The Brussels Post, 1888-12-14, Page 340.
21, 1888,
Courtesy ou ono side uover Taste
Courtesy is floe true oharaeleris,
tion of a good nainl.
The small oourteeim swooton life ;
the greater ennohlo it,
A churlish courtesy rarely cornea
bub either for gain or foloehood.
Courtesy cuvoroth many ituper•
foctions, and prevonth rnoro danger.
Nothing is a courtesy unle.e it be
lineal. for uo, and that frtenclly and
If over I should affect juetioe, it
would be iu this, that1 taitight do
cour eoiocc,and reoeivo none.
Tho nearer you come into rotation
with a person, the more necessary
do tact and courtesy become.
Ho that is mill and ouurtootio to
othure, recoivoth much more honor
than tho party whom lio honoreth.
Wo muob bo ao courteous to a
man itA to a picture, which wo are
willing to givo tho tolvanuago 01 a
Surae Vototlih.
Don't plit R. S. V. P. on yotar
present to your itch uncle.
Don't miepell tho word"presenco"
in the invitotiouo to your Christmas
Don't hang up mord than three
pairs of stockings if you aro visiting
Mamba in the country.
Don't eat two mince pies, 0 plum
podding, lobster salad, and ice
arum, ond thon complain that the
climvto does not ogre° with you.
Dau' t impersonate Santo Claus
in a seal -skin sagno, rubbor boots
and auburn side whiskero.
Doiet give your guest who has
overataid his welcome a travelling
' Don't Pena lc unr000iptod bill
for her present to your fiancee in
mistake for a Chriotmie oard
Doo't declino a present simply bo
cause the expraassage or po4tage 1164
not boon propaid.
1) m't attribute your bonbon hotel
mho to the drum your onouly gave
your sou.
Dont borrow monoy front you:
Woad to pay for his woman.
D et" presout your witi with a
hot. leonto nothogany onoir-hoo. ;
Don't expect your bubo:I to be
plea ed if you givo him au ivory
booked hono mirror.
Endeavor to buy only such goods
as aro saleable, a stook well bought
is holf 80111.
The your boat judgment in select.
ing plums, bad otyles aro dear at
an. prim.
It is it mistake to tlinik yon con
only do liminess with an enormous-
ly large otook, for goods get old,
faded nod out of style, and there-
fore unsaleable.
Eudeavor to run your stook down
10 a certain amount by the Tat of
Tanttary of each year.
Keep et good assortment of those
000ds required for every day use,
Boy judiciouoly, sparingly, nail
You will be able to buy a bettor,
aloottoe and more saleable stock,
awl at lower prices, by looking over
oho eonoples of aa moony firms as
possible, than buy, only buying from
011 house.
There should be no friendship in
o business traneaotton, treat your
triend.woll, but buy no goods from
Aiim unless you need them.
Take no goods from your jobber
Sint than yon have ordered frotn
Always ondeavor to discount yorer
If your capital is limited, carry a
email stook, and sell for cash and
eat) your discounts.
On no moonlit allow your bille to
'bottom overarm, for then you aro in
the power of your croditore.
In other to be successful a
morchant must, bo itadependent,
pay his bills when at maturity, and
niako his purchases whonover 14 18
to his best advantago.
Never give security . on your
stook, it deprives you of credit, and
means absolute failure.
'The Best Christmas Present.
It was the day boforo Christmas,
'and the children were all preparing
their prooento : 011011 0110 a present
for every other moo in the l'aouily.
Although liato Annie (as wo shall
call her) was but nine yoars
and attending mhool at the titne,
she had omployod her epato mo-
ments for months in p.reparing the
gifts ; nor vim her intention to
confine thono to her family, but
graodula and uncles and aunts
were also to bo iteluded ici the liet.
Papa's slippers, which cost her so
much labor-porbaps more than nil
tho rest put together -wore finish-
ed, and returned from tho shod,
• mimeo all oomplete. Anuio felt
6(411 her taik was ,dono, mid that
..'n elections have re- ;
Thoughts er courtesy..
tho pleatturo of promutiog thet gifts : Tho Norwegnio
tho mixt mortimg woolq empty ro sultuti 10 tlio ro nru a r
pay her for all hor toil, ' vativne, 137 Liberals 10;4 12
After retiring Moo night oho soul 1 tortalists
to hortiolf : "Now 1 Woo a pr000nt 11 is ototed thot tn Lionellarto
ready for every one 1 love dcorly " syndicate with $500,000,000 oapi'itil
After a monlent'a rellection oho has boon forme1 to ounotenot a rail -
added : "Except Jeoito-aud I lotto way in Siberia.
him -.I wish I eonld oend him 0 A. loundry in 0 tothrulgoport, a
imbue!) of B pi: on, 1, blot largest 111
too world, ot 1 proudly elaitno to
keep 50,000 (bolos it, clean shirts.
