The Brussels Post, 1888-12-28, Page 1OF. '81.8.8G8nOAG.F.Aacsanstaroutratsrarrfts•FonuvAcz. asassaessaasoGuaror 1 - Volume 16. GisS.GA,S1AGasosoaSys: Veterinary College. The examinations connection with the Ontario Veterinary College wore eon. eluded tn. Toronto on Friday. The ex- aminers wore: Dr. 14110w, Dayton, Ohio; Dr. Sweetapple, Oshawa I Dr, T. D. O'Neil, Damien ; Dr. J. H. Wilson, Lo» - don ; Dr, Comm, fault The 'Elliott, St. Cellmaines and Dr. Lloyd, Newmarket, Tho following gentle:inn were encode. fol in obtaining the aipleme of the Adis militate and Arts Aseoulation:--Brown Atelier, Sarnia. ; O•mtor, ;John Hume, Guelph ; cowlem Edward M. notified, Ohio; Elarett,Arther T.,1Itistings, Neb.; Coition, Robert J'tefeber Kiuwnville; Haworth. Char/ce W1111410 Janne, broke ; Hiekingbottoin, Richard II, Brooklin 1-Inehson, W. ;r„ Orangeville Julian, Frames 'V., llookway Centre, Mich.; Kern, Legal 0., Milverton • Keck, Morrie W., Bingen, Paa Landrdh, A. Ay;; Liddle, John Ja„ aleiliina N. Y.; Meetithon, J. B., 'reroute; Major, It. IL, Whitevale; Mormaramea 13 Jet. Thames; Ogee ell, J. P., Fleslunton; Riese Owen, Rossugg Riddell, Wm., Shalcspeere; Robinson, F. L. Peterboro ; Scott, Isaac, 13Ioernington, Illo Scott, J. L., London; Smith, A. W,'Cataract ; Stevens. J, B. St. Mary's; Tomlin, C. S. London ; Taylor, W. M., Hillboro, Deka Tbomp sou, Joseph, Orillia ; Thomson, T. A., Torouto • Vansickle, Seth W,, Ancestor ; Webb, 11. S.. Tonawanda, N. Y.; Wheli- bau, J. , at. Mary's; Widdifiold, Robt. J., Aurora ; Wilkinson, Tbos. H., Bel. grate ; Wynde, A., Brighton. Primary examinations — Bowman, 0., primary anatomy; Franks, J. W. printery anat- tomye Greenwood, John, primary anat- omy; Radley, E. C., materiel mediae Washington Letter. (Prom our Regular OorrespondentO 'ASHINGTON, Doo. 01,1888. The time having been fixed for it vote on the Tariff bill, much better progress Was made in the Senate yesterday than usual. Paragraph after paragraph was disposed -of so rapidly, in fad, that Sew neer Vance was led to inquire why the Republicans desire to force the bill through in such haste now that it was settled that a final vote should bo taken on the alt. of January. The Democrats, led by Senator's Vance and Viet, continued Co offer amendments cutting down the proposed veto of duty or adieus agitate; in the different ached - lace, but they were voted down. oeuator Call, however, was one of the few Demo- crats who thought that the measure was not sufficiently protective, especially to Florida growers of oranges and lemons. Rio 1110t0011 to increase Sao duty on these led Senator Riecook to state sar- °Regality that orauges were a necessity to the down.trocluen workmen of the North, and that, therefore, the duty ohonld remain where it is. Ten pages of the hill were disposed of during the day. Senator Gray, speaking of the chances of tariff legislation this session, said yesterday : ',I do not think there is much prospect of the two Houses agreeing on a bill at this session. If the hill gets into conference, however, as I hope it will, I should think we could offer to compro- mise by removing the internal revenue tax from tobacco and putting wool on the free lid. My idea would be to let all the other features of the Senate stand if We could gain free wool. By agreeing on this compromise we could effect a, substantial reduction of the revenues and at the same time gaiu a great deal for the cense of tariff reform. I have not disouseett it at any length with many members of tho Ways and Moans .Com- mittee." Mrs. Toadies WAN ill her glory during the paet week. Sho fairly revolted in in the mysteries of the dead letter office sale. Long before the hour appointed for tho oommeuoernent of the sale several samples of the lady in question were on hand and secured front seats. A tem- porney platform had been erected on one %id° of the (motion room, and beyond were pineal the various packages that wore to be sold to the highest bidders. Greet bundles ot catalogues lay on the Pie:Herm and were generally taken by the early minds and sconnea for prizes. The old habituates, however, had secured copies in advance, and their tvell.thumb- et"' see ad pages, adorned here and there with cluck melts, showed a careful perusal. The auctioneer began the sale with a silk handkerchief, evbieh brought 85 oeuts. tabs next package containing a conpleaaf