The Brussels Post, 1888-12-28, Page 8rspace allotted me ie too small 11•1 escribe, as 1 weuld like, our steels ; of.Tfoliday Goods, It le with pleasure WO.oenshow yea an uesortment unequal.' ed by former yours. Our Plush Goode aro $poolal Value, the greater part having been bought direat from the mannfae.) tater. IS ro have a fine lino of Bibles, fu. eluding tho Bible and Methodist Bynum combined, oleo the Bible, 'Psalms .and Paraphrases and Presbyterian I lymns combined. Our Xmas and New 'Years Cards aro beautiful, and tho assortment of Booklets never so large. Our stook of t Books also have been personally selected. We have a number of other lines, all suitable for the holiday Trade, whioh Wo would like you to Call and See. Druggist, Bookseller and Fancy Goods Dealer. _NO REMEDY girls; such universal B,P'.tEDYsmanufactured atisfaction as the Seaforth, called LUMSDEN & WI LSO a,%o, y%%%L1 %%76%% %,% �./Roryy0a,l .,G/1yceratoi Balsam of �l ir, N Its wonderful virtues have created a demand for the Preparation from all parts of the Province. Druggists sell it. Price 50 etc. 17 -Sons. CRM1 TRUNK RAILWAY. 6o1THenN ETrENGIO3, w. O. &: D.E. Traincleave Brussels Station, uort and south as follows:— Going South. Going North. Mail... '08a.m.Mixed 0:90 a.m 15Xprese 1140 a.m._I Mail... 9:06 p.m Mixed. ........&:6'6p.m. 1 Express 9:45p.m � c ins glans. A ohiePs among ye takin' notes An' faith he'll Arent it. T H F IU Deux nights. 14,1 B. WAm: has boon on the sick lie Tonin groceries at Brannan 131101. Alias Qi.tun illtllonroa arrived hornet Toni Bell Organ is a winner every time, from Ottoryilla last Monday. /telt Alex, Wilson. (leo, Lova & Oo. take the load in Sas the new embroidered drew goods fanny natters, for style, material and at ,5"TnACAAN B1100, Ankh. Ter Tun Posr for 1889 if you .are not: .able, d. B. T, MCCoarh and family are already a subscriber, RWtly on a visit to relatione and friends Tue Largest Assortment of Lampe in r town at B. Gerry s. - 2 SOW/ talk of'organiziug a Rifle A.s. sooiatiou in Brussels. ilAm r J. WHITLEY is away to Owen Somld on a visit to hie 'two sons. Delis s Fria Vases, Cups and Sauoar , , Toys, &n, go to G. A. Deadman's. 22 LAST week we disposed of 38 copies of Tan Pon outside of serving our regular subscribers, O'CoNNon may be a good oarsman but Arthur Veal ran kuouk the spots off him selling obeap furniture. BENIWAL subscriptions to Tun Posy for 1580 are pouring in. The people know a good paper when they meet it. A lively butterfly was brought to our office on Wednesday afternoon by Was. Buyers. This is something unusual at this season of the year, Tan verdant youths who did the tall yelling and made use of blasphemous language on Christmas eve should have got a night iu the lookup to 000l off. EAST Huron Farmers' Institute in Brne- sele on Friday and Saturday, 11111 and 12th January. Prof. Mills and one of the other Professors, not yet named, will be in attendance. A Gr.EAT OnANCE. -By apeoial arrange. meats with the publishers of Toronto Saturday Night and Canadian Fireside Weekly, we are enabled to offer both those valuable journals together with ours at the following remarkable low rate, viz., 53.75. W. M. Snootin has added n brand new Remington type writer to the outfit of his law office and handles it like an old stager. Mr. Sinclair has his office fitted out in a first-olass manner and is able to keep abreast of his rapidly in. creasing practice. MAITLAND SEATING RINE.—Now le the time to secure your tiokot for the Rink. 15 single tickets for $1.00 Season ticket, 82,00. Special terms will be made to large families. The Rink will be open to ladies every Wednesday afternoon, ad- mission -free. Tickets may be obtained from the manager, A. J. Lowery. 