The baby Kiug of Spain is to be
presented wadi a silver rattle 110X
by United Statoo Itlthister Belmont
upon tho hot .0'a 00288 (1 at Madrid.
lo the Chio.tgo Divoreo ()mart o 1
Saturday ju,to 71100800 wont
through 85 coops, trying eix of
than in one hour. A.nothor record
Tim bid pr .volt[ f ar postpon,
(nom of p.1711001 of P 81061 0,60111
0-1111,patly.4 li..11/ilitto, otos rejected
by the ()ha 111 (1' or Doputios 01*
Orouto oeem3 to 81. with Mitt in
Californin. 01 ,1377 prieonora
now* too Stoto P 311 tipro, 003
wore bronito! nnrti '11r 01)1 11111
awl int 18818! 812(3
pros/Ina." Mooing 811818 way sta-
bil asleep, but woo firs" to sv dot,
in the morning. She woo in moat
trouble). Sbo fob that her boo,
frieud had been neglected by hor,
and prosoutly bogau itc Hob with
1(1 id. Bub juot Moan it now and
happy thought took p ,r4eoelou
her-tbe thought tuns Lbie: "I will
give anysolf to 111111." Anol knelling
at her bedside, oho ooid ; "Door
Jesus, 1 tattoo no prosont for you
but, 'upon -talc,: ano." Pott 13 %vont-
who :odd, "Soffi0 bolo cl111400.1 o
come unto me, and forbid them
not," woo (noosed with tho tilt', aott
stave her in 11 101 ouch joy oe oh .
mayor hoforo experiooc. d.; and an
..8188 gave her frionde tho polory
gifts that morning .110 added : "1
havo oivon any- olf to Joon,"
Afore 111111 a ilovn 7181, baro
Thoad [00111l10 fibrd 11 1113 nettle
pasood oway. Alamos 18 now a "oleo
beton" Cleristion Lotmean and tho to notv spun so title that 00 miles of
wife of a auitaiotor, allot oayo 8111 will it weiohe «uy teo pouudo. The
ever Hope whor will joy thu bright mono fihro has for some time been
Christmas anorniug 00 whicO she used in Europa an tit:4 monufecturo
of ropeo.
The whiokoy trust in the States
will on. January let commence a
Nor or m8o,oun838o,, on 811050 did
Thank God for Ouristinas I It tillers who have refuoed to join it by
has It Faso so cheery thot our °son mattiug, 11, deeidel reduction lu the
facebrighten. n8 we 11011 1.10 31, 3.8,
and hor Saviour exohtuagott. gifts.
CHRISM 1.-+ 0.131INIk,
is so merry with bell mmic and
carol -singing that -*VO find ourselves
joiutug in is ;wogs. And 11 13 it
friend so tram itna wartu that we
welcome it with all our hearts,
Christooto iu emniug ; lot no
mak:, i. a merry 120. Let b011:014
chasten and subduo, but not render
soifioti and hood. lioithor let ue
bo wort. tender because of its pra,
oilieootioro onxialts ti lighton the
burden or it for others. Let us do
wi'oout toe:nettling that a Oink child
may 1111 Rol, or it cold room wormed.
11.8 ue invito to tin) footevat
some solitary indivolu ; lot ue
somi picot,1 too po .0, and groat
itioe to the agod, Let ne think
whoa Ito oloo.o 1ic tict1.y WI colebrato
.uld do 1 1 1,0 Aare in our piace,
121111 tutu let 11 do it joyfully and
for hit sake. What did ho do ?
Food the lintigry 2 Heal tho sick ?
; and when he could no longer
do this he eau!, "Never -the lose,
notray will,•but Thine bo done."
Dant friends, God give you a
happy Christmas 1
Geo. zDnitsoo „oe e woe'
Prime Alexander of Hesse, uncle
of Grand Duke Ludwig, is dead.
Patti is singing at concerts in
Wales for the benefit of the poor.
The Arabs are °geeing hostilities
in the ueigbborhood of Lake Nyassa.
The rebels at Sualtim aro suffer
ing eeveroly wader the artillery fire.