lady's aprons cost thepurchaser 40 oeuts. When the highest point was reached in the bidding the aucbioneer gave tho bundle a twist and sent it over the heads straight at the leaky bidder, at whom the cashiers immediately began to thrust a citgar.box nailed to a long baudle. Tho eatielee wore invariably started at a quarter, front which a jump would usually bo immediately made. "Tho figures aro running very high and the bundles aro going off faster than I over know," said an old lady, who had been loaning againatthe wall watching the sale. "I lave been to a great many dead letter Nalco, but I never saw each a one as this," and she raised bee parnsol and her voice and bid :30 cents for a pogrom conteining 111 infaeta; knit worded cape and a valentine. Secretary Whitney has at lasb settled the question al to the disposition of the U. S. S. Rielimeoncl, which has just been fitted out at tho NOW York navy.yierd, by ordering hor to prooda teethed un. nemseary delay to Montevideo, for car. vice as the flagship of the South AtIontio station. When thie vessel was ordered to NoW York for repairs it WA f011 tho purpose of sending her to Chinn, as the flagship of the Aembie statien. While the work on nor progressed, the trouble with Hayti ocourrad, and tho work was expediated so as to send het to that eountry. Her presence there is not now regarded as at all neceseaty, and Ft hae fluidly been decided to gond hoe to the- Soilth Atattatie station, wheel a vessel luta been needed for some timo. The Preeident's fleet vote for this seseion of Congeries is of a bill to credit Dana.....8.8.1ANOOS.s.G81 RUSSELIS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, DEC. 28, 1888. =...,--- a Colorado postmaster for cart iin fonds lost in transmidion by no fault rif Itie. As the Poetnitteter General nail already nettled the account under exiding laws Comoros was under no 11111' 3113' tit 'dithering Seen alma the matter. Mr. Cleveland would rather be right than be P resid en t. see East Huron. Conservatives. Emit Huron Liberal Cionnervatives :w. s.nabled in Brussels on Thursday of lad week in the Ton Hall, in annual oen• la volition, a: the lumber of ono launder) and twenty. The 151511511 president of t110 ROROGi dirm, :Joseph Leeola dew tee the Omer, and, ht a few pleasing re arks congratulated the meeting and the minty , that their ,m'e't ithieftitin is stil' at the holm, guiding the glip of tern te',' Owing to advandog nee, ,1Ie. Leeche xpressod a wish to retire worn :alio... se He has been presidem itir twenty ;oars. On motion of M r. Weir, seconded by Mr, Black, m. heet:ty vote of thanks was tendered tho retiring presiilont. The following officers were elected for the ensideg year :—President, P. Kelly, Blyth '• Vico-President Geo. Broker, Brussols ; Secretary, J. J. Denman, Bras - eels; Treasurer, E. L. Diokensou, Wing. ham. The vice-presidents of all the municipalities were re-elected. • Moved by Thomas Farrow, ex -M. P., seconded by P. Kelly and resolved, "That we strongly deprecate the course of Dr. Macdonald, the present representative of East Huron, in advocating Commercial Union, or, in plain terms, annexation with the United Stets, and we emphatically express our approval of the Government's polio y on this vital question. Every effort has been made bo bring about reciprocity of trade in natural products with the United States, but all overtures have been spurned by the Americans.' Mr. Farrow, in speaking to the motion, made a most spirited, loyal and patriotic speech. He referred, in glowing terms, to the wonderful energy of the Govern- ment and the 0. P. R. Company in open- ing up that great country, the Canadian Northwest, and building 8,000 miles of railway in five years. Having spent a large portion 03 11101 season in Manitoba be was in a position to state that the people there were getting rich. Moved by J. It. noddy, seconded by S. Ca Neaten, of the Seatorth Sun, ''That this meeting expresss its approval of the Empire newspaper aud recognizss it as the loading °igen of the great Libetal- Cionservative party. Tte editorials and other departments are creditable not only to the party but to Canada, and we strongly urge all loyal Conservatives to exert themselves in its interest, feeling satisfied that it is tas most reliable ex- ponent of the policy and principles of Oonsorvatiem." Moved by 13. Gerry, seconded