Methodists ; 39 were tem-
perate, while 91 were intemperate, show.
ung oloarly that inlemperanee is a mese
of prime. 23 wits the highest number
confined iu the jail at one time and 7
the lowest. The average cost of keeping
each prisoner, whioh inolndes food, ()lath-
ing, fuel and jail salaries, was $21.94.
The following is the official report of Dr.
O'Rielly concerning 3118 jail ; "Much in-
convenience is experienced in the man-
agement of this jail owing to its size be-
ing inadequate to the wants of the county.
There are three corridors for males and
one for females. The first named will
accommodate 9 prisoners and the latter
three, while during the year there have
been in melody at one tinge as many as
15 males and 7 females. It is easy to
see that it is impossible to accommodate
5o many prisoners in this jail, and that
any attempt at prober classification is
quite out of the question. So far book'
as the year 1878, my preciooessor in of-
fice called attention to the overcrowded
condition of the jail, elle a requisition
was made upon the County Council, un-
der the terms of the Inspection Act, to
appoint 11, special committee to confer
junct to a well ordered town. Auv 013„e doto1 Normandie last night, Behind with the inspector on the subject. For
of our manufacturers could funds., ti:•_
her strode the incarnated vignette of a some reason the inspector wee not able
iive•dolhtr silver eertidcate, 1i is re. to bo present at the titno appointed, and
powrrrequired in the nlannfactlle of the markable how much. Gel. Fred Grant the Council postponed the consideration
light turd the expense would not be 1arre, comes to look like hie father as he ep. of the matter until their December ma-
lt rum, is, v,'ilile occupying a 13,•x1 poen- and h ee middle 1)1 oge.
tate President, d's taller
sio1, when it seems to have been allowed
tion compared with other place,+ 111 many •
things, is hehind on the matter of street
lighting and sumo of our factory, fonnrlly
and mill mon would find it a profitable
investment to take the initiative in
giving its electric light, Four or live
lights on the Main street would illumin.
ate nearly the whole place and prove a
great convenience and comfort to our in.
habitants, A joint stock company could
likely bo organized fn Brussels if a prfv.
a life with less of memo and soldier's
hardships has saved his face from bronze
and wrinkles. But there is 111e sumo
thick set figure, the sumo square face
with the likeness enhanced by the close
cropped brown beard, oyes to a shade,
nice of that blunt half aquiline type,
whioh 800105 to be peculiarly American.
It will be only natural if his life shall
present rubber parallels. It must be
remembered that while Gen. Grant prov.
eel himself a good soldier in the Mexican
War, like some stubborn and refractory
oro, it required the awful furnace boat
and hammering of the rebellion to de-
volopo the qualities which proved him
Iruly great. The White house reception
Was he objective point of himself and
wife last night, Perhaps all has been
said about his being mentioned for the
Chinese Mission that is proper before
Gen.110111eon has even been inaugural•
ed, but no other name is suggested, and
the path 300111s straight, His father's
eon will do the country credit whenever
Huron, on, County Notes,
ate individual thought the undertaking
too heavy. We mast not allow ourselves
to be left babied by places of loss
portanoe 10 9100)0fng what will advance
the interests of the place. We hope our
residents will think this question up and
ellgnir0 the cost, ,bo. so that an intent.
gent decision may be arrived at. Next
week we will refer to this subject again
as to the expense and other partlanlar5.
Tor following item is clipped from
one of the Listowel papers and should
sot our village Council and ibo rate.
payers of Brussels, Grey and Howiak
thinking - slot only thinking but acting :
'1A deputation consisting of J. W. Scott
and ;l' 1/. Hey of this town, and J. A.,
Halstead, W. 0olclough, .T. Hampton
and W.II, 1Cingston of 111+'. 1?crest, walt.
1.01031 the Attorney 0enrlhl on Friday;
and nosed the formation of tiro 2101.0
counties, 1)0 he taken out of the present
counties of Perth, Hum, Wellington
and Grey. We m1dorstand that the
deputation was informed that the
The Spring Assizes for the county w111
open at (7o�derielt before lfr. Reties
Street 011 Matcd110t13.