21-2 A. M. Kay, deputy postmaster of Stratford, is temporarily filling the posi• Non of postmaster at 'Goderioh, owing to the decease of Postmaster Dickson. The names of R. Porter, M. P., F. W. John- ston, W. Campbell, Thos. Farrow and others are mentioned a;s open for an ap- pointment to the office. It is worth about 81800 a year. COMES Ann SLsions.—Scott & Will- iams have a splendid lot of anttera and sleighs just finished. The timber is the best, thoroughly seasoned and the work- manship cannot be beaten. We will not be undersold. The customer with the cash iu his hand can make a great bar- gain. Give os a call and see our cutters and sleighs, SCOTT & WuniAns, Mill Street, Brussels. n1.9•tf A. IP, & A. M,—The annual election of officers of St. John Lodge, A. 1. & A. M., Brussels, took place last week with the following result : J. R. Grant, W. M., (re-elected) ; W. H. Cloakey, S. IV W. M. Sinclair, J. W.; Thomas Fletcher, Treas.; Jno. Shaw, Sec's; J. Y. S. Kirk, Tyler ; W. H. Mess, l Anditors. D. Straohan, Tho installation of officers took plain at their meeting Thursday evening, when the officers were duly installed, including the following : W. H. Moss S. D.; D. Strnohan J. D.. T. Kirkconnell, L G.; J. Walker, S. S.; A. Blair, J. S.; Bikers New -Year. New goods at STaaoaas Boos. Jan. Lze has gone to St. Marys. 'PELL'S furniture beats everything. Bnaoa tea drinkers should read Adam Good's Advt. Von boots, shoes and overshoes go to STEACHAs Boos. Mess Jassm Ross spent her Christmas holidays at Guelph. COED worn, hard or soft, taken on ac- count. Dn. GRIMY!. New cutter for sale cheap, wood taken for it. W. H. MaCnnczes. 2ua GET married and save money by buy- ing your furniture from Asynun VEAL. New arrivals this week. Handsome Hanging Ruby Lamps at B. Gerry's. 20 CALL at THE POST Bookstore and get one of the well-known Pansy series of stories.' -30 Oe,Hons 180. a doz. also a large assort. -rnent,of candies and nuts at lowest prices. GEo. TEo rsoN. 23 - Henn FAm.—The monthly horse fair far the buying and selling of horses will be' held on Thursday of next week. TAT Com:Erma Ross has made a big pp;th in gathering in the ducats this year alit, has proved that he is the man for Gnlwey. JNo. Hn'DEe has come home from Sault SO. Marie, where ho has been for up. w ds of a year. He°''talks of trying Bttitieh Columbia next spring. Tina night- train, due here at 9:45 b'clook, did not reaoh Brussels last Sat- urpay until about midnight, and on 021 'istmae eve it was after 11 before it arved AN. MoNesoaroa, the well known b' der, is engaged patting in the ma. eery in Vanstone .Bros new mill at S 'thampton just now. He understands the whole sap bush. LN another column we ,give an official st gement of reoeipts and expenditure, the assets and liabilities of .the nnenioipality of Brussels as required by Iays. The local account has been kept well in hand. JAMES I'aoN, who bas been laid up for Wend months with a sore hand, is able to.8et about to work again. - He has an agency for lrnft and ornamental trees and has commenced his canvas. He :Mould meet with success. 111Esr 1r1AEEaT.—I have opened a E.3toher Shop, 2nd door south of the mhrket, where I intend keeping good Next Sabbath morning the pastor will preaoh a sermon to the young people of Melville church, COCNefLLon ST10A01A24 line removed t0 the north side o3 thorlver to the house lately vacated by G. A. Beer, Ton Albume, Books, Bibles, Xmas Cards, Plush Dressing Cases and Hand 80201181s eo to G. A. Deadman's. :12 AN interesting sexvioe was held in S John's church on Christmas morn oonduotod by the incumbent. 