by F. C. Rogers "That this meeting yiews with pleasure the development of the North - i1001, which demonstrates the wisdom of our Chieftain and ins Cabinet in the faoe of bitter opposition, carrying out amt active and progresswe polity to induce the set- tlement of this vast granary of our noble Dominion. The principal factor in this direotion has been the C.P.R., which has proven to bo of immense and incalculable benefit to this enuntry. Canada can now boast the best trausoontinentul railway in America, and, next to Confederation, ib is the crowning triumph of the state- manship of oar loader, the Right Honor- able Sir John Macdonald." Moved by Thos. B. Hays, seconded by Thos. Kelly "That this convention views with suspicion the increasing centralize - gun of power by the Ontario Legislature, and believe that all of the minor provin- cial °Metals, such as license inspectors, bailiffs:, rec., should be appointed by the county councils or tho people, as the system fosters an immense amount of undue influence, as is evidenced by the different votes east in tho same munici- palities in the federal and provinoial elections." The resolutions were all carried an. auirnously. After votes of thanks to Mr. Farrow, Mr. Kaye and the retiring president, and cheere for the Queen and Sir Tobn, the meeting adjourned. The total expenclituro on the Guelph junctioa railway was 0240,000, A. Grand Trunk train was partially wrecked by an open ewitoh at Thamos• villa on Wednesday. George Sexemith was killed by an ex. plosion at the ammonia works on Front street, Toronto, on Tuesday, Thieves stole 100 pairs of shoos on Friday night from a Grand Meanie oar at, the foot of Brook street, Toronto. Joseph Hickson, general manager of the Grancl Trunk Railway, bas aeoopted the presidency of the general oommittee of the Moutred winter carnival. Geo. Gooderhom, of Toronto, will erect the finest residence in Ontario next year, at the corner of St. George and Bloor streets. It will nosh over $250,- 000. The village council of Elmira, at a re- cent session passed a by.law imposing a license fee of $10 tustead of 35, tto for- merly, on street vendors and transient traders. Edward Kelley, of Winnipeg, lute for- warded a forfeit of $50 in support 01 11100 oluellenge to Wm. Flaming, of Markham, for the ()hooker championship of Canada, and wants the games to bo played et Chicago. At the recent solo of County Lands for taxes, in Goderichosory tow buyers were ptosent, A 29 acre Int in Howlett, with email house and barn themon, and on %Moll there wee about $200 deo, was sold for loss than that sum. D. IL Men- zies, of Clinton, bought a half twee lot in the town of Wingham, for about 31,50. Al tho Winthrop choose faddy, MO. '<Mop, lad sermon thero Were 701,082 pewit's of milk delivered whioll made 64,032 pouncle of cheese, realising the auni tit 35,888,41. Of this amottnt the pater:the edeived 34,300.85. The ohede sold at tho average price of 0.18 °onto pot pound, netting to the patrons 0 eents per gallon of milk for tho first odes and 7,conte for the last Mao, co' omumioATioN. lIcrato Products. Editor afweetery Time: 1 :1 e'er iseue :11 the 7th indent you 11)y Halifax, Nate got a new fire sbeafllelj from the United States in 1)10. teronqii to those ineele by me. In ease the iffilie may think the engine 1 matin Safi rim or dottier, plea e lot um etate the fteete ; I offered to Mile an mane on ap- eProbatien --one hun•leed or two hinutred gallons pee minuto larger capacity, ls quietest: steaming inachin e and of far better materials, our pumps being solid bran, the Annilli01111 onus being made of dot iran. Itesidos, tho ono they have got will "net them $8e0 more than my mine. la face of those significant facts they refus,,,i to accept tny offer. At the seine time, our Maritime Pro- vince friends think and :my we should do all in our power to make our winter At. lenge ports in their province through Canadian territory in preference to U.S. parts, which is a most reasonable and laudable requisition. But the 51100 1 011 the other foot at present, •ind very ill. fitting at that ; for they buy their goods in the United States when offered geode here far better and far cheaper, and re. fuse to have anything to do with us, There is really anything but oneonrago meet in this for us to meet their proposi- tions, however patriotic we may feel over such a proper