A roul 1183 prinoctea koepa a mill-
inery store on Fifth avenne, Now
It is ofilmally stated that tho
Pope has not thought of loaviug
Ormontle, the winuor of the last
Derby, has boon sold to an American
for $85,000.
1818128.11 priests aro to bo sent out
to Amerioo to look after the welfare
of Italian emigrants.
Growl Duke Paul of Russia will
be married to Princess Alexandria,
of Greece next June.
The mouser 111 ton minion re-
eently manufactured in Germany
oarrieo twenty milos.
Iaflaentia] Arab chiefs are joining
Bushires, and tho rebolhoci in Zan-
zibar is growing woroo.
The Manroo County, N. Y.
branch of the League will oend $1,-
000 to the Parnell fund.
Secret sooietios are forming in
Armenia with the objoet of securing
Armenian indopendelace.
Tho Germans are now having
trouble in Damara Laud, on the
west mast ot South Africa.
Prince Eugene, of Savoi Cori. • satiou at Windsor by firing tbroo
moan, is dead at Turin. He wite Ads at his wife, none of whiok took
price of 181131, y.
Further details cancer/dog the at.
leged capture or 11lauley aud Emin
Bey are sent from Suakfm, from
o blob it appears that Emin'a fol.
too ere proved treacherous. The
'1007 031811114 pretty general credence
iu Loudon and at btcski.
Ono of Men mol remarkable re.'
cord. of servic not, d recently %lis
toot of Pant NINutIlIP, who lately
died in Belyiton, atom' having been
in. the employ of tho coal mining
eorporati ,n 01 Amereceur for 77
yeors. as (3.) yo ire of ago at
tho time uf 1113 111118 11.
Tho Olonth Cor Smato 119.3 a
hal to prevent 1 tiOroots 10 that State
room aloud] V in.,; Wit 1(11 1)001083'
.iou foto do Look we, and atn•
'other tollaiono; the ootholity of tho
State Railway Commission in the
matter of regulating traffic, aud pre.
vatting unjust dithritnination,
Two refugee opecial trains feom
Atlanta and other Georgia point a
arrived at Jacksonville, Fla„ on
Sunday, and the regular northern
treks have boon 0111 filled with
reingees. Tho refugees have been
met by bandia of Lunge, the poople
bearing bannero of welcome anid
other demoosbrationo of joy. Bus -
nem is (mooing up again, and the
streets present almo st their wonted
appearan co.
The experiment of raising a pithy
baby in an incubator has oust been
tried with marked success at the
Ward'a Island Emigrant Hospital in
the oaso of au infant weighiug but
two pounds and 11. half at birth and
of very low vitality. Under ordito
ary 00 nditiOna the child would cer
taiuly have died, but the dootor'o to
charge rigged up a hatching box
alter a plan invontod in Paris by
which the baby orne kept at first in
18 uniform almoophore of 00 degreos
Eolith nheit.
Beooklio village, near Whitby,
eufferod from fire Sunday night.
Ttvo car loads of cotton were
shippecl recently from Kingoton to
Parktlale M(311111.3(1 the poem
lation of Torooto will lumber about
An American capitalist has bought
for $150.000 a Canadian patent to
inanufaefaire pulp out of sawdust.
On Wednesday nine clocks wort,
saint]. at Kingston, WIliell wero
smuggled from the United Slates,
Greo11fiel40onvioted at Poterbovo'
of attemptiug to kill a constablo,
itss.entelaced to ten years imprison -
A joalouo lausbaucl created a sen,
Admiral 'in the Italian navy.
A. woman named &alleginr was
arrosted at Queenston for having
cartridges in bar possession.
A public library for the exotheive
use of factory workmen has boon
established ilo Houtzdate, Pa.
A. convontion of U. S. milloro ie
to be held in Milwankoo on Deo, 17
to oonsidor the state of their brado.
Italian citizens of San Frauolsoo
intend mooting a ochoothomo 10
that oily ma a memorial to Garibaldi.
Further discoveries of gold have
been made in Walos, showing the
average yield to bo ei1 nuns to
the tou.
British and A.merioton residents
of Bailie afte preparing to /ailment
111r. Gladstone with a eouvenir of
18. firo iu London did $8,500 worth
of domago to Ellis' saddlery store
and tho office of the Farmers' Atl.
1810. Fairbatru, of the Teesavotoo
News, has oobl out to A.G. StOWArt„
son of Angus Stewart, inspector of
licenses for South 13roore.
O'Clonuor clutlIonges Bloney
Soot, of Auotralia, to row for the
championship of tho world and $5,-
000 a sicto at Sao Francisco or on
the Thames.