1Se:i,W Clea, The olloir oontribnted a 511111 of Christmas selections of music, church was tastefully decorated n evergreens. WOLL'Umaiuo AND D1tILLINa.--Ge Birt has all the necessary machinery digging and drilling wells andis poor to attend to all work ontru•ted to h a way that will insure satisfaction, cleaned oat and p11b in proper sl To ms reasonable. Residence s itoor north of the bridge, west si Turnberry street Brussels. 5 "MEssran's STA11,"—The service o entitled "Messiah's Star" was ci the Methodist chnroh last Friday ing by the Sabbath sebool. Abor persons tookpart. The recitations from Ben.Hur, were given by Minnie Gerry, May Kerr, Lotti • 211, Tillie Langdale and L. A. Hamblyhe piece was descriptive of the b "h of Christ. Willie Armstrong gaveyr sreoi. tatienentitled "A word to sr„i(iaf school teachers." This was fnliowed by a piece of music by several girls, after whioh Allis Young recited "Chatterbox." hire. Gilpin presided at the organ. A vote of thanks was passed to the school for the pleasing and successful entertainment on motion of Rev. M. Swann, seconded by B. Gerry and supported by Rev. R. Paul. Orangee and candies were distributed among the children. A collection of 810.50 was taken at the close of the meeting. BIBLE. SOCIETY GOLLEeTons.—Ata meet- ing recently heti at THE POST Publishing House, President Strachan, Rev, J. Ross and Bev. G. B. Howie, J. Hargraves, G. A. Deadman and W. H. Herr being present, the following collectors were ap- pointed to canvass the various eeotions indicated .belonging to the Brussels Branch of the Upper Canada Society :— Brussels, north of river, Mrs. J. Kerr and Miss Moore ; Brussels, east of Turoberry street, Mrs. J. W. Shiel and Miss Nessie Kay ; Brussels, west of Turnberry street, Mrs. D. O. Ross and Mrs. J. G. Skene ; Walton, Misses Hillen and McDougall. Gray, Cons. 17 &18, Misses Smillie; " " 15 & I0, Misses Hislop and Harris ; " 13 & 14, Misses Grant and Askin; " 11 & 12, Misses Porrie and Davidson ; " 9 cC 10, Misses . Hill and Habkirk ; " 7 & 8, S. Y. Taylor ; 5 & 6, Misses Smith ;. " 3 & 4, Misses Straohan and Taylor ; " 1 & 2, Misses Straohan and Simpson. Ethel, Misses Davies and Tindall. Morris, Con. 2, Misses Reid and Gibson , " " 8, A. I. McColl and A. Cochrane; 4, Misses Black and Currie ; "Tun BERET Ploitnna."—Tho pupils and young people of St. John's chnroh Sunday School presented the cantata "The Barry Pickers" to a good sized and. ience on Thursday evening of last week, in the Town Hall. The principal parts were taken by Miss Abraham, Miss Lizzie Jackson and will. James, who personated gipsies ; Geo. Rogers jr., and Mies Hattie Rogers representing the long. lost sailor and hie wife, and their children, Nellie Ward, Herbie Dennis and Florone Hog- gard. Solos were also nicely taken and assistance rendered by Mise Annie Har- greaves, Eolith Eastman, Jennie Wilson, Aggie Shiel, Maud Hall, Kate Stratton, Fannie Rogers, Emma Webster and others. Presents were given the pupils at the close. To Miss Hargreaves is due a very large amount of the credit in the preparation of the cantata. The receipts, 083.15, will be applied on a new organ for the school. leapt at reasonable prices. Orders de- „Gan'."