and national sentiment. Testimonials from Winnipeg glow that our steamers in use there are rnuoh ahead, in power and effectiveness, of the U.S. steamers, both kinds being in use there, and every practical point shown to be in favor of the Canadian make. Very respectfully yours, Joint D. RONALD. Brussels, Dec. 15th, 138. Reply to NU'. btrachan. To the Hatter or THE POST. Su,—Mr. Strachan has given 0 crack of his little whip at the National l'olioy of Canada, and it is rather late in the day now to begin to teach him the necessity of upholding that which is our bread and butter -the bulwarks of a young country. In his topening sentence he trips himself up. Ia it he admires the wisdom of British statesmen who dis- carded their National Policy 03 30 or 70 years ago. Ho only looks at and sees the affect, and fails to comprehend the cause of their then wise statesmanship now then I wish hire to Bee and know the muse and necessity for this high tarift. Long ago Russia, Norway and Sweden flooded thie oountry with cheap iron, and thou wise men said wo must mako iron ourselves and to 80 SO WO shall pat on 100 per cent tidy to enable our young and poor industries to get 0. good start and hold of the market. Monied men invested with them -there were thou no "Grits," misnamed Re. formers to about and roar of the bloated monopoly-groply to turn out a good Government and get in themselves. No, Sir, all looked with au aye single to strut large industries. Suoh wise statesman- ship accomplished ie and made such a snoods in manufacturing iron so cheap- ly that proteotion soon of itself died a natural death, they did notneed it, and are now the manufacturers of the world. Their prosperity and wealth is all due to the ubove forseoing starting point and this is what the Conservative party of Canada is bringing about to -day and is the sole reason why Sir John is so pop. ulna in the leadership of a nation with such grand objects in view is bemuse he took the cue given by Great Britain as well as our big ni ighbur the United States, which is procedont and 0500055 enough for us to follow safely—"It's cumin' yet for a' that." Very iespoctfulty yours, Jona D. Boxiam. Breathitt, Dec. 21st, 1888. :CS: rots tar . Charlie Bishop is home from Toronto University for the Christmas vacation. Last week Mrs. Henry Ball returned fearoanct an extended visit to relatives in the Wm. Habkirk, jr., is home from the wesb. Ho likes the country well and may go book next spring. It is hinted cu this seceion of the town- ship that Councillor Hislop may give Deputy Reeve Bryan a brush this year. Joseph Bowes, sou of Samos Bowes, of this township, returned home on a gall) last week, after an abeenee of six years in Maniboba. It is said a debate will be held between tho Debating Society of Shine's and Mole ris Congo. Why not hold it fit Barrios' school house? Stanley Anderson, ono Of our most successful wheel teachers, be leaving the profession and is going to study Hangs- tey. May success crown mimosa. John Taylor mot with an accident last Friday whereby ho inflicted an ugly gash in his right foot with an axe. He is now getting about on crutches. Miss Bertha Ball wee successful in seouriug 11 tied -Class diploma for Wok- 11tieseipting from the Busitess 0011030, To. ronto. Miss Bertha is home now ou a Tho financial statement of the Reovo and. Tt'easuree, as dirooted by 0. S. 51, Vio, Chem 28, Soc. 13, Sub. Sec. 31 may be road on page 0 of tine home. It is in. teresting reading to tho ratepayers. Last Friday Royston Ladd,- tho only eon of Robt, Hall, 0011 con., died and a brief Minuets, aged 1 year and 3 days. The funeral took place on Sunday tuner. noon, Rev. D. 13. McRae and KM J. L. Kerr concluding the fluvial), Dansrta—The Literary and Debating Soetoty at Turnbtillat eribool house, 101,11 eon., hola their first debate last Friday evening. Tho sebject dismissed wits "Rotolved that wet is more destructive to mankind than intetnperanco," Tho affirmable° wristlet= by ago. Harris, sup. ported by Thos. Turnbull, 11,0, Hartis,J. M. :Robertson and A., Hislop. The negro. gee by Wm. Watson, supported by W. Fowler, A. StoWart and W. Perrio. De. cieffin in favor of intereporance, .7. lade Menpled the obair, Nomination day next Monday at Oran - breed. Teem will likely 11' a big tarn out c3 eleoters to hear Ilia speechee. Al the aid oonnoll le in the Mild and the lemma of T. EitaiH, with Bishop, Jars, Strachan, 1). Robertson, Jos, Pc:gotten and others aro mentioned. On Christmas day Henry thttireeon, of Woodstock, formerly assistant postometer at Bruited.