Tho now Canadian Electric Light
Company undertako to supply house..
holders in -Montreal with oloctrio
ftricaRrattamisi'Ormrtakt,humilaivraaar,==vorea\=^"A zza.t.6 •
S EG S tY.
First -Class Suits, either Bound
or Unbound, made for
Zit Gmtranteed.
Produee taken in exchange for
31. (1. III(171.4 10'430N,
3-1 Merchant Tailor.
- - 450 - Cents.
Cron, 1.1,1alualles1 to larva:se
dune in 0 Itnitalass Inanner,
X'V7JW r,'S
ot ncifiletters, Etc at Iteasonable
W. J. Fairfield.
Brussels Pboller
being now in full operation the Proprie-
tor is prepared to supply tho public with
the boat grades of
Roller Flour,
Cracked Wheat,
Graham Flour.
MI kinds of %II hei &Imp on Odd,
and for sale at reasonable p 100a for
VA.1-Or8lfaral18$ will find that
bey aro doing the very heat for them -
elves by patronizino us with their Grist-
ing nd chopping.
to any person taking 500 ponnda or
Loan 84 Investment Co.
This Company is Loaning Money
on Farm Security at Lowest
Rotes qf Interest.
3, 4, and 5 per cent. intorost
allowed on Deposits, according to
amount and time let.
Oroncn.--Corner of Market
Square and North Street, Godo -
Horace Horton,
Great Bargains at the
"Bee -hive" in
Teas and,
For the next 2 weeks.
light at a lose figure than is now
_ .._......._-_._.-
being paid for gas.
Tho lotogotou Grand jury ring-
ing visit, gested that tho Government should
Perry polniOnt, oho newly aecred- 0(40 iron smelting works in con.
ited 'United States Minister to Spain, neolion with tho prition, as ouch
tone foom Now York to Moan' on would not cOnflid With any private
Saturday. enterprise
• W. H. McCracken.
TIIBundersigned is prepared to btu, any quantity idBggo at,
tho old
ffg 01,11 11.1111 NIWT1i)10E9.1 1 Brusels Post Ofiloe,
Farmers and ethers can depend opon getting from
818 t.110 very highest Market Priee Ito CAM
this season as we aro going to ship extensively and require largo
Don't f
..orget the old stand next door to the Po:' !: Oflioe, Brussels.,
Mrs. 'Wm., Ba11112t37iso 83 Son.
N cytihave ninth pleasare infLnning all nay
old &knits that my danghtor ontl- oiooandson
will continuo the egg business at The old stand earrioi on by nee
laot year and 1 hope they will recieve liberal 118) ('011184!-..
Look to Your Own interest and ,get your thioting. donee at
-StiMMLW. 4,AWZICRImal mavga:.%
Whore you will get Flour second to none in the Dominiono, fond
yield per bushel equal to the highest.
°hopping Done While You 'Wait,
Farmers Can Have Manitoba Wheat Flivur
Without Extra Charge, if required.
Ail Kinds of Grain Bought fior
Oct 1, 3.m
If you Want a Nobby Suit
com-Ri TO
Wo have tho Finest Assortment of Fancy Twoods, Worsteds,
Overcoatings and Footings that can be shown in. Brussels, also a
splendid and well selected stock of Gent's Furnishings. Our Hats
and Ones are of tho Latest Shapes. All will be sold at Moderato
Suits Got Up in Latest Styles
and Fits Guaranteed. Give Us a Call and bo convinced of what
WO say. All Tweeds bought from us will be cut Free of Charge.
Hear What the Poet Says:
Arrndi Pat phawt is that you soy walkin down :Alma() ?
Sure its Mike with a, nevi snit from head to the fate ;
And where did tha spalpeen get fitted so nate ?
Why up at Broadway -at 88.
Thiel Boss by's got us such illitoant Tweeds,
And overything else tho
at a nitloman needs ;.
Thoy can. fit you up like nal OuldbCountry giut,
And bogor they'll not chat° you for never a cint.
They'll suspend you with Braces the loike couldn't bo,
Put ft shirt on yotr back that will fit to a too ;
Their gloves and their stockings 181100 ower will Wear
And their tweods 33.'0 warranted nevor to tear.
If you 18818811181811 or cap, or own a collar,
Tist call mt tho boys it will SW you n, dollar : •
For bedad its tho tratlani splutkin to you, .
There is everything there that is stylish and lln,,V.
. . . .;•cannk4B,,,&,,,.
• •.: ,,