—With the new year Grip en- 1iv&ed in any part of the town. A share tere upon its thirty-second half yearly of ublio patronage solicited. volume, a foot whioh speaks elogaently 2g-4* JAMB B000in. Go Wednesday afternoon of this week Ra$y. W. F. Campbell, of Dungannon, as suited by Rev. M. Swann, united Robt. J.Kirk, of West Wawanosb, and Miss Emma J. Anderson together in wedlock at the 'home of the bride's brother, Brussels. IT is wortb while going miles to see Adam Good's decorations end to stand unfier the holly and mistletoe. Ide has a big stook of Jordan almonds, 7 crown figs walnuts, filberte, every discription of panned g ,ods, oyeters, liaddiee, srscoee, He expects to do a big trade, THE Fireside Weekly is made up ex- olueively of stories, poetry, and answers to correspondents. Tho Sheppard Pub- lishing Company truthfully claim it to be the cheapest family story paper in Amer. Ma, its pride being 82 per year, while thalt of its American rivals, not, one whit better in style and much inferior as to eontents, are eaob 03 per annum. We offer The Fireside Weekly and Tni Poem for the merits of this unique and favorite Canadian journal. No former attempt in the field of humorous journalism en Canada was ever eeooesefal, bemuse in no former case was there the happy com- bination of elements esaetitial to the suc- cess of suoh a venture. In the first place, an uncommon fertility of invention is required to keep a comic paper abreast of the times, and this must be backed up by an artistio ability equal to the task of evolved interpreting the happy in a popular manner. Secondly, there must be the solid basis of right principle upon whioh to build. Truth, honor, fair- ness and good taste are all an essential to the success of a comic journal as of a magazine of the highest class. All theee features have, from the firstnumber, dis- tinguished Grip in a high degree. It stands to -day alongeide of the very best productions of its class in the world, and enjoys a fame far beyond the bounds of Canada. To Canadians it ought to be more and more an object of patriotic it2462.75 per antenna. Could anyone ask pride, and certainly' but little can bo said more or the patriotism of any Canadian who TEEMS. Was It meeting of throe dela- ..pretends to culture, and can afford the -gat, c from the Reform party and a lila prise, whose neuro fs not found upon seym1105 of Conservatives at the Queen's Grip's subscription list. The subsorip. Metol last Friday afternoon for tho pur• tion prioo is almost ridiculously low, pone of arranging a compromise in con• when the rates of similar (and not equally rreoti01, With the coining municipal oleo. able) journals elsewhere aro considered. tide in Brussels So as 10 avoid an election. It is only two dollars a year, although Pothing was done, however, and the the paper contains sixteen pages filled fd owing tiokot fs said to be in the 80181 'With bright original humor of pen and '�qq —R bt: Graham. II'or Conn: pencil and always ives, without stint, F$r Reovo o pencil, , , y � .. oillors—J'. M. Malntosh, D; Strachanpolitical cartoons on paesingevents, whrsb Z'. Stewart and Watson Ainley On' for point, power and ,rumor are certainly the Reform side, and Geo. Broker for unsurpaseed in any liumorous paper of 1ioavc, and Jno. Ament, B. Gerry, W. F. tike day, 3or ourselves wo Clan say that Vanetono seed R. I,oatlrerdale Councillors Grip is the very first journal We open and forthe (looservatived. Next Monday Will enjoy on the arrival of our weekly U- 0We who the candidates aro to bo, how- . oban� es, and WO believe the same is true ever. '.Tore Was ono need of an oleotion 1 -of nearly every editor in the country, at all this year. Got it for 1820 without fail, Dec, 28, 1888, 1Yir7ai0ra%raa' Fes?' -gas 47ct1.'R�7-34-Is_fz9, THEM ON THE RUN PETITION NoWHERh TOMERS REAP THE BENEFIT ! INECHATS! OIMORS e tt " 5, M. Black ; " 0, Misses Smith and Walker; 7, Miss Mo0all " 8, Misses Kelly and Moore ; The oolleotors are asked to have their canvassing oompleted'in time to return the books to the Secretary -Treasurer by the 15th of January or thereabouts. M.A.RR EMD. Gnmrornnr-0;4sTn11.