% and Miss Dolly Sr:tendon, 10th can., 1101.11 united in marriage by Rev, J. 1'. featear, Tho bridesmeirl 11)3 Mime Edith Hill, :11 Brussels, it.' l the groomsman Hoary Kmallrion. Henry Attevotel, of the lith wine met with 11 very eceioni it:raided on Wortnet. dayor this week, no was attending s. grain crusher when 111,1 neon got eatialtt in the gu-reine, eseieniug it very bedly. se messenger ciente 11 hot haste for a :Motor, there being •Ittnitor of his bleeding to deeth. etto tru re it iney not ;mom, more serious than a Sevvre injury. Ittecereer.--1.1io ober day a eltort, thielc-eet, initiate aged men, of the 0ent004 tromp, called upoit ono ot our ferment and asked for something to ed. Dinner being in course of prepare:6°u he was re- quested to wait and get a good warm. meal, which he did. In taking his do - pedant shortly he took with Limn a new axe and brindle which had been fitted no for ohopping a few days before. Such characters should be followed up and punished. Farmers should bo on the look -oat for him and give him a wide berth. DOBITE.—The anal debate WAS held in Shine's school house last Monday even- ing and, although the roads were in bad condition, there was a good attendance. The subjeot discussed was, "Resolved that man will do more for money than fame." On the affirmative were R. Bis- hop, W. Portia and J. AI. Robertson. and on the negative D. Robertson, A. Perris, 3. Perrie, ffits. MeLanchlin and J. Bain. Decision in favor of Suns. Wm. Hislop and Sae. Grant °coupled the chair and vioe-ohair. The next debate will be held on Thursday evening, Jan. 8rd, when the subject, "Resolved that the peek is more beneficial to his country than the state - man" will be discussed. • Samoa Renee.—The following is the result of a written Examination held in S. S. No. 8, being a review of the work done during this last term. Fifth Class. —let, Vailliarn Smith; 2nd, Elie. Stra- ohan. Fondle—Ist, Andrew Lamont ; 2ncl, Alex, McKay ; 3rd, Jennie Forbes. Tbird Senier.—tst, Oliver imith ; 2nd, Geo. Crooke; 3r4, Maggie Oliver. Third junior.—let, Annie Strachan ; and, Dan- iel Strachan ; Ord, Sarah MoLauohlin. Second 0liss.-1st, Jessie Strachan ; 2nd, John McKinnon ; 3rd, Lida Crooks, Part S000nd Sonlor.—let, James Hoag; 2nd, Elsie Straohan ; 8rd, Melissa Laing. Part Second annior.—lst, Mnry Poster; 2nd, Henry Satevart ; 3rd, Hugh Lamont. First Class.—lst, Jossio MoLonehliu ; 2nd, Isabella Oliver; 3rd, Colin McNeil. S. Y. TAYL011, Teaohor. IINAMINATXON.—A very agoaessEul Ex- amination was held in S.S. No. 1, on Thursday of last week. The school room was nicely decorated with evergreens in- cluding an immense a,ch ou the plat. form with the word "Welcome" which showed fins taste. There wore about seventeffive visitors present, attesting to the esteem in which the efficient teacher, Stanley Anderson, is held. Hewes as - stated by Messrs. Black, Bowerman, A.n- derson, McCall, Ribertson and Misses Calder and MoLautailin. The several classes were examined in different sub- jects by the above teachers and from the cowed and ready answers) given by the pupils to searching questions asked, proved that they have been carefully trained and thoroughly drilled. After all had partaken of a delicious repast pos. pane by tho ladies of the section the dassee were rammed. About 2:30 p.m. 0, BOW01:1111411 was voted to the chair, a position which he filled to a nicety. A lengthy and varied program, consisting of Kindergarten songs, readings, recite. gone and dialogues was carried out by the scholars. The manner in whioli the pupils played their parts itt renderiug the soleotions is a credit to the motion and an honor te the teacher. Shore addresses were delivered by the trustees and teach. ors who spoke in bite highest terms of the zeal and diligence displayed by Me. Anderson in moulding the character of tbe young and in imparting that useful knowledge so requisite in life. We to- gret that he retires from a profession of which he was an ornament. After all bad joined in wishing Mr. and lairs. An- dersoe health and stureess in their new home the National Anthem brought a very suceeeeful examination to a dose. Local News Items. NOMINATION day 0011100 asst Monday. 