Tlso Helico) house a milo and gntrter
hest of Henson caught fire and 30x113
burned to the ground recently.
'Mr. Cliff, who formerly published the
Willett m Advance, was burned out in a
big fire at 13tvtindon, Dian., on Weduetday
night of last w,ee]•-.
On the last cum clay which tree to be excuse and weet out behind a loot' of
hell ioJ uelmaw, 1,1,o 010011 was prevent. wood, returning, in a few moments, The
rel by the ,1tol•111 from gutting there, and parcllascrs, thanking all wee not right,
they e,,uldol, go (01 With the allow with- searched and foetid th01 Drouillard 1101)
out him. Any poor heggars W110 Warn thrown two bage of Shot mit of hie pook-
310estf0,1 of forming 11ew conntles would being seed can kick up their 1leeis for et. ITt was nrrentcc7, and will 0(991)110.
bo dealt with at the prompt cession of three Month longer. 11ridey.
to drop. I am strongly of opinion that
early action will be aecoesary in regard
to this featnr0 of the nail.”
Brantford Board of trade 11as elected
officers as follows 1 President, ?, I*.
Osborne ; Vioo•presiienb, Win. Grant ;
Sea -Treasurer, L. E, Blackader.
13olleville City Council last night pass-
ed a resolution to oppose the proposed
railway from Cobonrg to the 0.9.B.
through the northern townships of Hast-
ings County,
bur. Somerville is after the practical
anti•Sabbatarians of the Welland Canal.
He wants to know hots many vessels
passed through during the Sabbaths of
1888 and what were their destinations.
At a public meeting held in the Town
Hell, Aliso Craig, on Monday night, ft
was unanimously agreed to offer a bonus
of 91,500 and free 3nte for the erection of
a grist mill with a capacity of 100 bar-
rels each twenty-four hours.
Tho servant girl of W. L. Lundy, of
Niagara Palle, Ont., when dressing a
ehi00e11 on Saturday found contained in
the fowl a well -formed egg without a
shell. Protruding from it was a minia-
ture anima), with a head and body re-
sembling that of a bat. Mr, Lundy has
the curiosity preserved in alcohol, and
Wends to forward it to some scientist,
Eli Ihoaillard, a Sandwiab Last farm-
er, brought fn a load of beef to the Wind -
stir market on Monday. Brouillard wa0
weighed with each quarter of beef, and
when the load was delivered and 110 was
Milted to step on the scales so that his
height might be deducted he made an
Have been placed in m) hands
for investment o)1 real estate.
NO CominiSSboll,
Borrowers can have 1011)110 00111-
111010d in Three ):lays if title
1'P, int. SINCLAIR,
Solicitor, Brussels.
Big a ,'notions
Will be matte in Ali Classes of
l]LIDAY ll� {)DS
—10011 ''11131 3EST—
j-" c
30 �' 8
To make room for more Goods
To Arrive Shortly.
if you require Anything
in this line now is
the time to make
;your Purchases.
Photo Albums
e�RtFtas•:3;i;.,-coos 111103aapw
---e1 Full Line o f
Always oil Haucl.
and Soo for yourself,
13000)) �:Arj OR.E
d`:1.T,1113!fit"n,'.LS'L^.:c.s.1":902''t Y&rrlEl . :i7:z.^;s.4''tar'crPdkY:1,1:ailMtp7r:S,YrTiasess:' estioei9.izersse
. �wave�1raSTERLO t r�Hryj��+
Sterling 111301iu1 0 1 is laity 110enmhlg ,n, re widely gild favine:de l.,"wn, '1. )
11110 try It continuo to nee it. Ne 0111 :r Oil is more suit.,1ile for '3. ...,.., flee, f. !a
well adapted for all
Mill Machinery,
�j 3
Reapers, Sj :Mown
and Threshers
Manufaetttred by McMillan, Kittredge (C Co,,
Stratford, Ontario.