—In Brussels, on Deo. 26th, by Rev. M. Swann, 121r. Thos. E. Grimoldby to Miss Mar- garet R. Carter, all of Brussels. Posoinot—DENNieol.—At the residence of the bride's father, on the 25th inst., by Rev. W. Torrance, Mr. Thos. E. Pomeroy, of Wroxeter, to Miss Rate Dennison, of MoKillop. teransoN—SMsennot .—At the residence of the bride's parents, on Dec. 25th; by Rev. J. T. Legear, Mr. Harry Matheson, of Woodstock, to Miss Dolly Smalldon, of Grey township. tzar--ANnEnsoN.—In Brussels, on D so. 20th, by Rev. W. F. Campbell, at the residence of Mr. Stanley Ander- son, Mr. Robt. J. Kirk, of West Wawanosb, to Miss Emma Jane Anderson, of Seaforth. axr»- HALL.-III Grey, on Deo. 21st, Royston Laird, only son of Robert Hall, aged llyear and 3 days. FurnAY, Jas. 4, 1889.—Farm stock and implements, at W lot 11, eon. 0, Grey, at 1 o'olook sharp. Thos. McGregor, prop., Geo. Kirkby, isnot: Connl1CTEn CAit0BULLY EVE= WERE. Fall Wheat 1 00 1 01 Spring Wheat ... 1 00 1 01 Barley 45 00 Oats 119 83 Peas 58 59 Butter, tubs and rolls.. , 10 17 Eggs per dozen 18 00 Flour per barrel 0 00 00 Potatoes 25' 110 slay per ton.. 1 `r 00 11 0e Hides per Ib 4 54. Salt per bbl., wholesale00 80 Sheep skins, Gaels 110 3. 00 Wool, per lb. Q 10 tl 222 Pork . COIEEC'TED CA1tESULLY EVERY {WEE. Fail Wheat O Spring Wheat 1 00 1 Oats 32 83 Peas.,......,.,. 58 541 Barley 45 00 Potatoes ., ,.,..• .... 27 30 Butter, per lb 121 17 18 00 3.ggs,1100 doeen Apples, per bushel 0'05 0 000 1 Should Auld Acquaint- ance Be Forgot, No 1 don't forget it ! Brush up your old Goat ani send it to your brother in Manitoba or British Columbia and then buy our New Fall and Winter Cloth- ing. They'll suit you better in the streets of our town. Brns- t�r OW THEY FLEW OUT 'OF THIS] ]3�IItJSSELS CLOTHING a House last Woolf. Whitt a weal: for bneiuoss. A Push, a crowd 0011$11 dally inlaying, hardly . enough salesmen to wait oil the eager. throng. 13at makes it 7 Wily such a business ? The same rate of increase for. st. year 01' two more and 13111500ls won't bold us. Why is it so ? Simply because right goods at right prices have done their work. GOOD 1STUFF, GOOD MAKING, GOOD S ■ YLES. We believein, and the good value we have been giving, not only bring customers back but bring new ones with the old. Seo our Overcoat Stock this week. It includes everything new, everything sols Clothing House is the "auld stylish, everything durable. The finest goods the market aflorcls, acquaintance"• that we don't want you to forget or to avoid. as 11'e11 as all the medium and lower grades. We'll promise to wear well. • OVERGOATV VER �, � ATS A. R. SMITH, CLOTHIER, BRUSSELS CLOTHING HOUSE. REAL ESTATE. BANKING. oINTOSH & 1IoTAGGART, C�C130ICE FARMS FOR ,;ALE.— A-few splendid, improved farms for eelein the township of Grey, Morrie and MoKinOp. Apply to A. DELGATTY, Co, AnettOneer,lirnesel5 P. 0, HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE, On the corner of Mary and Mechanic party is in the village of Brussels. This pro - 'bargain to r any person shaving situatedanx01 young children as it .is so near the school. Good stable and well on the premises. also Some young fruit trues and a quantity of small fruit. Apply to the ow0Or on the premises. 16-t5 MRS. TURNBULL, Brussels, 1ARMFOR SALE .