0111MOTAIAS was 011 the dun sido this year owing to the rain and the want of Geo. Love it Co. aro doing a rushing buboes in steaw-ontters and gram grinders, Msml's Reaffined Overshoes 61.25. Heavy Rubbers for socks 01.25. Felt Soaks Teo, Felt Boots very cheap, ADAM Goon. 21. 30511 O Derewome has disposed of the draei, horses rec. to Robert Hondereon who took possession. last Wacky. Mr. Henderson 5311 30(1 the bill well. Wo have not yet hoard what Me, Dunford in- tends doing. Ho will, probably, take a trip to the west where his brothers nee. 131111 Christmas season brought a good many visitors to town amoog the number being W, Gerry, of Kingsville ; G. A. Fear, Jno. SWAN/1 and X. W. Shaw, of Toronto ,• R. a. Clarice, of Arva, Ont. G. L. Ball anmi wife, of Seaforth ; Rev. W. R. Ken, ot omit sound Pau. Kenny : J. Gordon, of Lucknow ; Mrs, Morrison and eon, of London; George Sanders and wife, of Flint, Miele ; Mrs, 41. Webster and daughters, ol Stratford; r10411111.VO5 9,11d wife, of Toronto ; Haegreavoit and wife, of Paisley hlr. Wilson, of Walkerton ; Albert Fitzpat. rick, of Arthur; Low. Jackson, of fiee- forth ; Riehard lams, of tmoknow, and W. 1100501, 03 Toeswater ; ,Tho. Ferguson, of Stratford ; Mrs. Campbell 1 1', Vansione, of Southampton; Advid.Sbiel, of Toronto W. if, Hill, Attwood. " • . Number 24. AMOMOMIS*.M111 71011•SSVIII! 31/11010 10ION.1111,3011, 11 15/111,Y, Airmail:1r and "amine are getting et their re lea, Live leinoeiat thoWit3"'erwdi'4'6 (hl'aitlriVove‘: t111.:,;.'bh) all town that is the 11110St10n ? 21 - Tito ilremeels Band vary generously and thoughtfully donated .$1)1 to Gran Turnbull foe it Christmas gift atteempan• ied by a kindly warded note hoping for his spit- 'ly reeriv.•ry. OVA ima mernher of the Band and holde the waition 03 01. eietem Rem:et:try :tea nerlitor. 1). A. Sued:, wife and denghter are her, from Seginew city, D. A. thiuke t111.111 101 Imo plata, KRA °marl moro pertiaulerly ite he wee aetvu wi tea the mem for mime time white in the land miS tho freo. Ile purposes litingeneg 001 into 611411(.1101 attain beide leu;;. Wu welcome thorn beak to town. 1lNIGHT:4 ON Tan 111.11NY1,11..—Tho dieplity ofir estmee armee et' rite Braque:a butchere thie year we ittilv op to ottr,.. years. et A. Currie', there W,41 an t.N.11 0b1 110G 011'. lieffee at' ee Kerr, ni ti 'real toweehip, rnsghi 700 vounds ; olio heifer fiel by Jae, ealeve, Morrie townehin, weighed. (300 puede ; ono heifer fed be ,41"wart, Grey township;lamb fed by Simon 'Forsyth, Merrie township ; and another fed ty Adam Turnbull, of Grey totenshio ; pee; tea by A. K. Robertson, of Merge township ; and one fee by Wm. Thomp. mon, 13FUSSE1111. 'there were also geese, turkeys, rabbits, sausage, dm, the whole display being decorated with rosettes and V111.6Veritf1161£311nIgin didj 110 take a bank seat but had five 9 year old heaters that aggregated 8000 pounds. One was fed by A. Hislop,tprey, dressed 700 pounds • twit Duncan McLauchlin, Grey, 1926 pounds; one fed by Jam. Slemmon, Grey, 500 pounds ; one by Wm. Smith, Grey, 550 pounda. There was also t fine lot of pork, lamb, poultry', dm., neatly and attractively arranged. Wrotserater Meecte—The Vancouver World givee the fnilowing partieul.rs a, wrestling contest in which Gideon Perrie, well known in this localihy, 015100 out beat man :—Hart'4 Opera lIonee, on Saturday night, was the scene of the most iuteresting trial of strewth and dexterity that has yet been witnessed in this city. The contest was EL catch- as-catoh-can wrestling match. between John Richardson. champion at Itlecine• Wart, formerly, of England, and atileo Perri% for $500 a sitte host throe falls: out of flee. As both these :nett are re. nowned athletes and had tad hare abont two mouths ago in what proved an On. satisfactory match both to the public and to tho contestants and all were now anxious to ascertain who was tho better elan. The stage WM especially arranged for the occasion and nothing was there to interfere with the progress of ths sport. Riohardson wan seconded by Jack Ash- croft, of English notoriety, and ',eerie by W. F. Scott, (formerls of Srusselsa wail. Peter Shoemaker, the champion wrestler of Taooma, who has downed the beet of them between there and San Francisco, acted as referee. Notwithstanding the heavy betting that has been going on for some time past, money was being freely