II. 1P. i11CAraosrn11, Ethel ;
1.31,11, POUT
for it,
(1)l Co.
i .lil'a)tclt al
1. Ttntatiss, 131uevale.
� J )ITORS' .REPO .l -BT.
:1 it .-lbe etet of the 'l.'i"aotw'er's :le aunt with 11)-' 1'al plr;lliota err the
i'illage gi 13rttaeels 1ni' the '3'eae 1,4)11,
Cash on baud lost audit
,T. 9, 1 iuos
Provincial Grants
County Grants
Amount levied on Rate
Sale of Debentures
$ 121:1 23
270 00
I1 5o
133 5e'
104 00
20 00
(1417 3.4
545:1 08
28 83
Total $13721 17
Salaries 4713 00
Charity 179 58
Street Improvements 000 (13
Piro Department.... , 55 28
B,m,) 100 00
Minting 30 00
Miscellau'0 and constables fees171 33
Beard of Iisaith 10 00
Voters' list Court 10 04
Legal 110 82
Taxol remitted and uncollected 00 78
Oonpono redeemed 1090 00
Debentures redeemed 5000 00
Railway Debt 288 78
County Rate 351 42
Sobooll3oard 2180 15
Election Expenses 32 55
Registration of births,marriages
and deaths u" 80
Cash on hand to balance 9041 10
Total 913721 17
Cash on hand, Local account ..9 504 G7
Special 0000ant, By-laws 1444 00
County,Sohool and Railway rate 32 48
Goo. Howe, insurance 244 60
Town Hall 2000 00
Fire Engine and close 4000 00
Band Instruments 200 00
Hay scales 150 00
Howe Mortgage, doe 1804 5000 00
Amount to balance 19859 97
Outstanding Coupons, maturing
Poburary and July $ 414 00
Pira Department 53 00
Treasurer and Collector's s'l'y80 00
M0obauics' Institute 50 00
Railway Debt 008 67
Debenture Debt 32200 00
933495 67 $83405 117
E, the undersigned Auditors of Muu cipal•Accounts for the Village of Brits.
sols, hereby certify that the forego rig statement of the Receipts and L•'x-
penclitures, as well as the Assets and Liabilities, of the said Village of Brussels for
the year 1888 is correct to the best of oar knowledge and belief, and that we find a
cash balance in the hands of the Treasurer of 99041.10.
J. Y. S. KIRK. , Acollors. )
Dated 13russele, Feb, 511,. 1889. J. ItGRANT,
(neap Goods Weil r.:r -ire-oboe L
Exciteme11t over the Contest between T11E•PosT and the 'Budget' as
to which is the Best Advertising Medium.
They make a Great Team.
The `Post' is a very steady Goer ;
Tite'Budgot'has lots of Mettle but kirks over (11e traces occasionally,
Stead Them, Budget
What Bargains did the friends of TTIE Pos'r receive last week ?
They got Bargains in Canned Vegetables (Tomatoes 100. per tin)
Baking Powder, Poarline, Potton Meats, Salmon, Fish,
Pepper, Baking Sola, Oatmeal, 00rulneal, Soap (2c.
per bar), Nuts, Maple Syrup, Mineral Water,
Lemons,' Onions, Potatoes, Turnips,
11300711333 "va^, 1'';.$-4D )., ,
Over Shoes, Carpet Slippers, fell Boots (very Low),
Ladies' Pine Boots (20 per cent. off),
it is Tough Work selling so °heap,
but we are bound to test what advertising will do.
What did The 'Budget' friends iudulgo in ? Yeast Calces, Lard,
Sardines, Rico, Spines, Flour, Biscuits, Cheese, Glassware, Hair Oil,
Tobacco, Sugar (greatly Reduced), Tea (very Cheap), Bine,
Starch (4 lbs, for 26e.), Potatoes, &C,,
Those Bargains cannot be kopt up all the time. 001110 at Once
if you want Cheap Goods.
Do not expect bargains if you do not react this Advertisement,
Everyone should take the local paper ; Everyone :should retied the
local paper, advertisements and all.
FOR (1,1811. ONLY
Adam Good
1.Itt'A8b11,9, ON'r.11mf3).