—T FIE SUB - J.: offers his valnablo 100 acro farm, being lot 8, con. 18, Grey Township, Huron Co., for sate. Tbdi'e aro about 60 acres cleared and to oodheart. There is a loghouso, good bank born, beating orchard, and all the necessary conyenlenees on the premises, nor further partioulare, as to ,mite term s, etc, apply to the Proprietor, 19 21 HI I) UGA.LD STEM: IAN Bru sols. 1ARM FOR SALE.—THE UN- DEnalertnp offers for sale the north Morrie Oeo9mt tyarter of of Huron, containing concession aereo. he land is of first quality andin a high state of t'5laores ales ed iNow frame hand ouses, 8 t oms, milk house with concrete walls, 2 wells, good barns and shod, orchard, etc, lllght mares of Rall wheat, This desirable property adjoins the corporation of Brussels. Suit- able terms will be giyon. Title perfect, JAMES Bax208N13 ousels P. 0. ss- 'VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE 1' beingtheeolith half of 102 number 80 in the 4th oonceesion of the township of bbaldi Tayloor containinhe g ninety-nine nip ty nine acres. Ninety aeras aro elected,. the balance wood- ed with valuable timber. llxeollent build - Inge, largo oroltarrl of choice Irene, soil in good condition and le siboatoll one and a quarter miles north of the Village of srus- of tlio finest homestead main fel arina in ad he Chis ounty oil/urea and will be sold' at a bargain and on terms' to suit 1 urohaeer. For further pparticulars apply s the Proprietor, A. M. T4YLOlt, -Manan Arcade, Toronto, or to AR010013ALD TAYLOR, So., on the prom- ises. FARM FOR SALE. The Executors of the estate of the late Wl`LiadacMoonur, sseeniE, deooased, now offer the following valuable lands' for sale, viz. :—The north half of lib 27, and the wont hall of the north half of lot. 28, both in the 0th concession of the Township, of Morris, County of Muton, oontaining 150' soros. About 110 00005 are cleared .and in good' conditiou, the greater part being in grass. The balance is well timbered, chiefly with beech and maple. This farm is favorably sibo ate: withie 009 rnilc of the Villa00 of Wessels, Which affords an excellent market. There is upon Elie promises a good Rain. barn anti house an orchard Of choioo fruit trees, a never failing spring, also agood Well and puma , and godd feneeq. Thio property will bo sold in ono or two uarools, to suit Intending purobasers. . Purchaser silIl bo allowed to enter acid have use of house on grumbles at any tltno atter harvest and to do fall plbftwlug., Pull poems - sloe will be given at let NOVOmbes next. Hogsj dressed h Per tonus and 'further part:enlare it ply Beef 4 50 5 50 u omen, 24.si)3ru 00 OnEnrri, Or to scan 18 00 1,1' 00 beer eCurdNT, 1 i flay , s TxtoOn3Or s. EVdod,�1 er cors,, , .. , . , .. , 2 50 50 17ir,Rsou .l !Nuys, i .. 'f Onto 06S, 50 Filtieellekitrs, each•SO 75 t n a datllrn4101a.ne 13ANEE3.8 -:- BRUSSELS Transact a Genera/ Banking Business. 111OTDS =COUNTED. Oanadiantand United S tates:Drafts bought and sold. Intorestiallowed on deposits. iCollections made on favorable terms. Canadian Agnate—ME1OIIANT'O BANE 0e" CANADA. Now York Agents—IMeonTEr.O AND 'Tn0n- nne NATIONAL Ann. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. SINCLAIR, SOLIOIT- VV • or, Couveyau0er, Notary Public, 00. O93oe : Grabam'a Blook, l door north of llargroaves' Drug Store. private Punds to Loan. �j E. W A D E. BARRISTER, A.:.l. Solicitor and Notary Publio. Con- veyancing. Collections and Loaning. Mr, Wade will attend to (Ionia every wodnos• day at two o'oleok. TIOKSON & HAYS, (Late with Gamow & i:'rourltoot, Godo- rich) Barristers. Solicitors, Oonveyagoore, Sic. Office, Grant's Blooli, Brussels. Mousy to loan. R. S, HA.35, W. B. DICKSON. A M. TAYLOR, 13. 