offered and readily taken before the match began, the stakes in several he- etanoes running up into thousands. At half past nine the certain went up mid the rivals being introduced, stepped nimbly to the centre of the canvas and shook halide. They almosb immediately closed and for several minutes tnanotim eared around, when Perrio got an advent age and threw Iliehardeen to the boor but felled to tarn him back. downwards. He was not long, hotverer, in smearing a deathly double Nelson hold,by which he oompletely tos.ed him flat upon iris shoulders, thee winning the fell in six minutes. During tho interval of fifteen minutes which followed, bets were offer- ed with odds on Perrio, but it WU 41111. cult to get takers. When time was agein called the contestants again sprang light. ly to tho, oentre, and were not loog in grasping each other. After resorting to various feints mad tactics, Riohards in by a doxterons move sprang behind his an- tagonist and grasped him firmly by the must, and in the struggle to extricate himself, Perrio was thrown to the floor where his opponent scoured a half Nei. son and dotoh-lock and quickly turneci him flat upon his back amid. applauee. Time, three minutes. Noe more hops revived in the breasts of the Richardson men, and thoy took some few hots. TM genie was now becoming more interest. ing, and the third beet was watebed with intensity. Both men were now maims and watchful. Alter simie little artifices Richardson tried hie former successful scheme of springing behind his oppottent, but with adroitness that aliened rounds of opplauso he foiled him in the attempt. Again they dosed and each tried to worry the °then -- They tag, they sbrain; down, down they go, The Gael above, Pitman:otos below. Here Portio gained another double Nel- son whiell lie quickly changed to a half - Nelson and forearm hold, which served him well for 110 won the fall in Ave min- utes. Theo 'was hoard the tramp of the Parte nion, bat undismayed and i,1 hearty good humor Richardson came ft/Male to the fourth encounter. Silence attest reignod eupreine. The tiok of the thnolcoopeeri %etch, tho breathing of the compotitors,'their light step upon the eanvas and the pulsation of many an anxious head were the only sounds to bo heard. But thie lad stiggie, though more keenly watched then oho lad, ended somewhat the same as the latter, for Petrie managing 153 (05' considerable strategy to get another half•Nolson and crotch -holt gutted Richardson shoulders clown thee winning three fang nal the match, Tile best of order provailen throughout tho contest, and the defeat wai taken with as good grace ma the vie - tory wok modestly emoted. Before the match *en Petite Shoornekor 1511110000. 53 that 115 had come item Tacoma with the OnlY01114 purpose ot challenging the Wiener to evrostle Grtoco.ROMiert style for MVO a side. Mr, Scott inunediatoly stooped forward and gated that if his man Won he would bank hint Oar 11500 against Shoemeker, Dem-. MeLeme ie here on a visit from the West. Ales. Fume. Iterate: mei emi, of Port lfuren. On 01 Vlbit to FFIAtiVCF4 011 tOW11. Mem Damairremes site:- will only ho open on Haturdave for the parch:leo of egge during the Winter months. Ountina and lemon,. 211e. per doz. Candies by the ton. bnices and peola tho frouluNt. OpiterS, 1 awe, Haddies, Aim! (loom 22. teeitee: ann. ,f tre. oielt tere ere working up mis •,• IFT'ti)l 1. 1111811101.1'13 of the 102.2.'11 :01111, i 1 they mad1 hide the eee eso see:civet Conneilor Atnent for wood anil luMbor. If we are not mieettlieu tuoved 51 oeo meeting to pese het tt0,.,123). tarnig wik 12,0 I.mwinn0'0 Iron. from Stern - (./1.11 1 1,11. (114 0f11.1.11 111301 NaGatioa. 1,. po„,.:„.1 1111 .F.„n11.1 1.0.111 1)12 1110 wthuu 3 tI tyi, Ir) awris pot. minut, U11111,3 31 ni 01,- out oh,t reiseilee WO, G.; or. !it,/ 10-1 111, 1.../11../1 In•ti. WINS, to Dn• 001100. et . J. MuLtereneme formerly of Brus. eels, but lately 0.11 employee with the Ontario Goverumout, has thrown up his position, and gone hack to the hotel busi. nese, being now proprietor of a home ou Colborne Se, Toronto. "Mac." has seen the rough side of life pretty well, having lost heavily in various speoulations, but he still keeps a "stiff tapper lip," and will yet come out on the top of the pile. W/IAT Ws MAY ENPECT.—A cold snap. --A busy week canvassing between nom - Magee and eleution.