0. L., BAR. -C3.. • Immune, Solicitor, a, of the firm of Diolreon, Taylor k Afodora, Barristers, Soliottore,. &o„ Manning Arcade, ring street West,Teronto, Money to loan. A HUNTER, OLERK OF the Ponrth Division Court", nu1'On Conveyancer, Notary Publie, Land, Loan andlnsuranoe Agent, Puede invested and to loan. C0.lootionn made.., Orliee in Gra- ham's it lOals, Rrussols. Og>rRT OUNNIItiGNq d9 IA-sea1NOn, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. MEDICAL CARDS. ALN M.D M. F 0 , VW . MomUoroftlto College of Physialans,and 50,5338008 of Ontaato by examination. ' ' Opine and Resident—main St. Bast,.ldthe ' A. MoNAUGHTON, a .P.18aliobttr b'M.0.P. . C. M. Hargreaves' g , e➢ 0 ()11;0 At lindfr on 13 Drug0 Store loom 9 bo 11:80 a.m. and tom 1190 to 4 p, in, o other hence may be bund at the residence formerly' 000upied by or, Hutchinson, Mill street, DENTAL. _ . DxUlsT rr' G. 0. Dalt In 11. s., linnet Grrvinato and M. U. (1. D. 15.'reronto. Vitellsed Air given Motiee, D, 1);. N., Assistant Operator Os'5Icit--1(elate Blook, Soutorth.. 133M1v'1 IMT. w.X.L'ear,L.D. S. Graduate of To- ronto School o1 Dentistry. 411 oper- ations- guaranteed.. 0113ee—Oady'a Bloolr, Seeforth. Artillolaltoeth, 3)0111(11101119', and a guavanteed'eta or 810.00 pox sot. DE) TIo7L': a. Ems,, Honer Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Nxrnoe OXIDIC Gas administered for the painless extrac- tion of tooth. OFFIOB.—One boor North of the Bunk. AUCTIONEERS. EORGE KIRKBY, L10EN- ��•J�+l sEn Auctioneer, Saler conducted on reasonable terms, farms end farmstook a specialty. orders left at TDE Pear Publish- ing.11ouse, Brussels, or sent to Walton post office will receive prompt attention. A LEX. DDLGATTY, AUCTION- £ .L. nEn, is prepared to attend to sales on the shortest notice. A, epaaialty mO(lo 01 sales of thoroug3-bred stook. Terms made known b" application R. Tun Pool? Publish. lug Rouse, whore orders may be loft, or address to Brussels P 0. A RAYMANN, AUOTIONEER, t„ 21.e is always ready to .attend sales of farms, farm stock, Co. Terms cheerfully given, Oranbrook13.0, Sales may he al- 'i:;moi. ranged at .Tun '708T Publleb ing Souse Brussels. BUSINESS CARDS. II. MoORAOKEN, ISSUER •. of Marriage Lioensoe. Office at his Grocery,Tuosborry Street. MISS HENDRY 1.1.11 Teacher of Oil Painting. Booms at Mr, (Alex. Wilson's, Prin0ese street, Olass clam Thursday and Saturday. TSS O'CONNOR, .TEAOBER of Piano and Organ, Terme on ap 11• nation. p N.B.—Walton class meets every Thureday and Pxiday at Mrs. D. Oampb elle, Walton. /)('ISS HARGREAVSES DESIRES 1W.1. to receive ,pupils for inetrno- tion on the PIANO and ORGAN. 8 years Experience. Residence Iri11, 01i'0 alar- greevea, oyer IIA811.EEAVES 71)107//1 STORE. - 000-151 N. BARRETT, TONSORIAL • Artist. Shop, next floor 8Oi.tlf •0f A, M. McKay & nos. Hardware store, Ladies' and children's :hair mimosa specialty. . A choice stook of cigars Rept, N.il R MoITJER . i; z , s8 0l MAR. LA;• rine Licenses, by appointment of Lloutselevornor, Commissioner, 00., Q. D, Convoyaneorandhgont L'iro Xneuranco Cr, 011100 at the On'anbrookroet °aloe. 1:41 W. O'BRIEN, V. S , EEON01 •to, nate G d of the Ontario veterinary do118golis pronrtd front all diseases of domotoatorauimrvle nn eoimltlpo ithd proved principles. 0300• -Two' doors north of bridge, Tnrnberryetreeb, • nz: EIODD OKE.zoo fr; 1 ' 'SIGN tl v 'mut Ornamental Paih . °raining, cueing, SignMIADoe r•a iv(i' sent/iiia an itsbranehos, ShopB�nis lie 1 -up in style, mush of J ]3ijli'n pdrir iOgn WMdse."O door w