—Everybody will make an effort to square up accounts.— Another wedding early next month.— Good resolutions to be 'formed presses - tog to the ushering in of 1890.—Eaten- tamments to taper oft—Changes in shod tea -chars itt a gond many places.— Twhoork0Lolcissks,. Act to soon ooremence to Goon RBAILING,—At this time of the year when everyone is endeavoring to provide aransieg and instructive reading fer the fireside, Toronto Saturday Night sbonld be remembered as one of the hest written, cleanest and most elaborately Mildew ea papers published in the Do- minion. It contains twelve pages of reaffirm matter mut pietuees, many of which are reproductions of the finest works of tut in Europe, while its pages of humorous selections are direct renrorlue- i ions of the choicest pastures and para- graphs of the English and American carnie papers. The pablieltere challenge tee world for an equally attractive illus- trated five -cent n ovepaper. It contains ho Family Herald stories which appear simultaneously with their original publi- (melon in England, and throughout it is a paper for which every father of a fatally should subscribe. Hy special arrange. inews with the publishers we are enabled to offer Toronto Saturday Night and Toe POST at 32.50 per annum. It is oertainly au opportunity of which all should take immediate advantage, for we are really giving our paper and Saturday Night for almost the p1100 of the latter. Axenreaseatr.— The anniversary ser- mons of the Methodist church were promthed last Sabbath. Rev. Dr. Car- man mouppea the pulpie at 10:80 a. rn., and 0:30 p. n). His morning discourse on the 'stewardship occupied 1 hours alt tvas a genuine treat. It was one of those sermons that Som could distribute among your neighbors and have a large supply left for yourself afterwards. His pithy, practical remarks igll net soon be forgottert. In the evening, his subject was Oonseoration, taking the life of Abram as a starting petite The Dr. is a hard hitter and his pleasant way of putting things is peculiarly his own. Rev. G. B. Howie, pastor of Itioxehurch, preached an interesting discourse at 2:30 p, in. on the putting away of idolas spaken by J031111:1 to the Iseitelitee at Steelman. His divisions were, 1st, The iithful wartime; 2nd, The mad reedve; ard, the national monument. Toe oon- greiettions were good considering the un- pleased weather. On Christmas even• mg, despite gm rain, dark night and madly roads, there WAS a vary goodtarn out to lite tea meeting. Edibles were served in abundance in the basement ate)! Which on adjournment WAS mane to the endemic° room of the church. Rev. M. Swann took the chair and after an °gaffing hymn Rev. S. Jones opened the meeting with prayer. A. financial state- ment was read by Jas. Buyers, Sooretary of the Trastee Board, after which Rev, R. Paul made a brief speoole Dr. Oar. man 000upied the balance of the time in a splendid address on the elements of a sum:woeful life and nobleoharaoter. Rev. John. Ross, B. &moved a vote ef thanks to the Rev. Dr. for his (moonset address, to (he huller fur the preparation of the tem and to the elide for their mug°. The motion was seconded by Bove W. E. Kerr, 03 ,11100 Sound, and "thirdee" by ltev. G. B. Howie. The proceeds of the anniversary amounted to nearly 650. .9, social will be bold. ou Friday evening of this week. A light shook of earthquake WOR felt at Belleville on Sunday night. At the Normal school elogine exorcises Miss Kate Bowman, of Hamilton, took tho gold medal. Tho G.T.R. have commenced °per. ations on their taw elevator at Wierton. It is to be of 750,000 bush oapacity, A moll batter demand Inc wheat in noted, Ana Manitoba grades espetnally are Wanted. Tho resole is higher prima Last week Wm. Robinson, of Mark- ham, had three valuable 2 year old heavy dranght colts dio from the died of eat- ing frozen gems. Rev. D. Savage, the well-known re. vivalist, is =panted to commence a :levies of meetings itt oottneotion with the Park. hill Methodist churoh early in January. The will of Edward Gurnby 2.12. batt) Wentworth registry offim, i'espured 600e itt damps, and that of Bishop Fad 3010, the values ot the ornate being 31110. 000 and 44428,000. • A very rich silver strike loan been made in the Badger mine back of Port Arthur, Ont, The company has opened, Otto eight Mph vain of silver oto assaying 31.4 000 to A ton, making it Adolf one.